The Nuclear Family Pt. 01

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Robbie thought he had a loving family, he was wrong...
16.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/27/2022
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[::: Authors Note :::]

I admit I have a soft spot for the emotion of Loving Wives' stories about the strange car in the driveway. This story started from that view but quickly morphed into something else entirely.

There will be lots of familiar clichés throughout the story; of course, being my style, it's also long and dramatic in parts, so if you're looking for a quick story or as some people like to tell me, you say in ten words what others write in two, then perhaps this story isn't for you.

This story is in four parts and is a little over 85,000 words. The entire series is written, and I plan to submit a part each Sunday evening for the next four weeks. Originally this was going to be a single part under 20,000 words... nevertheless, by the time I got to the end of drafting the initial plot, there were enough words for a four-part series. I've also classified this story as a BTF or 'Burn the Family'. There is a lot here of hurt and betrayal written within, but admittedly there is also forgiveness and lingering bitterness. Again, I am trying to look at emotions along with the events to see what works and what doesn't.

For those of you who say this wouldn't happen in real life, you're likely correct. But this is a story, and I enjoyed putting it together, so as always, suspend your belief of what would happen in real life and enjoy the show!

I always welcome compliments and constructive comments, but I generally ignore insults. I want to thank my editing team, miket0422, Larry & Wayne, for working with me to make this story a better version of itself. Working with people in Australia, Europe, and the US is extraordinary. You are all fantastic, and I enjoy working with all of you.

I hope you enjoy 'The Nuclear Family.'

[:::: The Nuclear Family ::::]

We all know how the story goes. The guy comes home early to find a strange car in the driveway. He sneaks into his house, then, with the bile rising in his stomach, creeps through the house, finding clues of infidelity until the moment he finds them in his bed doing the horizontal tango.

It was sort of like that for me, but then again, it was much worse; as I found them, my life and everything in it spiralled out of control.

[:::: Part 1 ::::]

It had almost been a disaster. The contracts sent to the client had mistakes all over them, unfitting quantities, incorrect costs, and the formatting were just plain wrong. So when my older brother Brad Jr asked me to help him out of a mess like I always do, I should have expected that things were not on the level or even done how they were supposed to be.

I let my wife, Georgia, as well as my family consisting of my Dad, Brad Sr, Mum, Hattie, along with my older sister, Joanna, the middle child, know that I was flying out for a quick three days to fix Brad Jr's mistakes, again, ensuring we didn't lose the contract.

When I spoke to the client over the phone, they were lukewarm after viewing what my brother sent to them. So I knew I needed to get in front of them to help straighten out the issues, or our family business could be in for a rough ride for a few months.

Our family business, Total Build, builds portable homes all over the country. The houses are tiny and focused on a few industries but always mobile. If you have ever been to a caravan park and stayed in one of the little houses they have, that's us. We're the people to see if you're looking for a getaway cabin on the beach or the Australian outback.

My name is Robert Other. My friends and family call me Robbie. When this story started, I was the operations manager for the family business where my entire family worked, including my wife. Well, my wife, Georgia, did until a couple of months ago. She had to stop working due to being six months pregnant with our first child.

As operations manager of Total Build, my role looked after logistics, shipping, resources, and people. In addition, I coordinated the finances along with sales, ensuring that people got what they wanted and our thirty staff on the factory floor knew what they were building to which specification.

Mum and Dad waved the flag as the executive team, my sister did admin on the factory floor, and my screwup of an older brother was in sales. Brad was one of the worst salespeople I had ever seen, but Mum and Dad thought the light shined out of this hairy ass, though I could never figure out why.

Overall, you would look at us and think we were one of those old-school nuclear families. You know the ones, Mum, Dad and three rug rats. Sure, we fought and disagreed sometimes, but I thought we always had each other's backs, trusting each other to be there when one of us needed help.

As I ducked home, packing a bag before rushing for a flight so I could be with the client first thing in the morning. Georgia was sitting on the bed rubbing her pregnant belly. Her rapidly growing breasts had, with pregnancy, grown large brown areola. She was almost poking me in the eye, her breasts demanding I stay home as I looked at her in that thin cotton top. But, instead of enjoying my wife's sensual curves, Georgia was sitting on our bed, listening to me complain about my brother's latest screwup as I packed a carry-on bag for the trip. She tried to interject when I stopped to breathe, checking for my toothbrush and deodorant in the bathroom.

"Robbie," Georgia spoke to me in a know-it-all tone. "You know that he means well. Brad talks well as a sales guy. But, unfortunately, he isn't good with numbers like you."

It was an old argument between us.

I briefly glanced at her before tucking a few more items into my suitcase. I sighed. "Georgia, I get it. But I'm tired of having to cover his ass fixing everything up every time he does something wrong. No one, not even my wife, appears to care that I spend so much time travelling around the country cleaning up after him. Or if I don't give Joanna the exact procedure time after time, the work crews fall behind, or if I don't validate the financials for Mum or even write the message for Dad promoting the company, there wouldn't be a company to work with." I said with an additional exasperated sigh.

At that moment, I felt like the most overworked, under-appreciated person in the family and not one of them ever thought to see if I was alright. Sure, I was paid well for my time. I made sure of that since I had oversight of company finances. I knew what everyone made, so it was one area that no one could deny me. Yet it always felt that I was the one person in the family that was out of the loop. They couldn't do without me, but I was the one individual they never wanted to acknowledge as part of their inner circle or family councils. It sucked. At that moment, I hated being the youngest.

Georgia must have sensed my depressing internal dialogue as I was packing my dress shoes into my bag. She came over to me, sliding an arm around me.

"Robbie, I'm sorry," Georgia said, trying to console me. "Yes, you are right. You do all the work, but soon we will have this baby to raise, so Brad and your family need to step up more because you will be a Daddy!"

I smiled at the thought, reaching around to rub her pregnant belly.

"You'll be back in three days?" my wife asked as I stared at the child growing inside my wife.

"Yeah, I should be back Friday evening," I replied, tearing my eyes away from her pregnancy and looking into her eyes. "I'll get Brad's latest mess sorted out, then prepare for the next one he will force me to deal with." I looked again at my wife's round tummy. "I swear it feels like this kid will be easier to manage than this family!"

With a sense of resignation to my fate as the worker in the family, I drove from the Gold Coast to Brisbane, catching my flight to Melbourne. I did it so often these days that I had a flight routine down pat. First, read a couple of chapters of a story during take-off. Next, do an hour of work once we reach cruising altitude, then watch a movie until we taxi up on the other side.

The next day went quickly as I met with the team from the client, sorting out their quote. They were pleased that I had taken the time to meet with them in person. They were so happy with how I laid everything out; they ordered an additional fifteen units adding almost forty per cent to the quote right there and then. I was delighted as I knew the increase would get us to our financial target three months earlier than expected. By the time I walked out Wednesday afternoon, I was done two days earlier than expected.

I thought about hanging out in good ol' Melbourne. Enjoy a meal in one of the great alleyway restaurants or enjoy a drink at one of a dozen unique bars; Melbourne has a lot to offer. But I missed my wife. Then contemplating how I had been complaining to Georgia about Brad and my family last night, I thought it would be nice to come home early. I could ensure I looked after her as she grew into the last trimester of pregnancy.

After tethering my phone for Internet access all day, my phone was almost flat. I only had a small charge, so I ordered an Uber heading to the airport. Being a frequent flyer, it was easy to change my flight. I even splurged, using reward points to upgrade myself to business class at the front of the plane for the flight home. I only had a few minutes to spare for the flight, but I made it to the gate and was on my way home within a few minutes.

I felt terrific as I got off the plane. We passed through a storm on the approach to landing, watching the lightning through the clouds was exciting. After landing back in Brisbane I jumped in my utility, which we call a ute in Australia, for the drive back down the Gold Coast. My three-year-old Ford Ranger wasn't the fastest, but it was a company lease, same as all the family. We all had company cars.

I found my Ranger was handy for moving gear between sites now and then. I never begrudged getting physical with the teams. Like all the guys in the Other family, I was a big solid, strong guy, and I thought my ute told everyone I didn't play favourites with any side of the business. Getting into the vehicle, I plugged in my phone for the drive home, then tried to call Georgia a couple of times as I got on the road, leaving messages that I would be home soon since I caught an early flight home, but they went to voicemail.

A little over an hour later, I frowned as I couldn't pull into my driveway. Brad's Lexus was parked where I usually did. I admit that I was curious about why my older brother was there late at night. But, being such a trusting guy, I wasn't suspicious or thinking anything was out of place.

I parked, grabbed my travel bag off the passenger seat, walking casually in through the side door like I always did. But just as I was about to yell out a greeting, I heard that sound that suddenly caused every husband in my situation to freeze. This is immediately followed by the feeling of the bottom falling out of your stomach. Standing at the junction between the lounge room and our hallway leading to my bedroom, I listened to the unmistakable sounds of sex along with my wife's distinctive moans. I didn't want to look, but at that moment, I knew that I had to. I had to let myself be broken by what was happening. If I didn't, I might not have the strength to do what I had to do next. I wasn't sure what that was, but I would always be plagued by doubt if I didn't see or confirm it.

I pulled out my phone, setting it to record, sneaking my way up the hallway. I believed I was smart enough to know I needed evidence before confronting the cheaters. So with my phone in hand, I pulled myself into position outside the master bedroom in the dark hallway. I thought I would be ready for what I saw and heard, but sadly I was mistaken.

Now my wife, Georgia, is a good-looking woman. She has dark brown shoulder-length hair, brown eyes and a cute button nose. Her smile lights up a room, or her frown makes it feel like a cold winter's day. She was tall at a little under six feet. Her breasts were a small b-cup. I had always enjoyed them as a good handful, When she fell pregnant, they began to grow, and I enjoyed them all the more. Georgia had a tiny waist, but her most significant asset, in my opinion, was by far, her ass. You know when you see those fit women running in yoga pants? Those pants make you stop, turn around, then thank the person who thought of that tight spandex covering. Georgia doesn't need yoga pants to have an ass like that. For her, it was all-natural.

As I stood in the hallway, I saw her naked. The body I thought was mine alone wasn't. I held my phone, fighting the emotions inside me. Rage and hatred were primarily at the front of my mind, but there were undercurrents of despair, some fear, and, I hate to say it, love. However, the emotion of love for both of the fornicators in front of me grew fainter with each heartbeat as I watched my wife and older brother fucking in my marital bed.

I do not doubt that it would be upsetting in a normal circumstance to find two people close to you betraying you like this, but for me, it felt worse. Why? Because it wasn't just my brother was fucking my wife, it was also how. She was on all fours, my brother hunched over her. His balls were slapping against her red, puffy pussy as his cock pushed in and out of her ass, a trail of cum from what must have been earlier, leaking from her adulterous cunt, trickling down her leg even as she moaned amid passion. Everything I saw broke me down with each breath, my wife and brother rutting like dogs right before me.

"Damm Georgie," moaned Brad, his cock pistoning in and out of Georgia's ass. "All your holes are always such a good fuck; your ass always loves my cock in it. I bet my dipshit brother never fills your holes as I do!"

They said nothing except him grunting as my wife moaned for a moment.

She took a breath, whatever feeling she had passed enough to speak. "No, Brad, Robbie has a better cock than yours. I've told you that he always makes me cum twice as hard as you ever could. You're just available." She then giggled as he thrust in and out of my wife's bowels, Brad trying to show her that she was wrong. In reply, she wiggled her pregnant ass back against him.

"You shouldn't be so mean to your younger brother," Georiga replied in a half-hearted attempt to defend me. "Especially when he's covering for you so you can be here fucking me!"

Brad laughed, Georgia joining in then as they started belittling me. Over the next few minutes, her defence of me became a little less with each exchange until it became a game as they paid out on me.

Brad kept digging himself deeper as I watched, sickened by his disrespect. "As long as he never understands that half the mistakes I make are to get little Robbie out of town so I can fuck you as much as I can while he's gone."

Georgia moaned as my brother moved in and out of my soon-to-be ex-wife's asshole.

"Brad, you're not that clever," Georgia groaned through her pleasure. "Most of the mistakes you make are you not caring. You know Robbie will fix it for you. But that is one of the reasons I love having you in my bed. You have no inhibitions about anything."

If the talk so far had hurt, it was nothing next to the following statement. It killed any kindness left in me for either of them.

Brad grunted again, while thrusting, spoke words that forever killed the relationship between us as brothers. "Inhibitions like impregnating my sister-in-law with my baby, then letting my clever brother raise my bastard child as his own while I get to goof off having him cover my entire life for me."

It must have been a turn-on for him saying that because in the next moment, Brad grunted, releasing a load of cum into my wife's ass. Georgia moaned again, taking a deep satisfied breath as I watched her shudder through an orgasm.

"Brad," Georgia said, laying there, her head facing the other way, a contented sigh in her voice. "Robbie can never know this child is not his. It would destroy him. The next one must be his."

Brad started to respond, but at that point, I couldn't take it anymore. Georgia was right. At that moment, I felt like my entire being had been smashed beyond repair. I was angry at their betrayal, ready to sow devastation, but I took a breath. If I killed anyone, I doubt I could get away with it.

I took a few steps into the room's doorframe, my footsteps heavy. They heard the movement, but I spoke before they could turn to see who it was.

"Well then," I growled. "It's a good thing that there will never be another child because I am fucking done with both of you!"

I have to note that there is something poetic about cheaters when they get caught. The sound of a cock popping out of an ass followed by the rustling of sheets as they try to cover up from the person they are cheating on is somehow ironic. It is almost funny because the cheated-on person has already seen at least one of the cheaters naked. Brad and Georgia were no different, scrambling to cover themselves.

I watched them for a moment as the realisation settled in that I was the one standing in the doorway speaking to them.

Both their eyes went wide with surprise. Brad spoke. "Robbie, bro, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Melbourne?" my older brother tried to say like we were talking casually at a Sunday afternoon family gathering.

"I was in Melbourne fuckwit!" I snapped. "And I am just that fucking good that I got your mess sorted out in record time. So good, in fact, I thought I would come home to spend some time with my pregnant wife, shower her with some tender loving, but it appears that I am not needed."

"Robbie, my love, it is not..." Georgia tried to say meekly before stopping, understanding the futility of the statement as realisation set in.

"What it looks like!" I finished for my wife, snarling at her. "No, I get that. Your next line is that it was only sex. Say that, so you can further disrespect me. Or perhaps you should tell me that it was only my imagination that my older brother was fucking my pregnant wife in the ass with his cum leaking out of her cheating cunt!" I glared at them. "And, let's not even discuss the fact of his cum, since it sounds like I wasn't even here for your child's conception; both of you can rot in fucking hell!"

I glared at them for a moment. I balled a fist, ready to strike but held fast. Georgia looked scared and full of panic. She was starting to hyperventilate as she held the sheet over her body. Brad was still staring at me, a stupid expression of poor comprehension on his face.

"I'm leaving now," I spat at the two naked people in my bed. "I'll be back in a couple of hours to get my stuff and move out. I would advise that neither of you is here when I return."

As I turned to leave, Brad moved suddenly, jumping off the side of the bed naked, his cock shrivelled and dirty.

"Look, Robbie, bro, I know this is bad, but we can't let you walk out of here. If you try to leave, I'll have to restain you." He said, taking a step towards me, smiling darkly. "You might not like it, but she loves you, so you'll listen to us, or I'll beat the shit out of you till you do."

I laughed, raising a sarcastic eyebrow at him. "You're going to beat me? The older brother who washed out of karate class before even getting a white belt?" I grinned. "Surely you're not that dumb, Asswipe. You do recall that I have a three dan blackbelt, and let's not mention the four years of Muay Thai training? Or did you forget that I am ranked in the amateur multi-martial arts Aussie league? So you are going to beat me? Fuck off; you're dreaming.

"Just to let you know," I said, staring pure hatred at my older brother. "If you ever get within striking distance of me tonight or at any time in the future, I'll lay you out on the ground faster than you can fill my whore of a wife with cum a third time tonight." Brad stood back, and Georgia pulled the sheets up slightly over her face. "Yes, Georgia, I saw his cum leaking from your cunt just as I watched him dump a load in your ass. You both disgust me."