Extending the MILF List Ch. 06


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I struggled again and this time sat up and looked down on my sister, her tits standing tall in the plush white sweater. "You told mom about us? That we were all..." I could not finish.

Tawny looked up at me and her face changed to reflect the growing knowledge that maybe she had made a mistake. She nodded. "I figured, since you and she, that you, I, she didn't seem to care and you said you thought her reason for leaving was to leave us the room to..." She stumbled to a stop. She shook herself and looked me precisely in the eye. "Yes, yes I told her. I asked what she thought about you handing your sisters over to your friends and all she said was that you and your friends treated her and the other MILF's quite well. She said she had no regrets." Tawny stopped there and stared up at me, that little edge of defiance in her look she gets when she is daring someone to argue with her. She can be as stubborn as Georgia, she just doesn't get accused of it as much.

I shrugged. I confess I had visions of doing a sister and a mother together and I liked it. Okay, again. I reviewed doing Georgia and Mom and thought that adding Dalia and Tawny to the mix would make...a...a better mix? Tawny struggled with the sheets and finally untangled herself.

"I am exhausted. Horny but exhausted. I am going to shower and flush out my pussy since D. Debra is not here to do it for me...could you call her and ask her to come eat me again? I am finding that I rather like the feeling of a woman sucking on my vagina after a good fucking." She made a face and flounced out of my room, pulling off the sweater as she did so, showing me her bra-strapped back.

I lay there for a moment but my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Mrs. Rossini calling.

"Hello?" I said softly. I don't now why I was whispering but I did.


"Tasha." I responded.


"Hello? Tasha?"

"Sonny, listen I think, I think I may have a problem. Sonny, I think my sister is having sex with Brent."

I could not help myself. I just couldn't miss the opportunity to tweak her nose. "Jealous?" I asked.

I did not expect the long and humid silence. When Mrs. Rossini spoke, I realized she had taken time to regain her composure but from what, I could not tell. I could only guess and all my guesses were lascivious. She ignored my question like I had just said it in my own mind. Perhaps I did.

"I don't know for certain, Sonny, but I, I think they might be having sex. She, Norma, you remember Norma, my sister, right?"

I nodded. Everybody remembers Aunt Norma. The last time I saw her several years ago she was lithe, with honey brown hair but breasts that easily rivaled that of her sister, making them appear much larger since she is a smaller woman than Natasha. She flirted with Brent's friends, me too since I am one of his friends and several times invaded the basement to play poker with us and even share a beer or two, even when we were far too young to be drinking beer. She favored tight sweaters that made her breasts look like storefront signage, advertising something clear and unmistakable. Jesus, she made window shopping seem sexy. When she shot pool, though, she tended to wear loose blouses that draped open as she bent over the pool table making us all pool-rude, standing across the table from her as she lined up a shot so we could stare at the cleavage she dangled before us. Oh yes, I remembered Aunt Norma.

"How does that mean that you made a mistake?" I felt Natasha's hesitation. She overcame it with explanation but it lurked like a stalker, so I waited through her matter-of-fact explanation.

"She has been having trouble, you know she married, right? He was...I don't mean to disparage the guy but he was not that bright and Norma was never dumb. She looked dumb and guys always wanted her to be dumb but she never cottoned to that sort of thing. If a guy couldn't handle a smart woman, she handled him. She found that she could fuck and leave a guy just like they could a woman. She always argued that all is fair in sex, love and war. Anyway, she finally left the guy and came here, right before Christmas. She was a mess for a few days and I, well, I guess I seemed happier than usual and when she noticed, just to distract her I had to tell her something, didn't I?"

Even I knew that was not a real question and waited for the rest.

"I told her about, well, about you and I. Not, I, well I told her that you and I were having an affair. I said you told me you loved MILFs and that you had several you were keeping happy."

I waited, all true so far. "So, what's the problem?" I asked, but then as the words sprang into life, I felt how stupid they were.

"I, well I had kept it up with Brent. You know, when she went to sleep, I'd slip into his room for a little romp and then go to bed. I made sure she had a bourbon or two before so she didn't pay any attention. But then, then she noticed that 'glow' she said, that I was glowing like I was getting laid, even with hubby off at the coast doing his girlfriend or girlfriends. I, I could not tell her I was having sex with my own son...?"

I heard the question so I leapt screaming into the fire. "Why not? Maybe she'd join you? Brent would love to do both of you, I expect." I heard Mrs. Rossini gasp. I waited for her denial but nothing came. No protest, no umbrage, no objection. Silence.

Holy shit! I thought. Aunt fucking Norma!

After a while, with Natasha panting into the phone, I wondered what was happening on that end. "Oh god, Sonny, oh god. I, I told her I was having an affair with you." She said it like a confession, apparently forgetting she'd blurted it out at the beginning. "She, when I told her, Norma wanted all the details and, and I had to make up some things. I, I used fantasies and they were pretty good. I, told her about your love of my ass and that sort of thing. She, I think it made her horny. I know it did me. God, after she went to bed Christmas eve I went in and fucked Brent twice. I wanted to curl up and wake up every hour and fuck him again. I didn't. I didn't though I wanted to."

She stopped and I waited. I fiddled with my hard cock. I was imagining Aunt Norma naked, sucking on my cock or Tasha naked and sucking on my cock while her sister watched.

"I want you to come over and, so, come over and have me so she can catch us." Natasha's voice had gotten really small. "I mean, she should catch us in bed and then, maybe, maybe you can get her to join us."

"Oh, Mrs. Rossini, that is mighty generous of you but I don't think that is right. Me doing two women at the same time? Two sisters? Two beautiful sisters who love to fuck and have great tits and full asses and did I mention they love to fuck? I really shouldn't."

Silence. "Fuck you, Sonny. I mean it. This is difficult for me."

"For you? What? Offering up your sister to me? Why is that so different after what you did with me and Brent and the guys?"

More silence. "I, you are going to make me say it?"

Oh, now the light goes on. Mrs. Rossini thought I had just been fucking with her. She apparently missed my sarcasm but now I realize she was far ahead of me and I felt embarrassed for being slow on the uptick. Then, thank god, I hesitated and considered that maybe I was wrong and this sort of thing should not be taken for granted. Rather than going the full monty, I went shallow, just to see if she'd follow me into the deep end, if it was deep.

"Oh, you mean you want to watch me have sex with your sister? Why is that such a big deal?" I shivered, hoping I was wrong, that I wasn't in a wading pool. Mrs. Rossini spoke and the bottom dropped out from under my feet.

"No, Sonny." She sounded exasperated. "I want to have sex with my sister. I want to taste her before and after you fuck her. I want it all. Then I want to feel you inside of her, while I kiss her and then kiss her while you are inside of me. I want to suck on her breasts and then taste her to see if I can make her come. I want to see if she will taste me. She, she always brags of being sexually adventurous and mocks me for always taking every dick on my back. I want her to see that I am plenty adventurous." Mrs. Rossini panted to a stop. She breathed heavily into the phone and I felt like I was getting an obscene phone call. I was.

"Oh." I said, sheepish in tone and feeling.

"Oh? Oh? Is that all you have to say?"

I scrambled for new words. "Okay. Fine. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to arrange it?"

"Wait a tick. You, you said you thought she was doing Brent? How would that work? Me, getting into the middle of it?" Again I proved slow, understanding her intent after I had asked the question.

She explained for me, validating my suspicions. "I want to keep her away from Brent, Sonny. Surely you understand that. If you fuck her and me, perhaps she will leave Brent alone."

I did understand, I just didn't want to.

"I am in love with my son, Sonny and that is your doing. If my sister starts in with him and he..."

I heard her choking back a sob. "Natasha Rossini, stop it. What the hell are you thinking? That you and Brent are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend and go down to the soda shop for a malted milk? You're his mother! You are fucking your son! Do you really think that Brent is never going to look at another woman?"

This silence was really silent, painful and tense, like she was holding her breath. I was definitely holding mine.

"Oh Sonny, what am I going to do?"

"Hang up. Forget we had this conversation."

"I want you to, to, to do to her what you boys did to me. I want you to give that to her. The bitch will enjoy it but, but then she won't try to take Brent away from me!"

I groaned. This was getting out of hand. "Natasha, darling, let me think about it."

"But she is going over to Landon's with Brent, to watch football." Tasha was whining now, almost weeping. "I am not invited. Norma invited herself. What if they have sex?"

Okay, I had no answer to that except my own woody and its implied jealousy. Once again I was thankful that my phone was not a full video phone. "You already told her we were having an affair?"

"Yes?" Weepy voice.

"And what did she say to that?"

"At first, she didn't believe me. But then she asked for all those details. Like she wanted to know everything and I told her as much as I could. I, she asked about the other MILFs, you know, I mentioned I was just one of your women, like you were a real Lothario. She seemed fascinated that I would continue an affair with a man whom I knew to be having sex with someone else, I mean another woman. She pressed for details. I told her about, about Mrs. Wills, not by name! But you know, how she is for you? How she likes to serve, you know on her knees all the time, and likes to be used. Brent tells me things, when he, while we...I told Norma about it, the details, about Laura. More than I should have because I think she thinks that since I am getting mine, I may not notice if she goes after Brent."

A reasonable idea, I thought but I could not say that to her. "Maybe she is after Landon?" After I said that I realized though it might comfort Mrs. Rossini, it posed some distinct difficulties for us guys. What if she was after one of the other guys? Given the current configuration of pussy and prick, another Aunt in the mix would confuse things more. I felt the familiar vertigo of being out of control of the situation and renamed it the thrill of the challenge to get my feet back under me.

"You think? Is that possible?"

"I do. If, if she knows you are doing me, she might be inclined to take a ride on The Pole and Young railroad for herself. Maybe she is not as perverted as you and would never think of doing her nephew." I held my breath, uncertain if I had made things worse or not.

"That makes a sort of sense. I, I feel better. I am glad I called you but I, I do think you should come and, you know, have sex with me so she knows that part of my story is true."

"You are such a charmer. What a romantic proposition. Of course, Mrs. Rossini, I would be pleased to come over and fuck you."

"Not now." She missed my sarcasm. I nearly missed it, well, my dick missed it entirely. Visions of Mrs. Rossini's tits danced in my head. I heard her raspy, throaty voice gasping for me to fuck her and I swear I tasted the tang of her pussy on my lips.

"I know. Shit, I have another call. I'll, I'll come over sometime and surprise you."

"Bye, but Sonny, don't take this wrong but you won't replace Brent. He is my son and it is something special between us, having him between my legs, ramming me full of his cock. God I love..."

"I get the picture, Natasha." Her tone worried me. I switched to the other line but I was too late. The 'missed call' notice appeared. Landon had called again. I checked back and found Natasha was gone so I automatically redialed Landon.

He answered the first ring.

"Sonny, my man!" He sounded like Sammy, full of bonhomie and ebullience...there's that word again. Landon was never ebullient. I was immediately suspicious. "Football, my place. Right now. Come on over! I have eats and beer. I meant to arrange this earlier and...I got distracted. Can you come over? Now, I mean."

Something was wrong, seriously wrong. I could hear it in his voice. Landon may work the angles but he rarely if ever just lied to anyone. He stuck to the truth but used it in surprising ways, often thinking past the immediate present to consequences and using them now to get what he wanted before they even appeared. That was why, in most things, we ended up following his lead. In that moment, I had a tiny epiphany. When it came to pussy, Landon was pedestrian. I outshone him.

I was so proud but then I thought of Thursday, four o'clock and I was less proud. More sheepish, because I was tasting the question of Landon, if he would like to fuck D. Debra Hamilton. He spoke first, delaying my question.

"Sonny? You there?"

I was not getting ahead of my conversations this morning. I responded and agreed to go over. I ran through a shower, my mind a smear of disconnected thoughts. My train of thought had turned into a train wreck. I just let it flow and concentrated on getting my pants on right side to, and getting the right foot in the right shoe, the left in the one that was left. I peeked in on Tawny before I left. She was dead to the world, her tits balanced at the edge of the blanket while she slept. I resisted the temptation they offered and left.

I pulled up to the Clark house. It was more a mansion than any of the rest of us lived in; nice but not big enough for a butler. I did not even knock. Sammy's car was parked in front of the four car garage. At the door, I realized I was thinking he had picked up Chris and I confronted the fact that Chris had likely fucked my sister last night. The fact that I fucked her first clouded my mind, more, so I was standing there with my hand on the door handle when the door opened in front of me.

Landon stood there. He looked frazzled. I saw it immediately. He was hyper, like he was on something.

"Dude, Sonny, come in, come in. Don't stand out there in the cold!" He pulled me inside and slammed the door.

I could hear the game, fans screaming in the living room.

"My dad is in Europe." Landon said.

I wondered why but was so utterly discombobulated that I could not form the words to ask why he had said so.

"Come on. We are starting the new year with Vodka shooters and beer chasers. We were waiting for you."

He stood looking at me, like his operating system was lagging. I, on the other hand heard Brent's voice and my mind shifted to Aunt Norma and her presence in the next room. My cock stirred as visions of her tits danced past me, like mountains seen in the distance from a moving train. Landon twitched and was back.

"Come on in." He said loudly.

I followed him into the house and saw for the first time in a long time the table where I first fucked Kyla Clark. My cock got hard, the nostalgic prick. It is embarrassing to walk into a room full of guys and have your cock smarten up. I blamed it all on Aunt Norma who curiously was not there.

Chris wasn't there.

"Where's Chris." I asked. I think I asked darkly because everyone looked at me and stopped talking. I say everyone, Sammy and Brent looked at me and stopped talking. Landon just shrugged.

"I have the vodka in the freezer. I'll get it."

"Where's Chris?" I asked again.

Landon stopped and went still. Jesus, there was something wrong with this guy. He got completely still, like Brad Pitt in Thirteen Monkeys. He was hyper then still, then hyper again.

"Don't know. Called him. Left a message. Twice. No. Thrice. Three times. Called him twice, no, three time. No answer. Left a message finally. He'll call back. I'll go get the vodka. We can start without him. Dad gave me a bottle of Russian vodka, not imported, from Russia. Cyrillic and everything. I have to get it. We can start without him."

Landon went to the kitchen, opened the fridge then slammed it shut. He looked at me grinning. "It's in the basement. Back in a sec." He went to the basement door and jiggled the handle, got it open and disappeared.

I looked at Brent and Sammy. "Fuck me, what is wrong with this picture."

"I know." Brent agreed. "Do you think he is on something?"

I looked at him. "Where's your Aunt?" I asked, hesitating to elaborate in case Natasha was right about them.

"She...Mom called you? She went shopping or something with Mom. Maybe breakfast. I left after they did so, so..."

I waved him off. No need to complicate matters. I breathed a little sigh and looked at Sammy.

Sammy was not smiling. He looked worried, eyes on Brent. "He is lying about something. He is not the actor that Chris is. He is lying through his fucking teeth about something. Not the kind of digital lie that is easy to catch. Nope, this is a lie of content that is revealed in style."

I stared at Sammy. Shit. He was different too. He was not smiling. He looked tense. Why should he look tense? He had gotten his knob shined a couple days earlier. That made no sense. He seemed calm, collected, somber...well, somber for him. Shit, I lit on the difference, Sammy was acting mature! How fucking strange was that! Shit! Next thing you know, I'd would be!

He took a beer off the table and extended it to me. "Sit down. Landon is wound up about something."

I took the beer and sat down. Shit. I wanted to come over here, watch some football and unwind. The last thing I wanted was any more fucking drama. "Where's Chris?" I asked, realizing the question was a lie itself. I knew where he was. He was inside my sister. Well, not this minute, actually but you know what I mean. Where he was, that I didn't know so it was not a total lie. For the first time that day I finally lit on the reality of what happened last night. Not D. Debra, I expected some perversity from her but my sister and Chris...that was new.

I could not tell whether I should be bothered or not. It made no sense to be bothered. Shit, I had set them up. I had done everything but hold his cock while she sat down on him. What did I have to be bothered by? I think I just thought I should be, so was manufacturing some fake bother, just to fill expectations. I suck at that. I am better at surprising people by giving them what they won't admit they want.

I sucked on my beer. The game went on. The three of us sat staring at the TV, a bit glum.

I wondered what was keeping Landon.

"Sonny." Sammy said, looking over at me.

I looked at him.

"Listen. I, I have a problem."

Jesus was this how the year was going to be? Fucking chaos tangled up with confusion and everyone dumping their fucking problems in my lap? "Oh?" I said noncommittally.