All Comments on 'An Innocent Question Ch. 01'

by ohio

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Kanga40Kanga40about 18 years ago
Another innocent question

please go back and correct the bits where you confused Dan and Chris.

One minute Chris is seducing her then suddenly Dan is licking her.

That's a pretty well unforgivable stuff up. You should get someone to at least read thru your stories before you send them in.

Kanga40Kanga40about 18 years ago
In case you can't find it...

Chris stepped back from me, and said, "let me look at you while I get undressed. You are so beautiful!"

I watched as his body emerged from his shirt and shorts. He was leaner than Dan, and a bit fitter, as one would expect of a man in his 30s. His penis was already erect, pointing up directly at me. It was about the same length as Dan's but thinner; and it was beautiful!

I wanted to fall onto my knees and worship it, devour it, but Dan took me in his arms and laid me down on the bed. He began to kiss and nibble me. First my lips and face, while he stroked and hefted my breasts in his hands, telling me there were beautiful. I was moaning, totally out of control.

Then he slid down a bit and began to kiss and lick all around my breasts. He avoided the nipples for several minutes, even as I twisted around to try to get his mouth on them. Finally he sucked hard on one while pulling the other with his fingers, and an unbelievable orgasm hit me! I groaned aloud, and then just lay back, overwhelmed by the feelings.

Dan didn't stop using his lips on my breasts, but his hands moved downward, sliding up and down my thighs and all around my pussy. He avoided my labia for awhile, then circled in on them, stroking up and back each one over and over.

I was moaning continuously, completely out of my mind. I don't know how long he stroked me there before I felt his head between my thighs and his tongue inside me, but every second was miraculous. When the licking started, another orgasm took me over almost immediately. Dan kept licking and sucking me, flicking my clit with his tongue, and I kept screaming and coming. I thought I'd die with the pleasure, as ridiculous as that sounds. I was afraid my body would explode, as my hips jerked all over the bed.

I tried over and over to pull him up to me, to get his cock inside me. Finally he slid back up over me, and entered me in one incredible, cosmic, smooth stroke.

"You have the hottest pussy I've ever been in!" he said with a smile. I just pulled his mouth down on mine and began to hump him as hard as I could, banging my hips up against him.

It wasn't a subtle fuck. It was forceful and strong and rhythmic, and on my side it was desperate. I felt like my life depended on him fucking me harder and harder. It was absolutely amazing. I came again, and then again, and then again. We were bathed in sweat, both making animal noises, and finally he sped up for about 30 strokes and came into me, roaring as he spasmed and spurted inside me.

We collapsed, lying side by side, holding one another. I was gripped by some different and scary feelings. First, I had never been so thoroughly, so achingly, fucked and satisfied in my life. You know those terrible movies when the girl says, after sex, "I never knew it could be like this?" Well that was me. I just had No Idea it could be like that!

Second, I was guilty and frightened. I'd cheated on Dan, in our marital bed, without giving him much of a thought for the last couple of hours. What kind of whore was I? Was that all he deserved from me, after years of being a loving and faithful husband? Would he catch me? If he did, would it be the end of our marriage?

Third, and at the same time: I wanted more. I wanted Chris again. I was exhausted, and yet I knew we weren't nearly finished. If he didn't have a hard-on again in a few minutes, I'd be sucking him up to one. I knew it, and I knew nothing was going to stop me.

After a few minutes Chris opened his eyes and smiled at me. "You are the hottest woman I've ever met in my life."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Unlike a previous commenter, I'm not too concerned about mixing up names. What interests me is how you will resolve this marital crisis. Based on your previous stories, you will probably find a way to reconcile the couple and this may not be bad. However, if the husband ever finds his wife's true feelings about her lover and their liaison, he may not be able to take her back and retain his self-respect. For me, the journey is as important as the final destination.


Kanga40Kanga40about 18 years ago
I agree with Boyd

the resolution of this dilemma will be interesting.

Yes, history would indicate a reconciliation. Even if this occurs, and she doesn't tell him how much better she found the other guy, the union can do nothing but fail when it is built on a lie.

If Ellen has any integrity she cannot continue a sham marriage.

That's not to say it won't be the course the author will take.

As usual, an entirely unsaticfactory reason for a woman in what is supposedly a heavenly marriage to cheat on her husband.

After that it is always hard to recover.

And after her telling us how much better the lover was, she really can't go back to her husband - except in a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
the passion will burn out

Good story. To me the story can only end in divorce. Ellen’s experiences with Chris will continue to eat at her heart and soul, even if she manages to get Dan to stay. Her situation of longing for Chris along with Dan thinking about the affair will lead to their marriage deteriorating. And heaven help her and the marriage if Dan finds out anything close to the truth.

I have no idea how the author will end this story. ----- divorce or reconciliation ------ I trust Ohio will work out something acceptable to us readers. I hope it ends in divorce with Dan finding a good woman who loves him and respects him and will never cheat on him. I also hope that Ellen ends up with Chris and finds out after the “passion and attraction” burns out, (about 3 to 6 months) that she is left with someone she has nothing in common with. And realizes what she has lost with Dan.

A little personal experience here: The author’s description of the sex/passion/magnetism that Ellen experienced with Chris reminded me of a “girlfriend” I had when I was single. We were drawn to each other much the same way that Ellen and Chris were drawn together. The thing was that after a little more than three months we burned each other out. It was only sex/passion/magnetism and nothing else. Luckily we were single, so no harm and no foul.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 18 years ago
This story has me agitated, therefore

it's off to a good start! We'll see where it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Excellent Story

Ohio you have a start of a good story and telling both sides makes it all the more a story of two middle-aged people and how they are going to deal with a change in their lives. On the road the next two weeks and looking forward to the addtional two parts. Good job and thanks.

FireFox59FireFox59about 18 years ago
Great Start

The makings of another great story. Thanks ohio!!!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
another OHIO Train wreck of a story coming up

choo choo... chco cho0...

all aboard the OHIO reconciltation WIMP husband express.... jesus folks does this story look like another god dam train wreck or what?...

but then again reality and how men REALLY think and act has never been OHIO's strong suit is it?

there is a lot of sex in this chapter.... IMO too much. Yes AUTHOR the sex was hot!!! yes we got it!!!!.... after all it is a erotica site.

The problem is that the author uses the sex to distract from KEY issues that all men would HAVE to deal within this situation... but they never ever do in ANY of OHIO's stories which is why so many of his stories are bloody awful train wrecks

The wife clearly lied several times in her confession

... and she was not suprised or upset in any SIGNIFICANT manner when Hubby walks out... she says well that was expected... Big deal...

The hubby as in ALL of OHIO's stoiry is a fucking idiot and will likly never figure out the BIG lie (s) by the wife...

1 the sex was far greater than anything he has done.

2 the recent aggressive sex between the hubby and whore wife was NOT because she loves her Husband

3 she will do it again and wont or cant control herself. Either way it is a goddam disaster for the soon to be wimp hubby.

a cheating spouse cannot ONLY confess halfway... and expect the marriage to recover or to get rebuilt. You CANNOT build a new house of cards on a LIE...something OHIO seems to have NOT learned...

watch how the hubby does everything he can to keep the whore wife's honor and tells NO one.... while she shits all over his

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
i hope he finds someone and have the best sex

the end of the world isn't here and there more women waiting.let the young stud use her for a while and she will want hubby back.but hubby will move on to happy place with younger and prettier woman and knock her up.that stop a lot of the b/s the writers feel like they got too force feed the marriage back thinking as a hubby would to finish chris and emily.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 18 years ago
I doubt its as simple as it seems

I think that either a twist is coming or the couple is headed for divorce (maybe after husband catches them at it after they try to reconcile or something). I dont think it was an accident that the author revealed how deep the wife's feelings/lust were. Also, that she was still lying during her confession and was still thinking to herself how great the lover was seems to foreshadow something other than a straight reconciliation story.

Whatever happens, thanks for writing. Good start to the story. Thanks for posting it on consecutive days as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
worth it

Was the sex worth the pain? We'll see

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
Where is ths marriage headed?

I just love Harddaysknight description of how he feels about the story. It is a real expression of being into what the Author has given us, and I thoroughly agree.

This story is in the can and has been submitted in its entirety, so speculation is unremarkable and unnecessary. In as few words as I can write I have seen this phenomenon many times in marriages. The feelings of the affair, no matter how long in duration, are real to the mind and only with distance and time will it fade away to be manageable. The thought of something delightful will always be there but the actual experience will fade to just be a small part of the memory.

Along with the memory of the affair will be the other memory of the horrid results of the adultery and what pain it has caused that can never be taken back.

Two ways people normally go, are bury the guilt and continue looking for that illicit feeling again, or remember how awful the feeling is letting down and betraying the one you really love and feel that’s stronger then any self-need.

The guilt is as important as the memory, it is what keeps in the mind the fact if it was repeated or a different affair started then the love of the spouse and marriage is really dead as the self-gratification is too important. This can not be left unresolved as just buried it leaves each partner to deal with the aftermath and never get totally by it. Both people have to understand what caused this or there is no hope for forgiveness of himself or herself or the partner.

In so many cases, not in this story, people seek out a different partner to fulfill a need perceived being denied by the partner and feel the exhilaration of being desired by another, other then the partner, which is seen as a forgone conclusion.

Many, many people walk around with this very problem of having been unfaithful and live a life of the self-loathing popping up from time to time. This is a form of depression that affects the quality of ones life. I many cases a therapist can help this become a resolvable matter between the partners or at least the doer.

After all that on reconciliation and the start of a new relationship, it is also very possible that the new feelings of the instigator will lead to having to have more self-gratification or as in this story the love of another will be everything that is now important.

After that unnecessary rant, I have to say I am so looking forward to where Ohio is taking us.

Thank you for the hard work and excellent fantasy.

With respect


fregenfregenabout 18 years ago

I will like to see where it goes. It was a fair comment on juxaposition of husband and lover. That detracted somewhat.

It sounds like she is still not in control of herself: She called Chris multiple times Monday - I rather doubt she would have made it home for dinner if he had been available.

She never confessed. Dan has to force the confession from her. Then she lies to Dan and herself. She refuses to tell him how fantastic the sex was with Chris because she doesn't want Dan to leave her. But when she is having sex with Dan she is imagining he is Chris. Oh, she feels guilty about it but not enough to give Chris up. After the confrontation she tells herself it's over and she might even believe it - right up until the point she is with Chris again. Then we all know what will happen.

Appears she is willing to throw over her marriage to a wonderful guy who treats her right for intense passionate sex. Too bad all around. I have to agree with a previous commenter that the passion will probably burn out. I hope Dan has walked for good by that time.

Maybe Chris will want to stay with a 45 year old woman with grown children. Maybe. On the other hand he may still want children of his own. Think she is ready to do that all over again? Think she can?

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 18 years ago
Please Ohio

Don't do the obvious. In other words, make the story like real life instead of the "They all lived happily ever-after" bullshit that happens in the fantasy world of

She has obviously decided that her sex with Chris had been the greatest. All that is keeping her from being with him is the possible talk around campus and the possible anger that her kids would feel for her if she left Dan for Chris.That would be the only reason for a bitch like this to vow her undying love for her husband. She was terribly disappointed at the idea of her husband giving his blessings to her still seeing Chris and Dan being there to "love" her after Chris had filled her cheating cunt with cum. She might have even found it exciting for Dan to eat her before she cleaned up after Chris had left his cum in her cheating snatch.

Dan, on the other hand is clean right now by the author's description of him, but only maybe. The whole story may have not been told yet. I think the original reason for the "innocent question" could have been possibly because he too, was guilty or was contemplating an affair. But obviously she had beaten him to first blood.

Now, if that is the case, then the two cheating sons a bitches deserve each other or should start going to a swingers club. If not, and he is not cheating or not thinking about it either, then his leaving the cheating fucking bitch that would fuck a man right in their own bed and home, immediately divorce her god-damned ass and never look back. The only contact ever again to have with her when he would happen to see her at work or family weddings and funerals. fuyck her. She spread her legs, made a choice, and cheated. She will fuck Chris again at first opportunity just like she wasn't going to call him at home. Three more times in the same day before her guilt overwhelmed her and forced the making of a wonderous blueberry pie. She's a worthless fucking bitch that threw away 25 years for one afternoon and evening of a younger man. One that even defiled the norm of sex story where the guy had the same sized cock as her husband.

Anyway, like a moth to a flame, I will return again for the next chapter.

The only reason I would not read the third is that perhaps Dan is portrayed to not have any balls and decides that his love for his wife is so strong that he will take up the role as cuckolded wimp, serve the couple drinks and dinner in bed in a French maid's costume, and laps up Chris's leavings from his wife's used cunt.

If that saga unfolds, then a wasted memorial day has happened again.

saw_man1saw_man1about 18 years ago
Superb writting

You do write so well. For me, the content is secondary to the story and this is a very engaging story. I will certainly be here tomorow to see what happens next.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Bring the daughter into it

Fabulous story so far...have the daughter fell sorry for daddy then seduce him and have mind blowing sex....

K.K.K.K.about 18 years ago
Excellent Start

You have me locked in now so don't keep us waiting too long. Will the "LOVING WIFE" have another fling with Chris while she waits for her husband to decide what he is going to do? Will the husband find a way to get past her cheating and forgive her or will he walk away from their marriage? You have left us with a lot of possible sceniaros to consider.

I just wish there was another good story here that I could read while I am waiting for chapter two to be posted. Thanks for the effort.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Waiting, you have got me waiting, I'm wondering where you are going with this story. You sure do an outstanding job. Just keep them coming.

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Ok, Ohio lets see where your taking us (^_^)

For the part you've give us so far, I can respect that. The husband didn't react all that well to what he heard and did what I think most of us would have done.

The question is what happens next?

One thing I have to say is that I have a note pad on my PC that I keep of things that I run accross that I always "hate" to see in a reconcilation story. If more than two things on my list I find in a story, for me reconcilation doesn't make sense. It feels rushed if the author doesn't resolve that item and just expect the reader to overlook them as well.

For example let me explain. It's long, but it covers why I comment often the way I do:

-Unprotected Sex with new person. There are too many diseases out there for folks to be consider doing this. When your commited in a relationship to one person, you don't usually worry about them bringing something home. You believe they love you enough to not take a chance on sex with someone they hardly know and give it too you. But when they cheat likes this, it's like they are saying your health and well being takes a back seat to their pleasure. Don't even get me started on people that have sex then rush home to have sex immediately after with their mate.

-Sex in the Master Bedroom, usually in the bed shared with the spouse, then frolic in shower of that bedroom. Like nothing is sacred and everything is up for defilment, and not just the relationship, by the cheating person.

-States at some part of the story that they feels that the sex they "just had" with their new lover was "way" better than "anything" they have ever gotten from their spouse

-Willing to try something new with lover that they have always been either unwilling to try or out right refused to think about with their mate. But once that the new lover has broken the cheater, let's say in this case the wife, in to a new act and the husband finds out, he is grateful and willing to stay married long as he's no longer denied getting that act too.

Like the part in this story where she was willing to suck her lover off after they had already had sex multiple times, but her husband had to be "clean" first before she would give him a blow job. She wouldn't consider this with the husband, but the lover she was willing to explore his body with her tongue just after they has their first round of sex.

-At some point during the story the wife describes how "throughly" enjoyable the cheating was on the husband, which of course the reader sees, and then by the end of the story the husband takes her back because he can't stand to be without her.

I've never understand this whenever I've read it in a story. Why build up such animosity in the reader by pointing these things out, only to leave it unresolved? When I see this in a story I find it sorta easier to accept revenge sex.

-Not a one time affair and not a "true" one time slip. Wife has sex with her lover multiple times (or is willing and plans to) and is shown putting some real "work" into seducing her lover. That's not a slip in my mind, it's a determined plan that is put into action. You can't call it a slip when your planning on going back for seconds.

-Shown "determination" and willingness to cheat on thier spouse "repeatedly". And trying to do what it takes to make that happen.

-Any part of the story where one of the spouses shows a "willingness" to, or unconsciously does in the telling of their mate of their cheating, some how throughly crush the other mates ego and self confidence. And during the story that mate sits and takes it, then after a few "story" days or weeks manages to get over that like it was never said in the first place.

-"Quick" forgiveness by a husband in a cheating wife story. By that I mean with in a calendar month.

Usually a husband in these stories is always the most "unbelieveably" kind and considerate person alive. Always putting the wife first before himself. And for some reason after finding out she's cheated/cheating on him is willing to continue to do so. This is what usually makes a lot of people feel he's a wimp.

Putting a woman's needs first in your life is the right thing as a man, but not to continue to do so "after" has taken all that kindness and walked on him to get what she wanted. Once that happens almost everyone starts to expect him to stand up for himself and find someone worthy of his "special" attention

-At some point the husband and wife "silently" agree that the use of Sex (which is what cause problem in the begining) is ok to be used by the other to fix their marriage problems. I've never understood how "more" sex is the answer to someone taking a chance on giving you an STD. I can't believe that someone would be this shallow and feel long as they are getting sex everything is all right.

-Crazy Revenge Sex where the guilty husband or wife is forced somehow to watch the innocent party get even


So far you have covered about 7/8's of my list here in party one. I'm just wondering how you finished the story and felt about it? If you wanted reconcilation, because they had been married for 23 years, how you balanced out all the things that I saw in the story that made me feel the husband got unfairly shafted so far.

I guess time will tell =)


Orion623Orion623about 18 years ago

This is the best start to any story I have read in the Loving Wives section of LE in the last 6 months.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Your story has

been mentioned in today's Author's Hangout New Story Review.

MetzovMetzovabout 18 years ago
Well writen as always

My problem is I can't believe in the base premise of the story. I don't believe a sane person in a loving relationship can't say no to an attraction for another. I can believe she didn't want to say no and started making rationalizations that she could use to explain to herself that it was beyond her control.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 18 years ago

very well written very good

wetapapwetapapabout 18 years ago
Nicely written, as

usual you have done a superb job of character development. I don’t have a lot of comments to add about the story. Most to the other readers have covered it all in their comments.

Do I believe she loves her husband, yes, but I believe she loves herself more.

Do I believe she wants to save her marriage, yes, even to the point of lying to do it.

Do I believe that she will give up her lover to save her marriage, yes, but only after she tires of him.

Do I believe that this is a one time affair and will never be repeated, yes, but only until the next strong attraction comes along.

Now to sit back and wait to see how the author views the events. A fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Oh No Mr. Bill !!!

Unquestionably well written - your best to date Author.

Everyone is torqued and waiting and hoping - hoping for a realistic somewhat lifelike path.

Your brush has painted her as bad as a wife could be without multiple offenses. To us - not to him, but he seems very perceptive as to the between the lines grievousness of her acts(4) plus her prior and continued interest.

I and many hope that this over the ballpark fence start wasn't a faul - fawl - foul ball - that it moves and quacks like a duck throughout.

Here's hoping - again! With high Regard

P.S. - Your story has been mentioned in the Prestigious New England Journal of "What the Hell is the Author Thread" and why not direct to the author??? Does that imply that the comments there are more important than ours - the readers - your customers? What is the important and cryptic reason?

ohioohioabout 18 years agoAuthor
sorry for the name mix-up!

Kanga40 is right--in the middle of Ellen's afternoon of sex with Chris, I screwed up and started calling him "Dan", her husband's name. Apologies. It's not that I didn't proof-read; it's just that I messed up.

I hope people can still enjoy the story. Thanks for all the comments so far. The next two parts should appear in the next two days.


fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 18 years ago
I See where this is headed

after reading this statement by the author..

"There was absolutely no chance of Dan letting me continue to see Chris—"

Oh but I'll bet there is after the "ohhh honey, I love you sooooo much I just can't let you go after 23 years of married bliss with emily. You go ahead and see him when you want baby and come home to me." As long as it is just sex and we are so much in love that our marriage will be in no trouble. What's that you said, he wants a baby by you? Well , ok honey if you can have one and you really want to, that will be ok and I'll raise it and love it as my own, just please don't leave me darling."

jack_strawjack_strawabout 18 years ago
OK, I'm hooked

Good writing always has the ability to grab a reader's interest and hold them, and this story delivers. It also has two well-developed characters, each of whom gets their turn to tell their story. And the sex is very good, very graphic.

Story gets docked a point for the confusion with the names where he uses Dan's name when she's supposed to be with Chris. That's sloppy.

I'm not sure yet where I want this story to go. A couple who have put 25 years into a relationship and who have two children together should want to think long and hard about splitting up. There's no question Ellen still loves Dan, and we have to assume that Dan still loves her, although that's not a given, based on what we have so far. And if (big if) the affair is really over, then perhaps there is a chance for the marriage to survive. On the other hand, Ellen's betrayal may be too much for Dan to get past, and there is a hint of that when he says he doesn't ever want to sleep in the same bed again.

I do agree with some previous comments in two respects. One, as much as she loves Dan, she loves herself more. Her needs and desires for the physical release she had with Chris easily trumped whatever feelings she had for her husband. Two, she's dishonest with herself, and by extension to Dan, when she tries to convince herself (and Dan) that she doesn't want to see Chris again. She may say the affair is over, and she may well never see him again, but the fact that she called him five times that Monday tells us that she is still carrying a torch for her lover.

At any rate, I will eagerly await the next two installments.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
It switched names of the husband and the lover

It's not a proof reading error

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
I don't agree with the rest

Or are you editing out any response that doesn't massage your ego? Your head still fit your hat? She's crossed a line. Divorce the whore or, better yet, kill her, make it an episode on CSI. Love the preface where std's and reality aren't allowed. That immediately diminishes anything written. Amazes me how a start like that could end in so many liking the story. I bet your little groupies would like it if you wrote one about little green men/women. I bet this ends a wussy story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I thought the start was reasonable. But what I find interesting is that the commenters, in general, that just flame an author, are almost always anonymous. Personally, I find that offensive in and of itself. If you find you have to flame someone, at least have the guts to say who you are.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Great Job!

I have enjoyed all of your writtings. I would like a happy ending, if possible. Keep them together and make her the sub slut she is. Of course so far the story seems that she has become romatically involved with Chris. Can't wait for more. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Outstanding start!

I'm with K.K. and sawman1. I'm pretty happy is the story is well written and engaging.

I can see this go either way. Ohio has it nicely set up to kee us wandering.

Regards, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

This has all been done a million times before and you are adding nothing.

Go get a life and stop pouring out your crap. You could write if you overcome yourvenom.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
good so far

well written, but i think the best part are the comments.

i wonder what the readers will say after the conclusion. i think that is where the real drama will be.

ScribblerosScribblerosabout 18 years ago
Not an original plot but good writing

I must say that you have good writing skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Honey, have you ever thought of having an affair?

the story started, with the guy wanting to know; and he ended up saying:

"No—I don't want to spend another night in that bed—probably ever!" LOL!!

Ohio, you are something else (you and your wimpy characters; he's not only wimpy but also incredibly dumb)!

Yes, you said this is a STORY ONLY and so there's no STD or pregnancy; okay, we can dig that!

But even in a story a CHARACTER has to have some minimal intelligence, no?

I mean, if you gonna have a character ask his wife about whether or not she had thought of having an affair --- bluntly speaking, EXCHANGING BODILY FLUIDS WITH OTHER PEOPLE --- shouldn't you have had the character do some THINKING before hand?

that is, whether the question was "theoretical"; and if not, if he's prepared for ALL KINDS of answers the wife's gonna through back at him --- e.g., "No, honey. I have always loved you and have need to have extra sex outside our marriage"; or, "Yes, I have (not with George Clooney but with the some of the guys she's known/worked with, etc.]. Do you LIKE ME TO PURSUE THEM FOR REAL, honey?"; etc., etc. --------- and see HOW the husband/character would respond,,,,

Ohio, you mean you don't think like that, as you prepare to write your story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Good story...

Plenty of ground covered, perhaps too much but then again perhaps not enough. There are, of course, two parts still to come.

As usual I like your writing and will accept whatever solution is the final outcome.

In defense of Ellen’s feelings for Chris, I would offer the fact that the affair is extremely fresh in its action and in her mind. Time, as we all know, moulds and mellows our thoughts. Her actions from now on should determine whether she should curry favour in my mind.

Thank you Ohio for an interesting story


Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
Yes this may be OHI's best Start ever BUT!!!!

fabulous List Risq!!!

Yes this chapter 1 may in fact be OHIO's best start ever to one of this stories.... but the hisotry of this very skiled writer / author is developing reconciliation at all costs...

and in almost all cases He does so by either throwing dirt on the Hubby to EVEN the score or by ignoring the Key issues.

In this story the wife clearly threw away 23 years of marriage and NOT by the sex itself... but by her OBESSION with the other guy and her willing to do sexual acts ONLY with him. ****The wife at the end chapter 1 is a SEVERLY flawed and possibly mentally ill person. ****

To be sure the wife can fuck any cock she wnats to.... She is NOT property. But by the same token you cannot have the whore wife "snap" out of it 1 or 2 weeks or 2 months later and she "oh what have I done ?"

As sure as God made little green apples... I am 100000% positive that the hubby will say at SOME point --or some family friend or counselor will say this --- " you dont throw away 23 years like that...."

that expression / idea is fine but what happens in OHIO's story is that the hubby nevers says the foillow up point which is ..."HEY!! SHE is the one that threw away 23 years!....."

This story as it is written so far ... is NOT a ORDINARY cheating story in anyway. To reconcile these two in Chpater 3 would be like reading the infmaous bad stories such as HILDY or MARGO or JUNE GET EVEN or TIES THAT BIND.

I have seen several assertion from readers that the wife clearly still loves the hubby. HUH? what the fuck is THAT conclusion based on?

having the Hubby chear is NOT going to work... making out little LISTS wont work... having the wife do new sexual things for the hubby to compensate is really just Male BASHING and wont work either....

Kanga40Kanga40about 18 years ago
Interesting comments

Two things come to mind; firstly, the story has started out with a bang - that's the easy part. keeping that going to the end and not fizzing out is the real challenge for all authors. Even when an author knows where the story is going, the ending truly is the hardest part to get right. A few I know write their ending first, then the rest.

Secondly, Ohio seems to have written the whole story before submitting any of it - a great idea. None of our ravings can influence, or even seem to influence, the way HIS story goes.

One observation of mine re this model marriage:

If Ellen truly loved Dan, as the author has tried to tell us and they communicate as well as alleged, WHY did she not say something to Dan about her worries concerning Chris?

And, Risq, please rewite your list as an essay and either submit it to Lit, or email it to every LW author you can find.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Harryin VA

I am amazed that someone like Harryin VA, who has apparently never had the courage to post a story in his life, has the literary skill to tell all these authors exactly what they are doing wrong. You know it's like a blind guy with no legs teaching kids how to ride a bicycle.

Nice start Ohio; I wait in anticipation for the rest of the tale.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Plagerized Plotline so far!!!!

Read "A Classic Line" by Cageytee....and isn't " An innocent question" just another classic line.

Years a go I read a book by Harold Robbins which I thought was very good...then I read another...then another...and finally realized I was reading a successful formula put together by Mr Robbins. The stories held the same storyline but had a different scenery, different characters...but the same old, same old. I stopped reading Mr. Robbins. have fallen into that trap...same old, same old.

But you might not give us your "reconciliation at all costs" outcome but rather give us a different outcome as per " A Classic Line"....where the hubby leaves his spouse even though he loves her...and meets someone else....

Your storyline smacks of this direction...but if it becomes a "reconciliation at all costs" are a bigger fool than I thought you were.

nuff said.


DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 18 years ago
To the brave anonymous dork below

People sprouting the rubbish you did in your post annoy me to the point of exasperation.

I am a woman, never played pro football, but let me tell you, dickhead, I sure can tell if a player stuffs-up or makes a mistake.

I never wote any music either, but I sure as eggs have the right to like or not like a particular tune, AND to express that opinion.

The heading on the public comments section says:

Love it? Hate it? Have suggestions?

You can leave a public comment on this submission!

So fuck off and let the rest of us do what the authors asks us to do!

BTW Ohio - great start, just hope you managed to keep the momentum going till the end.

DeadWouldDeadWouldabout 18 years ago
Another comment snuck in

while I was writing mine.

My comments were directed at the post headed Harry in VA, by anon

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
I have to say Harry does keeping me laughing

And some of his points are valid and I find myself laughing when I read them.

Such as this one:

I have seen several assertion from readers that the wife clearly still loves the hubby. HUH? what the fuck is THAT conclusion based on?

Really gotta agree with that comment. What "are" they basing this on? They must be basing it on the motto: "Nothing says loving like cheating on your husband with his cousin". That's got to be it. >=)

But I think it's because some folks would "like" for her to still be in love with and still married to her husband by the end of the story, they are willing to severly over look her cheating if by the end of the story it means they stay together. But to be honest would anyone respect someone this happened to, if they knew them in RL, like what has already happened to the hubby in this story? I mean she's already walked all over him as both a husband and as a man. The million doller question is what's he willing to do now? True he put his all into the marriage, but in the end the wife wanted strange "bad" enough to walk all over the husband's respect to get it. I mean she went fishing in the same pond she and her husband worked in. And she was determined to work hard to get a second crack at her lover.

And stuff like "this" is what some of these folks are willing to over look just to get a happy ending.

I know some folks would say "Be the bigger person and forgive" but I usually ask myself this question "How far is a husband willing to go?" I mean he's been the model husband for years. He always put her first and the kids first. He's been a better person than most anyone could ever hope for. But now she takes that and craps on it. And some folks can quickly over look that in favor of a "happy" ending where he still forgives her.

But I have to ask those folks:

At what point should he start to think about himself and his happiness since she obviously isn't. I mean some of the reconcilation crowd doesn't seem to care how many time she cheats or who she does it with, by God they have to stay married or the husband is the bad guy for wanting out.

I mean what will it take for him not to be the bad guy? After she dies of old age and he's now alone? Or only after she cheats on him some "magic" number of times to make them feel it's acceptable? After she proves totally untrust worthy and tries to either have him killed or steal "all" of his money and leave him with nothing? Only after the other guy decides he doesn't want her anymore? Naa, most of the reconcilation folks would say that he has to take her back because she has no where to go.

I gotta tell ya, I've read some stories where the wife leaves the husband for another man, decides down the road she made a mistake, but the husband has moved on. Then I read some comments where a poster jumps all over the author because the husband didn't wait for the wife to make it a happy ending. Go figure. It's ok to give the wife all the sexual fun she can stand, but the husband is supposed to sit on the sidelines waiting for her till she's done. Yep thats fair as far as their concerned.

Either way, I have to say I do get a chuckle sometimes when I read a comment by Harry.


rlg99rlg99about 18 years ago

How some people who have never wrote a story in their entire life can rip a author and the stories he writes.Yes this is directed at the same BONE HEAD that DeadWould wrote to ( So Harry if you have written a story please let us know so we can read it,) Otherwise shut the hell up. Ohio keep Writing.


rlg99rlg99about 18 years ago
I messed up

I got Harry and DeadWould's Anon mixed up.Although you both sound the same.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
two things

ohio needs to finish this and hubby needs to fuck up cris and find someone for him to fuck and tell his wife that she was oh so much better than she is ...younger prettier ...tighter ...better oral better anal better everything .... maybe she needs to just keep cris and then he can keep his ....better to have a young pretty whore than and old used up one any way ...use themoney from the divorce to buy a young different whore every week ....another few years his wife will be an old used up bitch anyway ....he got all he needed a cpl of kids and he fuckedher the best years of her life ...everybody else including cris is just getting the left overs ...sorry but the bloom faded many years ago ...this flower is wilting get a new one and crush that one out like a flame from a wick...cris if you can do anything to fuck up his life do it get him fired thrown out of school have his gf drop him finish this story though ohio a good start but needs a very good closure ...fuck her and cris good...and as far as his bed is concerned burn it with them in it ...i wouldnt sleep in that house again ...if he was so much better than i was let her have his sorry ass ...hes young hell turn her ass out and whore her out soon enough ...he young he dont care about old pussy it was just a fling ...i hope she rots in hell for what she did to hubby and i hope he fucks a new young pussy every weekend

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
He can't keep her unless...

...she can keep the secret of her passion for Chris forever. Dan deserves better! I do find it strange that this "attraction" could not be controlled by someone with so much to lose. I hope Dan splits and finds a trustworthy partner. Chris will dump her within a few months.

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Great reading!

Great reading, but you need to go back to school to learn your Math, and a little Biology.....In most cases, women like Ellen cannot get pregnant at her age of 44 years? So this would definitely change the pattern of this fantasy story, so I'm not sure what your concerns would be about staying with her?

looking4itlooking4itabout 18 years ago
You need someone to read your stories

becuase one glaring mistake was Chris becoming Dan in the fuck scene. I really don't understand how those kind of mistakes get by. A nice story and easy to read except for that part. Sad really, to work that hard and end up making a mistake like that.

budd100budd100about 18 years ago
A good start

Damn I hate to read these comments. It is like this is a life and death situation in this story. Folks, it is a story.Ohio I have liked all your stories and I like this one. How you finish it is up to you and please don't let the naysayers get to you. If they don't like it, let them write their own story. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

The cheating slut will cheat again. Bet on it.

And this writer will turn the husband into a dickless wimp. Bet on it.

Why would the husband ever trust the slut again?

I don't condone adultery but you wrote an okay story.

MinigalesMinigalesabout 18 years ago
Great Easy Part

This is obviously a compelling start of a story, which is always the easy part. Everybody can make up the hardest, most embarrassing or most emotional situations, but it is not easy at all to get out of them intelligently and respectfully.

You obviously have talent in telling stories. Unfortunately, telling a story is not all. The plot is even more important.

Judging by the size of the story, it is nearly obvious it is a reconciliation unless the wife screws up to many times in the coming chapters. I usually do not read unfinished stories so as not to fall in the same trap K.K. fell in, but there was no other real alternatives.

The author's note about STDs and pregnancy in a story set up in a realistic manner is not acceptable. Why is cheating a problem or is it?

I hate stories told from different points of view. I feel I am wathing nightline or something. Ellen's point of view only confirmed that she was a liar. That Dan should discover on his own. Maybe the author just wanted to show us that reconciliation was wrong but he was going to do it anyway to piss us off.

It looks like the story is heading slowly but surely to disaster like Harry said. The end is where it all ends. If you screw up the end, you screw up the whole thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
the cheating wife

I would have busted her in the chops then i woud have tracked down the guy chris and totally made him suffer for the mistake.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A modest proposal...

Ohio, do you think that maybe it would be a good idea to allow comments only on the completed story? Just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Don't know how I missed this one


What's bad about it is I know it's going to be good and it is 1:30 in the am. Oh well this Horny 'ol Sailor has had sleepless nights before. Thank You. Ronnie W.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
another willing and and now cockolding wife

That cockolding wife is holding back info about Chris she better tell Dan everything or she might as well take a hike .



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Sad But Inevitable...

The sex was definitely strokeworthy, but the reaction from Dan was too. He was right in getting out, or there would have been violence of some soort. However, he should have sent HER packing, and not gone away fro the house himself. This way he retains control of the marital domocile and she is "O-U-T",instead of him. She can now change the locks as he has split, and said that he needed to "Get Away".

Bad move, Danny-Boy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You mixed up your characters on pg 2. If Dan was doing the things you had him doing, then he already knew about her affair....

DWornockDWornockover 12 years ago
In her mid-forties

Old hides are not sexy so 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncock shows ignorance again

doesn't take being old to be ugly - DWmoroncock is butt-ugly at any age.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWmoroncock shows ignorance again

doesn't take being old to be ugly - DWmoroncock is butt-ugly at any age.

jiminabjiminabover 12 years ago

But this last anon has got it right. Now as to the story, I liked it as I do of all your stories. Sorry for the rant but I had to chuckle. The thikness of this guys skin is inversly proportional to his IQ Sorry Jim

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Jeez, just another slut getting some on the side- are we surprised?

If you are then then your amazingly fucking stupid as these slut wives always cheat and will cheat again. Author - good story as always but in reality [unless they are a wimp] would ever take a slut back such as this gregarious whore?

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I like your writing style Ohio

But you really are a fuck the husband writer. I don't understan why would he want this slut. If sex with Chris was so much better why in the fuck would you want your husband. He is just a meal ticket, dump the slut and move on dude

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
DWhuedogg is so stupid

he got locked in Mattress World overnight and slept on the floor

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
I have to agree,,,,,,

with huedog, this husband took one for the gipper, to bad because this was getting pretty good up until that point.

PhotoproffPhotoproffabout 12 years ago
Good Job

I am ready for the next part. Unlike some comments, things happen in REAL LIFE.

The human mind plays tricks on us. As for what happened with Chris & Ellen, they are human and as far as Dan is concerned, he went overboard by walking out. If he really Loved her he should have stayed and work on the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
She is a cheating CUNT

Photoproff you loser, if she loved him she would not have fucked and lusted and made love to another guy. Dan did the right thing by leaving. 25 years is a long time and if it meant anything to her she would not have done it. She still wants Chris more, even after lying about it to her husband so fuck the cunt!

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago

cheating lying cunt that won't even tell the whole truth. Torch them both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
could do better

there is nothing sadder than an old slut. this instant lust, never heard such utter rubbish!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree with the comment about instant lust

There is no such thing in reality as "instant lust" especially for a faithful spouse, but then the women featured has proven that besides being a continual liar to make herself look good, totally untrustworthy when she is out and about, she is a full blown slut and after one totally overhyped extanarital experience she is looking forward to the next adulterous liason.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

what is this shit? cant this guy find a taser, a few plastic tie straps and a dull fucking knife? damn chris would be lying in the dirt right fucking now shaking as the electricity went through him. tie his cock and balls with plastic strips and cut his coco and balls off and dont let him bleed out.

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
chick flick

the one rule all men know.. women are never sorry for anything they think say or do ever.. this thing of a character is written to reflect this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Instant Lust

I don't agree with the comments about there being no such thing as instant lust. It happens all of the time. That is why strippers get so much money (male and female), why the entire American female population would gladly give themselves over to Brad Pitt in a heartbeat, and why Justin Bieber has grown woman throwing their panties at him. There is a saying, and I believe it, that says that a woman knows if she is going to sleep with a guy in the first 30 seconds of meeting him. People are too harsh on these writers. Just because it has never happened to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The earth is not flat, even if it looks that way to you. The purpose of stories is to take you away from your life and see it through another's eyes. You are the kind of people that hate Disney movies because animals can't really talk.

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 11 years ago
A Tough One

I think you have a thing for reconciliations. However, you are going to have to work hard to make one work here. I don't see how this broad can keep from fucking Chris again. Further, the mere fact that she found it to be so much better than with her husband spells death to their marriage.

It was a good story for what it is. You did call Chris Dan a few times though and that was a bit confusing. I will continue to read to see how you deal with what should be an impossible situation. Dan needs to cut his losses and move on.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

My second time through. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

What's think about ! Divorce the nasty old skanky slut and get on with your life after telling the kids what a slutty whore their mother is fucking younger cock behind her husbands back. If the stupid slut wants to stay married then tell her the only way you'll consider is if she is tied up and gagged in a closet and forced to watch as you fuck a younger sexier much better looking woman in her asshole, cunt and mouth. As an aside maybe the bitch wife would learn how to treat a man. Then after shooting of in the woman's asshole your wife would have to suck your sperm out of her asshole, cunt hole and mouth, being sure to lick up all of your fluids. Then she would have to suck you cock clean of the other woman's shit and body fluids and stick her tongue up you ass hole and clean you out too. Finally the slut wife would have to let you and the other wman piss in her mouth and she would have to swallow it. After all of that, then and only then would you maybe consider taking the whore back

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 10 years ago
I did not find this story very interesting.

She got what she wanted, Chris got what he wanted and the husband pays. It seems there was not much effort put into this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I'm reading a lot of comments here, but I can't come to any conclusions. I suspect this sort of episode occurs sometime in 50% to 70% of all long term American marriages. That makes the situation both interesting and heart rendering. I can't blame the wife. She is human with a lot of sweet emotions and a subtle and sometimes uncontrollable

passionate drive. Very normal, a bit hurtful, but such a curious drive makes her an interesting, unpredictable companion.

What about him? He is in a no fault situation here, but he has to evaluate his position carefully. As she indicated to herself, in telling her husband about it, she has assured that this affair has ended. But now "the ball is in his court." He is now in a tougher position than she is. I personally would forgive conditionally. But first I would hire a super hot call girl for a weekend and learn some really intense new love making techniques. If he drops her he will find there is not much out there for a guy in his 40's. Perhaps a young bimbo who cheats 10 fold what his ex-wife could even consider? A hot has been in her 40's that's been married 4 or 8 times? A retired hooker who has become too old for the business? This is why I would try to keep what I have. They seem to have an intense intellectual connection. That can be more valuable than fidelity. (For me anyway!)

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
I don't know why you're confused

Here's an old joke that might help clarify things: an average guy sees a beautiful girl and asks her if she would go to bed with him for a million dollars. Stunned, she replies ok. With a big smile the guy says great, how about twenty bucks? She replies, are you crazy? What kind of girl do you think I am? So he says, we've all ready established that. Now we're just dickering on the price.

Same thing applies here, she didn't sell cheap in that she felt a strong attraction for Chris; but she is still an unfaithful slut. She had an opportunity to fight that temptation and develop some seriously good character, but opted for some seriously bad karma instead. The only question now is will Dan settle for a broken marriage with a wife he can't trust; or move on and hope for the best.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago
Liked it

I'm fairly sure this a common scenario in many long term marriages where both parties have previously been faithful. I don't know how plausible the lust on sight is even these more modern days. It's not something I've ever struck, ok, there've been many beautiful women I've noticed & thought , hell, I'd love to fuck her, but, that's just fantasy & everyone has them. Is it at all possible that a woman could feel this way so quickly, guess that is a question only a woman reader can answer for me.

I've always believed, through painful experience & some plain discussions with close women friends that most females usually have to have some sort of emotional feelings for the person with whom they're cheating. That said this is a sad commentary on the state of marriage today.

It was ok. 3***

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
I'm Sorry

She has to bite the bullet and divorce him.

She finds sex with Chris the most astounding sex she ever had, had an attraction unlike she has had for ANY man (I assume that includes her husband?).

Even if she somehow doesn't stray, she will always be fighting the attraction she has for Chris, and that isn't fair to her husband. And what happens when ANOTHER "Chris" shows up?

If her husband takes her back, if she has ANY hope of a happy marriage she has to somehow purge her attraction to Chris, and I don't know if that is even possible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Everything KarenE said

She cannot remain married to her husband. She won't be able to get Chris out of her mind and her husband will soon know, anytime he's fucking her, in her mind she's fucking Chris. No, better for one or the other to cut their losses and split the sheets.

She doesn't deserve to be married.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
time to move on, she will never get over it

"Oh God yes, I thought to myself. It was better than anything. It's better than the sex they have in Heaven."

no matter how you spin it from here on, it is over.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
She had abandoned the marriage before Chris

And she's stil lying. 25 years in the toilet because she wanted excitement and mind boggling sex. A street corner is the right place for her or giving BJs at trucks tops.

The writing is good but needs to be shortened and tightened.

shadowdustershadowdusterover 9 years ago
Good writing fucking bitch

Just like all women they all think that they have the god given right to fuck around on their mates.

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
I know I read this

some time ago, but I only recalled a scene or two as I read chapter 1. This is so good I need to read the whole thing again. I note the next chapters are shorter, but I am surprised we are so deep into their story at the 40% (?) point. I also note chapter 3 is rated lower - must have pissed off some readers. This guy wouldn't BTB. That means RAAC or he simply leaves. (Or, she may see the uselessness of them staying together with his hurt, and she leaves.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

sweetheart you didn't cheat on your husband LIKE a whore you are a whore.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"If Jesus came back to earth today, what would he have to say about the Christian religion?" – The problem is there isn't A “Christian” religion. There are many religions that CALL themselves Christian, but since there are many differences between them, at MOST only one of them is THE Christian religion!

"It was my fault, Dan. Totally. Chris is not to blame” – That’s crap! She may have come on to Chris, but he KNEW she was married, and could have/should have turned her away.

Whatever else one may feel about her "attraction" to Chris, her fucking him and her ability or INabilty to resist him, a real show-stopper for ME is fucking him in the marriage bed!

rnebularrnebularover 8 years ago
Great start but pay attention

I know this is an older post but the use of Dan when you meant Chris during the cheating scene made it a little goofy. Otherwise great start!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through

Still five stars. Ohio is still one of the best writers on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Don't bother reading any further, it's the usual Cuckio RAAC crap complete with the incompetent rationalization councilor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

If you keep them together, find a way to redeem her, them you are as big a pussy as your character..... I knew Ohio men are wimps, now we know they are cucks too...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wow, I have to meet some of you Saints...

I realize this is a venting venom site but seriously you guys need an enema. This is a story of human beings. We are all flesh, we are all weak, and yes we all SIN. Perhaps you missed it when Jesus said "if you lust in your heart you have sinned". The point of fact is she actually did it, but is is NO DIFFERENT than if she had thought about it, or if he had either.

I would really like to meet some of you Saints, perfect beings who appear to be better than the Angels who also failed Gods perfect plan. It must be wonderful to be in your mere presence. Do you bottle your farts? Perhaps that is where all the perfume comes from after all...

Listen, anger and revenge only make more victims of sin. Do you have a right to be angry? Possibly but you have a greater responsibility to forgive. Believe me, holding that anger in will just destroy you. Forgiveness is not for the one who wronged you but for you. That resentment will eat you alive. People who take revenge on cheating spouses, regardless of circumstances are not to be admired but pitied. Strong men understand moments of weakness, weak men deny they are subject to them.

If Dan is a real man, a loving man, one worth forgiveness himself, he will ask Ellen why it happened. What caused her to be unfaithful. To require of her a more honest response on her answers. Anyone can be angry and lash out, but it takes a real man to hear, to listen to understand and try to rebuild. The vows are not just one sided, "in sickness and in health" (both of body and relationship), "for richer and for poorer" (both financial and spiritual), "forsaking all others" (she found the sex satisfying she actually held to this by realizing her devotion to her husband).

The story is well written, and thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Anon 5/17/16

I've been married over 45 years and have never even considered straying. Yes, I've looked but to act on it would be unthinkable. Before we were married we talked about infidelity and both have the same mindset. If we are unhappy about something, we talk. You have to first of all be honest with each other. I would hate it, but if my wife decided to stray, we would part ways and she could do as she pleased. I would do the same. There is no excuse for lying to each other about something like this and, yes, it would be a deal breaker for this to happen. There would be retribution on both (or all) parties with no remorse. If the guy knew she was married and went after her anyway, it would be severe for him. If she played the single/separated/available card, she would be in a world of hurt. Actions like depicted here leave no room for forgiveness. She did the deed knowing full well the outcome. She lied and showed disrespect for her husband. The only thing left was love. She may have loved him, but without the others, there was no marriage left.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Well written. 5*

I know very well the crazy attraction this story portrays.

It has happened to me 3 or 4 times in my life.

2 of the times have occurred during my 25 years of marriage.

Both times I got the hell out of the situation before it could develop. I even stopped going to a church I loved because the woman I was so crazily attracted to went there.

I loved my wife and marriage far more.

This is a stupid woman that was very unprepared for the attraction and should have talked with her husband about it and maybe got some help if she felt out of control.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

36 year old grad student in anthropology? Now there is a guy who is going places haha

Cut her lose or end up like guy whose real life seral cheating wife is detailed on Facebook profile of

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