Visiting My Mormon Friend 02

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The Fox in the Henhouse.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/13/2007
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This is part 2 of a series, I suggest reading part 1 first. This is a bit longer format but I hope you enjoy it enough to gain a bit more character development.


The next morning I woke up groggy, a little uncertain if my memory was serving me right and with a serious case of morning wood. I glanced around and Kelly was on the bed staring down at me laying on the floor. Staring specifically at the tent in the middle of the blanket that was my morning wood.

"Hey, I can't control it!" I remarked and threw the pillow at her.

"Ok stallion, get dressed. I'm planning to show you around the university for a while and do some sightseeing." Modesty seemed pointless after she had already seen me spying out the peep hole last night. So I stood up morning wood and all and rummaged through the few clothes I had. As I did I felt her eyes burning a hole in my mid section but she didn't say anything.

After I threw on the clothes and I turned to the door and she cleared her throat and pointed to the sweats from last night coarsely she said "Don't forget your disguise."

"Oh, right. We can't be getting caught by Amy" I felt a warmth as that name slipped out of my mouth.

"Right" she said. With the 'disguise' in place the tent in my pants that wouldn't go away was finally less noticeable. We gathered our things and were back in the hallway. Kelly had coached me again about keeping my head down. I followed her again. She was wearing another pair of butt shaping leggings that looked the same as the ones yesterday but this time they were light grey in color and paired with a long sleeve collared white shirt and black puffy vest.

As we made our way down the hallway we passed a lot of girls walking by... I think I counted 8 pairs of Ugg boots alone. Once we made to the elevator and the door closed Kelly said, "Are you sure nobody saw you last night? When we walked down the hall, we passed my friend Clara and Hannah but they didn't even look at me or say Hi like normal. They were staring at you."

"Well, I'm not sure I was kind of in a hurry to get back in the room. Then you..."

Just then she received a text... "Oh no! Clara just texted me. So, who is your friend? "

Hanna texted me to. We should talk : )

I better tell them so they don't go telling Amy or anyone else. If she found out I had a boy in my room I'd be the talk of the whole building. She made a group text with the 3 of them and sent a message.

(Kelly) He is my friend visiting from back home. Please don't tell Amy or anyone else. Maybe we can hang out later?

We made our way out of the lobby without any more incident and were walking to the car while Kelly was reining in her friends and reading the texts to me aloud as she read them.

(Hannah) No problem, Your secret is safe with us.

(Clara) Yeah, we won't tell anyone.

(Kelly) Thank you both!

(Hannah) We could hang out later though...

(Clara) I can't I have to work tonight : (

(Hannah) More for me then. : )

(Kelly) OMG Hannah!!!

(Clara) What, we saw him scampering down the hallway NAKED last night.

(Hannah) Yeah, you sinner!

(Clara) He looked good to us, just saying.

(Kelly) He was just in the shower I swear.

(Hannah) I wouldn't kick him out of my room that's for sure!

(Kelly) Ok, Ok gimmie a break will you!

(Hannah) Fine, let me know about tonight though.

(Hannah) I'd like to meet him.

(Kelly) I'll let you know.

Kelly didn't read the messages to me after Hannah said More for me but as she was reading them she was blushing. We got in the car and stared driving to campus. I lost the 'disguise' and asked her. "So, are we still OK? Do they really want to hang out?" I asked to try and get a bit more information.

"Yeah... oh and they definitely saw you running down the hallway NAKED last night," this time I was the one blushing.

"Wow. They did see me and they still want to hang out?" I asked.

"Of course, don't you know that ALL Mormon girls are pent up freaks. We just can't do anything about it because our parents would kill us and all the guys here wouldn't dare. They are all just thinking about their 'missions'."

"Is that really true? Like ALL Mormon girls?"

"Why do you think Mormon's have so many kids?" she did have a good point on that one. She changed the subject. "Ok, how about we get to the tour of the college?"

"That sounds good. Let's go." but my curiosity was piqued by this admission.

The Campus was like most I'd visited. A lot of brick buildings. Some in older styles and some more modern. She rattled off the names of the buildings, what major was in it. The typical tour you would get if you were there for Freshmen orientation. In the back of my head I just couldn't stop rolling around her comment from earlier about all Mormon girls being 'pent up freaks'. Did that include her as well?

"Hey, snap out of it." I must have daydreamed for a bit. "Ok, so this is the stadium..." she continued her tour. I looked around and went right back to that comment from before. There were a lot of pretty girls walking around. To think that there was no naughty business going on here made me feel like a fox in a hen house. Soon enough the tour was over and she asked what I wanted to do next. Options: Go to the Temple, Check out a Museum, go for a hike, or check out the Climbing gym.

"It's a bit chilly today. The Temple looks cool enough from over here. I didn't know you were into climbing?" Kelly had definitely gotten more active since they were co-workers. Maybe she was just more active since going to College?

"Yeah, it's pretty nice. I like to go there on the days when it's cold outside." We have to go back to the dorm so I can get my clothes and shoes. Since you don't have shoes we'll have to rent some for you though."

"That sounds great, I love climbing. I have some clothes in my car that I can wear too." We headed back to the Dorm and I could see that even for mid-winter break there was a lot of cars in the parking lot.

Stay down here. I don't want to have more people finding out about you sneaking around." That sounded like a smart idea. I got out and watched her walked up to the dorm rocking her hips back and forth in those tight little pants. I was thinking, I sure hope she wears those at the climbing gym. She came back down a bit later wearing the same clothes but had a bag with her gym clothes in it.

"Got everything. I saw Amy when I was up there. She didn't seem weird... even smiled at me. I think Clara and Hannah didn't tell her." We made a quick pit-stop at my car to get my clothes and headed over.

Once we got to the climbing gym I was surprised by how nice it was. They had locker rooms and the walls looked challenging. We parted ways to go change in the locker rooms. I was out first wearing a tee shirt and athletic shorts. At the cashier paying for my rental shoes I felt a tap on my shoulder. Kelly was back and she looked nothing like I had remembered.

She was the picture of a hot sporty professional climber. She was wearing those same butt hugging grey leggings with yellow climbing shoes but on top she was wearing a black sports bra and a fluorescent yellow tank top that matched her shoes. A bit of cleavage showed from her more endowed breasts than I had remembered and her brown hair was up in a pony tail.

"Holy cow, you look like you are a pro! You're in great shape too!"

"Thanks, I have been more active since I went to college. Ready to get beaten by a girl?"

"You're on" we started off on some easier boulders and she climbed them first since she knew some of the routes. I was shocked by how well she did. Her arms were lean and her body moved fluidly as she went from hold to hold. It was poetry in motion and her tight round butt was on display in every possible viewing angle. After she finished them I was copying her route and then moving on to the next one. They were pretty easy for both of us.

I felt like she was putting on a show for me though when she was climbing. I looked around the gym and noticed that many of the guys were staring at her, the girls too. But they all seemed to be a bit more conservative with their tops.

"Ready for some harder ones?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll follow you." she smiled and picked out a few more. Finally she got to a point on one where she came tumbling off the wall. I tried to copy and came off on the same move. "That is a tough one. want to try again?

"Yes I think I have it this time. can you spot me though. it's a bit scary how high up it is." I stood below her with my hands out ready to catch her if she fell. She was moving slowly and with purpose. My eyes were level with her cute butt and I was duty bound to stare right at it. The close up view of her whole body had me questioning my previous analysis about her being 'not the most attractive girl.'

2 more moves and she was going to be at the crux. Kelly reached for the hold and again it slipped out of her hand and she was falling toward me. My hands met her butt and I caught her with both hands squeezing her ass while her two feet were still on the holds. I froze in that position realizing that was definitely not standard spotter behavior.

"Can you push me back up?" Kelly interrupted our awkward pause while looking down into my eyes with determination and also surprise. I extended my arms until she reached the previous hold. She tried it one more time and this time finished the last two moves of the route. "Thanks for spotting me." she said with a grin.

"No problem, nice work! That's a tough one... My turn? We both pretended that the awkward butt grab hadn't happened. I went up again and after seeing her progress also finished it off. We did only few more routes and she called it done for the day without many more incidents but I did think I noticed a little wet spot forming in her crotch.

We headed to the locker rooms to change and I saw some of the guys in the gym casting me judgmental looks. Was it because of the butt grabbing? 'Lighten up guys' I thought. When she came out she was wearing yet another pair of leggings, this one with a line down the side. Did she wear anything but leggings?

When we got to the car she checked her phone. There was a pile of messages.

(Hannah) So when can I meet your friend?

(Hannah) Kelly?

(Clara) If you are afraid of Hannah you can bring him by the restaurant.

(Clara) I'm working from 3-10

(Hannah) No, bring him here. I want to see the rest of him.

(Kelly) You guys... We just got done at the climbing gym.

(Hannah) Finally she responds!

Hannah had been waiting for the response. Kelly checked the time. It was 4:00. "Want to get something to eat? My friend works there and always gives me deals on food."

"I could eat. Is this the same friend that saw me last night? Um..."

"Clara, Yeah. Don't worry she won't be awkward."

(Kelly) Clara, We can stop by for a bite.

(Kelly) Let me know if you get this.

(Hannah) No fair! She gets to meet him first?

(Kelly) Sorry but we are hungry.

"Ok, might as well tear off the band aid." I agreed. Clara worked at a sit down burger joint. When we got there the waitresses all had to wear the same outfit featuring a low V cut shirt and black skirt. It was a lot more conservative than hooters but they looked good. We waited in the lobby for a minute and almost every one of the waitresses was gorgeous. The best looking one yet walked up to us and gave Kelly a hug.

"Cody, this is Clara." Clara extended her hand and I shook it. Her handshake was delicate but she had a real confidence about her. She was about 5' 5" and had black hair and blue eyes. She looked like Megan Fox in her prime with generous perky tits and a slim body to complete the ensemble topped with a smile nobody could resist.

"Hey mystery guy. Nice to finally meet you. You look different with clothes on." Clara said.

"Oh, Yeah sorry about that. I couldn't find a towel." I was now blushing mightily and Kelly was laughing at me.

Clara chuckled too, turned and seated us. As she led us to the table her skirt swished back and forth. They did have a nice outfit scheme at this place."Here you go. I'll get your server. I'd love to hang and chat out but I'm still on the clock. I'll check in on you though."

When she left Kelley explained "She is hot and she knows it. This restaurant pays great tips to the wait staff too. Clara is a great friend though. We met in a religious studies class where we were both nodding off."

"She seems nice, confident too." I said.

"I would be that confident if I looked like her as well."

"Hey, you're not so bad yourself, don't short change yourself."

"Thanks. I have gotten in better shape than I was before. Out-climbed you at the gym too." She said with a nudge.

"How do you figure that? We climbed the same routes, you even fell one more time than I did." then there was an awkward pause. We both were transported back to me grabbing her ass in the gym.

"I guess you're right" but I did finish it without going back down so I think that counts" This was getting pretty flirtatious.

"Ok, let's call it a tie then."


We settled back into more idle chit chat about classes and course load. What we were studying and the differences between a religious university and a public one like I attended. Clara stopped in a few times and when she got close by I could smell her. I couldn't identify the perfume or scent but it was heavenly. It was all too distracting. I was ogling Clara while also changing my perception of my friend Kelly. This was feeling more like a date but one where I was being offered a tenderloin while a fillet mignon was on the TV overhead.

We finished our meal and on our way out Clara met us at the exit. "It was nice meeting you mystery guy. hopefully we get to meet again before you leave." She winked at me as we left.

"You too. Nice meeting you Clara" back to the car Kelly mentioned that it was getting a bit late and if we went back to the dorm a bit earlier there would be less people. Less risk of being caught sneaking in.

"Want to just hang out in the room this evening? We could watch a movie."

"That sounds good." We drove back and she was right, the parking lot was noticeably more empty than last time. My car was parked way out there because I had arrived late in the evening. I still had to put on the 'disguise' but this time we only passed a few people on the way. We made it to the room and she stared setting up the TV to play a movie and sending a few texts.

(Hannah) Are you coming back to the dorm?

(Hannah) Kelly I just saw you park

(Hannah) Why am I always the last one to know what's going on.

(Kelly) Sorry, yeah, I was driving.

(Kelly) Do you want to come over?

(Hannah) I thought you would never ask! ♡

There was a knock at the door that startled both of them. Was it Amy! thought Kelly "Who is it?"

"It's me!" chirped a bubbly voice on the other side of the door.

"Phew," Kelly opened the door "It's just Hannah"

"Just Hannah? Thank you very much." she closed the door behind herself "hello mystery guy. I'm Hannah!" She was very bubbly, talked a mile a minute and was one of those real people pleaser types. She had medium length ginger red hair, a fair complexion and was about 5' 2" small chested and quite petite. She wore cutoff shorts, and a tie-dye shirt. She had a cute neotenous face and unlike many redheads didn't have the heavy acne.

"Nice to meet you Hannah, I'm Cody." Kelly finally got the movie going and we all settled onto the one dorm bed. I was in the middle and Kelly and Hanna were on either side.

Hannah, was very talkative and very excitable. I'd seen the movie before so I didn't mind too much but it would have been quite annoying if it was my first time. "We don't get a lot of your type around here if you didn't know that?" She remarked about my being male.

"That's what I hear. Oh, sorry about the other night by the way. I couldn't find a towel."

"Yes you did, sir. Don't you worry though. We hardly saw you." she had a very mid-western way of talking that came out more as we talked.

Kelly seemed to be annoyed with Hannah. She was the definition of a cock-blocker if Kelly was hoping tonight would be the night to make a move it wasn't happening with this chatterbox. The time dragged on and soon it was dark.

There was a lull in the conversation and Kelly was busy on her phone...

(Professor) Kelly, Just a reminder, I will meet you tomorrow morning out at the reservoir for water testing at 10 AM

(Kelly) Oh, Almost forgot, thanks for the reminder!

(Professor) Don't forget to bring your measuring instruments, warm clothes and a full tank of gas.

(Kelly) Thanks, i'll be there.

At the same time that Kelly was busy Hannah was whispering in my ear. "Cody, I know about you and Amy." my body froze in terror. "I won't tell anyone but she told me you were amazing. I want that. Tell Kelly you need to go to your car to get something. I'm in room #1446." She was blackmailing me for sexual favors!

Hannah stood up and said aloud "Well OK, I think it's time I moseyed on. It was great meeting you Mr Cody Sir."

"Oh No!" Kelly exclaimed. Everyone was in a bit of a panic. Kelley for that news. Me for being propositioned for blackmail sex favors and Hannah for thinking that Kelly had caught her. "Oh no! I almost forgot... One of my professors is sending me out to do water quality testing at the reservoir. I'm going to be out most of the day tomorrow." Kelly looked like she had just lost a puppy.

"Kelly, you really have to go out to do some field assignment tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was in my calendar but I totally forgot about it. I'm really sorry.

"Don't you worry one bit Mr. Cody can come with Clara and Me tomorrow?" we both stared at Hannah. "Yeah if you are out of town we'll take him with us. We were going to go on a little hike." I was a bit disappointed that Kelly hadn't told me about it and more confused about what to do just then.

Kelly shrugged her shoulders. "it's my fault I can't believe I forgot about that. I'll be back in the evening and I'm free the rest of the week." She ran through a few thoughts in her mind but nothing came up. "It's fine with me if you want to Cody?"

"Well I don't really know Clara or Hannah very well but if you aren't busy tomorrow I guess that works."

"All righty then it's settled. You might need to go down to your car and gather your things to get ready. We can leave in the morning." she nudged her elbow at me as she did this. Clearly reminding me of her previous request to excuse myself to go play with her.

Kelly just looked at us both confused and aghast she wasn't planning to leave Cody with two of her friends but this trip came out of nowhere and nothing was making sense. "OK then... I guess I'll head down to the car and prepare a few things for tomorrow. I'll be back in a while."

"I'll walk him out Kelly, Don't worry, I'll make sure Amy doesn't catch us." She scrunched her face as she said Amy doesn't catch us. Kelly nodded and started packing things in her pack for the next day's trip. I threw on the oversize sweat shirt and followed Hannah out in the hall. I felt like I'd just entered a lion's den. My only lifeline was Kelly and now she was behind a door in her own room. I was following an entirely different lifeline. One that I knew had mischievous intentions.

We walked right past the elevator and into her room. #1446. She closed the door behind us. Her demeanor changed. She wasn't bubbly anymore, She was in control. A lioness in heat. "Mr. Cody I'm really sorry for coercing you like this. You have no idea how sexually frustrated we girls are. When Amy told me that you had made her cum in the shower I just couldn't help myself."

"I understand. But couldn't you have just asked me? Without the threat?"