Extending the MILF List Ch. 06


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"I went to a New Year's Eve Party with Ellen last night."

"Oh?" I wasn't straining my vocabulary for Sammy, fucker always made fun of me if I used big words, claiming I didn't know what they meant.

"We fucked in the bathroom of her friend's house. I did her against the door. People were waiting and they could hear us. She came, hard. They started discussing what we were doing, finally talking, nearly shouting so we could hear them complaining. Ellen loved it." Sammy grinned and a flash of his old ebullience reasserted itself. "Hell, I liked it. Ellen..."

"Who's Ellen?" Brent asked.

Sammy and I ignored him.

"So? What's the problem?" I asked.

Sammy set down his beer, studying it like there was an errant bubble in the brown glass that caught his attention. He looked at me. "I lied to Mom about it. I mean, I didn't tell her what I was doing. Where I was going. I mean, I told her I was going out with you guys."

Ah. Now I got it. "And you want to be sure we cover for you?"

Sammy shook his head.

Confused. Me, I mean.

"Nope. I want you to tell her I'm boning Ellen. I mean, how do you think she is going to feel about that?"

"Who's Ellen?" Brent asked again. He hated being on the outside of a conversation.

I didn't blame him much so I looked at him and asked, "Who have you been boning, Brent? Anyone we know?"

His face turned completely red, like he had been sunburned. It ran up into his hair, down his neck. He was so scarlet I thought something was really wrong.

He looked away from us then back, bending his head forward like he did when he is being stubborn. He knew he was blushing. "I did my aunt over the holidays." He said. "My mom's sister. She, she broke up with her ex, again, and came to our place for Christmas and she was being such a cunt to Mom..."

"So you fucked her?" Sammy asked incredulously.

He shook his head. "I, no. Not yet. I wanted to shut the bitch up, though. She made some asshole crack about mom and I told her that she would be lucky to be half the woman Natasha Rossini was. She looked at me like I had slapped her on the ass. She got this look she gets and she asked me how I would know anything about women or in mom's case, half a woman. I told her anytime she wanted me to show her what was what, I'd be happy to give her a chance to prove herself." Brent said. His face fading back to his usual pasty white. "No. I love Aunt Norma. But she was being so nasty to Mom, I wanted her to stop."

"And you stuck your dick in her? That's creative." Sammy sounded more like himself. "Helluva way to make a woman be nice to your mom."

Brent looked over at him. "She blew me. I, at night. She came into my room and sucked my cock. Then the bitch left. Oh, I shouldn't say that. Aunt Norma, Aunt Norma is, she...she was just so bitchy to mom." He bobbed his head. "She, I'd fuck her though. I would." He said it like was a revelation instead of a fucking cliche, at least in our little incestuous circle.

An uncomfortable silence followed.

Finally I looked back at Sammy. "What do you mean, you want me to tell your Mom you're boning Ellen? Why would you want me to do that?" I went back to the original conversation. "Where the hell is Landon. Vodka sounds good about now."

"It's not noon yet." Brent said, precise as always.

"Landon would say it is noon some place." Sammy said. We all nodded.

"So? Sammy?" I pressed.

He looked at me, the unnatural sobriety returned. "Think about it. Ellen is white, older and she works for Mom. Any of those things alone, maybe no problem but all of them together. Do you think Mom can swallow that?"

"She seemed fine with you fucking your aunt." Brent interjected, managing to pin the two lines of conversation together with one comment, the fucking narcissist.

Sammy looked at him. He shrugged. "And she only fucks my best friend." He said, pointedly not looking at me.

Brent glanced at me and grinned, nodding.

The front door opened.

"Honeywell, come get your goddamned car out from in front of my garage!" Kyla Clark's voice rang through the house.

Sammy flinched and knocked over his beer. Kyla never yelled and hearing her cursing made us all jumpy. She and mom were the nice MILFs. And Laura Wills. And Mrs. Rossini. Ah hell.

Lots of activity followed. I dashed for a towel. Sammy dashed for the door to move his car. Brent cleared the glass coffee table and tried to keep the spilled beer from running onto the carpet. Landon appeared from the basement, a suspicious bit of timing, I thought. Mopping up the wasted beer, I realized I was thinking clearly again. Not since New Year's Eve had I been clear headed. I should have drank a lot more that night but I had to drive home. No room for me in the inn, that night.

By the time Brent and I got the beer cleaned up and things back in their place, Landon had shot glasses and a big frosty bottle of vodka, and Sammy returned from moving his car. Landon was pouring shots when we heard the cackling of two women, Kyla Clark and Darlene Emerson. When they appeared, the room when silent. Brent even muted the TV so we could see better. Kyla Clark and Darlene Emerson appeared from the garage. They shed their coats before they spoke.

"We went shopping, boys. What do you think?" Kyla asked, turning. Darlene turned with her. They emerged from the garage and shed their coats before they spoke. Even the vodka bottle lost some of its chill as the room caught a fever.

Both women wore white dresses fringed in black trim. The cut of the dresses however, was unusual. Darlene's was cut away in the front, a V with the apex nestled right up to her crotch. Her full thighs ghosted behind the drape of the stiff, white fabric, her knees and calves were clearly visible. Kyla's was the reverse, literally. It was the same style but cut away in the back but with a smooth arch that revealed the full orbs of her ass, showing the shape but not the substance of each, but not hiding the thin line of a thong tucked between her cheeks. Both dresses were skin tight, hugging their respective forms, making their breasts prominent and unmistakable. Each was cut down between each breast, with three or four strands of lacing tying the taut front of the dresses together.

"These are custom made." Kyla cooed. "How do we look?"

No one could speak. My cock was hard and I was not looking to see if I had company. They looked like what they were, dressed to fuck. Crass, I know, but there was a strange, sensual elegance about them. Their hair was done, curled and coiffed. Both had on scarlet lipstick and lots of mascara, eye shadow and rouge. I glanced at Landon and he had this weird look on his face, like his pants were too tight or cut wrong so he did not fit in them quite right.

"Boys, Darlene and I decided that we had had enough of Landon and that to start the new year, we wanted to do something different. We had him invite you over so we could do you all." Kyla grinned like she was announcing a sweepstakes winner.

My cunt alarm went off.

"We decided we wanted to watch each other make love to you boys, one at a time. You can watch football and we will ball each of you." Kyla grinned. On her girl-next-door face though, it looked evil, like she was possessed. "We have been after Landon to decide which of us gives head best though and decided you all could help. You know, objective judges? So we thought we'd start with a cock sucking contest."

She looked around, suddenly. She made a thing out of counting. "Where's Chris? We need an odd number."

I had no idea what odd numbers had to do with anything, but I was having flashbacks to making the MILF list. We were being mothered and I didn't like it, not from one of my MILFs. Only D. Debra got to fuck with me like that. I looked over at Landon and glared at him. The fucker did not notice me in the least. He was staring, fixated on his mother and his girlfriend. He was busily undoing all the work I had done in restraining our MILFs. That was what I saw in him. He was losing control of his home situation, he knew it, and he had no idea how he was going to get it back. Kyla was still talking. I had to focus.

"We are going upstairs to my bedroom. One of you can come up and pick one of us. We have all day. I am sure you can do us both, so don't be alarmed. We just want to watch each other making love. When we are finished, we'll send the lucky guy down to get the next one. You boys can figure out how to decide who goes when. Again, we'll get to all of you, so no pushing."

Kyla turned on her heel and she and Darlene trooped upstairs.

After they vacated the area, we sat staring after them then fixed our eyes on the TV.

"Fuck me." Sammy muttered, his eyes glassy.

"A cock sucking contest?" Brent said blankly, like it was a new term.

I knew he was thinking of his Aunt, I knew because I was thinking of Aunt Norma's lush lips fitted around my cock too.

"I know." Landon said. "I am sorry guys. Mom has been badgering Darlene and she finally broke and demanded I judge them. Jeez, man, can you imagine that? Do I look that stupid. No matter what I do I might not get anything from either one of them. You know how women are when a guy hurts ones feelings. They're like piranhas. They all band together and rip you apart!"

I nodded. I recognized this danger. I looked at Landon and tried not to glare. "You knew about this!" I said accusingly. "You knew they were going to turn this into a contest and use us like dildos!"

Landon went still then twitched again. "They, they have this fantasy..."

"Women suck at having fantasies." I said. "They always involve turning a man in a play toy."

"You mean they dehumanize us the way we do them?" Sammy asked.

I did not know he knew that word, dehumanizing. Ellen. I bet she knew it and used it all the time. "Dehumanize me!" I am sure she screamed that while she came all the time. Not.

I could not leave that. "No. I mean they end up with a collection of balls in jars in some dank, dark basement that they only show off to their friends. Women..." I was thinking hard how to say what I meant without dehumanizing them. Sometimes that is hard when you have limited experience.

"Women, they like Christmas. You know, surprises. They think they know what they want but what they want is the titillation of getting something they want without asking for it. The smarter, more capable, more intelligent or educated they are, the more difficult it is to find something that delights them that they are unaware of. They, the demanding ones, when they demand and ask and cajole and shop, they make it difficult to surprise them and it is the surprise that makes them wet. It is that thrill of 'the new' that excites them."

"Sort of like a guy who chases lots of women." Brent added, nodding.

"Yeah, this is human really, not gender-based, but the way to satisfy it with men is quick and easy. New pussy does it every time. With women, it is not so simple or so easy. When you let them design the thrill, they end up with your balls..."

"And then they are bored." Landon finished, bleakly. "It was Mom's idea to get you guys over here."

I think he was seeing his circumstances for what they are. Again, I had a flash of how well I had managed the MILF list to this point, considering everything, all the variables, and uncontrollables. "They want us to control them because they want the delight of being surprised, the thrill of something new that actually fits them, that delights them. They think it is because it shows we care or we are paying attention, but it is simpler than that. They just want to go shopping."

It is a conundrum between the genders; how do you fulfill a fantasy without becoming a silly caricature of your gender. Should you play the part or be authentic? I always voted for authentic because Chris told me once that when stage actors take their bows, they are all bowing and saying out loud underneath the applause, "Fuck you very much," instead of "thank you, very much."

If you fool someone, it lets you have contempt for them. Playing into someone else's fantasy, acting to fit their fucked up fantasy creates contempt, likely because you have no chance to actually do better than their imagination. Perhaps that is the origin of the "familiarity breeds contempt" concept. The best situation was to fit what you had to what she wanted, what thrilled her. Water fits better in a glass than ice cubes. A glass holds both but water fills, perhaps fulfills better, more completely

We were being used. Dildos with ears and I did not like it. I had firm control of Alissa and Laura Wills. Kyla and Natasha, they seemed to have the idea they were still exercising Mom-control extending into our pants now, and that had to stop. Landon felt it but it was like he had jumped out of plane when he started with his Mom and Darlene; he could only ride it, not control it. Fuck me but I'd ride that too if I were in his shoes. Then I smiled. Landon needed my help again. I would help him so he did not know. I took out my phone.

"We shouldn't start without Chris. I'll call him."

Landon looked at me. "I called him, several times but he didn't answer."

I nodded. "I know. I heard you the first time. He's been fucking Tawny so I doubt he will answer his phone, I expect he is dead to the world. He'll answer if I call, though." I was casual but I saw the shock on my buddies faces. I dialed the phone, walking out into the kitchen.

Behind me Landon stood up. "I'll tell them we'll wait for Chris." He said, eager to please them. "Mom and Darlene, I mean."

The fucker had it bad. He was deep down the rabbit hole, or the cat hole as it were. Shit, you never know who will get pussy intoxication and start acting stupid...! I listened to my phone dialing but my mind was suddenly clicking, running on all cylinders. I felt like I had looked into a mirror and seen myself for the first time in a long time.

"D. Debra Hamilton." I said softly, realizing Landon and I were different versions of the same disease. Sammy, Chris, even Brent apparently...we all were struggling with our new found access to personal pussy. We seemed to be casually disconnecting our balls and handing them off to our respective pussies. A man never intends to surrender his balls and what is so weird, women who successfully collect balls generally are not on the hunt. Once a huntress gets your balls, after that you can feel one when she crosses the state line. You know she's coming for you and you have the fight-or-flight response, all adrenaline and no contemplation. Of course it is too late by then. No, most women have fantasies that emasculate their man and then they grouse because they have a eunuch kissing their toes and they end up longing for a "real man". Our job is to resist their self-destructive tendencies and stay men. Keep our balls! So I had some work to do.

"Hello, Sonny. I just dropped Tawny off at your house." Chris spoke hurriedly.

"Ah Chris, so nice of you to answer your fucking phone." I put a little more chagrin into my tone than I wanted. Just? Who was he kidding?

"Sonny, hey man, what was I supposed to do? She, I mean, Miss Hamilton, I mean..."

"Chris, I fucked your mother. I gave her to you and then took her away and gave her away to someone else. You think you fucking Double D Hamilton exceeds that? Not really. Shit, man, I'd have fucked her too, in your place. I just hope for your sake Tawny understands."




"She, uh, she was embarrassed she liked it so much. I don't think Tawny likes the idea that a woman can eat her to orgasm like that. She made me fuck her..." Chris' voice trailed off. "She wanted dick so badly after she came a few times with Double D. What was I to do?"

"What you did, most likely." I muttered.

"Hey Sonny, now listen..."

"Chris, I didn't mean it that way. Don't sweat it. I have been bending women over tables and getting them to bow and scrape, I figure it is karma to have that happen to me. D. Debra has my number and I like it. So far, but that might be changing. So don't sweat it. Listen, I need you to do something for me. Landon invited you over to watch football. You need to get over here but first, I want you to go get Annie. Bring her with you."

"Uh, okay. She won't do anything with me unless you tell her to."

In that simple statement Chris revealed his experience in trying to induce Annie to break my rules. Apparently she hadn't. He had tried though. Contrary to expectations, I had no wish to get revenge or any other recompense for that. My control comes exclusively from commitment inspired by seduction. That's me.

The fun of setting the rules when it comes to sex is making them fit our sensual pleasure, and if someone violates them, it is their loss. I have no interest in enforcing them or punishing anyone for doing so. Revenge and two graves and all that. Too much pussy in the world to worry about the one that gets away. My challenge at every point is to find the rules that fit someone's greatest sexual thrill and ask them to trust my sense of that.

If I am wrong, I learn better. If they follow me and find ecstasy, I gain credibility. Not to use on them, but as a point of reference for their own sexual pursuits. No one surrenders the responsibility for their own pleasure but finding someone you can blend with...that is both rare and fine. It is like dancing a waltz with a woman that really follows your lead. On the right night, to the right music, with just the right amount of wine, a waltz can be a surpassingly wonderful and sensual experience. But despite how good it is, it is still just foreplay. There is another indication of who I am. All of life is foreplay for me. I love sex with women! The more complicated I make life, the better the foreplay. I was about to make life really good for us all!

"Sonny? I said Annie won't..."

"I heard you. You're right, Chris. I'll call her. She'll be ready. I suppose you need to shower and change. Give her half an hour. That enough time?"

"I, yeah, I guess."

I heard the confusion in Chris' voice.

I was flipping through the pages of my book of life and finding clarity. It was like I was looking at the answers in the back of the book. For the first time since I met D. Debra Hamilton I was awake, fully awake. I was emerging out of the haze of her spell on me.

"I'll tell her. Get here with her as soon as you can, but don't touch her. You'll get your chance so don't spoil it by taking advantage of the situation."

"I am not sure I can...Tawny...she was ravenous."

I chuckled, both at the words and Chris' tone. By the time he got to the final thought, there was terror in his voice.

"I think she likes you too, Chris." I said just that. "Oh and Chris, its almost noon. You dropped Tawny off at my house hours ago. Get going, this could be fun. See you in a bit." I hung up.

I grinned. I walked into the other room. Landon was coming down from upstairs.

"They want one of us to..."

"I don't care what they want." I said harshly. Landon looked like I had slapped him at first but then a fleeting look of relief passed over his face. It was replaced by another expression but I had seen that flashing relief and marked it for what it was; validation that I was wake. "You go tell them I said no one goes till everyone is here."

Shit. I forgot something. I turned back into the kitchen and dialed Chris. This was a risk but it was worth it. I needed some strange dick to break the spell on Landon. "Chris, just listen. Is ah, whatisname boning Laura this morning?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard anything since I got home...wait. His car is on the street so I suppose so."

"Bring him. With Annie. He can't touch her either. Tell him, tell him if he wants any shot at his favorite red head, he needs to do like he is told."