Wheel-Bound Alex

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Alex is fond of his therapist.
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Alex sat facing the open door in his power wheelchair. He was waiting for his speech therapists, having had a mild stroke 4 months earlier. He and his wife, Jane, had become quite fond of the 40ish-year-old Paula.

His wife sat watching TV.

"She's here." He soon announced.

His speech had vastly improved and he was the nearing the end of his sessions. The three of them had had great fun over the weeks, talking and laughing, him, openly flirting with the redheaded therapist. He had told her he loved red hair, his wife sometimes pointing them out for him. The therapist, Paula, had commented that his wife had very dark auburn hair. His wife had told her that when she was younger her hair was much redder, with him pointing out she could take his word for it, as only a husband could know, meaning the hair between her legs. Paula's smiling acknowledgment showed she understood. His wife had called him down for that one.

"You dirty old man!" She had said.

"I'm just old, Baby Duck!" He had replied, secretly acknowledging he would like to see Paula in the buff... maybe more.

The appointment went along as usual until a neighbor knocked on the door and his wife stepped out on the porch to talk to the woman.

Now, sitting in the middle of the living-room, but still facing the door, Paula's back to the door, he kept an eye on his wife on the porch. Alex saw his chance.

"You know I love red hair. May I tell you, you are a very attractive woman?" He asked.

"Are you hitting on me?" She asked with a smile. "There was no reason to tell you, but, I am gay. Not to mention you are married. Y'all seem to be very happy."

"Well, there was no reason to tell you, but, I have been a lesbian all my life." Alex said with a smile. "But seriously, that you are gay really makes me sad."

"Sad, how so?"

"First, I hate to see anyone, especially a woman, getting more pussy than me. Secondly, what a waste of a fine redheaded woman."

Paul could not be said to be pretty. She was about 5' 7", her complexion average and her Brown hair just below her ears appeared to need of a brush. Wearing loose jeans every visit, it was really hard to tell how her ass might be appraised. What did she look like between her legs? Hugging him hello and goodbye, gave him an idea that her breasts were more than a handful. Her mannerisms, her speech and her outgoing and humorous attitude was very much to his liking. But, he was hanging from a limb at the moment, should she take offense at his last words and tell his wife.

"I should tell your wife on you!" She said with a stern look... then smiled. "You are 70 next month and you're telling me, sitting in that wheelchair, that you still have, or, desire sex?"

Alex explained that he could no longer get much... an emphasis on "much" ...of an erection his wife would not hear anything about taking a pill.

Plus, Paula had heard all about his wife's surgeries and the last 2 ½ years of her getting well. She was not going to allow him to see her belly anytime soon. As for sex, oral was on the table for his wife as he reminded her often. He had offered to buy a dildo.

"I would not consider intercourse and you apparently cannot fuck me anyway. So, what you are offering... is oral?"

"Yes, my dear lady, exactly!" Alex replied. "Are you considering it?"

"I like you... and your wife... a lot. Isn't she always here? Or, listening to you two, is she going to go along with it?

"Oh, good Lord, no. She shoots very well! But, three weekends from now she will be gone the whole weekend."

"I need to think about this." Paula said, after a bit of deep thought. "You think your oral is that good!?"

"Yes ma'am" Alex answered confidently. "You probably should not call me. I will call you in about a week on your cell?"

"What about the neighbors?" She inquired.

"The near ones know I have therapists. The others don't pay much attention to what's happening with us."

"Okay, Alex, my partner and I have been arguing a lot here lately. She accuses me of being unfaithful, when I have not and I need a break...game on. Give me a call two days before your wife is supposed to be gone. We will set the time." Paula spent a few minutes telling Alex about the trouble between her partner, Cookie, and herself.

The therapist session was resumed when his wife reentered the house.

As always, everyone hugged before Paula left. She kissed Alex on the cheek, which was new.

The following week was the end of Paula seeing Alex professionally. They managed a look and a nod that their meeting was still on.

For both Alex and Paula, the next two weeks were long. Alex, wondering whether Paula and her partner might make up, causing her to change her mind. Paula, was scared of messing with a married man, any man, but determined to meet with him, especially if her and her partner continued to argue.

Thursday arrived and Alex's wife made a trip to the store to buy food.

Alex located Paula's number and dialed it.

"Hello Alex." Paula answered, his name appearing on her phone.

"Hello Paula. It's good to hear your voice. How is your day going?"

"It would be a lot better if I was there with your head between my legs." She said brazenly.

"Wow! Me too. You and Cookie still at odds?" Alex asked sympathetically. "I wished you two would stop fighting, but I'm looking forward to your visit."

Before hanging up, they are agreed on 10 o'clock Saturday morning, leaving sufficient time for his wife to be on her way. Alex reminded her not to wear perfume or hairspray of any kind.

"Good morning, dear lady!" Alex greeted Paula at the door.

It was an exceptionally cold day and they agree to shut the door, locking it.

Paula had exited her car carrying the usual medical bag just in case someone might be observing.

"No chance that neighbor lady might come knocking?" Paul queried.

"No. That is the first time that has ever happened." Alex answered. "My night-time help...my son,,,,,,,,, does not arrived until 8 o'clock."

Paula wore her usual blue jeans, cotton shirt and heavy winter coat. Removing the coat, she hung it on the wall as usual.

"I am showered and my teeth brushed." Alex told her. "Do you need to freshen up?"

"Same here." She answered. "But, I would like to freshen up. Can I get a washcloth?"

"You will see them in the bathroom" He answered, as he backed his wheelchair and turned towards his bedroom. "I think my hospital bed will do just fine."

He wore his usual cotton shorts and T-shirt. Wheeling into the bedroom, he turned towards the bed and removed his T-shirt.

Paula went to the bathroom. She toed her shoes off. Removing her jeans, she pushed her panties down enough to spread her legs. Nothing but hand-soap on the sink, she put a bit on the wet rag and and lightly washed her pussy, rinsing it several times. Getting another washcloth, she dried her pussy. She picked up her shoes, jeans and proceeded to the bedroom. She placed the washcloths next to her jeans so as not to forget them.

Alex had left enough room between his chair and the bed. He motioned Paula to stand in front of him. "Your blushing!" He chuckled.

"Damn right, I am! A man has never seen me butt-ass naked." Lying. "I knew I preferred females at a very young age... perhaps 12 years old. You are lucky I like you so much."

"When I get finished, you are going to like me even more." He bragged. An emphasis on "me".

"We will see about that." She challenged. "Should I start with my shirt or my panties?"

"I really want to see your butt, so let's start with your panties." He directed.

"I am sorry but I don't have much of the butt" Paula pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. She turned at the direction of Alex.

Alex reached to place his hands on her hips and pulled lightly to back her up. He began lightly kissing her buttocks, each one in turn.

"That's nice." She moaned lightly.

He continued kissing her buttocks, as his right hand pushed lightly at her thighs to widen her stance.

"Your pussy is waxed, I see." He said, between light nibbles.

'I knew you you were going to be sad about that, but that is what lesbians do."

"How many women have you been?" He queried.


"You? She queried.

"Well, in this man's opinion your ass is very nice. Don't be surprised, I am going to reached between your legs."

Paula braced for it, but when Alex palmed her pussy she tensed. His fingers reached all the way to her mound which he found puffy, much to his liking. He squeezed it softly. As he retracted his hand, his middle finger found her crack, stroking over the area of her clit and found it odd to the touch. His middle finger stopped.

"Damn, that's good!" She moaned. "Please don't." She said, thinking, rightly so, he wanted to finger her pussy. 'That's a man thing and I don't appreciate it.' She thought. (I ask the reader to remember context here)

Alex did as she asked, pulling his finger up a good portion of her ass crack, causing her to moan, her buttock to draw tight. He turned her around and studied what he could see of her pussy and mound for a brief moment. He motioned her to sit.

Over the last week, he had thought and played with his bed and chair to know the right height to set them or move them. He looked at her tits, then her, expectantly.

"You know, my tits were not part of the bargain." She said with a smile.

"Pretty please" He said.

Alex adjusted the height of the bed to suit him, as she began to slowly unbutton her shirt in a teasing manner, smiling at him.

Alex, sat back in his wheelchair and watched her.

Taking it off, she swung it around her head and threw it to him.

Catching it, he smelled it taking in a deep breath, dropping it to the floor.

She reached behind her and unclasped her bra, holding it in place as she took it off her shoulders, then, slowly lowered it to expose her breasts. She sat, her back straight, her chest pushed out, for his appraisal.

"Are they everything you expected?"

"I wasn't sure what to expect. But they are very nice indeed. I felt them through your shirt, you know?"

"I figured." She said with a chuckle. "I pushed them against you."

He wheeled his power wheelchair closer. He leaned forward taking her right deflated nipple into his mouth, sucking on it lightly, while his hands reached to lay lightly on her back, then, hips. He felt her nuzzle the top of his head.

"They're are not very sensitive, I'm afraid. But it does feel good." She whispered.

As Alex continued sucking on one, then the other, he sought to cup her left breast with his left hand. He dropped his right hand between her legs to stroke the inside of her thighs.

Paula dropped her right hand to Alex's crotch, feeling a small, semi-erection. "That is a nice erection," she whispered praise. "for a man who is going to be 70 soon."

"It might even get a little firmer and longer, but as soon as I get it in my wife it disappears."

"How do you and your wife have sex? She inquired, rubbing the back of his head. "You just give her oral, and get nothing in return?"

"Pretty much." He began to explain. "Her mind has been more family oriented than on sex. We argued a lot for about 10 years and then I just figured she had no interest. I have to tell you we had a hard time with intercourse until she had the first child. The only way we could have intercourse without her having a lot of pain was me spooning behind her. I remember three times in 46 years of marriage that I can say she really put her heart into fucking. Once, at the Awannie Hotel in Yosemite, The Sagamore at Lake George and at Crater Lake Lodge. 2- 2 1/2 hours... nothing but funking and coming. At Crater Lake, we fucked an hour before lunch.

You have seen our bedroom... it's now a guest bedroom... I used to stand at the foot of the bed... I would not fall down there. But, rarely did she put herself into it. I believe, even now, I could keep it up a while longer if she would get herself in the mood. I don't even give her oral as much as I would like to. But, those three times we fucked non-stop...WOW."

"Can we say y'all made love?"

"Of course. Just like you and me."

"You have never fooled around?"

"No. I jerked-off a lot! Sometimes, three times a day."

Alex returned to sucking her nipples and soon had them hard. He was tired of talking. He sucked alternate nipples. Then, sitting back, he looked expectantly at her.

"So, now, in broad daylight, you are going to see my pussy." She sighed. "I should tell you it is not pretty. And, I'm going to be embarrassed."

"Well, it is the only way I am going to be able to get to it." Alex sympathized. "Why don't you let me be the judge as to what is pretty and not pretty. Only a close examination will tell." He said humorously, reaching down to take her calves, lifting her legs. She had no other choice but to recline back.

"Mercy! I am so embarrassed!" She exclaimed, putting her hands over her eyes. "I have occasionally let my girlfriends see my vagina in the light of day. But, not like this, anyway. Like an examination."

Alex chuckled more, pushing her thighs back, then, tugging at her hips, to bring her down, with her help, to the edge of the bed. Reluctantly, she took control of her thighs, holding them back. Alex adjusted the bed and his chair. The bed was quite high but it put her pussy right at face level.

Alex smiled, studying her pussy. He had seen quite a few but only one came close to Paula's.

Her mound was puffy, with her labia just as puffy. Paula would not be considered a heavy woman, so, he found it odd, but, very much to his liking. The oddity was on the inside edges. There were flaps, of a sort. Again, he had seen only one other pussy with flaps, but they had been twice the size, making the other woman's pussy look extremely odd. The pussy before him was quite appealing and he stroked it around the edges. He heard Paula blow air out of her mouth.

"I think I have found something sensitive." He chuckled. "And your pussy is quite cute. I have seen one other like it, but the flaps were way larger and kind of gross, but I was not deterred then, nor, now.

"I bet you weren't!" She chirped. "You never answered my question? How many women showed you their pussies?"

"I've been counting. 11."

"So, you married at 21... that makes ten before you were married? You were a real horny-toad!"

"No. They were."

He continued exploring, rubbing her thighs, down to her ass. He could feel her body quiver as she moaned softly. It was time to see what was inside her puffy and flapped labia. Very tenderly, he pulled the flaps, exposing a light pink that blended with a lower light brown.

"Oh! Marcy!" She sighed.

At the top, was her clitoris, a small, pink treasure. It was time. Alex leaned forward 6 inches or so and began to explore her pussy with his tongue.

"Oh, jjeeezzzzz!" Paula moaned.

When Alex finished letting his tongue and lips roam outside her labia, exploring her silky smooth mound and the edges of her pussy, he had to force his tongue through the flaps. He discovered it was best to drop to the bottom of the flaps, parting the flaps as his tongue pushed upward. The tip of his tongue found her clit.

"Yes! Enough of the exploring!" She begged. "Please, don't move!"

Paula ass was soon moving almost continuously, as Alex rotated his tongue around the base of her clit and touched the tip with a feather like stroke.

Paula had looked at her pussy often enough to know what it looked like and how to help. She looked and saw she could place her feet on the handrails of the wheelchair, allowing her to release her legs. She put her hands to her pussy, pulling at both sides of her labia, opening it wide.

"Alex! Please don't stop!" she pleaded. "It's so fucking good!"

Her plea fell on deaf ears. No longer a worry on how to do it, Paula spreading her labia wide, he left her clit and pushed his tongue into her unobstructed hole, pushing as deep as his tongue would go. He

proceeded shoving his face into her pussy, tongue fucking her.

Her ex-husband and her boyfriend had given her oral but not to the extent that she was experiencing now. Almost involuntarily, her ass lifted, in rhythm with his tongue stroking in and out of her. After a long minute, Alex moved back to her clit.

"Alex, do it again!" She moaned.

Alex obliged, pushing his tongue into her. Her ass was instantly in rhythm. Alex alternated his pleasuring of her pussy, as Paula moaned and groaned, her lubricant coating Alex's chin, he, purging his mouth of her vaginal fluid.

He soon concentrated his attention to her clit.

"AAGgggggggggg! Ohhhhhh FUCK! How can anything be so good!" She exclaimed loudly, her torso involuntarily lifting. As the strong orgasm began to fade, she dropped back to the bed, breathing heavily.

Alex kept his attention centered on her clit. She looked down and made no attempt to stop him.

Her hands having left her vagina when the orgasm hit her, she reached again to pull her labia open.

She laid back feeling tiny electrical shocks flow through her.

"Never have I felt anything like that." She praised. "You are wonderful. I can't believe your wife doesn't spread her legs every night for you."

It was a long few minutes before Paula was climbing the ladder once more.

Alex listened to her moans. It took a while but soon Paula was soon moaning to the point that Alex was waiting for. Pushing her thighs and knees back further, he pushed his tongue into her once more. The surprise and near delirium not there as before, but her moans of pleasure spurred him on. He tongue fucked her repeatedly and soon her ass responded, pushing to send it as deep as possible. He went back to her clit again

"Alex, do it one more time!"

She asked twice more. He gave her 2 lengthy tongue fucks, before he concentrated on her clit, bringing her to orgasm. It took mere seconds.

This time, her body stilled momentarily before quaking. She was puffing through her mouth and attempted to close her legs, but Alex held them wide. She was trembling and continued to do so until the orgasm slipped away, then, her body relaxed completely and she lay still. His cheeks, chin and neck were drenched with her fluids

Alex kissed her pussy a number of times and then moved up to her mound, kissing it lovingly, snuggling it and making it wet.

"Do you have another one in you?" He asked lovingly.

"Oh! Dear Lord, no!" She sighed. "I could lay here and go to sleep. Then, I might take you up on it."

"Then why don't you do it?" he suggested. "It's safe."

Paula moved to position herself length-ways on the hospital bed and gathered the pillow under her head.,

"Turn over on your belly." Alex directed. "Move a little bit closer to the edge and I will rub of your back a minute or two."

Alex maneuvered his wheelchair to be close to her buttocks and began rubbing and kissing the one nearest to him. He continued to kiss and nibble at her ass as his right hand began stroking her back, then, her thighs, alternately.

"Now how am I supposed to go to sleep if you keep that up?"

"Your body feels a little hot. Let me check your temperature." He said, while palming and

back-handing the inside of her thighs to indicate he wanted her to spread them.

"My temperature?" She queried, while spreading her thighs, not protesting when she did not get an answer.

With her legs spread, she lay with her eyes closed as Alex continued to pepper kisses on her butt, nibbling low where her thigh began. Alex could feel her body tense and release as he nibbled.

Alex, palm up, slowly slid his right hand between her thighs until his palm covered her pussy. Very slowly and very delicately, so as not to be stopped, his middle finger searched... found the flaps... slipped between them... and then up to her clit. He heard her soft moan and stopped. He did nothing else.