What Are Friends For?


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"Not this time," said Milly. "Oh, I surprised him, all right. In fact he almost dropped the pizzas. But he knew what day it is."

"You mean, National Nude day?" said Candy.

Milly nodded. "Yep. He gave me the pizzas, took the money, and he, like, bowed. Then he said, of all the things that might happen on National Nude Day, I was the most beautiful surprise he could imagine. Then he was gone." Milly laughed. "You were right about him blushing, Harry. He was scarlet. But he never took his eyes off me and he didn't stammer or anything, not like at school."

"Not at all?" said Candy.


"I wonder. Maybe at school he's overwhelmed, too many people or something, but in a one-to-one, maybe he's different." Candy was thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged, smiling. "Just shows, shouldn't jump to conclusions. I was just telling Harry how hard I had to work to get you out of your clothes the first time you came round to use the pool with me and Trudi. And now look at you, answering the door naked!"

Milly giggled. "I know! All the way to the door I was asking myself, what are you doing, you fool, but it was like I was on remote or something." She smiled suddenly.

"What?" said Candy.

"I like him."

"Charlie?" said Candy.

"Yes. He's nice, really."

"He is," said Harry. "Charlie's an okay guy. Geeky, yes, but he's always ready to help."

"Hey!" said Candy. "These pizzas are getting cold. Let's eat! We'll talk after we've eaten."

There was almost silence for a while. Almost, because eating is a serious topic for the hungry teen; almost because it's tricky to talk while chewing, but mainly almost because the three friends kept up an intermittent banter about friends, enemies, school, college and the other important subjects the average teenager thinks about. The one thing that wasn't mentioned was the one that occupied their minds most.


Harry knew he'd be fucking Candy again. After all, they were sleeping together. But Milly? The new, open, Milly scared him a little. Not physically, not that way, just that if things went the way they seemed to be going, he would be fucking her before the night was over, and he desperately didn't want to disappoint her. Or, and most important, spoil his relationship with Candy.

After they'd finished the pizza, and some ice-cream for afters, Milly excused herself for a moment. As soon as she was out of the room Candy grabbed Harry's arm.

"Milly," she said.

"What about her?" said Harry, a little alarmed.

"How about inviting her to sleep with us? My bed's just about big enough. That way, fucking her can occur naturally." Candy laughed. "Well, maybe naturally's the wrong word, but you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I guess. If you're sure about this?"

Candy gave him a level look. "Harry, love. Milly is my best girlfriend. You're my lover. If I can introduce my best girlfriend to some of the pleasure you give me, I want to do it. I want you to do something, too. I mean, apart from giving Milly a good time."



"What about Charlie?" said Harry, thinking he might just be able to guess where Candy was heading. "You want me to drop him a hint, let him know Milly likes him?"

Candy stretched across and gave Harry a hot, wet kiss. "Exactly!"

Milly came back just then, a frown on her face. She glanced at Harry, then across at Candy. "Candy?"


"The photographs?"

"Fuck! I'd forgotten all about them! Harry, how do we view them?"

Harry grinned. "I brought the card reader. We can plug it into the USB port on your PC and view them on screen."

"I knew I loved you for more than just your prick," said Candy, laughing. "Come on then, let's go look at dirty pictures!"

In Candy's little office, a converted closet off her bedroom, Harry plugged the reader in while Candy booted the PC. She gestured. "Harry, we'll need a seat for Milly."

"There isn't really the room," said Harry. "You two sit, and I'll stand behind. I can see well enough."

"Okay, loading them now. Shall I put it on slide show?"

"You mean, show all of them? Why not?" Harry laughed. "We can always go back to the good ones, after we've seen them all."

Candy flashed him a quick grin. "That's what I thought. Milly?"

Milly looked across at her friend, bemused. She gestured. "Whatever. I'm just a bystander."

"And photographer."

"Okay. And photographer. Whatever, they're your pictures."

"Here goes," said Candy. "Pull the door across, Harry, makes it easier to see the screen"

There was silence at first as the simple nudes of Candy were the first to show. As the later ones came on the screen, those where Candy had been totally relaxed before the camera, there were some shots in which her pussy, red, ready, slightly open, showed clearly.

"Sexy," murmured Milly, then gasped as a shot of Harry came up, his erection hard and ready. "Oh, wow," she murmured.

Candy reached back for Harry's hand and put it to her breast, the nipple erect, hard. She glanced back and caught his eye, nodding towards Milly, her hand covering his on her breast and squeezing. Harry rested his other hand on Milly's shoulder, her skin warm under his fingers. Milly glanced across at Candy and reached up, tugging Harry's hand down to cover her breast. He squeezed lightly, feeling her nipple hardening under his palm.

There was a gasp from Candy. The first of Milly's shots, showing Candy and Harry fucking, was on the screen. "Ohmigod," she whispered. "That's what we look like!"

"Shit," said Harry. "Look at the way your pussy grips me!"

"And look at the size of that prick," murmured Milly, her hand squeezing Harry's on her breast. Candy's free hand came back, feeling for Harry's hardening prick, squeezing, moulding. The pictures continued to change and as they did, Harry's prick, whether from the pictures, Candy's gentle manipulation or the thought of fucking Milly, he didn't know, got harder and harder until it felt like a bar to him.

At last the slide-show came to an end. Candy glanced across at Milly, flushed and breathing quickly, then back at Harry, prick rigid. "I think we need to get a bed under you two," she said, with a grin.

"Please, yes," whispered Milly, her eyes lighting on Harry's erection, still lightly clasped in Candy's fist.

"Come on," said Candy. "Back into the bedroom." She stood, letting Harry's prick spring free. He straightened, giving Milly's tit a squick squeeze as he did.

In the bedroom the three friends stood for a moment beside the bed. Candy reached out and took Milly's hand, putting it into Harry's. "Go for it, you two, and if you think I'm leaving, think again. I'm gonna watch."

Harry blew Candy a quick kiss and turned to Milly, taking both of her hands in his. "Sure?" he said.

Milly took a deep breath and Harry absently admired her tits as she did. "Yes," she said, "and now, before I get chicken!"

"Lie on the bed," he said, and she moved back, sitting, moving herself across to make room for him, laying back. Harry stretched out beside her, sliding his left hand under her neck, bending to kiss her. For the first time, Harry kissed Milly as a lover, her lips soft and warm under his. The kiss started gently as they got to know each other's taste, hardening, firming as it went on, until Harry could feel Milly's lips parting, her tongue tip playing with his.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her, his free hand coming up to cup her breast, moulding it, squeezing, his thumb sliding lightly over her nipple, hard again with her excitement.

"Are you virgin?" said Harry.

Milly nodded. "I'm afraid so."

Harry shook his head. "It's okay. I'll try not to hurt you. Candy's on the pill. How about you?"

Milly grimaced. "No."

"And I have no rubbers. Want to postpone this until I can get some?"

Milly shook her head. "Fuck, no. If I don't do this now, I'll never have the nerve again. Will you pull out before you come? You can come on me, rather than in me, if you want?"

Harry smiled. "Would you like that?"

"I think I would. There'll be time in the future to feel my lover come in me." She gave Harry a crooked grin. "Whoever it is!"

Harry laughed. "Charlie, maybe?"

"Maybe. It could happen. I like him, maybe I'll have to ask him out!" Milly frowned. "Would that hurt a guy's ego?"

"It wouldn't hurt mine. I don't think Charlie's got an ego of that sort. If you want to ask him, I think he'd be pleased."

"That's for tomorrow, Harry. Tonight, I want to be fucked for the first time, and you're elected."

Harry glanced across at Candy, who was sitting cross-legged in her bedroom chair, one hand lightly stroking her pussy. She grinned and gave him the thumbs-up sign. He grinned back and turned back to Milly.

"Now?" he said.

She took a deep breath. "Yes, please."

Harry moved to kneel between Milly's legs as she spread them to give him access. Her pussy lips were red and puffy below the tuft of hair on her mons. Harry bent closer, breathing deep, then let his tongue out to play the length of her cleft. Milly jumped, staring at him. He smiled. "I like the taste of pussy."

He moved forward, taking his weight on one arm, his rock-hard erection clasped lightly between thumb and forefinger, placing it carefully at Milly's entrance, pushing forward gently until the tip was just inside her. He took his hand away.

"Okay?" he said. Milly nodded, and Harry pushed gently in. She was wet and he moved easily in her juices, pausing as he felt the obstruction of her hymen. He glanced across at Candy again, remembering the previous October - Hallowe'en - when she had surrendered her own virginity to him. He pushed further and Milly gasped, her hands tight on his upper arms, but she made no protest. Harry eased back, spreading her juices, then pressed in again, stopping as he felt her obstruction. He pulled back a third time, but this time when he went forward he pressed harder and there was a sharp cry from Milly as he felt the obstruction give way, her hands gripping his arms. He paused, waiting for her to adjust to him, then pulled back a little, then forward again, gradually working deeper into her tight, warm, wetness.

His balls touching her ass, he paused, looking down at her. There were beads of sweat on her brow, but her face was alive with curiosity. She grinned up at him.

"I like it so far," she said.

Harry laughed. "Good." He began to move again, pulling back until he almost left her, then pushing back again. Again, again, the smell of heated woman in his nostrils, her juices flowing, louder in his ear as he moved.

Milly moaned softly as he moved, her fingers moving on his shoulders, light, aimless. Her knees came up and her heels hooked behind him as he moved.

"You okay?" he asked, tone soft, gentle.

"Fuck, yes!" She smiled. "You feel great."

"So do you. Lovely and tight."

"That's good?"

"That's good." Harry kept moving, trying to angle himself just so, knowing that he could bring Candy off this way, wondering if he could get Milly off the same way. Her breathing was quickening now, her face flushed, pussy tight around his erection, wet, welcoming. He knew he couldn't last too long himself, despite having fucked Candy earlier, because the excitement, the novelty, was getting to him.

Milly was getting close now, almost gasping, her fingers fluttering on his shoulders, her eyes closed, until she gasped in a tight breath, and came, belly fluttering, pussy clutching at his thrusting prick, his own climax building in him, building, building, until with a strangled cry, he came, pulling out of Milly just in time, a jet of come splashing on her breast, another just below, a third on her belly, slowing now, the jets becoming pulses, running from him onto her lower belly, her little tuft of pubic hair.

Gradually, the pulses slowed and Milly's eyes flickered open, staring at him. Harry pulled back onto his heels, smiling down at her. "Okay?" he said.

A beatific smile spread across Milly's face. "Okay?" she said. "Much better than just 'okay,' Harry, much, much better. I have to get myself a boyfriend. I want to do that again, as often as possible."

Beside them, a strangled cry announced Candy's climax, her fingers busy at her pussy, bringing herself over the cliff of climax and plunging down into pleasure. Milly and Harry looked at each other and burst into laughter.

Candy's eyes opened and focussed on them. She grinned. "Three people, three climaxes." She glanced across at Milly. "Okay, girl-friend?"

Milly grinned. "Now I know why you smile so much. Thanks for letting me borrow Harry."

"What are friends for?" said Candy, laughing. "What time is it?"

"Just after nine," said Harry.

"Anyone for a swim?" she said. She grinned at Milly, gesturing at Harry's ropes of come. "You can wash that off in the pool."

Milly grinned back. "Good idea."

"Unless you want to eat it," said Candy, taking some come from Milly's belly on her finger and licking it off. "Harry tastes good."

A startled expression appeared on Milly's face. Tentatively, she took some come on her finger and tasted it.

"Well?" said Candy.

"Needs seasoning," said Milly. "Seriously, something I need to think about. Heck, I've only just been fucked for the first time! One experience at a time."

Candy grinned again. "Useful for when you have your period, if your boyfriend's horny. Like Harry always is." She stretched, pirouetting. "Come on, into the pool!"

Harry stood and stretched a hand out to help Milly. The three friends made their way downstairs and out to the pool. They were just about to jump in when the telephone repeater beside the pool rang. Candy gestured. "You two get in, it's probably Mom and Dad. With you in a moment." She turned and went back into the house.

Milly turned to Harry, taking his hand and stretching up to kiss him. "Thank you, Harry. It was wonderful, much better than I was afraid of."

"Glad to please. Next, we have to get you a boyfriend. But for now, we swim." He took Milly's hand and they ran forward, launching themselves into the pool. They had just surfaced, brushing their hair back, when Candy came out, cordless phone in hand.

She gestured to Milly. "It's for you."

"Me?" said Milly. "Mom?"

Candy shook her head, a smile lurking at the corner of her mouth. "No, it's not your Mom."

"Who is it?" said Milly, hauling herself from the pool.

"Find out," said Candy, handing her the phone.

"Hello? ... Hi! ... Yeah, I'm staying overnight ... Tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow would be good. Where? ... You're kidding! ... I'd love to! Is it okay if Candy and Harry want to come, too? ... It is? Good. See you tomorrow. Bye."

Milly turned to the others, face flushed, a smile in her eyes. "That was Charlie. He asked me out tomorrow." She giggled. "He says he couldn't get me out of his mind, I looked so beautiful." Milly gave a smile that was almost a smirk. "He wants to take me to Dover Point."

"The nude beach?"

"Yeah. Wanna come along? Charlie says it's okay."

Candy glanced at Harry, who grinned at her. "Try and stop us!" she said. "Anyway, we still need some nude photos of you."

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anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Firstly, my sincere condolences on the loss of your wife. Losing your other half... there's not much I can say.

Secondly: You say this comes after "be gentle with her" which you withdrew to publish in an anthology, but you don't name the anthology. Any chance you could?

If anyone else reads this and knows, I'd love to be able to read that story. I hate knowing that I can't read things in order. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well now ...

... Mr. De Kok it’s been a real pleasure ! Enjoyed the story immensely! It was well written in all aspects including clerical and I can’t think of a fault one . The only fault I can see is that it’s my fault for not reading your works until now ! Of course that’s through no fault of mine or yours so we’ll blame it on the fault line of San Andreas lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Well-written, completely unrealistic male fantasy.

Rapier875Rapier875over 8 years ago
Great story !

But it's a shame there wasn't a chapter 2.

ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
"I want to do that again, as often as possible." How I ...

love those words. Your stories often seem to include that feeling or one like it, and I am thoroughly in tune. Usually your stories take me back to my youth, but I can't ever remember anyone ever saying that to me. Not that we didn't have repeats, but I don't think anyone ever said it. Wish it had happened, and I look forward to more stories from you, Alex, so I can follow the dream (and maybe find such a friend). Thanks.

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