The Florida Trip Pt. 05


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"We spent all day in this boring park," Julia said once the waitress had stomped off. "We had a really shitty day,"

"Me too," I said.

"How's everything with Kelsey?" Sarah asked. It really was hard to have a conversation as a foursome in these things. Constant trying to turn around made my spine feel like it was going to snap off.

"I think we worked it out," I said.

"So, your day wasn't that shitty," Julia said. She smirked at me.

"It's getting better every minute," I said. Julia rested her head on my shoulder, like we were out necking on a date. The weird movie previews seemed more horny than horrifying, but maybe that was just my mindset at the moment. Like the old joke about the Rorschach test and the dirty pictures.

"What would you do with a 50-ft woman?" Julia asked me.

"I can think of a few things," I said.

"She'd be perfect for your penis," Chloe said. The waitress appeared right as she said it.

"We'll eat quickly and leave a big tip," I told her. She nodded and walked away.


After we ate, we went back out into the park. It was almost as dark there as it had been inside. There's this amazing night ambiance in each of the Disney parks. I'd been at plenty of amusement parks after sundown, but Disney always seemed darker than I was expecting. That sounds like a negative, but the truth is it gave everything this enchanted atmosphere. I can't really explain it. But I'd become convinced that the best time to be at any Disney park was at night. They seemed to come into their own as the moon rose into the sky.

After dinner, the park had filled with a surprisingly large crowd. Swaths of people moved around almost like schools of fish. Whizzing this way and that. I assumed that most people were there for the Star Wars fireworks show. There just wasn't any other reason for people to be there.

At that point, I didn't know what I wanted to do. On the one hand, the day had been such a rollercoaster, I couldn't imagine getting on another ride. On the other, I had some energy, and I didn't want to call it a day. Especially now that it seemed like I was on better terms with my companions.

"We're going to go to bed," Sarah announced, "Chloe's still worn out from last night. And this morning."

"You want us to come with you?" I asked.

"No, enjoy your time with Julia," Sarah said. She kissed me on the cheek. Chloe gave me a kiss as well and then the siblings walked hand-in-hand up Hollywood Boulevard toward the exit. I watched them go, wistful.

'Enjoy your fight with Julia,' Sarah might as well have said. Sure, my roommate had been on her best behavior so far, but I could feel Mount Jules burbling under the surface and I knew at some point we'd both be covered in lava. Burned down to ash.

I wanted to fix things with Julia, no doubt. To talk it through. But maybe it could wait. You know, like, till Summer. Or the next year. I mean, why do today what you can put off till 2025, right?

"Everything OK with Chloe?" Julia asked after the girls had gone. Music started playing in the distance. They were getting ready for fireworks.

"Yes, she's fine. Just some stuff going on."

"I heard you knocked her up."

"I didn't!" I said, "I mean, she's not. It was an accident."

"Jeez Ben," Julia said and grabbed my dick through my shorts, "We're going to have to get you a license for that thing. It's fucking dangerous." She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. Kissed me, hard, in the usual Julia way. She nipped at my lips and teased. But it was also oddly affectionate. I couldn't figure what was going on with this girl and it scared me.

"Brandon and I were terrible," Julia said, "I thought being in something bad was better than being alone. I was wrong. You did totally break us up though."

I raised my hands in surrender, tried to stammer through an excuse. Julia shook her head. "It was for the best," Julia said, "It wasn't how I wanted things to end, but I'm glad they did. Don't feel guilty."

"I fucked up," I said, "I know I did. I'm glad I didn't ruin something good for you. I really do want you to be happy."

"I'm figuring things out," Julia said, "I can't exactly explain it. I had this realization today -- I have to be me. Even if that's a person I'm afraid of. I don't know what it means either. Look, it wasn't all bad, right? The sex? I'm pretty sure I remember you enjoying some parts of it. And, I mean, it's not just a one-way thing. I loved it when you attacked me back that morning..."

"I know, Jules," I said, "I just..."

"No, I know," Julia said, "It's going to change. It has to. I want... I'm not sure how to say all the things I'm feeling, honestly. But I'm going to find a way to show you, I promise."

She grabbed my hand and we started walking to the fireworks. It was hard not to -- all the people were dragging us forward like we'd been caught in a net.

"What about you?" Julia asked, "Got it all figured out?"

"Nope," I said, proudly. I sort of swung our arms while we walked.

"So, you want to go sit and cuddle while we watch the fireworks show?" Julia asked.

"Doesn't seem like our kind of thing, honestly," I said.

"Awesome. Come on, I'll kick your ass at mini golf."


Once again, I hailed an Uber. We went back to the same course and got the same colored balls. The course was no busier than the last time. It was nice, like getting a second chance at something -- to do it better.

Julia and I didn't talk things out or hash out our feelings. We just focused on the competition. We still embarrassed ourselves, but it was fun. Julia got playful. Teasing. It felt like old times.

We kept score and the match was close. I'd make a tough putt, but then Julia would hit the perfect shot on the very next hole. We chased each other around the course. The evening was warm but not too hot. There was a nice breeze and the air felt light and clean.

We got to the last hole, all tied up. Julia went first and sank it in three. I went next. Hit it practically perfect. The ball was maybe a foot from the hole. I was going to win, easily.

"If you sink that shot," Julia said, "I'm going to suck your cock right here on the 18th hole."

I hit it wide. We finished tied.

We walked back to the front of the course, arm in arm, and dropped off our things. "Well, I guess I'll just have to blow you back at the hotel instead," Julia said.


We managed to have a chaste Uber ride home. I was feeling a bit nervous about getting back to the room. As much as I was looking forward to seeing the other girls, I couldn't help but wish for a little more alone time with Julia. We seemed to be moving towards something important, even if we weren't sure what that was or how to get there.

"Do you think we're going to be OK?" Julia asked. The streetlights reflected off her window. The outside world seemed distant. Unreachable.

"I hope so," I said, "Sometimes I worry I've screwed things up beyond repair."

"Whatever you've messed up, I've done way worse," Julia said. "When you asked me about being together, the last time. I should have just said yes."

"You weren't feeling it," I said, "I shouldn't have asked. If I had walked up and kissed you instead, would you have...?"

"Maybe?" Julia said, "I don't know."

"And if I asked you now, to be with me?"

"I don't know," Julia said. Quietly. Like she was afraid I'd hear her response. "I want you in my life. What that means, how that works?"

"You're my best friend in the whole world," I said, "My only regret is that I managed to fuck that up."

"We both did," Julia said, "But we don't need to take out our self-pity penises and compare who's bigger."

"Yes," I said, "We're both size queens when it comes to that."

I saw the Uber driver eye us both through the rearview mirror. Making nearby strangers uncomfortable was apparently our new thing.


Julia and I walked back to the hotel, holding hands. Being affectionate with my aggressive roommate was odd, but also oddly reassuring. Like it was something we ought to be doing but didn't exactly know how.

It was still early in the evening and the main pool was so filled with people, it looked like it might overflow. They were all in groups -- mostly high schoolers it looked like, but some college kids and families, too -- dancing to the music, throwing around a beach ball, or just jumping up and down in the water. There wasn't much room to do anything else.

When we got back to our room, I felt apprehensive again. Sarah, Kelsey, and Chloe would all be waiting inside for us and my evening with Julia would be over. Whatever we had that night, it ended right there. I couldn't help but feel a little sad about it.

Reluctantly, I started to wave my wrist at the lock, but Julia stopped me. She kissed me hard, pushing me against the door. She waved her arm and the door opened. I stumbled back into our room.

It was empty.

Julia kept kissing me. She walked me back to the bed.

"I told them all to get the fuck out," Julia told me.

"Where?" I asked.

"Don't know," Julia said, "Don't care." She pushed me back against the bed. Lifted her shirt over her head, bra and all. Exposed her tremendous little titties. I went right in and sucked on them. Felt her nipples harden in my mouth.

"God, I love your tits," I said.

"I've barely got any," Julia said, "Don't you wish there was more?"

"More you? Always. But these?" I hefted them in my hands, "These are fucking perfect."

Julia lifted up my head and kissed me on the lips. Again, it was so her and yet so not. Tender but forceful. Rough but also caring. Julia lifted my shirt off.

"I want you," she said, "I know we haven't been good with this."

"Actually, I think we're awesome at it."

"Yes, but the after? Not so much. But I want you, and I'm going to try, OK?"

I answered by kissing her on the lips. Julia reached down and pulled down my shorts. She licked her lips and leaned forward. "Time to get your prize, Mr. Mini Golf."

"I didn't win," I said, "We tied."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," I said.

"Well fuck, what does that mean?" Julia asked. I grinned and lifted her under her armpits, so she was standing in front of me. I pulled down her pants and panties. Then, still holding onto Julia, I fell backward onto the bed. Both of us on top of each other.

"But Ben, I really want to suck your dick," Julia whined. Well, I mean, how could I refuse such a generous offer?

"I think we can figure out a compromise," I said. Julia turned on her stomach like she was on a lazy susan. A moment later I felt her wet mouth latch around my cock. I leaned my head forward and took a long lick of her pussy.

"'at 'eems fair," Julia said around my cock. She sucked at me with her usual enthusiasm and I licked at her with the same gusto. Her legs slowly wrapped around my head, but I noticed she held herself back at the last minute. Kept her clutch loose.

"Do what feels good," I told her.


"It's OK."

I felt Julia's legs close around my head. Her mouth tightened on my shaft. If there was one benefit to all this sex (OK, there were tons of benefits. This was just the one that applied in the moment) it was that I was going to last a long, long while. No matter how well Julia worked my dick.

Julia held me in her leg lock, but still not too tightly. I slid my finger into her hole and focused fully on her clit. I heard her gasp. Her whole body cinched, and then she groaned. Went limp. But nothing squirted out.

"You OK?" I asked.

"Yes," Julia said, "Just a little cum." She released my cock and spun around again. I kissed her lightly on the lips. Julia reached down and found my cock. Started to place it at her sex. I rolled her over and she giggled. An actual girly giggle from Julia. My God.

I spread her legs and looked down. Drank my athletic roommate in. Her brown hair, somehow still in a ponytail. Bright green eyes. Perfect little titties. Pink pussy waiting to be plundered.

I reared back and slapped Julia's pussy, hard. She yelped and her snatch turned bright red. I felt bad. I'd been trying to play around but Julia looked shocked and maybe even a little scared. Right then I knew that I'd gone too far and...

"Again," Julia said, "Slap her again. Show that naughty pussy who's in charge. She's yours and she needs to know it."

I hit Julia right on the labia. Her vagina got even redder. Maybe even a bit purple. Her clit stuck its head out like a little dog, checking for rain.

"Mine?" I asked.

"Not, like, exclusively," Julia said, "There may have to be some sort of timeshare arrangement in the long run. But yes. Like I said, decisions were made."

"One more?" I asked, arm cocked and ready. Julia shook her head, a little cowed. "Bite your nipples?" I asked. She shook her head excitedly.

I leaned down, took her left titty in my mouth, and ground down, hiding my teeth behind my lips. Pinching her nubbin with my mouth. Julia hummed and groaned. She held my head, then slowly lifted it up.

"Enough," she said.

"Too hard?"

"I need cock," Julia said, "Now." She opened her legs lewdly, exposing her pussy. I grabbed my dick, aimed it at her dripping hole and slid in. Julia sighed as I did so, a long exhale that started when I entered and stopped when I reached bottom.

"That 50-foot woman is going home horny tonight," Julia said. She patted her belly. "Seriously I think I can feel it in my stomach."

"Pretty sure that's just your dinner," I said.

"Oh, let me have my fun," Julia said. I pulled back and slowly started to pump her.

There was an urgency to how I'd fucked Julia before. How she fucked me, really. A drive. Like an alarm would go off and, if we didn't finish, it would all be over. In contrast, I now slowly dragged myself back and forth in her suckling snatch. A different kind of torture. Where I let Julia slowly build but never reach the heights she really needed.

I kissed her, and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "God, I feel like... every bit of your giant cock," Julia said, "Sssssssoooooo good."

I reached up and grabbed her legs. Spread her as far as she could go. Julia winced at how I was holding her, then she smiled. Seeing what I was up to. I started moving in her again. Faster now.

"I'm going to cum in you Julia. When I want."

Julia nodded.

"And you're going to cum with me."

When I said cum, Julia's body bucked. "Another little one," she told me. Still no squirting. None of her almost-possessed laughter. No slapping or biting or any of it. I moved in Julia in a way that showed I was in control. That she was mine to do with as I pleased. The aggression was there, but without the violence.

Julia began breathing shallower. Her breaths coming ragged. Her eyes went wide. I let her legs drop to the side and I sort of climbed up her. Till our heads were even. I started to speed up my strokes. Faster.

Julia began shaking. "Oh! Oh... I don't..." She seemed almost fearful. I leaned in and kissed her. Kept my eyes open. I reached up and held her head in place. Forcing her to look at me. We met in the middle. I saw her pupils dilate as her orgasm built.

"Cum with me, Julia," I told her, "Come on. Get there."

She nodded. Julia shuddered, her face twisted in pleasure. Finally her eyes snapped shut.

"Huh AH!" she grunted. Her body bucked. A massive spray of clear liquid geysered out of her pussy. An endless stream of girl cum blasted me and I felt my own body finally break down.

I buried myself as deep as I could, and the ecstasy rolled me up and over. I held Julia tight as she came, and she squeezed me back. My cock emptied into her. Burst after burst. Both of us dragged together into another plane of pleasure.

"Holy," Julia gasped, "Holy fuck. Hrrrrrrrrrrrr." She bared down, and I felt her pussy squeeze me. Another burst of juice spit out of her. "Ahhhhhh Ha." She arced upward, extending the orgasm out. Then she fell back into the bed. Julia kept doing that, bending and stretching herself on my cock. Cumming and cumming. Each one a little shorter. A little less intense. Till finally she settled on the bed.

I kissed Julia's sweat-sheened forehead and brushed back her hair. She smiled at me. The green of her eyes almost glowing.

"That was," Julia said, then stuttered, "I don't know. Fuck. Every time I think that was the best. It gets better." She reached back and slapped me on the ass.

"You couldn't help yourself, could you?" I asked.

"I said I was going to try to be better," Julia said, "But I still have to be me."


Chloe, Sarah, and Kelsey came back after midnight, well after Julia and I had disentangled and gotten dressed for bed. We were lying there, holding each other, when the door popped open.

"Honey, we're home!" Kelsey said, arms outstretched. Sarah stumbled in after her. I could smell the liquor wafting off of both of them all the way from the bed.

"Gee, I hope we're interrupting something," she said. The two of them both started laughing uncontrollably.

"Hooray for Disney Springs!" Kelsey cried, her arm upraised in triumph.

Chloe came in after them, looking far too sober. I guess Kelsey didn't have enough fake IDs to go around. Kelsey and Sarah kept giggling as they both collapsed on the other, empty bed.

"Hooray for Disney Springs," Chloe said, more like a moan.

"Did you have a fucking good time, Julia?" Sarah asked, making a silly voice as she did it.

"Was it nice having the fucking room to yourself?" Kelsey asked. The two of them wrapped around each other and pretended to be having sex. Sarah mounted between Kelsey's legs. It was supposed to be mocking but holy fuck it was actually really hot.

"Guys stop," Chloe said. She was clearly already past the point of exasperation with those two. She looked over at both of us still cuddling over the covers. "You owe me for this, Julia."

"Happy to make it up to you," Julia said. She winked at Chloe, then smiled at me. Well, that was definitely unexpected. "Like I told you," Julia whispered in my ear, "We've got some stuff to work out."

"Ugh, how do you all even..." Chloe started then paused, like her brain had skipped a track, "I just need to sleep," She flopped down on the edge of the bed, head in her hands. She looked at me and Julia. Over to Sarah and Kelsey. "Fuck, we didn't think this one out."

"I'll sleep on the floor," I said and started to get up. Julia shoved me back down.

"There's plenty of room for three," she said. She patted the pillow space between us. I heard a snort and looked over. Sarah and Kelsey were both already passed out. Chloe climbed up and laid down. She curled up between the two of us, like a kitty. Julia looked over her right at me and smiled that dirty smile again.

"Let the poor girl sleep," I said, "She's had a rough day."

"I'm sure," Julia said, "I mean, if my first cock was that monster, I'd probably have died."

"It's not a... Fine, I'm glad you like my dick," I said.

"Guys could you please stop flirting for one minute and let me sleep," Chloe whined into the pillow. Julia shrugged and flicked off the light.

I lay down. Every man's dream: in bed with two women. They must not mean for sleeping. Julia and Chloe made it so I had barely any pillow and zero blankets. Instead of lying down carefully to make room, they both slowly spread out. I found myself hanging on to the edge of the mattress like it was a crumbling cliff over a ravine. The bed felt hard and the room was either far too cold or way too warm depending on the moment.

I was out as soon as my head hit the edge of the pillow. I slept better than I had in months.

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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 2 months ago

Just when you think you've come to the end of the 🍭 another layer is exposed to be sucked on.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Jeeesssssssuuuussss, what a rollercoaster! Love it!

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetronius7 months ago

I am agog at your literary mastery. Beautiful, scintillating dialog but entirely natural. And the development and interplay of the characters -- it's like the literary equivalent of polyphonic music.

I'm so looking forward to how the rest plays out.


bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago
Everyone’s a WINNER

Especially the readers!

I love this story.

How can we make everyone satisfied?

CheeachaserCheeachaserabout 3 years ago

So, cuck aside, Julia is 'Yay!'

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