The Shepherd's Crook Pt. 02


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"I didn't know you adopted two girls!" Eric exclaimed.

Ben nodded. "They were twenty-four and had been in the custody of the slavers from a young age. They missed out on so much and had no link to their previous lives. No identities. Adopting them gave them something to build upon. I got them enrolled in school and bought a neighbor's house to renovate it into a home for them.

Phil was looking at him with his mouth open in surprise. Finally, he found his voice. "You went above and beyond for these girls."

Ben frowned and shook his head. "I did what I could because I could." His frown slipped away as he recalled Gabriella's words. "A beautiful woman, currently back home, once told me I couldn't save everyone. She was right. I spread myself too thin, and I have to turn a blind eye on some situations I come across. I couldn't do that with Karen and Penny. They'd lost too much and were unable to cope on their own when I found them. Taking them in worked out."

"Ben is an excellent father!" Tina said with a proud smile which Lucy mirrored.

Eric glanced to them and looked at Ben questioningly.

The food began arriving sparing Ben from having to answer. Catherine leapt in to steer the conversation to the similarity between arranging funding for a movie project and fundraising for a charity, aside from the tax breaks charities get. She was very interested in hearing about the kids that found a way to make it. She related a story of some inner-city kids that set up a counseling and tutoring service which her charity was partially funding and how it helped some kids break free from the cycle of poverty.

"That meshes beautifully with what we're trying to convey in our project," Phil said. "If we get a backer for the movie, do you think they'd be willing to have their story included?"

"I'm sure they would!" Catherine said with a grin.

Ben perked up. "If you're unable to find a studio to back your project let me know and I'll see what I can do," he said to Phil.

Phil sent a careful look across the table to Eric before smiling at Ben. "I thought you said you were a Mechanical Engineer. Just how lucrative is that field?"

"I do ok. I don't know what kind of investment you are seeking. I know nothing about the movie industry. I've heard movie budgets can range from less than a million to tens of millions. Independent movies cost less; don't they?" Ben asked.

Phil and Eric traded looks and nodded. "We're looking at something a little larger than an indie film but not the budget a studio would give for a movie about you," Eric answered.

Ben shook his head as he stared at Eric as he still had no idea of the cost.

Phil saw his bewilderment and hit him with the numbers. "Eight to ten. Million."

"Oh!" Ben said.

Phil nodded and shrugged as he smiled at Ben.

"I can probably swing that."

Phil's smile dropped away in shock. He found his voice again. "You- you understand this movie isn't likely to have a large box office draw? The return on your investment may not recuperate your costs."

Eric snorted. "Don't sugar coat it, Phil. The movie will likely lose money, but it's a story that needs telling. These kids are an inspiration for others in their circumstances."

Ben nodded. "That's the thing that caught my attention. I think their stories need telling as well." He looked into Catherine's eyes and saw her love for him there. She knew his story followed the same path these kids were taking, but she kept that fact to herself, respecting his wishes. "I'll talk with my finance guy, and you can send me the proposal." He took out his cell and displayed his home address and number for Phil who added it to his address book. Ben took Phil's details as well.

The actor grinned across the table at his partner. "I certainly wasn't expecting dinner to turn out like this! Not after the shit day, we've had!" He quickly glanced at Tina contritely. "Oh! Please excuse the profanity."

She grinned at him. "It's ok. While it's not often, we have shit days too."

The table burst into chuckles hearing the profanity from Tina's mouth.

They settled in to enjoy their meals. The conversation centered on the movie they were planning and Ben felt more and more at ease with the idea of backing it. While he wasn't comfortable sharing his own story, these kids would be an inspiration for others.

They had a few more people drop by the table to greet Phil and fish for an introduction to Ben. After the third one, Phil spoke to Ben to apologize. "Normally I get a nod or a wave. These interruptions are nuts! How should I be introducing you? As an investor?"

Ben shook his head with a smile. "Just say friend. No need to link my name to the project. I'd be a silent partner."

"Somehow, I thought you might say that," Eric said with a smile.

They finished dinner with only a few more visits and made their way outside. Flashes exploded the moment they exited. The paparazzi were waiting for them as word had gotten out.

A shuttle bus from the hotel swooped in and, with a final wave to Phil and Eric, Tina got their group loaded onto the bus.

"Who ordered this?" Ben asked with a smile and Tina wiggled her cell at him. He kissed her on the forehead for her quick thinking.

The shuttle made a quick circuit of the neighborhood and dropped them off at the front door of the hotel.

Tina and Lucy joined Ben in his room for night one. They were content to cuddle, and that suited Ben just fine.

As he relaxed with the two soft women breathing gently against his chest, the activities of the evening scrolled through his mind. Phil's words, about how this town wasn't the place to come searching for anonymity, returned to him. From the burst of flashes the moment they left the restaurant, Ben knew the city was aware he was here. Tomorrow he'd be following the ladies up and down Rodeo Drive, and he hoped they'd manage it without being chased all day.

Chapter 10

Ben and Evelyn returned to the sidewalk café in front of the hotel after dropping off everyone's shopping bags in the appropriate rooms. It had been a long but highly successful day of shopping, and everyone was feeling very pleased. As they approached the tables, Ben was surprised to see Trish giving a hug and air kisses to a tall and slim, mocha skinned beauty. Ben immediately recognized the big man standing behind her as Killah D, and the woman at his side, Brooklyn. With a happy smile on his face, he shook hands and bumped chests with the rap artist and gave the man's girlfriend a warm hug as well. The beauty with Trish was La'Shia and Ben hugged her too. Then he did the introductions for the rest of his group as he discovered the artists had just arrived. Lisa, Lori, Lucy, and Tina were all dazzled by La'Shia, and she looked very pleased.

"What an amazing coincidence!" Ben gushed then caught the look in La'Shia's eye. "Oh, not a coincidence?"

The beauty laughed gently. "Actually, no. We heard through the grapevine that you were in town rubbing elbows with celebrities. It's all over the entertainment news channels. The story even mentioned where you were staying." She gestured over her shoulder, indicating the paparazzi on the opposite sidewalk snapping shots of them with long lenses. Ben had been ignoring them as he'd done all day.

"We came by because we're having a party tonight at the house we're renting up in the hills and wanted to invite you- all of you," she added as she looked to the excited faces. Ben realized his group was on board with the plan, so he nodded. "Sounds like fun!"

La'Shia gave Ben the address, and he added it to his cell. "We'll see you around 9 PM?"


The singer moved a little closer to Ben and looked up into his eyes. "The last time we met wasn't the best of circumstances, but it's good to see you're feeling better now."

Ben gave her an appreciative nod.

"Would it be possible for you to show Brooklyn and I some of those dance moves of yours tonight?" she asked quietly and bit her lip nervously.

Not a coincidence at all then. They wanted something from him. He recalled telling La'Shia she should have just asked him instead of falling victim to that barracuda of a reporter. Well, here she was, asking.

"Yes, sure." La'Shia's face lit up with her excitement, and Brooklyn's expression picked that up as well, so he knew the choreographer was in on the request too. Killah gave Ben a questioning look, but he just shrugged.

Catherine was close enough to have heard the singer's quiet request and gave Ben a look of concern. She'd spoken about what happened at her wedding with Gabriella and was aware of how recalling Margaret Cosburn affected him. He lifted her hand and kissed it. "It's ok," he said to her quietly.

La'Shia waved to the group as she moved away. "See you tonight!" Killah and Brooklyn waved as well before getting back into the limo idling in the hotel's loading spot.

Ben sat in the chair Catherine saved for him, and the Sergeant took another which allowed her to keep an eye on the street.

They enjoyed a drink as they relaxed and watched the people walk by. The ladies talked about what they'd found on their hunt for fashion today.

Ben caught Lisa and Lori smiling at him as they admired the beautiful gold and enamel bracelets he'd bought for them earlier. Their smiles turned sultry as they recalled that night, Ben was theirs. He caught the look and felt himself begin to stiffen, so he turned his attention to the traffic driving by until he calmed.

They had reservations at the restaurant in the hotel, so they enjoyed another exquisitely prepared meal, without visiting celebrities, before heading up to their rooms to prepare for the party.

Ben chose pants that had some stretch to the fabric as he'd be dancing later. His deep blue silk shirt flowed as well. He sadly smiled as he remembered how much Margaret loved wearing silk when she danced. He pushed those thoughts aside and took some deep breaths.

Tina and Lucy looked gorgeous in the new cocktail dresses they'd found today. Lucy was wearing a pink off the shoulder dress that clung to her body, and Tina's emerald and black lace dress fit her like a second skin. Ben gave them both kisses as they moved their bags into the adjoining room. Lisa and Lori traded places with them as they entered his suite with their luggage.

Ben was once more dazzled by how lovely the twins looked in their matching black cocktail dresses. The fabric was slightly iridescent, like wet snake-skin, and followed the curves of their bodies. Subtle windows cut in the dresses hinted at their cleavage and tight stomach muscles. Both wore black chokers around their smooth necks.

He wondered how they were able to style their long red hair so quickly to tease it up into a cascade of curls that hung down to the tops of their shoulders.

The twins gave him delighted smiles as they saw his enraptured state. They took his hands and pulled him out into the hall to meet the others.

The first person he noticed was the Sergeant. She'd switched to her black fatigues which was an aggressive look for a party. Frankly, she looked badass.

"If I'd known we were going to a party tonight I could have bought you some casual outfits," Ben said.

"I'm on duty. Security duty. Is- am I inappropriately dressed? I only have uniforms-" she stumbled.

"No! It's fine for tonight! You look- perfect!"

Evelyn's face lit up in a broad smile then her cheeks turned deeply red, so Ben looked away to the others entering the hall.

Trish was wearing a tight crop top showing off the subtle cage of muscles on her toned tummy and tight black leather pants which did incredible things with the muscles of her butt. She gave him a grin telling him she caught him checking out her ass. She gave it a little wiggle for him, and he had to look away but not before she saw his smile and snorted gently.

Catherine was a vision in her red off the shoulder cocktail dress with white pumps.

The ladies were very pleased that they'd mesmerized Ben. The Sergeant continued to blush.

The group headed downstairs to speak to the concierge. The man quickly arranged for a stretched limo to take them up the hill to the address La'Shia gave them.

Ben admired the homes and the scenery as they made their way up the hills until they pulled into a driveway which led to a sprawling mansion. Ben paid the driver then exited with the ladies and took a look around the grounds. Well-groomed privacy hedges blocked the view of the home from the street. A gorgeous modern fountain sat in the middle of the circular driveway and caught the light from the last rays of the setting sun.

They could already hear the faint thump of music from the party within the large house. Before they could press the doorbell, the door opened, and Ben saw Tilisha standing there with a delighted smile on her face. One of La'Shia's crew, the dancer was bouncing on her toes excitedly as she grinned at him. The deep scoop neck on her glittering silver top was threatening to display her delightful bosom.

"Ben! You're here!" she squealed happily.

Slightly dazzled by the jiggles she was sending through her cleavage, Ben finally managed a smile and reached out to hug the woman. She purred happily in his embrace, and when he pulled back, Ben went through the introductions for his party.

"La'Shia told me we are going to get to dance with you tonight! She and Brooklyn are also going to film it to study your moves!" the woman gushed.

Ben nodded with a faint smile. So the ladies made plans for his visit. He didn't have any objections to their request for a dance or three, but he wasn't going to push himself for them. As he'd promised Gabriella, if it became too much, he'd walk away.

Tilisha guided them forward towards the back of the house and Ben was impressed with the build of the home. He heard subtle gasps and giggles coming from behind him and glanced back. Lisa, Lori, Lucy, and Tina were all smiles as they looked into the rooms they were passing. Excitement gleamed in their eyes. Ben took another look into the dining room they were walking by and saw the people gathered there. He thought some of the faces looked familiar, but he was no expert on celebrities. He assumed they were in the music business like La'Shia and Killah D.

They arrived at the back of the house in a large entertainment room. It could have been a family room, but it was enormous, and the back wall was open to the patio outside. A DJ was set up in one corner of the room and music was playing for a few guests dancing in a large open area. Other guests were standing or sitting at the edges of the room talking and drinking.

Tilisha led the ladies over to the bar to get a drink as Ben stopped at the entrance. There was a face he recognized standing in a group nearby. Mr. DeMonte! He smiled and nodded to the man who immediately left the group and approached. Ben held out his hand, and they shook. "Phil! Fancy meeting you here! Do you travel in these circles too? Is Eric here?" Ben quickly scanned the room for the man's business partner, but it was too crowded to spot him. He looked back at the actor.

Phil smiled, but Ben could see some tension in the man's body language. "Is something wrong?" Ben asked.

"Hi, Ben. I don't normally attend these parties, but I got a call last night from La'Shia's publicist inviting me. She called shortly after we had dinner together when it hit the news. Eric had to head back to New York." He paused to take a breath. "As proven, news travels insanely fast in this town, so I wanted you to hear it from me first. I was... indiscreet last night when I was speaking to the studio exec who turned us down. He called me shortly after I left the restaurant. Someone called him to tell him who I had dinner with. He said some rude things and I got angry," Phil said uneasily. "I might have mentioned you were considering backing the project."

Ben was truly amazed at how quickly the grapevine functioned here. He waited for the actor to continue, but that seemed to be it. Phil was watching him nervously for a reaction. Ben let him off the hook. "I don't know what that means, but it doesn't seem like a big issue to me. When I said I wanted to be a silent partner, I just meant my name shouldn't appear on the final product or be used in any marketing. I hope you can restrain yourself from blurting my name in anger in the future," he said with a smile and saw the tension drain away. A smile reappeared on the actor's face.

"Should we hug it out?" Ben asked with a grin.

"I'm good!" Phil said holding up his hands as he grinned. "Besides, I'm already getting a crazy number of calls since that report on us dining together. If people heard we hugged, I might have to get a new unlisted number!"

Ben shook his head in wonder. "I don't get it."

Phil leaned in to speak privately with a grin. "They think I have an inside line on the mysterious Ben Shepherd." He glanced back at the group he'd been speaking with and saw a few frowns sent in his direction. "To defuse that, why don't you come to meet some of my colleagues before they lynch me." Ben sighed and nodded, following the actor over to the waiting group who were all trying to appear cool and relaxed. Phil looked over his shoulder at Ben and snorted. "Actors."


It was getting late in the evening, and some of the crowd was leaving which was ok with Ben because his cheek muscles were getting tired from all the smiling.

He caught a glimpse of the Sergeant as she patrolled the room, watching for threats. He'd seen a few men approach her, likely in an attempt to get to know her but each time she'd quickly scanned them with her eyes and moved on without a word. The effect this had on the men was both amusing and painful to watch. So far none had gotten angry, and he hoped none did, for their sake.

His mind went back to earlier in the evening when the twins rescued him from a dull conversation to guide him out on the dance floor. He'd enjoyed that, especially when Tina and Lucy joined them. Ben got to dance through some songs, enjoying the excitement on their faces until he left the dance floor to get some water, only to be captured by another group eager to talk with him.

After a short time, he managed to slip away from the group and headed over to the far edge of the property to look out over the city below. The view was lovely, and Ben took a few deep breaths of the evening air to center himself.

"Mr. Shepherd?"

Ben considered pretending not to hear, but the accent caught his attention. He turned to look back at the source of the question.

Star of the big screen, song and dance man extraordinaire, and heart throb to millions, Lawrence Manning smiled as he approached Ben and held out a hand to shake. Ben gripped and shook it.

"Hello, Mr. Manning."

"Please, call me Lawrence," he offered with another charming smile.

"If you call me Ben."

Lawrence nodded to him. "Ben, I heard you met with Dwayne Johnson. He's being offered the lead role in a movie about you."

Ben looked the man in the eye and nodded.

"It's being said that you're endorsing him as-"

"No. I spoke with the man. I shook his hand, as I shook yours. That's all," Ben said firmly.

Lawrence gave him an evaluating look then nodded. "Fair enough. All cards on the table, I've been offered the role as well. If they want to make another action hero movie though, I'll bow out."

"Have you seen the script?" Ben asked, anxious to know just how much of his life they were going to expose.

The actor smiled. "Not yet, but even if I had, I couldn't tell you anything about it. Not if I wanted to work in this town again."

Ben nodded as he realized a non-disclosure agreement made sense.