Surrogate Wives Club Ch. 02


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I wanted to ask if he knew or thought whether Wally had hit on Lauren with his big cock, but I figured that I could accurately guess the answer to that. Instead, I chose to ask him a more personal question where I was concerned, "I wonder if Wally ever tried approaching Becky. I was surprised that she took time off work to go to his funeral. Maybe I'm naïve Will, but I think she would have sent him packing. My Becky's always been a bit straight-laced."

"Oh yes, I can't see Beck doing it. Actually, I can't see Lauren getting into that sort of thing either, even though she's a real hot one in bed ... for me, that is."

"Really?" So does Will actually not know that his wife's in the club too?

"Oh yes Brad. Hey man, you've known us both for ... what, err, five years now. You'd have to agree surely that my Lauren is a hot looking woman."

"Yes, she sure is, she's very attractive Will," I was being cautious, very tentative.

"Well Brad, I can tell you, she goes right off in bed, sure keeps me on my toes. And variety, she's done things for me that I hadn't even dreamed of. Don't know where she learned all that sex stuff."

I had a fair idea who the source might be ... try the late Wally. I sat with Will, somewhat smugly, wanting to tell him how much I could agree with his statement of his wife going right off in bed. But also nervous that he had brought up the subject of Pauline's club and the fact that he knew that I was now a member. Who had been blabbing? I would have to tread very carefully from now on.

Becky and I got away about 1am from Will and Lauren's house and began strolling the several blocks to our house. Just as well I hadn't brought the car, I had had more than enough to drink. As we walked, I became conscious of Becky turning her head to stare at me. She spoke as we walked, "Brad, guys have it so easy, don't they?"

"What do you mean honey?"

"Well, through the night at the party, I began thinking as I was talking to different groups of our friends and neighbours, that guys have so many opportunities to get with other women and half the time, we wives would never suspect."

"How is that, what opportunities are you talking about?"

"Well, all you guys think with your dicks. All you need is some woman, it could be any woman for all you care, but some woman has only got to come on to you and you guys drop your pants and get off with them in a flash. It can be done in half-an-hour, you could be doing it in your lunch break at work for all I know."

I was relieved that her half accusation was so specific, itemising lunch breaks at work. I wasn't telling her a lie in my instant denial, "Well, I'm not honey!"

"Ok Brad, I'm not accusing you specifically of anything. I'm just saying that for guys, the opportunity is always there."

I was moving into dangerous territory here, I would have to be very wary and I possibly should be having this conversation in a more sober state. "And how is it any different for you girls honey? Many of you don't work or you have part-time jobs so you also have all that down time at home through the day. I'm at work every day for at least 8 hours, you know where I am and that I won't be home before six. You have just as many opportunities, maybe more."

"Oh yes, maybe you're right. But it's just never occurred to me to do that sort of thing, but I suppose some women would be tempted."

"Not that I want to put the thought of how much free time you have in your mind."

"Ha ha, you might imply that my job is part-time darling, but after 6 hours with kindergarten kids and then coming home to do the housekeeping and cooking, I wouldn't have any free time for casual sex with someone else. But seriously Brad, I was listening to other men and women talk tonight at Lauren and Will's party, and it sounds like life seems to be overbalanced in favour of the guys. I mean, we are all taught this strict moral code when we are kids, particularly me because I went to a private Catholic girls school. It was drummed into us that once you get married, that is your only sex partner for the rest of your life. But why ... why do we all have to adhere to monogamy? Why is it such a big deal? Sex is only sex, it's only a man putting a part of his body into a woman and going at it until he cums? In a physical sense, a woman is not scarred for life if she has more than one man put it inside her. It only becomes a moral thing ... you know, calling some women loose. What about that old saying, variety is the spice of life? What is so wrong for a woman to try it out with other guys, find out who's good and who's not."

Were these words coming from my wife's mouth? She had always been so straight and here she was advocating adultery like it was as simple as going to the shops for bread and milk.

"I can't believe that I am hearing you say that. My beautiful precious Becky, the one I always thought was the devoted unswerving wife, rigidly monogamous for life."

"Yes I know Brad, it doesn't sound like me talking at all, but here we are both nearly forty and I go to a party like tonight and see lots of people that we have known for some years. And some of the guys are hitting on us women and ... I know it might be all the wine I drank talking for me now and I will feel differently in the morning ... but here I am, asking myself so what harm would it do if one was to say yes?"

"Really, that's what you think? What harm would it do? What harm would what do, going off with another guy?"

"Oh, it does sound dreadful when you say it like that, doesn't it? Maybe I was just getting carried away listening to all these guys with their persuasive pick-up lines and I thought how they make it sound like such harmless fun, like having a little adventure. Could they drop in for an hour or so one day?"

"Did any of the guys say that to you directly tonight honey?"

"Oh Brad, if I tell you they did, you're going to want names and you'll go around and beat them up or something. I don't want to get anybody into trouble, it's just that they make it sound such casual fun with no strings attached."

"I can't believe I am hearing you say this stuff."

"Well, there must be a lot of it going on around here from the way they all talk."

"Who is they, Becky?"

"Oh nearly everybody darling, men and women. I listen to them talk and I get the impression that so many of them, men and women, friends of ours, are having a bit on the side ... isn't that what it's called?

"Yes, usually! So did any of the guys directly ask you if they could come by the house when I'm not home?"

We were about halfway home on our late night walk from the party. Becky stopped and turned to look at me, "Err, yes Brad, a couple of the guys actually did, with me and with several of the women there."

"So what did you say, how did you answer those guys?"

"I ... err, I ... um, I told them I don't do that sort of thing."

"Did you really Becky, is that what you said?"

"Yeah, pretty much!"

"What do you mean pretty much, were you emphatic, do you think they got the message that you're not into that?"

"I hope so!"

"I hope so too Becky or otherwise you're going to have some guy or other on our doorstep Monday morning. Are you going to tell me who they were? I promise I won't go around and bash them like you suggest. But I can call them up and tell them to back off."

"No, don't do that. I'll be ok, I can take care of myself. I don't expect them to come around."

"I wouldn't be so sure Beck. If you didn't make it a definite no, then you leave the door open. Who were they?"

"No Brad, I told you I'm not saying, I don't want to cause any trouble among our friends. They may not have been serious, they may have meant it as some kind of joke ... I don't want them to think I got the wrong idea."

"I can tell you Beck, they would have been serious. That's the way guys are when they hit on an attractive woman. They work on the basis that if they ask almost every woman, they will get a percentage."

"Do you do that darling, have you tried many to get a few?"

Had I walked into a trap? Has somebody said something to her about the Surrogate Wives Club and is she setting me up to ask why I was willingly participating?

"No I don't!" I tried to be emphatic despite this being a lie considering my current infidelities.

"Thank you Brad, I guess after hearing so many talking about casual sex tonight, I was feeling a bit uncertain."

"I still don't understand why you would even seriously think about altering your moral standing after all these years."

"I'm sorry if my thoughts disappoint you about me. I guess it's just the buzz of the wine and hearing them all talking. It made me think that maybe we're the only couple missing out, not jumping from bed to bed. Even my best friend Lauren, she seems to be into it too."

"Is she, what did she say?"

"Oh nothing specific, it's just the way she's been talking to me these last few months, like how it's no big deal to share yourself around and how I'm mad not to try it myself. The way she talks, it sounds so much fun. Darling, I wouldn't love you any less if I found myself in a bed with any of our male friends or neighbours."

"Who did you have in mind Becky? I'll ask again, who's been hitting on you?"

"Oh nobody in particular ... I mean I don't want to say any names because you'll want to take them on, but it does seem to happen more at these parties. The guys get a few drinks in them and become very suggestive. And we women get a few drinks in us and it loosens us up and after a while, I begin to think what would be so wrong with it? They would probably only last 5 minutes and it could be fun to see how different from you another guy would be."

"Well honey, you have absolutely floored me with this new you, I can't believe I am hearing your words."

"Did I shock you darling, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. And don't worry, I won't do any of that. I was just thinking of how easy it is for a guy to hit on every woman he talks to and the law of percentages says he will probably get a quickie from at least two out of ten, or even three or four. Lauren and I were talking about it while she was showing me the crochet stuff she's into now."

So, that's it, sounds to me like Lauren might have been working on Becky, planting a few thoughts in her head because these words that Becky is saying don't sound like the way she normally would think. What is Lauren up to? Is she trying to encourage my Becky to join Pauline's club? And could that be why some of the guys were hitting on her tonight? Are they members of the club too and are looking for fresh women to join?

It began to occur to me as we walked on in silence, was I not Pauline's real target to join the club? Was the target really to get Becky on board to be able to offer the male members more variety in women sex partners? So did Pauline use Lauren to get me hooked and on side before Lauren would plant the tempting thoughts in Becky's mind? Was Pauline so devious that she might now blackmail me to stop me from blocking Becky joining the female side of the membership?

We still had a block to walk. I might not have asked this question with a rational head, but the booze was influential, "Beck, how well did you know Wally?"

"What do you mean how well Brad, I knew him like you did darling? Why would you ask something like that?"

Whoops! How far could I go with this? I couldn't tell her about the existence of the Surrogate Wives Club. Still, I was curious after Will had told me about Wally's prowess with the neighbourhood women. Maybe I'll try one more question, "I was hearing tonight of Wally's reputation in our neighbourhood ... how he worked from home and had a habit of making house calls, visiting some of the women for sex."

"Really, who would have told you that?" I thought it was a strange reaction. Becky didn't sound to be at all surprised by my revelation that Wally was doing that ... she actually seemed more interested in finding out who told me. Since it was Will, maybe she'd already heard it from Lauren. Or did she in fact know about Wally from first-hand experience? Had Wally been making house calls at our address? A school teacher does get home from work early and gets a lot of vacation time, more than most regular workers.

"Oh, never mind who said it. It was expressed to me as fact, that he got to call on quite a few women around here and that they all liked him because of the supposed dimensions of his cock, which was incidentally claimed to be large and thick."

"Wow! You guys do talk about some fascinating things at these parties."

Again an interesting reaction, no hint of surprise that Wally had a big one.

"So did Wally ever call on you or make any suggestions of a sexual nature?"

"Why do you ask, don't you trust me darling?"

What was this, she didn't answer my question, just posed another question.

"I was curious honey, given that he is alleged to have had many women around here. I didn't think you knew him that well, yet you took time off from work to go to his funeral."

"So are you accusing me of being one of Wally's women?"

"No, I'm not honey, I'm just asking since you brought up all this talk about the local men and women having so much sex on the side."

We had reached our front door and I never got the definitive answer I was seeking. I turned the key and we entered our house. I went directly to the bathroom to dispense with some of the booze I had consumed while Becky paid our babysitter and got an update on how well the kids had behaved tonight. I came out of the bathroom and stood for a moment in the hallway, debating whether to continue our interesting discussion from the walk home. I finally decided it was too dangerous to continue with while we were both that affected by alcohol.

I went into our bedroom and changed into my pyjamas. Becky soon appeared and began to undress. She is still a good looking lady and I found myself checking her body out as she got naked. My God, while my wife's body still turned me on, I did find myself reflecting back, comparing hers to the naked and near-naked bodies of Stephanie, Juliette and Lauren that my eyes had feasted on only last weekend.

To my surprise, naked Becky flopped down on our bed and held her arms out to me, "Come on Brad, let's end this crazy night with a little loving."

I was up for that despite my growing misgivings about how moral and chaste my Becky might still be, considering her hesitation in giving me any straight answers about the guys who had hit on her tonight or about visits from Wally. Was she yet another of the recipients of Wally's thick and over-long 9 or 10-inch cock?

I joined Becky on the bed and although we began slowly, this night my wife and I had the most mind-blowing sex we had enjoyed in the last decade. She seemed to be insatiable and I wondered where this thirst for sex had been all these years. She twisted and turned her body around into unexpected positions. With the security of our bedroom door closed shut to protect our kids, she screamed and cried out her intense pleasures as she came twice before we were done.

But now I had even more to think about after this night.

To be continued -- Becky relates her side of the story in Part 3.

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LoisKnight69LoisKnight6912 months ago

Brad is a jerk and a hypocrite. It seems that he is jealous of the deceased Wally's cock.

Pauline's policy of not allowing men to make partner requests is reasonable. Her reasoning that it protects the women and their marriages makes sense. It also adds some mystery to the sexual encounters.

Brad is overthinking the entire "surrogate wives Club" and is going to screw up what has been a good thing for all involved. If Brad's actions do make the club's activities public and results in ruined marriages, then I hope Stephanie's husband, the retired pro athlete, learns of Brad's liaisons with Stephanie and beats the crap out of Brad.

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 2 years ago

Brad sure had a lot on his mind after this party at Lauren & Will’s. Is it possible that they are using Brad to get to Becky? How close to Wally was Becky and has she remained true to him. Does Brad’s guilty consciences creating doubt in his mind? Looking forward to reading what Lauren’s POV is about this situation. Thank You and looking forward to reading the remaining chapters.

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 2 years ago

Brad sure had a lot on his mind to think about after this neighborhood party at Lauren & Will’s. He maybe over cautious with a guilty conscience but then again maybe not. We will have to see what these next chapters tell us. Brad maybe correct in that they are using him to get to Becky. Thank you and looking forward to reading the next chapter from Lauren’s POV.

SamuelDexterSamuelDexterover 2 years ago

Good transitional conversation with Becky

funtungnfrogfuntungnfrogover 2 years ago

I really like the way you brought it back with the conversation between Brad and Becky. Brad having reservations regarding his wife is interesting. Good for the gander but what about the goose? Ahhh we shall find out as the story continues... Well done.

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