Snowed In


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Knowing that the music was about to change, Brittany pulled away, leaving him with her hose. She reached behind her back, perfectly aware of what this motion did to her breasts, and untied the knot. Remembering the timing of the tune, she began turning and turning ever faster. At first Will's eyes were mesmerized by the rising skirt, and the flashing legs, one black and the other creamy. When the music switched gears and the flutes and uillean pipes kicked in, Brittany stopped, her momentum throwing one side of her top open.

Again, while Will had seen her breasts behind her bras, bikini and tank top all day long, this was different. This time in perfect sync with the music she turned the other way, making the other side of her shirt open up the same way. She could feel her breasts swinging, heaving, trembling, bouncing... something else that wouldn't have been right on stage. But here, it was perfect. Will seemed like he was having the time of his life, even though his pants seemed like they were painfully tight. "Why don't you remove those..."

When Will heard his sister asking him to remove his pants, his heart skipped a beat. It should have felt utterly strange to undress in front of his sister, especially with such a taut erection. Then again, given that she had been the cause of this erection, willfully so, Will felt like he was entering into a dream, a fantasy. If earlier Brittany had looked like a candy cane in red and white, she was now a devil in red, black and skin. Her revealed bra was unbelievable, and the way Brittany was teasing him with that strange shirt was making him go mad.

Barely at arm's reach from him, Brittany stayed right there as he removed his jeans, revealing both that he nothing underneath and that his erection was as hard as it could possibly be. His sister, moaning and laughing at the same time, pushed him back in his chair once he was naked, and resumed her striptease. He could see something in her eyes though; when she had seen his cock naked and hard, her eyes had opened wider. Will saw it, but didn't register it properly. His cock had that effect on most of his girlfriends, long as it was, but he had no idea that his sister was really turned on by large cocks.

Soon her shirt was completely off, and she started unzipping her skirt. When she closed her legs together the skirt would slip down, but it rose up as soon as she spread them again. She was playing with her hips, using the skirt to cover and uncover them, as well as the panties just underneath.

As the set of music changed again and the rhythm switched from a fast jig to an even faster reel, Will saw his sister jump and land with her legs closed. The skirt fell all the way down, revealing one long perfectly naked leg, and the other, teasingly covered with hose again. Will noticed that her sister's skin was starting to shine with a fine coat of sweat when she moved right in front of him again, this time raising her other foot onto his thigh. His naked thigh.

This time, he placed both his hands on her foot and slowly slipped them all the way up to her thigh, then even higher. As one of his hands was unsnapping the first snap, the other one was caressing its way around and under her thigh to undo the other one. Will could have chosen the obvious way around the outside of his sister's thigh, but he didn't. Instead, he slipped one hand inside, even letting his knuckles grazing her panties right against the flesh of her pussy. His sister laughed at his sudden boldness, but waited for him to unhook the hose before pulling away. Before she did, Will could feel the heat radiating from her pussy.

Soon the garter belt was flying away and his sister was toying with her panties. Despite the fast music, Brittany was slowing down, moving closer to him. She was focusing all of her movements on her hips, making them twist and rotate deliciously. Surprising him, she allowed him to see her pussy first, then turned around to bend forward, pushing the lace down all the way. As she jumped away quickly, Will realized that his mouth had been opened and that he had very nearly dived right between her cheeks with his entire face.

After a few more twists and moves, laughing loudly at this point as if she was herself intoxicated by her dance, Brittany slowed down and knelt right between Will's legs. Never before in his life had Will been so thrilled, so nervous and so afraid at the same time. His eyes darted between his sister's eyes and her breasts, the last piece of her striptease. This striptease had lasted for ten or twelve minutes, but Will realized that the entire day had been a long striptease as well. And this moment, this final unveiling, was the cherry on top.

"It's a front-locking bra, Will."

A simple sentence, very few words conveying information he already had discovered. Then again, there was something implied in it. Will sat up, his hard cock pressed against his belly, and slowly brought his hands towards his sister's breasts. Fingertips mere inches away from the clasp, he paused and caressed the black lace with the back of his fingers. Looking up, he saw Brittany smiling and nodding her head. As electrifying as that small contact had been, what came next floored him.

Opening his hands wide, he touched, covered and squeezed both her breasts at once. He felt as if he had just finished a marathon in first place, or been the first to find an ancient buried treasure or first to reach the top of Mount Everest. As he saw the flesh of her mounds pushed up, squeezing together upwards, he trembled. He didn't know how much freedom or time had, so he tried to make the most of it.

Boldly, he rotated his hands on her breasts, letting his fingers graze the skin just above the lace, feeling it give way under his pressure. Closing his other fingers again he felt her flesh reacting and pushing against his thumbs. Just ridiculously firm. With his hands outwards and his thumbs on the top her breasts, it meant that his pinkies were all the way at the bottom. Squeezing harder, he felt the bra move off of Brittany's skin just a bit. At the same time both of his smallest fingertips touched the warm underside of her breasts, sliding towards the middle of her chest.

"Take it off..." Brittany said, breathily. And so he did. A second later the clasp popped and they both made quick work of removing the fine lace, a work of art, truly, off of her body.

Now Will was somewhat of an expert on big breasts. Most of his girlfriends had had big breasts, and even Danae couldn't be described as having small breasts. He knew that most ten year old breasts, on twenty-three year old girls, don't fall much when they're released from their bras. Then again, gravity didn't care much for your age, especially when you're particularly massive. And Brittany's breasts fit that bill and then some. Yet when he released them, instead of falling per se, they rather settled.

Will was entranced. This. Was. It. Right in front of him, purely and triumphantly naked, as nature intended, were two of the most perfect breasts he had ever seen in the flesh or on screen. He was transfixed, admiring. Some breasts had more weight on the bottom, below the nipple. It was the case for most large breasts. Not Brittany's. They seemed full in all direction, again flouncing gravity. Her nipples didn't point down or up, they pushed forward. They seemed to push not because they were distended, but the flesh underneath seemed so firm and intact that they didn't drop at all. They looked more like blooming pink flowers lightly aloft of a firm stem than a water lily dropped on the water's surface.

Under those wonderful pink nipples was a maelstrom of unyielding and concentrated flesh, waves of heavy flesh seeming to push in all directions. Those waves seemed to be maintaining what must surely be impossible, a violation of the laws of nature and physics. A notch above perfectly proportioned, Brittany's breasts were a manifestation of his vision of perfect breasts.

He didn't know if he had the right to, but his hands simply lifted of their own accord, moving to and over those breasts. He moaned and closed his eyes, noticing that his mouth had been open, gaping like a deranged person. He wasn't deranged; he simply had his mind blown. He barely heard his sister's sharp intake of breath as the skin to flesh contact of his hands on her breasts brought him to what he believed was the day's ultimate pleasure.

This privileged contact confirmed everything he had hoped, dreamed and even wished for, as well as what he had felt earlier. As her breasts filled his hands, he felt that they were filling a hole in his life. Younger, he had often thought that, because he was her twin, he should have had a right to those breasts. To see them, touch them, lick them, suck them... It had filled many masturbation sessions during his youth. Now that he had them in his hands, he felt that a large part of his life was being resolved, completed.

Will had no idea that Brittany was burning with desire right now. She hadn't planned about this moment, hadn't thought that she'd ever go this far. Yet seeing him so excited, and his cock so damned hard and pulsating with lust for her, she had been caught in the moment. Her plan had been simply to strip completely naked and throw him her bra before retreating to her room. And now she was on her knees between her brother's naked legs, thoroughly intoxicated by the entire situation. Not only that, she realized in shock that she was gathering her saliva in her mouth... She was going crazy, just like her twin.

As Will felt her sister's hands push his away, he felt a rush of very powerful emotions. Fear, pain and sadness at first. He was sure that Brittany had changed her mind. Then he saw her finger curling in the universal invitation to come closer. She had pointed her finger at his cock though. When she did it a second time, he scooted his ass to the edge of the armchair, inches away from her breasts. Finally, when he saw her spiting a large gob of spit directly on his cock, he nearly blacked out.

The fantasy he had invented on the spot, earlier today, about her titfucking him, seemed about to realize itself. Laughing in near-hysteria, he thought that he should have told her about the fantasy he had really had instead. Maybe next time. When her hand grabbed his cock, spreading her spit all over his length and girth, he moaned out loud. Looking at his sister, fascinated, Will saw her spitting again in her hand, before she spread that saliva between her breasts.

When she finally closed those massive mounds around his cock, Will thought he was going to faint. It had been years since he'd ever felt a pair of breasts around his cock, and it had been many more years since he'd begun dreaming about those specific breasts. When she pulled upwards slowly, the first sliding movement, Will shook. He was staring at the sight of his cock between his sister's breasts, feeling her spit slick between their skins. When she lowered her head and let another dollop of spit directly on the head of his cock, nestled as it was, something clicked in his mind.

Throwing his head back, he began laughing slowly, then harder until he was crying in pure pleasure with her every movement. This was the realization of countless years of dreams and fantasy. When he quieted and looked back at Brittany, she was looking right back into his eyes, grinning. He placed one of his hands on her cheek, gently caressing her.

He was not going to last long, though. He didn't know if he had made it two minutes so far, but he was already feeling the familiar tingling, the deep pressure between his legs. "Do you have any idea just how wonderful this gift is, Brittany? Do you have any idea?" Will said, closing his eyes. He didn't see how her eyes changed as he said it, or how bright her grin still was.

His entire world focused on his cock and the mind-boggling sensations of his sister's breasts around his cock. "I don't ever want to stop... I want to die right here between your breasts, sister..." and those were his last coherent words. He barely heard Brittany laughing at his comment.

It seemed to him that every single cell in his cock's skin was alive, enjoying the unbelievable feel of his sister's breasts. When she pushed down and his glans emerged above their flesh, the brief withdrawal was almost painful. Then she pulled back up and engulfed him again. He could feel and see her breasts molding themselves around him, hugging the length of his cock as well as hugging the curves of his glans. The long ride from the base of her breasts all the way back up was unbelievable. It didn't last for more than two seconds, but it made his entire body burn.

He had always liked titfucking, especially titfucking tits that were more than just big enough for the job. Not only were his sister's breasts large enough, they were firm and smooth, and she was guiding them expertly. In addition to sliding up and down, he felt her rotating her torso and even twisting left and right around him. Most men think that pussies will always be better than breasts for fucking like this. He knew better and Brittany was just proving it to him again. Pussies couldn't twist around you, couldn't slide upwards on one side and downwards on the other, couldn't let the woman lick your cock as it pushed all the way out...

When her long slow strokes suddenly transformed into faster movements, Will was afraid that he was going to go mad. Then all of a sudden the growing pressure overwhelmed him and a last spark of pleasure ignited his orgasm. His long delayed orgasm. Inexorably, at one point those emerging motion had sent him over the top. His first spurt of cum hit Brittany hard under the chin, and his sperm slid down along her neck.

Pulling up, Brittany felt the next one squeezed between her breasts, hotter than her skin. Pushing back down again she felt the next one against her neck again, until the following jet was engulfed by the flesh of her breasts. Looking up, Brittany saw that Will 's head was thrown back again, his mouth opened in a soundless cry. Pushing back down hard, she lowered her head and opened her mouth. Her eyes closed as she felt his brother's sperm hitting the back of her mouth, then groaned as she swirled it around inside her mouth.

Few people knew it, but Brittany had something of a sperm fetish and this long-delayed, explosively voluminous climax was a very sharp pleasure for her. And despite her natural aversion to his brother's sexuality earlier in her life, his sperm in his mouth was an eye-opening experience. Tonight, after a day of strangeness, she finally saw her brother exactly the same way he had been seeing her for years. As a sexual creature. A damned fine creature as well: nicely muscled body, good looks and a cock perfectly big enough for her tastes. And, to top it all off, he tasted good.

When she opened her eyes again, with her head still lowered, she realized that he had cum a few more times, directly onto her face. Her laughter was a mix of pleasure, sexual thrill and a touch of madness. Licking his cum as much as she could while still holding her breasts around his cock, Brittany suddenly found herself fighting the urge to jump on that wonderful, still-hard cock.

Will was in the throes of one of the most powerful climax he had ever felt in his life, yet sometimes you can get too much of a good thing. His cock was beginning to be oversensitive, and against his own will he had to pull himself out of that amazing mammary embrace. When he did, he fell back down against the chair, completely drained. He looked at his sister, still naked, still kneeling between his legs, her breasts still inches away from his cock. He opened his eyes wide as he saw his sperm on her face, and his mouth fell open when he saw her licking her fingers clean.

"I love you, brother" was all Brittany whispered before getting up, a glorious sight, and walking away to her room. Pretty much in shock and exhausted, Will barely heard her first few moans before drifting down into a sleep so deep it was almost a loss of consciousness.

He woke up later to a very dark cabin. A quick look at the fire told him he must not have slept all that long, but the clock told another story. The blanket on his body was also another clue. Brittany must have come back from her room and done this. Throwing the blanket off, expecting to see his belly and cock covered in cum, he found his skin to be perfectly clean. Grinning, he thought, "Hmm. Brittany." Getting up, feeling his erection returning, he stopped in front of her door. And paused.

Any other girl and he'd be in her room, his cock buried into her pussy seconds later. But this was his sister, and despite the magical experience, he didn't know just what she wanted or didn't want, nor what she was feeling. This morning, when she had revealed her panties at the table, Will had heard the tone in her voice, seen the look on her face. She had been ready to tell him that the teasing had been a bad idea. Clearly that had changed. But fucking? That was something else.

Will didn't know it, but Brittany only fled to her room to masturbate, unsure if she was ready to really fuck her brother. Then again, a minute later she was moaning his name out loud from his room, a very clear invitation. Sadly, Will had been knocked out, hadn't heard a thing.

And so, in the middle of the night, Will walked to his room, profoundly uncertain about what the morning would bring. The following morning Will woke to a very quiet cabin. It took him a while to realize that the quiet was due to the fact that the storm was over. Opening his blinds, he was treated to a perfect world of white and extremely bright light. The sun was having its revenge, it seemed. Will couldn't know that revenge would play an important part of his own personal day.

Looking down with a smile, he saw that his cock was also brightly awake. He'd been having very intense morning erections for the last two weeks, but had figured that it would stop this morning. He had thought that the barely believable titfucking his sister gave him would have quieted the lustful storm that had raged inside. Apparently not. Without thinking about it he put on the thick robe he always left in the cabin for such chilly morning. It was thick enough that it would hide his erection if Brittany was already up.

She wasn't. Fifteen minutes later the fire was back on and raging, already heating the room. To his surprise, his erection was also still raging. Enjoying this time alone, Will removed his robe and stood fully naked in front of the fire. If Brittany happened to wake up right now, regardless of how she felt about yesterday night, she was probably not going to cry "Pervert!" out loud.

As he sat back in the same deep chair, the chair that had seen him receive the most amazing titfucking of his life, he pondered about Brittany. What would she feel? He could still recall it clearly; last morning she was just about to say that she was not going to be teasing him, that it was a bad idea. Somehow, he discovered, morning could clarify a few of the eve's problems. But for him, right now, it was a morning problem. How was he going to react if she said that it was a one time thing? What if she wanted him to forget everything that had happened? Brittany had seemed quite at ease about the whole thing, had even said that she loved him right after he had sprayed his cum all over her face.

Yet... Will was worried. Heading to the bathroom he took a good and very hot shower, resisting the urge to masturbate. Grinning, he reminded himself that there could also be more pleasant possibilities. Back in his room he was deciding what to wear, a task that usually took him two seconds. But this morning was different. He knew that his sister liked how he looked. He'd known for a while, but the unguarded look in her eyes yesterday had been a nice reminder. Would he go shirtless? Would he push his audacity to the point of wearing nothing but his gym pants, letting her see his cock pushing against the fabric?