Used Ch. 03


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"Alright Nate, no problem man" Matt said. Slapping his brother soundly on the back, he smiled. "You ready to have fun tonight?"

As the two left the room, the accuracy of that statement hung in the air.


Being in the limo was one of the most uncomfortable experiences Jamie had since...well, the limo at prom except this time instead of sitting in the back of a rusty black limo trying to keep her date from groping her, she was chilling in a huge Hummer limo decorated as if the designer was trying to capture Vegas on wheels.

The car was a garish gas-guzzler: too many lights, too much mirrors, and a mini dancer's pole in the middle. She watched as the senior members of Alpha Theta Omega and their similar-looking dates popped open bottles of champagne and jockeyed for who would dance on the pole next.

She was seated next to Nate, who looked too handsome in his designer suit. He was sipping champagne and talking to one of his brothers. He was surprised at how easy it was for her to put together an outfit at such short notice. Her lacy navy blue cocktail dress with it A-line hem complimented his suit well, purely by accident as she had no idea what he was wearing. She was wearing kicky silver stilettos and had a pair of black flip-flops in her bag, just in case.

Jamie glanced over at Nora, who was seated with Danny across from her. They hadn't spoken since their earlier falling out. Jamie thought it was a bit ridiculous, seeing as how they both waited on the corner by their apartment building for the limo to pick them up. She had to admit Nora looked beautiful, in her own way, wearing her signature pink; this time in a slinky rose-colored halter cocktail dress and pink sandals.

Nora was avoiding her eyes, instead pretending to hold a conversation with one of her sisters who was dating the ATO treasurer. She held onto to Danny's hand, stroking it softly and tried to look interested in the conversation with her overly bubbly sister.

Once again, Jamie sighed. She hated fighting with people. She made a mental note to talk to Nora later tonight. Deep down she knew Nora didn't mean to sound like...well, like Jamie. Jamie knew that if the shoe was on the other foot, if Danny was playing Nora, she would have cut his ass down in a heartbeat.

She stole a furtive glance at Nate, who was still talking casually. Was this for real? Could she really see herself with someone like him? He was just another frat asshole...right? Shallow, self-absorbed, borderline alcoholic. What did he really have going for him besides his smoldering looks and spot-on sex appeal?

Why did it matter, she thought to herself. School would be over in less than two weeks. Nate would go back to whatever hole he crawled out of and she would never see him again. It was just best to fuck him now, enjoy everything while she still had a chance, and send him packing. No muss, no fuss.

If only she really felt that way. It was becoming increasingly difficult to fight the growing desire for attachment and stability.

Jamie looked down suddenly when she felt his warm hand cover hers. She looked back up at him. He was still talking to his brother as his fingers began to softly stroke her skin. Part of her wanted to pull away. The gesture was so...intimate. There was a bigger part that craved the attention. The gesture was so...intimate.

Nate had noticed the soft sighs that escaped her lips. He also took in the scene when the Hummer stopped in front of her apartment building. She was standing far away from Nora, an obvious sign that the two of them had words. Her whole manner seemed distant tonight, like she was there but not really.

So he did the first thing he could think of. He wanted to touch her, and badly since she first ambled her way into the limo. She looked stunning; he could literally feel the breath escaping him, fleeing the confines of his lips along with his words and sense of reasoning.

Excusing himself from the conversation, he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Are you alright, Jamie?"

She nodded, making another mental note that he seemed to stop his habit of calling her by her last name. "I'm fine Harlow. Just preparing myself for another mindless Greek function."

Nate knew somehow she wasn't telling the absolute truth. "I see. Well, I got somethin' planned for the two of us later tonight, okay?"

Jamie glanced over at him; his beautiful eyes had taken on the soft sky color that seemed to be reserved just for her. He grasped her chin gently in his hands as he planted a soft kiss on her lips, much to the whoops and hollers of the rest of the people in the limo.

Nate grinned sheepishly and jostled the brother sitting next to him. Jamie couldn't help the slow smile that spread on her face, which ended abruptly when her eyes met with Nora's, who was watching the scene play out. There was an undetectable emotion written on her face. She looked as if she wanted to say something; instead she folded her arms across her chest and stared out into the blackness of the late-April evening.

Jamie shrugged. There was no need to worry about that now. She needed to concentrate on trying to have a good time and pretend to enjoy the fleeting feelings of happiness.


When the limo pulled up to the Citron Hotel, Jamie couldn't help the gasp that tumbled out. The place was nothing short of majestic. Nestled right outside of the city, the place mimicked the glamour of old-school Hollywood from an East Coast perspective.

The stone building had high windows encased in turrets of gilded gold and wood. Vines of ivy wrapped around the hotel like a verdant barrier.

Nate held his hand out to help her from the Hummer. "What do you think?"

"It's gorgeous."

He smiled. "Yeah, a friend of mine works here. Gave me an amazing discount."

She turned to him as they walked up the gravel driveway. "You planned the Greek Formal?"

He nodded. "Me and the rest of the house presidents. It's part of our job."

"Well, congratulations. It's amazing."

"Glad you approve, Ms. Kincaid." He extended his arm, which she took. "Now what do you say we get in there and have a good time?"


Jamie had to admit it; the evening was going rather well. Nate was the perfect gentleman and dinner companion. The hall looked fabulous and it was a nice change to see the Greeks out of their normal popped-collared polos and miniskirts.

She even clapped loudly when Nate received the award for Outstanding Community Service. Jamie noticed there were many female voices catcalling Nate when he went up to receive his award. She tried her best not to shoot warning looks to the females in the room. Get a hold of yourself, she kept repeating.

It was weird. She never imagined she'd be spending one of her last weekends as a college undergrad in a swanky hotel packed to the rafters with Greeks. And yet, there was this sweeping sensation of calm and 'just right' feelings that invaded her being, reassuring her that things were as they should be.

It was unsettling and thrilling at the same time.

That was the only way she could describe things now, as Nate cradled her body to his as they swayed on the dance floor. Jamie could hear his heart beat, the quick pulse making him seem nervous.

The song changed into a slow one, the beautifully sparse melody of The Perishers Nothing Like You and I filled the ballroom and made Jamie ache. It was one of her favorites.

She felt her body responding to Nate's touch as he drew her closer to him, his hands tightening around her waist. She shivered when he lowered his mouth to her ear. "You feel so good, darlin'," he moaned. His teeth nipped bluntly at her earlobe.

Tiny shocks of pleasure zipped through her body, her nerve endings on high alert. "Harlow," she whispered. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to dance to the song.

We spent some time together drinking Spent some time just thinking about days of joy As our hearts started beating faster I recalled your laughter from long ago There's nothing like you and I So why do I even try There's nothing like you and I...

"I've got a room upstairs waitin' for us," he said, his blue eyes darkening. "Let's go." Taking her hand, he led her out of the ballroom to the elevators in the lobby.


Nate was nervous as he unlocked the door to the hotel room. Opening the door, he grabbed her hand once more, leading her into the large room.

Jamie was impressed. The room was decorated with dark woods and rich colors. The large king-sized bed was dressed in burgundy and gold with several burgundy and gold pillows adorning it.

He pulled her close, inhaling that spicy scent he recognized as purely hers. Up until now, he hadn't said much to her; he was too afraid, too scared to admit his true feelings. Somehow the rest of him knew that they were on borrowed time, that she wasn't his to keep.

He knew that he needed to make the most of it.

Nate kissed the bare skin of her shoulder blade as his fingers nimbly undid the zipper on her dress. Jamie stepped out of the material when it pooled at her feet.

She grabbed the front of his shirt, drawing his lips closer to hers. When the softness of his sensuous lips met hers, she moaned, the sound instantly becoming his. Nate wrapped his arms around her curvy waist, enjoying the way her dark body molded his just right.

His hands traveled to unhook her bra, sliding the silky material down her shoulders as his thumbs grazed over her dark nipples.

He kissed them softly, taking the hardening buds into his mouth and sucking slowly. Jamie moaned, her hands fanning out over his broad muscular back, aching for something to grab ahold of.

"God, Nate" she breathed as he kissed between her breasts. "I want you."

She unbuttoned his dress shirt, sliding the material over the hard planes of his sculpted chest. Admit it girl, her mind screamed. You're addicted to what he does to you.

Unzipping his pants, she lovingly took out his hard cock, the pale shaft pulsing hotly in her hand.

Nate groaned as he ran his fingers through her hair, the silken tresses sliding softly through his fingers.

"Show him how much you like him, baby" he cooed.

Jamie sank to her knees. God, he tastes so good, she thought as she slipped his throbbing tool into her waiting mouth. Nate groaned once more as the wet warmth of her mouth invaded his senses and sent thrilling shocks of pleasure to every nerve in his system.

She cupped his balls as her other hand gripped his thick saliva coated cock, sliding up and down. When she swirled her tongue over the dark pink head, Nate felt his knees dip and he grabbed her shoulders for support.

"Fuck Jamie," he moaned, practically begging as she started to hum softly. The vibrations on his head set his brain on fire, making sentence formation a fucking Herculean task. "No more, baby. I can't take it."

He lifted her up soundly and threw her over his shoulder amidst her screams. "Nate, what the fuck," she cried, unable to stop the amused tremor in her voice.

Nate just grinned as he tossed her on the large bed, his grin growing even wider as her large breasts bounced. The look on her face was positively erotic, a cross between wanting to kick his ass and fuck him senseless. She was stark naked, the deep burgundy of the bedspread complimenting her golden brown skin. Her legs were splayed, giving him a lovely view of her shaven pussy glistening with the evidence of her arousal.

He quickly divested himself of his clothes. Jamie admired the cut of his abs, the hard lines of his tanned body, and his shorn blond hair. A sexy shiver ran down her spine. Fucking beautiful, she thought.

Nate noticed the hot and bothered look on her face and the fact her legs continually widened, giving him one hell of a show. He couldn't help the words that tumbled from his lips.

"Touch it for me," he whispered.

"What?" she asked.

"I want you to reach down and play with that pretty brown kitty," he replied, his voice getting even huskier. Jamie didn't think she could be more turned on. Sliding her hand down her body, she shivered as her fingers came into contact with her clit. As she pinched it softly, her legs shook and she moaned loudly.

She kept her eyes on him while she slid a dark slender finger into her tight hole. She watched his reaction, his blue-eyed gaze darkening into a sexy glare that made her body catch fire. Jamie had imagined those blue eyes each time she took herself while she was alone.

Her fingers could never match the way his cock worked her over, making her feel every vein in his shaft, hitting so deep inside her she thought she might die. Even now, while she was thinking about it his name rolled off her lips as easily as it did when she was alone.

With her eyes closed, she didn't realize he had moved until she felt the bed sink next to her. She opened her eyes and found his blues staring into her brown ones. His hands cupped her breast, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"You gonna cum for me Jamie?" he whispered in her ear, his tongue reaching out to suck on her earlobe.

Jamie whimpered, her fingers tapping erratically on her clit. His voice was thick with lust, his southern twang becoming heavier.

"Do you touch yourself like this when I'm not around?" he asked, kissing the crook of her neck.

"Y-yes," she breathed.

"Are you hot for me, baby. You want me inside that pussy?"

Jamie moaned and bucked her hips when she felt his finger slide inside of her wet channel. Her fingers left her clit to brace his muscular forearm.

Nate lifted her hand to his lips, tasting her spicy sweetness. Jamie shivered at the look of pure ecstasy on his handsome face. "Mmm, you taste so fuckin' good darlin', I just have to share it."

His lips met with hers, their tongues connecting as his thumb made wide circles around her little nub, their moans loud.

"Fuck," Jamie whispered against his lips when he added another finger inside her. "I'm going to cum Nate."

Her hips tapped out a frantic rhythm against his fingers as her legs began to shake.

Nate smiled. "The quicker you cum, darlin' the sooner you'll have this cock inside you."

"Ohhh," Jamie moaned as her pussy tightened. She threw her head back and whimpered as she exploded. "Fuck," she breathed her voice shaky.

His fingers left her, his mouth dying for another taste of her. He reached for the tony package on the nightstand, ripping it open and sheathing himself with the condom.

He was on her immediately, his achingly hard cock sliding into her warm core. "Fuckin' hell" he groaned. She was so tight, her pussy gripping him almost painfully in the most pleasurable way. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it would burst from his chest.

If there was any specific way a man would choose to go, he supposed between the legs of a woman, especially a woman like Jamie Kincaid would be the best option.

Nate stared into her eyes, the lust in them threatening to spill over. His heart gave another lurch and he bit back the words of caring that dared to spew forth.

"How do you want it, darlin'?" he drawled.

"Hard and fast, Harlow" she said huskily. "Can you handle it" she whispered playfully.

He grinded slow into her, turning her sass into moans. "Never underestimate Nate Harlow, darlin'."

Jamie wrapped her legs around his trim waist as he moved quickly, his cock pounding in and out of her. Her hands cupped her breasts, tugging on her nipples.

"That's it, baby. Play with them for me." Nate pulled out, his fingers stroking her twice before he rammed his cock back into her sopping slit.

"Fuck," Jamie hissed. His dick grinded her sex, his pelvis mashed against her clit, the movement spreading a lusty fire that threatened to consume her entire being.

"You like that," he stated.

"I've had better," she managed to gasp out. The grin plastered on her face was positively wicked.

"Oh really," Nate countered. Sliding out of her wetness, he rolled her onto her stomach. Before she even realized what was happening, he was spreading her legs wide and plunging himself roughly into her channel.

Jamie arched her back as tears of pleasure spilled down her cheeks. Nate smiled into the crook of her neck as he heard the chant of "Fuck fuck fuck" shoot from her lips. He didn't care if she didn't say he was the best she'd ever had. He already knew that.

"You like that," he whispered, his cock pounding into her. "You can't get enough of me."

Her response was only to arch her back further, pressing her pussy harder into him. When she clenched her muscles, it was his turn to moan loudly.

"Fuck," he cried out. He grabbed her hair and tugged her face towards him. She gave him a sinful smile.

"You like that," she countered. "You can't get enough of me."

Her words hit home. A truer word was never spoken.

He kissed her lips, a sliver of desperate caring hidden behind it. "I'm goin' to cum Jamie" he whispered against her lips. "Cum with me,"

He groaned as he thrust powerfully into her one last time. As he came, he sank his teeth into the meaty part of her shoulder. Jamie let out a guttural moan as she felt her body ignite. She began to roll her hips as her body shook.

Nate collapsed against her, their bodies slick with sweat.

Jamie could feel his heartbeat pounding against her back. His hands were still clasped around her hips, his cock softening inside of her.

Oddly enough, she didn't feel the need to run away just yet.

With a soft pop, Nate reluctantly slid out of her wetness. Rolling onto his back, Nate disposed of the condom in the wastebasket by the bed and sighed.

Jamie was quiet as her brain tried to process everything. Were things supposed to feel this...awkward? Sitting up, she brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her brown arms around them. Her body felt light and she secretly missed the feeling of him pressed hard against her.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight," he whispered.

Jamie nodded, although she refused to look at him. "I did," she replied in a small voice. "Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem," he said. He could feel the word vomit threatening to spew. The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop himself. "Jamie, let me ask you somethin'. What is this?"

"What?" she asked. She turned to face him. He was propped up on his elbows, his sky blue eyes focused on her.

"What is this" he asked again. "What do we call this thing we have?"

"Nate, can we not talk about this right now?" She silently prayed for him not to ruin the moment. I just want to run away, she thought.

"I think now would be the right time to do this. I finally got you sittin' down. Seems like if I'm not fuckin' you, I'm watchin' you walk out the door."

"What the hell are you talking about, Harlow?" was her tart response, although she already knew.

"You know exactly what the hell I'm talkin' about Jamie," he replied. "Unless it's for sex, you haven't made time for me an' I'm startin' to get a little offended."

Was he for real? "Are you serious Harlow? What about the friends with benefit thing do you not understand?"

Nate scoffed. "I guess I can't understand how you can call us FWBs considerin' I ain't even one of your friends. You can't really befriend someone that fucked you in a frat house bathroom the first night you meet him anyway."

Jamie rose from the bed, her anger seething. "So, this is my fault then?"

"You made the terms darlin'. I'm just followin' the rules."

Jamie was heated. Searching the room, she gathered her clothes before slipping on her bra and panties. "You know why I set those terms, Harlow? To provide a barrier to prevent getting too close to an asshole like you. Everyone told me I was going to regret fucking you. God, I am so fucking stupid." She zipped up her dress. "I knew you were a selfish prick, right from the start, but I thought it was sexy. My mistake."