The Twelve Zenati Pt. 20


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He ran his hand along her ribs and shoulder until he could twine it into her hair, jerking her head up to hear the squeals and whimpers of her passion better as he continued to pound into her tight little body.

"Oh God," Olivia cried out, as her head was reefed back. She howled, minutes later, as her pussy pulsed with her orgasm, and she drowned in a feeling so overwhelmingly delicious that she floated on the endorphins that filled her.

"I fucking love you," Genesis grunted, grasping her hips hard as he drove toward his own orgasm. "You are mine," he growled as he came deep inside her. He pulled her hips so tightly against himself that he lifted her slightly off the bed, and his hard cock filled her completely.

Trembling, as their energy and adrenaline subsided, they both collapsed onto the bed, spent and glistening with a thin veil of perspiration. Genesis slowly pulled Olivia on top of him and kissed her deeply as their heartbeats returned to normal. They spent what seemed like forever indulging in long, slow, deep kisses, and tender strokes, until she rested her head on his chest, every muscle in her body relaxed, their hearts still pounding together.


"Wake up, sleepy head," Noah said softly, gently shaking Marcella's shoulder.

"Go away," Marcella murmured and burrowed down into the blankets.

"We have to go. A day of adventure awaits," Noah chuckled. "I brought you coffee."

"Sure, adventure," she grumbled. "I think I can live without seeing what the man who keeps lecturing me about taking risks considers an adventure," she groaned and pulled a pillow over her head. "A visit to the museum can wait until I'm done sleeping."

"I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised by the lack of museums on the itinerary today," he teased, removing the pillow from her head. "Come on, get up. You'll never know unless you move that cute ass of yours." He felt buoyed by what had happened when they arrived back at their suite last night and intended to make the most of her apparent thawing out where he was concerned.

"You're supposed to be following my lead, remember," she growled.

"I am! You told me, last night, to plan today, because you had no better idea than lying around beside the pool," Noah responded, defensively.

"I've changed my mind. Lying around by the pool sounds so good right now," Marcella groaned, but she began to sit up and looked to her side where the tantalising smell of coffee was coming from. "My god, what time is it?" she frowned, picking up her phone once she had sat up and taken a sip of the coffee.

"It's four thirty, and we have to go," Noah said, becoming frustrated with how long she was taking to wake up. He had left it until the last moment, to allow her as much sleep as possible, and now he realised that was probably a mistake.

"You're insane!" Marcella accused.

"No, just making the most of the day you gave me," Noah grinned. "Please get up and get dressed. We have a schedule to keep."

"A schedule!" Marcella snorted. "Oh yeah, that just reeks of adventure," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Care to make a bet on that?" he asked with a smug voice and crossing his arms over his chest.

"What sort of a bet?" she frowned, not willing to give up any more of her control than she already had.

"A baseball bet," he chuckled. "For each adventure that you enjoy, I gain a base. If you are bored or don't like what I have planned, you can call a foul ball and we move on to the next batter, so to speak. If you call foul ball three times, and mean it, we can return to lounge by the pool and drink cocktails."

"Well, that's a no-brainer, Mr-safety-first. We may as well just stay here and save time," Marcella said, derisively.

"You won't know until you try. Is it a bet?" He held out his hand to her, and she eyed it warily, before taking it in her own.

"Challenge accepted," she laughed and then groaned as he used her hand to pull her from the bed. "Alright, give me a few minutes to get dressed, then we can go and keep your ludicrous schedule."

"Ludicrous?" Noah asked, in mock indignation. "I guess that Stevie doesn't want to come out and play with me today," he teased.

"No sane person would make someone they're trying to impress get up this early," she retorted, through the partially-closed bathroom door. "Luckily, Stevie is more easily impressed than me and will do anything to get out of being cooped up here all day."

He bit back the retort that was on his tongue about what made her think that he was trying to impress her, and that he might just be indulging his own adrenaline junkie which he rarely let free anymore. He was looking forward to the day, and the last thing he wanted to do was cause this acerbic banter to devolve into an argument before the day even started.

"The longer you take, the less time we have for breakfast," he warned, as he walked out of the bedroom to avoid another teasing incident of Marcella parading around in lingerie in front of him.

He'd already packed a bag for her with everything that she would need for the day, including the bikini that added to his fantasies and an evening gown in scarlet red for tonight. He was confident in his plans for the day, and with the bet in place, he was now looking forward to the day even more.

"Breakfast?" Marcella asked, twenty minutes later, as she walked into the living area in jeans and a t-shirt, with a small cactus near her left shoulder and the words 'Need a Hug' stamped below it.

"We'll pick it up on the way. It took far too long to get you out of bed," Noah grumbled, but his face held the hint of a smile, showing that he didn't mind as much as his words would lead her to believe. He was pleased to notice that she was wearing Chux, rather than heels, and his eyes swept up her body, admiring her again.

"Great. McDonald's? Nothing else will be open at this time of day," she grumbled in return.

Noah shook his head and opened the door for her, saying nothing in response to her dig about McDonald's. Truth be told, he didn't mind an egg McMuffin and hash browns on occasion. It was still dark when they stepped out into the valet parking area, and he struggled to hold back his smirk as Marcella sighed audibly.

"You know this being up before the sun isn't impressing me, right?" she continued to grumble at him. "The chances of you even getting close to first base are diminishing by the minute. This pre-dawn wake-up call gets you your first foul ball, slugger," she said so drolly Noah couldn't help but laugh as he opened the car door for her.

Marcella gazed out of the window, ignoring the man beside her, as he drove towards the city and then through it, heading north for a few minutes, before pulling into a small bakery. A smiling older man emerged with a cake box and two coffee cups in a cardboard holder.

"Thanks, Gee," Noah said, grabbing the box and cups, before passing them to Marcella. "Sorry we can't stay. We're running late to catch the dawn."

"It's all good, Trouble. You tell your Madrina that I said hello," the man said cheerily, and hustled back into the bakery, as Marcella opened the box and perused the contents for a few moments, before what the man said registered in her mind.

"Trouble?" she asked.

"I told you that Madrina called me Trouble and why," he said with a shrug, snagging a pastry from the box, before putting the car in reverse and backing out onto the main road again. "The coffees are the same. Take whichever one you want," he offered.

"You drink the same coffee as me?" she asked, confused by that statement, and took a pecan and butterscotch pastry from the box.

"I'm not fussy," he shrugged. "Flat white with two sugars is the most common way that people seem to order their coffee, so I just go with the flow. Personally, given a choice, I prefer coconut water or juice."

"Then why order it, at all?" she questioned.

"I don't mind the caffeine boost now and then, especially on early mornings like this," he chuckled.

"We're flying?" Marcella frowned. It seemed like Noah had driven for only minutes before he pulled off the main road to the road that she knew led to the airport.

"In a manner of speaking," he nodded.

"What does that mean?" she asked, becoming annoyed with his non-answers about the day that he had planned.

"We're taking off from here, but we won't be landing back here," he explained, cryptically.

Marcella opened her mouth to berate him for giving her stupid answers when she noticed the building in front of which they were pulling up. Tandem Skydiving blazed across the outside of the building in large sign writing, and she gasped. This was not what she had expected from Noah and his no-risk-lectures.

"You're going to let me throw myself out of a plane? From a great height?" she asked, almost breathlessly.

"Attached to someone else with a parachute, after you have watched the training video and done the prejump instruction," he nodded as he listed his conditions. "Unless, of course, you are a card-carrying member of a skydiving club, then you can jump on your own. If you trust someone else to pack a chute for you."

"No, I've never skydived before, but I have always wanted to," she admitted, excited by the idea of doing this. "You're going to jump too?" she asked.

"I am. I am a card-carrying member of the club here, and I jump with these guys, often," he admitted. "It's a great adrenaline-fuelled way to start the day." He chuckled at the look of surprise on her face.

"Had enough to eat?" he motioned to the box on her lap.

"Yeah," she said, distractedly handing him the box. "We're doing this now?"

"Once you have done all the prejump training, yes," he said, with a half-smile that showed one dimple in his smooth cheek. "The sooner you do that, the sooner we can go up."

Marcella frowned, wondering why she hadn't noticed that dimple before, and refrained from reaching out to touch it. Instead, she turned and opened her door, eager to get started. Chuckling to himself, Noah followed her into the building. It took close to an hour before they could board the plane. Noah pulled Marcella close, her back to his chest, as they took their seats in the small plane.

"Don't I have to sit with the guy I am jumping with?" she questioned.

"You are," Noah chuckled, close to her ear. When she turned and looked at him with a horrified expression, he explained, "They wouldn't let you jump with me if I wasn't qualified to tandem," he reassured her. "I've taken Sera more than once, and she is still alive, so trust me. You are safer with me than with Brett over there." He indicated his friend, who was jumping with them to record the jump on a second camera to the Go-Pro he had strapped to his wrist. Marcella didn't answer him, and they remained silent for the rest of the flight until they were close to the drop zone and Noah had to talk and move to do the prejump check, and attach her harness to his own.

Marcella said nothing and only nodded nervously, as Noah once again went through the instructions and positions for the jump. She felt the four carabiners clip into place at her shoulders and hips, and he reminded her, again, about crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her head back into his chest.

Noah believed that it would be a relatively easy jump for him, with her being so petite, but he had jumped often enough not to be cavalier about safety. It wasn't that he was opposed to risk-taking, as Marcella thought. It was more that he liked to manage the risks and stay in control of the elements he could. Stevie wanted to become an adrenalin junkie, and he needed to show her that she could have adrenalin-fuelled adventures with him, here in Darwin.

Moving to the door, he could feel her tremble in his arms as he helped her cross her hands over her chest and grip the harness straps, then tilt her back. He gave her the thumbs-up signal in front of them, and the videographer stepped out of the plane and took up a position beside the door. Noah tipped them forward once, looking for the landing site, then tipped again and fell forward out of the plane. He felt Marcella's body shake against him, and the vague echo of her scream, as they freefell. There was no talking during this part of the dive, between the wind and speed, and Marcella showed how much attention she had paid, by holding her position with her arms out and her legs inside of his.

The rush of the free fall was over too soon for Marcella as she was jolted to what felt like a full stop by the parachute. She waited until Noah had told her the chute was good before relaxing and letting go of the breath she had been holding, and she began to take in the vast landscape below them. The sun was still struggling to rise over the horizon, painting the sky with pale pastel colours. It was unbelievably beautiful, and she could now understand why he had woken her so early.

"We will be landing on that small beach." Noah bent his head to speak close to her ear. "It should take us about five minutes to descend like this." Then he began pointing out some of the prominent features in the landscape, so that she could orientate herself as to where they were. "Not quite the boring guided tour you were expecting?" he asked.

"No," she shook her head. "Not at all," she replied and grinned, still filled with adrenalin.

"Not a foul ball, then?" He reminded her of the bet they had made.

"No," Marcella agreed. She had to give him credit where it was due. No one would consider this jump as a foul ball on Noah's guided tour of Darwin.

"Arms in, legs up," he warned, as the beach rushed up toward them and Noah brought them into land on their bottoms, with their legs making furrows in the sand.

"That was incredible!" Marcella crowed delightedly as Noah undid the clips that held her to him so that she could move and he could control the parachute in the stiff wind on the beach. She remained almost giddy as they removed the harnesses and jumpsuits, leaving them with the guy who had jumped with them and another man from the company, who had come to pick him and the gear up. When they began to move, as if to leave without them, Marcella became concerned.

"Where are they going?" she asked in alarm.

"Back to base," Noah chuckled. "We're not going with them. We have other plans," Noah informed her as she turned to him, concerned that they were going to be stranded here.

"Then how are we getting off this beach?" she asked, a little more acidly than she had meant to. "The one thing that I do know about Darwin is that the water has the most dangerous creatures in it. I'm not swimming with Tiger sharks, crocodiles and box jellyfish! I know you said adventure, but you can't possibly be expecting me to swim back from here! I have swum in the sea here once, and it wasn't fun." She remembered trying to find Olivia's boat in the cove graveyard.

"No, I don't expect you to swim all the way back," he chuckled, and reached out to take her hand. "You didn't eat much breakfast. Are you hungry?" he asked, and motioned to the men, who were returning from the four-wheel drive once the gear had been stored, with an esky carried between them.

"Yes, famished actually. You didn't answer my question, though," Marcella accused.

"No, I didn't," he agreed with a smile. "Let's grab something to eat and then I'll show you the next thing on today's schedule. You gave me today to organise, Marcella. Can you just relax and enjoy it?" he asked softly. "You can veto any activity, and they will come back for us if you truly want to go home, at any point in the day. You should try and eat, though. You will need the energy," he chuckled.

"You're really not going to tell me?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Maybe I should just call a foul ball on everything, and go back to Darwin with these guys," she threatened.

"Fine, come with me," he sighed loudly, disappointed that she couldn't just trust him. He walked up the beach to the line where the dense forest started, and pointed to a smaller track than the one the SVU had arrived on. It took her a few minutes to see the two quad bikes, parked in the shade next to the track.

"We're riding those?" she asked, a little nervously. She could drive a car but motorbikes, even quad ones, were not something she had ever considered.

"We'll go slow until you get used to it. It's easier than driving a car," he chuckled. "Let's grab some food before the guys go. They're on the clock, and have other customers today."

"So, we're riding back to Darwin? Are those even street legal?" she asked, as they walked back to where the small picnic had been laid out.

"No and no," Noah said, and before she could press him, he started talking to the guys. "Thanks for this. I'm starved." He sat on the edge of the blanket and pulled Marcella down beside him.

"Thanks," Marcella echoed Noah, before taking a soft bread roll that he handed her and began piling avocado, ham, cheese and tomato onto it. She also accepted a bottle of tropical juice as she sat back to eat. "You two have the best job in the world, by the looks of it," Marcella said, making polite conversation.

"You won't get any arguments from me," one of the men grinned. "The boss can be a bit of a hard ass though," he chuckled. "He's all about the paperwork and legalities and risk management plans." He rolled his eyes dramatically, while his friend chuckled with him, giving Noah surreptitious glances.

"Sounds like someone I know," she smirked and looked at Noah, who was shaking his head but had a grin, knowing the guys were teasing him. "You're the boss?" Marcella's eyes went wide.

"More of a silent partner," Noah admitted. "After my last big accident with the hang glider, my father took the opportunity, while I was healing and immobile, to teach me about risk management. Which is why these guys think that I can be a bit of a hard ass, but we have an impeccable record. In fact, all of the businesses associated with Northern Adventure Tours have impeccable safety records."

"Now there is the Noah that I know, always warning about risks and the dangers of rushing into situations," she chuckled. "Sometimes you just need to make a leap of faith," Marcella advised through her laughter, teasing him.

"Yeah, I have to agree with the big guy there," one of the men said soberly. "I pack my own chute, so I know that it will open when I need it to. I know the pilot checks over the plane every day and is one hundred per cent sure of his and the plane's ability to get us where we need to go and land safely. You can't trust anything to luck or faith up there. That's how people die. There is no room for error when you're falling out of the sky."

Noah smirked, but said nothing. This was why he trusted these guys to run the business, while he came in once or twice a week to check in with them and make a jump. Marcella had gone serious, and he could see that she was trying not to look at him as she took a bite of her breakfast roll, after the good-natured rebuke. The guys continued to chat and lightly tease each other until Noah checked his watch.

"Have you had enough to eat?" he asked Marcella, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Oh yeah," She blinked a few times. "Thanks, guys. It was great," she said, before taking a last swig of her juice and returning it to the pile of debris reloaded into the esky. She let Noah help her up and then watched as some strange male ritual of hand slapping and wrist gripping went on, as the men said goodbye. Marcella shook their hands and smiled, thanking them again for a great jump. Then Noah took her hand and walked up the beach and into the tree line with her, to the quad bikes.

'First, you owe me. First base, honeybunny," he smirked, pulling her closer.

"I owe you a base? Isn't the correct term stealing bases?" she asked. It was true that she hadn't had a normal teenage social life, and although she knew about bases in reference to dating, she had never been quite sure what each base entailed, but she wasn't about to admit that to Noah. "Besides, calling me honeybunny doesn't make me inclined to give you anything you would enjoy." She rolled her eyes at him, making him grin wider.