Twin Hearts


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"I wish we didn't have to rush." Ashley said quietly.

"Ashley." He said nervously.

"It's quite big, but it should be fine." She said, meeting his eye, "Please Paul."

Paul took a deep breath. This was seriously fucked up - he never signed up for this kind of thing. He wasn't gay for starters; however attractive he may or may not have found Ashley, she looked like a girl.

But he was also their manager, and he had agreed to do whatever he could to help them succeed. He genuinely liked all the girls in the group, and their wider team too. And it was his career, too.

What would Jasmin say? Knowing her, she'd just tell him to get on with it, but it's not like Ashley would snitch on him if he refused. Surely?

Taking another deep breath, he raised one slightly trembling hand to Ashley's cock. Slowly, he wrapped his fingers around the shaft, getting a feel for the size and weight. Ashley let out a slow exhalation as he did so.

The flesh of her cock was warm and soft to the touch, but with an intimidating hardness just below the surface. His hand could barely grip all the way around, such was her thickness, and there was real weight quite unlike his own.

Still unsure about just what he was doing, Paul eased his hand up along her length a couple of times, looking up to see her reaction.

Ashley let out a low hiss, biting her bottom lip, one hand running through his hair.

"Paul." She whispered, "I wish we had time to play, but we need to make this quick."

Without another word she shimmied forward slightly, and her cock bobbed toward his face. Panicked, but knowing what was expected, Paul reflexively opened his mouth.

It was something of a stretch, and he had to open wider as her thickness bumped against his lips. The first thing he noticed was the smell; a subtle, masculine musk that was not present in any other part of her. She tasted clean, with just the faint hint of saltiness.

"Oh wow." He looked up meet her gaze again. She was smiling widely, her bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement, "You look hot like that."

Paul scowled - he really wasn't happy to look hot with a dick in his mouth.

"Try sucking. You know, do whatever you like girls doing to you." Ashley said.

Paul had never given it much thought blow job techniques before. In his experience, some girls were good and some less so, but he'd never dwelt on the mechanics. Now his mind was such a jumble it was a struggle to recall much of anything beyond the beautiful boy he was kneeling before. Keen to get things over with, he started to suck, bobbing his head a little like he had seen others do.

"Ye-es." Ashley breathed, both hands running through his hair, her finger tips leaving tingling lines across his scalp, "Ah - watch the teeth."

Paul his jaw a little wider, keeping his lips clamped around her as tightly as he could. Wracking his mind to recall some of his own experiences, he tried pushing his tongue up against her length too, probing and massaging at the underside. Ashley moaned happily, jiggling her hips slightly.

"Aaah, it's good." She said breathily, "Try...try stroking me too."

Lost in the moment, Paul had almost forgotten time was of the essence, and his jaw was already starting to ache a little from accommodating Ashley's thickness. Bringing his hand back to her shaft, he started to pump her dick even as he continued to suck and bob along as much as he could.

"Ah!" Ashley moaned, bucking forward slightly, and Paul almost choked before she drew back again. There was no way he was ready for that kind of thing, "Sorry. Ah, I'm...I'm close, Paul."

If anything, as her inhibitions slipped, Ashley sounded even more cute and girlish than ever. Her pants were soft and high, with a mewling quality to them, and the strain in her voice had an edge of flustered innocence. If her mannerisms had ever been an affectation before, they were clearly second nature to her now.

Redoubling his efforts, wanting the whole strange scene to be over and the show back on the road, Paul sucked and bobbed with all his might, whilst pumping her shaft with a tight grip. Ashley's wandering hands had turned in to a tight grip, clutching his head as he devoured her cock. Her breathing was now a rapid, ragged pant.

"Ah...I'm...I'm cumming." Ashley moaned, and a moment later he felt it.

The thick snake started to twitch and throb inside his mouth, and he could almost feel something passing his lips below the surface.

Then, the first shot of cum erupted into his mouth, filling him with her taste.

He choked a little as the first rope flew at the back of his throat, and he pulled back as much as Ashley's hands clamped in his hair allowed. Each twitch of her manhood brought another thick, salty strand to splatter into his mouth, which was rapidly filling. Gasping for breath, some of Ashley's cum escaped his lips, and he felt it start running down his chin.

His body's instincts started to demand that he swallow, but that was the last thing he wanted to do. The warm, cloying feeling of her semen was bad enough, he didn't want to add swallowing it to the list of things he never thought he would do in his life.

He didn't know one person could cum so much, let alone someone as small and feminine as Ashley. Her rigid dick seemed to pulse endlessly with her orgasm, and he was forced to part his lips again, pushing more out to dribble down his chin and fall to the floor. It was a disgusting feeling, albeit tinged with a weird eroticism, particularly when he glanced up at Ashley, who looked incredible in her orgasmic haze. Eyes lidded, cheeks flushed, lips parted as she panted and moaned; it was a side of her he had never seen before.

"A-ah." She breathed again.

Finally, her twitching started to subside, and Paul felt the last few globules of cum spill out onto his tongue. Ashley let out an explosive breath, finally releasing her grip on his head.

Taking his chance, Paul rocked back, releasing her cock from his mouth. The thick pole, still hard for now, glistened with a mixture of saliva and cum, with a long tendril extending from the bulbous tip to his lips.

Eyes darting around the room, Paul spotted the sink and he staggered over, leaning over to empty his mouth, violently spitting the thick, warm load into the porcelain bowl. As he bent, he realised that despite everything, he too was now hard as a rock. He didn't want to contemplate that reasons behind that.

He took a deep breath, immediately regretting it as the smell of her spunk filled his nose again.

"Jeez, do I taste that bad?" Ashley asked.

Paul ignored her for the moment, running the tap to take a mouthful of water to wash his mouth out. After a couple of swills the cloying feeling in his mouth and the weird taste and smell started to abate.

He glanced to the side when he felt Ashley's hand on his shoulder. Already she was looking close to normal, her cheeks no longer flushed and her breathing steady.

"Thanks Paul." She said quietly, "I really appreciate you helping me. That felt really good."

Paul didn't reply right away. His emotions churned with various conflicting feelings. Ashley's eyes glowed with genuine warmth and appreciation, something that touched him and, despite everything, he found very attractive. On the other side, her warmth and closeness today was derived from his having given her a blowjob, something that had never entered into any of his thoughts towards the girl, innocent or otherwise.

The world truly was a strange place.

"Hey," she said, suddenly grinning, "Wanna clean me off?"

The moment of closeness evaporated, and Paul groaned even as his eyes flicked down. Her cock, now noticeably softer, still hung out of her panties, wet and glistening.

"Damn it, Ashley." He growled, reaching for a box of tissues beside the sink. She took them with a giggle, spinning away to sort herself out.

After a few more deep breaths, Paul glanced again at his watch. Five more minutes.

Ashley was facing him when he turned around, all evidence of her erection now vanished. Her outfit was pristine, the white dress clinging to her thighs with nary a crease nor bulge in sight. Having seen her size for the first time, it was difficult to believe how well she hid herself even soft.

"You might want to clean up before you head out, too." Ashley said with a smile, tossing him the box of tissues. Paul caught them reflexively, suddenly aware again of the cum still clinging to his chin. "And have a mint; I bet your breath is a bit funky."

"Get going, Ashley." He growled, "You make this worth it, you hear? I want rave reviews tonight."

Ashley's smiled widened, and she saluted.

"Right you are, boss." She said, "Tonight's performance is all for you."

Spinning away to the door, Ashley gave one more backward look before leaving.

"Hey, Paul. Next time, we'll take our time a bit more."

And then she was gone.

"There won't be a next time!" He yelled at the door, blushing despite himself. Out in the hall, he could hear her giggle as she went.

Knuckling his forehead in frustration, Paul went to clean himself off.

He caught up with the rest of the production team just before the girls were introduced, laughing off their curiosity as to where he had been. What's done was done; he needed to put it out of his mind, as difficult as that might be, and get on with his job.

Thankfully, the appearance went off without a hitch - better, even. It was one of their best performances yet, and Ashley in particular shone. She was bursting with infectious energy, radiating an exuberant joy that the audience quickly picked up on. Her presence energised Sam and Mikki too, and together they drew out every ounce of potential from the song. Around the production room Paul could see people nodding along and tapping their feet with the music, unconscious smiles forming unbidden in response to the performance. At the end of their brief set, Dan Kavatz and his guests were noticeably impressed, clapping enthusiastically for the girls, who all looked excited with the praise. When one of the other guests - Lisa Hillingdon, an up and coming actress who had been staring in the latest big teen action franchise - declared that she would definitely be going out to buy their latest record, Paul allowed himself a little fist pump. With her following, right in one of their target demographics, it was the kind of publicity you couldn't buy.

The girls were bouncing off the walls when met them in the green room. Sam already had her phone out, reading through the online reaction, while Ashley and Mikki bounded over to give Paul a hug as he walked in. It was a normal thing, but he couldn't help but be hyper away of Ashley's slender body pressed tightly against him.

"You did great, girls." He said, mussing Mikki's hair, "You really nailed it today."

"It was so much fun!" Mikki enthused, "And Lisa was there too! Did you see?" Mikki was a huge fan of the Coldstar franchise, and Lisa in particular.

"She enjoyed it, by the looks of things. It looks like you've got a new fan"

Mikki squealed happily, clutching tightly to his arm. Paul made a mental note to send some freebies over to the actress's management; maybe they could grow something more there.

"It's going over well online." Sam noted,

"'Ashley was amazing', 'Ashley is the best', 'I love you Ashley', isn't that nice?"

"What can I say? I was feeling inspired today." Ashley said airily, and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Well, whatever it was, it looks like we're trending today." Sam said, "My messages are getting spammed too."

"That'll just be Cassie." Ashley grinned. Sam's girlfriend was as big a fan of the group as anyone, and would often travel with them. At times she almost felt like an unofficial fourth member.

"Yeah, mostly." Sam smiled happily.

After giving them a few minutes to burn off some of the post-performance excitement Paul sent the girls off to get changed. It was another early start the next day, travelling two hundred miles to the SkyLand amusement park. They had secured a headline slot for the event at the weekend, and Paul wanted to make sure they had plenty of time to settle in and rehearse.

Ashley lingered slightly as the other two left, Mikki still bouncing off the walls with energy. Paul watched her warily as she bounded over to him. Once again he was struck by just how pretty she was. Her skin glowed, a faint sheen betraying the heat of the studio lights and the energy the girls had put into their performance. Her long blonde hair, so carefully free and wild, framed her face to perfection, and her big blue eyes sparkled beneath long lashes as she gazed up at him.

He reminded himself to breathe.

"Thanks again, Paul." Ashley said, and he almost flinched as she put a hand on his arm, "I was really fired up today thanks to you."

"Don't mention it." He mumbled, "Seriously."

Ashley giggled again, her smile widening into a mischievous grin.

"We'll see." She said, and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. "See ya soon!"

With a swirl of white fabric and flowing blonde hair, she was gone. Paul stood dumbly for a moment, staring at door she had exited through.

This was bad. This was bad. What was she doing? What was he doing?

He was meant to be their manager; the last thing he needed to be doing was getting involved with any of the girls. Not that it could happen - he wasn't gay - but it would be bad news if Ashley somehow got attached. Bad for her, bad for him, bad for the group.

He couldn' her again. It needed nipping in the bud, right away. He was a professional, and he needed to act like it.

What a ridiculous situation.

"Mr Lancet?" He was pulled out of his thoughts by a producer from the show. A pretty young woman - but not as pretty as Ashley, his mind unhelpfully provided - around his age.

"Yes, can I help you?" He asked, trying to banish his uncomfortable thoughts.

"Do you have a few minutes?" The producer asked, "Steffen would like a quick word before you head out."

Setting his shoulders, Paul shifted gear from his introspective gloominess. Steffen Hartmann was the executive producer on the show; if he wanted to talk to him then someone must really have been impressed.

This was his territory. Forget all the weirdness with Ashley, now was his time to shine. Whatever Hartmann had in mind, he was going to get his girls on that couch front and centre with a real interview.

"Of course, I'd be delighted." He gave the young woman a smile, "Please, lead the way."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Really liked ur story . even though there is just blowjob.

Hope u write some more

arrowglassarrowglassover 7 years ago
Real possibilities here...great yarn...what a beginning!

Keep 'em coming...please! Pun intended. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wanting more

Good charaction of the girls and a manager who could be even in more interesting situations. Keep up the good work and please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great Beginning

Where's the rest?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great start!

This was an awesome start! Really hope to see some more of this soon.

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