All Comments on 'DC&H: Kathy's Fall'

by K.K.

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PAPATOADPAPATOADalmost 19 years ago
Good follow up

Enjoyed the second part of this story as much as the first. Looking forward to more of the same. Thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Good story, but Jack is too evil

Like all of your stories, this entry is very good. However, Jack is over the top evil. He is also stupid to want to get Kathy pregnant -- you can't deny a paternity test. This would give Kathy the power to manipulate him.

I had envisioned a different scenario, are other submissions allowed?

phoenix764phoenix764almost 19 years ago
Good Story

I have to wonder if she told her new man what was the cause for her divorce, and did he have it checked-out with Fred. Why would any nice guy wanted to have a relationship with someone who blantantly cheated? I think that why their partner's previous relationship(s) ended, and if they ever cheated are 2 mandatory questions to be asked in the dating period, and need to be verified ( maybe by lie detector) before marriage.

Blue88Blue88almost 19 years ago

Again KK has proved to be a master of this kind of story. I think one reason may be that he probes the depths of his characters and makes us feel, in small part, what they feel. We then, actually become part of the story itself. Another reason may be that infidelity may well be one of the most humiliating and abassing things that could befall a spouse and that horror is so well portrayed by this author. In any event, absolutely outstanding work. I only hope that we will read many more stories from KK.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Very Good

I did like the Kathy perception, but saw major problems with how she was handling her life. I liked the story but felt the original was better. Thank you for giving us the story and please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Well Written

Is it just me - did the tone of Kathy's culpibility and inhumanity soften towards the conclusion?

Otherwise and as usual a solid effort by the author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Well Done ! ! !

The story was very well done and it was very good until the ending. Kathy did not suffer enough. What she put her husband through will never make up for her actions. Money will not buy infedielty, which she tried to do. She is the one who broke the marriage vows and all she had to do was say "NO". It is a very small word, but it has a great deal of meaning. If she whould have said "NO", she would have kept everything she lost including her selfrespect which will always haunt her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
As usual a good story by K.K.

even though it is a re-hash (different view from the wife I know)from the original, just added a few different lines, to make it a more feminine point of view. Would have liked to see this story start five years later and do flashbacks, of how she got where she was and on the road to be much more successful.

One thing I do have a problem with is how Jack Hansen easily manipulate Kathy in having an affair, since this woman is a MBA, went to a top school, and her husband is an investigator, she had to realize that one of the main tools of an investigator is reading body language of people.

The story is good, well written and thought out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Could Have Shortened It A Lot

A couple things:

The 1st installment of this good story was simply a recount as to what happened to a marriage when one person (it could be the wife, it could be the husband) had no qualms about lying and cheating to get promotions --- e.g., from simple "business related" fucking, to having just about anyone's baby (though she said IDEALLY she AIMED to hopefully get pregnant by her husband BEFORE she was willing to risk being pregnant by those she fucks with! lol!!), to ANY other activities the boss says SHE MUST DO to in order to "move up" ,,,

Unfortunately, this 2 installment didn't tell the readers any thing we've already learned in the 1st installment. This is 99 percent repetition. I'm all for good, coherent, and/or truly instructive or even just masbatorily sexy sequels or epilogues,,, but,,, this?

But let's briefly examine this 2nd installment for its own sake:

Okay, so she said she's so sorry for having been caught. But, honest to god, she said, she was really, in her mind, trying to do all those "ugly" things to further BOTH hers and Fred's future, even if it was fucking the boss --- a man who sit down with you at work, in his office or conference room, who told you you had to fuck anyone he wants, so long as such fucking would garner contracts which would push you even faster upwards, that you HAD BETTER had a baby by him and let's just be creative about, since he looked not so different from your husband and the latter won't likely find out; and YOU AGREEING to it, since you're not too clear on things but moving up is top priority in your mind but, oh, wait, no need to worry too much, if things go according to YOUR OWN plan: you have, in some split second insight, come up with a scheme to have your husband's sperms beat those from your boss in the race to your ovum!

Yeah, the hubby would have been so happy in later years --- if the complex, multi-tasking scheme turned out to have actually worked --- and he's now bouncing his baby boy on his knees, laughing at the old jailed boss from his clever wife's work!

Lord Buddha!

Anyway, person who has no sense of personal ethics/control, professional sense of conduct ("I did it for Fred and me, even though it blew up in my face ultimately"! lol!) or social/moral norms governing family, marriage, or a loving partnership ---- she's now hoping to finish her PhD go on to teach "business ethics"?

I mean, that's like having Bill Gates, the Enron chiefs, the World Com people, Televengical preachers (who scare many elderly to death by saying is they don't send in a bit more of their pension, that Jesus and His Dad were going to turn their cases to Satan the next month), et al. teaching "business ethics" and morality!

I guess she's gonna learn, very strictly, from the ETHICS PROFESSORS "how" to teach ethics --- the most effective methods --- when she's finished her PhD and is ready to teach it, too?

Come on, dear good author, indulge us, when you can,,,, but also treat us like we're semi-intelligent readers, please! lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Resting on Laurels

The first story was pretty good, but this is the same shit, different day. It offered nothing of interest and took a lot of space to not say anything. You are a very good writer, perhaps the best on this site, but you slacked badly here. It is time for the reader to realize that the Emperor (KK) has no clothes. The favorable comments below are probably out of respect to past work and not this unneeded rehash.

rpsuchrpsuchalmost 19 years ago
there are clothes

I thought it was well done and especially appreciated where it filled in the pieces from the original where we had to conclude about what was missing.

She made up the embezzlement story on the spot. It was logical from the original but not the only possible interpretation.

She really didn't love her husband, despite the protests that she did. The additional material makes that conclusion easy where the original made possible several interpretations.

Her drift into the behavior could not be deduced from the original. She could have gotten there many ways. She could have been taking a path toward which she was inclined.

The volume of discussion and interpretation of the original made this far more than a rehash.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Great tale... can't wait for your next story!!!!

Thanks for telling the story from Kathy's point of view!!

It explained a lot. You could tell that she did love her husband, but unfortuntely she loved success more.... She made a bad decision and it snowballed from there...

So she lost them both...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Good but depressing

Like all of your stories, this was well written but I miss the significance of Jack's insistance that she shave her pubic hair. In your story this seemed to be a symbol of great importance, but to most people it is a very minor point. Too bad, if she had just bought sexual harassment charges against Jack originally, she could have saved a lot of disaster. 60 year old George

Cobbler1023Cobbler1023over 18 years ago
Good: but needed just a little to be great

I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed each of your stories--including this one. You have a way of holding my attention and keeping my interest without resort to cheap, unrealistic plot trick and devices. Thanks for continuing to write.

While in this story you have captured the essence of Kathy's situation and lay out an extremely believable plot line--using characters that (by-and-large) are believable and three dimensional, you miss the mark a bit with Kathy herself. After reading the first story--DC&H--I believed that greed was what drove Kathy, you didn't convince me of it when Kathy told the story in her own voice. You needed to put more of an edge to her story, make me believe that there was a real reason for her to hunger for the money and/or power Jack had to offer. I never doubted Kathy's love for her husband, yet she was willing to risk it--or even throw it away completely for money. Why? Did she want to get enough money so that she and Fred could live better? Unlikely! They had just finished building their dream house. Did she want it so that Fred could start an agency on his own? Ah! Now there would have been a plot device! As it is, I am wondering if she really wanted the money and promotion. There was no real passion that seemed to drive her to get it. She obviously didn't love Jack--only Fred, and therein lies the tragedy in her story.

Keep writing, and consider rewriting this one to give Kathy more of an edge in her motivation. It would have made this story superb--instead of just good!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A Big Mistake

In Kathy's Fall, one point jumps out to puncuate Kathy's explaination of why she was unfaithful. Kathy says she made a big mistake. This is a typical obfuscation for someone's bad behavior. He big mistake was not a single mistake as she and many others make it sound. This affair lasted half a year and resulted in constant lies to all around her, including those she had sex with. She violated her marital vows, her husband's trust and soiled his reputation, just for starters. Then as is usual she lied when she was caught right up to the end. Difficult to be sympathetic but luckily they had no children. It is quite astonishing that throughout her narrative her own selfcenteredness is so prominent. Plus the almost sociopathic lack of conscience and guilt when she was responsible for her actions all along.

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 18 years ago
Great Story but ...

I takke issue with only one real part. Kathy says she made a mistake. Seems to me in our society we use that phrase as a throw away excuse for just about every piece of bad judgement we have these days. In my day we called it a "cop out". Let's get real. Putting in 2 teaspoons of salt rather than one is a mistake. Not carrying over the one in addition or forgeting to round to the nearest next whole number is a mistake. Fucking someone not your spouse is NOT a mistake but it is irresponsible. Doing it and lying about it is irresponsilble and deceitful. Doing it repeatedly is irresponsible, deceitful and dangerous.

Kathy was lucky to be alive and have a lie to go on with.

But, and excellent telling. I just want us to come up some better reasons than "Opps. I made a mistake!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

"When the divorce papers came, I instructed my lawyer to include my settlement from DC&H in the community property so that Fred got half of that as well as half of the proceeds from the sale of the house."

Indiana isn't a community property state.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
i think she should've went to jail

when whoring for profit,that against the law.they try to pimp her out to the benson man.she abuse her husband and was selfish and greedy.the pain she cause her hubby,can't be replaced.she lied to the end of the story,about her involvement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
great story -_ dangerous EVIL wife

well written with some classic lines...

how about this one?

"My hope is that when I finish my degree that I will be able to teach business ethics at the university level. I think I have learned enough from my own experience to uniquely qualify me for that subject. ?

thats like Michael Jackson writing a how to book about sexual activities between Husband and wife

of this but of self delusinal from page 2..

....."but I still hadn't made up my mind whether I would accept Jack's proposition. I wished that something would happen to help me make my decision. I got my wish.

The Hubby's trip to Seattle in early April is NOT soemthing else making the decision...

she uses that event to TRCIK or lie to herself about sex she really wanted with jack

" I guessed that I had accepted that I was going to prostitute myself to get ahead. I wanted what Jack was offering me and was willing to pay the price to get it...."

"The problem was that I wasn't feeling guilty about having sex with Jack. I was feeling guilty because I found myself enjoying the fact that Fred accepted my excuse for not answering the phone and in the end he apologized to me for calling so late."

..."I began to wonder how long this would go on. It was starting to dawn on me that Jack might be planning to use me as his sex toy even after he got control of the compa..."ny. I wondered how stupid I had to be to think this would be a very short-term affair. "

"In the back of my mind I knew that eventually Jack would want to put his cock in my ass and I was not looking forward to that. I was hoping that Fred would do that to me before Jack did. "

look yo stupid cunt it should not of been a HOPE that your husband that you love so much will be the 1st one to ass fuck ya

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Corporate world & Kate

I do not accept the point made by some authors that Kate and Fred had no money problems and thus it might be expected that Kate would not be a greedy accountant out to get more pay, bonuses, stock options and, of course, promotion. That may generally have been the case 50 years ago, but presently greed drives the corporate world more than preciously: what counts is truly the bottom line. It doesn't matter to those in the corporate world, e.g., Kate and Hanson, if they have enough money to live comformably on. They wanted more money and more power. Their money is for investments, to purchase real estate, etc. I think that K.K. casted Kate as might expected for a present date corporate women (and graduate of the Wharton School at U. of Penn.). Even in the academic world (where I am) money has now become the major indication of success: it's not so much effective teaching, top notch research - Okay- these are fine. But what really counts in modern academia is by and large attracting money for the institution in any way possible (by grants, contracts, donations, etc).

As for Fred: I saw him as becoming a needed dominant figure only that evening at the Xmas corporate party. Even that very afternoon, he saw Kate and Hanson together in his home, but he didn't do what I believe that he should have been done: kick Hanson's ass out the home and layed to law to Kate on what she was expected to do and not expected to do. Foremost of which was for her to become a loving mother.

I enjoyed to two companion stories here very much. These are partially stories about greed in the modern world.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
AIRHEAD personified

Too many really studid lines ---Why do women really fall into a deep slide over a pitiful promotion --She deserved to be ganged raped by the lot of male employees of the firm!--

a real"airhead "

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Pretty Good!

Hubby shouldda made the slut suffer a bit more. Cheating whore got off way to easy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
How sweet

She made sure he got half her settlement? I hope he threw it back in her face!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Kathy's Perspective was scary!

I liked both of these stories. KK is a favorite author of mine on this site. In the first story, the reader was pretty well left with the feeling that the husband was lucky to get away from the mess that his cheating wife had brought down upon him. He gets away and starts a new life and there is a happy ending for the sympathetic character. In the second story, there was more than just a retelling. To me KK portrays the wife as a cold hearted and evil game player who turned out worse than what I as a reader had created in my own mind based upon the information we got from the husband in the first version. In my mind Kathy deserves less sympathy in the second story than she may have been given in the first. She lied until the very end and still was concerned about being on Jack’s good side even after the Christmas Party and even after Fred had moved out. Then well, she tells us it was a mistake and it is time to move on. Sorry about Fred’s luck! This lady was living in the Twilight Zone like some sort of naive monster. I think that it was a haunting portrayal and it just shows that KK knows how to spin a good yarn to keep the reader hitting the next page button! It would be interesting to see a story on Kathy five or so years down the road to see if she has screwed up any more lives. Keep up the good work KK.

eliocecheteliocechetover 15 years ago
Better than the first one

Great story, even better than the first one. Thanks K.K.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
She is right she wasnt punished. But when the

AIDS surfaces and she begins the treatments maybe then she will know what punishment is. Sluts like this belong on the street selling their asses for dollars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I can't believe....

readers are giving this story a "0". Are you giving this score to the character or the story. This was decent entertainment and deserves better, if nothing else,just for the effort the author puts into writing a story. I read erotica for the entertainment it provides. Don't you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
What a dumb self centered egotistical slut

She had no remorse or consideration for her husband only for herself and her ambition. A shame she didnt die in a fire. Her ex needs to contact her finace and send him copies of all of her past exploits so that he knows what a whore he is involved with. A woman, or man for that matter, that fucks for work is a whore, a professional prostitute of the lowes type. The only thing lower is street walkers. She wasnt manipulated by Jack, she was using Jack to advance her own goals. It is obvious she considered her husband as dumber than shit, planning on fucking for profit while he waited downstairs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Well written and I enjoyed how she tried to put a spin on her behavior. KK you have created a completely unsympathetic character which made this story uncomfortable to read. After reviewing the comments I think that if your goal was to illicit an emotional response you have achieved it.

Thanks for the work and effort put in.

nyminusnyminusalmost 15 years ago
Kathy is a ifs and buts about it.

She sold her body for a higher position just the same as a street walking whore sells her ass for a few buck of some blow. She is no different from the crak whore. They are alike in more ways also. She should be made to pay the piper and not just the divorce either. She should be made to keep whoring so she can find that she is just a low class whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

She's either an intelligent professional... or she's a stupid slut! Author, you're being fucking lazy! you can't have it both ways. It would be like me writing about a top city lawyer or a brain surgon... them writing about how they were so stupid they couldn't tie their own shoes. Lasy writing, if you don't take enough pride in your postings to come up with something even remotely plausible, then why insult us by asking us to read them. Ok, you made it perfectly clear early in the story... she's a whore, willing to SELL HER SEX AND LIFE. So, why would I read further? I know she isn't being tricked, or isn't stupid, wasn't blackmailed... it is her choice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
very disturbing story

about how a supposedly intelligent business professional could throw her life away with a decision to fuck her way to the top. Obviously some mental health issues here or she wouldn't have been so easily manipulated. A well written story about a very unsympathetic character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
yes, it's a sad story of greed and power

As an earlier commenter mentions correctly, this is a very sad story. It's all about what's going on now in the world and especially in the USA. It's most prevalent in the corporate world. It's Greed and Power taking the place of human values: Love, marriage, being with family, doing your job as it should be done, and being respectful of the law are all of lesser importance. What's now valued is making as much money as possible as quickly as possible; and also climbing the corporate ladder as quickly and as completely as it is possible to do. K.K. has read the situation perfectly. This story's actually based on one particular corporate entity and occurred circa 2002-03. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
yes, it's a sad story of greed and power

As an earlier commenter mentions correctly, this is a very sad story. It's all about what's going on now in the world and especially in the USA. It's most prevalent in the corporate world. It's Greed and Power taking the place of human values: Love, marriage, being with family, doing your job as it should be done, and being respectful of the law are all of lesser importance. What's now valued is making as much money as possible as quickly as possible; and also climbing the corporate ladder as quickly and as completely as it is possible to do. K.K. has read the situation perfectly. This story's actually based on one particular corporate entity and occurred circa 2002-03. RAG

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hate the character, not the author

Kathy was a whore. She admitted it and was even excited by it. She threw away a great life by being greedy and stupid. So, we hate her and wish she suffered even more. But, the story is still well written. The author deserves better from the reader. At least appreciate the effort. Thanks, Tim

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoover 14 years ago
Good, well written but sad story

about a whore of a business professional who decided to fuck her way to the top. She was manipulating her boss as much as she was being manipulated. Her boss believed that she had feelings for him as he seemed to have developed some for her. In the end she showed that she had no love or feelings for anyone except herself. How ironic that a lying cheating whore is going to set herself up to teach a business ethics course. Someone suggested that she got off to easily (I agree!) and that her ex should send her background to her current fiance. That'd be great, wouldn't it be fun if her school also recieved that information? Given her background I'm not sure she is qualified to teach an ethics course! She still doesn't seem to have any remourse for what she did, but is rather more concerned with the material possessiona she lost, job, house etc.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Kathy, a leopard doesn't change its spots. I get the distinct feeling that Kathy overcame all her wrongdoings without any remorse. She was only upset that she was caught and caught out being nothing more than a skank. Other than that she was quite blase about her adultery. I thought she would show more emotion and be remorsefull. She wasn't! I felt the end was weak without much substance, after a while she easily moved on and she never suffered. I wonder whether she really knew what she did to her husband. Her betrayal and her infidelity was compounded by her lies. She claims to only be human and she made mistakes and now she was getting on with her life. Her morals are still questionable and she is anything but decent. Kathy will never change and her ability to matter- of- fact move forward is proof that she cannot and did not fully comprehend her vile, despicable behaviour. As for her PHD new man he needs to run, away from her because she is not trustwworthy. She doesn't have a decent bone in her body. I feel nothing but contempt for Kathy. As for Fred, I amglad he found a decent woman who loved him enough to be true to him and He will make a great dad. It will take him a while but he will forget the Skank (Kathy). He deserves only the best and he now has it with his new wife. As for Kathy once a whore always a whore.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 13 years ago
wothless cunt!

I wouldn't waste good piss on the bitches grave. She is a comletely amoral round heeled slut. Her husband was way too good for her. She's too fucked up to have suffered much from her divorce.

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Kk you were too kind

The only thing she should have felt was 119 grains passing between her eyes. And that's how to deal with a cheat wife looking to get pregnant by her lover. and they all lived and died happly ever after. THE END

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
At least he didn't forgive a cheating whore.

A whore does it for she is a whore. A better ending is that her male friends keep finding out what a slut and whore she is so that she ends up living the worthless life she deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
OMG, just another self-centered whore getting justified pain & suffering.

Overall, glad the bitch suffered somewhat [not enough for real revenge but...]. Although the famous fag shoe-on-IQ will attempt to justify this sluts behavior as another "saint & the husband is at fault" bull-shit drivel, it only adds to that idiot's delusional behavior as demented & in need of professional help.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
I gave you a three

And that was based on how much I liked the first one, frankly.

A good 4 pages of this was rehashed fluff. I read those conversations. I didn't need to have EVERY SINGLE WORD repeated. I got it the first time, thank you.

That said, there is not a lot redeeming in her personality. She wasn't a total ethical loser ("I'll have my lover's baby and really shaft my husband") but she certainly isn't a winner.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Your joking KK ..... RIGHT?!? ...

To quote Kathy..."My goal in writing this story was to simply and honestly tell anyone that was interested what I had done. I have no excuses. You can judge my actions for yourself but please be kind when you think of me. What I did was terrible, what I have suffered for it is worse. I lost my husband, my self-respect, and the respect of my friends, my beautiful house, and my job. Some of you may feel that I deserved even more punishment. Maybe you are right but I am only human. I made a mistake and I have paid for it."




FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
Did a re-read

I was a bit overly critical of this story.

The five star portion of this story was that of the wife. She didn't love Jack. She wasn't overwhelmed by his monster cock. She didn't want to humiliate her husband by having his baby.

She sounded, frankly, like a general cynical career driven woman who made a bunch of ethically bad calls.

What still drives me crazy about this story was the constant need to repeat PAGES of dialouge which we already read. Even on the reread, I kept skimming, looking for more value added prose to the prior story...and I found flecks of gold dust, not ingots.

Which is why I think this story needed a lot more trimming (bulky at 7 pages) or it needed consolidation with the previous story into one.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007almost 13 years ago

When I first read this story, I didn't comment. On the second reading, it struck me what an immoral, disgusting piece of rat shit this company whore actually was. No woman who loved her husband could do what she did. Her disrespect was incredible. She was actually going to let another man impregnate her and pass the little bastard off as her husband's. True, she lost her husband, her job, her house and her friends but I didn't see any true remorse on her part. She actually got paid as a result of her whoring around. I wonder if she would tell her new mate what a whore she actually is. Her ex husband should hire a private investigator with the money she gave him in the divorce settlement,track her down, and let her new boy friend know what a piece of trash the bitch he was sleeping with actually is. At the end, she was going to teach business ethics? I hope my daughter never has a teacher like this low life trash.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
KK is doing the typical woman route

she can only see from a woman's point of view. it will all ways be that way, just like a man can understand a womans point in an affair.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I rated it 4*****

I couldn't give it 5***** because, for a number of reasons, the story is too improbable to be possible. She certainly wouldn't get $500,000 for inappropriate behavior with Jack. Companies don't give up that kind of money and, with her reputation, she would appear to be such a tramp to the jury that they wouldn't award her anything. And, even if she did, she wouldn't give half to her husband. That is contrary to the nature of women.

I don't doubt that she could move and mostly leave her reputation behind, get a another good job, and find some good man to marry her. Most men when presented with pretty pussy don't use good judgment nor insist on knowing a woman's sexual past. They should insist because a person is their past.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Who is a totall Imbecil?

K. K. the author? or the Kathy the fiction character?

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
KK the author

Anon that was the answer to your question....the author

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
whatsamatta cuckdoggy?

Pissed that K.K. can write and your stories suck balls? Just look for the red H buttplug and see how many you have and how many a literate author like K.K. has. Then you have the answer as to who is the real idiot. lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well written but....

K.K. wrote a good story about a heartless selfish Cunt! She should have paid more for her evil.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

She is one dumb cunt that got allmost what she should get .To bad she did not get it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
It takes far above average intelligence to graduate from the Wharton School of Business

But Kathy in this phase of her life had the common sense of a rock. She was gullible beyond belief, her value system must have been written on mercury because of the way it changed so quickly. The most laugable portion of her story is in the last paragraph where she tells us she made a mistake.. No her 7 month ongoing sexual affair with a man she never should have said hi to, is not a mistake it is a deliberate plan of mistakes on her part to feed her own greed. In the process destroying her husband's love, any posssibility of children with him and of course her marriage.

One thing that definitely sticks in my craw is how she bounces back into a job,

a loving relationship (with a man most likely way too good for her). Too bad the story of what she did in her first marriage never became known to her boyfriend.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 11 years ago
Really good story

I red this years ago, and the imager of Jack leaning forward in the wing chair fondling Kathy's ass got burned into my brain. So bright girl has trouble finding a job commensurate with her training. Working below her ability, perhaps got to hear, and she jumped at the chance to upgrade. Turned out bad for her, and her prospects are poorer as a result, and she has to be scarred as a result. Is this justice? I think so. The misognious idiots worry me, especially as they can use an AR15 to blow through the vail of hatred in their mind...and god knows who will be hurt.

Anyway, good stories employ plot devices, yours are mostly reasonable, and allin all an excellent read.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
Agree with RPSuch - adds enough to make it interesting

However, I also agree with several that ALL the repeat detail was only necessary for those who were not recent on the original (or who were reading it as a stand-alone...which should have been clear as a bad choice!) There were a LOT of places where a brief reminder would have sufficed. That means re-writing, rather than editing a copy of the original to change PoV and inserting the other differences.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 10 years ago
Unusually (and very worthily)

the alternative point of view actually provided additional details not presented in the original story.


spankfunforspankfunforover 10 years ago
Stupid Greedy Cheating Bitch!

Kathy has no redeeming qualities in this story except pure stupidity! She willing threw away her marriage, agreed to be bred by another stupid person; all to get a fictitious promotion. She has resolved breaking her ex-husbands heart as one of those things that happen. She makes snakes and spiders look good and they make my skin crawl!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
of course that cum licker from a dirty bitches ass

lance_spearman would like it. Man your such a cuckold, go home and lick your bull's balls

bumd11bumd11almost 10 years ago

A well constructed portrait of a weak, contemptible person. No sympathy for her; she was, after all, just a selfish prostitute. I found it particularly telling that, when she agreed to shave her pubic hair, she said that she began to hate herself. After screwing her boss for seven months for job advancement and agreeing to whore herself out to a customer to make a sale, she only now is feeling a little low self-esteem?

This was not a woman put into an untenable position. She wasn't blackmailed or coerced. She had a choice, and chose whoring. Sorry, hubby.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

The reason for doing an alternate perspective is to get some insight into the characters mind. The insight is here. We understand why she did what she did. It just lacks any depth of emotion. In a character driven story, it lacks character development. Also, I really get annoyed when authors cut and paste whole sections from a previous chapter. I just read it, don't need to read it again. I enjoyed this, but the repetitiveness nearly made me give up half way through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
She still doesn't get it.

She still has herself cast as a victim. "What I did was terrible, what I have suffered for it is worse." SHE made her choices and earned those consequences. HE was the victim here.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
Made a mistake?

This woman is the poster child for selfish bitch and betrayer and, after all of this, still doesn't see the profound wrong that she perpetrated on Fred. Perhaps her nice professor will pass her around to the entire football team at The Ohio State University until she is as used up as the dirty sock that she is.

dyonysosdyonysosover 9 years ago

Ambition killed relationships since the beginning of time,not only weman but allso men get eaten up by it ,this is a "Lovig wife section " so off course here the woman is at fault but never think that guys aren't just as bad

Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forceover 9 years ago
Wow, you fucked them all, including YOURSELF!

So, you lied for money and a promotion and lost both. Fucked and betrayed your husband and lost. Thought your husband, an INVESTIGATOR in FRAUD, wouldn't notice your new slut tactics, and lost.

I see a second divorce in your future....

This could have been written by my first wife.....

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
She Got What She Deserved

And NO sympathy from me!

How stupid can a Wharton MBA be? If she feels that strongly that she is being held back by being “forced” to stay in Indianapolis, did it ever occur to her to TALK to Fred about it? Maybe he would be willing to consider relocating.

And now she’s plotting against the company’s top management! She may believe they are criminal, but she only has Jack’s word for that, and we can see how ethical HE is!

“I was actually mad at myself. How is it I could relax enough to let Jack touch me there but I couldn't do it for Fred?” EXACTLY!

As I said in the earlier story, why not lie to Jack about the pills?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


dylan954dylan954over 9 years ago
Excellent writing hate the charatcer

Sorry she got off so lightly. Not nearly enough burn the bitch, not for what she did but for the way she tried to avoid the blame by playing the feel sorry for me card at the end. With luck you will write another story where the professor does to Kathy what she did to Fred.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This has taken up my evening more or less

and the comments too. The story must be read as it's fine writing but yet just fails as reality fiction. Can I say brilliantly contrived..Thanks K.K

Five star for the writing and enjoyment. Less one for reasons that DWornock, yes I know, who'd have thought he would have been able to post a decent comment, has already stated, exactly. Oh fuck it, 5*

aptonthe503aptonthe503about 9 years ago
Dewey, Cheatem & Howe 

Perfect title!

Thanks for the fun story.

Please keep writing.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

She went over the books with the corporate auditors, what “embezzlement” could there be that wouldn’t already have been caught?

“Part of my brain was screaming at me to just get up and walk out of his office but I didn't.”

Why not? He’s not even threatening to fire her, just that he won’t help her advance, and with his kind of attitude, how long will he be around?

Is she a complete idiot? FRED denied her a career? Just how hard did she fight to leave Indianapolis?

As I think Fred said in the first story, odd that the Office Manager is “Mr”, but the VP is “Jack”.

“How is it I could relax enough to let Jack touch me there but I couldn't do it for Fred?” – Exactly!

"You give me an honest shot during the most fertile point in your cycle and I won't ask any more of you. You would no longer have to prove your loyalty to me."

Yeah, right! And he’s shown himself to be SO ethical she can surely trust him, right?....Right?

“I can't wait to see what it feels like to press my lips against your bald pussy," – If she had HALF a brain (which we all know she doesn’t!) it would be obvious that JACK is the one who wants a bald pussy, not Benson!

“I began to wonder if Mr. Benson had even asked for me to shave.” –As we say in Boston, “Dawn breaks over Marblehead!”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Same old

Just another slut justifying her selfishness

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Same thoughts as the first chapter

Her husband was a jackass. And an unsupportive one at that. She may have made a mistake but he sure didn't help her. For someone that was supposed to love another person so much he turned out to be a real prick. Good riddance to bad rubbish. She's better off without him.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
@ Anonymous 07/20/15

Your cheater wife fanboi-ism is showing.

She carried on a seven month affair.

She was going to be a whore for the man she was having the affair with.

She was willing to risk pregnancy by the cheat partner, while not having sex with her husband at her lovers demand.

She shaved her pubic hair at her lovers demand which against her husbands wishes.

After showing her husband that he was no closer than second place in her life for seven months he left her.

And you think her husband was a jackass because he was not supportive of her?

Yes this comment is mostly a repeat of my comment on DC&H, but then most of DC&H: Kathy's Fall is a repeat of DC&H.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

fits the cheating in this tale. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
KK; obviously a man

KK, you must do a little more research.

In order to prevent complications/early miscarriages, a woman needs to be off birth control for, ideally, two months before attempting to conceive.

Birth control is a powerful drug.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Adding Shakespearian dephs to Loving Wives Tale

KK did a great job supplying needed rationales for how this woman could allow herself to descend so far. He threw in shade of grey with paying Fred half of company settlement. Kathy isn't pure evil aka Jack ( great inside look of how unscrupulous corporate exec gets ball rolling ). She is pliable and combined with her ambitions that was needed for impetus to ruin.

Some of this story was in inavoidably redundant, but for the most part the fresh POV was riveting and convincing. Full marks. *****

carvohicarvohiover 8 years ago

This two part story was a lot different from most infidelity tales we get.

Kathy's long running 'loveless affair', her eventual exposure, the circumstance of her exposure, and subsequent loss of marriage, job, and friends had a banality to it that betrayed how shallow she really was.

Fred seemed odd too. This affair went on for months, with regularity, and Fred, an investigator, was either too blindly in love or too indifferent to catch on? Hand it to him though; he knew there was no chance at reconciliation. His wife was a whore; her betrayal wasn't about emotion, or illness, it was about money pure and simple.

This is a terrific double tale, but it leaves me cold. Why? Though KK's biographical blurb indicates he's still around, at least as of April 2015, he's not writing for us anymore. Now that's tragic.

Jedd Clampett

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago

A Wharton Business school grad is this stupid? They most have screwed up in Admissions. You know what is as stupid as Kathy? Reading her story. Who cares? She is an ambitious slut and it all blew up in her face. She never loved Fred, if she had, that love would have kept her from cheating on him. She did not really love her self that much either. If she had, she wouldn't have thrown her marriage away and become a whore. In the long run, it was a stupid decision. Too stupid for someone with her credentials and too risky for an accountant. The plot didn't work.

jott50jott50about 8 years ago

I cant believe the emotions in these comments. This was a work of fiction people and a dam good one too. I admit that I was also drawn into the storyline to the piont that I thought of her as a stupid whore but in the end it was a work of fiction. Great job Kk!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago
Second time through

A bit repetitive at times, but still love it. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
hat happened to the baby?

u didn't mention the baby except that she was pregnant

cabbage01132cabbage01132almost 7 years ago
loved the first one

didn't like this one so much, supposed to be an intelligent confident woman but they always come out looking too stupid when they claim to love their husband and were coerced into betrayal. this just seemed like dumb justification.

having said that 5* just because i don't like it i appreciate a free read.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 7 years ago

A Wharton grad. Clearly not an idiot. I'll go out on a limb and suggest that she's had more than one business ethics class. But never considered that Jack might lie? That, to me, is where the story fell apart. There are many giveaway details throughout but I'm not going to go there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Major confusion

I can't tell if this chapter is supposed to make us feel sorry for Kathy or reinforce what a stupid selfish person she is. Frankly I feel nothing of the former and 100% of the latter.

It all started when she immediately didn't shoot Jack down after the first proposition. That proved that she was a selfish whore and didn't love her husband or respect her marriage. If she loved him like a person is supposed to love a spouse she would have never entertained the idea let alone accepted it.

And how stupid can you be? Even at the end she couldn't tell her husband the truth. And she never considered that Jack was lying? She is just about the worst whore ever because she never got paid for any of her "special meetings". She graduated from Wharton, is a strong confident woman, but is this dumb?

And trying to follow her thoughts is like trying to herd cats. She doesn't feel guilty, but then does, but doesn't. She feel exhilaration because she pulled one over on her husband but feels depressed? Is she on drugs? That seems to be the only answer.

I guess the worst for me is that after all the lying she had to come up with a story at the end so that she didn't look bad. How dumb and selfish can you be?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Sadly, Anonymous...

...this wife is not drawn unrealistically, because our "president" graduated from Wharton, too. See how all that great business knowledge is helping our country? NOT!

Of course, he claims to have graduated #1 in his class, but lied about that, too:

So apparently you can get through any kind of advanced educational institution and still be dumb as rocks in real life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Response to the comment by Anonymous 11/02/17 (another uninformed Sheeple)

It's obvious that you restrict your 'news' to the fake news vendors. You don't WANT to know the truth so I won't bother to inform you that our business and employment climate has dramatically improved since we FINALLY elected a PRESIDENT, instead of another BLACK AGITATOR or the murdering thief who had Wes Hubble's daughter and named her Chelsea Clinton. I won't bother to tell you that the lying fucks have spent over a year, making wild assumptions and accusations, wasting millions of tax dollars, desperately trying to implicate Trump in ANYTHING and have found NOTHING... ZERO... NADA. But they ignore that fact... don't report it and keep talking as if he's guilty of SOMETHING. So who're the true criminals and assholes?? Try a different news source... You just might actually LEARN something.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
2/17/18 Anonymous is really dumb!

Note that us foreigners can see through all of the fake news coming from the present USA administration. You state that there is no evidence. Well if there is no evidence, why is everyone trying to shutdown the FBI investigation. Why would there be any concerned since nothing happened? Well I will tell that why: there is something there and they are trying to hide. Innocent people have nothing to hide!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 6 years ago
7 Pages?

Why does it take 7 pages to give her side of a 5 page story?

266xxyz266xxyzabout 6 years ago
Some of us are dumber than others..

I can believe everything, well, pretty much everything about this story. I once had a wife who was told by her bosses that some business associates of theirs wanted to fuck her and that if she did he would pay her a lot of money. So She fucked him one night, didn't come home til the next day. I was pretty steamed she didn't even call me and asked her where she was so she told me the story and said she wanted to surprise me with all that money and produced a $100 check from some guy. She said on her way home that morning she stopped at the bank where it was drawn from but it was a NSF. She was angry and told me she was going to take it up with her bosses when she went back to work that evening. College graduate, poor thing. I'm sure, like Paul Harvey used to say"...and now, the rest of the story."... you can guess what that was. Actually it's kind of funny looking back. It was the 60s and everything was fukked up.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 6 years ago
So funny

People are so obsessed with trump they cannot read an erotic story without seing him in it somehow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Waste of words

There is almost nothing new in this 7 page rehash of the original. Waste of words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Seven pages of K.K.

Trying to make you feel sorry for a whore

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago
Good story

At least she recovered and straightened herself out.

ribnitinribnitinabout 4 years ago

This part was well told, but wasn't up to par with part 1. The tension in part one was largely through Fred's relentless logic, as he figured things out. This part was a well-written narrative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Total Bimbo

Yes you do deserve worse because if you loved your husband you would have told him from the start, but know, prostituting yourself for money that is all you were doing.

Even if you told hubby the truth when he asked you he may have forgiven you. Lies never work or half truths because the truth will always come out! sooner or later.

It's a sad fact how money destroys so many marriages in this day and age and yet there are rich people now finding money can't even buy them food with this covid 19 around so really what good is money after all.

God help the guy your with now when someone else comes along with another big money proposition.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Agree just a whore and not punishment enough

Not even a high price whore as relied on promise not payment in advance

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Sorry but this was a disappointment

Sure this was longer because it basically cut and pasted part one with her comments added. Lol. How bad of an investigator was her husband to miss an affair from April to December when that’s what he does for a living?!? Sorry the biggest fail was no additional dialogue between them just they divorced. So what did she really lose? A marriage she treated like crap and didn’t value ? A job in a city that she’s overqualified for? A new house that was sold and she got half without paying for half since he made way more? People actually knowing she is a whore? That’s it. She didn’t suffer. lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Hubby was selfish

Wife was manipulated and he abandoned her. She's better off without him.

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 4 years ago

Re-read this in the new format. it didn't help. lol It still was a HUGE disappointment. It really had a chance to be a great story too. :0(

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