The BBW Chronicles Ch. 06

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Husband, wife and lover share everything.
11.8k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 01/23/2010
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I want to give special thanks to my editor, Alabasterthighs. Her assistance is greatly appreciated.

Chapter 6: Maria

The next six months were rather uneventful. "Uneventful" is a relative term, of course, and in this context it meant that I was continuing to have more and better sex than at any time in the past twenty years. Veronica conjured no new surprises for me in that time period, so I more or less settled into a routine. The young Cuban woman commanded the majority of my attention with our twice weekly meetings. Marisol was content with our every other Saturday morning dalliances, and that worked out fine for me, as well. I even managed to hook up with Keshia a few more times. Veronica's absence from those rendezvous must have had an effect on Keshia's behavior--the bombastic personality that dominated our first meeting was mostly absent. Instead, I met with a dark, dusky, sensual goddess with a sexual appetite as big as her six foot, three hundred pound frame. Somehow she left the aggressive, abrasive aspects of her personality at home--most of them, at least.

Unfortunately, I never saw Jaleesa again. Veronica must have meant what she said when she described sharing Jaleesa with me as a "special treat." Oh well, I'll always have that memory.

The situation with Pam became somewhat problematic, however. Her sister came to visit for a week, but upon observing the state of Pam and Steve's marriage, she ended up staying an entire month. I enjoyed making love with Pam on Friday mornings, but I was OK with the prospect of taking a short break--even if it extended several weeks. Pam would not accept an interruption in our weekly trysts; she refused to accept her sister's presence as an impediment to our relationship.

"Steve's still fucking his whore," Pam answered when I broached the subject. "My sister's visit hasn't cut him off from his pussy. He reeks of it almost every night. Why should you and I be the only ones who get cut off?"

Of course, I didn't mention that I had other sources of pussy. She already knew that I was fucking other women, even if she chose to overlook that fact.

"So, what do you have in mind?" I asked. "Fucking me with your sister in the next room? Do you think you could get her to fix us toast and coffee while we screw?"

"Of course not--we can't take that risk. My sister would be horrified. She's actually a bit of a prude. It's kind of funny, actually--while we were growing up she was always the pretty one with the slender figure. Boys lined up to go out with her, and yet she never put out. If I had received that much attention when I was younger I probably never would have married so young. Instead, I married the first asshole who ever gave me any attention. Steve was the only man I ever slept with, before you."

"I didn't know that."

"It's true. I've had two cocks in my entire life."

"I see."

"I'm not going to be celibate again."

"Well, what's your plan, Pam? Do you have one?"

"In fact, I do. Meet me at Vero's house tomorrow morning."

Veronica was an extraordinary lover and an even better friend to both Pam and myself. She knew how desperately Pam needed affection, so she allowed us to use her home as a love nest. Pam and I soaked Veronica's sheets on four consecutive Fridays. Veronica didn't seem to mind, so long as Pam stayed to wash and change the bed linens.

In addition to my three daytime lovers, I still had to keep my wife satisfied at night. Maria is a beautiful woman with a healthy sex drive that had begun to decline in recent years. I suppose it was partially a result of Maria's reduced demands on me that I was able to satisfy Veronica and her friends. In addition, I eliminated internet porn and masturbation as forms of entertainment. I never made a conscious decision to do so--I just didn't have the time or energy for onanism.

Maria did not complain at all while our love making gradually declined from five or six sessions per week to just two or three. Rather, she seemed both energized and more enthusiastic. We were having less sex, but she was enjoying it more. At various times I considered different explanations. Was my libido that much greater than hers? Was she working too much? Was she having an affair? Was I becoming a better lover? Was she having health problems?

I considered all of these theories, but derived no conclusions. To some extent, I did not want to know. So long as everything remained smooth, I was content to ride out the wave.

But if there is anything I have learned over all these years, it is to expect and accept the inevitability of change.

Change arrived for me on the morning of our twentieth anniversary. It was a Friday morning, and as I was leaving the house I felt a pang of guilt. I saw the open garage door at Pam's house -- my invitation to drive in and enjoy our weekly love making session. Just as I was about to turn into the driveway, that unwelcome feeling intensified. I was surprised when I attached a label to that feeling: shame.

I drove by Pam's house without stopping.

I telephoned her once I reached the office. She was disappointed, but accepted the excuse I constructed--that I was meeting with a client who had moved up his appointment so he could catch an earlier flight. Not the most original excuse, I realized, but it was entirely plausible. Pam bought it, at least.

I poured a cup of coffee and returned to my desk. I started to reach for the power switch on my computer, but that motion was interrupted by the text message notification on my cell phone. Preparing to be annoyed with Pam, I started composing a response to her anticipated request for an afternoon meeting. That thought was canceled when I saw that the message was from Veronica.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, just starting to work."

"Does she suspect anything?



"No. I don't think so."

"She's acting strange."

"What do you mean?"

"Can't talk now. I'll call you this afternoon."

Looking up, I noticed my secretary seated across from my desk. I didn't see her enter, yet there she was. Trying to regain my composure, I took a sip of my coffee and booted up the computer. As I waited for the calendar program to open, I crossed my fingers and silently prayed that I would be able to get out of the office by four, giving me an extra hour to pick up a present on the way home. Veronica's message had put me on edge.

I don't usually wait until the last minute to make plans for our anniversary. This year, however, I was more than a little distracted as a result of juggling Veronica and all her friends. No problem. Take Maria to a nice, romantic dinner; surprise her with an expensive piece of jewelry; take her dancing; everything turns out fine.

"Carmen, why is this lunch appointment the only thing on my calendar for today?" I asked.

"Maria called me earlier this week," she answered. "She asked me to keep the day clear. I think she has something special planned for you."

"Oh, really? And what might that be?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. She didn't share the details with me. She just asked me if I could keep the afternoon clear."

"I'm pretty sure there were other appointments on here yesterday. Didn't I have a status meeting scheduled with the Garcia brothers?"

"I'm sorry. That entry was a decoy. Your wife thought you might get suspicious if the day was entirely clear."

"I see. Carmen?"


"Who do you work for, me or my wife?"

"You, sir."

"Whose name is on the bottom of your paychecks?"

"Yours, sir."

"Please don't forget that fact in the future."

"I won't, sir. I just thought--"

"Tell me about my luncheon appointment," I interrupted. "I take it that I am not meeting Mr. Klinger at the Capital Grille?"

"That's correct, sir. You are meeting Maria at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at 1:30."

"That's a little late for lunch."

"I know, sir. The two of you will have more privacy. Also, I thought that would give you a little more time--in case you need to pick up something at the last minute."

"Good thinking."

"You should probably leave by eleven so you don't get caught in traffic. Winston's Jewelry is on the way. Should I call Maxine and tell her to be expecting you?"

"Yes, that would be helpful. Specify that it's for our anniversary, and ask her to have five or ten suggestions for me to choose from."

"Of course, sir."



"What does Maria have planned after lunch? Why did I need the rest of the afternoon cleared?"

"I really don't know. I didn't make those arrangements."

"I see. Is there anything else?"

"No, sir. You have the Reynolds matter on Monday."

"Right. Bring me the file, and hold all my calls. I want to finish preparing before I leave at eleven.

"Yes, sir."

As soon as Carmen left I dialed Veronica's number. The call went straight to voice mail. She had to know the reason for my call, so I didn't bother to leave a message.

I spent the rest of the morning working on the Reynolds matter. Carmen buzzed me at eleven, but I still had a few points to review in preparation for the meeting on Monday. At 11:30 I looked up and realized I was out of time. The Reynolds file was just going to be joining me for the weekend.

It was a sunny day, so I made pretty good time driving from my office to Winston's. I parked the car and then tried calling Veronica. Once again, my call went straight to voice mail. It's not at all like her to have her telephone turned off. I hope everything is alright.

Maxine had close to two dozen pieces of jewelry to show me, including anniversary rings, jeweled necklaces, platinum earrings, and dazzling bracelets. There were the usual diamond arrangements, as well as pieces featuring Maria's birth stone. There were also pieces designed to include the birth stones of the children. I explained to Maxine that I didn't have time for anything to be customized--I was going to walk out with a gift and give it to my wife in less than an hour. Maxine gave me a disapproving look, and then pulled out another velvet tray with preselected pieces. I went in expecting to buy a ring, but walked out with a necklace costing three times what I had budgeted. Guilt can be a powerful motivator.

I left the jewelry story with just a few minutes to spare. It was a ten-minute drive to the hotel, so long as I did not get stuck on the wrong side of the river when the drawbridge went up. Luckily, I turned onto Brickell Drive and saw nothing but green lights for six blocks. Arriving at the hotel, I left my car with the valet and walked inside. I found the restaurant, and spotted my wife sitting at a table overlooking the water.

Maria was sipping a drink--most likely a mojito--as she looked out the window at the boats cruising up and down Biscayne Bay. She looked gorgeous with her dark brown curls tumbling off her head; her flawless make up; her big brown eyes and her full red lips. She was wearing a white silk tank top and a white linen skirt. The tank top had a deep V neckline that revealed more of her tanned breasts than it covered--from my angle I could detect a hint of nipple. The waiter must be getting a nice view.

Maria pretended that she did not see me coming, but I was sure I saw her brown eyes darting from the window to the entrance while her head remained still. This is just like the night we met, only that time I was the one pretending not to notice her.

"Excuse me," I asked, "is this seat taken?"

"I'm waiting for my lover," Maria replied. "But you can keep me company until he arrives."

"He won't mind seeing me with you?"

"If you're lucky, we'll be gone before he gets here."

"Where are we going?"

"This is a big hotel. I'm sure we can find somewhere cozy to spend a few hours."

"Lady, I like the way you think."

"I thought you would--pervert."

A waiter appeared, setting a martini in front of me.

"Hendricks martini, up, sir," the waiter announced.

"I ordered your drink for you," Maria said. "Did I get it right?"

I lifted the glass to my mouth and sipped. It was a little drier than I preferred, but that was usually the case in most bars and lounges.

"Excellent," I answered.

"Very good," the waiter said. "Are you ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes to look at the menu?"

The waiter was talking to me, but his gaze was repeatedly diverted to Maria's breasts.

"We're ready to order," I answered. "We'll start with the seared sea scallop appetizer, and then the lady will have the Florida lobster with Asian salad; I'll have the seared Ahi tuna with brown rice and vegetables. When we are finished with these drinks, you can bring us a tokkuri of sake and two cups. Anything else, sweetie?"

"Just one second," she answered. She put her hand on the back of the chair next to hers and looked up at the waiter. "Would you pull this chair back for me, please?"

"Of course, Ma'am."

The waiter edged the chair away from the table. Maria leaned over the chair, opened her purse, and pulled out her cell phone. As she angled over, her breasts nearly spilled out of the tank top and onto the table. The waiter let out an audible groan.

Maria swiped her fingers across her phone, tapped the screen a few times, and then replaced the phone in her purse.

"No, that will be all," she said.

"I'll be back with your scallops."

Maria could barely contain a giggle as the waiter walked away. Once he was out of sight, I looked at her and asked, "What was that all about?"

"He's been staring at my tits since I got here. I wanted to give him a little show."

"Are you having fun?"

"Oh, yes--very much. Did you see the bulge in his pants?"

"No, I wasn't looking at his crotch."

"Take a look when he brings our food. He's huge."

"I'll take your word for it."

"If I wanted him for my anniversary present, would you let me have him?"

"Do you really think that would be appropriate? Let me look at the chart. I don't recall twenty years being 'dick'."

"What if that's what I really want? I don't need another china set."

"Are you serious?"


"I see. So I should just take back the present I already purchased because you would prefer that I hook you up with a waiter?"

"I would give you whatever you wanted."

"You're joking."

"No, I'm not."


"Yes. Do you see anything in here you would like? How about that waitress over there? She's pretty."

I looked across the room at a lovely young woman with short black hair.

"Too skinny. You know I like my women with a little more cushion."

"Alright. How about her?"

I glanced in the other direction. A chubby woman with long red hair and enormous breasts was seated with two thinner women. The two smaller women were working through bowls of noodles and seafood, while the redhead was taking small bites from a mixed green salad.

"Which one?" I asked.

"The redhead, of course. She's the only big girl at that table."

"No thanks."

"What's wrong with her."

"Not my type. All her weight is in her upper body. I like a woman with a bigger behind."

"Like my fat ass?"


Maria flashed a triumphant grin.

The waiter returned, setting a plate of seared scallops and two small bowls of dipping sauces between us. Maria looked up and leaned backward, causing the thin, white silk of her top to stretch taut against her breasts. Her thick, brown nipples appeared on the verge of piercing the sheer cloth covering them.

The waiter set two sake cups on the table. His eyes jumped backed and forth from the table to Maria's nipples. His hands shook as he grasped the large tokkuri and attempted to pour the hot liquid into the tiny cups.

Maria locked her eyes with his, and then lowered her gaze to his crotch.

"The rest of your meal will be out shortly," he stammered. "Can I bring you anything else?"

"We're good," I answered.

The waiter turned and walked away.

"Did you see it?" Maria asked.

"See what?"

"His dick. Its enormous."

"Are you enjoying yourself?"


"Are you done yet?

"I'm just getting started. I have an entire weekend planned."

"Does your plan include the waiter?"

"Not yet...but it could."

"When did you start making plans for our anniversary, by the way? I've always taken care of that."

"You've been so busy with work. I hardly see you anymore. I asked Carmen, and she said you hadn't done anything yet, so I took the initiative. I wanted everything to be perfect."

I felt another pang of guilt stabbing me in the heart. I've been working longer hours, but not because I've been busier in the office. I've had to stay later to make up for the time I spend fucking Veronica and her friends.

"You also work. When did you have time to plan all this?"

"I just came up with the general ideas. Carmen made all the arrangements for me. All I had to do was get your present."

"I see. So now you have my secretary working for you."

"She's a treasure. We're becoming very close."

Great. All I need is for Maria to co-opt my secretary. Now I'll have to take extra precautions to make sure Carmen doesn't get suspicious. I hope won't have to replace her.

The waiter appeared and cleared our dishes. He returned a second later with a lobster bib.

"Madam?" he asked as he tilted his head in her direction.

Maria lifted her hair and piled it on top of her head. The waiter stepped behind her to tie the bib around her neck. As he looked downward, I was sure that he could see inside her blouse all the way to her nipples. When he was done tying the bib, Maria let her hair fall and then leaned backward. She pressed the back of her head into his groin.

"I'll be right back with your plates," he mumbled as he walked away.

"You're out of control," I said.

"Totally. I can't help myself. By the way, he's rock hard."

"And he's going to go home tonight and picture you while he's jacking off."

"Maybe he won't have to."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I could help him out with his problem."

"Are you serious?"


"What's gotten into you? This isn't like you."

"It isn't? How can you be so sure? Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do. Maybe there's another side of me I keep hidden from you. Do you ever think about that?"

My heart froze. What did Veronica text earlier? "Does she suspect anything?... She's acting strange."

"I think we know each other pretty well," I bluffed. "We've been together for twenty years."

"Yes, twenty years. But isn't it rather unlikely that a man could ever know all of a woman's secrets--especially a very busy man with secrets of his own?"

I gulped.

"I guess."

Her eyes locked with mine, and then she smiled.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, honey. Enough of this nonsense--where's my present?"

As if on cue, the waiter returned with our plates.

"Just in time," Maria beamed. "I was just asking about you."

"I'm sorry. The chef had to wait until the last minute to fire the tuna."

"No problem; better late than never."

"Will there be anything else?"

"Not at the moment," I answered.

"Very well, enjoy."

The waiter refilled our sake cups. Maria licked her lips as the waiter turned and walked away.

"To twenty years," I toasted.

"And twenty more," Maria added.

"Only twenty more?"

"I'll decide in twenty years if I want to keep you around any longer. Its not likely, but you never know."

"You're so sassy today. What's gotten into you?"

"Its not what's gotten into me already, its what's going to get into me later."

"When are you going to fill me in on the rest of your plan?"