The Corrupted Forest

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Can a Wizard and his Apprentice fight back the corruption?
30.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2015
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A special thanks to JonB1969 for his editing. Hope you all enjoy my story and remember to vote and comment, it's what encourages me to keep writing. 

This Story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright (c) 2015 by Yshomatsu

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The Corrupted Forest

Hidden deep within the eastern mountains of the world, two wizards protected a sacred and enchanted forest. The hidden valley housed ancient trees that reached for the sky. Gigantic trees who's far reaching branches became a highway for primates and monkeys.

Many different forms of Fae lived among the trees. Undisturbed by humans, the forest flourished. The only humans that have ever set foot within the enchanted land were wizards, men and women who swore an oath not to interfere with nature.

The real reason for their presence and continued service remained a well-guarded secret. For the forest grew over a magical ley-line, a source of magical power connected to the very core of the earth.


A robed man sat in the shade, enjoying the wind which pushed through his hair as he enjoyed a break. At first glance one might mistake him for older than his 28 years, mostly due to specks of blue which seemed to highlight both his long locks and medium beard. The color matched his bright blue eyes and complimented his strong features. Each person's body had a reaction to the magic they used. Enorim liked his. The blue highlights complemented his strong features. One day it would consume the brown, but he didn't mind.

A quetzal rested upon his shoulder peacefully. The young wizard admired the vibrantly colored bird as he leaned back comfortably into the large tree trunk.

He loved the peaceful forest life, and couldn't see himself living anywhere else. There were many dangers that he had to be wary of and avoid, all part of the circle of life, yet they really didn't bother him. Predators had to hunt and kill to survive. It didn't make them evil. He admired them equally, including the exotic bird on his shoulder. The only difference being that he wouldn't walk up to the dangerous animals.

The young apprentice took a deep breath, savoring the morning air. He looked around and smiled at the colorful bird upon his shoulder as it tilted its head at him. Enorim knew he had lingered long enough and had to get back. He let out the deep breath and slowly got up. The small quetzal flew away the second his body moved.

It was a short walk back to his home, a hollowed out tree with an enchantment placed over it. To anyone else it appeared as just another large tree. The blue eyed wizard in training approached the tree without any doubts. After many years of training he could easily detect the swirl of magic from the wards his master had placed there.

He straightened his back and took another deep breath. The part he always hated, walking through the enchantment, always imagining that one day he'd mistake the spell and walk face first into a tree trunk. With his face scrunched up he walked through the enchantment.

The spell's craftsmanship demonstrated his master's genius. If anyone had witnessed the young apprentice entering the enchantment they would have seen him walk around the tree, until out of sight. It wouldn't have been a good hideout if an onlooker could watch them vanish into the tree.

Eronim entered the tree he had called home since turning twelve years old, when he had levitated his first object. He'd always wondered how the old man had found him so quickly after that. Though he asked many times, he never got a straight answer.

The young wizard materialized through the doorway into a much larger space than one would have expected. Even though the tree trunk had indeed been massive, it still didn't compare to the size of the magically created home. A large open space with tables and beds expanded before him, with a modest set of furniture, considering their ability to conjure things at will.

There were two beds, one on top of the other. They weren't large, yet were long enough for a tall man. Everything along the outside of the space was carved out of the tree. His master explained that living simply kept them humble and connected to the earth.

The impressive part of their home expanded far above his head. A library spiraled upwards as far up as Eronim could see. Balconies circled each floor with ladders extending between floors. The shelves contained thousands upon thousands of books and scrolls. One of the many tasks the old wizard had given him over the years was the endless task of reading every single one of them. The books contained knowledge collected over centuries untold. For sixteen years he studied for at least a dozen hours each day and yet he had only scratched the surface of the collected works.

He was just a scrawny boy when he first began the task, and now he was a grown man. Learning astronomy, mathematics, spells, herbology, and many other subjects. The most unbelievable of them all were the ancient history tomes, the ones so old they were made out of strange leather that reminded him of human skin. Those ancient books spoke of demons and a time when mankind were nothing but slaves.

Enorim had a hard time believing those; he had just skimmed through them, skipping whole sections. The books on wildlife and playful magic held his attention the most as a kid.

"Master, are you here?" He heard no reply. It had been two days since the old man tasked him with overseeing the forest alone. He normally would appear out of thin air suddenly, and startle the blue eyed man. His master had never been gone so long before, and the last two days had seemed to stretch on without the old man's familiar presence.

Perhaps the old timer finally felt confident in Enorim's abilities. Either that or something important simply kept him occupied longer than usual. A small piece of rolled up paper on the table caught his attention. He had never gotten into his master's things before and felt pride because of it. Yet that piece of paper for some reason tugged at his curiosity.

He looked around and briefly thought. It's not like he would be digging through the old man's personal chest next to his bed. The paper sat there out in the open. No one would expect anything if he took a peek. A feeling of mischief filled his chest, as if he were still a teenager, about to do something he knew he shouldn't. The paper felt smooth and new as he picked it up. It rolled open in his hands and he immediately recognized the hand writing.

It belonged to a sorceress named Knigrith, the master's previous apprentice. They had a falling out once Enorim entered the picture. He didn't know the whole story since the woman had left before he arrived. Since then he'd only heard bits and pieces of her whereabouts. The only reason he recognized the hand writing was because of a pile of notes left behind.

This note detailed demands and threats. Apparently their falling out had been worse that he had imagined. That made him worry for his master.

The old timer and master wizard with long white hair and beard went by the name Magus Proteus. He moved with a grace you wouldn't expect an old man to have. He even had a witty answer for everything, almost as if riddles were his favorite past time. Enorim hated having to decipher the answers to his questions most of the time. Others he anticipated and tried to outwit, never succeeding yet!

Now that he knew what kind of trouble his master had gone off to face, he paced back and forth, mind pondering on things he could do to help. Knigrith's note expressed her hatred at being pushed aside. Clearly she had expected to replace Magus as guardian of the ley-line.

Speaking of the ley-line, Enorim didn't exactly know much about it. His master hadn't entrusted the details to him quite yet. The young man knew it wasn't a matter of trust, and so he waited patiently for that day to come. But with all honesty he didn't want that day to come quite yet. It came with an enormous amount of responsibility.

At the moment he didn't live a boring life. Rather he spent his time learning from the countless books he'd never finish. That and adventures throughout the forest with the many peaceful animals. He could talk to them and enjoyed their company. Although they couldn't speak back, he could still understand their form of communication. Needless to say he wasn't in a rush to gain full responsibility. That day would come all too soon, and when it did, he'd be ready. Or at least he hoped.

Despite Magus Proteus' riddles and slight annoyances Enorim looked up to him. His unique outlook on life and witty attitude made life interesting.

The young wizard paced around with his mind wandering. Completely distracted he didn't see the small chipmunk trying to get his attention. With a frustrated look on its face the little animal scurried off, knowing full well that it'd be too late to warn the blue eyed wizard before-


A loud crash outside shook the very earth.

Nearly scared out of his skin, the young wizard jumped high into the air, barely missing the ceiling above him. With his heart beating hard in his chest he crept towards the door, almost afraid to venture out. The wards held strong and no silent alarms went off, so it wasn't an attack. With a deep breath he took that step back through the enchanted doorway.

Branches of all sizes littered the ground, as if something fell through the trees. Small pools of green vapor swirled before dissipating. Movement caught his eye; he noticed the little chipmunk bouncing upon the ground. Next to the small animal, a green form stood out among the foliage -- a woman with light green skin, dark green curly hair and red lips. There were leaves covering up her womanly parts, thankfully. He didn't think he'd be able to handle seeing those large tits in the flesh.

She looked like one of the Fae that kept to themselves. And she appeared to be injured. Without a second thought Enorim carefully picked her up and carried the delicate, slim woman inside, cradling her head against his shoulder. He couldn't help but feel chills run through his body as her hot breath met his neck. She was stunningly beautiful even when unconscious. He tried not to think of her as a woman.

He'd just mend her wounds and carry her back outside, away from the wizard's home, hopefully before she woke up. Fae were dangerous. Magus had warned him about interfering with them. He said they were full of mischief and malice, never to be trusted. Enorim imagined that couldn't be the only reason they were considered dangerous. Yet he couldn't let someone injured lay there to die.

Even if she had been one of the large cats that would kill him without a second thought, he'd still attempt to save its life. The trick would be helping it quickly before it woke up.

Inside the tree Enorim gently laid the woman down on a table after sliding the contents off. He took a step back and couldn't help but be taken away by her beauty. Her slim body appeared toned in all the right places. Looked like she would be about 5 feet tall when standing. A small scratching sensation rose up his body as the little chipmunk climbed up to his shoulder and sat down.

Just out of curiosity he looked to the creature and asked. "What is she?"

The chipmunk squeaked in return and the young wizard interpreted exactly as he had guessed. A Fae. He shook his head in disbelief. Even though he had read about them and his master had warned him, he still didn't quite believe they were real, having never actually seen one. It had been just like those ancient books about demons. It was hard to believe they actually existed without seeing it with your own eyes. And here she was, laying upon the table.

Perhaps there were more truth to all the tales and tomes than he wanted to admit. So caught up in his disbelief that he hadn't even inspected her wounds. With a tentative step he planned to do just that.

Suddenly her eyes shot open. Bright green eyes regarded her surroundings. Slowly she rolled to her side to face him. She propped herself up on an elbow as her other hand caressed her flat stomach. In a playful tone she asked him, "Did you carry me here to play a game?"

Both wizard and chipmunk's jaws dropped to the floor!

"W-what? No games. You shouldn't be here." He began to panic but he couldn't take his eyes off those moist red lips as she smiled. Her sexy tongue slid out and licked along her lips.

"Look into my eyes." She said with a sexy pout he couldn't resist. Those bright green orbs held his attention. Nothing else mattered. "That's it, stare into my eyes and lose yourself. Your body is starting to feel relaxed. Listening to my voice soothes your worries away."

His eyes slowly glazed over as his head lowed to a tilt.

"Everything you care about slowly fades away with each deep breath." Her smooth voice captivated the young wizard. The hand caressing her belly ascended to tease at her exposed cleavage. The wizard breathed heavily and deeply.

A squeak from his shoulder didn't even cause him to flinch. So the chipmunk snapped at his neck.

"Ouch!" He called out, eyes blinking rapidly as he snapped out of the trance. He looked back and forth between the smiling woman and the frantic animal. "Wh-what just happened?"

"You were losing the game, silly."

He couldn't help but think of all the warning bells going off inside his head. He said, with less conviction than he felt, "Last thing I remember was saying no to your game."

The woman didn't look up at him as he spoke. Her eyes were fixated at his crotch.

"That bulge, though." She said wickedly, causing him to look down.

She hadn't been lying. A large bulge was in his robes. He panicked. "I'm sorry I-I I didn't realize."

The last time he'd been in a woman's presence he had been twelve and it was his mother. He couldn't explain or understand his body's reaction.

"Want me to take care of that?" Her voice flowed like silk, making him shiver.

"NO!" He cried out in a panic, face flushed red, completely embarrassed. Yet he couldn't will himself to turn away from her. Something tugged at him to stare at her beautiful body, and that something throbbed.

"Look into my eyes."

"No, you need to leave. Clearly you aren't injured like I thought." He pointed to the doorway as he looked down at the ground.

"Heal my wounded pride and step closer, sugar."

His body twitched, eager to obey. Before his body began to walk towards her he acted. The hand pointing at the doorway quickly pointed at her and flicked to the door. Magic coursed through his veins as his eyes lit up with a blue glow. The chipmunk squeaked as it soared to the ground.

The Fae squealed as her body lifted up into the air and shot forward -- into his arms. Oops.

"Ohh, even better!" She moaned into his neck with a kiss as she flicked her fingers. Enorim's arms reflexively closed around her body, once again cradling her within his arms. Her own smooth green arms were around his neck and shoulders. The bulge in his robes bobbed and threatened to pop.

Her lips and tongue felt amazing against his neck. Her hands slid up his neck to his face. A hand rested on each cheek as she pulled him to look at her.

"Stare into my eyes and lose yourself."

Enorim couldn't resist. Her bright green orbs once again filled his vision. From this angle they were large and round, becoming his whole world. It looked like specs of even brighter green light flashed within those orbs. The young wizard's eyes glazed over once again.

"You don't want to send me away. I'm here for you, to take care of your every desire."

He stared at her blankly, all expression leaving his face. She leaned forward and nibbled on his lower lip, eyes never closing, never moving.

"Mmhmm, you like the sound of that. I'm all yours, and only yours. You will obey."

"Obey," he replied in a monotone voice.

"Yes, that's right. Deep down you've always wanted to be controlled by a powerful woman."

A tiny voice in the back of his head attempted to speak up, knowing that wasn't true! But the Fae's eyes kept him still and the voice went unnoticed.

"Put me down and let's take care of that ache between your legs." She slid from his arms and stood before him, a full foot shorter. Her hands teased at his waist and untied his robes, pulling them loose. His hard-on bounced free.

"Squeeze it for me." She said in a sexy pout, the corner of her lip still between her teeth. The young wizard slowly wrapped his hand around his tool and squeezed. "That-a boy."

"Take a deep breath and sink farther into trance. When I count to ten your mind will be putty in my hands." Mischief twinkled in her eyes.

"One, start to stroke it slowly for me." His body obeyed instantly. "Fall deeper as you listen to my voice."

"Two. My voice is all that matters to you." She licks her lips, enjoying her 'game'. "Three. Feel your body relax, desperate to hear my voice."

A small shudder went through his body and his knees buckled.

"Four, slow, long strokes for me sugar. Feel the world slip away. My voice is a beacon pulling you deeper." She noticed his knees buckle that time.

"Five. Feel your body's urge to give in. Stroke faster. Listen to your body, give it what it wants." Enorim fell down to his knees as his hand sped up.

"Six. That's it, doesn't it feel good to be on your knees before me?" He couldn't answer but there's a deep grumble within his throat.

"Seven. Even deeper, stroke harder, give into me." The green skinned woman was so turned on, she was practically panting for breath.

"Eight. Your mind obeys my commands as if they were your own. Bring yourself closer to release. Build it up, you want it!" She moans out, her hand rubbing circles at her clit. The leaves covering her up had moved to the side; as if with a mind of their own.

"Nine. So close now. So desperate to cum, to obey. Prove to me you'll obey my every word." The wizard's blank mind soaked up everything she said.

"Ten! Obey and cu- Edge! Hold it in for me, obey me." He let out a groan as his climax is denied but somehow his body cut off the orgasm mid pulse. Her own gasping for breath filled his ears between giggles.

"When I snap my fingers, your conscious mind won't remember anything that just happened. Your body will have a powerful urge to obey me. But you won't understand why. You'll try to resist, and it will be Hard!" The last word came out loud as her body spasmed. The thrill of what just happened rocked her body in a small climax. She pulled his hand away, closed his robes and snapped her fingers.

Enorim came to, blinking fast. The confusion and thoughts running through his head were written on his face. One thought that spoke louder than the rest was how horny he was. The wizard stood there attempting to speak, but words didn't form.

She says with a cute tilt of her head, "Is everything alright, boy?"

"I uh, I'm." He manages to stutter, completely confused.

"You were just healing me. You're so kind and loving." A smile formed on his lips; her words made him happy. But why? He couldn't remember.

A small moth flew into the room up to his ear. Its wings fluttered fast as small sounds reached him. All of a sudden the look of confusion vanished from his face, turning to pure horror.

"Magus has been captured by Knigrith!" His heart beat pounded hard within his chest. The hard erection temporarily forgotten. The Fae's eyes fill with malice once their gazes meet.
