The OF Girl Ch. 431-440


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That didn't stop you or Mosche from being able to spot each other though, and he broke into a smile as he made his way out of the stage area.

"Hey you guys," he said as he squeezed through the crowd, his hand clamped on Iris's as she followed him looking just a little lost. When she saw who he was talking to she brightened a little at recognizing someone, but there was also that lingering awkwardness from breakfast earlier in the week. "I didn't think you would come tonight. Thank you!"

"Hey, Mosche," Gemma said a little coolly.

"Hi, Mosche," Sabrina said, projecting a little more warmth even if she wasn't quite comfortable with him. "Hi, Iris."

"Hi," the younger Korean woman said. She was dressed up in a cute summer dress and had a big black X marked on the back of her hand. Being only 19, you assumed that Mosche had helped her get into the comedy club and the X was marking her as not being able to drink.

"How did you like Mosche's set?" you asked her.

"Um, it was fun," Iris said, biting the corner of her lip a little.

"That's exactly what I was going for!" Mosche grinned. "'Fun' is like, a really good spot to be in. There are so many other comics here that want to be edgy, I thought 'fun' would be a nice change of pace."

You felt bad. Iris was obviously trying not to upset him by speaking her mind, and Mosche was obviously oblivious to that fact.

"So..." Sabrina said, trying to find something else to talk about. "Is that weirdo lesbian comic here tonight? I'm not looking to get into a fistfight."

"Julie?" Mosche asked. "Um, I'm not sure. I wanted to sit with Iris so I haven't really seen the other comics tonight unless they've been up on stage."

Again, you felt bad because you had a feeling that wasn't the only reason Mosche was avoiding his fellow comics. Tasha had torn him a new one publicly one week ago, maybe a little unfairly by making itso public. He had to be worried about the jokes that were being made at his expense.

"I need to go to the washroom," Gemma suddenly said and looked at Sabrina. "Come with?"

"Sure," Sabrina said, then hesitated but turned to Iris and raised her eyebrows in a silent offer.

"I'll come too," Iris said, shooting Mosche a little smile before letting go of his hand and the three of them started weaving their way through the crowd.

"Um," Mosche said. "They aren't going to, like... Are they still mad at me?"

"Disappointed. Frustrated. Grossed out a little," you said. "I don't think they'll be vindictive, Mosche, and try to turn Iris against you or anything. But they are definitely on Team Tasha after everything that happened, and after finding out how much you hid about the situation to begin with."

Mosche grimaced, looking down like a little kid who had just discovered what it meant to feel guilty. "Yeah, I kinda fucked up."

"You kinda fucked up big time," you clarified.

"Are you on her side, too?" Mosche asked.

That one made you groan inside your head and let out a breath. "Mosche, I'm your roommate and your buddy," you said. "I'm not going to hold it over your head or anything, or try to keep reminding you of what happened to punish you. But you really, really fucked up, so when it comes to everything that happened I'm on Team Tasha. The girls and I are still friends with her, and I'm not going to try and get you two in the same place or anything, but that's just the reality of the situation. She doesn't deserve to lose friends because of what you made happen."

His guilt turned a little to petulance for a moment, but he took in a breath and seemed to exhale it out. "OK," he said. "That's fair I guess."

"Now I've got a question for you," you said. "What were you thinking doing crowd work when you were trying to impress your new girlfriend?"

"I thought it went pretty well," Mosche said.

"It flopped, my dude," you said. "You know your bits are better than your improv."

"Well, I've been practising and I thought I'd gotten better," Mosche said. "It wasn't, like,that bad."

"It wasn't that great either," you pointed out.

It took another ten minutes, and the open mic show had started up again, for the girls to come back, complaining about the line for the washroom. Iris grabbed Mosche's hand, saying she wanted to head back to their table, and he followed her with a thankful look over his shoulder at you.

"Took it easy on him, huh?" Sabrina asked as you offered her a hand to hop back up on her stool.

"Not really," you said. "He straight up asked whether you guys were still pissed and I told him you weren't pissed, but you were a lot of other negative things. And that we were all on Team Tasha when it came to what went down."

"So what was that look then?" Gemma asked.

"That was him being thankful that I can be normal with him despite that," you said and snorted softly at the look they both gave you. "I compartmentalised."

"Maybe youshould be a criminal defence lawyer," Gemma said. "That's a good skill to have when you know the person did something fucking awful, but you still need to give them a proper legal defence."

"Maybe," you sighed. You hadn't really thought about your eventual legal speciality based on your personality, you'd always thought about it in terms of what might interest you.

The second comic was already up on stage, and Tasha came out from the back area over to you all at the bar. "I'm up next," she said as she joined you.

"Break a leg, gorgeous," Sabrina said, shooting her a smile.

"Your hair looks fantastic, your tits look incredible and you're the funniest person here," Gemma encouraged.

Tasha flipped her hair with her fingers as she grinned and blushed just a little. "Well, thank you," she said. Then she turned to you. "Kiss for luck?"

You leaned in and planted one on her - short and sweet, no tongue so that if anyone was watching you there wouldn't be more rumours about her. "Smash it, sexy," you said quietly as you pulled away from her lips.

"That's all I needed to hear," she grinned and then headed into the dark of the stage area to wait for her introduction.

Chapter 435

Tasha was kind to Mosche. Not in saying anything nice, but in not saying anything at all. She knew he was there in the dark with his new romantic interest and she didn't say a single thing about him, or the previous months of dating, or what she'd done with you and Sabrina and Gemma. She could have torn him to shreds. She could have eviscerated him with her words, turned the crowd and Iris against him.

So she was kind, not doing that.

And you knew that Mosche, with all of his neuroticisms and poor social judgement, would probably make the wrong assumptions and think that maybe they were OK or something. You could even see him trying to introduce Iris to her after the show, or something equally dumb.

Tashawas on fire, though. You had to guess that she was channelling her frustration with everything into her act. She had you grinning and chuckling, and both Sabrina and Gemma giggling, throughout her ten minutes on the stage. The one shot shedid take at Mosche was doing some crowd work that actually got laughs as she went back and forth with a trio of middle-aged women a few times about the depressing state of the women's bathroom in the club and the long lines. That had Gemma and Sabrina almost tearing up, they were laughing so much, even if it went over your head.

You ordered a fresh beer for Tasha about two-thirds of the way through her set, and as she dismounted the stage to raucous applause she emerged from the dark with a big grin on her face. Making a show of lifting the beer up to her, she held out a hand with a finger up, asking you to wait a minute, and went back around the bar to the tables where the other comics were. There was some clapping and loud encouragement from back there, but a minute later Tasha came back around to you. She grabbed the beer from your hand, took a long drink of it, then lowered it and shuddered as she swallowed. Her smile was a lot dimmer.

"What happened?" you asked in concern.

"Exactly what I thought would happen," she said. "Dogs being dogs. Two different guys tried to make passes at me when I sat down. I got out of there as soon as I could."

"I'm sorry, babe," Sabrina said, rubbing her back. Tasha was dressed in all black, though her blouse had some silver accents and her heavily distressed jeans had white all through the distressing. If she'd had on a dress you were sure that Sabrina would have been getting handsy with any bare skin.

"You should say something to the manager or something," Gemma said. "You have a right not to get harassed."

Tasha sighed and shook her head. "I'm getting pretty good, but I'm not 'kick other comics out' good," she said. "And if he kicked out every scummy guy who wanted to get into comedy there'd only be a handful left. Comics have shitty filters by trade, and it's something I'll be dealing with for a long time. What Ido need is to finish my drink."

"And then get some dick from John," Sabrina said, thankfully quietly, but with a pretty little naughty grin.

Tasha snorted and then laughed, then looked at you and nodded.

"Can't wait," you said, trying to use your eyes to tell her how much you wanted her, too.

The four of you chatted a bit and listened to some of the other comics. Tasha gave you some insight into the various ups and downs they were going through; who was on the rise, who had been stagnant at the same level of popularity for years. Who was going to quit soon.

When Julie the 'Bull Dyke' came strutting out of the back area and spotted the four of you, scowling deeply, you decided it was probably time to call it a night. "Do you need to stick around at all?" you asked, hooking a finger into Tasha's belt loop and tugging on it lightly as you gave her a look.

"Scared of Julie?" Tasha asked you with a grin.

"Nope," you said. "Just at Gemma making her so mad she has a heart attack."

"I'm not- OK, maybe I would brag about that one in the future," Gemma said, making you all chuckle.

"Then take me home, John," Tasha said, licking her lips suggestively. "So that you and your girlfriends can have your way with me."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that," Sabrina said, hopping down from her stool and looping her arm with Tasha's. "Do weall get to have our way with you?"

Tasha bit her lip and grinned, glancing behind the bar to make sure the two bartenders weren't listening in. "Maybe," she said. "I think I want to be told what to do tonight."

"That, we can definitely do," Gemma said, looping her arm through Tasha's other one. "Though I think the big question is - if we're having our way with you, is your ass on the line? Because I know Johnloved making love to that booty."

Tasha flushed a little, looking at you again. "Is that what you want?"

"Very much," you said, giving her a wink. "But only after you've come at least... three or four times and you'resuper relaxed."

Tasha groaned, deep in her chest. "Fuck, I think I just flooded my panties," she laughed. "You guys aredangerous."

"I'll order an Uber," Sabrina said, taking out her phone. "Unless you want to go have a little fun in the bathroom first? Take the edge off?"

Tasha seriously hesitated, considering it, before shaking her head. "Take me to your place," she said. "I'm more than ready to have another night with you guys. But, uh, am I good to stay over again?"

"Absolutely," Sabrina assured her even while she was ordering up the ride. "Though we have work early tomorrow, so we'll be up early and having breakfast."

"That's OK," Tasha smiled. "After last week I think I owe some help in the kitchen anyway."

You managed to keep your hands off of Tasha until your ride was almost at the club and you left out the front. Then, before getting into the car, you couldn't help yourself and you stood behind her, sliding your hands into the back pockets of her jeans. She hummed and leaned back against you, looking up and grinning.

"Thanks for coming tonight," she said. "It really does mean a lot."

"Happy to," you assured her. "And that doesn't need to lead tothis. You know that, right?"

"I know," she said. "I just really want more ofthis."

"Good," you said. "So do we."

Chapter 436

"Fuck yes, John," Gemma groaned softly. You were on top of her as she was face-down on the bed, the covers still over the two of you. She was pressing her ass back and up at you while you worked your hips, stirring your cock in her. Her head was sideways on the pillow, her long blonde hair a thick and wild cascade around her, and you had her hands in yours under the pillow.

"God, I love you, Gemma," you moaned.

"Love you too, love," she gasped.

"Alright you two," Tasha said as she came into Sabrina's bedroom. She was only wearing panties, her amazingly perfect tits bouncing with each step. "Sabrina says if you don't finish up and don't come out for breakfast, she's going to come in here andmake you finish. I'm not sure what her plan is, but it sounded like a threat and not a promise."

"M'kay," Gemma moaned, flipping her head the other way so she could see Tash. "Come here?"

Tasha came to the side of the bed and Gemma let go of your hand, bringing hers out from under the pillow and reaching towards the other blonde. Tash played along, letting Gemma pull her closer until they were kissing. Then Gemma pulled her in a little closer and whispered something to her right in her ear. It made Tasha grin and then chuckle as she glanced at you.

Once she was freed from Gemma's grip, Tasha stood up and pulled the covers off of you and Gemma, and then wriggled out of her panties. "Sit up more, John," she said. You did, and Tasha climbed up on the bed and flung her leg over Gemma's back, straddling her and facing you. She shuffled a little closer until her tits were pressed to your chest, and she took your hands and brought one around her to her ass and the other down to feel at her pussy. "Gemma says if you're going to finish quickly, you're too used to having two women in bed with you so you need inspiration."

"Fuck me hard, love," Gemma said. "And see if you can get Tash off too."

You did your best, using your hips to start thrusting into Gemma as you began to finger both of Tasha's holes while making out with her.

Gemma was right, youwere getting used to two women in bed with you at a time. Atleast two. You loved making love, or having nasty sex, with each of your girlfriends individually but over the course of the summer your natural stamina had definitely lengthened. Having Tasha in your arms, splitting your attention between what you and Gemma were doing, and what you were doing with your guest, helped make the experience heighten.

You came first, groaning as you pushed your cock into Gemma as deep as you could and pumped her full of cum. Tasha was the one who went off second, one of your fingers in her ass as you grabbed her butt cheek firmly and three fingers in her pussy. It wasn't one of the massive ones you and the girls had continued to learn how to get out of her, but she hummed happily through it.

Gemma was last and didn't come from the fucking and instead from when you pulled out of her, flipped her onto her back and dove down to kiss her and maul her tits as Tasha went in to taste the cum slowly oozing out of her.

"Are you three done yet or not?" Sabrina demanded from the door to the bedroom. When you looked over you could see she was dressed just like Tasha had been - only panties - but was wielding a spatula like a knife. "We need to eat, and then get dressed andgo. We haveso much fucking work to do, guys."

"Well, ifSabrina is willing to interrupt after-sex cuddles, then we really do need to go," you said.

"Cuddle on the couch while you're eating," Sabrina called over her shoulder as she headed back towards the kitchen.

"Shit, we really do need to go," Gemma groaned, turning to Tasha. "Thanks for the help, babe."

"My pleasure, literally," Tasha grinned.

The rest of your morning was less eventful, rushing to eat the breakfast Sabrina and Tasha had put together and then to get the three of you put together enough that you didn't look like you'd had a night of foursome sex. "Becks will know," you said as the four of you were in the elevator on the way down.

"No she- Yeah, OK, she will," Gemma said.

"You guys don't lookthat bad," Tasha said. She was dressed up in her jeans from the night before and was borrowing one of Gemma's shirts - Sabrina's would have been a little too lewd with how tight they would have been in the bust.

Outside, all four of you headed for the bus stop on the corner.

"Sorry we can't have you over this weekend," Sabrina said, lightly holding hands with Tasha as you walked in a group. "We're going to be workingall weekend though. This Mock Trial is starting to really stress me out and I'm ready for it to just be over."

"It's fine, seriously," Tasha assured her. "I'm glad I got you guys even last night. And this morning. Thank you again for coming."

All three of you reiterated that you were going to support her as much as you could, while you could. Then, as Tasha's bus started approaching down the street, you each gave her a goodbye kiss.

"You know, one of these days I'm going to make you guys be the ones doing the walk of shame frommy place," she said with a smirk before getting on her bus.

"Wouldn't be any shame at all," Gemma called after her with a grin.

Once her bus pulled away, yours showed up shortly after and you were headed into the office. You'd managed to grab three seats near the back, without anyone else packed in nearby.

"It's going to be hard saying goodbye to her," Gemma sighed. "And Becks. It's still so weird that I have, like, female fuck buddies now. And that I care about them so much!"

"Do you need to find one back home?" Sabrina asked with a little grin. "Just to keep your bed warm, and show John a good time when he comes to visit?"

Gemma snorted and shook her head. "I'm gonna wear out some batteries in my vibrator as I get used to less sex, but I'm not going to find myself a replacement for any of you. It would be pointless - you're both irreplaceable."

"Awww," Sabrina grinned, hugging Gemma tightly.

You just smiled, making eye contact with your girlfriend and brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "No one could replace you either, love," you said. "Ever."

"Thank you, love," she replied with a smile.

Chapter 437

You made it in time to do the morning coffee run - with Andy off of the Intern team there was an open day in the schedule and it made more sense for you, Gemma and Sabrina to take care of it than to do a rotation with Eric. Ladened down with almost twenty to-go cups of various sizes between the three of you, you headed to the office.

"Hey, guys," Becks said with a smile as you held the door for Gemma and Sabrina and followed them in.

"Morning, Becks," Gemma said, heading straight for the desk.

"Good morning, sexy," Sabrina said with a more lascivious smile.

Becks rolled her eyes after doing a quick glance to make sure no one was nearby down the corridor. "Not funny, Sabrina," she said.

"You say that now," Sabrina said. "But I bet you won't turn down a Good Morning Kiss from John."

She rolled her eyes again, smirking a little, as you were the last to set down your stack of cups. "No, I wouldn't," she said.

You shrugged, not able to help your own little grin, and leaned across the desk as she leaned in as well. The kiss was soft but lingered a little longer than a friendly peck. "Good morning, Becks," you said.

"Mmm, don't say it likethat," Becks said. "That was a 'morning after' tone. Now I'm going to be horny for the next hour."