The One that Got Away ... Almost Ch. 02

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Carol & I meet again.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/06/2022
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The One that Got Away... Almost Ch. 02

by Ghostwalker

(With input by IrishLass & edited by LarryInSeattle)

Time slowly passed and thoughts of Carol faded with it. I met a new woman and after a year of dating we married but from the onset I knew I'd made a mistake. Though I loved her, I still thought of Carol and on rare occasions found myself driving past her old apartment. Then, after 7 years, my wife and I divorced, not because of my thoughts of Carol but because I caught her in bed with two of her co-workers.

Once again single, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams of a degree in Nursing. The first three semesters went by without any problems then one day in late Spring I saw her... Carol.

She was walking across the concourse with a group of friends. Her brown hair was longer, tied in a ponytail, hanging almost to her waist, and sun-streaked from being outside. Her breasts seemed larger or it could just have been wishful thinking on my part. Her skin was the color of honey and the off-the-shoulder peasant top revealed tan lines which for some reason stirred my thoughts of her.

"Please stop. Please stop. Please stop," I thought and then, almost as if she'd heard me, she stopped and looked around as if searching for something... or someone. Our eyes met and she paused as if thinking about something before she began walking towards me. "Ohmigod! Is that really you?"

"Hey, Carol."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking Nursing classes. I hurt myself working on the Rescue Squad so I needed to find something else to do for the rest of my life," I said, nonchalantly. "What about you? What are you up to?"

"That's a long story," she replied as she glanced down at her watch. "Tell you what. I have class right now but I'll meet you in the Food Plaza in an hour. Okay?"

"Deal," I said as I watched her disappear back into the crowd.

An hour passed and then 90 minutes. I was almost ready to leave when I heard a soft voice behind me. "Hey, handsome. What's a girl got to do to get a seat around here?"

"Ask," I answered as I looked back into her sparkling, ocean-blue eyes.

"Well then," she stood there with her arms full of books and her purse dangling from her shoulder.

I, immediately, got up and pulled out a chair for her.

"Thanks," she said with a smile as she put her books on the table and sat down.

"So, you said you'd tell me what's been going on with you."

"Long story, like I said."

"I got time if you do. My classes are over for the day. So what's your major?" I asked as looked at the pile of books.

"I'm taking classes in Education with an emphasis on special ed for the cognitively challenged."

"Wow!! That sounds like a pretty heavy load."

"I'm only here part-time so it's not too bad."

"How come it's only part-time? I figured your son must be in second grade by now."

"Actually, he's in third grade. He's really smart," she said, beaming with pride. "But I still need to pay the bills so I can't go to school full-time as I'd like to."

It was only then that I glanced down at the ring finger on her left hand and noticed that she wasn't wearing a wedding band any more.

She saw where I was looking and held her hand up simply saying, "Single."


She paused before continuing. "About two years after you and I split up. He went out with 'the boys' one night and got drunk. When he came home he wanted sex and I said 'no'. That was when he..." she paused and looked away before continuing. "Anyway, I landed up in the hospital for three days and he ended up going to jail for spousal abuse. After that, it wasn't hard to get a judge to see my side of the situation and award me full custody of my son."

"I'm sorry to hear that happened."

She shrugged her shoulders and replied, "It's okay I guess. I got what I wanted. Though I have to admit I might have deserved it a little bit.


"Well, after he forced me to come back to him I never let him forget about the time you and I spent together."

"Really? How?"

"Oh, I'd make little comments about what a gentleman you'd been and what a good lover you were but the final straw was when I did this," she stopped and raised her left leg revealing a delicate gold anklet. "I told him that you were my soul mate and that this anklet would always signify our bond to each other. He went ballistic and tried to rip it off but it's brazed together so the only way to get it off is either to cut it off," she chuckled.

"Wow. And I thought I had it bad being married to a narcissistic bitch for 7 years," I laughed. She smiled and I continued. "So... ummmm... you wanna get together some time for dinner or something?"

"I don't know," she faltered. "It's only been my son and I since the divorce. I haven't gone on any real dates or anything."

"You gotta be kidding. A woman as good looking as you. There must have been something."

"Well," she blushed a deep shade of red, "there were a few 'bootee calls' with a friend but there was never anything serious."

"I'll tell you what, how about we meet somewhere for a drink. Nothing fancy, just two old friends getting together."

"I'll think about it," she replied as she stood, "but right now I need to go. I have to get my son from school at 3 o'clock and drop him off at my parent's house. Then, I'm meeting some girlfriends from work at the new bar downtown for a 'lady's night'."

"Ahhh, okay. Maybe next time."

"Maybe," she called over her shoulder as she walked away, a little extra swish in her stride.

That night, I sat in my house thinking about the time that Carol and I had been together; our dreams, our plans... and finally, her fantasy."

"I wonder" I thought. "On one side she could get upset and think I'm a stalker or something but she did tell me about the anklet and pretty much told me where she'd be going tonight."

In the end, I pulled out my best suit, a light-blue dress shirt, along with a dark-blue, patterned tie, and my dress shoes. I dressed slowly making sure everything was perfect before heading out the door.

I found the bar Carol had mentioned after making one stop along the way. Inside, it was crowded, the music was so loud that you barely hear anyone, and the lights created a yellow hue throughout the room. I found her sitting at a table along the wall, laughing and drinking with several other women.

She was dressed in an emerald-green, knee-length dress that had a deep scoop to her lower back. I also noticed, as did every other guy in the place, there was a slit along the left side exposing her long, shapely legs. The slight shimmer on her legs meant she was probably wearing stockings and a garter belt since she hated pantyhose. The final touch was a pair of dark green, high heels.

I thought of approaching her and her friends but decided to take a seat at the bar and get myself something to drink... and to build up my courage before I continued with my plan.

Twenty minutes went by, and then 30, before I ordered a round of drinks for the women at Carol's table. When they arrived they seemed thrilled, as well as curious as to who'd sent them. I quickly turned away so Carol wouldn't recognize me and sipped my drink. The next 15 minutes seemed to drag by before I sent a second round of drinks. Once again, the women laughed and giggled as they asked the waitress who'd sent the drinks. This time, I didn't look away but instead walked to the table.

I wasn't sure if Carol recognized me until I got closer. I knew that now was the 'make-or-break-moment' and was thrilled when she didn't say anything but just tilted her head, looking at me quizzically.

"Good evening, ladies. I didn't mean to disturb your party but," I paused as I leaned over as if to pick something up off the ground, "I think you may have dropped this ma'am." It was then that I slipped Carol a $100 bill and a key to the hotel room I'd reserved for the night.

The moment she looked in her hand, Carol's head popped up. For a second I thought she was upset but then she mouthed the words, "You remembered," to which I gave a barely noticeable nod.

"Thank you, sir. I didn't even feel it slip from my dress."

"My pleasure, ma'am," I said as I gave a slight bow. "If you need anything else I'll be at the bar for another ten minutes or so," I flirted to help cover what had just happened.

I overheard one woman ask as I walked away. "I wonder who he is? He's kinda cute."

"Just some out of town businessman from the looks of him," said another.

Then a third asked, "Carol, what's the room key for?"

"I figured it might not be safe for me to drive after our party so I got a room," Carol replied as I walked beyond hearing distance.

I sat at the bar for a few moments and was just about to leave when I felt a presence behind me. When I turned Carol stood there, an impish grin on her face.

"Thank you again for finding my room key," she said before leaning close to me and whispering in my ear. "And these are to let you know how much I'm looking forward to seeing you VERY soon," at which point she slid something into the pocket of my suit coat. When I looked down I was a bit surprised to see the corner of her panties sticking out of the pocket. I was about to say something but when I looked up she and her friends were gone.

I waited another 10 minutes before following and found Carol waiting in the Lobby of the hotel. We didn't say a word as she joined me in the elevator but as soon as the door was closed I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. The kiss was warm and passionate, filled with the lost years of desire. Our tongues battled, pressing and twisting in each other's mouth's. Instinctively, my hand slid down the back of her dress and found myself caressing the orbs of her ass. "I want you so much," I whispered in her ear.

"I want you too," she sighed, breathlessly. "But we need to wait until we get to the room. I'm not sure how anyone else would feel if they saw us like this."

I released her reluctantly, and luckily just in time, as the doors to the elevator opened and an older couple stepped in. The woman looked at us, disdain in her eyes, and looked at her husband.

"This used to be a hotel of quality," she said haughtily.

Anger flared in me and I was about to say something back to her when the doors opened to the floor that my room was on. I exited but Carol waited for a few seconds before following. As she stepped past the woman I heard her say, "You only wish you were gonna get what I have waiting for me." At which point, I looked back over my shoulder and almost laughed at the expression on the older woman's face.

I reached the door to my room, opened it, and stepped aside for Carol to enter. The instant she did, I closed the door, leaving us in the dark as I pushed her face-first against the wall. "You know what that woman was thinking?"

"Yeah," she mumbled her cheek pressed against the wall.


"She was thinking I was a prostitute going to my trick's room."

"And what are you tonight?"

"A slut. A horny, wanton slut," she purred as she pressed her ass back against the growing bulge in my pants.

"And what is it you want?" I whispered as I pressed my body against hers.

"I want your cock inside me. I wanna get fucked so hard I can't stand and then I want you to cum deep inside me."

"Whores don't let their johns cum in them unless they're wearing a condom... and I didn't bring one."

"I guess I'm not a very good whore then because I want to feel your cum in me. In fact, I want you to fill me until it drips down my legs," she murmured as she looked over her shoulder, her lips almost touching mine.

"I think I can arrange that," I replied as I slid the strap off her left shoulder and began kissing the soft, tender skin from just behind her ear all the way down to her shoulder.

"Ohhhhhhhh," she sighed. "That's getting me so turned on."

"I remember," I whispered as I slid the strap off her other shoulder.

Giving in to her own desires, she let the straps glide down her arms, her dress now held in place only by her body pressing against the wall. "Sooooo wicked," she murmured.

"So you like this?" I asked as I pressed my body against hers. "You like being treated like a slut."

"Yesssssss," she hissed.

"Then maybe you'll like this," I continued as I slid my hands between the wall and her chest, encasing her breasts.

Her breasts were soft, warm, and felt like bread dough as I kneaded them and yet they were different from what I'd remembered. Now, they were larger and completely filled my hands. Her nipples were larger too and felt like pebbles in my palm.

"Ohmigod," she groaned, as she ground her ass against my throbbing member.

A moan rumbled in my chest as I felt my cock straining against my pants.

"Miss this so much," she whimpered.

"Me too," I whispered into her ear as I used my right hand to tug her dress down to her waist baring her tits. "So soft and so big."

"36DD," she sighed. "They never shrunk after I was done breastfeeding."

My right hand continued down the front of her dress until it rested on the junction between her legs. "And what about this?"

"Ohhhhhhh... I guess you'll need to find out," she purred, seductively as she wiggled her hips, allowing the dress to fall into a pile at her feet.

The sight before me made my cock even harder, if that was possible. Her ass was heart-shaped and toned, and she was wearing a black garter belt with flesh-toned stockings.

"You like what you see?"

"Hell yeah," I groaned.

"Then come and get it, you paid for it."

Slowly, I slid my hand down over her stomach to the junction between her legs. It was hot, and wet. My fingers found her womanly treasure and pushed one, and then two fingers into her. I started fingering her and she started humping into my hand, as she put her hands on my hips to steady herself.

"Ohmigod," she sighed as she started to glide up and down my fingers. Bit by bit, I pushed them in deeper and faster as she ground her clit against my palm. "Ohhhhhh, so good. Gonna make me cum," she croaked. "Needed this for so long. Need to feel you against me. Please, let me cum," she continued as she deftly unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down, along with my boxer-briefs, letting them fall in a pile around my ankles.

My cock, instantly, nestled into the crease between her ass cheeks.

"Yesssssss... so wicked," she hissed, as she alternated between grinding against my fingers and my cock. "Need... to... cum... yes... yes...yes."

A wet, squishy sound filled the room along with the heavy, musky aroma of her arousal. I shoved my fingers in even faster and harder as her body quivered and shuddered.

"Gonna... GONNA... OHMIGOD...YOU'RE MAKING ME CUMMMMM! YES FINGER YOUR SLUT'S HOT, WET PUSSY! ARRGGGHHHHHHH," she began to scream, but I quickly placed my hand over her mouth to quiet her, as she rocketed off into orgasmic bliss.

Time stood still for both of us as we stood there; her body shivering from head-to-toe, my fingers embedded in her sodden tunnel as my thumb stroked her clit. One, two, three times she seemed to be calming down only to be overcome by yet another orgasm. It wasn't until she slumped in my arms that she gasped, "No more, no more," and pushed my hand from between her legs.

"I can't remember EVER cumming like that," she wheezed, my arm wrapped around her waist to keep her from falling to the floor.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Mmmmmmmm, yesssssss," she purred as she scooped some of her escaping juice from between her legs. "But there's still one more thing I wanna feel," she continued as she lathered her cum over the length of my shaft. "I wanna feel this deep inside me. I wanna feel it slamming against the back of my pussy and then I wanna feel you cum in me. I wanna," she hesitated, "I wanna make up for all the time we've lost... and I wanna have your baby."

I stood there speechless, for a moment. "You're sure? You wanna have my baby? I thought whores didn't have babies."

"Like I said, I'm not a very good whore," she sighed as she began to grind her ass against my slightly softened cock. "I wanna be your friend, your lover, your fuck-buddy, your baby-mommy, and anything else you want me to be. Now,... put... your... cock... in... me," she said, emphasizing each word while bending over at the waist, placing her hands on the wall for support.

My cock slid down the crease of her ass and quickly found its target. Her pussy was beet-red and swollen. The slit between her lips gaping open like a tunnel as her juice slid from the opening and down her legs.

Then she reached between her legs and encircled my shaft with her hand and brought the tip to her opening. "Now," she whispered as she pushed backwards.

Call it fate, or bad luck. but I missed her hole and slid between her lust-swollen nether lips, driving forward until the head of my cock brushed over her clit.

"ARRRGGGHHHHH," she moaned loudly.

For a moment, I thought I had hurt her as she stood there trapped between the wall and my hips. Instinctively, I pulled back only to feel her tighten her leg muscles around my shaft.

"Don't you dare."

"I thought I hurt you," I whispered, softly.

"No... you just surprised me," she sighed. "Remember the first night we were together. Remember how we did this?" she continued as she began pumping herself back and forth, covering my cock with her slippery ooze.

"God, I wanted you so bad that night."

"Then why didn't you take me?" she questioned as she stopped her movements and looked over her shoulder.

"Because we'd just met and I didn't want to ruin things between us."

"So you were already imagining what it would be like to fuck me?"


"And now?" she asked as she moved forward and used her fingertips to realign my cock with her canal.

"Now, I'm not waiting," I reassured her as I pushed forward, my cock slipping past her nether lips and into her molten core.

"SHHHHHH," she hissed.

"God you're tight. I feel like my cock is in a velvet-lined vise."

"Ohhhhhhh, you feel sooooo fucking big! I can feel every vein in your cock rubbing against my pussy walls. It hurts a little bit because it's been so long but it's a good kind of pain," she murmured as she pushed back against me.

Inch by inch my cock disappeared into her hot, wet pussy until I felt it press against her cervix.

"Now, fuck me," she sighed.

I tightened my hold on her hips and began flexing my hips driving in and out of her.

She started to moan and groan as I bottomed out in her pussy. Then, she looked back at me over her shoulder and said, "This is what I've dreamed of... having you back in me. Stretching me, filling me. Ohhhhhh..."

I leaned over her and got as close to her ear as I could before whispering, "How do you like it? How do you like the feel of my cock shoved deep in your pussy? To know that before I'm done with you you're gonna have a load of my cum deep inside you? To know that I wanna get you pregnant just as much as you want it?"

She moaned and looked back at me, "Mmmmmmmm, I love it. I love the feel of your cock buried in me, stretching me. I love knowing that you're gonna cum in me and fill me up until it drips from me. To have a baby with you would fulfill one of my greatest desires. Now, give it to me. Fuck me and give me the baby I want! Make your slut pregnant!"

I started plowing in and out, over and over. I moved my cock around inside her, grinding against her to get all of her pussy. Then, I reached under her and grabbed her clit and pinched it.

She started cumming like a wild woman. "Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck. Cummmmiiinnngggggg! Gonna... coat... your... cock... with... my... juice. Gonna... show... you... what... a... good... slut... I... am" she chanted in rhythm to my thrusts.