Temporary Girlfriend: Christmas Holidays Ch. 02


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"Oh, I looked all right. I've been hard for the past hour." He made a show of adjusting his generous cock in his slacks.

"Lastly," he said, "I really look forward to working with you and Alex on Volume 2." He grinned at me from ear to ear.

When we got to the Italian restaurant there was a forty-minute wait for a table. We went into the bar, got seats on bar stools at a small table, and each ordered a chocolate martini. After we were served I reached in my skirt pocket and took out the remote control for the Butterfly I'd worn. I passed the remote to Josh.

"What's this?" he said, picking up the plastic remote. He studied the device then said, "Well let me try this and see what happens. It seems to have several controls on it. Hummmm." He turned the device over in his hands adding, "Intensity and On/Off. Let's see what low intensity and 'on' produces."

I felt the Butterfly come alive between my legs. He let it buzz for a few moments as I stared at him with a rising sense of passion.

"Oh, let's turn up the intensity a little and see what happens," Josh said.

The device came alive again and this time I jumped. The pleasure was almost too much. I squeezed my legs together as the device vibrated against me. Then suddenly it stopped.

Josh studied the device further. He said, "Why we could turn it up still further but only for a few seconds."

My crotch exploded with a shot of pleasure. I know my body filled with adrenalin in response to the stimulation. I looked at Josh but then my eyes closed as the pleasure came to me. Then suddenly the device was quiet.

He said, "I think I'll hold onto this for now. We'll see if we can surprise you as the evening goes on."

I smiled wanly at him. "Thank you, Lover," I whispered.

We sipped our drinks and Josh led the conversation to some of the projects the Foundation sponsored. It took me a few minutes to disengage from the sexual stimulation I'd been feeling and become a conversational partner.

Then just as I'd asked Josh about his criteria for additional donors to the Foundation, my Butterfly triggered. I looked at him with my mouth hanging open almost in disbelief. The pleasure went on and on. He just looked at me, watching me with amusement. I had to set my drink down then I had to grab the edge of the table. I squirmed on my seat. Then as suddenly as it began, the pleasurable vibrations stopped.

I thought, "This is the best invention known to womanhood. ANY woman would want one of these, even if she gave the remote control to a sadist like Josh."

Josh prattled on about looking for multi-millionaires that fit a particular profile: they weren't known to be existing philanthropists or they had already shown interest in some way in one of the project areas that the Foundation was sponsoring. He talked a bit about how he could find out the background of anyone whose net worth exceeded ten million dollars.

As Josh talked I just hoped and prayed that he'd turn my Butterfly back on. Then it hit me again. Fifteen seconds of pleasure and then it stopped.

"You bastard," I whispered to him. He smiled nicely to me.

The hostess approached our table, "Your dinner table is ready now, please come with me. You may bring your drinks."

We followed the shapely young lady to a booth nested in one side of the restaurant. We slid in next to each other and she passed us the menus. I glanced around the restaurant and in a booth across the way from us sat Goldie Hawn and her long-time significant other, Kurt Russell. We were in good company.

"What are you going to have, Darling?" Josh asked me a few minutes later after we'd studied the menu.

"I think I'm going to have the mushroom ravioli and a salad," I told Josh.

Our waitress came to the table with a happy and expectant look on her face; "Hi my name's Allison, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I freshen your drinks or do you want some wine?"

Josh looked up at her and said, "I think we'll have a bottle of your Pinot Grigio, the house version, please. And I think we're ready to order."

My Butterfly turned on at only a slightly reduced intensity from what Josh had used at the cocktail table. I thought for a second that anyone within fifty feet could hear the buzzing then realized that only I felt the vibration and that there was no sound. Again, my passion started to rise. I had only one thought on my mind suddenly, I wanted to orgasm -- here, now, immediately.

The waitress looked at me expectantly, her pen and pad poised to write down my order. I held onto the edge of the table with both hands and somehow found the fortitude to nod towards Josh.

"Oh," he said as I flushed from the sexual jolt I'd just had, "the lady will have the mushroom ravioli and the house salad. I will have the eggplant parmesan and a salad, if you please." He negotiated the salad dressings and the waitress left our table with a skewed glance at me as Josh cranked up the intensity.

I got closer to my elusive climax and then the vibrations against my clit stopped.

"How close are you?" Josh asked in a conversational tone, as though he was asking about tomorrow's weather.

"Close enough!" I blurted out back at him. "Another couple like the last one and I'll cum. I'm apt to squirt I'm so worked up. I may also scream or make a scene. Do you remember the orgasm scene from 'When Harry Met Sally'?"

"Vividly," Josh replied.

"How'd you like that?"

"Interesting concept. I suppose that would mean we couldn't come back here again," he speculated.

"Yea, probably. Plus I'd worry about seeing any of these people again -- you know, like on the ski slopes or in another restaurant."

"There's that to think about," Josh acknowledged.

And then the Butterfly fired off again. I think it was on the maximum setting. The little toy ran for thirty seconds and stopped. In that time, I came right to the doorstep. I know I moaned a few seconds into the assault and then closed my eyes as I gripped the edge of the table with all my strength to control my response.

When things were quiet for another thirty second, I reopened my eyes and looked all doe-eyed at Josh. "Oh, let me cum. Please. I'll be your slave forever. Just let me cum."

He smiled and said, "Oh, here come our salads. Don't they look lovely?" He sat back away from his place setting to allow the waitress to put the large bowl down in front of him. I did likewise and mumbled a 'thank you' to the pretty waitress.

I watched Josh's hands, mindful that the remote control was in his jacket pocket and that if either of his hands disappeared I might expect another episode with the Butterfly.

He let me finish my salad without interruption. He talked again about finding new donors and how he had several in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa that he hoped to see sometime over the next year and see if he could get them to augment the Foundations funds.

As I began to pay attention to his remarks about the Foundation I saw his right hand slip into his pocket. I waited with a sense of anticipation. A minute then two passed and nothing happened. I'd just started to relax when the Butterfly erupted at maximum intensity. The blast only lasted twenty seconds. I'd become almost limp from the offensive.

Josh said conversationally, "I believe there is a relationship between intensity and duration. I think you can stand a low intensity for a longer period of time, perhaps forever, without cuming. However, and based on the last few seconds, a high intensity for a long period would surely bring you to a climax. That's why I turned it off after only twenty seconds; it's not time for that to happen yet."

I looked at Josh and quietly pleaded for relief. He just replied, "No not yet."

We sipped our wine and Josh talked about the differences between donors in the Muslim world versus Europe. He mentioned some of the customs about dealing with the less fortunate in both worlds.

Our dinners came and we were served the rest of our wine. I squirmed in my seat, trying to reposition the Butterfly so that it wouldn't do so much damage to my sexual urges the next time it went off. I wasn't sure whether I'd been successful or not; Josh watched me with interest and no doubt guessed what I attempted.

As dinner ended, the Butterfly started again -- at high intensity. This time the toy ran for thirty seconds. My attempt to reposition the device had been remarkably unsuccessful; the little vibrator pushed directly against my clit and was bringing me up the scale to some sort of major event until it stopped. Josh studied me.

"Very good," he said. "You lasted through that. You want to cum but you're reluctant to do so in this crowded setting, right?"

"Yes, I guess so," I replied through gritted teeth as I backed away from a full climax.

Allison appeared at the table and asked, "Can I get you some desserts or coffee?"

Josh ordered coffee for both of us.

As Allison turned, the Butterfly went off; I moaned and grabbed the edge of the table. Allison turned back and studied me for a second. I shut my eyes. I felt the device go and go and go, and I soared right to the brink.

The device stopped. A second later, Josh mopped my brow with his napkin. You have a few beads of perspiration on your forehead, Darling. I thought it was cool in here but it must be warm for you."

I thought, "It's not just warm in here, it's 'fucking' hot. And, if you don't let me cum with my Butterfly I am going to find some excuse to fuck the busboy." I smiled at Josh and just said, "Thank you, dear. You're so thoughtful."

Allison brought our coffee and I noticed she studied me as she set my cup down. I gave her one of my best smiles and thanked her.

We sipped our coffees and watched the crowd dwindle down as the hour got later. Our celebrities across the restaurant left, unmolested by tourists or paparazzi I'm pleased to say. As I took my last sip, the Butterfly kicked into high gear. I moaned and this time the device kept going ... and going. Was this the time I'd find relief?

It was! The Butterfly didn't go off after twenty, thirty, forty seconds. It ran and I soared into orbit. Now with eyes closed, my hands gripping the table edge with white knuckles. I exploded into a wonderful Richter 8.0 orgasm with fireworks and multiple tremors throughout every pore of my body. As I crested the vibes against my clit stopped but it was too late; I was over the top.

I somehow managed not to scream out my pleasure. I'd become speechless, however, as I savored the after glow from the climax that had raped my body with such loveliness.

I opened my eyes and turned to Josh. I leaned in a kissed him. "Thank you," I whispered.

He smiled at me then looked up at Allison who stood with the leather wallet containing our credit card and invoice to sign. She looked at me with a thousand questions on her face.

Josh explained to her in a serious tone, "She's taking medications for her condition. She keeps having orgasms all the time; hard to keep up with her actually but the medication is starting to work."

Allison sighed, "If I had that disease, I'd never take any medication for it. If it's contagious I'd like to spend some time with her and catch whatever it is. Here, I'll write my phone number on the back of your receipt. Call me. Anytime. Please." She turned and walked away abruptly, her pretty little ass actually catching my interest and from the look on Josh's face, his too.

Josh slid out of the booth and stood so he could help me up. "Shall we go home?" he asked politely.

I stage whispered to him, "If you don't take me home and fuck my brains out, you will have just lost your 'temporary girlfriend'. I'll be back here fucking Allison in the backseat of the car.

We made love in front of the fireplace back at Eagle Pines. By midnight I definitely felt most of my brains had been fucked out. Josh did too. We were happy campers when we went to bed. And to think, I still had a box with all these other sex toys in it!

As we snuggled into bed together, Josh whispered to me, "Merry Christmas, my love."

We kissed. I told him, "This has been the best Christmas ever," and I meant every word of it.


The day after Christmas in the early afternoon Josh and I drove the big eight passenger Suburban down to the airport to meet the flight from Denver with Carl, Katelyn, Doug and Beth. We went early and checked on the Citation. I noted we'd have to get it washed down with glycol before we flew; a thin layer of frost and snow covered the sleek jet.

Later, in the passenger terminal, there were shrieks of joy from Katelyn after she disembarked from her flight and she saw us. She ran through the security barrier and threw herself into Josh's arms. I used her as a role model to welcome Carl and Doug as well. Then I thought, what the hell, so I also embraced Beth and gave her a very tender welcoming kiss. She kissed back -- 'hot'. I liked being bisexual -- it doubled my chances for a date.

Katelyn and I kissed too; anyone paying attention would have paid even more attention. She and I kissed and hugged, lingering, as we looked deep into each other's eyes. She leaned in a nibbled on my ear lobes then whispered to me, "I am so hot to make love to you guys. We're here to fuck." She pulled away and grinned at me.

We started walking arm in arm towards the luggage area, I said back to her in a whisper, "What about Doug and Beth?"

"Same agenda," Katelyn said with a grin.

"Good," I said. "We're ready, willing, able and hot."

We collected the luggage, including skis for Doug and Beth, and loaded it all into the car. Half an hour later we'd unloaded it all at Eagle Pines. The lodge quickly absorbed all of us.

Everyone migrated to the Great Room. I played hostess and served everyone some beer and wine as well as some hors d'oeuvres that I'd made up that morning. Josh stoked up the fire. The afternoon weather had cleared so through the large wall of windows we watched the mountains surrounding Aspen change colors and gradually darken as the sun dropped and the shadows lengthened.

I give an A+ to Doug for being observant. He saw the erotic photograph album I'd given Josh sitting on the coffee table. We'd made no attempt to hide it away. The cover had the most demur photo on it but required careful study before you could decipher it. Doug had finally figured out it consisted of two nude women -- Alex and me -- embracing each other behind about a dozen layers of veils.

Suddenly, Doug said, "Wow! What's this coffee table book? Interesting!" He picked it up and I watched carefully as he opened the book to the first page -- my Marilyn Monroe shot. He studied the photo and then suddenly a smile spread across his face as he realized the model had been me; he shot me a glance to see if I seemed at all embarrassed. I wasn't.

He returned to the album and turned the page to the photograph of me in the chair -- full frontal nude. He sputtered and almost spewed out a swallow of wine he'd just taken. I laughed as he looked up at me in some kind of call for help.

The others seemed oblivious to his plight or the album, as he looked further into it. About mid-way into the book Beth became curious what he was looking at.

She shifted down the couch and asked, "What's the book?" Carl and Katelyn turned towards Doug.

He responded to Beth, but really to all of them, "This is the hottest 'coffee table book' I've ever seen. It's pictures of Megan. Look over my shoulder, I'll start at the beginning."

With Beth beside him, Carl and Katelyn moved behind the sofa to look over Doug's shoulder as he turned the pages.

The Marilyn Monroe calendar shot evoked some polite praise, however, page two brought everyone to a freeze. Carl finally exhaled and said, "Whoa! Very nice and very hot."

Beth agreed. She turned to her husband and said, "Turn the pages faster, I want to get to the 'good stuff'.

I guess the good stuff for Beth -- and apparently Katelyn, Carl and Doug -- turned out to be the first show where Alex was nibbling on my pussy and I reposed in my orgasmic after glow.

Beth said, "Holy fuck! Is that what I look like when I cum?" She turned to Katelyn who nodded to her.

Carl said, "My hard-on has a hard-on. This is very erotic, Megan." Doug turned a few more pages. Carl added, "You know this makes me want to skip dinner and just start making love to you? And I haven't even seen all the photographs."

I laughed and said, "No sex until after dinner -- except what you self inflict." Everyone booed my ribald statement.

Eventually Doug asked me to explain the album and who my paramour was in the photos. I told the story about Alex and I and then how I'd come up with the idea for the album and she'd jumped at the chance to take pictures while she was visiting from London.

The album proved to be the icebreaker I'd hoped it would be. We talked about erotic photography and even porn. I mentioned that Josh and I were planning a second volume, with Alex, when she and her professional photographer husband Jeremy came over to attend our wedding. Questions and discussion flew around the room. There were lots of 'would you', 'Could you' and 'will you' questions amongst them. Laughter shifted from a release of nervous energy as one after another of my erotic photographs got seen, to true light hearted humor as more and more of Alex and me and our acts together were revealed.

By the end of the afternoon I felt much more comfortable with Doug and Beth as I'm sure they did with Josh and me. We already knew Carl and Katelyn well -- very well.

We'd arranged for all of us to go back to the Hotel Jerome for dinner -- the same venue where Fiona and Ray's wedding rehearsal dinner had been held seven months earlier. Thus, at seven o'clock the six of us piled back into the large car and drove down to the town.

By unspoken agreement, we paired off with others in our six-some; I wanted to get to know Doug better so I latched onto his arm as we walked from the car to the restaurant. Katelyn had made it clear that Josh was hers for the night, thus Carl and Beth coupled up.

I am sure Doug and I were both assessing each other regarding our sexual prowess and willingness. By this time, and after looking at fifty erotic and pornographic photographs of yours truly.

To help break the ice, after we were seated I took Doug's face in my hands and delivered the most simmering kiss I could conjure, including a mix of tongue and touch. I let one hand stroke his neck in a sensual manner as we kissed; the other hand I allowed to slide gently up his thigh as though I sought stability during the kiss.

When I finished, I pulled away and looked at Doug. He looked pleased but slightly shocked; he said, "Wow! That was very nice."

"I just don't want you worrying about my receptivity towards you tonight -- or this weekend." I looked at Katelyn as she talked to Josh and Carl at the other end of the dinner table; "You come highly recommended by Katelyn and I trust her without reservation. She said we'd have fun and really like each other, so that's my starting point."

Doug nudged me back to him for another less intense kiss. When we separated he said, "Great. I might add that Katelyn tells all, so there's little we don't know about your September tryst up here other than some details she probably forgot about hidden beauty marks or freckles." We laughed.

Dinner became a gabfest usually with three of us talking at once, often to the same person. Josh often caught my eye from the other end of the table and often with an amused expression on his face. We were happy and we were nervous.

While we were having coffee, I moved around the table and pulled another chair up so I could be near Josh. I whispered to him, "Are you OK with where this is all going? I love you and don't want you unhappy by anything we might do."