The Florida Trip Pt. 02


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The snacks didn't make anyone less restless, however. As if we were approaching the speed of light instead of Orlando, everything seemed to slow down. The mile markers loomed ever more distant. I felt like I could count every rotation of the tires. I needed a distraction, or the last two hours of our ride would feel like two years.

"We need something to do," I said, "Get us through the home stretch."

"We could play our game," Sarah said.

"Oh no," I said.

"What game?" Chloe asked.

"Oh wait," Alyssa said, "Is this the one you guys did at the end of your trip last time? When you all ended up, um, doing dirty stuff in the car?"

"Trust me," Julia said, "We didn't need a game to get us to do dirty stuff in the car."

"God, Ben, what did you tell your poor girlfriend?" Sarah asked.

"Just about everything," I said, "Except for the part with the kangaroos. I still can't think about marsupials without getting erect."

"Good Lord," Julia said, "I swear I'd pull over just to hit you, only I'm worried I might never stop punching."

"What exactly have you gotten me into here, sis?" Chloe asked.

"It's not a dirty game," Sarah said, "At least, not inherently."

"Inherently?" Alyssa asked.

"Sarah's use of vocabulary is both voluminous and meticulous," I said, "Also she's right. There's nothing saying this has to turn into something sexy."

"And yet, somehow, it always does," Julia said, sounding not unhappy about the idea. "In any case it's really simple. The game is called 'I Bet You Won't.'"

"Oh God," Chloe said, "This can only go badly."

"I know!" Alyssa said, "That's the best part!"

"Right, so here's how it works," Julia said, "I bet that someone won't do something. For instance, I bet that Ben won't eat this gummy bear I found under the seat."

"Ha ha. I know that you're messing with me again," I said, "You took that gummy from a bag you bought before." I reached forward, took the bright red bear out of her hand and popped it into my mouth. "You lose," I said, mouth full of gelatin.

"Right, so, if Ben had been smart about this and said 'no' to the bear, I would have gotten a point. However, since he did eat it, I was wrong. So Ben gets a point and I have to do something equally disgusting. Also, for the record, I really did find that one under the seat. I don't think my brother cleans his car all that often."

"Blech!" I spit the bear out.

"So what's Julia's punishment?" Alyssa asked, clearly intrigued. I thought about it for a moment.

"I should make you eat that same disgusting gummy," I said, "But instead I think you should have to put your mouth on something way dirtier. I dare you to kiss Alyssaaaaa's... cellphone."

"Oh man," Alyssa said, "I got excited for a minute there."

"What's so bad about kissing your girlfriend's cell?" Julia asked.

"I happen to know she dropped it in the toilet two weeks ago," I said.

"Yuck!" Julia said.

"That's pretty gross," Chloe said, "Can't we veto things that aren't fair?"

"The phone can't be that bad, she's still using it," I said.

"Only because I can't afford a new one," Alyssa said, "You sure Julia shouldn't kiss anything else of mine, instead?"

"Ben said cellphone," Sarah said. Alyssa shot her an ugly look.

"Fine," Julia said, "Whatever." She reached back and took my girlfriend's phone. "I'm assuming you replaced the case? I'll just kiss that." She gave it a little smooch, then handed it back to Alyssa, who looked at it with a little pout.

"Alright, enough arguing about useless stuff, let's do something fun," Sarah said, "Ben, it's your bet."

As before, we did some silly stuff, mostly eating snacks that had been in each other's mouths. Naturally, things progressed to kissing -- cheeks, hands, innocuous stuff. Finally, Julia bet me I wouldn't kiss Sarah on the cheek (which, of course, I did). That was enough of a green light to get my girlfriend to go for something a little racier. As if the redhead really needed the motivation.

"Julia, I bet you won't kiss me on the lips," Alyssa said with a smile.

"God, why is it -- just because I'm athletic, everyone thinks I'm into girls," Julia said, "No offense, Chloe."

"None taken," Chloe said, but it seemed to me that she did look a little hurt.

"In any case, I'm driving," Julia said, "So that's a hard no. But since you lost that bet, I think you should smooch Sarah on the mouth, instead."

Well Julia had Alyssa there. Because if there was one person in this car Alyssa didn't want to kiss, it was the ever-so-sexy Sarah. Something about the brunette seemed to switch Alyssa
off -- beyond what she'd already told me at the rest stop. On the other hand, though, Alyssa clearly wanted the game to get beyond tame, gross-out challenges. So the pretty redhead stretched forward and planted one right on Sarah's pink, delectable lips.

Sarah, to her credit, leaned into it, doing a creditable job of showing something like affection. I saw she even snuck her cute little tongue against my girlfriend's mouth. Finally, Alyssa pulled back, looking a little dreamy.

"She's a good kisser," Alyssa said and shrugged, "But I bet she won't kiss her sister that way."

"What, I don't get a turn?" Chloe asked.

"You are," Alyssa said, "Right now."

"Fine, fine," Sarah said. She slid between the seats to get to the back row. Then she leaned in and kissed her younger sister on the mouth. "Not like we haven't done this before."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Not like that!" Sarah said, as she and Chloe ended her kiss, "Just like, sisterly greetings or whatever."

"Suuuuure," Julia said.

I admit I was a bit taken aback. I knew Kelsey kind of had an incest thing (Well, sort of? She'd told me she played around with her brother but she'd also hinted that it was more about her brother's friend, aka me, so I wasn't exactly sure what was going on). Now it seemed like Sarah and Chloe had maybe done some stuff, as well -- based on how red they were both turning. I was starting to wonder what the hell I'd missed with my own older sister, once upon a time. Was everyone doing this stuff except for us?

Sarah really did seem embarrassed, but Chloe laughed it off. "Finally, my turn," she said, "Since Julia is too busy driving for a kiss on the lips, I bet she won't let Alyssa kiss her other places, either."

"Wait, what exactly do you mean by 'other places?'" Julia asked.

"Kisser's choice," Chloe said. Well now, this was getting even more interesting. Clearly, Sarah's little sister was wise beyond her years.

"I'm not allowing anything until I know what's getting kissed," Julia said.

"Words to live by," I said.

"Soooooo, I could kiss your hand?" Alyssa asked, clearly her first bid.

"Yeah -- I'll do that," Julia said.

"Too easy," Chloe said. "Try again."

"Boob?" Alyssa asked again. Julia stared forward. I saw she hit the gas a little harder. Ticking the speedometer up to 75 on a 65 road. But it was my girlfriend who was really testing the limits.

"Yeah. OK," Julia said and sighed like it was the biggest imposition in the world, "But don't push your luck."

The whole car sucked in its breath. Like I said, Alyssa's last relationship before ours had been with a girl. It was no big deal, really. I was also well aware that my girlfriend had a bit of a crush on my roomie. I mean, who could blame her, really?

I know I spend most of my time rambling on about beautiful Kelsey, sexy Sarah, and my own amazing Alyssa. But the truth is, Julia was easily one of the hottest women I'd ever met. Her athletic body and big, green eyes. She had a girl-next-door face that made me want to move into the neighborhood and never leave. Maybe I don't spend as much time on Julia because it was harder to explain how gorgeous she was. There was nothing "prominent" about her. No superlatives. But she was super all the same.

I got why my girlfriend was into Julia, is what I'm saying. Because, damn, I was into her, too.

Alyssa and Sarah switched seats so the redhead could get better access. No, car safety wasn't the first thing on anyone's mind at that point. Alyssa started to lift Julia's shirt from the hem, but the lithe brunette started to giggle.

"Ticklish," she said, and shoved her elbow back down.

"Well then how am I supposed to win my bet?" Alyssa asked.

"Over the shirt will have to do."

Alyssa visibly pouted. "That's no fun." Still she leaned over and put her mouth right where she imagined Julia's nipple would be. Even though it was through a shirt and a bra, it clearly got to Julia who sucked in her breath like she'd been bit. Maybe she had.

Alyssa leaned back into the driver's seat, looking self-satisfied. "Better than I imagined," she said, then licked her lips.

"Oh whatever," Julia said, "There's hardly anything to kiss anyway." Everyone loved Julia's little titties except for the girl, herself, it seemed.

"I'd take a bite of perfection over an all you can eat buffet of mediocrity," Alyssa said. I saw Sarah cock her eyebrow. The car went silent.

"Well, Chloe, you lost that one. Time for your punishment," Julia said, "And since you were so kind as to involve me in the last one, I think it's only fair for me to give you your sentence."

Everyone leaned forward. Like we were about to hear who won the next election.

"Kiss Ben," Julia said.

"On my tit?" I asked, smirking.

"Lips are fine," Julia said, giving me a nasty look.


Chloe screwed up her face with distaste.

"Hey, you can't do the punishment, don't commit the crime, sis," Sarah said. She was clearly excited about the opportunity to egg everyone on. Especially her younger sister. Sarah: secret troublemaker.

Chloe nodded her head. Grave. She switched seats with her sister. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Let her come to me. Our lips made contact. Pressed close. I thought about how attractive Chloe was. Her cute face and killer body. I let that desire drive my every action. Teased and tasted at her mouth. Slid my hand up to Chloe's chin. Ran my fingers through her hair. And then, when I felt her body relax, I slipped my tongue forward.

Chloe's breath caught, but she didn't pull away as I probed at her mouth. She let her tongue sort of dance around mine. Chloe's hand drifted down to my bare leg. Like my body wasn't already responding to everything I'd already seen, I felt my cock stiffen to the point where I'd swear it was sneaking out my shorts' leg to meet the teenager's wandering hands.

But as Chloe finally gave in and pushed forward, I slipped out of her grasp. Always leave them wanting. I looked at the young brunette -- her eyes closed, lips pursed. Still engulfed in the kiss even though it had ended. Slowly, she blinked her eyes open. Smiled at me, dreamily.

The car gave us a round of applause. Even Alyssa smiled at me shyly, like I'd done her proud somehow.

"Ew, boy," Chloe said, "Yucky." She made a big show of wiping her lips clean with her arm. But no one was buying it.

We'd reached a precipice. Everyone felt it. The sexual tension had climbed and climbed until, like the rollercoasters we were about to ride, we all reached the tippy top. Now gravity (and desire) took hold and started to drag us down with a vengeance.

All sorts of possibilities opened up. The things we could all "make" each other do. The ways in which we could assemble, break, then recombine. Our lust almost unstoppable.

Then Julia screamed.


"There it is, there it is, there it is!" Julia said. Sure enough, the highway was now adorned with signs pointing to the multiple Disney hotels and theme parks. It was so incongruous, such stately green highway signs displaying fantastical words like Kingdom, Epcot, and Pop.

As I said before, Disney hadn't been my first choice for a vacation spot. I'm not saying it had to be baseball, but how many college kids talk about their wild Spring Break at the Magic Kingdom? It seemed like a place for kids. Families. But Julia had been excited -- all the girls really -- and so I'd let them sweep me up in it.

But even though I'd eventually agreed to go, this trip wasn't something I was enthusiastic about. Seeing my friends again? Being warm? Hell yes. Going to Disney World in my early twenties? Eh.

But then we saw those signs -- those words -- and I was nine again, in my parents' car. So amped up I could barely sit without kicking my legs and swinging my arms.

"Hey, be careful," Chloe said, "You almost hit me."

"Sorry," I said, "I got caught up for a moment there."

I heard honking and I realized it was Kelsey, celebrating along with us. A month of planning, weeks of anticipation, days of driving. We'd finally arrived: Walt Disney World.

And that was when things really started to get crazy. I thought we'd reached the top. Our climb had barely begun.


We pulled up to our on-site hotel, Disney's All-Star Movies Resort, and parked under the dwindling shade of a palm tree. Kelsey swung into the spot right next to us. Then, en masse, we marched through the lot and into the hotel lobby.

Julia and Kelsey got in line to check us in while the rest of us stood to the side. Our group was giddy -- too much soda and Disney, not enough sleep. Shaking and bopping like we all had to pee. I tried to rein myself in. Just lean back and soak up the atmosphere.

The lobby was empty, though not deserted. Poppy music echoed through the hall, punctuated by the bloops and bleeps of a nearby arcade. Somehow, over it all, I heard the dialogue from at least two separate Disney movies. One was Moana, I'm almost certain. The lobby itself was bright with polished floors and day-glow, colorful walls that made our hotel seem like the world's cleanest, most enthusiastically decorated mall.

There were two sets of sliding doors on either side of us. Behind one set of glass was the pool, overseen by a sculpture of Sorcerer Mickey, filled with kids and families jumping around and screaming. To the other side was the hotel restaurant, fronted by -- shocker -- a gift shop. What slot machines are to Vegas, souvenir stores are to Disney.

"Our rooms are ready," Julia said. She walked over to us, a rainbow of wristbands held tightly in each hand. She distributed one to each of us -- these Magic Bands would be our hotel keys, our wallets, our tickets. Everything we needed for our five-day adventure. "I vote we throw our stuff in our rooms and then hit the park."

Everyone agreed, immediately. We went back to the cars, got our bags, and started the walk to our rooms. The day was hot, the air clean. The suffocating cold of Buffalo had already melted off me and I felt completely content sweating through the heat. Like it was burning away months of misery.

We walked through the lobby again, past the pool, then down a pebbled sidewalk surrounded by parched shrubs and giant statues of dalmatians and fire hydrants. My suitcase rumbled over the pavement. The sky was so blue it hurt my eyes.

I saw Kevin slow, letting the girls get a bit ahead of him. He motioned for me to do the same.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for last night," Kevin said, once it was just the two of us. Admittedly, I was only half-listening, caught up in the five perfect bottoms bouncing in front of me.

"It's fine," I said, "I don't think you have anything to apologize for, honestly."

"Could you tell Kelsey that, please?" Kevin said. He wiped his brow. He really did look upset. I thought people that good looking didn't have problems.

"She read you the riot act, huh?" I asked.

"For five straight hours! I know Kelsey can be a bit of a prude. I mean, I get it, first real relationship and all. I told her that we were just playing around. You know it's not serious, I know it's not serious. That kind of thing. But it didn't stop her from railing into me the whole drive down about boundaries and knowing where my bread is buttered -- whatever the hell that means. You'd think I was the lord of the perverts. I mean, shit, I didn't make Kelsey take her top off. That was her idea."

"Actually, I think that was Alyssa's," I said, "My girlfriend can be a bit of a troublemaker."

"Whatever man," Kevin said, relief starting to spread across his face, "We've both got issues with our girls. As long as you and I are cool, I'm cool."

"Yeah man," I said, cautiously, "We're fine." Issues? What was Kevin talking about exactly? Him and Kelsey were riding the rapids a bit, sure. But Alyssa and me? We were smooth sailing all the way.

I didn't have time to think about it, though, because we came up on our building. On the one side, it was covered by a three-story high, inexplicable hockey mask from The Mighty Ducks (as if any of us had even heard of that movie until that very moment). In front there was a small pool made to look like a hockey rink. All in all, it was like a Motel 6, but gaudy. Which is quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

We'd gotten two rooms again, both in the same building, but on opposite sides. We all decided that we should split by relationship status. Alyssa and I would share the pool-view room with Kelsey and Kevin. Meanwhile, the singles -- Julia, Sarah, and Chloe -- would stay on the far side facing the parking lot. Of course, all situations were negotiable depending, but this seemed as good a logic as any for how to divvy ourselves up at the start.

Everyone was raring to go, but we all wanted to throw our suitcases inside and freshen up before heading out. So we split off, promising to meet in front of our little pool in ten minutes. Alyssa, Kelsey, Kevin and I walked into the giant hockey mask and up the stairs to the second floor. Then we went down the concrete walkway, past a cleaning service cart full of linens and toilet paper rolls. The air smelled of pool water and fresh paint.

When we got to our room, I waved my new magic bracelet (blue, with a Mickey head on the face) at the door. The lock clicked green, and I pushed into our home for the next five days. Inside was your standard motel decor: two double beds, a tiny flatscreen TV, and a bathroom -- separated from the rest of the room by a heavy curtain -- on the far side. There were a few expected Disney touches as well, including a filmstrip ribbon of All-Star Movies' icons (Herbie the Love Bug, 101 Dalmatians, Toy Story, Fantasia, and Might Ducks) running around where the wall met the ceiling.

I threw my suitcase onto the closest bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Long drives and big sodas are a lethal combination. Just as I was tucking myself back in, the curtain flew open and Alyssa burst into the room. She swung the curtain behind her, curtly. I couldn't help myself; I flinched. All I could think was, oh God, what did I do now?

I braced myself for the onslaught, but it came in a way I wasn't expecting. My girlfriend tackled me, grinding us up against the tile wall. Arms wrapped around my neck, tongue plunging into my mouth.

"That game in the car got me so hot," Alyssa said. She reached down and grabbed my cock (my fly was still open from before) and started stroking me with abandon. I shot my hands down under Alyssa's waistband and found her hot and ready. What was it with my girlfriend and bathroom handjobs lately? Well I certainly wasn't going to complain.

Alyssa gripped my dick hard, working me back and forth with a friction that almost hurt. I did my best to catch up and return the favor, but Alyssa's shorts were far too constricting. I reached up to unsnap her pants. Despite the pain, I could feel my pleasure building. Until...

"Guys hurry it up in there!" Kelsey called out, "The others are already waiting for us."

"Dammit," Alyssa said, dropping my cock immediately. I swear that was almost the most painful part of the whole experience. Going from all to nothing like that -- us boys just aren't built for it. Alyssa straightened herself, snapped her pants back into place and quickly checked the mirror to fix her hair. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and popped out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.