All Comments on 'Cheap Seats Ch. 02'

by ohio

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Still a stupid woman

This time I can agree with the reconciliation. Even if I think that the wife in this story is too stupid to be allowed to do anything without a minder.<br><br>

She also needs some serious education as to what constitutes a marriage. The first and foremost part being trust and communication. The minute those break down the marriage will follow suit very rapidly - and they can be damn hard to repair. By trying to "go it alone" she not only did the one thing every HR department tells you to never do in a sexual harassment case, she also violated the trust in her marriage. Yes, she was caught in a humiliating situation due to her own poor judgement, but that is forgiveable (if it wasn't her husband wouldn't have been worth the time of day). By not telling him, however, she took a bad mistake and changed it into something that could have permanently broken the marriage.<br><br>

That said, the outcome was entirely plausible - which puts this tale head and shoulders in front of most "reconciliation cheating wife" stories. I just wish there was more on the wife being educated by friends, family and maybe even professional marriage counsellors.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 16 years ago
Entertaining read

Dang, I was hoping ohio would make Beth into an evil, manipulative bitch but instead she's Goody Twoshoes. s'okay, it's good storytelling. Thank you, ohio.

bruce22bruce22over 16 years ago
Yet another fine story

I admit that I was expecting a far more complicated tale

with many switchbacks on the road, but as it was, it was delightful and believable. She certainly was naive to believe

that the gentleman(??!!) would turn over a new leaf! And she did not set up any protection against possible renewal of the assault, but----- I enjoyed it. I admit that I would enjoy a third chapter where she was revealed as a villainess!

thebulletthebulletover 16 years ago
Too far

<p>Reconciliation for just cause is usually acceptable to me. But can any woman be as stupid as Beth? Can any person be as stupid as Beth and graduate from the Wharton School? </p>

<p>Because the premise, to me, was so unbelievable, it made the rest of the story hard to swallow. After an attempted rape only a truly submissive and beaten down woman would continue to work hand in glove with her rapist. And she certainly would never put herself into the position of allowing him to do it again.</p>

<p>But Beth was supposedly this independent, brilliant person. If such a person were to handle it by herself, her first move would have been to the police department. Her second would have been to human resources to bring a lawsuit against the company.</p>

<p>She made the boss sign a letter of confession and left it at the office and didn't make a copy? Ohio is asking us to suspend our belief system beyond recognition.</p>

<p>As usual, Ohio writes well. But this time he wrote himself into a corner that he couldn't work his way out of, IMHO.</p>

<p>Thumbs down.</p>

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
what about Missing 4 hrs night of concert??

I gotta agree with Thebullet. The premise is too far fetched but ASSUMING beth did not actually fuck Barton the reconciliation is Just barely believeable.


In chapter 1 Jake sees Beth at the concert at 930PM ... then he tried to get closer but was blocked by security.... for an hour and a half... so the concert ended at 11PM... then Madeline sees Beth with Barton on ectasy at the club about 3am.


<b>what happened to Beth for 4 hrs?</b>


You see Barton had already gotten Beth once before -- the oral sex and almost Fucked her then. <b> This time Barton had Beth on Ecstay for SEVERAL hours</b>... and according to her own words Beth could only recall bits and pieces from all these hours alone with Barton...


<b>So WHY would Barton go to all this trouble and Risk going to Jail or getting fired etc only to wait until 3 am with Beth all drugged up and unable to resist? From 11pm to 3am what did Barton do with Beth? </b>


SECOND How exactly does Beth disrobing while she announces all these "rules" to Jake shows she understand what she did was so bad to the marriage??? I mean sure the make up sex could be great but as for the deeper issues -- that beth seems NOT know what what a marriage is.... her solution is weak.


It is a good thing Barton confirmed the existance of the Letter. However if Wharton Business school finds out about this whole incident I am sure Wharton will expunge all record of Beth ever attneding there...


Again the reconciliation is based on her NOT having sex with Barton. Why didnt Jake ask Him about the missing 4 hours ?

LazylonerLazylonerover 16 years ago
no more sexual harassment, please

This story is very good technically, and I liked the characters, but....

can we stop having the wife get harassed/raped/blackmailed by a male co-worker?

It might have been common 20 years ago, but if you work in today's business world than you understand just how draconian the rules are now. You say the wrong thing, or even look the wrong way and you WILL be pulled in front of HR to explain your actions. Heck, I one got hauled in front of HR because I had failed to look one of my female co-workers in the eyes, and she complained that I was looking at her tits. There is no way a woman as intelligent as Beth is supposed to be wouldn't understand that she absolutely had to report the first incident.

And there is little chance that Barton would have done that. Even the hint of a sexual harassment incident is enough to get HR looking to fire people. Something as careless as drugging a woman during a company party would be career suicide, and while he was described as a predator, he seemed to have a level of cunning that suggests he wouldn't risk his job just for a little fuck.

But other than that, the story was fun to read.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 16 years ago
Pretty good

What is here is good. The story seems a bit thin and familiar. The "sexual harassment at work" theme is worn, as others have noted. Still, worth reading.

RPBPhotoRPBPhotoover 16 years ago

I always look forward to your stories. I enjoyed part 1, but found that Part 2 had little emotion to it. In fact, it almost seemed like you tired of the story and just wrote something so that you could finish it.

Sorry, but you have set such high standards for yourself that "pretty good" seems like a let down.

Please keep writing and submitting.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 16 years ago
Underlying message

Ohio, a lot of commenters have address whether the wife's behavior was believable in this story. To some degree, I share that concern, but I also can see it as credible in a larger sense as well.<p>

First off, a lot of people have asked why the wife did not just file harrassment charges and get the asshole fired after the first incident. My answer to that her response is believable based on the way you wrote her character. You write her as sort of a post modern feminist. Not only is she independent and proud, she has enough ambition to want to "beat the boys at their own game". <p>

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that, even today, a victim of sexual harrassment can face as many problems as the perpetrator. Think Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas from his Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Capital Hill. Even if she had proof of the first incident (which she did not), any complaint filed by the wife could have derailed her career as well has his. Even if she succeeded, it would have become associated with her resume and she might have found it hard to advance. So, I can find her behavior in gritting her teeth and continueing on as somewhat credible.<p>

What I find difficult to swallow is the way you had it go down. I can either see her laying into him and threatening to go to human resources to making a big stink, or just ignoring it. I don't find it credible for her to "quit" (either time) while threatening to go public. Quitting just didn't seem consistent with her character, nor does it add anything to her case. But that is a somewhat small issue. <p>

My bigger concern was Barton's behavior. There is no way in hell that this guy would have ever written down anything that could be seen as a confession. Either the letter was full of self serving "non denials" that could be read in multiple fashions and bnot worth the paper that they were printed on, or he would have laughed her out of his office and bluntly told her to go ahead and quit. There is no way that he would have dug a bigger hole by giving her evidence in a "he said/she said" situation.<p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Too far fetched

She goes to a concert with a guy she knows drugged her and attempted to rape her? Excuse me? That's what they call "Jumping the shark." Wanting to be an "independent woman" or just plain having a "brain fart" doesn't begin to cover that whopper. At the very least, that shows ignorance of how strongly effected nearly all women are to rapes and attempted rapes. There are a number of other things that don't make much sense either. Ohio, please get an editor not so much to proofread, but to conduct a plausibility check on the basic outline of the story. Maybe ask some fellow writers that you admire to look the story over before you publish it - why not? With just a little more thinking through, this could have been a much better story.

Nicholls9Nicholls9over 16 years ago
Good supporting characters

I like C.D. and Madeline way more than our featured couple. Jake and Beth just seem so bland. The weakest part of the story is the guy whose engaged to a gorgeous model, that still goes after a co-worker. No matter how hot Beth may actually be, it's stupid for Barton to even go after her when he's already got Elena. That just makes no sense. Not to mention, Barton still has to drug Beth just in order to fuck her. That's simply more trouble than it's worth. Especially considering he has a hot piece of ass waiting for him at home. Barton is just an idiot for the sake of being the villain.

zed0zed0over 16 years ago
Awww - That's Nice!

I LOVE A Happy Ending! What a nice little fantasy tale. Hopefully she'll be smarter from here on, otherwise chapter 3 may not end as well.

EDYXXXEDYXXXover 16 years ago
Great As Usual

Very nice story. I have read all your stuff on this site and loved it all. Keep up the good work.

sanman52sanman52over 16 years ago
Has Beth really learned anything

I can't believe that I'm giving any Ohio work less than 100%. Yet, as many commenters have mentioned, there are enough logic problems in this story to drive a truck through. I guess my main problem with the story is Beth's seemingly total lack of understanding of real world situations and human behaviors. She fails miserably to understand how to protect herself in her dealings with Barton after his first rape attempt and compounds her problems by not sharing her experience with someone else.<br><br>Even her letter to Barton starts out "Dear Barton". How could she use such an endearing salutation to someone who she believes had every intention of raping her. And then to expect Barton to actually confess what he had attempted, PLEASE. And to leave the confession letter in her desk instead of somewhere safe.<br><br>To me, part of maturing and surviving in the real world is knowing when you need to turn on others for help and advice. Beth was truly out of her depth in dealing with Barton. He was more important to the company than Beth was and could surely claim that any sexual activity between them was consensual and instigated by Beth. At the worst, he would get a slap on the wrist and she would probably be shown the door.<br><br>Yet, after everything that happened, it appears that Beth has learned nothing. When Beth informs Jake that Diane has been given Barton's old position and has offered Beth the position as her assistant, Beth informs Jake that his assumption that she has already accepted another job is incorrect. Apparently, Beth is still keeping Jake in the dark as to what she is doing in her life. She did not accept the job offer and was going to work for Diane. I would have thought that Beth would be keeping Jake up to date on everything that happened in her life, yet she apparently still wants to be independant and inform Jake on a "need to know" basis.<br><br>Some people never learn.

cageyteecageyteeover 16 years ago
Although I cannot recall the exact quote

I believe Tom Clancy, one of the most prolific and successful writers of our time, noted that according to the reading public, the only thing that is supposed to make sense all the time is fiction. I can see what capecodmercury is saying but like him, I enjoyed it so much that 100 was the score we both gave it. Thanks for sharing your stories and as always, I'm looking forward to more.

NucleusNucleusover 16 years ago
You won't tell me ...

... well educated american wives are dumb as you described. In Germany we tell sometimes wits about dumb blondes. So it looks like in your story. I came to a conclusion that this story rather belongs in the "humor"-category.

<p>Sincere regards</p>


<p>*Please excuse my inappropriate comment to chapter 1 of your story. My emotions at this moment flew just to high</p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Not bad but the concept is weak

You know I like your stories. This one lacked drama. I can understand that you wanted to move away from the cheating wife to something else in this one but the story isn't that compelling. My feeling as I read it was that you needed to accentuate the turmoil in the husband's head, since that was the real focus, but you don't establish that and don't get very deep into his emotions. It might have been nice to use a point in his background that would make him a little bit fragile emotionally. That would have explained her reluctance to tell him and then he could go through the emotions and could learn from the experience.

z00timez00timeover 16 years ago
same shit

if the wife had fucked the intire city of Boston, bareback, you would still find some way to forgive and forget. As always, your stories SUCK.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
good story

It seems that people for get that this is suppose to get your mind off everyday stuff for a few min. If I did not know better I would think they had run into my first ex. the only person I know that can make you as angry as they sound.

Good story thanks for taking the time to entertain us.

Mike from Texas

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 16 years ago
I enjoyed it but....

Ohio usually weaves a tale with far more tension. This chapter was a speedy and common resolution to a fairly common situation... on Lit. It was well written and a pleasure to read, but the usual tension was missing. This was good, but Ohio has set a very high bar for himself. As always, I thank him for sharing his ample skills and imagination!

Risq_001Risq_001over 16 years ago
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but........

<p>This is one of the <b>ultra</b> rare occasions I have to agree with “thebullet” here. This story just didn’t work for me.</p>

<p>For me you created a supporting cast of, first one <b>likeable</b> character, C.D., and then right after that you created a totally <b>unlikable</b> one “Mad” Madeline.</p>

<p>C.D.'s character seemed to be used to calm Jake down from doing something totally stupid; I like that in a character. It was new and different. I’m sorry, but the character Mad reminds me of one of the few “Howard Stern” shows I’ve seen, where he often insults his guest and for some reason they still can’t wait to tell him how right he is once he’s done. While Mad didn’t directly insult him, as what was to pass as a mutual friend of both of them, all she did was take Beth’s side, and while showing him what a jerk he was for overreacting to what Beth did. And when asked directly if she would rat out Jake if she ever found out he was cheating on Beth, she basically said she would in a New York minute, but when asked if she would do the same for Beth, she hedged and basically said she would tell, but only after a while. She just wouldn't directly lie to him. What kind of <i>mutual</i> friend is that? Why would Jake accept that as her being a good friend to him? Why is Jakes character obviously still seeking council from someone states such an one-sided motive, which anyone could already see? One who only wants to do what it takes to make her friend happy, but is willing to do it at the cost of her friend’s husbands trust? Things like this made her totally unlikable to me.</p>

<p>And Jakes character's blind acceptance of this advice quickly stopped making him appear as a victim to me in this story, started lowering his intelligence in my eyes as a reader, and started making him seem not as likeable as he was before. I'm not of the kick her to the curb crowd, but I am of the mind if they are going to work it out, it needs to make sense how they do it. What he got from advice from Mad, that he accepted, made no sense remotely to me. It was basiclly blind acceptance in light of how far blind acceptance had gotten him so far.</p>

<p>Then there was the whole <b>independence to a fault</b> thing Beth had going on the whole story. Beth didn’t just have a single bad moment because of wanting to be independence, she had what most people would consider repeated marriage ending ones, based on her decision on how to handle those problems.</p>

<p>Once being put in that situation you can see as her being a victim of a preditor, and bad judgement not to tell her husband, but to have been put in the postion to have been preyed upon twice? She stopped being independence once she put herself in this position a second time. Yet the characters all see her as a victim. You are not a victim if you continue to put yourself in harms way repeatedly. And that’s what Beth did, but no one seems to see that in their rush to get even with Barton.</p>

<p>That’s something else that bothers me. The revenge. I’m not saying that Barton didn’t deserve something, but in the story Beth’s character kept putting herself in harms way because the character wanted to be "Independent" and sucessful at her job. Yet when it ended badly for her, every single person stood on the corner and said "<b><i>Look at how badly she was taken advantage of</i></b>. Huh, that was it? And in real life if this story had gone to court Beth would have gotten nothing. It’s hard to get someone convicted of a crime with a good lawyer if you keep going back for seconds and thirds of trouble. And by Beth's own admission she continued working for someone who she claimed tried to rape her for fincial benifit and gain. It's hard to sue for a hostle work place when you continue to work there because it benifits you.</p>

<p>And Barton, confessing because he wanted to rub it in the face of the husband of the woman he nearly raped twice? Huh? That part of the story totally escaped me. And he put it in writing so she wouldn't quit on him the first time? Most people who rape, or almost rape, someone are so scared they would get found out they would do anything to hide it. Not confess "twice" to it, and put it in writting at least once.</p>

<p>I’m sorry I didn’t like the ending to your story, but it felt forced. As I’ve often said, as a reader I should <i>feel</i> that the character belong together to make a happy ending, but this story felt like they are together because you said that they were going to be. Nothing I read told me they deserved to be. Other than a lot of sex between them. Sex doesn't fix problems, it only mask and hides them till later. And these two didn't fix or <i>solve</i> anything. I still like a lot of your writings, but just not this story</p>



AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Have the husband run, don't walk, to get a vasectomy. This woman is too stupid to be allowed to breed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

It was an interesting idea, but in the end the wife's character flaws were stretched a little too far to be believable for me... if she was so incisive, independent and intelligent, then how did she consistently make such incredibly stupid decisions and have such a lack of understanding/communication with her husband? If she was so self-absorbed and selfish, how could their marriage have been anything but unhappy? The personality mix just didn't seem to work.

Overall, the story felt like it was trying too hard to make the impossible happen, a novel and difficult twist on a marriage under attack.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I liked the story.

People will make mistakes. She was drugged and raped. She made no conscious effort to be seduced or to have an affair, so how is she the bad guy? The efforts she went to, to prove her love and devotion, were the honest efforts of a loving wife. Furthermore, she is right, at some point you have to let go of the mistakes and carry on, otherwise, you might become just another embittered Literotica reader.

HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersover 16 years ago
Too Much!

Too much discussion, too much analysis... It's just a story. Me, I was entertained for a while, and really didn't give it a whole lot of thought. Isn't that what fiction is all about?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
hurt my head trying to read through

this gibberish story. writing's okay, so that's why the "25" point rating... I can't believe grown up men and women write story this childish...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You have a way...

...of making your characters so dumb that they become totally uninteresting. You described Beth as being a very intelligent woman and then proceded to disprove your own characterization of her. And what husband with any brains is going to believe such a cock-and-bull story? That would only be one of your characters, of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I just wish

we had more stories from you. I have always enjoyed all of your stories. I will say I am a sucker for a happy ending and some of your stories have not had that, but that is your choice. I enjoyed this one and am always keeping an eye out for more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A dumb broad becomes suddenly smart?

I am sorry, you painted a picture of a woman to dumb to know right from wrong and how to act in the real world. Then you have her suddenly grow up, mature, and become a very intelligent person in the working world as well as the sexual world of her marriage. Sorry I dont buy it, Your story gives her the IQ of a hormone driven 13 year old girl. Do remember some things are beyond reconciliation, you can forgive someone for being stupid, or dumb, or ignorant, but you never have to retake them into your life as the most trusted and loyal person in the world. Not many people have 24/7/365 to do nothing but watch over a cheating lying betraying mate.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 16 years ago
A good story to contemplate

I have to say that Beth is the personification of a spoiled rich child who thinks all things can be solved, as she cannot be wrong or hurt. She has no idea what it is to share as she is the only one who is smart enough to handle problems. Of course it turns out she is as dumb as a rock.<P>In all these idiotic rules quoted, not one says; I will always confer with my loving husband before I make any decisions that effect my partner and me or our marriage in any way. I also will understand others have brains and skill to deceive so I will become more a person aware then self-assured.<P>I liked them getting back together as the infidelity was forced not a conscious or unconscious action by the wife. Though I must say this wife comes off as some kind of surreal dingbat to me.<P>Good entertainment from a very good author. Thank you<P>PT

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 16 years ago

Good story but boy the lesson from this story is TALK to your partner.

MinigalesMinigalesover 16 years ago
Did not Like It Much

<p>It is not fun when a great author digs himself too deep to get out. I think more effort should be put in perfecting the end than deepening the hole.

<p>As to Beth's legal position. I think as easily as she convinced us that she was a moron, she could do the same at a court of law and Barton will be charged with taking advantage of an incompetent person. Is not that a crime anyway?

maxdnamemaxdnameover 16 years ago
Fuckin' aye, Bullwinkle...

Whass the deal here? Folks ‘ere sure takin’ this ditty seriously! Damn. It’s a STORY, not real life!

Hay-suze Kristo, amigos.

Ohio, I do want to say one thing: I wish the bulk of the stories input into had the same measure of grammatical correctness this tale carries. Thank you. The story won’t be a best seller or a major motion picture BUT it was quite readable and possessed a modicum of reality. I’m giving it a three based solely on grammar and puntucation (there were some minor errors but nothing egregious) and one for the story itself (nothing there to alter the Earth’s orbit): for a total of... four. Tell ‘em what they’ve won, Johnny.

“Well, Bob first it’s a case Curdle Wax the only car wax made entirely from Wisconsin cheese and the home version of Beat the Bed Springs...”

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I don't know why I read your stories man :) Your fuzzy feelings makes it crawl all over me. What's wrong with that guy? Why did it take him so long to question that asshole if she was set up. It's like those really bad horror stories where you know something bad is going to happen but none of the characters in the movie seems to get it. Try to make it more real please, otherwise you will end up as some gushy romance bodice hunting sissy who can't see left from right. I don't mind feelings, but this??? Cheers Yoron.

exjockexjockabout 16 years ago
Another Great Story

Only recently I discovered ohio's stories. I plan to read every one. This is the best so far, but they are all great. From the early part of "Cheap Seats Ch. 01" the detailed description of every part of the plot kept me totally involved as a reader. Looking forward to more new stories, but I am delighted to see there are quite a few more to read in the archive!

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
Story had many problems

I have no idea how much of my comments overlap others, but to the extent that I might repeat others’ points, it might also serve as a way to reinforce those very same points (as in independent sources, coming to the same conclusion).<P>

It’s very difficult to hang on to a story when none of the key ‘hangers’ gives you any place to do just that…Take the following plot themes (1). Drugged to cheat (2) Extreme sexual exploitation in big corporate environment (3) typically one can expect women to feel that THEY have done something wrong and should therefore feel ashamed, even if they had been drugged and raped. Not only have these themes been done to death over the years in Lit,the worst part of it is that they are 95% dated, to the point of irrelevancy. Sure, women are still drugged at bars and parties. Sure, there is still inequity between men and women in promotion and financial compensation in the work place - including corporate world. Sure, women are still treated unequally compared to men in the way society views their sexual behavior. But we are not in the 70’s or the 80’s any more. Attitudes towards rape, sexual harassment (not to mention rape) at the work place have evolved. So, unless I hear that a story depicts a period of twenty or thirty years ago OR unless the women involved are uninformed, immature or extremely naïve or work at some god forsaken place (not at a place which most likely has strict rules and severe penalties against fraternization, not to mention felonies like rape), I find it very hard to go along with narratives like the one this story offers. As the “predator” in the story said: it’s getting old… (BTW, not every con man, criminal or a seducer is a “predator”. You don’t usually use this term when the victims are normal competent adults, but rather when the victims are minors or incompetent in some way). <P>

Beyond the problem of the dated themes, the characters were truly annoying. As far as I am concerned make them all (but one) evil mean and conniving. But please, don’t dumb them all down. It’s not an endearing literary tool. How could the wife turn from a bright person into stupid (her words). Granted, emotions change, but does intelligence also falls prey to the almighty boss? From a highly intelligent person she suddenly rolls down to the level of a two year old who needs to prove her independence by making truly dumb decisions (such as dealing with her problem by isolating herself with her rapist (???) <P>

The husband's character was annoying (and repetitive), seemingly highly enriched with estrogen, acting like a drama queen with endless ‘exits’ and ‘entries’ to and from the house which moved the plot no where). But when it came to making any independent intelligent decision - he just couldn't, that is before being first fully briefed by one friend or another. <P>

I don’t even want to start with the horrible friend of the wife who continuously demeaned and mocked the husband in many friendly ways (he could not even tell...) Brrrr. With friend like this…<P>

Overall, I went into details of the problems, not to be mean spirited, but to be specific. Please use current relevant themes. Please, let us hang to at least one sympathetic character which has some backbone. And finally, please, make your characters evil or kind as you choose – just don’t dumb them down…

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Really thought you ruined this one

First of all she is drugged and raped in an office and virtually does nothing about it. I mean her letter, then his letter, what has really happened. Oh I know, a man who drugs you and rapes you can be believed in a letter that you keep where he can get it, yeah right. She kept this entire happening to herself and never tells her husband. Since some STDs and HIV can be swapped in saliva, where was the medical testing and waiting period before she goes to bed with the man she "loves"? One does not get drugged and seduced without putting themselves into a position to be seduced. She accepted that her boss had notified her husband when she didnt have to work, this implies she accepted that her boss had a habit of calling her husband and telling him things. You took a woman who was supposed to be mentally great and in love with her husband and totally dumbed her down to being almost incapable of thinking. Her excuse all along, I wanted to solve all my problems myself. Perhaps some counseling sessions to overcome her obcession and inability to think things thru was necessary and needed. She went home with him to put on her dress, wow she was drugged and in her home nude with her boss who says they didnt have sex before the concert? Her friend checked her panties after bringing her home durgged and drunk, no medical questions here? She checks her panties and sees no cum, so she had not sex? Condoms anyone? Cleaned up before she dressed to go to the concert? If she were really drugged she wouldnt really have known whether she had sex or not, how can you believe anything she says? Reconcile, maybe but my choice would have been simply, I dont care why, your actions speak for you. She placed herself and him in harms way, you dont do that to people you love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Too sweet

There were many problems with this story, most of which hace been pointed out by others. My primary comments are that: 1. The husband was too much of a drama queen, as someone else said. What kind of moron would be unable to sit a listen when his wife is trying to confess to a sex act with her boss? I not suggesting that he should enjoy hearing about it, but he should be man enough to want to know the truth. 2. Nothing much happened. I would have enjoyed the story more if it had turned out the the wife was a cheating whore and her friends were liers.

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago
Unloving, selfish and WEAK wife

Very well-written. You managed to evoke very strong emotional responses from this reader. I am puzzled about one thing though. Beth's actions suggest that she does not actually love her husband at all. On the contrary, they show that Beth neither trusts nor cares for anybody but herself. There is no loving reason to stay with a person like that because she will surely betray you for her own delusional ends. Furthermore, Beth is a detestably WEAK person whose apparent need to feel independent ironically determines all her choices and leaves her vulnerable to abuse. It takes a strong person to admit when they need help. Beth is not such a person. She is diminutive in body and mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Enjoyed your story but...

Wharton has a strong curriculum on Sexual harrasment in the work place. Susan had to have had it. Would a strong female in the male dominated work place, one from Wharton, realy forget? I doubt it. She would have strunghim out imediately and made a name for herself as a strong competant business not to trifle with. Otherwise, a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
You were already eaten alive on this story.

It wasnt terribly bad but the character of the wife leaves little to be desired. She effectively lied to her husband for a few months and was basically raped by another man and never told her husband, nor pressed charges. Then she after agreeing in her so called demand letter to never be alone with the predator, she lets herself be alone with him and drinks with him. She is not only stupid but has the morals, character, and independence of a blind mouse. She knew the guy had drugged her before and that she wasnt thinking straight and instead of reacting to that she plays along with the scene he created. Totally stupid. Tell me again why a man with morals, character, and independence want to be married to such an insignifican woman. There is no way they could or should go back together, get real. As far as she knows she has already fucked the guy, he only has her word, you know how she lies, that he didnt. Of course if you are in love and thinking with your dick, like she was with her cunt, you will accept anything you are told.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Another great Ohio story

A fine story by an excellent writer, but wife's "independence" became uultimately complete stupidity. He should get a keeper for her. Anyone with all her degrees who keeps working for a man who drugs her and rapes her appears to be a 13 year old mentality.

60 year old George

SilverWolf78754SilverWolf78754over 14 years ago
Loved it, but one question...

I loved the story and found it to be realistic. I know people like her and they rarely want help when they really need it. The only question I havr is, 'Why was she not using her married name in the letters to the dickhead boss?' She signed it using her maiden name. If she loves Jake like she keeps stating, the least she should do is take his name in every part of her life, not just at home.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Her pampered youth and growing through college with everything handed to her is nothing more than the daughter of wealthy parents. To her credit, she insisted from marriage on to show that she could do and make intelligent decisions and after being so spoiled I can understand her dilema in deciding how to handle the asshole and, ultimately, the decision she made. You showed and indicated that she was bothered by it but felt she had handled it as an adult. She probably still was a little ill at ease but was determined to show her maturity, business acuman and the wisdom and conduct of a business woman. This brings me to one of your readers comments about her stupidly staying and drinking with Mr,. Asshole by herself...well, re-read the story buddy, her drink was given to her along with all of the other staff and only after they celebrated did they leave and by then he was controlling her under the influence of the drug.

I liked her, respected her, understood Jake and wished the hell I could have had such a woman in my younge years.

Thanks for the good read Ohio!!!

louguy35louguy35about 14 years ago
The reality button???

Sometimes, while in the process of being "creative", writers resort to clicking in one of two buttons embeded in the back of their skull. They can click the "reality" button or the "improbable" button. Usually they click both of them on and off. But in this story, Ohio forgot to turn off the "improbable" switch.

Beth's story, and Jake's acceptance of the story, were so improbable that the story did not hold interest. It did, in fact, insult the reader by assuming the reader to be less than discriminating. Beth fucked her boss more than once and told an outlandish story to convince Jake otherwise. The rest of the story simply does not hold together, simply because it is so ridiculous. Ohio usually does very well, but not in this case.

bigguy323bigguy323about 14 years ago
So, she has to be drugged twice? How stupid can she be and still live.

He drugs her once, then she actually takes a drink from him again. What a dummy.

norcal62norcal62over 13 years ago
Doggy is good for friction.

I've never been able to climax doing it from behind, but I always have trouble climaxing anyway. The pressure of the penis on the pelvic bone is highly pleasurable though and worth the effort. Otherwise I think doggy is often a surrogate for male domination of the female, very similar to the fetish so many LW authors have for anal sex. That I think is purely to attempt expression of male power over the female, if not to inflict humiliation along with it. Anal may also be pleasurable, but the second time I tried it, it became very messy, if you get my meaning.

santalindsantalindover 13 years ago
very nice

A very nice little story dude. .

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Holy Toledo...Great story

Wonderful array of characters to go along with a terrific plot and dialogue that made all the players so very engaging...particularly Maddy and C D.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Beautiful ending -

I really enjoyed it and it makes me just want to be Jake LOL -

If the world were only that fair - but every once in a while it gets close - great read

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Very enjoyable story!

Thanks Ohio! This is my 2nd read of this one and I enjoyed it just as much as the first time!

shangoshangoalmost 13 years ago
Concerning the Wife....

What's that old saying? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....."

You know the deal.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I could only rate it 3***.

His assault on Huntington is so stupid, it was written by someone that, at the time, was in La La Land. First, even if he could have gotten in to see Huntington, I don't know any college graduates that would risk 20 years in prison to assault (threaten to maim) someone knowing the assault is being recorded. Second, many people in Huntington's position have permits to carry handguns and, as soon as he made the threat, it would have been, "Bam bam bam" and he is dead. Third, Huntington would not admit anything. At best, he would talk around the subject and, likely has a button he can press and in come security and the fool goes to prison for assault. Regardless, it is a certainly that he be arrested.

YamiBoyYamiBoyover 12 years ago

Overall, quite the enjoyable story. Nice work!

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago
Taped confession

Several others have pointed out significant problems with the confrontation scene. There is one more error! The tape-recording does NOT have to stand on it's own! Barton's smug comments were witnessed by four people as they were being uttered. Two of those were not trustworthy, but the secretary and Personnel officer were neutral parties. It would have been admissible in any court in the USA, as verification of their statements.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

lives in mommy's basement and has never been outside - Attention parents: if you homeschool your kids do NOT make them prisoners and never let them out or they will end up like DWorncuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
$50K out of $8M - Forgot Taxes....

Taxes would take about $4M out of the $8M even with the charity gift....

Keeping only $50K would mean she was $3,950,000 in the hole ... likely bankrupting hubby. Not a good plan!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Another cuckold life style magazine

He's a pussy and his wife is a slut. Mad their friend is a fucking moron. She cheated and this fag writer ohio is showing that he is a gay husband with cuckolding on the mind. He's a fucking pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Hey annon

Civil awards are not taxed. I know I have won a few.

saratusaratuabout 12 years ago
I can't imagine,,,,

any woman being that stupid as to do what this slut did and not believe she was allowing this to happen. Oral sex is awfully hard not to detect ! ! ! I gave this last part no score at all, it just didn't deserve consideration.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
saratu is

Sumerian for "cuckold"

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
Good story

Quite funny in parts and the characters were engaging. Okay, hard to believe that someone as dumb as that could be so successful but, hey - check out almost any politician you care to name!

Good story, good conclusion. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
he is a wimp and she is just a whore

she lied, cheated, and stayed working for the guy she says took advantage of her. That is a bunch of bullshit divorce her ass and find a faithful woman that doesn't let other men fondle her, eat her pussy, and there is no doubt fucked her she just left it out.

worthless whore.

spankfunforspankfunforalmost 11 years ago

Women and men make mistakes! Beth let her boss drug and abuse her twice and continued to work for him. Stupid! Not telling the man she susposedly is madly in love with is tantamount to a well -earned divorce!! He loves the fringe benefits of sex and love with Beth! Works in this story. Real life - Not So Much!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

I guess we have to believe her. She has to be one stupid as broad. Thanks.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

I am not familiar with the effects of X. Does it make you do things you wouldn't have done otherwise, or does it simply lower your inhibitions to do things you have thought about but might not have acted on?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I sighed. "You asked me that already. Okay, number one is I want to stay with her. I've never loved anyone the way I love Beth, and no one can make me happy the way she does. Not to mention I am hopelessly addicted to those frothy cream pies! Surely if I bide my time, she'll find a way to allow herself to be drugged by this guy again, come hell or high water...I mean, it's become something of a habit for her, wouldn't you say?

Mad smiled, nodding in agreement. "I'm sure she'll be bringing home all the cream pies you can eat. Would I lie, you pathetic simpleton?"

"Of course not!" I insisted. "You're one of my dearest friends, Mad, and certainly an impartial witness where Beth is involved. Right C.D.?"

C.D. didn't answer. He seemed to be occupied by grinding his teeth, rubbing his palms furiously into his forehead.

"What's eating him?" Mad wondered aloud.

"Not my wife's boss," I laughed, "that's for sure! He's busy eating my wife again...the bastard!" Suddenly my eyes grew teary. "That poor woman..."

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago

She was drugged, nearly raped, drugged again, and nearly raped again by the SAME GUY both times. I've said this before. Being drugged and raped, or in this case nearly raped by Asshole is grounds for a reconciliation.

HOWEVER, she was galactically stupid, and as far as that goes, that wasn't her only crime. She should have reported Asshole immediately, without question. She should also have trusted Hubby, swallow her "humiliation" and report the SOB. Get a blood test done at the hospital to find out what Asshole used on her, too.

But anyhow, if she'd done that, there wouldn't have been any story to this tale. Yes, there was Drama here, but not technically cheating. She was just fuckin' stupid. Jury's still out on how I would have handled it all, but in this case, the RAAC kind of worked for me. Hopefully, Wifey grew a brain and learned from her mistakes. Damn convoluted tale, here, but that was half the fun. As far as the "revenge" goes, I was hoping for a good old fashioned curb stomp on Asshole's nut sac, but oh well.

5 Stars, barely. I almost rated it a 4, but decided on the 5 after a coin flip.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Another Problem

With these stories is that the "loving wives" that mistakenly wind up in compromising positions must all be morons! Of course they are described as the most intelligent, educated and lovely creatures to walk the earth, but they do the stupidest things that no wife with half a brain would ever do! So, these stories seem to depend on the wife being a moron or a mental case. Silly. Really cheating wives are not stupid or crazy, they are just selfish and do not give a shit about their husbands, let alone love them!

TonyKiwiTonyKiwiabout 10 years ago

Unreal to believe a woman after being drugged once by her boss would stay alone with him after every one else has left work then take him home and even if tipsy allow him to enter her apartment while she changed. Sorry not realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Got to say, that she accepted a drink again from someone that had drugged her....

She actually graduated from college?

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
One of her rules he agreed to in order for her to not file against him and return to work was

that they would never be alone together. another was that there would be no alcohol or drugs.

and yet, she foolishly ignored her own rules and drank the champagne, stayed alone with him, supposedly to check the pertinent paragraphs, and was once again in a compromising position.

as anyone old enough to remember Mayberry would say,

surprise, surprise, surprise!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
some dots

As a previous poster said. Take a drink from someone who you know drugged you once already?

She did come off a a bit stupid here and there but that was over the top.

Still,this was only bad in comparison too some of the authors other stories.

It was entertaining.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 10 years ago
I've had an epiphany

Working for corporations for many years, I'm somewhat inured to the steady stream of policy that begs the reaction "they can't be this stupid!". Now after reading this story, it occurs to me that the rise of women in the workplace may have something to do with it...

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 9 years ago
Gave it a rating of "2"

In this case it is a wonder the woman can get across the street without get killed. Fuck talk about TSTL( To Stupid To Live ).

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I couldn't believe this crap

This is one of the greatest cuckold ever... 1 star is too much...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good job

I didn't mind the reconciliation.

But she was dumb enough that I would be leery of it happening . I mean after the first time she put herself in compromising situations with him ? Too stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Quit reading Ohio's stuff some time I remember why.

This author is one of the most pathetic authors on this site. Has a hatred for men, husband's in particular, and enjoys portraying them as weak and spineless wimps. Really would like to see this sorry excuse of a human being suffer some pain for his putting down of men. Meanwhile, back to the trash can for his tales.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

If another man ate her pussy, and she apparently LET him, SHE CHEATED!

If it WASN’T consensual, what did she do? Slap him? File a complaint? She certainly didn’t tell her HUSBAND!

Why does she leave his ”confession” letter in her desk AT WORK? She should keep it at home and/or with her attorney!

And why didn’t she go to the hospital EITHER time for drug tests?

While her rationale for not telling him about the first incident makes sense, it also makes for a nice cover-up for a consensual sexual encounter.

Not to nit-pick, but the tiniest bikini bottoms are NOT going to cover the center of her butt cheek!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Always wonder

If when authors leave so obvious plot holes if it's just bad writing or they're giving a big wink to the readers. Yeah she was "drugged" (wink).

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“He was enjoying rubbing my nose in it” – How is it “rubbing [his] nose in it” that Barton, while being married to a super model needs to drug a subordinate in order to get in her pants?

I have to repeat my earlier comment on how Beth could be so stupid as to leave the ONLY copy of Barton’s confession at work, and Barton was possibly so stupid as to have kept the document on his computer?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What do I look for when I read a “Love Wives” story in Literotica?

A masterpiece of English literature? No!

An unknown writer of Shakespeare caliber? No!

A real life story? No!

A moral and exemplary narrative that changes my life? No!

A jack-off auxiliary? YES!

However I had found a lot of well developed and interesting stories. So I will love that the moral morons dismount their very imaginary high horses and fuck off!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thought

“SHE was the one who was abused, so the final decision about what you do has to be hers." – I’m sorry, but she’s lost THAT privilege; HER deciding what to do is what put them in this position!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
formula and stilted

some ideas handled poorly .. no flow

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

and that was Real Sex, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
He Is Her Servant, Not Her Husband

A wife, if she has any desire to remain married to her husband DOES NOT keep these kind of secrets from her husband. Beth treated Jake like hired help. Beth kept trying to be treated like an independent woman; when in actuality she showed that she was the stupidest woman in New York. She betrayed her husband which led to her near rape. I could not have remained married to a woman who would not treat me as a partner in marriage. Three stars...but it should have been no more than two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Could have been a little nastier with her having sex at least in the limo; but otherwise an engaging story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I've noticed a tendency with some on this site to condem the woman no matter what. Yes she should have run strait to the police on the first occurance, I would have if I was a woman. but in the real world somewhere around fourty percent of rape victims don't report. According to these individuals since she didn't she is a worthless slut.

As for no reconciliation. They have obviously never felt love, not lust, desire, or possessiveness but real LOVE.


frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

But the average loving wives anon hates women and does blame them for being raped. So I don't know why that reaction surprises anyone at this point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Just a lonely bitter gay man wishing he wasnt and projecting on to those who are not.Wishing he actually preferred women but.........

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"They have obviously never felt love"

But wannabe Eliot Rodger types blame women (subconsciously their mothers) for that fact: that transference is a common response to broad social changes (including civil rights for women) which threaten, invoke fear and insecurity, and ultimately lead to this "women as the enemy" mindset.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

“a party just for Ferris & Roberts staff, no spouses,” – I’m not familiar with normal business practice, but “no spouses” seems to be a recipe for trouble.

“and told Diane I'd been feeling a little unwell and he'd let me lie down in his office.” – And Diane never smelled her arousal?

Her March 28 letter, Item 2 is ridiculous, all the things it demands he pledge are already ILLEGAL!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Unbelievable Tripe! 1 Star for the Cuck called Jake!

Too many unbelievable points to bother with recounting. Either a horribly written story about a truly stupid, selfish, self-centered, pig headed woman or a terrible attempt to justify keeping a cheating slut after she's been found out. You choose.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Reading Once Again!

I know I’ve got some repeats here!

And just how did he manage to eat her out? Was she drugged again?

So, he drugged her once before, and she’s STILL accepting drinks from him? And she’s supposed to be intelligent?

“when I cleared my things out on Monday it was gone” – It NEVER occurred to her to keep the letter in a safe place?

So, Mad would DEFINITELY rat Jake out, but only PROBABLY tell him about Beth?

“why would she have confessed to the first time Huntington drugged her?” – Because he was MAKING her confess everything to get forgiveness for the later incident!

“He was enjoying rubbing my nose in it” – How is it “rubbing [his] nose in it” when he has to admit a man with a supermodel girlfriend needs to drug a subordinate to get into her pants?

“Huntington's high-priced lawyers were fighting tooth-and-nail to keep the tape, and his letter of apology to Beth, out of evidence.” – MAYBE they have a case with the tape, but he gave Beth the letter and STOLE it back, that letter rightfully belongs to her.

“tattooed in the middle of her cheek, where even the tiniest bikini bottoms would cover it” – The tiniest bikini bottoms do NOT cover the middle of the cheek! Even IF a French bikini, which are VERY skimpy would cover it, the TINIEST bikini bottoms are thongs, which don’t cover the ass at all!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
More cuck shit

From the closet case ohio! Pure trash!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Interesting tail.

Had me reading to find out.

She was pretty damn stupid for a smart chick.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

i am sorry but i can only say what a wimp no wonder that she does evrything on her own if the guy is so meek and just takes it in the ass willingly

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great Story

I do not know what these other anonymous fools are thinking but it was a great story and is exactly what these are, stories to entertain readers and I for one was happy reading the story. So ignore those other anonymous criticizers and keep writing these good stories. Not all stories need to be Burn the bitch not that I don't enjoy a good BTB. A happy ending such as this is nice sometimes. Good Job.

5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Stupid chick

Beth is too stupid to find her way to work every morning. Imagine getting date-raped by your boss, knowing you were raped by him and how it happened, then choosing to remain there and continue working for him and falling for the same trick a second time. Unbelievable.

The husband should have gone ahead and supported her through the vengeance on the boss, like he did, but when that was complete he should have walked away for at least a month - or maybe forever. If you can't trust your wife to NOT hide things from you, then it's only a matter of time before something even bigger sneaks up and you get sandbagged. Regardless of what she promises to do in the future, hiding things from him seems to be her modus operandi - she'll revert back sooner or later.

Good story Ohio. Thanks.

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