
Update to the Update: So Amazon took down the stolen work pretty fast. Woohoo! Had quite a few emails from you guys with suggestions and support. Thanks so much! They were greatly appreciated.

Update: Hey guys! This is a not-so-nice update to say that I’m currently being plagiarised on Amazon. Some shit is selling The Missing Dragon and Lady Winter on Kindle without my permission. If you come across it, it seems like I’ve published the story with some editor called Omkar Singh. I’ve never heard of that guy and never seen any money from this so I DEFINITELY don’t want you guys buying this thinking you’re supporting me. Many of you know that I’ve been working for years now to develop TMD into something I think is worth selling and whatever that asshole has published is certainly not it. Literotica is the only place that currently has my permission to publish my stories and I'm very grateful to them for the fanbase they've opened up to me. If you see my work anywhere else, especially if it's for sale, don't buy it. When I do publish, I'll update here.

- - - - -

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted anything up in ages. The last couple of years have been pretty crazy for most folks. I've had a lot of stuff getting in the way of TMD and writing in general. I am still going at it though. I have been away from Lit for a while despite continuing writing. No particular reason for that, other than not having anything to publish and a slight dalliance with poor mental health (it's ok, I'm doing good). As such I haven't been able to have a look at feedback or comments.

So to clear up some stuff, I still am in the process of re-writing TMD. This is an ongoing project of doing major re-writes and line editing a (currently) 395,225 word story. For comparison, the first three books of the Lord of the Rings are 481,103 words. I'm doing this alone, with a day job, and life to deal with. I know it's been ages, I am sorry to keep you waiting. Still, if I'm going to ask anyone for money then I'd like to at least have something I feel is me at my best and although I've had loads of fun writing on here and hearing from you guys, you haven't seen my best yet. To put it bluntly, I also find certain parts of the editing process to be fucking mind-numbing. On the whole, it's an incredibly rewarding experience, but occasionally I need a break so I write other little doodle stories that often don't get finished or get turned into other stuff. I always come back to TMD though.

Oh, and I have no idea who said I'd injured my hands in a car accident, but that's horse shit. I'm still getting on with it, there's just a lot to do and I've been struggling here and there as one should when trying something new.

Thanks to everyone who sent me nice messages recently. I'm sorry for worrying those who sent me so many messages of support about my non-broken hands. I'm very sorry I didn't correct this sooner.

I hope to have something new for you as soon as I can.


(Just a little addition here, guys. I've had quite a few very nice, supportive emails after posting this. First off, you guys are awesome and thanks for the continued support! Secondly though, I don't want anyone getting confused as to where I am right now with the stories. I've already had offers of editing help, which I'm thankful for but I'm not quite ready for that sort of thing yet. I'm going to finish the story for my liking before letting other editors and beta readers start their work on it. So many thanks for the offers and I shall doubtless have work for you some day, but today is not that day. Also, this update shouldn't be taken as a statement of "I'm back!" and am about to churn out a bunch of stories. Stuff is still going, but it's going slowly. So thanks again to everyone! I will now get back to work.)



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