The Corrupted Forest Ch. 04

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Chorfazi and Nes discover the source of the corruption.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/19/2015
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People kept wandering off and the ranger Bao Hardfal started to lose his mind. The monks knew they had to take matters into their own hands. Otherwise the quest would fail. Thus, they split off on their own.

With their meditating they were able to travel through the tainted mist. It had been slow, but they made it out. Neshis had trouble concentrating but wouldn't admit she had been having fantasies about her mentor. Her cheeks were hurting from blushing and smiling under her hood.

She kept hold of her hood as they traveled. To mask her embarrassment from Chorfazi. Little did she know the mist had done the same to him. He just hid it better.

Once they were out of the mist things were much easier. Their minds cleared and their destination wasn't far away.

Without ever being there before they had to focus on the magical lay-line's energy. Once they found a hidden stream, they followed it to the source.

The tree didn't appear special at first glance. There was a hidden ward in place to mask its entrance. It had taken the older monk a good while to figure it out.

Chorfazi entered first. His vision went fuzzy for a moment. It felt like he started floating. Then as if nothing had happened, he stepped onto solid ground. The room before him appeared a lot larger than the tree he had just walked into.

"Wizards and their magic," he mumbled as he shook his head.

"Woah, what is this place?" His young apprentice said after walking through the portal. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at the spiraling library.

"The guardian's home. We should be right above the lay-line."

A yellow dot zig zagged from up above. It flew so fast it appeared as a blur. Chorfazi shook his hand as if shooing a fly. The yellow orb buzzed around their heads.

The elder monk started to get annoyed, bringing his staff up. Then the yellow dot came to a stop right before his eyes.

The miniature woman stared at him with an eyebrow arched, hands on her hips, wings buzzing.

"Who are you?" She said in her chipper, high pitched voice.

"We are monks. I'm Chorfazi Dagazis and this is my apprentice Neshis Huhreld—"

"Nes, you can call me Nes," the red headed monk interrupted before shrinking down because of a look from her mentor.

"—we've come to see the guardian and his apprentice."

The yellow fairy pouted her lips, "I'm Camille. Magnus is no longer with us."

"Oh, what about his apprentice?"

The fairy explained everything to them. From the uprise of Knigrith to the downfall of the mighty guardian. When she mentioned that the Fae Queen was seeking shelter down below from the chaos outside Chorfazi's eyes narrowed.

"Seeking shelter down below?"

"Yup," Camille said with a smile before she realized why the older man got nervous. "Enorim approved it. There's no—"

"We'll have to meet with her then," he said, knowing full well what was beneath their feet.

"Oh, she's indisposed at the moment, not taking visitors," panic starting to show on her face.

"Oh, I'm sure, access to the lay-line is dangerous," he said as he started to look for the way down. "Where is young Enorim then?"

"Out patrolling," She said with a huff. The monks kept looking despite her persistent protests.

Camille squeaked when he got close. Otherwise he may never have noticed the hidden trap door at his feet.

The fairy flew ahead as the monks climbed down the shaft. No doubt to warn her queen.

Chorfazi didn't know what he expected to see...but nothing prepared him for what he saw.

Three green skinned women were in the magical water. The yellow fairy hovered at the woman floating on her back. The most troubling part was how the crystal blue water was bubbling around them. The bubbles were popping with green vapor that dispersed moments later.

He gulped as he looked the women over. The two standing waist deep, were gorgeous nymphs. They had glowing veins, hair, and eyes. Chorfazi had never seem nymphs like them. It was as if the water was changing them. Affecting them on a biological level.

That's why it's forbidden to touch magical lay-lines he cursed silently.

When he looked at the woman floating between them his heart skipped a beat. She was unnaturally beautiful, and pregnant. The monk watched as the yellow fairy pointed towards him. The woman that was clearly the Fae Queen turned her head towards him.

He felt his body swoon as she gave him the once over. It felt like divinity regarded him with interest. He gulped again; mouth suddenly dry. He stared at her with a love-struck smile spreading on his lips.

When she licked her lips, his dick reacted instantly. He could understand why Enorim had allowed her into the forbidden water. The young man most likely couldn't resist her. It felt like phantom hands were rubbing their way up his legs.

Then he noticed horns growing out of her temples. He lazily looked back down at her body, noticing wings in the water. Monks were well versed in demonology, he reacted instantly. Chorfazi blinked out of the daze. Something was defiantly not right.

Tatianna or Viridis to those that truly knew her, rolled her eyes. The monk had started to fall into trance for her easily. Somehow, he snapped out of it. Bored and out of time she turned towards the nymphs, "ladies, could you deal with them?" She said with discomfort. She was going into labor, now was not a good time.

The nymphs looked up, predatory smiles spreading on their lips, "with pleasure," they both said, licking their lips.

Chorfazi panicked, spinning around and grabbing his apprentice, "we have to go!" He shouted. They had stumbled on something much worse than anyone anticipated. He wasn't stupid enough to face a Succubus. Even though his body begged him to reconsider.

"Wh-why? They're so beautiful!" Nes complained. Her eyes had gone unfocused as she stared at the gorgeous pregnant woman.

Ambirosi dove into the water and swam towards them. Selestia was about to follow suit when Tatianna called out to her.

"We don't have time for this. Scare them off then return to me. Send Rosi out to find Enorim. I shouldn't have sent him away. He'll need to guard us in case they return."

"Yes mistress," Selestia said before diving into the water.

The older monk dragged his apprentice towards the exit. Nes continued to watch, awestruck. Both nymphs were climbing out of the magical water. Their hair soaked and matted to their skin. Water dropped off of their sexy bodies. Chorfazi couldn't resist a glance. Their eyes were stunning. It would be so easy to stare into their glowing orbs and lose yourself. He took a deep breath and resisted temptation.

Nes reached out for them. Her heart beating fast. She fought against her mentor to no avail as he lifted her over his shoulder and climbed the ladder.

Selestia grabbed her sister's arm as the monks climbed out of sight. "Go find and bring back Enorim. I'll make sure they keep running."

Ambirosi rolled her eyes, "fine, should have just let me play with him while he was here."

"You deserved it sister," Selestia laughed before slapping her sister's ass. "Now hurry, she's about to give birth."

"Okay, okay."

The nymphs jumped up the shaft and landed next to each other. They looked sexually excited as they started chasing the intruders. Their glowing hair flowing out behind them. They left wet footprints behind as they ran.

The monks were running for the portal. Both of them had broken the trance now. They vanished through the wall's magical exit, escaping into the night. Selestia followed them out and wanted to keep chasing them. But alas her mistress had to come first.

Once she was sure they were going to keep running she turned back. Her sister had snuck off unnoticed during the chase. With a disappointed huff she returned to the portal. Duty calls, no time for fun.

Selestia tossed her hair behind her shoulder, hips swaying with each step. When she walked back into the lay-line chamber she gasped in shock. Her mistress was squirming uncomfortably. The water, however, was starting to turn green around her.

The nymphs almost snapped out of the spell she was under. Seeing the succubus in her true form was shocking. She wasn't their queen! But the shock wore off once the demon looked into her eyes. Her smile returned as she continued walking towards her mistress.


Enorim walked into a clearing in a dizzy daze. He'd been trying to catch his bearings for a while now. Everything just stayed so fuzzy. His lips, actually his whole mouth tingled. The nymph nectar still lingered.

His eyes rolled back as a wave of pleasure made his knees buckle. Those nymphs...oh how he missed them. The taste of their lips...he wanted more. Why did he leave again?

The world spun a bit and he looked at his surroundings with confusion. There was a woman down on her knees, face first in a flower. Her leather armor had been torn and hung off her shoulder. He swallowed; her bountiful cleavage was on display.

Things sure were getting weird around here. Everything was changing around him so fast. Almost as if the loss of Magnus really effected the forest. Like a chain reaction, spiraling down hill.

The wizard adjusted the robes around his neck. He couldn't tell who the woman was. She had specs of honey scattered around her face and hair. It gave her silky black hair a golden shine.

The more he stared at her the more he swore she looked familiar. Suddenly he realized the scent on the air. It was thick, like a... he couldn't tell, honey mixed with arousal?

He swooned and almost fell forward. Oh, that scent hit him like a ton of bricks. How had he walked towards it without noticing? He licked his lips and remembered...nymph nectar.

Enorim fell to his knees with a groan. The residue nectar made his head spin again.

The woman looked up for the first time in a while. Her eyes had a golden hue to them. She smiled, honey dripping down her chin. "Enmorin?" She mumbled.

He didn't react, head spinning. Or was the world spinning? He swayed side to side. It felt like he could lose his balance at any moment.

The bard Sera Sharpsinger rose to her feet. She stumbled over to him, tossing her leather armor. Then her under garments followed, one by one. She had the toned body of a singer and dancer.

Her breasts jiggled and Enorim's eyes locked on. He couldn't look away. She approached seductively, hopes swaying. Her hands massaged and squeezed her large tits, bouncing them.

"I prayed for you. Look at my luck, here you are. Someone answered my prayers."

She grabbed his robes and leaned down to look him in the eye. A mischief glint in her golden hued eyes.

"I've been dreaming of you, mmm sexy," she purred, licking her honey covered lips. She lunged at him, kissing him hard.

The two potent substances mixed together sending sparks into their minds. Soon they were kissing like their lives depended on it. The wizard's robes quickly fell to the ground, pooling at his feet.

Enorim couldn't think straight. He'd been teased and played with all day. His throbbing dick needed release, desperately. He moaned as her slick hands gripped his meat. No more teasing!

The blue haired wizard grabbed the bard, rising to his feet. She leapt up. Wrapping her arms around his neck, legs around his waist. He groaned with sexual frustration as he leaned her against a tree. The rough bark didn't even register to Sera's addled mind.

Sera squeezed her legs, rocking her nether lips against his hard cock. All it took was the right angle and he slid right into her slick, honey pot. They screamed; lips still mashed together.

"I've... mmm, I always wanted this!" She moaned as he started to thrust. "Ever since I first laid eyes on you!"

Enorim didn't respond. He just kept pounding into her like his life depended on it. He couldn't handle the pressure anymore. He needed release now!

Sera squealed as he pinched a nipple, eyes rolling back. Ever since she walked into the green mist, she couldn't stop dreaming of Enorim. And now look at her! She looked at him with admiration. He had a golden shine to him, like a god. She was fucking a god!

"Fuck me! Come on fuck me harder!" She screamed, encouraging him. He began to put all his strength into it, grunting with each thrust. His balls were slapping against her flesh, echoing throughout the clearing.

Neither of them noticed the buzzing amplifying. The sound filled the area, numbing their minds. Rational thought had already flown the coup but now nothing but rutting mattered.

Had they not been so 'distracted' they might have noticed the buzzing. It sounded like a swarm of bees heading their way.

"I can feel you swelling! Cum for me baby! Cum inside me!"

Enorim thrust faster and faster. His climax was close. It was finally going to happen. He kissed his way down to her neck, sucking, nibbling on her flesh. She kept screaming, encouraging him. Finally, he met someone that wasn't going to tease him. She wanted it as much as he did.

He felt her pussy squeeze and quiver around his length. Her whole body started to shake as she screamed louder than ever. Her climax sent him over the edge finally!

His body locked up, flexing with one final thrust. He groaned and cried out against her neck. His dick throbbed and twitched, climaxing in a disappointing way. He felt his body go over the edge. Yet, nothing happened!

He pulled back and thrust harder, deeper. Holding it as he pushed with desperation. His cock kept twitching climatically but he didn't cum. Why couldn't he cum?

His veins were showing as he desperately attempted to cum.

"Baby cum for me!" Sera cried out, nails scratching his back. She squeezed her intertwined legs, humping against him. "Please! I need to feel it. Fill me up!"

His groaned turned to a scream. He pulled back. His dick slid halfway out of her as he looked down. Something green was wrapped around his cock.

He didn't understand. What was it? Sera interrupted his thoughts by squeezing her legs, pulling him back. She squealed as he thrust back inside her.

Enorim was on the verge of insanity. He needed to cum so bad he couldn't think about anything else. Those damn nymphs teased him and did something to him. They kept him hard. Kept his mind spinning.

He had walked off in a daze with no thoughts on his mind but finding a snatch to fuck.

The wizard resumed thrusting, hard and fast. With both hands on Sera's breasts he squeezed. The blue-eyed man stared at her like a crazed animal.

It wasn't working! With an angry yell he pulled back once again. This time he tossed the bard down onto the soft grass. Sera squealed with surprise, falling onto her hands and knees.

Enorim didn't waste any time. He lined himself up behind her, grabbing her hips, and thrust home. The constant pounding echoed throughout the clearing.

Sera lost her voice, silently screaming with each thrust. Her tits were swaying, slapping against her chin. Her long black hair hung like a curtain over her face.

He fucked like a wild beast. Beyond desperation at this point. He pulled her towards him each time he thrust. Everything had gone fuzzy on him. Their bodies were practically steaming they were so hot.

Sera could barely comprehend the world around her. There was one thing she knew at the moment. She was about to have the biggest orgasm of her life. Her entire body was tingling, covered in sweat.

Each deep thrust rocked her to the core. Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to scream. Her eyes were watering, and she felt hungry. The taste of honey on her lips didn't help at all.

Then it hit her... her body seized up; eyes rolled back into her skull. Her mouth hung open as she flung her hair out of her face.

Enorim kept thrusting, as the bard's body quivered strongly against him. A gush of warm liquid exploded against his skin as she collapsed down into the grass, face down, ass up. Her pussy squeezed him tighter than ever. He felt himself swell within her.

For the second time he felt his body pass over the edge. He screamed at the top of his lungs, desperate for a real climax. He thrust deep, pulling her against him, and held it.

The green vine wrapped around his dick strained against the pressure. Then... it snapped.

Enorim howled as his body finally crossed over the edge. His cock exploded, filling her womb. He collapsed on top of the bard's back, panting for breath. He kept lightly thrusting as his orgasm kept going.

A spark entered his body. It overwhelmed him for a split second. Then he felt pure energy like he just ate the most filling meal. It was over before he could rationalize it. Hopefully he'd remember to ask Tatiana about it. He felt different in a way he couldn't explain.

His eyes were heavy as he felt himself finally relax against the bard's body beneath him. Despite the rigorous fucking his dick didn't wither away. He felt relief, yet, hungry for more. The wizard just needed a moment to catch his breath, that's all.

The insistent buzzing finally caught his attention. He felt his mind humming the same tune. How hadn't he noticed before? Oh right, blinded by love.

A pair of dainty, long smooth legs lowered into view. They were black, glossy, with yellow skin showing between the chitin plates. Enorim let his eyes admire the legs before looking up. The legs connected to an impossibly sexy hourglass figure. Her breasts and hips made her waist look ridiculously narrow.

He gulped as he looked at her stinger.

Then he noticed her two pairs of gossamer wings, buzzing rapidly. That explained the strange buzzing he heard... filling his mind, distracting and numbing his thoughts. She had long flowing golden hair that framed her bombshell face. Her shining yellow eyes captivated him once he gazed into the hypnotic orbs.

He noticed more figures lowering around him. Three in his vision and he felt two more behind him, their wings giving them away. The sound made it feel like his blood was boiling.

His addled mind struggled to recall what they were. He knew he read about them. They were a type of fae that kept to themselves in the northern parts of the forest.

Thriae! That's what they were, meadbrewers. He gulped as he recalled all the lore, he had read about them. They specialized in addictive honey. Those that got addicted would end up as brainwashed sex slaves to the thriae and their queen. One encounter was enough to make someone hungry for more. It would send you down a path you'd never recover from.

Honey... he had tasted honey on Sera's lips. She had been drinking from the flowers when he approached. It all came back to him, mind slowly clearing. All thanks to his mind-boggling orgasm.

The first to land regarded him with lust and admiration written on her face. Her hip cocked and a delicate hand resting on it.

"Look at that sisters. Our trap caught two little flies." The other five giggled.

"What will you do with the wizard, Miranda?" A slimmer thriae with neck length golden hair asked the first to land. She appeared to be the one in charge.

"Oh, I don't know Sabine. The Fae Queen has forbidden us from taking him with us. Or doing anything with him. Sad, I know. Who knows why our queen agreed to those terms? He's like, super cute." She gave him the once over, licking her lips and winking.

Miranda took a step forward as Enorim slowly backed up. Despite his urges to embrace her, he knew he had to resist. The rest of them were circling Sera, closing in on her. If he didn't do something quick, they'd be on her like a pack of hungry wolves.

The blue haired wizard's mind was still buzzing. He struggled to comprehend what Miranda had said. Choosing to keep his distance even though the woman smelled really good, breathtakingly good. Their mouthwatering scent could make even the strongest willed person cave in.