The Magic Touch


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"This we have been doing ever since. I was recruited by a man who called himself Kent -- amusingly after Superman -- and now I'm here to begin to offer you to be my successors."

"Why us?" Asked Miles.

"I mean, what makes you think you can trust us?"

"I've been researching you for six months."

The young couple looked aghast.

"You've been following us?"

"I had to be sure."

"But why us?" Topanga asked.

"For the last five years, I've had people researching for me. They created a short list. And from that, I chose you."

"I call bullshit!" Miles snapped. Topanga put her hand on his, but he shook it away.

"You're absolutely entitled to feel this way. That's why there's a process. Take tonight and see how you feel about it tomorrow. I think you'll have a better sense of what's possible by then."

Miles, thickheaded as ever, grabbed Topanga and they left without a backward glance. Standing waiting for the valet to bring their car round, Topanga tried to get Miles to see reason.

"What if she's telling the truth?" She said.

"Are you serious? Listen to yourself. The woman's a fruitcake."

A beautiful brand-new Corvette pulled up beside them and Miles whistled appreciatively. The valet stepped out of the car and handed Miles the key.

"This isn't mine!" He said, shocked. "I drive a Sunbird."

"I remember." Said the valet smiling. "But not anymore." He walked away leaving Miles and Topanga with their mouths hanging open.

Nervously, looking around him for hidden camera or cops, Miles opened the car door. Topanga took a little more convincing but eventually sat in. Miles handed her a card that had been stuck on the wheel.

'Check glovebox'

She did and retrieved Miles's hat and a set of keys from inside. Tucked into the hat was another card that read: 'Follow Satnav'.

Miles started the engine and the screen lit up.

"What does it mean, follow the sat nav?" He said.

With a shaking finger, Topanga pointed at the little icon of a house in the center of the screen.


"But we live on the other side of town!" Miles started. Topanga shook the key ring she'd found in the glovebox at him.

"No?!" Laughing, he pulled out of the valet spot and followed the satnav.

Things were very different when they met Sally a couple of days later. She'd called and arranged to meet them at their new place.

"I do hope you like it?" She said when she arrived. "I got my people to bring your things over but I'm not sure whether you wanted to keep everything."

This time, both Miles and Topanga got and gave hugs and kisses which were returned with enthusiasm. Soon, seated at the couch, Miles and Topanga were full of excited questions.

Sally quieted them both and began the next phase of her plan.

"So, you now know that I'm serious." She began. She tutted their excited responses and continued. "Everything that you now have is yours. Forever. But the next bit, the big prize, is going to be a little more ... earned." She looked at the two innocent faces gazing back adoringly at her and took a deep breath.

"The next step -- the one where you both win the chocolate factory, so to speak, is a little more ... hands on. I am going to ask for your undivided loyalty -- that from each of you and from both of you. Joint and severally. I will require obedience and wholehearted commitment."

They both nodded enthusiastically.

"It may be difficult for you, and you can always back out at any stage." They nodded.

"I will never ask you to do anything illegal. But you may have to review your morals."

The smiles dropped.

"What do you mean?" Topanga asked.

"I need you to give yourselves completely to me. There will be only me. After that, I will give you everything. With the same conditions I received it. You must do good, return your stake when you're done with interest, and find a new disciple or disciples to carry on after you've decided you've done enough."

"How do you mean, completely?" Miles asked.

"I will own you. Each of you, and both of you. You will do everything I ask. In turn, I will give you access to the money, and access to the intelligence to use it wisely."

"Own us? In what way?"

"In exactly the way you're thinking, Topanga."

"But ..." Miles was conflicted. Topanga looked flushed.

"One night will do it." Sally continued. "But my dearest wish is that will just be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." She smiled warmly at them both.

"You mean sex?" Topanga gasped.

"I mean love." Sally said kindly. "But yes, you must give yourselves to me."

Miles swallowed hard. He looked sideways at Topanga, greed shining in his eyes.

"Topanga." He implored.

She looked down at her feet.

"But I love Miles."

"That shouldn't change. I promise you." Sally said gently.

"But I never -"

Sally shushed her. "There's a lot there for you to unpack. I'm going to leave you both now to talk it through." She placed another card on the table.

"This is my address. If Topanga arrives there alone by eight tonight, I'll consider us to have moved to the next stage of our deal."

Miles went to say something. Sally cut him off.

"Miles, you will arrive at midnight."

Topanga looked conflicted, bouncing her gaze between Sally and Miles. Miles stared at the card on the table.

"If neither of you show up, you will have everything you have today, and my search will continue."

She stood.

"Eight tonight, Topanga."

She left them both in silence.

"She's insane." Topanga burst the minute the front door shut. "Let's just keep what we have and forget everything else."

"Wait... wait ... like this could be untold money. For one night."

"But she wants to sleep with me!" Topanga shouted.

"And me." Miles added.

"But I love you!" Topanga cried in anguish.

"And I love you. Just think what we could do with all that money." He saw the cloud cross her face and added. "All the good. The people we could help."

"Do you find her attractive?" Topanga's lip quivered.

"She not ugly. But she's old enough to be our mother. It's just one night Tope!"

"But you swore to me."

"And me to you. But this is different. This is everything we've ever dreamed of and more. We'd be mad to turn down the chance."

Topanga started crying.

"Tope, think about it. Dispassionately."

Sally sat in her palatial apartment and watched the clock. At ten to eight, she lowered the lights and poured two glasses of wine. It wasn't that she knew Topanga would come, she'd heard the cab outside twenty minutes before. She imagined the poor girl standing at the door, checking her watch, wrestling with her conscience. She knew how she had felt all those years before.

"Playlist ten." She said out load, and the built-in music system kicked into life, low. The doorbell rang.

Topanga had been crying a lot. Her eyes were red and puffy. It almost made Sally's heart sink, but she knew this was an essential part of the plan. The ritual. She ushered her in in silence and led her to the massive couch and the wine.

Topanga sat bolt upright and rigid, she gulped half the glass in one.

"Miles convinced you." Sally said sadly, the girl nodded. "Against your will?" Topanga dropped her head.

"You love him?"

She nodded.

"More than anything?"

Topanga nodded again, sniffling.

"Look at me, Topanga."

Topanga raised her eyes. "No, really look at me." The girl's eyes focused on her for the first time.

"I was once sitting where you are now, crying like you are now." She laid a hand on the girl's arm. Topanga flinched.

"Life isn't fair." Sally said. "It can call upon us to break our deepest held beliefs in the cruelest of ways." She let her fingers brush Topanga's arm gently.

"But there's one thing I can assure you, follow through with this, love me, and I will give you both everything. You can walk away with it all. Or you can leave now and live in mild comfort for the rest of your lives with my blessing."

Topanga held her gaze.

"But remember, Pandora's box has been opened. If you walk away now, this close to everything, and just settle, then you will both regret it forever. You may survive as a couple, or the loss of potential might tear you apart. I'm sorry for putting you in this position, but I believe you are both strong enough. It's why I chose you."

Topanga let out a gasp she'd been holding on to.

"It's not just that." She bawled.

"What is it, dear heart?" Sally asked.

Topanga wrang her hands, making no move to pull away from the gentle caresses from Sally's fingers on her arm.

"I'm afraid -"

"That's only to be expected."

"No. I don't mean like that."

"What is it, dear? What's frightening you?"

Topanga started crying again and buried her face in Sally's arm. Though the blubbing, Sally heard her muffled confession as the flood gates broke.

"I think I want this. You. I've never felt like this about anyone before. From that first day in the supermarket, you're all I can think about. I want to make love to you with or without the money. I want to be unfaithful, and it frightens me." She sobbed on and Sally frowned. This was most unexpected. She knew Miles was likely to stick his dick in anything female given the right inducement, but Topanga?

"Shhhh." Sally said quietly, stroking her hair.

Topanga lifted her head from Sally's armpit and leaned in.

"I've never been with a woman before." She whispered. Sally's heart melted.

She put her open palm against the girl's face.

"It's your choice." She whispered. "I want you. I've loved you from the first moment I saw you. But it has to be your choice."

Topanga's head inched towards her, and their lips met.

The kiss was chaste. No more than a peck. Sally held back though every fiber of her body wanted to consummate it. She stared at the girl, inches from her face, lips pouting, eyes shut. She really did love her. But she also wanted to possess her. And that made her feel guilty. Her own passion was boiling now but she knew Topanga had to take the lead. So, she stayed still.

Topanga's eyes opened quizzically. She looked deep into Sally's. Then brushed her lips against her again. She searched her feelings. Did she really want this? Did she love this woman and want to sleep with her? Her mind went back to the car that first day. To Sally's hand resting on her bare leg. To the jolt of electricity that went through her at the touch. To the explosion of passion she had felt. To the wetness that seeped from between her legs as she got out of the car. To her picturing Sally's face as she had fingered herself the minute she had been alone. To making love like an animal that night with Miles, all the while imagining Sally's face.

Her lips brushed Sally's again. And again. Teasing as her own thoughts teased her.

She mirrored Sally by placing her own hand against the woman's cheek. Then flicked her tongue out and across Sally's lips, feeling the tip of Sally's tongue whip out to touch it in welcome. She inched forward and pressed her lips against Sally's, mouth searching, finding the other woman's tongue and caressing it over and over with her own.

Their lips mashed and they kissed passionately, starting slowly but rapidly increasing in intensity and passion till they were writhing mouth to mouth, hands to cheeks.

Sally was surprised and delighted at the intensity of the kiss and at Topanga's tiny hand that now snaked up her torso to rest on her breast. Even through her bra, she could feel the girls gentle stroking. Her nipples rose to meet the sensation. She could feel her own wetness building with her anticipation. Whatever she had imagined, the passionate intensity of the girl surpassed anything she could have dreamed.

She felt fingers at her bouse and realized her own eyes had shut as her lips and tongue thrilled with sensation against the young woman's. She felt a pulling sensation growing from deep inside her that spread through her entire body. She had passed the point of being able to stop, had she wanted to.

Warm fingers slid inside her blouse now, caressing her torso and finding their way to the clasp at the front of her bra. The sensation of release as Topanga undid it was intense. She literally felt her breasts explode out of the container. The air felt cool against them, but Topanga's insistent hands were warm and soft as they sought out her nipples. The sensation of the young woman's fingers on her areolae was intense. Something deep in her vagina twitched and leapt at the touch as if they were directly connected by a live current to her nipples. Topanga, squeezed and caressed her breasts, flicking back and forth over her nipples, occasionally catching one or both between her fingers and tugging lightly. Sally groaned and forced herself to be patient.

Juices flowed freely into the folds of her labia, and she could feel the lubrication in her crotch as she shifted her weight on the couch. Her hands now sought out Topanga's breasts, freeing them from bounds of shirt and bra. They sat beside each other on the couch, turned towards each other, hands exploring erogenous energy as their mouths and tongues remained locked in a passionate battle. Topanga's breasts were small but magnificent. Sally could feel that her touch was having a similar effect on the girl as the girl was having on her. They kissed and fondled and caressed for what felt like hours.

Then, Topanga broke away, sitting back slightly, gazing lovingly at Sally, face and breasts.

Her voice croaked slightly as she implored.

"Make love to me."

Sally gazed back, equally smitten, as this dark princess, so petite, so perfect. She wanted nothing more.

"No." She whispered. "You make love to me."

Topanga didn't need asking a second time. She pushed into her, against her, forcing Sally to slide sidewards and onto her back, legs still on the floor. She felt Topanga's body slide over her and her mouth seeking out Sally's mouth. As their lips touched again, Sally could also feel Topanga's hand slide up along her naked leg to her sodden panties. The fingers stroked over her vulva, sending thrills of feeling deep inside her. Topanga shifted her arm to get better purchase from above, searching out her labia and her clitoris though the soft material of her panties. Sally groaned as Topanga slid back and forth over her most intimate sensual organs.

The girl's initial reticence was gone now. She smothered Sally with passionate kisses, exploring her mouth with her tongue. Her hand slid up and away from her vulva and then under the waistband of her panties, plunging back down and inside Sally. Sally exhaled into Topanga's mouth as the sensation reverberated through her body. Her sex was on fire, every nerve in her body alive with the feeling of the warm little hand frigging her. Then, somehow, her skirt was off, swiftly followed by her damp panties.

Topanga broke from her kiss and slid down Sally, snagging a nipple as she went. Her lips closed over the engorged bullet, and she sucked, nipped, nuzzled and guzzled it. Her other hand, not occupied in Sally's panties, caressed and squeezed the large breasts, flicking over and back across the nipple that wasn't receiving attention from her mouth. For a first timer, the girl was a virtuoso.

Back and forth, from breast and nipple to breast and nipple, Topanga's mouth, lips, tongue, teeth and hands moved, taking turns to apply the pleasure each could bring. All the while, her fingers encircled her clit, slid up and around her hairy vulva, dipped inside and between her sopping velvety vulva. Sally found herself unexpectedly carried away on her first orgasm as it went off like a firework inside her entire being. Her legs shook uncontrollably and her sex, having a mind of its own, ground against Topanga's hand and fingers as she pushed her nipples deeper into Topanga's mouth.

She had never come so quickly or so hard. She sucked air inro her lungs and struggled to mover her sensitive clit away from Topanga's insistent fingers. She gasped and moaned and let out a shriek. Topanga seemed to only take this as a challenge. Mouth was replaced by hands and fingers and Topanga slid her way downwards, kissing her way over Sally's tummy towards the large hairy triangle below. Still reeling from her orgasm, Sally cried out when Topanga's mouth latched onto her clitoris. Highways of pleasure lit up over and over through her body as the girl rode her bucking pelvis, never letting up on her sucking, licking and nibbling. Juices gushed between her ass cheeks, tickling the hairs as the flowed. Sally, beyond the ability to stop the young girl, writhed and bucked under her mouth as orgasm rolled into orgasm.

Finally, Sally forcibly pushed the girl's head from her crotch and pulled her towards her. She took her wet, reddened mouth with her mouth and kissed her passionately as the sensation of the girls' clothed crotch against her own naked one sent shivers of pleasure through her body. Their tongues met again with an increased ferocity. Topanga's hands were all over her, pulling the last remnants of her clothing away, leaving her bare on the couch. Sally too began peeling the girl's layers away, with some help from Topanga. Soon the were both naked, Sally's plump, white, middle-aged body the perfect sensual counterpoint to the tight, brown twenty-something beauty. Sally took Topanga's hand from her breast and pulled her up as she stood. They embraced and kissed again, naked body against naked body, hairy pussy squashed against shaved, tiny breasts squashed against massive breasts. They kissed and caressed each other, searching out ever roll of fat, every crevice, every tiny spot that sent thrills of zinging electricity through the other.

Finally, Sally led her to the bedroom, and kissing her once more, encouraged the young woman to kneel on the massive, oversized mattress. Taking one longing look at the beautiful backside, Sally buried her face between her cheeks, tongue snaking into her pussy. Topanga moaned as Sally licked her way from clit to ass, fingers joining tongue to caress and probe and feel out the other woman as she collapsed before her in submission. Then they rolled into each other, Topanga sliding on top of Sally, pussy to pussy, lips to lips, mouth to mouth. Their genitals ground against each other, clit to clit, pelvic bones driving what pleasure they could from the other. Legs entwined, searching out ways for two to become one.

When Topanga came, she came with Sally. The two women clung to each other each riding the explosion of sensation that coursed through them both, carrying them both away in entirety. Sally held on to Topanga tightly on top of her, hands caressing her back and ass. She felt the energy ebb from her as she drifted into a contented sleep.

She awoke moment later with the most glorious sensation building in her crotch. Topanga was kneeling along her body, labia floating above her face, mouth on her clitoris and fingers buried in her pussy. Her tongue snaked out and ran along and between Topanga's labia, settling on her clitoris. Her hands slid around Topanga's hips, holding her in place, caressing her ass and perineum. This time, when they both came, Topanga scooted around and nuzzled into Sally. They kissed softly and gently. Topanga sighed.

"I never want this to end." She whispered shyly.

"It never has to." Sally smiled. "What's mine is now yours." A puzzled look crossed Topanga's face.

"What about Miles?"

Sally checked her watch.

"He'll be here soon." She said. "We can play it by ear from then. How do you feel about him?"

"I love him." She looked deep into Sally's eyes.

"But I love you too."

Sally kissed her on the lips again and hugged her close.

"Let's see what Miles says when he gets here. Can I ask you something?"

Topanga nodded, sighing dreamily.

"Do you know how you'd feel seeing your boyfriend's cock in another woman's mouth?"