All Comments on 'Best Man'

by jack_straw

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
great storie

Great, great,great,great,great storie...keep write man

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
That was very good

It definitely got me hooked and kept me hooked. My only gripe is that some of the sex scenes go on too long, esp. the sex scenes with some of the despicible characters.

Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
I can handle that

Good story, maybe a bit extreme in places.

BUT the ending fit the story without losing pace or dying off, and good endings are so rare these days.

Someone mentioned long sex scenes and he was likely right, I seemed to be skipping a whole lot of pages of "Please, pleeeeeeze!" she cried. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard; fuck me like a slut! Fuuuuuuuuuck meeeeee!" and such like...

TigerjawTigerjawalmost 18 years ago

Disturbing but very good story with a happy ending. What more could i ask for?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Praise and Long Critique

It goes without saying, jack_straw is one of the half a dozen or so best here in wacky literotica. I don't like all of his stories; but almost all of them are solidly written, albeit exaggerated sometimes,,,, like this,,,

A pet peeve:

It never fails to amaze me when I read or hear a person with Nancy's conviction could be lying down naked in her neighbor's guest bedroom, with Nancy own kid playing with the neighbors' kid in the swimming pool, sucking the guy's dick --- or PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY allowing it to be shoved into her mouth --- with the guy's wife eating her out, with him spraying her face and with the guy's wife licking it off, and THEN sharing it with her, with HER SWALLOWING it all, even thinking about the texture of the fluid, and then calmly slept and calmly woke up later and then went off into the night to do her 40 year Mosses walk,

because, of course, now her conscience is supposed to be working in full gear,,,

Won't this have been easier?:

"Ah, guys, we are friends and, Gary you're my husband's best man, as Tom was yours,,, we've been friends for many years, as have our two daughters,,, and, guess what?, I have even fantasized about something like this, once or twice, during unguarded moments,,,ALL SOCALLED NORMAL PEOPLE HAVE, in some fashion or another,,, but I don't think this will proceed beyond this.

"If you want, I'll talk to Tom about getting together, with the four of us, if all agree to it,,, but not like this, where I am cheating on my husband, who I respect beyond all else,,, and just because he is NOT HERE at this minute does not mean my love and respect for him have diminished a bit,,, So, again, thanks for the invitation,,, the romantic atmosphere and all,,, but no thanks,,,"

I mean, what's stopping someone that determined, that conscientious, from doing THAT, SAYING that, in the first place? Why the soft whimpers, unsured nods, the loud and clear ACQUIESCENCE, albeit, tipid experimentation and THEN THE EXTREME mentaly CRAZINESS right afterward?

Tina and her husband Gary (and their daughter Mandy) were free spirit, swingin' folks, who have sex with whomever agreeable, and a bit deceitful, yes!,,, but THOSE things are SURELY NO CRIMES! They would NOT, COULD NOT, HAVE FORCED NANCY, Brad or any one else, to engage in sex with them UNWILLIINGLY, that's almost for sure!

Much as Gary and Tina had wanted it, they would LIKELY NOT have physically restrain Nancy; after all, they too had a kid and family and a errr profitable business to run and mortgage to pay, and so on,,, just like Tom and Nancy,,,

Gary's "insider trading" activities ---- now, those are SEPRATE from supposedly forced/coerced menage a trois. If true, Gary and whoever who engaged in those scam should do their time like some of the Enron folks,,, but THAT has NOTHING to do with the suppposedly unwilling MENAGE A TROIS, does it? Yes, the author's LINKING them is supposed to make some hate Tina, Gary, and Mandy more,,, which happened, it seemed,,,

Nancy's mental break down may be due to a consequence of her menage a trois with Gary and Tina --- but the MENAGE A TROIS, in and of itself, was NEVER forced upon her!

Gary and Tina had known Nancy's "broadcasts" that she's willing to go into it; so they had her over and went through with it. That she felt BAD AFTERWARD and went on her holy Mosses quest, Gary and Nancy had no control over!

Nancy should HAVE THOUGHT about the many easily KNOWN and UNKNOWN possible consequences BEFORE she got into bed with Tina and Gary: Gary finding out; getting a disease from it (becaue Gary and Tina are swining folks) and giving it to Tom; Tom never finding out but her conscience eating away at her heart and soul, making an honest life with Tom and Julie impossible; etc., etc., etc.

Even DURING the menage a trois, Nancy could still said no.

When a man other than your husband is holding the back of your head and shoving his dick inside your mouth, and you are NOT INTO CHEATING, but through drinking, what-not, found yourself temporily in that compromising situation, you could still forcably get up and say,

"This is NOT going to happen, okay, guys? You can physically force me, or drug me,,, but you KNOW what will happen,,,, bcause short of being killed, I WILL go to the police after you're done..."

With a rapist, that threat won't mean much, except your death before or after the rape; but with a couple of neighbors, with the man and your husband being each other's best man at their respective weddings, with friendship and mortgages and children involved?? Yes, they would have STOPPED immediately if they heard that TONE from you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy!


When you throw rocks...they might throw asteroids back!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
there is no punishment to hard for what they did

they rape a family and almost destroyed the family of their so call friends.tom let it go to long,he could have save the my neighorhood poison in their food or drinks and cried at the funeral shouter than anybody.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
Sorry, you left a HUGE hole I just can't get past.

The writing was pretty good. I can't find major flaws with it. I like most of your prior stuff. But this one one, despite the other great comments and scores had a few HUGE plotting and characterization flaws. I give this a 75% because it did spawn an emotional response just not the one you wanted. I can't put your work in the TOP 10 writers here either. Top 20 maybe. I am not beign malicious, and I thought about this one a good time, and read it twice through and still came to the same conclusions. Let's look at them

There was a good turn of phrase. That is not the problem. The first scene was well done but rather difficult to read through. I am fully aware that shit happens in people lives. What happened to the wife was criminal. And they got away with it. OK fair enough, most criminals do get way with shit. Where the story began to becomne unraveled was around page 2. To save time I will hit point by point.

* Wife is a loon, comes back but is never the same. eventually truth comes out WITH NO REPERCUSSIONS? Bullshit. Pure bulshit.

* Sex didn't lend a damn thing to the story. They were there for YOUR benefit not the readers nor the stories. I've been there. This is an erotic site, you want a good score so you put in so you need some fuck scenes. You put them in, but they were far too long an lent nothing to an otherwise quasi-decent tale.

* Way too much about Mandy. Who give s a shit about Mandy? I cared about Nancy and her weak-assed excuse for a husband.

* WOW tough words for husband! Why. Because any man, and I mean any man, who after finding out what his "best-friend" did to his wife still had anything to do with this man is a fool. "Keep your enemies closer", my ass. You get as far away from that kind of person as possible so you don't get infected. And he was infected. What he did and how he used Mandy is evidence of that. "Julie needed Mandy".

* Now worse. Knowing what he knew, knowing what kind of peoplel these 2 were, seeing what Mandy ws being influence by, this "man" allowed his daughter over there? Unsupervised?! He had absolutely no reason not to suspect that these 2 make that 3, would not have a night of jollies with her! But still he placed her in that environment. For what? "Julie needed Mandy". For what? To learn how not to act. Wasn't his wife fucked up enough? I don't know of any man worth the title of husband and father who is going to continue to place in family in harms way even if is so he can get revenge. That I just cannot accept no matter what the outcome.

* Now the worst. The wife, Nancy, come out of her fog. Knowin what happened, she has the presence of mind not to go over to se those folks again ---- but let's her husband go? And allows her daughter, her daughter, to have continuing contact with these people. And that is what just totally blew me away.

Yeah, the bad guys got it in the end. But the way it was done, the gratuitious pointless sex scenes, the way the father became as bad as those he sought revenge against just were too big for me to get past.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
An Agreement

I agree with everything Chagrined said, but because of that, have to give this a ZERO. When he said no man would let this guy anywhere near his family, and would probably physically seek retaliation, that's REALITY, This is Sci-FI, like little green men or something. Hell, most women I know would have kicked this couple's ass, and letting their daughter go over there?, just too damned unbelievable.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
as I said before Jack Straw stories are silly

Remember at the beginning of this story Jack Straw says this sory came ffom his wife who read about THIS in a newspaper... sure uh uh ... I believe that...

right along with Saddam was building a A-Bomb in 2002

and was goig to give it to Al Qeade...

I have said this before and I am sure I will say it again... Jack Straw stories are soooo frsutrating b/c they are so well written.... the plots lines soooo amazingly good but the actual stories are bloody AWFUL

His stories contains tons and tons and tons of mindless gratuiitous sex and follwoed by bizzare unbelieveable actions that Frustrates readers no end

This story reminds me of a story called THE GLIMPSE -- anyone recall that? In that story the hubby at a party ... somewhat drunk gets grab/ attacked by a another woman in the bathroom stall who starts to suck his cock. He stops her... throws her out of the bathroom and tell his wife Immediately...

she reacts by fucking another man in their house -- or its divorce she screams -- for 30 days. And the Hubby says OK has to listen to her wife DAILY scream out in orgasmic bliss how kuch better the Lover is than her own husband.... for 30 days before he says ya know the wife has over reacted a bit

This story is JUST like that.

The Husband Finally find out what happened to his wife 4 years later and he does NOTHING... but waits for ANOTHER 2 years ?

If in the story the Husband had Known Mandy was getting married at the SAME time he found out the truth about what they did to his wife... PERHAPS I could see the revenge plan

CONISDER: Suppose Mandy was man who has raped Nancy... would any Man write a SERIOUS story where the husband KNEW that the nieghbor nextv door was a man who raped his wife... and kept that guy around?

and NOT react for 2 + years..

the whole thing is absurd ludicrous -- juts like his other recent story MARRIAGE ON THE ROCKS where the author has the wife fucking 31 men over a weekend.

I mean at this point atent we headed into the goofy zone? whats next the wife fucks the Klingon high command?

Alberta  AlAlberta Alalmost 18 years ago
Full of Holes

This was well written. Unfortunately it was full of holes as outlined by Chagrined.

In addition it's 'hollywood' ending is irritating. Any one having a reasonably close relationship with a person that has had severe mental problems would laugh at your depiction of Nancy at the story's ending. After years of antidepressant and antipsychotic medication no person is mentally stable as a result of the massive side effects. If the illness is severe enough to require hospitalization a number of times, full recovery is all but impossible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Sorry Chagrined - My Viewpoint Is Slightly

different but not with one of your minor(ha) points.

She was drunk and already fragile by the Authors words. And not without some fault but she drunkenly resisted and closed her legs but his best man with a cock that proudly had no conscience, forced them open and took her against her will - at that point "it was rape". No means no, but not to the drug ingested sordid hateful minds holding her down who then degraded her cruely and unmercifully & clearly against her will - R A P E D her. Not even friendly RAPE. His vengence to be crudely better than his friend and his sluts to try to intimidate then bring her down to their own slimy skunky level.

All that was designed and long anticipated by them to bring her crudely down to their level - but the worst was yet to come. When Tina avoided the raped 1,000 yard stare but shuddered fearfully at the evidently empty shell of her friend(?) but left her with a young child without a smidgen of care - the "don't give a shit mindset" the author was trying to convey was really clear to those reading his words and intent.

Upon her husbands return, the dark cruel rape and their avoidance of help wasn't evident for some time - then he was cautioned by her doctor not to revenge himself into jail. Could you (Chargrined) or I - or even "a normal person" have waited forever for revenge - not me, but the author chose to make it the "coupe de grass" he did by waiting.

I don't think a rational person (author) would have put his only timid very young daughter back in the dark pit with the his 2 friendly - now known to be freakie snakes, but maybe he isn't wrapped to tight by now either (not you author - your character - well maybe you 3).

Other than that small teensie whoops(huh), it was all very well concieved and deftly delivered - in my opinion and thats what counts - so there Chargrined.

Give it up people - revenge is mine sayeth Jack - I probably would have done something much more freaky to them to the detriment of my family and myself - but it would have felt sooo good.

Nice exploration Jack but get your wife into Walt Disney for a while - please!

With High Regard

LazylonerLazyloneralmost 18 years ago
Other have already said it well


you put a lot of effort into your stories. Anyone who reads one can see that you consider the plot line and twists carefully. However, in this case you just got too fancy and lost the story in all the plot twists.

I think the problem is you wanted to write a "What goes around, comes around." story, but if I got the timeline right it goes something like this.

Julie is 6 years old. - Nancy is raped and later hospitalized

Julie is 10 years old - Nancy finally reveals the cause of her mental illness. Tom does nothing overt at this time and allows Julie to continue seeing Mandy, even though Mandy's parents are the ones who raped Nancy.

Julie is 21-22 years old - Brad meets Mandy for the first time.

Julie is 23-24 years old (26 months later) - Brad's aborted wedding to Mandy, complete with the cliche of the pictures under the chairs. Also the rapist finally goes down when the FBI turns up after investigating his company for fraud. (would actually probably have been the SEC/IRS considering it was mostly accounting and tax evasion tricks.)

The timeline is just too long and too twisted. You needed to shorten it if you wanted it to be believable.

And I agree with the other posters. I'll acknowledge that this is an erotic website so sex scenes are expected, but the ones you have in this story actually break up the plot line without adding much to the story itself, so they could have been skipped or shortened.

Sorry if I sound a bit harsh. The writing is good, and I can see you had an idea that had great potential. I just honestly feel that you could have done a lot better with the basic plot if you'd looked at it a bit more closely.

Risq_001Risq_001almost 18 years ago
Well Jack

I gave you 75 because I liked the fact that "some" of the people *got* theirs, but I agree with Chagrined and Harry to much to give it 100.

Mandy had nothing to do with the husbands revenge against the couple. Sure Tom let the wedding cost Gary $35,000, but lets be honest a second. With Gary going to jail it's not like that couldn't have been accomplished as valid revenge. The wedding was kinda mean. Mandy seemed to be used as a pawn for revenge against her parents. Mandy got embarassed, but somehow I doubt when she moved to where no one knew her she stopped. Sure she was evil and got her's, but that won't stop someone that can easily pick up where she left off no matter where she decides to go. The mother just moved back home east. Where she had money. Where she can now "buy" men to pay attention to her instead of just seducing them. And she (Tina) got off scott free. Tina did some really evil and vile things to the wife when she and her husband raped Nancy, and she saw first hand, before anyone else, that Nancy had snapped and started to lose grip on reality, yet she just left her to suffer that day and never looked back. And she got off scott free. Again it's one of my pet peeves.

Why do most of these stories have it written so, that the man who has sex with another man's wife, has his life so totally and completely ruined, yet the wife (or in this case the other woman) walks away totally unscathed? She was a preditor too and was just as guilty, but nothing happened to her that she couldn't recover from.

She can afford Lyposuction with her money.

But I so totally saw it like Chargrined, and since most of the points were covered well by Chargrined for me, I'll leave it at that.

I liked the fact that the wife got "some" justice, she wasn't a bored house wife slutting around, but one that was TRUELY the victim (as too many authors try to suggest, but thats just an excuse for her to sleep around and not face any responsibility for her actions) and she was totally taken advantage of and remorse caused her mental shutdown. I saw that and I thought you did a good job of showing a true victim who wasn't to be blamed for what happened to her. But letting the husband and daughter pretend like nothing was wrong? Letting the wife disappear for 4 days and Gary, or even Tina, just pretending like nothing ever happened and letting her go missing knowing they were the reason, then litting Tina just walk seemed kinda unfair.

And I agree with Kanga too, I had to start skipping paragraphs (and in some cases most of the page) because while some sex can lend to the story (like in the begining to show why Nancy's mind shut down) but the rest just seemed to be too much over the top.

I think you did a good job writting a "real" victim and some really intresting revenge, but there are a few holes that could use some filling (^_^)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
There really is a tooth fairy

It's good knowing that right will win out. There is nothing wrong with any sex act. The main word is concent...That's a big word. Good writing. Kept me rivited and I am a hard act.

Blue88Blue88almost 18 years ago

Hell of a story and I guess it could actually be true - who knows, stranger things then this happen, I guess. Well written with a very satisfying ending. Good work, a very good read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great Story

Very well written. A good read.

cageyteecageyteealmost 18 years ago
I enjoyed it a great deal

and, as with all my other favorite authors, I'm already looking forward to your next submission.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Very Good

The revenge was delicious.


DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 18 years ago
Good not great

Sorry Jack,

Like most of the commenters on this story I just can't buy letting ones daughter anywhere near the couple that caused the problem. After it was found out what caused Nancy's breakdown no father worth his manhood would have let them within 10 miles of his daughter. As a father of 3 grown girls I feel I'm qualified to judge that one.

On the other hand, the revenge was great! Mandy was a predatory manipulative slut just like her mom and deserved what she got. Gary got his in spades. Tina didn't get enough, but nothing in this world is 100%.

overall a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Very effective revenge strategy!

Well done! A great revenge ending makes up for all those wimp-husband stories that have been out there lately [Ohio, JPB and others]. Thanks for balancing the scales for once!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
well written

But the thing I don't agreed with is, that couple were simply rapists, and he let his daughter stay with them whenever??????

jack_strawjack_strawalmost 18 years agoAuthor
from the author

I don't often address commenters on my stories. I figure once they're posted, they're for the reader to deal with.

But I did want to address the one concern that most of you had with the premise, that of Tom letting Julie stay with Gary and Tina after he learned of what they did. They reason I let that happen was because that was part of his facade of being friendly while he slowly plots his revenge.

The girls were best friends, and Gary and Tina would have gotten suspicious if he suddenly prevented her from going to visit her friend. Tom needed for them to be completely off-guard when he struck.

I'm sure he was aware of the risk he was taking, but perhaps his pain was such that he figured that it was a risk worth taking. Maybe that was a major flaw in his character, but that's the way it was written, and everything came out all right in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
But Jack

I read the story this morning and enjoyed it. I,m guilty like a few of the others of skimming over the sex. But thats what i do. The thing that hit me when it happened. Was the child issue, first when she left her after the fact to return home alone. I thought that odd that any mother would leave her baby. She was upset but she later had the presence of mind to care for her until her sister arived. Allowing her to continue to see her friend was a strech also. I chaulked it up the story process, I thaught you may have missed it. But now that you bring up the fact that you intended for it to be presented that way, I can't even express how I feel about that. No Sane parent would even consider endangering their child in that way. And it wasn't the crazy one that did it. He was a cop at one time, and a father. No way Jack. I wouldn't let my goofy cat the hates me risk that environment, let alone one of my kids. I'm sorry for the rant, But Jack you brought it up.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIalmost 18 years ago
Time Gaps a bit Stretched, among others

(1). Julie and Mandy where around 6 when Gary and Tina drugged Nancy (alcohol is a drug, because it impairs both the mind and the body very quickly) and raped her that afternoon when Julie and Nancy went to Gary, Tina, and Many's place to swim,,,

(2). When that wedding fiasco of Mandy's occured, both Mandy and Julie were either in the early 20's or mid 20. Extremely prococious people --- I've heard a few who --- attain their PhD's between 19 and 22. "genius" level, that is. Julie is said to be highly intelligent; but not a "genius" so since she's in her 2nd year of her PhD program, she must be between 23 and 25, at least. (that's assuming she's really studious and did her Master's and PhD currently.)

(3). It took 18 years for Nancy to be able to give Tom oral sex again, with the last time with her sucking Gary's at Gary and Tina's place! That's a long, long time; but it's very possible! ;o)

**** Anyway, the "planning" time line here's too extreme. I believe the author wrote that it took the doctors about 4 years to be able to get through to Nancy and extract out of her the information about her being assulted by Gary and Tina. That would make Jule and Many about 10 when that information came to light.

*** Taking 12 to 15 more years to put that revenge plan together, again, is just too stretched of a time frame to be credible ---- especially if the author is also suggesting that Julie's been allowed to visit Mandy as usual DURING THOSE 12-15 YEAR time span!, knowing Gary, Tina, and Many have no qualms about drugging people and performing sex acts on them, whether they resist or not.

*** In fact, if Gary and Tina were as callous as they have been, towards their victims like Nancy, chances are they would have --- given not 12 to 15 years but no more than an allowable time --- also done the same thing to Julie. More reason why the time frame's simply too large to be credible, for whatever that was to befall Gary and Tina's family.

*** Insider trading (by Gary) was not related to the menage a trois after which Nancy went nuts. It was, therefore, a red herring; but a red herring that may be argued as effective in this case in its entirety:

And that is simply that those who engage in wrong doing, in evil, towards others will pay eventually ((((which in and of itself is NOT at all true: in real life, white crimes are more rampant than blue-collar crimes, but the latter are not as sophisticated and done with crude weapons like guns, knives, etc. while white crimes are done with numbers, pens, calculators, computers, and well connected friends and associates ando professionals,,, so only the most badly bombed attempts are being discovered, which then still takes a lot to prove in a court of law, etc.))))

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 18 years ago
Very well done Loving Wives with consequences

Wonderful concept and the plot was well drawn out.

Thanks for the great entertainment and extensive work.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I loved this story!

Usually, on this site the authors have the wives seduced like Nancy and their bodies enjoy it like Nancy but then they come back to their rapists. So suddenly a faithful wife is turned into a whore without any warning. Now that is a bad fantasy!

While I can buy Thomas letting his daughter stay on Gary's and Tina's place before he knew what they did to Nancy but there is no way in {expletive) a father would expose his daughter to those criminals. After all if they would rape her mother what would prevent them from taking advantage of Julie once she reached puberty. Mandy had to be aware of her parents' hobbies which would expose Julie to them.

I understand the need to have Julie undercover so revenge can be taken on the whole family but it stretches crediblity that Thomas can mantain his cool for ? years.

Thanks for showing that mental illness does not mean a ruined life.

I can not wait for your next story!


Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 18 years ago
Great story.

Tom might not be a man you want to get pissed off. This is a great tale of reenge. It took a long time but it was sure complete.

You feel sorry that Nancy and Tom had to go so many years sruggling with their lives. Fortunately, it has a happy ending for them.

Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
Sexual ‘perversions’ are for the most part


Not always, there is usually the exception to be found. But paedophiles are usually not interested in raping or forcing older, more perceptive people.

I know plenty of ‘gay’ people for whom the last thing they would imagine is molesting a child.

Just because people are into the swapping or swinging lifestyle does not mean they would consider molesting children.

There are known cases of rapists and murderers in gaols attacking child molesters.

My point is that one form of sexual preference, fetish or whatever, definitely does not pre-suppose a person will consider or do some other sort of sexual practice.

In the story I read, Gary and Tina wanted Nancy and, hopefully, Tom involved in swapping:

“Gary and Tina had long cast a greedy eye at Nancy, and to a lesser degree, at Tom,…”

and took the opportunity of Nancy’s vulnerability with Tom absent to, in their minds, seduce her, so she would join in their lifestyle. Yes, it WAS rape, but they didn’t think so as they did it.

“Now that they had gotten to her once, she (Tina) was anticipating drawing Nancy, and then Tom, into their circle of swingers.”

The swinging thing was also tied up with Gary’s desire to have Nancy and have ‘one-up’ on Tom.

Nowhere in this story did I see any reference to Gary and Tina wanting to have any sexual liaison with young people.

Nowhere in life is there nexus between someone being a swinger or a rapist of mature persons having an interest in youngsters.

So, Tom’s decision, though it is unlikely the one I’d make, is quite reasonable, both in the circumstances of this story and in reality.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 18 years ago
well, maybe in New Zealand or

where-the-fuck-ever it makes sense. But in the Western US we believe an ounce of prevention is worth a fucking pound of cure!

By Kanga's explaination it is perfectly reasonable to take the attitude of "He raped my wife. But I know my kid is safe because rapists rarely change their Modius Operandi. I know that even though he or his tramp wife showed an ounce of restraint or character, it is OK! No harm no foul. "

Is that what you expect someone to believe? I hate being abusive but that has to be one of the stupidest, lame-brained explainations I have ever heard! If that was the reasoning that the author was trying to convey, the husband is damned lucky he still HAS a daughter and I now feel sorry for Mandy!

would it be okay if he liked fucking animals but usually only sheep, would you send your prized herd of Alpacha over there?

That is just pitiful.


Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
Dear Chagrined

if you really do hate being abusive, there's an easy answer - dont be!

Had you bothered to read the whole comment, maybe your verbal diahorrea could have been lessened.

It was four years before Tom knew what caused Nancy's problem, so Julie had already frequented Gary's place for that time also.

If possible, stop and think for a few nanoseconds.

Tom was in 'security'. He gathered damning evidence in Gary's workplace. He filmed Mandy and whoever the other turkey was. Do you really think he didn't know every single thing that happened to Julie at Gary & Tina's house after he found out about them? He didn't strike me as a man who is so silly he wouldn't have taken some precautions.

I didn't say it was a sensible decision, just that it could be reasonably arrived at. With precautions and his revenge in mind, it was likely a low risk option.

AND, that's how it turned out in the story.

For me a stranger quirk of the plot is, if Julie ane Mandy were such close friends, how did they end up so different? And even more so, if Julie was such a 'nice' person, how/why did she remain friends with Mandy? Now there's a far better question than her visiting with Mandy or not when they were young, if you're searching for credibility issues.

As for the alpacas, I doubt that a human would interfere with their prize bloodlines or do them any harm.

So, I take it, anyone who doesn't conform to your view of 'normal' is a pervert to be pilloried?

I doubt life is quite so black and white.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
i think it was a great story

i remember the story about the man who was give a check for a million dollars,he got mad and wanted cash.a good or great story somebody wants something different.i would like to see kanga and chargine write more with their writing skills.good day mate from north carolina.

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Toms great victory

I was so proud and happy for tom and nancys victory i loved when Tom got his revenge on Gary and tina and especially mandy when they screwed the love from nancy and tom they didnt deserve the treatment that Gary and Tina gave Nancy i cried for Nancy and i pray she is getting better.



KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
Catching moles at the neighbors’ (long comment)

Catching moles at the neighbors’

Readers have taken different positions on the question of the nature of the activities of Gary and Tina, Nancy and Tom’s “friends”. Was it “merely” a cunning seduction of an unsuspecting friend or a full blown rape? On one thing, I believe, most would agree though. After their less than fully consensual sexual liaison with Nancy (remember Gary’s ‘memorable’ male guideline per sexual predatory “license”? - “penis has no conscience”) - the title as ‘friends’ could come only bracketed with ironic quotes. Should a less sophisticated husband than Tom happened to hear a recording of Gary’s, ‘pearl of thought’, he might have come at his neighbors’ house with a gun and quoting Gary, he could have added: ‘You forgot one part of your admirable modus operandi: Penises AND GUNS, my friend, do not have consciences’ as he would follow his neighbor’s logic to its ultimate end. But that was not Tom <P>

My position is that the implied author have actually left this question somewhat ambiguous, and in this way directing the reading to where he wished us to focus our attention. Whether their activities with Julie amounted to rape or not, they were immoral to the extreme. Each of them had violated twice (against each of their “friends”) one of the most essential codes of conduct in any civil society – that of the ethical code of conduct implied by the social institution of “friendship”. Each of them had violated the implicit social ‘contract’ which amounts to the maxim: ‘Among friends, one friend should never intentionally hurt another’. So much of our life is based on this assumption that I believe, it becomes transparent to most. As well it should, that is when friendships work as they should, and all parties respect the implied conditions of the social institution of friendships. We all render ourselves so much more potentially vulnerable by exposing ourselves to the trusting relations of friendship but we do it knowing that we are just as safe if not safer due to this relations. <P>

But nothing in reality works under perfect performance assumptions, and this story shows us what happens when friendship fails. The kind of failure it shows though is not one of the more benign and acceptable types, like the cases of friendships which grow weak and distant or those which grow apart or fray or even fall on their face due to a fight. This one is one of the most toxic and most threatening types. It reminded me of the devastating damage of a double agent, AKA the mole. He/she pretends to still be on your side while in reality is acting either in the service of your enemies or worse - he/she IS IN FACT YOUR ENEMY. <P>

The elusive and covert nature of those moles is usually going together with two qualities which make those detestable creatures both dangerous and hard to catch. One: they are smart calculating and cautious and two: they suffer from no “moral baggage” i.e. they would do what ever it takes to promote their need and goals, no matter what the cost (to others) is. <P>

Bearing this in mind, one can only appreciate even more the admirable qualities of the true best man, Tom . He first takes care of the needs of his core family wife and daughter. I am in agreement with those readers who pointed out that per this story (not according to any standing rules of intervention for social services once cases of sexual abuse are brought to their attention. I believe that this story does not aspire to be an illustration to those agencies detailed intervention manuals) Tom was being both conscientious and careful in handling Julie’s safety and overall wellbeing. <P>

The fact that Gary and Tina were either and/or Jerks; sociopaths; swingers does not mean that they were dumb by any account. All this categories of people –if they stay out of jail MUST be very intelligent, and handle their particular “affairs” or lifestyle (swingers) in a very careful way. The “friendly neighbors” must have suspected a connection between what happened at that fateful night and what happened immediately after that and from that point for so many years. They must have suspected Tom’s change of attitude and behavior towards them as well as Nancie’s once she was bask. Moreover, the lack of a major inquiry in their direction should have alerted them to take their stuff and run as quickly as they could. It’s like what precedes the Tsunami – a terrible withdrawal of any water just before the huge waves come rushing back to devastate you. One must assume that they were waiting for several years for the other shoe to fall. If any thing they would be the model neighbors from that day on. Doing ANYTHING remotely out of the ordinary even in the vicinity of Julie would be like an invitation to wake sleeping dogs – the last thing they would want. Being smart survivors they would have to take this into account. <P>

But the fact is that they were trapped. The only safe thing for them would have been to move to another country. I can see though, how after biting their nails and nothing happens, they lulled themselves into the illusion that they got scot free from this disaster. That mindset was exactly what Tom was working on. He was now free to choose the time and the weapon. Yes, ‘not fair’ according to the rules of setting a score in a dual, but then again that WOULD be the ultimate justice, as his “friends” were not burdened by any rules either, first to sacrifice Nancy for the price of slaughtering their friendship. At the end, in all fairness – they could not cry foul against Tom, they were the original violators of rules and trust. A nice symmetry of crime and punishment. <P>

I read some complaints about over zealotry in the punishment/revenge which included Mandy. I do not see it that way. Mandy followed her parents’ footsteps (BTW, author: what was that fault- pas of the daughter presumably following her MOTHER’S act? Was Gary a saint?). Mandy was already well on her way on setting up a world of pain and heartbreak (it was just a matter of time until her illicit liaisons would be exposed one way or another) for her “friends” and “loved ones”. Would those who felt that Tom somehow overdid it, felt better if he let Mandy get married and let the clueless husband on or worse, cooperate in misleading the whole community with the charade that this dangerous ticking bomb of a family was to their circle of friends and family? <P>

Maybe none of this family was a criminal. But for sure they were all menaces to society; heartless emotional users and abusers. Today I am their victim tomorrow it will be you who is being hit with no warning from anyone. At that point in time, the typical moralist of the: “Mind your own little business and gaze onto your naval alone” brand, usually wakes up and with no awareness to the self irony in his/her words would haste to add: ‘Why for heaven’s sake you have not warned me; I assumed that you would not stay silent it if it came to your knowledge that some danger was coming in MY direction’ Nope, the uber “individualists” still don’t get the concept of society protecting itself by mutual care. As an aside, that is the same kind of reasoning which explains why the U.S is the ONLY developed country in the western world which does not get the concept of a universal health care for all as a promoter of the performance and the moral standing of the society as a whole. <P>

As a whole it was a very impressive work of composition. You were able to put many themes into one thread, weaving them in and out of the narrative in the correct timing. As a result, you were able to teach more than few lessons through the story. It is not only the deep wisdom of “what goes around comes around”. It is also the benefits which come in the way of those who bind their time and plan ahead. It shows us what short vs. long term satisfaction can be, and of course it is a mini seminar on the subject of friendship.

NucleusNucleusover 16 years ago

Maybe one of the best lw-stories I've read at Literotica.

Ken NitsuaKen Nitsuaover 16 years ago

Strong plot, gripping melodrama, hot sex--all the ingredients for a good read. Best, Ken

PiscesLoverPiscesLoverabout 16 years ago

I have read a couple of your stories here but this is by far the best one that I have ever read from beginning to end. Well done sir, well done!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
a little complicated, but

everything was wrapped up nicely. mandy's immediate embarassment/humiliation may have been short lived,

but sometimes memories can linger with such things.

evil that some do can bite them in the ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

STORIES I've read on this and other sites and believe me I've read a lot of them. The only question I have is, why in hell you aren't writing for stage and screen. This plot is a lot better than a lot of the movies I've watched on cable or rented. Of course, you would probably have to tone down the sex scenes which would be a shame because unlike most you are pretty good at making those seem believable. Thank you for the entertainment

glk19glk19about 15 years ago

Great story thanks for sharing it with us 8-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Liked the story but Harry

you need someone to edit your comments or get off the booze.

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoabout 14 years ago
well written story and all, but

I have to agree with many of the other posters, the timeline was just to long. He took 20 years to get revenge while putting up with some crazy bitch of a wife and seeing the people who fucked her up on a frequent basis? I'm sure he could have gotten the same evidence much earlier and hell, who would put up with some crazy ass wife for so long. What kind of idiot would stand by and wait out 6 years in and out of mental institutes? 18 years of essentially no sex? Exposing the daughter to known sexual preditors and a crazy wife? Hell, divorce her and move on. He should have done that in the first year or 2. The daughter certianly doesn't need some crazy bitch as a mother, and he could have done better for a wife.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
One of your best.

Jack you almost always write a great tale, and this was one of your best! Thank you for all of your work in behalf of your readers; especially those of us who have become fans.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A good but sadly extremely unrealic tale

Please show me the man who would put up with what Tom had to put up with, execute such a plan and at the same time stay sane.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I read 3 paragraphs

Then I skipped to the end and rated it 1*.

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I gave it as 5 star rating

He handle every one just right. Every body got theirs in the end. Dworcuck gave it a one because his mom gained 30 pounds and couldn't slut around any more.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

i remembered this one - i liked it a lot! payback is a bitch.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

I seems to me that some of the worst people who ever lived were in this tale. Some of the best also. Six years of Nancy's life taken away because of the seduction. Great revenge against the perpetrators. And their offspring. Great tale.

DunaDunaover 10 years ago

Good Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story with Romantic Revenge epiloge.............

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good read and gave it a 5

I liked the payback but I still would of had to beat the shit out of my friend and his wife for what they did. They'd been lucky to not be killed slowly. The story was not predictable so that made it better for me.

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
Story 1 Comments 0

First Jack this was an interesting creative description of a slice of modern life. You imagineered a fictional situation that entraps a fictional character into a fictional mental breakdown.

Then you methodically layout the plotline, step by step of fictional revelation that will result in the fictional confrontation between your fictional characters. Finally resulting in a fictional fairytale ending that actually works for this fictional story. In my opinion strong endings are the most difficult effort to accomplish when writing stories.

Now for the peanut gallery. Hoo boy! Too much sex on a porn site! Too much sex on a porn site......Too much sex on a porn sit? I'm sorry, I'm really having a hard time getting my head around that one.

Praying for the recovery of a fictional character with a fictional medical condition in a fictional story? I never could understand why believers pray for stuff such as health or wealth or victory. The point of prayer is to praise the deity of your tribe. And if you're going to be praying for benefits at least have the good sense to ask favors that would benefit real people.

It baffles me that people lacking in reading comprehension, unable to separate fiction from fact and lacking in empathic compassion bother to interact at all with their fellow humans even through the severally restricted and filtered medium of a computer.

DunaDunaover 10 years ago
20% or 80%

@fanfare If somebody is the member of the 20% of the people he/she will not understand the others. The 80% of the people read novels or watch movie with that method, that he/she imagines/projects himself/herself into the plot. If you are the 20% of the people, who can read novels or can watch movie without any projection or imagination into the plot, you are lucky to read reports without emotional from Stalninist Work camps, Red Kmer working camp state, Ruanda mesacre or Nazi deadcamps.

FiftyshadesofmeFiftyshadesofmeover 10 years ago

The motherfuckers got what they deserved!

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago

One of the exceptions to the rule of Zero Tolerance is right here. Wifey was raped by the Asshole and Asshole's Wifey. She was coerced by people she trusted, and wasn't in her right mind. I felt bad for her and what she had to go through.

In Mandy's case, I almost felt sorry for her. Like parents, like daughter. She'd been brought up in a toxic environment, but ultimately, she still had a choice. She chose wrong. So almost, but not quite.

The second best part was the revenge. Personally, I wouldn't have been able to hold back as long as Tom did. Hell, I probably would have gone to jail for what I would have done to the 2 fuckwads. He's a better man than I am when it comes to his temper and channeling it correctly.

The best part was the sex scenes. VERY hot, except for the first one. That one was kind of tainted by the fact that they were in effect raping Nancy.

Still a great read from start to finish.

5 Stars.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
don't know

I don't know if I could wait that long for revenge, or if I would have the neighbors daughter over for a sleepover with mine and burn their house down in the middle of the night.

ifeanyiifeanyiabout 10 years ago

A very good story !

IronDragon's comment reflects what I think about your story.

So to me it's worth A galaxy of stars

MeltnmoldMeltnmoldabout 10 years ago

I was very close to abandoning this story by the middle of it but I'm glad I didn't now.

hebert100hebert100about 10 years ago

thanks for a well told story. great

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Stars,nuff said

gdjohn52gdjohn52over 9 years ago

Man this is a great story and whoever the nameless pussy is whose comments are always the same. That person has some mental issues of his own.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
very dark and depressing

yes, there are some up moments, but few. I can't imagine sitting for all those years if he had the evidence. Nor would I consider allowing my daughter in their home unescorted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Billy the Kid...

deserves some reward, doesn't he? If he doesn't guide Nancy to shelter and get help for her, she dies.

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago

It's neither good, nor bad, it just... well, it's dull. It reads like a newspaper, no real investment in characters or emotion. Just the facts, and little more. Plot wise? Let's just say that I wasn't stunned by it's originality, and leave it at that. Like I said, it's not a bad story, but it is eminently forgettable.

cancapercancaperabout 8 years ago
every time

i ve read this story countless times and enjoyed it as much as the first thank you for your time tell the shitheads to f--- themselves steve

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 8 years ago
Enjoyed it

For all they did to his wife, they got off easy.

CrkcpprCrkcppralmost 8 years ago
Wow , vengence is a bitter pill

I don't think I could have waited as long as Tom did for my revenge. Nor would I have dared let my teen aged daughter stay at their house. As crazy as they were , it's a wonder they didn't do to her what they did to her mother.

Wedding scene was nice , but really kind of stretches the imagination.

Still though , I really enjoyed it.

4 *'s

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Gave it a 4.

Because they should have been imprisoned for rape instead of allowed many years of freedom.

I would have killed them both slowly and fed their bodies to wildlife.

Good reading.

ErotFanErotFanover 7 years ago
All's well that ends well...

and all that's left is the warm after glow of the burned perps.

Good story; well told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
try your hand...


Female college instructor in Helena Montana lost job because Facebook facts and much more including sex photo was given to administrator. She is tattoed breat implanted serial cheater who liked being degraded during sex - begged to be urinated on

Called a whore wanted take that bitch facials-went home to husband with lover's seed rubbed into her face

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One of the dumbest stories posted here

Just painfully ridiculous.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 7 years ago
One big problem

The daughter should not have been allowed anywhere near these predators. They raped the mom and seemed to get away with it. What would prevent them from drugging the daughter and raping her? Big flaw in an otherwise good story.

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
Pretty Intense Story

And my heart goes out to Nancy and Tom. They clearly deserve all the joy their lives can bring them.

The saddest thing to me is the excessively long time that the predators remained at large. How many other women and/or couples did they rape and destroy through the years? Tom's revenge was sweet, but delayed far too long.

Another terrific read, thanks!

slm59slm59over 6 years ago
To ScorpioJJ

Three words:

Suspend Your Disbelief

KRD19254KRD19254over 6 years ago

I would say that allowing his daughter to associate with the predators was wrong. And you forgot to note how many years Gary got. And Tina the real sicko got away with it and never paid the price.... Not much revenge satisfaction there.

JS to your writing style. Are you writing crotch novels or stories with a theme/purpose.

In that you seem to need to go into the minutia of detail of the sex acts to the point it become boring and predictable and distracts from the story. >Some time less is more<, point the reader in the direction but let them fantasize the details. It seems that your focus is on describing lurid gutter sex just to keep the story alive.

JS you have some interesting stories but the sex is just too boring with too many details distracting the reader from the story's theme. 4*

user110user110over 6 years ago
i have to agree with KRD19254 on that point

i know it's erotica, but you beat those sex scenes to death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Just something didn't work for me

A fantasy story. Not going to happen like this writer wrote it in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Quite a different story

I don't often encounter a new premise in LW, but am always delighted wben I do, especially when done by a good writer.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 6 years ago
Great thanks for the tale !

You did however, have a character roll out one of the great in-truths of Literotica:

"Not many men would have stood behind me all these years, putting up with what you had to endure."

Life is full of people who stick by a marriage through illness, mental illness, childlessness, financial ruin, NO SEX, etc.

Birds of a feather flock together, If one finds no such people in their life, might be time to get new friends.

donjuan1954donjuan1954almost 6 years ago
Good writing but

a little too graphic for me, but I get your point. Just my preference. Nice job overall.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 6 years ago
Another Angle To Knew Conclusion I've Been Coming To

Lately I've been addicted to these LW stories. When I first started reading them I would very strongly feel against the cheating wife. But over time, seeing so many of these stories where the wife is portrayed as a perfect loving wife and mother for 10, 15, 17, 20, 25 years and then she cheats and all of a sudden the man goes nutso and burns her to the ground, fucking the wife, himself and his family over to the applause of many silly men in the comments section.

This story makes me realize once again that perhaps we put wayyyyyyy too much emphasis on sex and what it means in a marriage. Tom obviously loved Nancy, Nancy obviously loved Tom, and they had a great daughter. Nancy is raped one night and out of guilt loses her mind. But let's say it wasn't even rape or heavy coersion. Let's say she had only A BIT too much to drink and actually enjoyed the sex. But then felt guilty and went through all that tragedy. What a waste of time, energy, family health. All for what? That she lost a little control (although this case was rape, I'm just saying even if it wasn't rape). Obviously, Tom loved her so much that he put up with a wife that was mentally ill for 6 plus years. A loving husband cannot put up with a wife that is weak and cheats? Which would have been preferable for someone like Tom? A wife that had a short term affair and then snapped out of it and was a good wife and mother again, or a woman that was in and out of hospitals for 6 years and then wasn't really fully herself again? Then why do so many men say he is such a good man for putting up with a mentally ill wife, but the same men want him to burn the same woman and fuck up his family and daughter in the process, if she dared to have sex outside the marriage in a meaningless affair.

Believe me I have as much, if not a bigger, male ego than most men. But reading these stories and being a third person not emotionally involved I can see how destructive that male ego is. Even in the start I never condoned major BTB, unless of course, those stories where the woman is an evil bitch who goes out of her way to not only cheat, but do everything she can to try to destroy the husband. But the more I read these stories, even when they are designed to be BTB stories, I realize how silly it is to say you loved this woman for 20 years, but then she lets another penis into her vagina and now she is the devil incarnate and you want to destroy that person. Obviously, you never truly loved her and only loved what she did for you and now that she hurt your male ego you want revenge. It was always about you and never about her!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 6 years ago

Ridiculous that Tom would keep close to Gary, the man who raped his wife. Even more so that he would trust a rapist with his daughter, and wait so many years to do anything about it.

Nancy getting a psychosis and apperently spending years comitted, and permanently on antipsychotics was simply over the top.

This author shows a distinct lack of restraint, and could use a dose of common sense to tone things down, and to have his characters act and react in a way that feel realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Excessive drinking

Nancy's dreadful experience stemmed from her total inebriation and her loose talk about her husband! Her psychosis was brought on by the fact that she enjoyed the sex; then the unbearable guilt floored her. She couldn't deal with what she had allowed to happen, by putting herself in that situation. Well written and a good plot, if a little graphic. Five stars.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

He took his time, planned, and then took Gary, Tina, and Mandy down hard. Poor Tony got , probably, the worst hit of all. He didn't really do anything other than help make the revenge complete. Really strong story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well said. You are spot on. Thanks

notredame43notredame43over 5 years ago
sorry johnadp i strongly disagree

Not about this story but about cheating after 2o yrs and burning things down, unless he was neglectful, abusive there's NO REASON for a wife to cheat NONE. you say the man in this situation never loves the other and it was all about him as the premise for the statement, the first part is false, because in the stories the husband usually is faithful to the full, and trusts her completely. The second part is its all about HIm is true in a way because the husband usually is faithful and devoted to the wife to a large degree he himself having continued in a job he hates, trusts her and respects her fully. When someone betrays you in that situation its done. you did everything right and DEMAND you be treated the same way. the stories usually have some BS it didnt mean anything its only you i love yadda yadda. the trust and respect are done at this point by the wifes actions in the story. The husband could stay with her, but why everything that was good and solid about the marriage is shot, and she obviously doesnt respect him enough to keep her legs closed. why stay with someone like that. i cant see why you would

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It usually what is left unsaid

Sex is manifestation of intimacy, that engages our animal brain. There is allot of unspoken communication going on there. There is allot of trust in a marriage, with that trust gone, it's hard to get it back. By saying the act of sex outside a marriage shouldn't break a marriage is childish, or wishful thinking. Hell marriage has been around for a long time, infidelity at one time was grounds for murder not long ago, not justifying it just saying it had some serious effects on our great grandparents. So by you saying it shouldn't mean anything, history begs to differ.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Author's best story. Love the long game and the total revenge. Great story.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 4 years ago
Time Transitions

The four-days between Sweetie leaving her home (in inclement weather) and being found by Billy the Kindly Bum was at least awkward. The four + two years of treatment is clear, but the most unnecessary time transition was after the two young ’besties’ went from 12yo to about 22 yo. There is a brief indication that ‘some’ time had passed before Evil Bestie took on her Bad Boy, but it felt like the kids shoulda been about 13 to 15. That there was that much gap became an easy adjustment, but it didn't need to have happened.

The ten-twelve year period in which Good Hubby AND Sweetie knew their ‘best friends’ were despicable is beyond belief. Maybe Hubby coulda done it, but Sweetie’s tenuous hold on her recovery would have been compromised early and severely by going over there, as a couple*, to maintain a semblance of friendship.

* Not addressed, but implied. Sweetie never went over alone, and by the time she was home, she did not have to escort her daughter. But when they were invited to parties or simply to visit, it had to be distressful. Not at all realistic for that long ... also, could Evil Sweetie have not been tempted to renew her mission to convert Sweetie?


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Had Me for the first 3, not gonna lie

By most of the way through page one I was like "... Ah, this isn't one of those ones where she finds she's addicted/into it during or after the fact. Bitter, but... refreshing?"

Then Billy aided getting her help, and YEARS pass with Tom doing what he can and I'm like "This is a take I don't think I've seen done before," and then Mandy had her... thing.

Then it was page 3 and I was like "Oh no, how long is this, gotta stick it out at this point." Page 4, oooh page 4. Haven't read it personally but by all second and third-hand accounts this was Count of Monte Cristo levels of "Fuck You." Like, if revenge porn was my kink, I think that would have been the crown. But /then/ space is still allowed for an after-action report and 2 more scenes? Outstanding,

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Yes revenge is sweet and keeps smelling like ambrosia

Great story enjoyed

Had me worried for awhile but came out great

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Way too much repetitive sex.

I would have cut it in half, kept the story and some sex. 2 pages of sex is redundant. This doesn't deserve the score it has. Its a 3 at best.

SithLord6969SithLord6969about 4 years ago

Standing fucking ovation!

Man what a masterful tale !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
AMAZING! Top Story!

The way you use sex as exposition, both to establish characters and move the plot forward, is exceptional and terribly rare on this site. There are writers, and there are WRITERS.

As someone who has been sexually abused, I found the first page to be particularly poignant. A lot of people don't understand that sexual response is mechanical, and past a certain point, unstoppable, even when it's happening to them-I know, something similar happened to me and it fucked my head up. I went from a normal young perv trying to see some boobs to a sexually confused, timid hermit porn addict for years until I got counseling and accepted the fact that it was something that happened to me and not something I did, and I'm still fucked up and closed off to this day, but I'm trying! But imagining it happening while I'm in a depressive episode, from the best friend of the person I love?

My God, my God.

I cried for Nancy, because somewhere in the world there is somebody who really is going through this and they don't have a Tom to carry them through. That's my only complaint about this story-there couldn't be enough revenge for what they did. They raped her, they fucking BROKE HER and they never would have said a fucking word! She spent years locked in her head, right in front of and a million miles away from everybody she loved, because she was guilty about what THEY did to HER... The only way I could've been satisfied with this story would have been Greg and Tina straightjacketed in wheelchairs, drooling in their sorry ass laps. Either that or paralyzed and scarred for life from a house fire! Fuck them. Such a good story, though, five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Without suck and fuck, you have no content

Your stories would be a page, maybe two long, tops, without the gratuitous amount of suck and fuck that is inserted (pun intended), and rather hilariously done and not erotic at all. It's comedically sad.

Try write actual stories, with actual content, and garnish it with sex, as opposed to forcing your non story telling cock down our throats and trying to drown us with bootiful buckets of seed-laden sex scenes that inspire laughter and scorn rather than bones.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Who is BEST MAN?

When I read Chagrined's critique (criticism) [08/20/06] in which he over-analyzed the story so much he could not enjoy it, I thought to myself, "jack_straw is the Best Man."

Entertaining, interesting, well-written story.


Paul in Oklahoma

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Another read. This is the author’s best and one the very best “long game”, total revenge stories ever in LW. One of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The actual plot is about 1 page. The rest is redundant sex. The premise is interesting if implausible but regardless, this had potential to be much better than it was. I love a good sex scene but this story was maybe 1.5 pages of actual plot. It wasn't good.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
One more time

This is one of the very best long game revenge stories ever in LW. Mr Straw wrote an epic story of total destruction.

cvmawirenutcvmawirenutover 3 years ago

This is simply a good story very well told. I proudly gave it 5 stars.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Not a fan of RAAC... Tom is basically a CUCK!!! Not enough punishment for ANY of the cheating threesome!!!

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