Trilogy of Tits and Terror Ch. 01


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"I'm sorry," he stated. "You've just... you've just been so insatiable lately."

"Hon... I've always felt like this," she admitted. "I just... I just didn't want to scare you off. Now that we're married... I feel like I can be open with you about what I want... what I need. Is that a problem?" she asked, holding his gaze, staring him down with a smile on her face. Blushing slightly, he smiled.

"No... not a problem," he stated as he leaned down to kiss her again. The kiss quickly got deeper as she slid her tongue into his mouth.

Five minutes later, AJ was railing Tess on the kitchen counter, driving up into her roughly as her hot bare ass rested on the hard surface. AJ's pants and boxers were stretched between his knees as he pumped his large cock inside his wife's pussy. His shirt had been pulled apart, and hers had been pulled up to her neck, allowing him to slide his face against her large, naked breasts. She clutched him into her tits as he stretched her pussy with his pulsing cock. She was moaning out obscenities as his mouth attacked her breasts.

"Yes! YES! Fuck me! FUCK ME!" she moaned out loudly. She pulled her husband up from her saliva coated tits, looking at his slightly mussed features. "Please, baby! Call me a slut!"

"What?" he asked, confusion breaking through the haze of pleasure.

"Please! Call me a slut! I need to hear you say it so bad!" she begged, seething with pleasure. She never really talked like this before, so he was taken aback, but with his judgment clouded by her grasping pussy, he couldn't deny her wish.

"You're... you're a slut!" he said, the words like fire on his tongue.

"YYYEEESSSS!" she squealed loudly, leaning back, arms around his neck, as she screamed out to the heavens, her pussy squeezing around him. He felt uncomfortable saying words like this, especially to his wife, but she clearly seemed to enjoy it.

"Yes, fuck! You're a slut!" he repeated, driving up into her a little harder as the pace picked up.

"Am I your slut? Please! I want it so bad! Please tell me I'm your dirty little slut!" she begged, her pussy quivering with need.

"Ughh! Fuck... you're a slut! You're my dirty fucking slut!" he said, his eyes momentarily flashing with excitement.

"UGH! GGGGGODDDDDDD!" she moaned out loudly. His hands rested against her sides, but as she jerked with pleasure, he couldn't stop himself from squeezing her bouncing tits, feeling their perfect softness in his fingers. Seeing she enjoyed his dirty talk, he kept at it.

"You're my fucking nasty whore!" he added.

"YES!" she screamed.

"Fucking tramp!"


"My nasty, filthy, amazing slut!"

"YES! YES! YES! OH GOD! YES!" Tess screamed. "I'M CUMMING! YYYEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!" she squealed, her pussy squeezing around his cock as a huge orgasm hit her. And it was enough to set him off.

"UGGHHH! GUHHHHH! FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!" he groaned, his prick exploding jet after jet of thick cum deep inside her again. For minutes, they jerked and flexed as they came against each other, until they finally came back to Earth.

As his wife leapt off the counter, AJ stepped back. He felt odd. Almost, slightly... used. Like... he had come to this ready to confront her about how different she was acting, and like, minutes later, they were fucking on the kitchen counter. And she was spurring him into saying things he didn't feel totally comfortable saying. He felt dirty in a way he wasn't totally cool with.

But clearly, Tess was unbothered. Picking up her discarded pants and underwear, she looked back at him with a teasing smirk as she sauntered out of the kitchen.

This was kind of how things went for a bit. Like, that very night, he didn't sleep much, uncomfortable with how things had gone. He kept going over it in his mind. He suspected something was wrong with her, and she seduced him until he stopped asking questions.

In the morning, he steeled himself up again, ready to speak out and get to the bottom of what was going on. Tess curled up next to him, pushing her large breasts into his side. As she did, the sheet slid down, exposing a large smooth breast to his gaze. And as always, he couldn't help but gaze, a fact she noticed.

"You can't stop staring at them..." she remarked, looking up at him with a warm, loving smile.

"They're... they're just so big!" he remarked, sounding awed, but he had a point to this. "Like, um... like seriously, how are they THAT big? This can't be just from you working out. Right?"

"Well..." she began, again studying his face. "This, uh... this trainer at the gym gave me some supplement. Supposed to help with, uh... stamina, when I work out. One of the side effects is apparently breast enlargement."

"Oh yeah?" he said, unable to hide his skepticism.

"Yeah! Why do you ask? Are you complaining?" She said with a laugh. "Are you gonna be the first man to ever complain about his wife's breasts being too big?"

"No, it's just... a big... sudden change," he stated.

"You like them..." she stated with a smirk, sliding them against him deliberately. He stared at them, and the way the soft, smooth flesh oozed against his fit chest.

"Uh... yeah, I guess..." he said.

"So why all the questions lately?" she asked, smiling wickedly as she slid her hand under the sheet, grasping his morning wood.

"I... uh, uh..." he said, jerking slightly as his wife began stroking his swollen prick. "I, uh... just, concerned about you... ugh... fuck... just making sure you're okay. Fuck!"

"Never better!" she said with a laugh, jerking his cock faster as he got fully hard. "I love my new body, baby! I love it so much! And I'm glad you like it too. I know it's so much sexier than it was before... right? I appreciate your concern, but... would it make you feel better if you came all over my tits, honey?" she asked with a wicked smirk.

"OH FUCK!" AJ groaned, his hips leaping off of the bed in excitement, despite himself. He looked down at his wife, his response all the answer she needed.

Moments later, the bed sheets were cast aside as Tess furiously stroked his tumescent, saliva-soaked pole. Any concerns he had, any questions he had, they were all cast aside again, dying on his lips as his head fell back in pleasure. And sure enough, not soon after, at her gentle, loving urging, his cock exploded, firing off thick geysers of cum all over her smooth, soft, succulent tits, again and again. As he came down from his high, his lidded eyes glanced up at her, smiling down at him with her D-cups coated with his creamy sperm.

And in that moment, all his concerns were forgotten.


'You see, Tess?' the Bitch said smugly to her hostage. Tess didn't know what fucking being was in control of her, or what her name was, so she had just started referring to her as 'The Bitch'.

'Fuck off!' Tess said, frustrated. For days on end, it had been like this. It was torturous. She had no control of her body. Nothing. She could still feel things, but in a removed, distant manner. She was trapped inside herself, and there was nothing she could do about it at the moment. And, on top of that, she had to deal with this smug bitch possessing her body at every moment, doing all this nasty stuff with her husband and rubbing it in her face.

'Oh, don't feel bad,' the Bitch stated. 'You really can't blame him. All my best features are shining through, and he loves them.'

'No! He loves me!' Tess affirmed.

'I think all that fucking cum all over my tits tells me otherwise,' the Bitch affirmed. Tess stewed for a while before the evil bitch spoke up again.

'Have you ever heard of the parable of the sock?' the Bitch asked, and Tess's silence was her answer. 'A man has his favorite sock, but he gets a hole in it, so he patches it up. Then he gets another hole, and he patches that up. And soon enough, the entire sock is just patches. All the original material is gone. So... you have to ask yourself... is it still the same sock? If it's not, when did it stop being the original sock?' Tess was still silent as 'The Bitch' explained this. 'This is something you should be thinking about, dear...'

'I don't care! I don't care about you! I don't care about a fucking sock! I care about AJ! And he cares about me! And he's catching on! He's noticed that I'm different!' Tess replied.

'True... but it won't matter. He likes my body too much to care about such trivial things. When he starts asking questions, all I have to do is shake my ass, or show off my big tits, and he crumbles. A bit more of this, and he'll stop asking questions. He'll be mine for good!' the Bitch announced.

'No! He's stronger than that! He'll stop you! I swear it!' Tess stated.

'We'll see, hahaha..." the Bitch laughed.


AJ enjoyed the hot sex with Tess. Every time. But... it almost seemed like she was using that against him. Using her appeal to get him to stop him from asking any questions. But he still had all these questions. What had spurred these changes in her? How had she changed so much in such a short time?

And these changes... they weren't stopping.

Her ass got even more pronounced and more juicy and sexy, every passing day. Despite himself, he could not stop staring at it. And, unbelievably, every day, it still seemed like her breasts were getting bigger and bigger! Like, he had checked out one of her bras, and they had already moved past DD's. They were fucking EE-cups now! What was going on?

On top of all that, it seemed like every day, she was going out shopping, buying new clothes, clothes that hugged her voluptuous features. Tighter pants. Shorter skirts. Low cut, figure hugging tops. Tiny, sexy underwear. A far cry from the tomboy she used to be. Not only the girl she was when they first met, but like, who she was mere weeks prior.

At times, it almost felt like she was a different person. Part of him considered that she was, like, reinventing herself, now that she was living away from home, but this seemed deeper than that. There were times where AJ would bring up stuff from the past, moments they had shared, and it almost seemed like she didn't remember any of it, saying 'yeah' or 'uh-huh' and then just changing the subject quickly. It was like she had forgotten all of it, all those great times they had had together.

Something was seriously off with her.

He searched online for any answers, searching her symptoms, but he found nothing that would cause these changes in his wife. Once his search results reached the point where he was scrolling past silly porn stories and people going on and on about demonic possession, he rolled his eyes and ended his search.

But he did confirm one thing. There was no supplement known to man that would cause the insane expansion of her formerly small breasts. Nothing even close to that. Tess was lying to him, and he knew it.

It was time to finally confront her. It was time to have it out and get some answers. It was time to get to the bottom of this.

A few hours passed before she returned home, late in the afternoon. Looking up at her, he realized that, at this point, he barely recognized her. Wearing skin-tight, fashionably faded jeans, her feet in high-heeled sandals, she strutted into the room, heels clicking on the wood floor. On top, she wore a thin red top, hugging her upper half, leaving most of her arms and her midriff exposed. Her uncovered, tanned skin was glowing and smooth. And her breasts... man, her breasts... they looked absolutely huge in this tight top. Just enormous, jiggling with every step she made.

AJ was about to speak up to her when she bent over to set her bag down, and as she did, her top pulled up along her back revealing the hot pink g-string threaded between her ass cheeks, the straps rising above her jeans, forming a shockingly explicit whale-tail. Needless to say, this was a far cry from the more practical underwear she used to wear. For a moment, his words died on his lips, but that lasted for just a moment. He could do this.

"Can we talk?" he began, trying to stay strong.

"Uh, yeah, of course," she said, standing up straight, turning to face him. As she did, she tugged down her top, smoothing it across her tits, which were seemingly vaulting off her chest. The top was so thin he could see the lace from her matching, hot pink bra beneath her top. "What's up?"

"Uhh... I was looking up things online, about, um..." he paused, before nodding towards her chest. She looked at him oddly, curious at where this was going. "What was the, uh, supplement that, uh, caused... that?"

Tess's eyes narrowed at him for a moment, not replying.


'Ha! You see bitch!?' Tess called out to 'The Bitch' in her own head. 'He's onto you! It's over!'

'Very well,' the Bitch said angrily. 'But don't worry... I have a plan. It's time to take this to the next level.'

Tess was brimming with excitement. This was it. This was her husband coming to rescue her. She was so happy. But, strangely enough, despite how positive she felt, the windows in her head, the ones she was looking out through, they felt like they were getting slightly smaller, as if she was getting farther away from her goal of escape.

No... no. She'd be fine. AJ was gonna save her.


"Why do you keep asking all these questions?" Tess said to AJ, unable to hide her displeasure, making AJ squirm. "Why do you keep trying to ruin a good thing?"

"Tess..." AJ began, standing strong. "Something's off with you. I... barely recognize you anymore. Something's going on with you, and I think you know what it is, and I feel like you're trying to hide it from me!"

Tess put her hands on her hips, her eyes appraising him. Finally, coming to a decision, she turned around, moving to walk out of the room.

"Come with me..." she called back to him, and he complied, unsure where this was going. Despite himself, he couldn't stop staring at his wife's ass, round and full and juicy, bouncing side to side as she walked, the tight denim clinging to her delightful rear. A surge went through his cock, despite his concern for his wife. Tess led him into the bathroom, and she reached down and grabbed the small garbage bin there, sifting through the trash, looking for something.

"I don't know why you can't just enjoy this..." Tess said, angrily, still searching for something. "Any other man would kill to be as lucky as you are. You have a wife with a perfect ass, and huge tits, who can't get enough hot nasty sex, and you can't stop bitching about it."

"Because this isn't who I married," he replied. "Ever since we moved in here, you've changed. You behave differently. You look different. I don't know if you feel like you need to do this to keep me happy, but you don't. I was happy before. I don't need all this! I just want you... the real you!"

Inside her, the real Tess was glowing, already beginning to feel stronger as her husband fought for her. But 'The Bitch' wasn't done just yet. Finding what she was looking for, she grabbed it and turned to face AJ.

"I just think you're afraid to admit the truth," she stated, fingers toying with the item in her hand. "You just don't want to look bad. You don't want to admit that you love the new me way more than the old me! That you love my hot ass and big tits more than you ever loved the old me. And I can prove it!"

Tess then held out an empty pill container towards her AJ. Studying it, confused, his eyes opened wide.

Her birth control pills.

"What is this?" he called out, baffled.

"I know what will solve all our problems," she stated, still dropping the pills into the water. "I made the decision a few weeks ago, and I wanted it to be a surprise, but I figure I should just bring it up now. I think it's time for us to take our relationship to the next level. It's time for us to have a baby!"

"What?" AJ called out, stunned.

'What!?' Tess called out to 'The Bitch' inside her own head.

'Oh, I've been planning this for a while,' the Bitch said. 'I timed it out perfectly. Today's the big day!'

What? How had she not caught on to this? Sometimes, being in this position, she kinda zoned out, but still. She should have noticed something.

'You can't be serious.' Tess muttered.

"You can't be serious," AJ said. "We... we've talked about this. We've not even close to being ready for that."

."I know, but... so much has changed since then," she said.

"We talked about it, like, two months ago!" AJ called out.

"I know, but, like I said, things have changed," she said, bringing her arms together, making her huge boobs bulge outward, the smooth, luscious flesh trying to escape her tight top. "With the amount of sex we've been having lately, I figure we should make it count."

"I... This is crazy, Tess!" AJ called out. What was going on here? Although, thinking back, this did explain something. A few weeks back, he had stumbled on her in the bathroom, with the door open, whistling to herself while dropping some pills into the toilet. Were these those pills? Her birth control pills? They had to be.

Grabbing the empty container out of his hands, she tossed the container in the garbage and began stalking towards him.

"You can't deny it, babe," she purred, her voice dripping with bad intentions. "You might be confused, you might not recognize the new me, but you can't deny that you've been LOVING the sex we've been having." As she said approached him, she reached down to undo her pants, pulling apart the button and lowering the zipper.

"I... I... I... wait," he stammered, backing up, but she kept coming, her big luscious tits jiggling with every step. As the back of his legs hit his bed, she stopped a few feet in front of him, pulling the front of her pants apart, revealing a hint of that hot, pink lace.

"This is the real me," she purred, lowering her pants down to her thighs, fully showcasing the small, lacy, hot pink underwear she was wearing. It was scooped low, barely covering her nether regions, and the thin lace allowed him to see her thin little landing strip. Whereas before, the old Tess preferred to let things be more natural, the new Tess took care of things down there. Admittedly, in this sense, even though he would never admit it to her, he preferred the new Tess. Stepping out of her high heels and tight jeans, she spoke up again. "I've always been this way. Now... it's just coming to the surface."

She spun around to show off the back, showcasing the tiny pink g-string bisecting her ass. The tiny string disappeared between the full cheeks, and the tiny garment showed off her round, full, juicy, shelf-like ass, each cheek jutting out, arresting his gaze again.

"You see?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "You love my ass! You can't stop staring at it! Every day, I feel you staring holes into my ass! I think you're obsessed with it!"

"I... wha," AJ stammered, unable to pull his eyes from her butt. His legs felt like jelly... he couldn't move away.

"But not as obsessed as you are with my big tits!" she announced, turning to face him, her boobs bouncing in their tight constraints. With his eyes widening, she grabbed the bottom of her top and lifted it up, revealing the full expanse of her taut belly, before finally, with a firm tug, she pulled her tight red top over her tits, lifting it up and off, tossing it aside.

She now stood in front of him in only her underwear. The hot pink lace really popped when contrasted with her golden tanned skin. Standing here like this, AJ couldn't stop gazing at her. Her tits looked absolutely massive! Bigger than he had ever seen. Mere weeks ago, they were little cute boobies, and now, they were massive fucking tits! They were perfectly round and mouth-wateringly soft, the skin smooth and perfect. Her round melons had filled out to an immense size, forming a natural cavern of cleavage between them. And they were so damn perky that they rippled and bounced with every small move she made. They were perfect.