Unintended Consequences

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A love potion goes awry.
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To say she was unusual would be a bit of an understatement, but she had been very helpful over the last year and a half. I'm talking about my neighbor, Alyssa. She's only thirty-five, a full twenty years younger than I am, and single, after two failed marriages. But she's surprisingly sweet, though somewhat unusual in her choices. I'd call her Goth, but that doesn't quite fit. She likes black. Black lipstick, black hair, which I'm darn sure isn't her original color, black eye highlights, and of course black clothes. Not the usual Goth style of heavy clothes with chains and heavy boots and such. But black just the same. Black dresses, black micro skirts and micro shorts, black blouses, black tank tops and bare midriff crop tops, and yes, even black bikinis. Not one, but a substantial collection that I had seen her wear over the last four years.

Before the accident almost a year ago, my wife and I had been over to her house frequently for small gatherings and dinners, just as she had been over to ours for cookouts and dinners. Many times, those dinners and gatherings at her house ended up with all of us in her hot tub. Before her divorce almost three years ago, those instances usually included her husband, who had a penchant for hitting on my wife, though unsuccessfully. While she never allowed anything to happen, I always thought she kind of enjoyed the attentions of a twenty-year younger man telling her how hot and sexy she looked.

After the divorce, those dinners and gatherings had rarely included any male friends that weren't already married to one of her female friends. Still, we were always, by a good many years, the oldest of the group, which didn't seem to bother Alyssa or her friends. I had to admit that I enjoyed the views I got from the younger ladies in their bikinis and was surprised on a number of occasions when Alyssa talked my wife into wearing one of her many, tiny, black bikinis instead of her usual, quite conservative, one-piece suit. Many times, there were dares, some taken and some rejected, to lose one piece or another of a bikini, which gave me some pretty spectacular views of Alyssa and her friends. My wife, though, never accepted those dares, only going as far as to put on one of Alyssa's skimpiest thong bikinis, which had barely enough coverage to hide her pussy and nipples, and little of her rather large hairy bush.

I was surprised that my wife never seemed concerned about me being in such close proximity to such voluptuous, curvy, sexy, younger, women wearing damn near nothing, at least while we were in or around the hot tub. I'd even asked her once why she wasn't concerned, getting a kiss and a simple statement that she and Alissa had an understanding, and that I was free to look as much as I wanted, but if I needed to touch anything, all I had to do was ask and she would give me all I could handle. I knew what she meant, but was still surprised, and on a few occasions was tempted to try out her promise in the hot tub, instead of waiting until we were home in our bedroom.

Our time hanging out with Allyssa was a very different dynamic than we'd had most of our married life. Looking wasn't to be obvious, though she knew I'd look if the chance availed itself. Even Janet, my wife's best friend, who was only two years younger than we were, seemed a little surprised at my wife's easy acceptance of Alissa's attire, or lack of it, around me, as well as her friends scanty attire.

Janet had been invited to a number of these gatherings as well, and being as conservative as my wife, never quite allowed a dare to leave her naked, at least in view of me, though one time she did go as far as to get into the jacuzzi wearing nothing but a towel, which unfortunately stayed on the whole time, even in the water. How did I know she was naked under it? Because Allyssa told me that was the dare.

Suzanne and Alyssa had become quite good friends shortly after Alyssa moved in, which wasn't surprising. My wife had always been a very outgoing and friendly person and was friends with all the neighbors around our house. It was fortunate for me that she was, especially after that asshole hit Suzanne while she was riding her bike.

On that day, in a matter of moments, I lost the love of my life, my future, my partner. Quite honestly, if it hadn't been for all her friends rallying around me in those first weeks and months, I honestly don't know what I would have done. Oh, I know how to make a menu, and shop, and cook, and do laundry. I KNOW how to clean, but quite honestly, it's not my strong suit. What I didn't know how to do was to be alone any longer. I'd been married to Suzanne for more than half my life.

All Suzanne's friends worked to help me out, bringing meals, stopping by to hang out with me, all those important things that a person needs to start the long road to recovery. Though a total recovery wasn't even in sight. I simply didn't know how to move past the loss my heart felt.

Alyssa and Janet went that extra mile. They both worked tirelessly to try and build me up, be there for me to cry on, to help me work through the pain and loss to find some form of normalcy in my daily life. And it was starting to work. After almost a year I was getting closer to that point so as when I heard a noise in the house, I didn't look over expecting to see Suzanne walk down the hall, or complain that I left my socks hanging out of the hamper, or that I needed to take the trash out. No, I was finally getting past that state of grief and looking towards what life was going to be like moving forward.

Like I said, I know how to clean, but what to me is clean doesn't even begin to pass muster to either of them or my adult daughters. To that end Janet took it upon herself to hire me a maid. Yep, that's right, a maid. She comes in three times a week and cleans from top to bottom, leaving the house practically spotless. The only thing I have to clean is my dishes. Alyssa was also still in my house daily, checking on me, hanging out, just being there. Some days I'd walk in from work and dinner would be cooking on the stove and she'd be lounging in the family room, watching TV.

It hadn't escaped my thoughts that maybe Allyssa had a desire to be more than just a friend, but I wasn't anywhere near ready for that. When I suggested this to Janet, she protested, asking why I was so sure that I wasn't ready for someone to be more than my friend? Janet, herself, had made the roundabout suggestion one day, that if I wanted, she could move in and then I wouldn't have to pay a maid. I laughed it off, but couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't meant completely as a joke.

"You do know that it's time for you to start to think about life moving on, right? I mean it's almost a year now and you know damn well you aren't good at living alone." Alissa said quietly as we relaxed in her hot tub late one June night.

"I thought we talked about that. You think I need to, I really don't."

"David, have you always been so stubborn?"

"All my life. Just ask Suzanne...Shit." I replied. "Damn, did it again." I whispered to myself.

"There's nothing wrong with thinking about her. You two were part of each other's lives for more years together than apart. So, it's natural. You just need to learn to accept that there are other women in the world and that you don't have to stay mired in the past." She said softly, pushing away from the other side of the hot tub and moving across it toward me. I felt her press her hip against mine as she settled back into the swirling hot water next to me, her hand settling on my thigh. "Look, David. You don't have to forget her. That's not going to happen. No one expects it to. You just need to open your heart up again and realize there are other women out there. If you let yourself, I think you can find a comfortable place in your heart for someone else."

"Like you?"

She leaned a little further into me, her fingers stroking my leg. "We've joked about this, but to be honest, I wouldn't mind, but I also know that I'm not the first thing that pops into your head when you think about a wife. Janet maybe, but not me. You know she want's you, right?"

"You're right, we talked about this. I don't want to date. I don't want to replace Suzanne. I'm fine alone."

"The hell you are. You forget that I see you every day. If it wasn't for coming over here, you probably wouldn't go anywhere. You don't hardly. When was the last time you did anything you loved? Fishing? Camping? Anything?"

"I just don't feel like it."

"That's because you always did it with Suzanne. Now you're afraid to do it alone. Well, I told you I wouldn't push you until summer. Well, in two days it is, summer that is. It's time to pick something to do and take someone. Take Janet. Take me. Take...oh, take someone from work. Hell! Take Rachel if you want."

"You want me to take the maid? Camping?"

"Why not. She's single. She's cute."

"She's the maid. I pay her to clean the house, not go camping."

"That's just an excuse and you know it. I've seen you checking out her big black boobs!"

"I have not!"

"You have too! I saw you. And I saw what watching her did!" She giggled. "You can't hide that."

"Hide what?"

She reached into my lap and grabbed my dick through my swimsuit. "This. It was hard as a rock watching her boobs wiggle around inside that shirt yesterday. Amazing what a pair of tits like that without a bra can do to a man."

"Come on. Really?" I asked, moving her hand off my dick a little reluctantly. I had to admit, it had been a long time since I'd done anything with anyone, and while she had grabbed me more than once in the last few months, all playfully of course, I sorta didn't want to move her hand. "You want me to take the woman I pay to clean my house, camping? What do you think is going to happen? I'll suddenly decide to start having sex with whoever is close by?" I said to her, rolling my eyes.

"Would that be a bad thing?" She asked with another giggle, moving her hand back to my lap. "Seems like it's getting harder. Maybe that's what you need. A little fucking to wake you up."

"And just who do you suggest do that? You?"

"I wouldn't mind. I've seen what you got, and it'd be a fun ride!"

"You've seen what I got huh? Seriously? Just how have you done that? Peeking into my shower or something?"

"I don't know if I should tell you, you might get upset with me."

"For what?"

"You promise not to get upset with me?"

"Okay. I promise. Now, you going to tell me you've been sneaking into my house and spying on me in the shower?"

"I don't have to sneak in. All I have to do is sit in my workout room and enjoy the show."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You know the bedroom window that faces east? The one your wife changed the curtains on a couple years ago? The one that she said she loved to have open so she can see the sunshine in first thing in the morning?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Ever noticed what it looks out at?"

"The side of your house, why?"

"What's on the side of my house?"

"I dunno. A window. The reflective one."

"Uh huh. The reflective one. That reflective one that's actually in my workout room. I can see right into your bedroom, see your bed, see all the way into your bathroom. I've sat on my stationary bike, completely naked, and watched you fucking Suzanne, watched you two play in the shower, and since the accident, watched you jack off in the shower every few days."

I looked at her a little stunned. "I've seen that window from the inside. You can't see anything through it."

"It has that nice reflective film on it so that you can't see in or out, but guess what? If I leave the lights off, it isn't reflective on my side. At night, with the light off, well, let's just say I've really enjoyed moving my workout to bedtime."

"And all this time you've been spying on us? On me?"

"You promised not to get upset, remember?"

I shook my head and sighed. "Alright. I promised. But damn! Why would you spy on us? Spy on me?"

"You have no idea how hot you are, how sexy, how easy you are to want to fuck. I've sat on the bike and rode it while watching you, letting the seat rub on my clit until I creamed all over the seat. Just watching you stroke yourself. Wishing it was you sliding in and out of me."

"Jesus Alyssa. I knew you kinda had the hots for me, but this? I don't know what to think."

She grinned at me and squeezed my dick under the water. "I have this nice big fat dildo. I call it David. You wanna know why? Because I could pump it in and out of my pussy while I was watching you do it to Suzanne." She whispered before brushing her lips across my cheek. "I promised Suzanne that I had no interest in steeling her man, but I never said I didn't like watching her getting fucked by you."

"Oh Jesus." I groaned, realizing just how much I'd been showing off without knowing it for at least two years.

"Don't worry. You take me camping we'd be sharing a tent and then you could see all of me when we get ready for bed. I haven't ever been camping, but I'm up for something new."

I shook my head and closed my eyes for long seconds. "Damn Alyssa. You drop on me that you've been spying on me making love to my wife for what? Years? And now you want me to take you camping?"

"I wouldn't mind." She said acting a little shy. "Could be fun getting undressed in a tent with you. Especially since I've been getting undressed right in front of you for years and you never knew it.

I rolled my eyes. "Alyssa, you've been wearing all these little bikinis around in front of me all this time, but tell me you really aren't into guys, and now I find out you've been fucking yourself while watching me. I never knew you had any interest in me sexually at all. Hell, neither of us did."

"Honey, how the hell do you think I got Suzanne to not be worried about me wearing all my skimpy stuff in front of you?"

I looked at her for a moment, rolled my eyes and then shook my head. "The only thing I can think of, is you convinced her you were into girls, not guys. That way you weren't a threat."

"Bingo." She giggled.

"But, wait a second. If you're really into guys, why haven't I ever seen you on a date or anything? Those few guys that were over were like friends, not dates."

"Who says I haven't been getting fucked? I just don't bring them home. It's so much easier to go to someone else's house, a couple's house and spend the night there. No stigma, people just assume we're friends. They have no idea that we just spent the whole night fucking each other."

"So all this time..." She grinned at my unfinished question. "And just how did you convince her that you were into girls instead of guys?"

"Easy. I made a pass at her. A very, very, sexy, deliberate, enticing pass at her. A take her clothes off and kiss her sexy nipples, pass. A push her underwear down and stroke her pussy kind of pass. I actually thought that she might even let her guard down enough to let me fuck her. I got her naked in my room trying on some clothes and let things happen, but she was barely able to let me touch her pussy, let me feel her wetness, I wanted to make her come for me, but she couldn't. She was too shy, and not quite turned on enough. Instead, she ran home, to you, without even putting her clothes on, and got you to fuck her brains out while I played with my dildo and watched. I never said I wasn't into guys, I just made sure she knew that I liked girls, a lot. And I do. Girls and some guys."

"Good lord." I groaned. "All this time, you've been doing what, checking me out right in front of my wife? Wanting me to do what? Let you play with both of us?"

"I'd never, ever, steal another woman's man. But now that you aren't, well, how about it? Wanna try this jacuzzi out naked? We could just take 'em off and toss them over the side."

"Jesus Alyssa. You don't think that might ruin a friendship?"

"Are you afraid of being naked with another woman?"

"Well, um, not exactly."

"I think you are. I think you're afraid that if you get naked with someone you won't be able to control yourself. If you get naked with me, you won't be able to stop yourself from ravaging me, taking me in every way imaginable."

"That's not true."

"Oh? Prove it! Take your suit off."

"That wouldn't be appropriate."

"Why? Because we're friends? Are you saying friends can't be naked together without having sex?"

"I didn't say that."

"But you thought it. That's why you won't do it. Isn't it?" She pushed away from me and stood up. It only took a moment, and she was untying the strings of her bikini top. She pulled it off, exposing the areola and rock-hard nipples it had been covering. I already had known for years that she wore a thirty-six triple D bra, and I'd been treated to vast expanses of her creamy white breasts, but this was the first time I'd seen her intentionally expose nipples to me. I stared as she untied the suit bottom and pulled it off as well, exposing a completely shaved pussy. Her full round lips framed a significant amount of inner labia protruding, which she reached down to stroke a few times, making it pull away from where it had been pressed against her crotch to stand out sexily. "Well, here it is. No point in just staring. It's your turn. I dare you to stand up and take your suit off."

"Alyssa, this is soooo inappropriate."

"Why? You married?"

"Well, not exactly."

"That's a yes or no question. You married?"

"No." I sighed.

"Am I married?"

"Not that I know of."

"That's a no. So, if we're not married, why can't we be naked together? Or do you only get naked if you're going to have sex?"

"I didn't say that."

"Good. Take it off. Come on. You can do it if you put your mind to it."

"You really want me naked that bad?" She just stood there and grinned at me, letting me see all of her naked body. "Fine." I stood up and untied my suit and pushed it down and stepped out of it. I stood there, in front of her, my hardon bouncing lightly with each beat of my pounding heart. The truth of the matter was that being naked with her made me want to have sex with her. She stepped toward me and wrapped one arm around me, pulling us together as she reached between us to push my dick downward. I felt her hard nipples press to my chest, my dick slipping between her thighs into the small gap so that it pressed against her wet soft pussy lips. I felt her other hand move from between us to my butt, squeezing and pulling me tighter to me until our fronts were basically glued together.

"See, that isn't so bad, is it? Just us, standing here, hugging each other?" She whispered breathlessly.

"Oh Jesus Alyssa. I can't do this." I groaned in frustration, pulling back from her, my hardon sliding along her wet slit as I moved. I stepped out of the tub and didn't even bother to collect my swimsuit before walking across her yard and mine to my back door. I closed the door and stood in the kitchen, my back leaning against the door, my heart pounding. "She probably think's I'm crazy." I panted. "But if I'd stayed there any longer..."


Alyssa slid back into the water and leaned back. She closed her eyes and stroked her pussy where his dick had just been. She had been so close, so very close to getting it where she wanted it, where she'd wanted it for so long. Ever since she moved in and Darleen had read the cards and told her that the man of her dreams was close at hand, she'd known it was David. She and Rick hadn't been married all that long when he started cheating on her. She knew it wasn't going to last. He liked older women, and he liked being able to fuck more than one at once. Not something that was conducive to married life. It wasn't a surprise when he wanted to leave. She let him. She knew he wasn't it, the one, the one she was looking and waiting for. David, he had to be. She wouldn't take another wife's man. That wasn't her. She wouldn't even ask him to cheat on her. But she knew, the cards had said that if she was patient, that when the time was right, he would be available. But she had to have something to go on, to keep her somewhat satisfied. That was when the idea hit her.
