The Tale of Two Affairs

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Two affairs; one with a heart.
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My name is Bill Edwards, at least everyone in my life calls me Bill although my wife insists on calling me Billy. That takes me back to my adolescent days which I would rather forget. At slightly over 6 feet tall and around 180 lbs., I am 32 and on a decent career path in the marketing department at the pharmaceutical company that I work for. I am not the person who comes up with spectacularly brilliant marketing programs that often run out of gas after a couple of months followed by several other market flops. I am the guy who takes on the solid products that don't excite many people and puts together solid marketing plans that continue to grow over time. As a result my results seldom put me at the top of the list of total annual sales, but I am usually in the top ten and I am usually either first or second in profitability year-over-year reports. But that describes me pretty well, I think; a solid performer.

I have been married to a beautiful woman for eight years. We met in college and married after dating for two years. Even though she wasn't one, you could describe her as the typical cheerleader type. She was 5'6" and weighed 120 lbs. in college. She has probably added five pounds since then. She has a winning smile, blonde hair, and a nice set of C-cup breasts to match the killer legs she walks on. Where I am a solid performer at work; she is closer to being a spectacular performer in her job which is a Public Relations professional at a major corporation. Whenever they hold a news conference at any public event, her winning smile, charm and looks make her the natural front person; but make no mistake, she can out write and out think most of her peers. Her name is aptly Crystal Edwards although she prefers Crys and seldom tells anyone what her real first name is.

Early on, we decided to postpone having children until we were well established in our careers and since one of the products my company made was birth control pills, I was her supplier. She often called me her drug dealer. However, the subject receded even farther from the radar screen as we both got deeper into our careers. Our sex life which early on was regular and exciting had dwindled to an irregular but still usually exciting state. Our last sex had been several weeks ago and both of us could provide a lengthy list of legitimate excuses for the abstinence interlude.

Occasionally I wonder if she might be having an affair. She was usually the object of attention by both men and women when we went out and she was often hit on even when I was present. I also know that her schedule is tight and the opportunities for an outside liaison are very limited. She has never said anything but I suspect that she wonders the same about me. While women don't run me down and beg me to father their babies; I can hold my own in a social setting and draw at least some admiring looks.

Over the past two months, she had been home by at least nine o'clock; and on those occasions that were later she had attended a well publicized event or meeting. The only exceptions were several nights out with our friend Luce. Ah Luce; as in Lucia di Abruzzi although her married name had been Luce MacIntosh. She was an up and coming corporate attorney in a major law firm and she would probably be named partner during the next year. In my mind she evoked images of Angie Harmon in both looks and character; tall, dark haired, very beautiful and smart as they come. She was never the passionate prosecutor or defender but was always the voice of reason and sanity even in the most chaotic situations. She seldom pled in cases in court unless they needed a strong voice of reason to speak but the game plan for the trial had her fingerprints all over it. The only flaw that Luce had was her husband, now her ex-husband.

He had also been a lawyer but unlike Luce, he was one of those bigger than life types who never lost a case except those where was representing a loser in his judgment. While everyone felt sure that he was a ladies' man, he left no doubt when Luce went to the doctor and came home with a prescription to cure one of the so called social diseases. After telling her that she was mistaken, she packed his things and put them on the curb when he came back from a weekend trip. The divorce settlement was entirely in her favor as she had been collecting information for a couple of years before that. To make matters worse, his latest conquest's husband sued him and his firm for alienation of affection. When DNA tests linked both their diseases and her unborn child to him, his law firm quietly paid the irate husband off and suggested that he leave their employ and the city. When last heard of, he lived in a border town specializing in arranging cheap Mexican divorces.

To say that Luce's friends were glad that he was gone would be an understatement; but Luce was also hurt enough that she did not immediately jump back into the social world after he left. It had been six months since the divorce had been finalized and the only times she had gone out were when she came to our house for dinner or out with Crys and their evenings ended by before ten thirty. Luce and Crys had bonded at their first meeting because they were sorority sisters although from different colleges. When I met her, we also became friendly and even flirted with each other in an innocent way. Personally, if Crys was out with Luce, I felt no threat to me or our relationship at all.

Our story began on a Wednesday when I told Crys that I had a department meeting on Thursday night and that it might last until late. This was common as new products were introduced, discussed, and finally assigned to someone. They frequently lasted until nine or ten and dinner was brought in around seven if it appeared that the meeting would last that long. Crys understood and said that she and Luce had planned go eat and hit a couple of clubs anyway and when I got through, I could call her and she would tell me where they were and I could join them for a drink and dessert. That sounded good to me although for them to go out on a Thursday was a little unusual.

Things went smoothly on Thursday and my department sat down for our meeting at five and we all walked out at six thirty. We had all read about the three new products and there was little to discuss. None of the others were interested in two of the products, so I took them. They had a niche market potential that should be a long term opportunity if a not spectacular one. Two people were interested in the other product and they quickly decided to share the product. That was that. After I closed up my office and got to my car, I saw that was almost seven. I was about to pull out my phone and call Crys when I decided not to. She had Luce were probably already through with dinner and maybe already at a club. I would go eat and kill some time and call her around eight thirty. That would give them some time together and we could still have dessert together.

I decided to go eat at one of our favorite restaurants where the food was good and there was usually music playing and some activity to watch. I could kill an hour or two there. It was a fifteen minute drive from my office and I was soon parked in front on what looked to be a light night. I walked in and spied someone sitting alone at my favorite table. That someone was Luce who was reading a book while sipping a glass of wine. I had a slight chill run up my back as I walked toward her. She didn't look up until I stopped right next to her table.

She looked up and froze, "Bill! I thought your meeting was going to last until nine or ten." In spite of her legal and court room training, Luce was a lousy actress.

"Normally it would have but tonight we got out early. Where is Crys?" I knew the answer already but decided to play it out.

"Um...She'll be right back." Luce wouldn't even look at me as she lied to cover for her friend.

"Unless you don't want me, I'll just sit here and wait." I didn't wait for a response and just sat down. The waitress brought me a glass of the wine I usually drank.

I saw Luce reach in her purse as she said, "I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom."

"Sit down, Luce. I'm here; she's not. Relax and drink your wine. I think that we are good enough friends that we can talk together for awhile. When you settle down, you can tell me the truth. I am not going to make a scene or go ballistic or anything."

She looked at me in the eyes for a moment and then slumped back and said, "I'm not a good liar. I told her that."

"I'm hungry; have you eaten?" She shook her head. "How about we share a large chicken Caesar salad and some garlic bread sticks? When we are finished, then we can wade through the bull shit."

For the first time, she broke a small smile. "I'd like that." I waved to the waitress and placed our order.

"So, I haven't seen you recently; have you been busy at work?"

"Yes, very. We have a big case going and I have been working on the strategy and putting together the data package together."

"Is this the one that gets you your partnership?"

"I was told privately that if this one comes through that I would definitely be on the list. So there is no guarantee but it looks fairly good. Whatever happens, when this case is over, I am going to slow down and either take a trip or some long weekends. I think I need some change of scenery."

"So where are you thinking of going?"

"If I take a week or ten days, I am thinking about Cabo San Lucas. I have never been so there aren't any bad memories. If I can't take that long, I may take several long weekends to Galveston and take sailing lessons. I heard about a four weekend program that interests me."

"You can take sailing lessons out here at the lake. In fact, I've kind of thought about taking those lessons myself."

"I didn't know that you were interested in sailing."

"I never talked about it much but it has sort of been a dream of mine for a long time."

We fell silent for a moment because we both knew the reason I hadn't talked about it before was Crys. She made no secret of her fear of being on the water in any boat that didn't have an engine, preferably two.

I broke the ice and said, "Well either choice sounds like a winner to me. I'll encourage you to take either one."

"Thanks." She looked me and added "I'm leaning towards the sailing lessons because that is something I can continue to do for a long time afterwards."

"I understand that completely. Let's eat; I'm starved." She laughed and we dug in. For some reason, I had always felt a resonance with Luce. I guess it was because we were both solid performers or something like that. And if I admitted it to myself, I also liked looking at her. She was beautiful for sure but there was also an aura of exoticness that appealed to me. Perhaps it was her Italian heritage although she was a least four generations removed from Italy. In any event, I had never acted on my attraction except as I said that we flirted a little but that had always been around Crys or her ex.

When we finished the dinner, I ordered a refill of our wine and sat back. She knew what was coming next; so to her credit she broke the ice. "Bill, I'm going to tell you the truth at least as much as I know because you deserve to know; but this really hurts me a lot to do this. You and Crys are my best friends. In the last six months, I have lost a lot of people that I thought were good friends and I am afraid to lose any more. I don't want to come between you and Crys in any way and I will not choose sides whatever happens. Ok?"

"Luce, whatever you tell me is coming from a friend, and I will leave here thanking my lucky stars that I have a friend like you. And whatever you tell me, I won't act irrationally or anything like that. I will think it over and decide what is best for me and at some point, I will talk to Crys about it. We may have gotten caught up in our careers and lost some of our intimacy, but I am still married to her and will try to talk things out with her. Is that good enough for you?"

"Before, I would have said yes; now I will say 'I'll wait and see.' I want to believe you but I still have a lot of trust issues."

"I will accept that."

"She told me that a month or so ago, that a new guy came to work there. He was in a different department but was involved in the PR department a lot. I think he was a photographer or something. He immediately started flirting with her. She said that he was cute and had a great smile. I could tell that she was attracted to him but she said that nothing was going to happen. I can't verify if they went to lunch or anything like that, but until last week I assumed that they hadn't had any contact outside of work. Friday when we went out, he showed up. I suspect that she told him where we would be and then waited to see what would happen. What happened is that they danced together for most of the evening. I danced some too and didn't watch them all night, but near the end, they kissed. It wasn't a big one or anything but I could tell that she liked it." She fell silent for a moment.

"Go on, Luce. Tell me about tonight."

"She called me yesterday afternoon and asked if I would go out with her tonight. I thought it was odd because we don't go out during the week. She said that the guy whose name is Rod, wanted to meet her and dance some more and that if she went out with me, you wouldn't ask any questions. I told her that I was uncomfortable doing something behind your back. She begged me and I finally gave in but told her that this would be the last time. I also said that I didn't want to sit in a bar all night waiting again. She offered to bring me here and I could read or whatever and she promised that she would be back before ten thirty and that she would call you and have you meet us here. Bill that is all I know for sure. Don't be mad at me."

"Luce, I'm not mad at anyone; not Crys, or this guy whoever he is, and especially not you. Crys has been hit on a lot of times and in front of me including a lot of people. That I can live with. I don't understand what is going on inside Crys and I would like to find out before I make any decisions. That is where I am coming from."

She let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God."

"So where are they tonight?" Suddenly Luce's sense of relief disappeared and she was on guard again.

"I'm not going to let you go there and confront her, Bill. Don't ask me to do that."

"I'm not asking so I can confront her. I am not ready to do that. I want to see her with this guy. I have learned to watch Crys and read her body language. Seeing her will tell me a lot. I swear."

She thought for several minutes and then said, "I will tell you on two conditions."

"I'll accept both of them."

"We'll see. First, the club has a separate area where you can watch but not get directly involved and second, I am going with you."

"The first would be perfect but why do you want to come?"

"Because you can't get in that area alone and because I don't want to sit and wait here any longer. I'd rather go with you."

"Get your things together while I pay our check." I went to the counter and paid our bill and when I was finished, Luce was next to me. Once in the car, she gave me directions to a club about five minutes away and led me to a door on the side. "How did you find out about this place?"

"I have been here a couple of times when...when I was doing some investigative work."

"Are you sure that you will be Ok here again?" I suspected that I knew what the investigations were about.

"I'll be fine. This time, I have you for support."

We entered a long narrow hallway like place with small tables along a wall of windows looking out over the scene before. She led me a table in the middle and we sat down. The waitress came and we each ordered a glass of wine.

I thought a moment, "She wore her black and white dress with the little jacket today."

Luce looked straight at me and said, "She changed. She's wearing her red dancing dress tonight. I think that is her sitting at the table on the far wall."

I looked and she was right. Crys was sitting in profile to us in her red dress which had a pleated skirt that flared out while she danced and showed off her legs. The top had spaghetti straps and showed a generous amount of cleavage. As she was sitting, I could see her leg almost to her top of her thigh. She also seemed to be wearing a garter belt and hose, something that she rarely did. Then I turned my attention to the man sitting next to her. He was holding her hand while she was talking quietly to him and his eyes never left her cleavage as he listened. They were both smiling the little smile that people wear when they are comfortable with each other.

Luce took my hand and asked, "Are you alright?"

I turned and saw the look of concern in her eyes, "Yes, I am doing Ok. I think that she is quite comfortable with him and also very attracted to him."

"That is my impression too."

I turned back towards the window as he stood and led her to the dance floor for a slow song. She came right into his arms and her arms went around his neck. His arms went around her waist and then settled on her ass. In that position, their abdomens were pressed together firmly. Before she rested her head on his chest, she reached up and kissed him on the lips. Before the song ended, they had kissed three more times with the last one the longest and appeared to involve his tongue between her lips. He was still cupping her ass but it also appeared that several of his fingers had disappeared under one of the petals. She made no effort to remove them.

We watched for twenty more minutes while Luce continued to hold my hand. We saw them sit and talk closely for several minutes and then another dance that was similar to the other one we watched. I checked the time and said, "Luce, it is nine thirty and maybe we should get you back to the other place. She should be expecting me to call in about half an hour." Luce nodded and stood up still holding my hand.

We walked out to the car and got in. I noticed that I was parked between two big trucks and we were mostly in the dark. Before I started the car, Luce asked, "So what did you see and what are you feeling?"

"I saw a woman who was excited to be with a man and who saw a lot of promise if she let herself avail herself of it. I haven't seen her that way before, so that is new and why I wanted to see for myself. As for what I feel, I'm not sure exactly, I am a little concerned about where this might go but like I told you, I need to sort out a lot of things and then have a talk with her."

"You are taking this better than I thought you might. You have shown me a lot about you tonight." I reached to start the car when she grabbed my hand and said "Crap!"


"They are walking this way. If we leave, she will recognize your car. Let's wait a minute before we go back."

I nodded and felt her grip my hand firmly. I also rolled down the window to let some air in.

Unfortunately, we didn't have the opportunity to escape. They walked between the two cars directly in front of us. If I had turned on my headlights, they would have been spotlighted. He turned her towards him and pulled her in for a deep kiss. She went without resistance. That lasted for only a few minutes when he pulled back and began pulling her spaghetti straps down her arms until the top was down and her full breasts were on display to his eyes and available to his touch.

We heard him speak, "You are more beautiful that I expected." Then his head went down and began kissing her proud melons. She let out a sigh and pulled his head tighter to her. There was no doubt that he was sucking her nipples and when he stood up again the hard points glistened in the dim light from his saliva. He said something quietly to her and she nodded her head. The next thing was a little shocking. Crys reached down and unzipped his pants and pulled them down until his fully erect cock stood out straight and proud. I could hear Luce gasp. Crys took hold of him as he began to lift her onto the hood of the little sports car and then move the petals of the dress out of the way. She hadn't been wearing panties. In a moment, he was inside her and her legs were wrapped around his waist. We could clearly hear her crying, "Yes, oh god, yes." This public coupling was fast and furious and it was very obvious that both of them wanted and needed each other even if they might have drawn a crowd. It lasted about ten minutes when he stiffened and she cried out again. "Yes, fill me up; I'm coming." Then she went still and lay against him while she caught her breath while he was still inside her. Finally, he pulled back and she stood up. They kissed tenderly.
