Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 04


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I was watching the hot tub and slowly stroking my cock when I heard a noise at the doorway. Without looking, I said, "Back for another round? I've got it right here waiting for you."

A new voice from over my shoulder said, "Where is the bathroom? There's a line downstairs." My head snapped around as I pulled my cock to my stomach and covered it with my hand. It was Amber. She was staring at my lap.

I said, "It's across the hall," and I pointed that way with my covering hand before I realized what I was doing. My cock leaped up off my stomach and bobbed in the air. I quickly pulled my pointing hand back and pulled my cock back to my stomach. My face felt like it was on fire with embarrassment. She made no urgent move to leave and she didn't say anything else until she got back to the doorway.

She stopped and said over her shoulder, "That's the biggest dick I've ever seen." She giggled as she closed the door to the bathroom.

I muttered to myself, "Well, that was embarrassing." I got out of the chair and closed Mom's bedroom door and returned to the chair. Moments later, the bedroom door opened and Amber stuck her head in and said, "I don't know why you and I didn't get together when you were in school. Call me sometime." She closed the door and I heard her going down the stairs.

Then I heard thundering footsteps coming up the stairs. It had to be either Julie or June. No one sounded like a herd of elephants like them. The door burst open and Julie ran in and launched herself into my lap like Mom had. She grabbed my cock away from my hand and said, "So, big brother I hope you've had a good time jerking off to my friends. Their crazy hot, don't you think?" I smiled at her but didn't answer her question. One of her tits had popped out from under her top when she dropped into my lap. She didn't notice but I did and my cock hardened in her hand. She gripped it harder in response.

She pulled her face to mine and whispered in my ear, "Amber says you have the biggest dick she's ever seen and she wants me to fix you guys up. I was surprised that you two hadn't already hooked up. She did all your friends when she did her 'tour of the nerds' last year." I just smiled at her as she started jacking on my hard cock. She looked down and said, "Did Amber see it like that?" I nodded. "Well, no wonder." She leaned in and kissed me on the lips and then released my cock and pulled herself out of my lap. Then she noticed that her tit was free and she pulled her bikini top over it and ran from the room.

My cock was throbbing from her attention. I was hoping that she would finish me off. My hand returned to my shaft and I was just getting back up to speed when the door burst open again. It was like Mom's room had become Grand Central Station. June rushed over and dropped to her knees between mine. She grabbed my cock from me and resumed my motion. She looked up at me with a grin on her face and said, "Julie told me how she had left you. What a meany she is." She said nothing else as she pushed her lips almost to the base and then extended her lips and pulled herself the rest of the way down. She gagged and pulled back to the ridge and sucked back a wad of saliva.

She smiled up at me as she sucked my cock until I blew my load in her mouth. She had pulled back to the ridge in anticipation and she was getting better at swallowing. When I was done, she popped her lips off my knob and kissed it before springing to her feet and ran from the room pulling the door shut as she left. I heard her bounding down the stairs. My cock was wet from June's mouth as it slowly softened.

My plan for fake sleepwalking was planned for tonight. I'd had no plans for the sex I'd already had today. Getting fucked by Mom and then a big surprise blow job from Fatima and then Julie and June's tag-team hand job/blow job.

I fell back asleep and was awakened by Mom saying that dinner was on. She didn't stay. I came down the stairs to find Amber gawking at me. Her gaze went from my face to my crotch and I turned red with embarrassment again. She grinned at me and lifted her hand to her face with her fingers curled into a fist except for her thumb at her ear and her little finger at her mouth in the international signal, "Call me". I smiled at her and hurried past. I saw Fatima with a smile on her face following me across the room to the buffet trays on the dining room table. I'm sure my face got even redder. I could feel the heat.

Everyone was eating inside wherever they found a place to sit. I started to go outside to the picnic table again but I stopped when I realized that Amber was getting up to follow me. I stopped and Amber nearly ran into my back. I turned and smiled at her and then found a single seat at the end of the bar. The upside and downside of that spot was that Fatima was stationed in the kitchen only a foot or two from where I was sitting. She was grinning at me and had maneuvered her position so she could check out my crotch. It wasn't going to be difficult for everyone else to know exactly what she was doing.

I turned to face only her and gave her a look to stop and she started working at the grill again and ignored me. Unfortunately, Mom caught our exchange and motioned for me to come around the corner to the hall outside the twin's room. She moved in close and whispered, "Have you been fucking the help today?"

She wasn't pissed off and I answered honestly, "No. Mom." She looked from one of my eyes to the other and back again trying to discern if I was lying. Since I technically wasn't lying, I was able to survive her scrutiny. She kissed me on the lips and walked past me without another word. I followed her back to my seat.

The sun was low on the horizon and it would be setting soon. The DJ had packed up his gear and left. The girls were beginning to sober up and some had already changed into their pajamas. Others were in their street clothes and I suspected that their night clothes were not appropriate attire at this time.

I wondered what would be the best time to pull off my sleepwalking prank. It should be late after Mom had gone to sleep. I had all night.

After dinner, Fatima was cleaning her grill and packing everything out to her van in the driveway. I offered to help her and she readily accepted. Once in the van, she launched herself at me and locked her lips on mine and pushed her hip into my groin. She broke our embrace and said, "Call me, please." I just smiled and nodded. We went back in for another load. All loaded up, she got behind the wheel and started the engine. I stood by her window and smiled as she drove off.

The party was down to Mom, me and the girls. I was still on warning to stay away from the girls but that was getting harder to accomplish because the girls were making a point to not stay away from me. They were looking at me with sultry smiles and stealing glances at my crotch. Apparently Amber was a big mouth and she had relayed what she had seen to the others. Now they were all curious.

Mom noticed what was going on and she pulled me aside and suggested that I go back to my room and stay there. I was okay with that. I still had my plan to execute later.

I watched TV in my room until it was my usual bedtime and I turned off the TV and the lights. I closed my door and climbed in under the covers. My cock had a perpetual hardness as I anticipated my plan. I was almost asleep when I heard my doorknob turn. Whoever it was was trying hard to make a covert entry. The door eased open but they hadn't turned on the hall light so I couldn't see who it was. The darkened form moved a step into my room and stopped as they realized that their feet compressing the carpet fibers made a distinct noise. My cock grew harder and my hand went to it.

Then the hall light went on and the person was in silhouette, backlit by the hall light. I heard a single muffled, "shit". I still couldn't make out who it was. Mom's face appeared above the top step and she raised her hand and motioned for the person to come back toward her. The girl turned to her right to retreat from my room and from the size of her bust, it could only have been Sophie. She moved back to the hall and closed my door as gently as she had opened it. I saw the hall light go out under my door and I thought to myself as I envisioned my hands and lips on her huge tits and then my cock sliding between her globes, "Damn it Mom. You're going to pay for this."

I woke when Mom came upstairs and used the bathroom before retreating to her room. She did it all in the dark. I half expected that she would drag me into her room so I could 'help her with my special tool'. I was disappointed when she didn't. It would have been a big risk, so I wasn't surprised.

I planned to wait an hour and a half and then I dozed off in the middle before waking with a start concerned that I had blown up my plan before I even got it started. I checked the digital clock on my bureau and was relieved that I was still on schedule. My cock was throbbing hard. My heart was racing. Blood was coursing through my ears so loud that I was sure it would give me away. I had to be perfectly relaxed like I would be if I just walked downstairs to watch TV.

I stood up and I could feel the tension in my torso. I shrugged my shoulder many times to relax. I used a flashlight on my night table to practice my 'creepy eye' sleepwalking look. It had fooled the twins before. I was sure I could pull this off again.

Judging from how the girls were acting when I had been banished to my room, I doubted any of them would be inclined to call me on my ruse anyway. My heart was slowing and the booming sound in my ears was gone. I didn't have to worry about my dick. It knew its role and it was bobbing up and down above the horizontal urging me to get on with it.

I slowly turned my door knob and pulled the door back. It was dark in the upstairs hallway but I could see light filtering up from downstairs. I could already hear the girls laughing and cheering. They were having a good time. I was pleased that the day had gone so well for June and Julie. They had fretted about it for a week. Everyone seemed to have had a great time. I could tell that Mom was frazzled and I expected that she would sleep like a log.

I slowed down by Mom's door and even walked past on the sides of my feet so diminish the sounds of the carpet fibers being compress under my weight. At the top of the stairs, I looked down at my cock and whispered, "Are you ready, buddy." I chuckled to myself as my cock jumped up several inches before settling back to the same level. I started down the stairs in my 'creepy eye' look and unsteady 'zombie' walk. I heard some activity in the twin's bedroom and I resolved to walk on by with my goal being first the kitchen and the refrigerator and then the family room. If the TV was on, I'd pick up the remote control and click it off and sit down like I had just turned it on.

There was laughter in the twins' room and just as I approached their room looking straight ahead, Jaz popped through the door heading for the kitchen and family room beyond. The hall light wasn't on and Jaz hadn't seen me in the dark at first but then she realized there had been movement and she stopped and looked back. I kept right on going like she wasn't even there.

Jaz was startled and she jumped a foot and let out a scream before she could get a hand to her mouth. I zombie walked ahead and passed the twin's bedroom door. Julie nearly collided with me when she responded to Jaz's scream and she came up short of her doorway. In the darkened hallway, I doubt if Jaz had realized that I was naked. When she recognized me, she gasped the air from her lungs and said, "Jesus, Dex. You scared the shit out of me." I kept going undeterred.

Julie came into the hallway behind me and hurried up beside me. I could see her in my peripheral vision try to look up into my face as I staggered on. Jaz was moving backward as I moved toward her. She was confused and said, "Dex. What the fuck? Are you okay?" Julie spoke softly, "June. Dex is sleepwalking again. You won't believe the hard-on he has."

Jaz was already in the light filtering in from the family room and another step and I would be in the light too. Jaz had heard Julie say that I was sleepwalking but it hadn't registered in her mind. Then I stepped to the corner of the dark hall and Jaz's hand went back to her mouth as she yelled, "Holy fuck." She was staring at my bouncing cock. June moved past me being very careful not to touch me. She shushed Jaz and said, "Keep it down Jaz. He's sleepwalking. Don't wake him up. Jaz moved past the kitchen entrance and I turned toward the refrigerator. Jaz flipped up the light switch for the kitchen. She muttered, "Oh my God. Look at that thing.

June went by me and ushered Jaz into the family room. I could hear the commotion starting in there as Jaz explained what she had seen. June explained what was happening and reiterating basically what I had told them about Mom's sleepwalking episodes. She cautioned everyone to avoid waking me up. There was no telling what I'd do if that happened. Julie moved into the kitchen behind me and she checked my eyes when I turned around. She seemed satisfied that they looked the same as the last time.

Julie decided to hold her position in front of me to see if I would stop because she was in the way. I had already worked through this tactic and I popped the top on the soda and walked forward like she wasn't there. She stepped to the side at the last moment before I collided with her.

As I came out of the kitchen, I zombie walked to the left heading for the family room. All of the girls had congregated by the bar. I could see them all in my peripheral vision. I could hear them all jabbering about my cock. Their secondary interest was the sleepwalking itself. I heard Sarah saying, "What is sleepwalking? Is that a thing?" Dianna and Amber were explaining the condition to Sarah.

My cock was harder than when I hit the top of the stairs. The TV was on one of the music channels. The audio was turned down so it was just background music. I picked up the remote and clicked the power button. The TV went black but I acted like it had just come on. I acted like I was clicking through channels. I set the remote down and sat back on the middle cushion of the sofa. I started stroking my erection while all seven of the girls crowded around gawking at me.

Sophie was having a tough time believing that I wasn't scamming them and she yanked her thigh length tee shirt over her head and stepped between me and the TV. I saw it coming and I prepared to give her no reaction. She got none. She still wasn't satisfied as she dropped her hands to her sex and spread her outer labia exposing her pink vagina. She got no reaction. I took a sip of my soda. When I yawned, Sophie was pissed. She'd probably never had a guy yawn when she was showing him her tits and pussy. The other girls snickered at the snub.

Julie said, "He doesn't see anything. He's oblivious to our presence."

Sarah asked, "What happens if we touch him?"

Before there was an answer to Sarah's question, Amber said, "Yeh. What if we touch his dick?" All of the girls snickered as they looked to Julie for an answer. I chuckled as though I was watching a comedy. It had worked before and had actually covered up a real chuckle when the twins were trying to get a response from me.

Julie looked at me when I chuckled and said, "He must think he's watching something funny on TV." The twins had seen all of this before but I understood that they obviously couldn't reveal that they had seen me doing this before and her answer to the what happens if they touch my dick question was just as obtuse.

June interrupted Julie as she was clearly struggling with how to proceed without giving away the fact that they had sucked and fucked their big brother the last time they saw me sleepwalking. June said, "I don't know what will happen." Even though she knew full well what would happen. Nothing. She looked to each of her friends and said, "Who wants to see."

I chuckled when I saw five hands shoot into the air. Like before, the previous chuckles masked this real one. Sophie pulled the coffee table away from the couch as they all moved onto the sofa or beside my legs being careful not to touch me. I wasn't surprised that Sophie was the first to reach out and put finger on the tip of my glans. She left it there and I stopped stroking my cock and pulled my hand back. I heard Dianna say. Jesus Julie. You've had the biggest cock in school living right here with you."

Julie whispered, "Yeah. Who knew?" Sophie was the only one so far with the guts to touch me and she went further by gripping my shaft just below the glans. She didn't grip it hard but then she slowly started a hand job. I let out an uncontrolled groan and Sophie stopped and everyone was holding their breath. Sophie seemed satisfied that I was still asleep and she resumed her hand job as the others leaned in closer. Amber whispered, "Kiss it Sophie." The others all nodded but they made no move to do anything.

Sophie pushed herself lower between my knees and lifted my cock toward her face. She was gripping my cock harder and she planted her lips on my glans. Everyone held their breath waiting to see what I'd do. I did nothing. I had nothing to replace what I had said to the twins that first time when I said something like, 'Oh Mom. Suck it.' I couldn't go there. I was trying to think of something that would speed things up.

Jazmeen said, "I've spent much of my life in this house and I never suspected Dex had a cock like that. Let me get my lips on that." She moved off the sofa and nudged Dianna out of the way by my knees. Dianna moved to Jaz's spot on the sofa beside me. She was enamored by my ripped abs and she ran her fingers over the peak and valleys and then continued down to my pubic hair.

Jaz leaned in close to Sophie's face and Sophie reluctantly pulled her lips off my glans and aimed it at Jaz's face. She didn't even hesitate. She pushed her lips on and continued half way down my shaft. I groaned again as Jaz stopped and waited. Nothing more. She continued sucking my cock. Things were picking up and I was thrilled with how things were going.

June and Julie were sitting on the periphery of the group. I knew it must be driving them crazy not to be involved but I understood that they didn't want the whole world to know that they were fucking and sucking their brother and I was certain that if any of these girls found out, the world would now soon after.

The twins apparently couldn't stand it anymore and they maneuvered into a sixty-nine in the middle of the family room floor. They would satisfy their lust with each other, which apparently wasn't a revelation with this crowd.

Jaz ramped up her blow job and Sarah reached in and wrapped her fingers around the base of the shaft that Jaz couldn't inhale. Jaz looked up from my cock and smiled at Sarah. I groaned out again and this time nobody paid any attention.

I decided to push it a little as I flicked my tongue out of my mouth and muttered, "Uuuummmm. I love your pussy." That brought everything to a halt. They all looked up at my face. Jaz stopped with my cock still in her mouth and Sarah still held my cock. I kept on flicking my tongue like I was working on a pussy. The girls looked from one to another before Jaz continued sucking on my cock while Sarah jerked me off.

Sophie, ever the adventurous one, stepped up on the sofa and straddled my body. I didn't move toward her pussy. I continued flicking my tongue waiting for her to come to me. She was dragging her index finger through her sex as I stared straight ahead. Her pussy was soaking wet and glistened in the light. She had already stripped naked and now one, by one, they all did the same in anticipation of getting some of this. My cock surged in Jaz's mouth but she didn't correlate the surge with her friends stripping.