The Talk Ch. 08


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So, now that I was fully awake, I decided that I might as well start my day. I carefully got out of bed, taking great care to not wake up my wife as I did so, and walked into the kitchen. The first order of business for me on ANY day is to make myself a pot of coffee and wake up with a warm cup of joe in my hand. I started the coffee machine and, as I had my head stuck in the fridge to retrieve the Half & Half, I heard my daughter's voice.

"Mmmm," she cooed. "Coffee. Mom was right. You DO know how to please a woman."

I stood up from the fridge to look at my daughter and saw, not surprisingly, that she was dressed scantily in a baby-doll nightie. The garment was made of a very thin material that left little-to-nothing to the imagination. I could clearly see her nipples and her shaven pussy lips through the fabric, but the fact that the material was the only thing that separated her skin from the cool morning air seemed all the more tantalizing. Her short frame looked utterly perfect in the morning light and her sandy-blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Her blue eyes were still a little bleary from sleep, but she wore the most spectacular smile on her face. "Morning, Kitten," I greeted her with a fatherly smile. "You're up awfully early, aren't you?"

She walked past me, straight for the cupboard, and pulled out a coffee mug for herself. Now armed to face the day, she turned to me, still smiling, and kissed me lightly on my cheek. "Yep," she said. "No school today. Teacher's conference of some sort. Normally, I'd sleep in, but I thought I'd get an early start. Big day an' all." She wagged her eyebrows at me playfully and then made her way to the coffee machine.

As I watched Sue fill her cup with the brown elixir, I had to admire her casual beauty. She was so at ease and relaxed that I just couldn't imagine how a man such as myself could have been so lucky to be blessed with such a wonderful daughter. Her physical beauty, while extraordinary, was nothing compared to the beauty of her heart and mind. At all times she has been nothing but accepting and graceful, even when she feels passionate about something. Her inherent beauty, aside from her physical attributes, were definitely the legacy of her mother. Kathy may be an emotional tornado sometimes, but she has always been graceful under fire. Sue is much the same way and that, above all else, is one of the reasons I so dearly love her.

My daughter idly reached behind herself and scratched a spot just above her perfect derriere as she poured sugar into her coffee. Then she turned around, her hand outstretched and her breasts jiggling slightly, and said, "Daddy? Can I have some of your cream, please?"

I looked down at the pint of creamer in my hand stupidly, shook myself out of my reverie and handed it to her. "Sorry. I was distracted," I mumbled. I dully noted that I had begun to sport a rather impressive erection.

Sue smiled warmly. "No need to apologize, Daddy. Go ahead and look if you want. I don't mind. I mean, after this last week, what can it hurt?" She unworriedly turned back around and poured some creamer into her coffee, took the mug to the kitchen table and sat down as she blew gently on the hot coffee before taking a sip. "Maybe, in the future, when I ask for cream, you'll think it through a little more clearly. I prefer my daddy's milk from the tap." She eyed my erection playfully and then cast a smoldering look up at me.

I gulped, got myself a mug of coffee, too, and joined her at the table a few seconds later. We sat and enjoyed the morning stillness in peaceful silence while we savored each sip of coffee. Occasionally, we would look at each other and smile and then resume our drinking, not saying a word. Finally, after my eyes began to brighten a bit and wakefulness had completely embraced me, I left her alone for just a moment to get out our chess set. As I approached the table, chess set in hand, Sue beamed a smile at me and I said, "So... since you don't have any school today, what are your plans?"

Sue took another quiet sip of coffee and then answered, "I don't know, really. I think Dave managed to get the day off from work, too, so I was thinking that we might get things started early. If that's okay with you and Mom, that is." I held a black piece and a white piece in each hand, hid them behind my back and waited. "Left," she said. I held my left hand out to her and offered the white Queen. She took it from me and, rather impulsively, grabbed hold of my hand, pulled it to her lips and kissed my fingertips. When she was done, she released my palm and smiled coyly at me.

I took a deep breath as I fought for control over my body's single-minded desire to fuck my daughter then and there. My erection was almost painful now as it twitched and bobbed with rage and it began to slowly drool precum. "So... obviously, you're still okay with this, with our plans. You still want to go through with it?" I sat back down in my seat, fully aware of the fact that Sue was watching my drooling cock the way a tigress watches her prey.

Sue put down her mug and locked her eyes with mine. "Dad, I've been waiting for this a lot longer than just three days. I'm ready now, more than ever." When I didn't respond, she asked, "You're not gonna back out on me, are you?"

I set down my own cup and pushed it to the side for a moment. When I looked up to my daughter's eyes I saw that she seemed almost afraid of what my answer would be. I shook my head. "No, Kitten. I'm not backing out on you. I'm just... before, it was all just some abstract possibility, something exciting and new to think about and look forward to. But now..."

"It's really real," she finished for me.

"Yeah," I said glumly. "After today it isn't going to be just a fantasy or possibility. It'll be a reality. I'm not really scared or anything, but I'm just worried that... that... that it'll be as good as I imagine it to be."

Sue reached across the kitchen table and gently took my hand in hers. "Dad, don't you think I have the same concern? I mean, you're right. Three days ago this was all just some hot and heavy talk. It was VERY exciting. And today we'll actually do it. All of us, provided Mom or Dave don't back out. Will it be as good as any of us hope it'll be? I don't know, but I DO know that all of us are horny like mad. The slightest touch in the right spot could have me writhing on the floor right now, and I still haven't completely woken up yet. I'm pretty sure that Mom and Dave are in the same boat. We've been building up to this, Dad. I'd hate to think that any of us are too chickenshit to go through with it. I mean, what have the last three days been for? Why did I go get that shot? We've done too much to turn back now. Haven't we?"

I looked back down at the empty chess board in deep thought and then looked back to my daughter. She no longer seemed like the wild, sexy teenager I knew her to be. The woman who sat before me was mature, intelligent and confident. She knew what she wanted and was aware of herself in ways that not many people her age are. Sue stared back at me with loving, gentle eyes and smiled while the morning sun fell upon her shoulders and created a sort of halo around her beautiful face. She was so absolutely stunning at that moment that I was almost moved to tears. "I love you, Kitten. You know that, don't you?"

Sue's eyes smiled almost as brightly as the rest of her face and she squeezed my hand warmly. "Of course I do, Daddy. I love you, too. Always have and I always will. You're the best Dad any girl could ever hope for. Ever."

"You're not just saying that because... because we're... because we're going to have sex in the near future? You honestly mean it?"

My daughter stood up, leaned across the table and kissed me. Her kiss wasn't passionate or lust-filled. It was soft and gentle and sweet and utterly romantic, like she was saying "thank you" and "I love you" and "you're silly" all with just a single buss on the lips. Her tongue never darted into mine and she never let go of my hand while she held my rapt attention with her kiss. When she parted a few seconds later, she said, "You are my father and I can't imagine a better man in this world. Period. Mom's a very lucky lady." She picked up her coffee mug and said, "I think I'm going to forfeit the game preemptively. Sorry, Daddy, but I really need to go take a shower and get ready for the day." She blew me a kiss and walked out of the kitchen to leave me with my thoughts.

I quietly sipped my coffee for several more minutes as I stared at the unset chess board and thought about what the day would bring. I wasn't sure of anything anymore. Did I want to go through with this? Was I more frightened than I knew? Now that the day was upon us, COULD we go through with our plans? I was at a loss, still waking up and reeling from the wonderful kiss my daughter had given me. I couldn't think yet, not completely, but I was certain that I really, really, really liked that kiss and if there were more to be had before I died, I would do anything to get more of the same.

Kathy woke up a short while later and started to make breakfast for us. She wore nothing but an apron while she cooked and the sight of her well-toned ass through the apron's back was simply stunning. I'd never fucked her from behind while she wore an apron, but I'd had fantasies of that for years. I never got around to telling her about that, but vowed to do so as soon as possible. Dave came in when he smelled the bacon frying and paused to appreciate the view of his mother's ass while she cooked, completely oblivious to our stares.

Finally, Dave let loose with a low whistle and said, "Man, Mom, what a way to start the day! Forget about breakfast, YOU look good enough to eat. That apron really works on you!" He began to languidly stroke himself at the kitchen's entrance while he continued to watch her lustfully.

Kathy looked over her shoulder at our son and smirked. "I've had this apron for seven years and you just NOW noticed it?" She playfully grabbed a handful of her ass and shook it. "Are you sure THIS isn't what got your attention the most?"

Dave, however, didn't miss a beat. He let go of his cock and said with a shrug, as casually as you please, "Oh. Yeah. Well, I guess that's okay, too."

Kathy wagged her finger at him. "Come here, kiddo. Give your old mom a kiss good morning and stop staring." Dave obediently walked up to his mother and was about to kiss her on the cheek, but she stopped him with a piece of bacon instead and shoved it into his mouth. She looked at me as she complained, "Would you believe the nerve of this kid? He says that my apron looks better than my ass!" She looked at him while he chewed the bacon happily. "More comments like that and you might not get a piece of this 'okay' ass." She spun him around and swatted him on the behind. "Now get going and get dressed."

Dave jumped at the sudden swat, but shook his head. "Get dressed? Not on your life, Mom. I got the day off today and I have every intention of staying right here and making sure you don't forget what YOU might not get if you spank me like that again." He rubbed his bottom. "That hurt," he complained.

"Tough shit," Kathy playfully stuck her tongue out at our son and then returned her attention back to the breakfast. "Besides," she added, "we all know that there is no way in hell you'd turn down a chance to fuck me bow-legged."

"You know," I said gamely, "that apron DOES give me a few ideas. It's actually been a fantasy of mine to make love to you while you're dressed exactly like that."

Kathy laughed at that. "Oh God, Paul. How patriarchal can you possibly be? What's next, ankle-length skirts?"

I was unperturbed. "Seriously, honey. Dave's right: you DO look good enough to eat in that get-up. Sexist or not, you look hot."

"Shut up and drink your coffee, you lout," my wife said laughingly. "And, Dave, go get your sister. Breakfast is almost ready."

A few minutes later, the entire family was assembled at the table with our breakfast ready to eat. It was a typical American breakfast- eggs, bacon and toast with coffee for all. As we all started to dig in, Sue opened up the discussion. "So I was thinking," she said between forkfuls of scrambled eggs, "that maybe we could do the deed today instead of tonight. I mean, we're all here and the wait is basically over, right? I don't have school and Dave doesn't have work. I'm guessing that Dad has rescheduled all of his appointments for next week and, Mom, you don't REALLY have to go over to the other house today, do you?"

Kathy, who still had her sexy apron on, shook her head. "Actually, I do, honey. A couple will be staying for the weekend, but I'd be gone for only half an hour, just long enough to give them a quick tour of the place and make sure they have the keys. But beyond that, my day is free." She looked at me. "So how about it, Paul? Would you like to have your daughter for lunch instead of dinner?" As she asked me this, I noticed that she had pulled the center-piece of her apron so that it was bunched up between her tits so that her breasts were, at all times, in perfect view. The coy smile she wore on her face, however, was even ten times more seductive than the show she was putting on with the rest of her body.

I shrugged and tried my best to not seem all that eager, although I was now fully awake and could hardly wait to jump Sue's bones. She was still dressed in her little baby-doll nightie, but she had somehow managed to make herself look even more fuckable than when I first saw her that morning. "As it happens, I did reschedule all my appointments today, so I suppose I COULD get behind the idea. Sure. Why not?"

Sue gave a short laugh and her breasts bounced with the effort. I could see, through the sheer material of her nightie, that her nipples were already hard and her areolae were crinkled with excitement. "I would hope you'd get behind ME and not some silly idea, Dad." She chuckled some more and eyed me seductively as she licked one of her fingers clean of bacon grease.

"I just can't believe we're all going to do this," Dave put in. "This will be, like, history in the making or something. Mom, I don't know about you, but the sooner the better. I'm so ready that I can hardly contain myself. Seeing you in that apron this morning was the best wake-up call ever."

Kathy beamed at her son and nodded. "Thank you, sweetie. So I guess we're all agreed, then? As soon as we're done with breakfast, I'll go over to the other house and check in the guests. Then I'll come straight back and we can screw each other senseless."

A hush fell over the table once Kathy had finally said, pointedly and clearly, what we all intended to do. The silence was deafening for those few precious seconds and then, as though a spell had been broken, we all started to giggle. The laughter started easily enough, but it eventually got so bad that we were all howling with it and holding our sides. We laughed for minutes on end, until our eyes teared up, and then it slowly died down. In those moments of shared laughter all of the anxiety and uncertainty, the fear and the doubt, it all disappeared and we were all finally at ease with our decision as a family.

Kathy stood up and collected her dishes. "I cooked. Who's gonna clean up?" she asked as she dropped her plate into the kitchen sink.

Sue held up her fork. "I will."

"Good," my wife said with a nod. "Then I'm going to get dressed and get this business with those guests taken care of." She walked around the table, kissed each of us quickly and then made off for our bedroom to change while we continued to eat our meal. Before I finished my plate, Kathy came back wearing a summer dress. I could tell by the way her breasts slightly sagged under the bodice that she'd just pulled it on over her nude body. She carried her business satchel and breezed by us. "Be good, kids. I'll be back as soon as I can! Love you!" she called as she raced out the door.

The three of us, Sue, Dave and I, looked at each other with goofy grins on our faces. We shared another brief bit of laughter and then started the day. Sue went to the sink to wash the dishes, Dave went to go take a shower and I did the same. We knew it wouldn't be long before Kathy got back home and our family event would finally take place.

When I got out of the shower, I didn't even bother to put on my boxers, as I knew they'd be taken off soon anyway. I dried off immediately and made for the living room, where the video camera and its sundry equipment had been placed the night before. I wanted to get everything ready to go by the time Kathy got home. Sue was in her bedroom and Dave was kind enough to help me out by bringing his small TV into the living room, so that we could use it as a monitor, to make sure the camera captured everything.

"Man, this is so exciting, Dad," Dave said happily as I double-checked the camcorder's connections. "I only wish we had someone else here to really work the camera."

I looked up from the tangle of wires in front of me and said, "Don't worry, kiddo. I'm setting the camera on a wide angle, so it'll catch just about everything in the room. We'll all have plenty of space to move around and play." I gently shook the tripod to make sure that it was stable and wouldn't fall. The tripod also had a quick-release mechanism so that the camera could be lifted off of it at a moment's notice without any fuss. I tested that as well and almost broke the camera when it started to fall from my hands. Luckily, I managed to catch it and reaffix it to the tripod stand. "And remember, please, that the camera isn't being used as a toy in this... event. This is a tool of documentation right now and nothing more. Remember when I set this up last Christmas? It's like that. Just forget it's there when the ball gets rolling."

Dave laughed. "Except, last Christmas, there wasn't any footage of you and me cumming in Sue's or Mom's pussies."

"At the same time, don't forget," I said as I plugged the power cord into the wall. "Both girls want to try that."

Dave turned on the TV monitor and I fired up the camcorder. Within seconds the TV showed a wide-angle view of our empty living room. "Looks like it's working," Dave said appreciatively. "Think we should get some blankets or something?"

I surveyed the living room and gave a slight nod. "The girls might appreciate that, yeah. Good thinking, son." While he left to go get some blankets out of the linen closet, I tested the camera to make sure that it was recording properly. That was something I should have done three nights before, but I hadn't thought of it at the time. Luckily, it was in perfect working order. As Dave spread the blankets out on the living room floor, Sue came out of her bedroom to see what was going on. "Ah! Sue. What do you think? It was your brother's idea. No rug-burn."

Sue walked to the middle of the room, blankets beneath her feet, and smiled. "I like it," she said and she helped her brother to his feet. When he stood in front of her, she kissed him sweetly and gently took hold of his cock for a quick squeeze. "Thanks, bro."

"Hold it!" I said as I saw Dave prepare to return the gentle fondling in kind. "Just save it for a few more minutes. Your mother should be home any time now and we-"

"Actually, I'm home NOW," Kathy called from the foyer. I heard her drop her briefcase and coat by the front door. By the time she made it to the kitchen, she was already unzipping the back of her summer dress. By the time she made it to the living room floor, she'd let her dress fall away from her body and joined our kids in full nudity. Her nipples were fully erect and there was a high flush to her cheeks, like she'd just run a marathon except for the fact that she wasn't out of breath. She grabbed our son by the hand and almost pushed him down to the sofa. "Paul! Turn on the damn camcorder and let's do this! I can't wait any more!" Dave didn't even attempt to fight her off when she dove between his legs and began to suck on his manhood like it was the last meal she'd ever have. She shifted quickly and began to wiggle her ass in the air as she sucked her son like a madwoman.