All Comments on 'Brisket Ch. 03'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good to see an Ohio post

Can't stop picking at this one, can you? Still a good story line but where are yo going? Him wandering ungrounded is more of an adolescent or male 20s behavior. Just curious thankfully I will be along for the ride. Please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Could Alice's Ted be the same one that started this train wreck for Rob? That would be a great twist!!

Martyr2002Martyr2002over 14 years ago
Nice continuation.

I have to say I am liking where you are going so far. I wasn't all that struck on it in chapter two but this one is coming along nicely. I have no idea where you will end it for him as you do tend towards reconciliation. Can she be trusted though? Even if she can be trusted, can he live with knowing all that great sex he's getting she learned with other men while she was married to him?

Staying tuned to see how it turns out!


movermoverover 14 years ago

Please? This was worth the wait, I will try to develop patience RIGHT NOW!!!!! LOL

APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxover 14 years ago
A wonderfull complex couple of characters.

Well written and developed. Personally, I'd like to know what's going on in Helen's head. Clearly, she wants him back, but how does she feel about being used the way she is? She knows her ex and she's being exactly what he wants her to be, but how does she feel about it?

I also loved the scene with Jim and his wife. At age 50, it's tough to find the love of your life, if only because any candidate would have had a life before and like you she'd have baggage, good or bad. Frankly, good baggage might be harder to deal with. How can you compete with a dead man?

Finally, I like the slow way he's taking the relationship. He's not ignoring the pain or the past, but he's looking to see if what he can get is worth what it WILL cost him.

There are very few authors on this site who can write at this level and I would like to encourage Ohio to take the story wherever he thinks his characters would like to go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
if he goes back to the ex

its a mistake...fuck her yes ...but live with or even consider remarrying again way ...once a slut always a slut...and what do you do with a slut fuck it ..plain and simple you fuck it ...hope hes wearing a condom

bruce22bruce22over 14 years ago
Great Author, Good Story

Initially the feeling here was that Ohio should have left it in a one

chapter consequences story which was great. Chapter 02 did not hold a candle to that initial outburst but left us with the feeling that Ohio is once again feeling compelled to bring the two back together, which would require a lot of work... At the beginning of 03 my thoughts were my God he has decided that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but they got

distracted along the way and ended up in other parts.... But is great writing and I am pleased to be able to read it..

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Don't make us wait

Please don't make us wait fot Chapter # 4. Now that you've reintroduced Helen, please give us closure. This story is yet another indication of your real talent in writing this genre.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Chapter 1 Was Interesting

Chapter 2 was average and not very interesting; and chapter 3 was just a drag. Start another story, as this one has become a boring one, as boring as his fucking around with pretty younger women, as well as his "suck my dick, Helen" activities: no emotion, no feeling, just to get his dick sensitive enough to ejaculate. Boring.

lancewmlancewmover 14 years ago
Chap 1 was a standalone chapter

Now that you have added chap 2 and 3, they no longer standalone. I really don't know what to think about chap 3 because the story can go in many directions. It may be winding down as one commentors seems to believe, or this chapter 3 may be a set up for a take off into something else. Interesting to see where this goes. As always, I enjoy your wrting style and stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Predictable; Helen the slut is suddenly Helen the saint & sexual hermit?

How ordinary. Helen the 20 year marriage whore who had over powering sexual drive... is now suddenly a sexual hernit and has not had sex since Rob walked out.

How Cliche. How Banal.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 14 years ago
Author seems to have forgotten what Helen did for 20 years

This isnt about a 1 night stand or even seeing 1 guy for a few weeks. If you go back and re-read chapter 1 Rob's reaction is absurd without further explanation.

The Telling point is when after Helen & Rob do "69 " in a fuck session she has to CONVINCE rob that she had never done THAT before... with scores & scores of other men she fucked for 20+ years of their marriage.

Its laughable. The sentance/ premise ONLY makes sense IF one sees Helen's cheating as a 1 time thing. Otherwise it makes her look like a god damn liar...

Look... if Hele has fucked 50 or 100 other men while married to Rob over 20 years it is very unlikely she hasd NOT done "69" before. All her statement does is remind Rob and readers she is a lying cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
His needs

He does''t need a wife. All he wants is a fuck machine and an expert cook. He only seems to have sexual desires and food appetites. Love doesn't seem to enter into his equation at all. Ohio is a fine writer but his hero in this story is not a very sympathetic character except in chapter one when he gets crushed by Helen's cheating.

60 yearold George

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 14 years ago
It's always good to see a new Ohio story!

I really liked this and if the two Teds are really one Ted, this would be really cool! What a web this guy weaves. Ohio has few peers, and only one obviously superior Literotica writer. Enjoy this guy's skills!

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Slowest Emasculation in Literotica History

I cannot believe you are taking three years to cut Rob's balls off! When are you going to update your bio and admit that you are in fact a man hating, male bashing women? Looks like you aren't too fond of cops either, as your wimp assed portrayal of Rob reflects just as badly on cops as well as it does on men in general. The fact that you write well makes your non-men protagonists somewhat believable, which makes your wimp, cuckold stories that much more insidious. (I dunno why the new Lit page won't let me post username as zed0)

Simple49erSimple49erover 14 years ago
How soon they forget!

I went back to read the other chapters. And chapter 3 seems to have forgotten chapter 1. In that chapter - which you said you never planned to write anything afterwards - you created a man who was completely embarassed, cheated on, humiliated and ready to kill helen. I know time heals wounds, but she did not would him, she ripped his heart out, barbequed it, and ate it. And by chapter 3 he is willing to have sex with her. Now I will admitt, you have never used the words "making love" between them: you kept saying having sex or fucking. And she cetainly when she cheated in her masochistic, submissive state which she lied about never went looking for love in the right place. So twoyears later because she cooks and as he puts it, fucks her, all is better and he is ready to trust her and that her psychiatrist has helped her to grips with her cheating sex: and she claims - the liar - that she has only had sex on plastic. Maybe I am a hard sell, but the violence of his reactin in chapter one, the realization of just how terribly she treated him, would have turned a man totally away from her -- forever. I see that you are stretching out the reonciliation over at least three extra chapters...but doe 3 to 1 chapters really prove the point. I am not convinced

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
If Alice Ted is Helen Ted...

Ohio will brought some surprises...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I loved your story, brought back many memories, very detailed, i love that. I am 57 y/o, sympathise with you. I also have some stories to tell and have been emailing a great auther on this sight and he loves my 'true stories' as his are all from 'imaginat

DrallDrallover 14 years ago
Thank you!

Thank you for continuing the story. It is wonderful,as are all your stories. I always enjoy them. Perhaps next year(or sooner) they will get back together permanently(or perhaps not).

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
to Harry in Va: Learn to read, dude!

I know you're always pissed off about some writer's story--but at least read it carefully! Helen didn't say it was her first time doing 69. She specifically said it was her first time licking a guy's dick in 69 position while he was lying on his STOMACH. In addition, Helen had been cheating on Rob around 7 years, not anything like 20, as Harry says. So dude--bitch all you want, but at least read the freakin' story first!

morris53morris53over 14 years ago
Good Story

I re-read the previous chapters to attain continuity with this part. I find it very plausible. Having stated this, I feel there is still need for conclusion. I have enjoyed it all.

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754over 14 years ago
It's a little thing called ....

The thing some seem to miss through out all three chapters is, they both still love each other deeply. The wounds are deep and will take a very long time for them to heal, but if the love had not been there, the pain would have not been so striking. I hope they are able to reconcile. I can see if they do, their relationship will be much stronger and a firmer footing then when they were married.

energystarenergystarover 14 years ago
agree with SilverWolf78754

Why I like to read OHIO's stories is how he conveys the love, pain, anger and confusion of these situations. I have read stories where someone goes though some complicated and illegal revenge plan (which is fine) but I never see the emotion and I wonder why they even bother. BTW - A notable exception to that example is itmgr2010's black and tan blues. I felt that. As I do OHIO stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good Story!

I wouldn't mind seeing another chapter. Good work as usual! Thanks for sharing. Ohio, USA

xtremeddxtremeddover 14 years ago
Who Knows.....Great story Ohio. Just re-re-read it and after a year, again. Ch 4 ?

Thanks I've enjoyed all your contributions you've shared with us @ Lit.

Chapter 4 ?


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Enjoyed it

Thanks for ch 3. Now don't make us wait so long for ch 4!

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Unless they did it off sceen, then they are still married. If they move in

together again, then the "separation" will be null and void and they will be cohabiting again and fully man and wife again.

I can hardly wait til the next chapter to see how you write his final crushing of his cheating slut wife. Surely, you won't write a reconciliation between a good man and a serial cheater.

mwoody2950mwoody2950about 14 years ago
Enjoying it

Really like the story. Almost bailed on the story in chapter 1. Thought it was going to be another generic cheating story. You've done well in developing the characters. Weird plot, but fun, not at all real... sort of not real. I knew a multiple partner cheating slut once 30 years ago, my ex-wife. I'm the one that moved out from a rental home because there was a 2 year old to consider. I'm the one that set up marriage counseling, got her to go once and refused to have me present, red flag that it was worse than I already knew and she never went again. I continued to go until one visit I thanked the therapist for convincing me I needed to get divorced. It was almost comical the expression the counselor had when he realized that he had failed, but the poor guy hadn't failed, he helped me make the right choice. After getting over the sadness of the breakup mostly because of the baby, i came to the realization I could never ever go back to a cheating slut. As far as your hero in the story having the lady's lining up for him to shag, get real, that is the most unreal part of your story. I was in my mid 20's when I went through the same thing and had them marginally lining up, but it was a poor selection, I could only imagine being near 50 years old, the selection would be lousy, probably worse than lousy. I've actually lived it and you've got me feeling sympathy for Helen. I can't wait to see where you take this story. I'm a romantic at heart and love the happy endings. I'm rewriting the ending of a Literotica story for my personal use that has a bad star rating, but I read it anyway, and wondered as I read it how this great story got such a bad rating until I read the last 20 or so lines of the story and what a frigging mess. The author took a 4-5 star story and trashed it with a stupid ending. Have you read Homeward Bound by Temuchen, chapters 1 - 4, well he bailed on chapter 5 (conclusion). I want to write it, but I'm not near the writer that you or Temuchen are and would be a poor substitute. You should read it and consider finishing a good story, just a suggestion. It is right down your alley.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Chapt. 4

Good read. Now bring on Chapter 4.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 14 years ago

As always, Ohio, your stories are among the best here. But dragging it out in time so long is getting weary. I wish you had posted the entire story at once, rather than dragging it out for months.

ArubanArubanabout 14 years ago
Getting Sadder All The Time

The brilliant premise of Chapter 1 was that Rob was a true Man in Love, someone who had a deep emotional need to pleasure his wife in a respectful and loving way. That Rob is gone. Also, whatever it was that he loved about Helen that kept them together despite his emotional and physical frustrations is not in evidence here. I guess it was just the cooking?

Ohio is too smart not to see this. It must be his intent to make Rob a fallen man, the equivalent of the sleazy truckers and bar denizens who were using and abusing Helen all that time. I suppose, in some way, it would be interesting if Rob and Helen can get back together because Rob can now be that unloving bastard that she needs to give her orgasms and because Rob no longer has emotional needs and wants only her sexual and culinary servitude. Sad, though! Neither one respects the other, or himself/herself...

ArubanArubanabout 14 years ago

A really interesting twist would have been if Rob had NOT shown any sexual interest in Helen. Imagine if he'd said, "Helen, I tried for 25 years to be your lover the way that would have made me happy. It didn't work, and clearly it won't ever work. I could touch you again, without vomitting, if I were to treat you like your fuck-buddies did, but I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to ruin myself, and ruin whatever loving relationship we might restore, just so that you can keep on getting what you were getting and I can finally get in on the action. Maybe, just maybe, we can date, talk, laugh, cuddle, love, perhaps even remarry some day...but you're going to have to live without the BDSM, which means you're going to have to live without sex...and so will I. We survived for 25 years without much of a sexual relationship, and we're not spring chickens anymore, so I think we can do it."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
was told

was told by a friend to read your stories if i wanted a laugh, he said you could find a way to forgive someone for murder, he was right.

bigguy323bigguy323about 14 years ago
One more chapter please....

Go ahead. DO IT, you KNOW you want to.

Orionman17Orionman17almost 14 years ago
Seems unfisnished. But . . .

a good story. Helen's transformation is becoming of her character. I like the idea of Helen gaining the strength to be a better person . . . for herself. She deserves credit from her family.

RealDocRealDocover 13 years ago
very very good.

At first I wanted to have ending. As I thought about it, my imagination made the ending...which included their getting back to living together but not remarrying for several years... Then it was a quiet cerremony with only the kids and his partner and his wife PLUS Matilda. This is a five star story. thank you realdoc

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Part 4 ...


chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 13 years ago

One more chapter. WHat is in Helen's mind here. Is she remembering the others? Or is she refusing to say no because she wants him? Do write another!


BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
You write wonderfuly descriptive images of sexual contact......

And while I am not generally in favor of plowing old ground, I can see the benefits of his new relationship with Helen. Great cooking and great sex..and would probably make the daugthers happy.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago
Are we supposed to feel sorry for Helen?

Because I sure don't. After someone robs a bank are we supposed to feel sorry when they are in jail for ten years? Jail is a miserable place. The poor bank robber. Poor Helen. <br><br>

As others commented this was a long term, carefully carried out series of affairs. In addition Helen acted as a sexual prude for Rob and as a really hot sexual dynamo with her lovers. Even when confronted with her actions she lies about what happened and tries to pretend she was drugged and coerced. Did she have a serious psychological problem. NO! Was she depressed? Yes. Did she seek help? NO! She claims she KNEW what she was doing was wrong but continued to do it. She decided that was going to be her life. The fact that she has stopped slutting around (supposedly) shows that she could have stopped before, all she needed was the proper incentive and the will to make a change. Instead she did everything to continue her fuck fest. <br><br>

So Helen starts cooking for Rob and then starts fucking him. And that pretty much makes things all OK? Sorry, she did catastrophic damage to Rob and a couple pies and some chicken don't repair things. How could he stomach being in bed with this woman who was a slut for all those other men? And she's all better now? She won't start up fucking her way through the neighborhood? <br><br>

Ohio writes well and the story flows well and the dialog and emotions are vivid. But it feels like Timothy McVeigh coming back and saying "Gee, sorry about Oklahoma City. Can't we all just get along now." I don't care how sincere he seemed, I couldn't get over what he did. Same basic problem with Helen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
well, isn't this special

Coming full circle, and forgetting (?) the cause for the chaos?

Here, go to helen and back, and at ones peril.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
An interesting tale

I wish you'd work on capitalization. It's jarring and takes away from a good story.

That said, it's not a bad redemption story. People can change. Not much.

I also like the subtle key that she is NOT just waiting for her husband. She tried to date. She tried to get on with her life. Too many times the wife is pining forever for her husband.

It ended too abruptly and while she tried to explain her motivations, she didn't. You needed to connect the two. "I totally felt a sense of loss and I clung to sex to connect with life. I didn't connect it with you because..." that's where I fall flat. No good rational motives, but without the wife fucking around, there is no story.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 13 years ago

I didn't feel good at the end of this story. Personally, I'd have kept looking for a woman without the baggage.

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Negative Comments

I've read a few of Ohio's stories now and redemption/forgiveness are very common themes. I'm a little surprised at the quantity of negative comments.

If you don't like his theme, go find other authors. Rehnquist, StangStar06, HardDaysKnight, and others will probably have stories more to your liking just as there appears to be an audience (not me!) for the "I just love to see my wife fucking other men" accounts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
what the

I feel Ohio has dropped the ball on this story or I have missed a few things. Plus this story needs a proper ending.

I feel like I missed a year of the 2 years they have been apart

What pills missed that.

Did I miss the divorce.

What was the reason for the split personality when it came to sex wild with others but unresponsive and uninterested with hubby.

Usually I like Ohio stories unfortunately this one not so much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Wha' ?!!

Finish the fuckin' story!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This story should never have continued after chapter 1.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
from chapter 1

ROB says at the end of chapter 1

"Helen—do you really believe that there's anything you can say, any possible explanation you can give, that will ease my pain and my hurt? Anything that will make your cheating, your total betrayal and humiliation of me, more bearable? Anything AT ALL that can make this better—or less awful?...

Rob...SURE there is...

Just have OHIO the author forget his own story!!LOL!!! ... and come up with and ending where I never have to explain why I did what I did... and even when you caught me all I did lie and lie and lie right your face...

then we reconcile dont even ask me about it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Thanks Ohio

I enjoyed your 3 parts. Forgivness does happen in real life as well. My wife cheated on me when her boss took advantage of her while she was on anti-depressants. I cannot forget what she did but what was I to do? At the time, I loved her so much it hurt and I still love her to death. Your story makes so much sense to me. Thanks Ohio. Please keep writing.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago

Not sure this time - he is cruising for a real life challenge - Alice's experience has him set for a decision that could work or shot him down for good -

It is harder to get past the long term multiple partner betrayal than well - low volume incidents - the pattern of behavior is more serious than some isolated incident that self resolved or was nipped early -

The big question - is she "cured" or just in "remission" - Good Luck

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307almost 13 years ago
You've got to be kidding, right!

Three chapters and nine pages for that ending. It certainly doesn't get any worse than that. How utterly disappointing.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Good story

I liked the story, all 3 parts. I guess, what I read was that the other women he banged all had baggage as well. The latest was still in love with her cheating ex...and went back with him. Matilda was a slut for 12 years after her divorce and was hoping to get a new husband on the rebound. Barbara was pressing hard to get her a husband, using sex like most women do. Like the one commenter said...there are not many women out there without baggage of their own.

What's wrong with going back to a woman that loves him, cooks for him, and gives him great sex now? Why do some of you insist that she hadn't gotten over her disire to screw other men? The writer says that she didn't after Rob kicked her out. Why do some of you insist that she will cheat again. Why do some of you say that he will not be happy? How do you know? I would say that is up to the writer.

The fact of the matter is that lots of people get divorced and remarry later. Some work out, some don't. Some people move on and some don't find another so readily. The man is not a wimp for doing what makes him happy. He would be a wimp to follow your if we commenters have all the answers to everyone else's life and happiness.

As the old cliche goes: Everyone has their opinions and assholes...and everyone else's stinks...

Great job Ohio...this story does not stink at all! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

if wife fuck other he is CUCKOLD. if he take her back he is WIMP.

if husband fuck OTHER wife is ????????? . if she take him back wife is ???????????.

WHY DID HUSBAND R ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR FAILURE OF HIS MARRIAGE ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
come on guys this is ohio trade mark

He will allways take his wife back in aohih stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Where's the anal sex?

After the divorce Rob hook up with with Matilda, there's no mention of anal sex. After Matilda he dated a couple of other women, still no mention of anal sex. Now Rob hooks up with Helen and got to experience some of the sexual delights that been denied to him for decades, why is still no mention of anal sex? Why wouldn't he at least try it once for the novelty of it? Surely Helen wouldn't object if asks for it, seeing as she denied it when they were married.

J [drazvich(at)live(dot)com]

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
well written cuck tale

the dozens of read/spank/comment by huecuck and the WBC regulars put this among the all-time greats.

karan9876karan9876about 12 years ago
A cuck?

The best of authors on this site cant resist writing cuck tales... thats sad... 1 star rating as it would insult the real men out there if i gave it more...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Like the story. Really wish you would write an ending.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
Good Story.

And actually it is quite common. A submissive that doesn't recognize that in herself, or worse, tries to supress it and then it seeks a way out, but because of shame or guilt, not the way it is supposed to, with the husband, but with some stranger.

What I didn't like where 2 things: You did nothing with that submissive streak of hers ? How come, did she just forget about it what ? Thats a big logic hole.

And Second I didn't care for you putting Alice on moral high ground. Rubbing into his face how happy she is with the guy she 'ran away' with. I really hope he betrays her again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
He can't count2four

Too fucking stupid to get beyond three I reckon, probably the only cunt dumber than DWmoroncok on this entire board.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
wow i'm really hungry

let's get back together and you can cuck me again for another 7 or 8 years.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
You ruined it

A perfectly good story shot to hell. So here's how it goes:

Rob and Helen reunite

Helen cucks him again

Rob gets fat


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
aitch'em says:

Quite an interesting alternative to "he thinks with his dick"! This character thinks with his dick and his stomach.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 12 years ago
Although I Liked the Story

That's alot of chapters to wade through to end up with no conclusion. Still, a really good read.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
No Four!

Hubby and Sweetie are back together and healing. A marriage license will not make the past go away and, if anything, might screw up the slow re-definition they are undertaking. They are acting like they are exclusive, Sweetie perhaps more than Hubby, but that is the direction they are heading.

I don't mean to impugn OHIO's literary prowess, but it looks like the ending either the romantically inclined OR the BTB would like to see would be BORING, something even I could write and, more important, something nobody really would WANT to read a second time.


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Hard to Meander Away from Rehabbed Love & 7 Course Dinners !

If one of the other women could have cooked, he might have made good his escape. Many modern day women think great kitchen skills are too overt a sign of obesiance. Great story !

At least the narrator made the rounds and was with multiple other women before he went back to her. Rob never should have bought into her restrictions in the first place. His willingness to let her be the gatekeeper backfired. Yet I understand how Rob went with the status quo.

The narrator was the opposite of a smooth operator in his domicile, a good man but content with meat & potatoes on a carnal basis. For swallowing some pride, he now has the best of both worlds in bedroom and kitchen. It was an awesome job by Ohio having Rob enraged and bringing down the pillars of both their lives.

Then after counseling on her part and his inability to replace her fully - the two are tentatively back together again, and I understand why. There was a lot of time that passed and he did date around. The story would have been unpalatable if the reconciliation had been rushed in any way. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
need a 4

how about a 4th.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 11 years ago
I really like your writing BUT...

...I had made it a favorite and then I decided that with an ending like that it did not deserve the honor. I will not be nasty (as I sometimes am) but it would have really been a good thing if you had given us a good ending. Thank you for writing, I just don't like these nebulous endings and you have done it before a time or two.

Breezy1Breezy1almost 11 years ago

Another wonderful story ,somewhat ruined by an incomplete ending! Love your writing,but hate your endings!

JeffTomJeffTomalmost 11 years ago
Where is the ending?????????

I thank you for writing this story for us, but it could of had more of an ending.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago

I was truly enjoying the story until the ending. Well, not sure I can call it much of an ending. This is unfinished and therefore left me unsatisfied. It's a damn shame. Perhaps you felt that you were unable to truly bring the reconciliation to full completion, and gave up. Given everything that previously transpired, reconciliation is a hard pill to swallow. I don't feel you made the case. I get the two years of her not having sex. A definite point in her favor. The attempted suicide. Not quite a point in her favor because she attempted it because of a fuck gone bad, not because she was distraught over losing hubby. You could have sold that a little better. The whole Alice bit where she goes back with her ex because she felt he was her true love, was contrived. What broad takes back her ex after she catches him cheating, he goes off and marries the bimbo, then nine years later comes back and is finally repentant? Really! And that was the device you chose to get hubby thinking about Helen again? In the end, she never really gave an adequate explanation as to why she did what she did?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago

I gave it three stars and that is only because I loved the writing and everything up to the end. I had favorited the first to chapters. I will now remove them. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I can see why

you intended chapter one to be a stand alone chapter. The additional info was good, but did more of the story really need to be told? Sure, I was disappointed with the ending. Ohio, you probably were too. Chapter 3 was like an epilogue with WAY too much insignificant detail in it. You found yourself getting bogged down, asking yourself if there were new directions you wanted to go towards, but finally said "fuck it, lets end this thing already".

So he's dating her, and will never remarry her. You know, I actually like that type of reconciliation. Forgive, but never forget. I still don't know why he never made her give up the ass. She had already lost her ass cherry years before, and it was just another thing she had denied him all along. I noticed that he never returned to "making love" with her, only referring to it as "fucking". But most all of his memories of their married sex life, seemed liked they NEVER had made love (except maybe at the very beginning of the marriage). Did SHE even know how? Her greatest flaw, and there were many, seemed to be a deliberate ploy to sabotage the physical intimacy. She justified it as compartmentalizing between her two lives. But what never seemed addressed in therapy was how wrong her perceptions were of what "a good wife" should be like and do. I think it was funny, your extended use of the metaphor "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach". It was obvious she had some "old fashioned" (1950's?) hang-ups influencing her "wife" role. So the cheating was an act of rebellion, and she reverts to teenage maturity level, acting out until she is caught. Hmmm, OK Ohio, may be you were right not to go into more detail from the therapy perspective, as you have done in other stories. But, dammit, the lesson never seemed to be learned that above all else, they needed to communicate better. HE never got any help. His therapy was 2 years of dating and getting as much pussy as he could snag, only to realize it would never be a substitute for his "one true love". But did he ever learn how to talk to her about it? No, and reconciliation or not, he probably never will. However, I do see them staying together, because you did hint along the way he picked up ways to exploit her submissive side, and eventually, he WILL tie her to the bed, and probably take that ass the same night! Yes, ain't true love grand??

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You call THAT and ending?

Geez! I enjoy your writing, although sometimes your dialogue wanders. But after 3 chapters, not to have an answer to whether or not they are back together was disappointing. I'm about to throw you under the same bus I use to repeatedly drive over JPB when he leaves his stories without resolution. BAH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
ending ?

Where is the ending ?

The end of ch. 01 was more of an ending than this.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago

Strange how so many authors here like to develop the cheating wife as perfect in every category, except for fidelity. This is a manipulative plot device. The "schizoid" personality is weak. In reality, people have traits, characteristics, behaviors. They exhibit these throughout the whole of their personality. I have met several cheaters in my life, and while at first meeting I couldn't tell that they were cheaters, over a short period of time, I could see that they were capable of it. When I found out they were cheaters, I wasn't surprised. I also have found that it is in fact true, once a cheater, always a cheater. It is a function of the personality type. The best way to describe a cheater personality is as a selfish opportunist. They will not only cheat, but they will look to gain petty advantage in every situation. They never see the big picture. They are always obsessed with their short term gain. If you do find yourself in a relationship with a cheater, it is because you have not really gotten to know them and what they are capable of, or that you have chosen to overlook their character because of other attributes that they possess. Many women marry rich men that everyone knows were born to cheat, and many men marry beautiful women that flirt with everyone and are prime candidates for cheating. So, know your spouse, and know your self!

ifeanyiifeanyiover 10 years ago
Thanks Sugna

Thanks for the advice Sugna

ImHappynBPImHappynBPover 10 years ago
Did you run out of ink?

You created a character that wanted to be debased. He does this with the blowjob request at her apartment. Was this your idea of a foundation for their new relationship? Interesting, but completely out of syn with the character you tried to create.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
no thanks

Once I deficate, I don't try stuffing that piece of shit back into my body. First of all , I would have jettisoned the whore from my insurance. Why should they have to pay for her bullshit. Sorry girls, I will never speak to that whore again in my lfetime. I hope you can understand. If after a year he couldn't meet an attractive decent human being, he wasnt trying. No reconciliation with this totally over the top whore. Ever.

hanibtorrhanibtorralmost 10 years ago
End Please

You said "just a door getting closed, the period at the end of the sentence", okay, where is the ending to this?! Not very good, is it.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

excellent tale from ohio. I would have preferred to read his ending, but this was close enough. Based on his comment to Jim and Patty, it appears the next step was for her to move in with him. He needs more time, however, to determine if she stays and, if she does, what their status is. I know that two years would not be nearly enough time for me to stop being mad at a wife who cheated on me and then blamed everyone except herself.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Needs Closure

It shouldn't take another chapter, one more page should have done it.

If he can really get past what she did (I couldn't!), he should let her move back in, but in NO WAY should he re-marry her!

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
Agree again with "KarenE"...

A good story without end becomes a below average story...After 3 parts, not founding a closure, makes us feel a little "cheated"...No matter what end the writter found to be the right one...With an end this would have been a 4 *...

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

and an old hole is better than no hole. TK U MLJ LV NV

MrFluffyCatMrFluffyCatalmost 10 years ago
Loved the voice

It definitely was rather funny, and I enjoyed it but I don't think he should get back together with Helen not at all. A submissive slut who denied her husband of any variety in the bedroom, but gladly did it with other men. Then continued to lie about it once she was caught, yeah, no thank you. I'm actually rather happy you ended it where you did because it definitely seemed to be heading towards RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
:) lol

ok , Brisket , is a stand alone story posted in 2007 ,

due to reader comments & feedback we got ch02 in 2009 ,

then we got this chapter in 2010 ... lol

& somehow the story seems more "unfinished" now ,

than it did @ the end of Brisket.

ffs. lmao.

i really enjoy the Authors work ,

lovely writing style & ability to ensnare the reader.

will proly visit the profile again in a years time, to take another look at my favorite Ohio storys.


parker3522parker3522over 9 years ago
Well Written. Believable Story Line.

The story is well written, well told. The descriptions of the jumble of feeling rings true. Relationships at best are complicated, and when betrayal is involved everything is magnified many times over.

There is sex obviously, but companionship, familiarity along with a shared history is a deep part of a relationship.

Thought provoking.

Thank you.

IndyOnIndyOnover 9 years ago
Well done....

How long do we have to wait for Ch. 4? It's been four years....we are ready!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You it right the first time-in Chapter 1

The first ending made sense.

When you decided to add to the story, you headed towards a reconciliation.

I hated it.

aptonthe503aptonthe503over 9 years ago
Brisket is Undercooked

I liked the story but it stopped before it ended. What happened?

Anyway, I really enjoy your stories!

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 9 years ago

Here we have a great story that ends up like so many on Lit, unfinished and leaving the reader hanging at the so called end wondering what happened.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Despite what most of the readers think THIS public service WARNING IS not only needed ... IT IS REQUIRED!!!!

*** Public Service Announcement ***

Dear Cucky "Boys", Wimp Husbands, Eunuchs, and Anal Creampie Eating Degenerates who think it's normal behavior to watch your WHORE wife get butt fucked by other men (FrontLineCuckster & Swinger Joe Blow .. you know who you are!!!) ... your prayers have been answered!!!

Simply dial 800-LUV-RAAC and OhioBLOW will regale you with ocne of his/hers/it's?? WHORE Wife apologist / humiliation & emasculation husband tales. Remember to enter the code "69"', wait for the "poof" sound, and your author's latest CUCK TURD complete with male castration, female exoneration & a heavy load of forced reconciliation will arrive at your bedroom closet!

Enjoy your ALONE time & don't forget your wife is waiting for your "latest" apology & tearful request to come back home with her ass full of sperm!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You really need to finish this story.

It is a good one as far as it goes, but it seems to me that it needs one more chapter to either get him and Helen back together, or finish them off and send him another direction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
no sense

trying to figure out how in the hell Ohio turned this into a RAAC which is exactly what it was. i liked how he got the wife to tell her story but there was no need for this forced reconciliation. She cheated on him with something like 8 different men and a couple of them were affairs!!

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicover 9 years ago
What happened ...??

First you leaving us hanging in chapter 1 then 2 then 3 and still hanging. Please finish it so I do not have to ask FTDS to step in and complete the story...PLEASE !

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The thing you missed?

Was that it was Rob that needed to go see the shrink. I can't believe his Captain didn't see all his anger when he tossed Helen out (an illegal maneuver that any cop would know) and FORCE him to see the Departmental shrink. He and Helen would probably be back together by now if he had been able to work through his anger issues and then the two of them could have seen a marriage counselor and never gotten divorced. By the way, did they ever get divorced? He had put the divorce on hold so she could use his medical insurance and I don't recall him ever continuing on and divorcing her. So here at the NON-ending of this sad little tale they are probably still married and all she needs to do is move back in. What a crappy story that has no finish.

calflashcalflashover 9 years ago

her shrink's trying to make he feel better about herself is why I have such distain for shrinks. Keeping her on his insurance probably DID cost him some - family coverage is usually more than for the employee. She had her own business and should have gotten coverage for herself. You really left this story unfinished but I don't think loneliness and a previous history are the basis for reconciliation - too much water over the dam. They both needed to move on with their lives

ptolmetptolmetalmost 9 years ago

I really enjoyed this series and I can see where the ending is headed, but somehow the story felt just a little incomplete at the end. Maybe just a few more lines showing more of where Rob's relationship with Helen is going? I imagine his discussion with Jim and Patty was supposed to show us that, but it did not seem to be enough. I appreciate your story and have enjoyed many of your other ones as well. Please keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
It is sad

Talented writer that does not know when to stop.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Godless and Depressing

There is more to life than a cheating wife, a jealous fuck-buddy, or a girlfriend that does not know what the fuck she is doing! Committing your heart and soul to various women will only drag you through Hell. Think about it; women are emotionally unstable, their view of right and wrong changes with their moods, and they are able to justify their actions using denial and outright lies to win the day. So, is it really wise to let them rule your life? That is what God is for, he/she won't cheat on you and his/her right and wrong never changes. By middle age, Rob should have learned this.

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