All Comments on 'Her Blue Dodge Minivan Ch. 03'

by ohio

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zed0zed0about 17 years ago

I LOVE a Happy Ending!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 17 years ago
What else could he do?

This is very believable, but not a very happy ending. There were no options. An affair is bad, the swinging thing was beyond redemption. Thanks for the story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Ohio, I am very impressed by the way you finished the story. Some would say it was a little short, maybe... For me it was great! I was affraid that you were going to give us another ´House of cards´, and that would be a real pain in the ass. Thanks, Thanks a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

...for allowing the characters of your story to remain true to themselves. Eileen didn't really "love" her husband, she treated herself to whatever and whomever came along until she got caught just because she liked it. "If it feels good, do it." That is NOT love for anyone but oneself! She got less than she deserved. Divorce is not really punishment it's merely the pathway to freedom for both of them.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 17 years ago
Very well done Loving Wives story of consequences

A good read. I, as usual, wonder if she ever really determined what it is that makes her feel like she needs all the extra excitement in intimacy. Is it the thrill of being adored by someone other then her husband or is it the act of sex and the thrill of the forbidden, or feeling of intercourse, or the unhappiness with her life and/or husband. There are so many other reasons that can be categorized, but what is important to her is to be as truthful about it. She has some real obsessions she wants to act upon and that is her first understanding she needs of herself. <p>The husband has seen that she needs more then fidelity and an unwavering love to feel fulfilled. She has given him nothing to hang his hat on as to her feelings are now understood and she finds them more hurtful then the love she had. She may be best off moving on as she still has to live within herself and not try to be what she could never be.<p>He didn’t have far to go to decide that he had nothing new to give himself any real solace that things had really changed. Just her want to be with him and him with her and that carried very little real clout. As she needs to try and understand herself, he needs to become whole and not feel it’s inadequacies that drove this adultery. These are both hard concepts to get too. Divorce is not the end to a life, but a beginning to a new chapter and hopefully a better outlook of each person knowing they can move on and eventually be happy.<p> Very well done and great writing as always. Thank you for the entertainment.<p>PT

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Guessing til the End

Ohio has done another excellent job. He allowed us to see the torment faced by Danny, and through Ch 2 the remorse of Eileen. He made it clear that Danny had 2 decisions, and the lengthy debate he had in dealing with them, keeping us guessing until the end.

What was the deciding factor, in my view it was the fact they had discussed things, and that DAnny had made his position very clear to her, and that knowing this, she went to the swing, and then her affair.

From his deliberations, I believe he may have been able to get by the affair, if that was it alone, but the attendance at the swinging party after their prior discussions, made the disrespect just too much to bear, and thus divorce was in this case, the logical end.

Ohio has shown us once again that his stories are definitly worth reading.

andrew peters

JakeRiversJakeRiversabout 17 years ago
I think that sometimes in a marriage

like this, in a situation like this, that making a decision - some decision is the first step towards recovery.


He finally understood that it was an untenable situation and he moved on. Fait accompli - time to figure out what the rest of his life is to be..


Interesting story - well done.


Regards, Jack

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Perfect ending for a lousy situation!

Probably the most realistic ending to this sad story. Ohio, did a fantasic job of detailing the emotional response to the wife's complete disrespect to him & the marriage. Hats off for a great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I guess I'm just a softy at heart. I think you had another story with these characters if Danny let Eilene come home and she becomes restless again. This time rather than run out and have an affair she tells Danny and then the plot thickens. Now what happen?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

i was hoping for Reconciliation. but i still liked how it ended. and i do understand why. its never easy, especially if you think about the future.

very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
He needed therapy

He really should have agreed to see a counselor, himself. Not to make him forgive her, but just to help him see the situation and make up his mind. Four months is too long to hang in limbo. He wasn't resolving anything during that time, he was just wallowing in it, and maybe building up the courage to make the split permanant. A professional could have helped him a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Therapy! Therapy? Men don't do therapy!

But I do think he should do the sister -- and Ohio should write about how great it was for both of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Happy endings

We all love them. Hollywood has made a lot of money using them. But sometimes real life just sucks. Your story was real. Infidelity has lasting consequences and I like the way you have shared them with us. You carried the tension right until the end and helped us to understand the torment that the affair created on all sides. Thank you, once again, for a terrific story. Life sometimes doesn't have happy endings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Great story, didn't see the ending coming. He was a pridefull man who had done his job of being a good father and husband and she shit all over him, over and over. Some things you can not fix, they go to deep and hurt too much. A follow up at some point would be great. Thanks for the terrific story and good luck.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 17 years ago
Its REVOLTING that some were HOPING for reconcile

First I love this story. It was and is Perfect. I think OHIO has grown into a fer better writer than he/she was a few years ago.


Here is an amusing thought...Imagine how Angiquesophie

who present her version of the wife's view of things..


fucking scary huh?


Anyway... Keep in Mind a Key point. <b> In her therapy Eileen admitted that sneaking around on her husband lying and doing the swinging things and the affair was a Power rush.... she got off it sexually.... BUT she as not able to see that her getting off sexually on the cheating was an ITENTIONAL act to do EVIL </b> (knowing something is wrong and doing it ANYWAY is EVIL) <b> and harm to Danny the kids her marriage and her family. </b>


Danny never found out about these dangerous FACTs. If he knew what we the reader knows this would of been a much shorter story.


As a general rule there is way too much emphasis in American society "happiness:... as if thee is a right be be HAPPY -- whatever the fuck that means. Sometimes Life sucks shit on toast.


what I cant see is why so many WANTED reconcilation.

Are these clods unable to recall that the Wife did NOT just ave a 3 month affair but engaged in the swinging lifestyle several times?


To me I dont see what Danny was THINKING over. If he was miserable without her why would being with her make him HAPPY?.


His analysis in the end was OK.... how could he take her back? how would that work on a daily basis?

coaster2coaster2about 17 years ago
Well written and true to life.

It may not have been the resolution some had wanted to see, but in real life, these kinds of trauma are often permanent and as one of the comments noted, it may be that first step toward healing. I'm just glad it isn't me that has to make this kind of 'Hobson's Choice'.

Cheers on another fine effort.


Gary_LostGary_Lostabout 17 years ago
Sad Story

Like the title says, "sad story" but very well written. Wished the story could have a happy ending but it was still a great story.

leapyearguyleapyearguyabout 17 years ago
He should have?

He should have fucked the sister. No, better yet he should have fucked Netrebko's wiife. Yeah, that's the ticket. Tie them all up and... and... Wait, no, that's not good enough. He should have... um... Oh shit, it's your story Ohio, he should have done exactlly what he did. Nice job, I enjoyed the read very much. Thank you, LYG.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Suspicion or Regret

Great story. Life does go on. So do you want to live with the suspicion or try and move on with the regret. But who says its not a happy ending? Perhaps not as a couple, but each on their own path.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago
Principles and Integrity

Danny had both, Eileen did not. I am glad that the author allowed Danny to remain true to his character as stated in Part 1. An excellent story which was very well told.

tigertonytigertonyabout 17 years ago
not one of ohios best

if that was end of story, im disappointed. I enjoy a good cheating wife story. If the wife is really sorry, and the hubby tries to get over the affair, i hope they get back together. if she is just a wild wife, dump her ass.

IN this story, what would make it better, the hubby really needs some revenge to make himself better. I would suggest he fucks his sister in law and let his wife know it. the wife may think she knows what her hubby is going thru, but not until she goes thru same thing, will she ever know. plus it will give him a sense of retribution. this can be done after the divorce, so he wont be cheating

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Sad but realistic ending

Not an unexpected conclusion. When Danny refused to go to marriage counseling, that foreshadowed the final break-up. Good writing as usual by ohio even though I thought parts of Chapter Two were tiresome. Thank you for a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
the readers just kill me on these stories

harry, i think u have a serious problem. these are just stories. some readers would want their dad to ditch their mom, and call him a wimp if he didnt. Im a man, i love the stories where she is a slut and he catches her ass and throws her ass out or even worse, i even enjoyed a story where she was sold into slavery lol. would u guys be calling her a wimp if roles were reversed, no u wouldnt. u prob would say she deserved what she got. in this story i believe he would be better off working something out and staying with her. i dont think she will be making same mistake. the chances of him meeting someone else and being happy is miminal. he more likely to meet even a bigger cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Good story

It was a realistic, well-thought out story, but it left me wanting a bit more. I wanted to know what happened to them after they parted. Did they ever become friends? Did finally the love dry out? Was it too painful to keep any kind of relationship even if for the children? Did he find someone else, or as he expected remained alone for the rest of his life? Did he ever regret it?

Like Peggy I always wonder about the motivation of the affair...why did she feel the need to disrespect him? The psychological and emotional aspect of a story is what always gets me. So I guess I wanted a bit more of that, too.

Nevertheless, Ohio, fantastic story. Thank you very much. You always write characters that we get to "meet." We like these people, we want them as friends...and we want them happy. Fleshing out a character is something you do very well. Kudos.

Risq_001Risq_001about 17 years ago
Nice Ohio, but...........

<p>I'm sure you might feel I liked it because they didn't get back together, but thats not it. I liked it because of consistant reasoning that made sense to me. The kids and their family trying to get them back together. The husband's end reasoning made sense to me</p>

<p>Great story with very believable consistant reasoning.</p>


capecodmercurycapecodmercuryabout 17 years ago
Sad, but realistic

Ohio, this story was among the most realistic I have seen on this site. The husband's despair about being torn between two shitty options was very poignant, as was the wife's despair over what she had thrown away. To me the hardest thing to forgive would have been the disrespect the wife showed by going to the swing party in the first place. It was admirable that she confessed and tried to work out her problems, but this story focusd on the point that is so often under emphasised. The struggle of the injured spouse to deal with what occurred.

Great job.

NucleusNucleusabout 17 years ago
Sad ...

... but real. Perhaps they remain friends. I would see a chance for reconciliation but nobody can give back Danny the trust in his (ex)wife. Anyhow nobody can guaranty wifes fidelity in future. No one can shed his character like an old winter coat. Regret and contrition? Shure but no guarantee.

<p>Thank you for the entertainment</p>


GaryAPBGaryAPBabout 17 years ago
But was he happy?

Another excellent piece of writing by Ohio. Congratulations.

Danny had no option but to divorce her. But what the story doesn't tell us is whether he went on to be happy. I have this horrible suspicion that Eileen will go on to be happy, afterall she is a deeply foolish and selfish person. She had absolutely no excuse for her actions except selfishness. And she learnt that she gets off on cheating, secretiveness and the power trip of an affair.

So, she had therapy, and she understands herself a bit better. So what? Understanding yourself doesn't make you a better person. And no where in the story does she show herself to be a better person. She just regrets the consequences of being the person she is.

But, a great story from a master!

toesmantoesmanabout 17 years ago
Great read;

Ohio, this is clearly one of your best, if not indeed, your best to date. Although "My Second Nightmare" is still right up there among my all-time favs. The ending was not forced, indeed, given the husband's character, which was made abuntantly clear, there really could not have been another ending that made sense in the context of how you had cast his character. While I'm not among those who favor reconciling at any cost, under the right circumstances, I can see reconciliation happening; but not in this case. It was not to me in the end the fact of her screwing 3 other men, & having the affair, it was Eileen's egregious and ultimate disrespect that she had for him. You & I have traded thoughts on this before, I could not find it possible to forgive that level of disrespect. Anyway, again, great stuff, hope you're doing better physically & medically. Take care, we need you healthy and writing more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

But the ending almost seems anti-climatic.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
About damn time!

He took that long to realize what she had really done to herself and to him. She had destroyed everything they had together, It was just disrespect it out full out who the hell cares, I want this and to hell with you, your needs and your desires. No he could never trust her again and forever is to long to continously look over your shoulder and hers to see that she hadnt begun her long pathway to slutdom again. Someone once here wrote no woman cheats by accident, they all know what they are doing and why, and arrange the scenario to fit what they want. This woman did that. Someone else wrote that once a woman cheats it will always be easy to do it again and again, this woman did that and laffed about it when she was having sex. Finally someone else wrote once an adulterous slut, always an adulterous slut. It just takes a self preceived reason, opportunity, and another person. This woman also fits that description. He is better off without her and needs to go look up Adele, and the sister Diane. Time for some recreational acceptance of life, and getting over the fact it isnt his shortcomings that caused his wife to cheat, it was her own mental instability, the same instability she is still showing strong signs of. She doesnt need a counselor, what she really needs is a medical doctor specialized in mental instability to help her grow up and to recover from her mental illness. Ladies and Gentlemen there is seldom a good reason to stay together once one partner has trashed the marriage, it just all live a life of hell. Always throw out the trash, let someone else do the recycling if it can be done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

... nobody wins.

as they say life's a bitch then you die.

thanks for entertaing us

Mike from Texas

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Think about a sequel

I like happy endings too, but maybe 2 stories, one with him having some fun finding himself and maybe reconciling.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 17 years ago
I thought it was pretty good

But it wasnt great imo. As others have mentioned, you made her offense (free love types dont get your panties in a bunch - it was an offense in the context of this marriage but Im not saying having sex with someone is always a crime or that people own their spouses) so great that there was no other possible outcome. I sorta wondered why you strung it out so much especially since the ending was so abrupt and the husband didnt really have any deep thoughts while fence-sitting. <p><p>

Again, others have said it better but I would also have liked to see if he recovered and ended up happy. I would have even liked the wife to realize what she did and become a better person. <p><p>

I guess that Im not really getting it since I didnt see what the point was. Ive said it many times before and Ill say it yet again - I dont think realism all by itself makes for good fiction. Instead of arguing with the outcome like I often do with your stories though, I was put-off by the structure. Much as I hate to say it, I think some of your reconciliation stories that I had problems with were better fiction than this story with a ending I could get behind. Not saying you should only write reconciliations, just that I would like to see a melding between the drama/tension/emotion of your other stories and the more rw (from my pov anyway) ending of this story. <p><p>

Still much better than I could ever hope to do though. Thanks very much for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
This is a happy ending!

As I said at the end of part 1, I would like to see a focus on him getting into a successful relationship where he can spend the 40+ years that remain of his life with someone that he can trust and with whom he can discover what happiness comes from sharing sexuality with a single, absolutely committed partner.

What worked for me was his realization that he could enjoy being with other women, one of whom he knew for years and another of whom he met for the first time. That is what makes this a happy ending: he is on his way to a life of mutual respect. It may take a while, but it may be fun along the way. He obviously can be a player in the singles scene (with the right women, and that's what he's looking for after all). And it may be fun to see how much Diane wants to stick it to her sister. Is it possible that the reason she has never stayed with any of her "men friends" is that they came up short compared to her sister's catch?

Anyway, I think it is a happy ending. The one who deserves to get out from under the weight of the cheating has done so and the one who should bear the weight forever appears to be going to have just that happen to her. I give it less that perfect score because I think we should have seen the success of his free search for a good match and more good years than the 20 he has invested in this loser.


KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 17 years ago
This IS a "Happy" Ending, Yes!

Of the "two alternatives" that were opened to him, this IS the happiest, most logical, most heartening --- although it is also the hardest. <p>

How could ANY PERSON --- that is, if they don't like to swing, like to watch or tape their spouse being fucked by others, etc. --- men or woman, who had been totally, HEINOUSLY disrespected like this man, this husband, welcome back THAT PERSON who so disrespected them, SIMPLY because they now cry big tears, asking for "forgiveness"?

The most logical thing to do, the most logical way think, in these kinds of circumstances, if you want to truly focus on the "positive" things, is to say: <p>

"We have had a wonder number of years; produced two great kids. But what you did to me, to our marriage, and to yourself, physically and intellectually, can NOT be forgiven, because, frankly, it is too heinous a crime. I had loved you all these years, but I NO LONGER love you. Nor do I want to RE-START a life with you, to see if I could fall in love with you again. Therefore, we will embark on different paths from this point forward. It will be difficult, as time will ease our pains and sense of loneliness and in time we will, hopefully, find someone we can love to share our lives and journeys with..." <p>

And end the nonsense after that and walk away! Good and correct decisions are usually hard, but wimping out and taking the easy way out by rationalizing "I can't be happy without you, even though you've treated me heinously. But I HOPE you won't do it again, because I can't take it and won't take it... So, let's fuck and be happy again...", like 95 percent of these stories here,,, it's nonsense... <p>

So, again, good job for writing about men who make decisions on tough choices. Most of us do hate wishy washy begging characters. In this man, this character, you've created a thinking, feeling, hurting, but ultimately DECISIVE character who is willing to have his inner most thoughts and feelings be counted!

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 17 years ago
I gotta go with 'Joe'

Ohio:<p>I just read all three chapters at one sitting. 'Average Joe' was articulate and pertinent in his assessment of your story. I pretty much feel the same as he did about this story as a whole. I didn't read anything that indicated to me that the husband experienced some revelation in helping him to make his decision. Oh, I appreciated your description of his uncertainty. Your depiction of his doubts and anxieties was well written. But, as with 'Joe,' the only thing I got out of it was he was filled with indecision, and then suddenly made a choice. Was the conversation with "Adele" that monumental? It didn't appear so to me? He was checking out the women on the dance floor. Hell, I'm happily married, totally devoted to my wife, and I do that, as I'm sure many husbands do. The husband admitted to an ongoing flirtation with his sister-in-law, so he was already aware of the sexual attractiveness of other women. So what caused him to make up his mind? Again, as with 'Joe,' I didn't see any "deep thoughts," thoughts which would illustrate his thought process in his making up his mind.<p>Overall, I liked your story. It was a sad resolution for two decent people. I know, I know. The wife cheated on the husband and truly disrespected him. But I don't believe she was inherently bad or evil. Her portrayal was not anything like the self-righteous, self-indulgent wife in 'angiquesophie's' recent submission. This woman was truly repentant. But it isn't difficult to dislike her. It is because of her actions that they both suffer now and will continue to do so until time scabs over their wounds.<p>'Ohio," for lack of better way to describe my reaction, this story just didn't have enough "bite" for me. It was more like drinking a cool glass of water than an ice cold brew. I honestly can't tell you what would have made it better for me. To me it was efficient. Thanks for sharing.

cloacascloacasabout 17 years ago
A good story but . ..

It would have been stronger as a work of writing if you ended it at part 1, as JPB would have, or after part 2, because then you'd still have ambiguity. The last section is well written but it becomes a "moving on" story that takes away from the dramatic tension of the first part and the sorrow built into the second part. This last section could, if expanded, be a separate story, which means it really didn't need to be part of this one larger story unless you then go on and have yet another section that describes her life after and then one about his life after, etc.

You're a good writer and some of your stories have excellent plotting. I'm thinking in particular of Forbidden Fruit, which was arranged beautifully. Brisket also had that kind of art.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 17 years ago
Not "Indecisive" in the Usual Ways, usual stories

in the two previous installments, I was rather flippant and harsh on Ohio. indeed, I mentioned the "indecisive" factor a few times; not in this last installment. <p>

here, I sensed a great, sadly torn husband, father, and man who's being very decisive: he tries to show some normalcy by talking with the daughter, the sister (of his wife), and others (friends and acquaintances), but you can sense that deep down his insides are in constant battle, churning.... But this "battle" is different from one where we would say, "What an indecisive man, he waits months and still can't make a decision..." <p>

No! in this situation, the author had the man do two things simultaneously: give himself some time to reflect on life and living, to "calm down" from the "white hot" anger he felt. once he's able to think more rationally, he reasoned, he would THEN see if he was willing to live with someone he still loved but someone who had lost respect for him and, FRANKLY, someone for WHOM he no longer respect! <p>

the latter was more important, to him, than the former! <p>

remember, respect is a two-way thing. the wife decided --- and she even said it herself (saying NOW that she had started to respect you again, now that she's in trouble, well, that don't cut it: that's NOT about respect; that's begging when you're in a deep hole) --- that she didn't respect him or his wifes, so she went to some swinging party and then proceeded carried on a fucking affair after that...because fucking other men was too exciting, too overwhelming, or too romantic "despite my love for you" [sure!!] <p>

well, again, the ultimate point is: now he no longer have respect for her, the kind that would make their life happy or good like what they once had. respect runs deeper than love; while "love" is really an emotion induced by habits and hormones, RESPECT is a much more controlled, calculated thought or belief: <p>

you respect someone when you have known them, or have observed them, to be faithful, trustworthy, reliable, perseverant, selfless, etc. when that is no longer the case, or is proven to be false, you CAN and you MUST reassess your initial set of thoughts and change your mind, if warranted! <p>

that's what this husband did; he may still love her, as they had been partners for over 20 years; but once he no loner respect her, no longer can trust her, totally, as a life mate --- it's time to cut the ties...

bear2readbear2readabout 17 years ago
Criticizers Get A Life -- Or Write Your Own Stuff

I read all 3 Chapters in one sitting. Having experienced something similar to the author, I can honestly say that for him to take months and months to make up his mind is a real world experience. Sometimes couples separate for a year or more to figure out whether or not they can get back together -- the only thing missing perhaps was couples therapy, but in this case, Eileen had to figure out why she did what she did. The characters are believable, the storyline is believable, and the ending was done in a justifiable, thoughtful, planned way that makes a lot of sense to me. I understand how 2 people can love each other but not live with each other after the trust bond has been broken. Overall, a good job of writing a conflicted, heartbreaking story. For other critics -- try to write it yourself!!

waratahwaratahabout 17 years ago
Well done

All three chapters were good. I liked the way that Danny made sure he waited til the anger was less before he made his decision. And I liked that he still managed to treat Eileen with some compassion and dignity even while telling her he was divorcing her. That has left the opportunity open for them be freindly and civilised at graduations, kids weddings etc. The story was well done, as we expect. I think the Danny character mad ethe right decision in this case.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
No Longer Predictable w/ A Bullet

Congrats Author, you created the obstacle then acknowledged it for what it really was.<P>

A lack of respect for him and their family to the point that his lack of trust in her and the grievous injury to his pride reasonably didn't allow her another chance nor could he tolerate her presence in his sight or life such as it is.<P>

It was also human for his re-awareness of women to pop up as an indicator that he won't pine away in dismal disillusionment of what could be in his future.<P>

Your ability to show human reaction and contemplation has been fully realized in this strong work. The grievance was too lengthy and blatant to avoid real life consequence commensurate to her planned infidelities.<P>

Thanks Author<P>

With Very High Regard

charleybearcharleybearabout 17 years ago
Good Read

There have been several people who have commented that Danny very well may go through the rest of his life without being truly happy because he did not get back together with Eileen. I want to go on record as saying that I believe the story has several hints that old Danny is going to be just fine. For starters, when his sister in law came to visit he had a great time with her. He found her fun and interesting and even flirted with her. I don't think anything will ever come of that but it shows me that he has shed some of the horrible things that would preclude him from being happy in the future. Secondly and to me more importantly he struck up a conversation with a strange woman (Adel) in the bar and had he been single he would have done alright in that situation. It was only his character that did not allow him to pursue her since he was married. Now speaking of his character, I believe in due time he will forgive Eileen and that will complete his healing and open the door to being happy. Will he ever get back with her? I sure hope not! It seems all the things he did for her to keep her sexually happy were merely because she wasn't satisfied with "just him." And, I believe he made the right choice in divorcing her. Ohio, I liked this story very much. Thank you for a fine effort.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
On thing really missing

You have him talk about getting revenge against her and not regretting it, but that is only part of it. He knows Dennis and Amy's part in it, yet there is nothing about that. Given his attitude, given what you presented before, their fear that "they all had too much to lose if word of their behavior got out" would seem to play right into his hands.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
An important question

A major theme of this chapter was how unhappy Dan was. He knew it and all of his friends and family could see it. At no point, however, did anybody ask a really important question:<br><br>

Why was he unhappy?<br><br>

It isn't clear cut. One reason <i>may</i> have been the seperation from his wife of 20 years. Another possible reason could have been that he was mourning the death of the relationship he once had with his wife - nothing to do with missing his wife. Yet another reason may have been that the pain of the betrayal was still present, preventing him from being able to focus on those things that would have made him happier.<br><br>

There was this over-reaching assumption that it was the seperation from his wife that made Dan unhappy. It isn't necessarily an accurate assessment of the situation. Given how it came out, I'm inclined to think that while he may have missed his wife, the true cause of his unhappiness lay in the pain of the betrayal and in mourning that which he had lost.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

The ending seemed a little rushed. Not one of your better writings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
A GREAT job!

Wow! As someone who attempts to write stories for this site (when time allows), I am always impressed when I read a quality story by another author. And especially when it is in this category, which I find to be the most difficult to write!

Good writing, good story and a realistic ending. I, too, had to make a decision about a "loving wife" who decided that she wanted more than just a "loving husband". It is not a decision that I could make in a split second, as some apparently can.

Please continue with the excellent work. Thank you.

Casey Edwards

Zeb40Zeb40about 17 years ago
I was right!

and I hate that I was. I half hoped that ohio could justify a reconciliation, but I couldn't see it logically happening. As some of the other comments pointed out, I believe he was slowly on his way to moving on, and sad to say, Eileen got what she earned when she showed her disrespect. Sad but good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
STOP ! ! ! !

This is the ending for this story. It would be cruel to all parties involved including all readers if it went any further. She screwed up big time. She broke their marriage vows and she is the one that can no longer be trusted if they get back together. Danny, there are several good women out there waiting on you and you should not let Eileen stop you. She has cheated and cuckold you , so now is the time for her to live the life she wants to live. Say no more to her, but screw her sister till she passes out. You deserve her...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Her conduct could only lead to this conclusion. She knew her conduct was unacceptable to him. She knew that he would not accept the conduct. It was not a one time failure, but a repeated, purposeful betrayal. Her conduct was not caused by diminished capacity or an external unwanted compulsion. She was not forced. It was planned and calculated. Her betrayal was caused by a character flaw. A flaw that could not be fixed or forgiven. Great job explaining and boiling his choice down to its simplest and clearest form. Great writing. I look forward to reading more. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Sad but great work

I have one small problem with the story. Everybody in the story talks about how the wife has "come to you and told you the whole story, and apologized as fully as she knows how to do". but I remember that she never told the husband about the Swinger party. This was where she had decided to kill her marriage.

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
A Great Story Ohio

ohio that was sad and i enjoyed reading it.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 17 years ago
I agree with HDK...

The swinging thing is, as HDK said, "beyond redemption." Time to move on and possibly upgrade as part of the process.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
A story of failed evolution

Even though Eileen was the party who did all the initial damage, she eventually took responsibility for her actions and did everything she could to try for a reconciliation.

All the husband did was get angry (and rightly so), go on a "why me" rampage and then at the end of it all, essentially run away.

Did Danny go to counselling?

No, he just moped. whined, and essentially do nothing.

He didn't even try.

I've been cuck'd in real life, and can identify with Danny.

However, I took the hit, we did the work and even though we did eventually divorce 9 years later, it was because we had grown so far apart that being married no longer made any sense.

Danny jusy pussed out and ran away.

Nice story otherwise.

Use1ceOnlyUse1ceOnlyabout 17 years ago
Real life

In the sad world of Real Life the reason people who have stayed within their marriage branch out is that they don't like their present situation. Even if they don't know what change they want the uncertainty leaves them open to the pleasure of a fuck with a stranger if one offers. This isn't necessarily the start of a new life. In fact it's a common mistake to try and make it into that.

In this story Eileen had made her unease known to Danny even if she didn't yet know how strong it was herself. He offered nothing in return but that she knuckle down to more of the same. Later knowing this she took what was freely offered and enjoyed it. After that her wanting to stay with her boring - to her at least - husband is as silly as him deciding to take her back would be.

I don't know if swinging of the kind described happens but it doesn't seem likely to be common among people who care for each other. It would be a breeding ground for most of the negative emotions that I can put a name to. That I don't like it is no reason for to accept that in this story Danny should seek revenge on the couple whose offer of sexual pleasure had been accepted by Eileen, a grown woman making her own choices good or bad.

One of the facts forgotten by many of those interested in these stories is how good fucking a stranger can feel if both put a little effort into the encounter.

Kanga40Kanga40about 17 years ago
I stand by my comment at the end of Ch2

The story was over at the end of Ch2.<BR>

There were a few good lines in this chapter, but not enough to justify such a drawn out offering.<BR>

I wonder why Eileen really wanted Dan to stay? He wasn't good enough for her after 20 years of marriage. She would quite obviously have kept on cheating and swinging had she not been caught. <BR>Was it merely because Dan was tossing <I>her</I> out? <BR>Because she was not getting her selfish way? <BR>Did she only want him because he didn't want her any more?<BR>I wonder about these posibilities, because even though Dan says he knows she loves him, her actions speak volumes against that proposition.

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago

That was the only possible way to end this story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Just Right

What more can be said or done.There are times that sorry just dosnt cut it.i.e. the man who was speeding on our street and ran over our dog,the son playing with matches and setting the barn on fire,the grandfather who shot his grandson one night when he took him to be a robber,these are only a few of the events where saying sorry wont fix it.

Cheating with intent is also like these,once done,it cant be fixed no matter how they may try.

daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago
great ending

So is she going to join a swing club now that she's single and find out that sex with no love is ok, but will never replace a deep wanting of your lover, and the satisfaction you get when real love is returned. Hum these swingers are a bunch of shallow assholes who satisfy their sexual urge but not their emotional needs. Fuck I sound like DR. Phil, sorry. Ohio I kept looking for your story every day. Thank God you finally finished it. Please keep writing, Luis

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago

As the award guys seem to be sleeping on the read, I feel that for what it’s worth the two chapters 2+3 deserve my personal quality award **Q** for a true literary achievement <P>

To me the two chapters 2+3 constitute one of your best works so far. Your achievement is particularly remarkable given the highly condensed thematic ‘territory’ in which you were now able to leave your new high mark. So many versions exist now on marital infidelity and its aftermath, among which there is often but the tiniest difference in emphasis, or tone, but overall they leave you with a sense that they tell you something that have already been told pretty much in the same way before. That’s why I am so impressed by the fact that you were able to show that there is still plenty to show and tell that haven’t been told, even within the confines of this theme. “The aftermath” is not redundant and is not anticlimactic. That is one of your brilliant insights here. It’s only a literary/filmaic norm that we end with marriage or with divorce. In fact, our lives today consist more and more of the in between, to the point that for many that “in between” IS their lives. Sometimes (not in this story) the marriage(s) are the short in between periods. It may not be “the American dream” but it sure is ONE of the many American realities. I believe that any author who has the courage and the insight –as you have started here, to tap into those untold American stories (or any other nation’s/society’s out of the “main stream”) inevitably touches emotions and experiences of many readers which are very seldom touched. They may not fit the standard of the happy ending story –in one way or another, but it would reflect what’s going on in growing numbers of many types of “NON TYPICAL” house holds in America and world wide. To mention but few: single parent families- with either the mother and now more and more fathers as the single parent; single and divorced people who never married; unmarried couples; children who are being brought up by their grand parents (usually the grand mother), and so on and so forth – and know what? They don’t all wish to be labeled any more as ‘dysfunctional’ ‘unhappy’ or ‘waiting to get into the main American dream’. Sorry ohio for going on a bit here, but I feel that you demonstrated here in a very dramatic and persuasive way how a shift is being made from bowing to ‘one form fits all’ model of the main stream of the American Dream to a higher sensitivity to alternative solutions, better fitting to different individuals. <P>

As demonstrated in your story, a man is being pressured to “make a decision’. As it happens he finds the strength to be true to himself and question the timing of this decision as well as the options he is presented with. He comes to wonder on whose behalf these timing and options are working. It forces him to ask himself where he stands at each period of time. He insists though on keep being true to himself, while not deluding the people around him. I disagree that the addition of the two chapters made it drawn. If anything it opens a totally new dramatic chapter, where all the dramatic tensions are shifted. In fact this ‘addition’ is so distinct that it could have been a stand alone story by its own merit, with only few factual fillers. At the height of it, as he comes to visit his wife, he reaches a level of emotional and intellectual understanding - even empathy to his wife’s plight and emotional suffering, but at the same time he realizes that he can not pretend to be someone that he is not for a momentary relief for her. Just wishing that the past would disappear can’t make it so. A very important distinction was made by another reader. That is of the mourning and missing his wife vs. mourning the loss of the relations he had or even the relations he hoped he would be able to achieve with her. Maybe he got some of this distinction when he was able to enjoy the company of another woman in the bar and see that there is a potential for him romantically speaking. Probably that component which so artfully was added to the narrative prior to the last scene allowed him to see that he does have the capacity, even the appetite for life beyond what he came to think of as either loneliness or back to his wife. The last scene of the hugging, and then the departure was one of the most memorable scenes I can remember reading in Literotica. It was loaded with emotions just as it was painted with such restraint, it made for me for a true Literotica Gem. Congratulations on your literary achievement.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
OOPS - Sorry about the typo...

True achievement, for sure, but certainlay not for MY typing skills though...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
A sad ending but that's life

I liked the story, and although the wait was frustrating, the story was free so why complain?

I liked the fact that at the end he didn't try to beat her while she was down. He simply stated that he couldn't get over what was done and it was time to move on for both their sakes.

Sometimes love isn't enough. A marriage without trust isn't going to survive.

Ohio keep up the good work... I still would like to see the House of cards told from the wifes viewpoint... It's the one story where I don't think reconciliation was a real option...

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 17 years ago
Good story

but a sad ending.. It's too bad he couldn't TRY to accept her back.. If it's all over then it's over. Her counseling should handle it.. He should have gone, also.. Maybe with her.. But he'll never know how it might have helped!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What a prat!

A well written story, congratulations. I couldn't help thinking the same thing all the time. What a prat Danny was. All he did was whine and moan what a bad thing his wife did to him. I think that Danny got what he deserved in the end, a sad and lonely remaining life. At least Eileen could console her self with the fact that she learned to accept that it was her fault and tried to save their marriage. Whereas all Danny did was behave like an arsehole, blame everybody else and make it plane that he didn't see their marriage as worth saving. But ask your self this; was it really 100% Eileen's fault? I think his intransigence was what started the whole thing off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very good

The question that was never answered for me was would she really have been o.k. with Danny going to the swap club with her. She asked him twice than went on her own and took off from there, but did she really want him to fuck around also. If so they really were morally at completely different ends of the marriage. Just a story but well written. Love to see a two years latter ending. Thanks

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDabout 17 years ago

Once again an outstanding story with realistic characters. Whether Danny takes her back or not would have been fine with me but the logic or reasons for that decision makes the difference between a ok story or a superb one. Danny was an attractive and successful person both in business and life. Danny had no warts or deficiencies which required that he must accept Eileen's betrayal. There is a difference between forgiveness and absolution. In one ending, Danny could take her back and open their marriage so Eileen can pursue her interest with other men and women. He could participate in swinger parties or fuck other women including her sister. The problem is that she would eventually resent and despise him. Remember she got off on the cheating not really the sex. Respect especially for people who have known each for years does not come by just wishing it. Danny would have to change his moral compass. __________________________________________In a slightly variant ending Danny and Eileen could try to re-establish their sexually exclusive relationship. Since Eileen had been scared straight (like a drug addict) they could try it again. Danny would have to accept the fact that he really did not meet all of Eileen's sexual needs nor can he ever (he can not become a woman or split into another man for a threesome). As long as he did not take her back out of despair Danny could try again.___________________________

In your ending, Danny made the decision that he would not live in constant fear whether she would stray again. He chose to live his life on his own terms. 60 years ago people were stuck within 50 miles of their birthplace to live, work, marry and die. Both Danny and Eileen can now move on to better lives after this disaster. ____________________________________________________

Outstanding - I can not wait for your next story!______

waratahwaratahabout 17 years ago
What a prat?

Kindly submit a story explaining how Danny is a prat?

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 17 years ago
I'm Surprised at SleeplessMD's Analysis"

On the one hand: <p>

""" The problem is that she would eventually resent and despise him. Remember she got off on the cheating not really the sex. Respect especially for people who have known each for years does not come by just wishing it. """ <p>

On the other: <p>

""" In a slightly variant ending Danny and Eileen could try to re-establish their sexually exclusive relationship. Since Eileen had been scared straight (like a drug addict) they could try it again. Danny would have to accept the fact that he really did not meet all of Eileen's sexual needs nor can he ever (he can not become a woman or split into another man for a threesome). """ <p>

SLEEPLESSDM, which is it?<p>

Cheating, I personally, thought is either <p>:

(1) A DISRESPECT for one's life spouse (husband/wife, family) and sex is a mere means, almost an accidental feature of it, but it could be any other aspect of life.... <p>

OR <p>

(2) IT IS A MERE SEXUAL matter, because one's partner's not able to fulfill our sexual needs, but we still respect them deeply (even if our notion of respect and theirs happen to be different and EVEN if we let them think our two views on the notion of RESPECT were the same....): <p>

OR BOTH (a combination of both sets of "reasoning"). <p>

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

[[[ Now, the long, laborious and improvised presentations. Skip it, if you don't want "details"; the above is the crux of the matter...): <p>

(1) "The reason I cheated on you was because DESPITE what we've talked about, despite and agreements and your wishes, that if there's any thing impacting the family unit, that we needed to discuss it BEFORE we make a decision, etc. --- I found myself NOT ABLE or willing to stick to those aggreements, from the solemn marriage aggrements to subsequent discussions, after we've started a family...<p>

"I ALSO thought that no matter what my true thoughts are, REGARDING SEX outside of marriage, NO MATTER what I did, SO LONG AS YOU DIDN'T KNOW, that it would be, it SHOULD be, okay.... Now I really KNOW for real.... It is NOT okay with you, as you've always said all along...<p>

"But you MUST know it was NEVER to DISRESPECT you, dear beloved, and you KNOW how much I love you, don't you? In my true heart of hearts, you are always my number One, someone I truly respect, okay? And other than those OUTSIDE sexual activities with other men, YOU MUST KNOW, I would NEVER knowingly lie to you, or disrespect you, you know that, right?.... <p>

"Furthermore, honey, you NEED to know this: there's no need for you to be INSECURE sexually; I love your sexual prowess as much as these other occasional and weekly sexual partners I've been seeing... My having sex with others had little or NOTHING to do with sex per se... It is just the THRILL, the romance, the excitement of exchanging saliva and vagina and seminal fluids with others that I craved, 'tis why I have been cheating on you,,, it's not that you've not done your job in the sexual department, okay, honey?..." <p>

OR...... <p>

(2) "Honey, I have been having sex with other people, men, especially, because I want a bigger cock in me. Yours is okay to some degree but it is somewhat small, honey, and it could NEVER truly satisfy me sexually. But I didn't want to let you know, because I KNEW you'd get mad and our marriage could be in trouble, if you knew about my extra sexual activities with other men and women. Ours is a marriage that I DEFINITELY did not to end...<p>

"You KNOW how much I love you and you are always my number ONE... I thought a little EXTRA sexual activities on the side, a swing party or two, and then settling down with one or two steady partners who ARE SAFE --- honey, I would NEVER put my health or yours in danger, you KNOW that, right? --- to have weekly or occasional sex with... I thought THAT should be okay, ESPECIALLY if you didn't know about it and IF I still love you as ever, sexually and otherwise...." <p>


(3) Both/all of the above.

Which "reasoning" is MORE ACCEPTABLE? <p>

[[[ Note: The exaggerated wordings were supposedly to exchanges [one-way exchange] between two LOVING people who supposedly loved and respected each other, even if they "happen" to have diverging on matters of sex and sexual activities and practices, both inside and outside of the marriage; but now they ARE DISCUSSING those things as grown up, responsible, honest, and life-partners...

"But if the exaggeratingly "sweetened" delivering tone DIDN'T COME OFF as sincere, or as sound, or as respectful, perhaps because it merely reflected the truly insincere and disrespectful nature of the "problem" the couple was having? And that NO MATTER how much sugar you coated it with, it would never be a truly sincere discussion on love and respect? ... ]]]

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
refreshing conclusion

In so many of these LW stories you see either the cheater, or a famiy member or friend of the cheater tell the cheated upon spouse that they will be lonely and unhappy the rest of their lives if they do not reconcile with the cheating spouse. That they will never find that special someone again. I've always been amazed at the self important attitudes some of the cheaters have when they or someone on their behalf lays this tragic "life sentence" upon the cheated upon spouse as sort of an ultimatum to get back together. Having never been in this situation myself I may not be qualified to say this, but it seems to me to be the epitomy of arrogance or at least a pathetic last desperate attempt to be taken back and forgiven. I'm so glad that was not used against Danny in this story. It was refreshing to see him realize he could find comfort in meeting, talking to and watching other women. Who really knows what the future has in store for us? I can see the agony, turmoil and pain Danny went through with your outstanding writing skills, and I think he made the best possible choice. There is no way he could live with her, and he has hopefully many good years left. There are a lot of women out there. Great story and thanks for writing and posting it. BTW what's this "prat" comment all about anyway? Did that commenter even read the whole story?? Seems not. Good job Ohio. Lisa

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDabout 17 years ago
Superb - Part 2 (Clarification for KublaiKhanIII)

In my previous post, I discussed two possible outcomes if Danny takes Eileen back.

In one ending (1), Danny could take her back and open their marriage so Eileen can pursue her interest with other men and women. He could participate in swinger parties or fuck other women including her sister. The problem is that she would eventually resent and despise him. Remember she got off on the cheating not really the sex. Respect especially for people who have known each for years does not come by just wishing it. Danny would have to change his moral compass. __________________________________________

In a slightly variant ending (2) Danny and Eileen could try to re-establish their sexually exclusive relationship. Since Eileen had been scared straight (like a drug addict) they could try it again. Danny would have to accept the fact that he really did not meet all of Eileen's sexual needs nor can he ever (he can not become a woman or split into another man for a threesome).

Many reconciliation endings lead you to believe that it is happy ever after. However, Ohio wrote this bit of dialogue:


Eileen: Quote>>>> "As Martin and I...fucked, I kept seeing Danny in my mind, and feeling so incredibly excited that I was doing this behind his back. That I was doing something fun, so dangerous, something he'd be furious about. And he'd never know. I swear, thinking about hiding this was what made the sex so great". Unquote>>>>


Eileen also told Alex that Danny fucked sometimes like she experienced that first time with Martin. So I surmised that if ending (1) occurs and Danny agrees to let her scratch her sexual itch Eileen will lose even more respect for him. After all if Danny was going to agree with letting her swing why did he put her through the weeks of hell? (The 'what a prat' commenter was referring to Danny selling his soul to keep her)___________________________________

In ending (2) based upon her comments to Alex, Eileen would have to settle for Danny sexually. She might be happy initially to get him back but there was no real remorse for her actions. She was sorry that she hurt Danny because he found out but she did not lose any sleep over fucking around on him. She finally confessed like a shoplifter who is about to be frisked hoping that the cop does not find the most serious stolen goods. Danny had to know based on their discussion that she cheated in order to get what he could not provide her. __________________________________

Bottom Line: If Danny takes her back you can get that

romantic ending which so many reconciliation-

at-all cost love only if either Danny or Eileen

fundamentally changes. _____________________

I was simply pointing out other possible scenarios.________

Ohio - I love your writing!

cageyteecageyteeabout 17 years ago
To me, the essential issue you raise

is the fact that once the offended party (woman or man) gives her/himself a chance to look, life goes on and it can be as good or bad as you are willing to make it. However dull and bleak the world looks to any of us today, the sun will come up tomorrow and you can appreciate and enjoy it or not. It's up to you. Once he took the time and made the effort to see and appreciate that there are other partners whom he might come to know and enjoy, it was easier to let her go. Not "easy" but "easier". Thanks Ohio for a great read and reminding us that if you take the time to look around, there is lots to see.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 17 years ago
Agree with some, disagree with others . . .

Based on the context and characterization in the story, divorce was the only real choice. I disagree with those who feel that Danny was doomed to a life of loneliness and despair if he did not reconcile with Eileen. A male friend of mine who is middle-aged caught his wife cheating with the guy next door . . . they were soon divorced and he confided in me that it was not difficult at all to find single women who were interested in him for a long-term relationship. He said that as soon as the word got around at work (he works in a hospital), it "was like a target had been painted on him -- ladies, aim here . . . " and he was amazed at the amount of attention, flirting, and general "I'm available" messages that quickly came his way. It was not long at all before he was dating and within slightly less than 2 years he was married again. He was perhaps a little less trusting in the beginning -- that's understandable as a person obviously would not want to be hurt again -- but he was clearly happy with his choices. My only thought regarding the divorce in the story is that Danny should have made the decision much sooner -- 4 months is a long time to mull it over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Sad Story

A lot of readers on this site think that all husbands should

dump the wife and go find the supermodel to remarry.I give

them better odds at putting a dollar on a powerball ticket.

I have 3 friends that went the divorce route,none have found


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

i went for it. took it as a challenge. the first few months was quite lonely, but its also a time for discovery. after awhile, discovered more about myself and life in general. too old, never. no, i didnt a "supermodel" girlfriend but i did met another divorcee who is willing to take a chance in life. we are happy. we are in our 2nd childhood and life is just grand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
some times you have to make a stand

live looking over her shoulder and wandering can you trust her or divorce.there is life after divorce and there women out there looking for a man they can trust.she went to another well and the well was good to her and she got more water from that what going to stop her from going back to that well.once you been a whore it hard to hide.

rooster1rooster1over 16 years ago
Danny made

the correct decision for himself given the position she put them in, in my veiw it was the only one he could make. While making the choice he took much longer than I would have it needs to understood that we all arive at our crossroads at our own pace & tring to rush was what Danny did his best to avoid knowing that this decision was as important to him as the rest of his life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
You Go Girl

Danny is a sanctimonious prick ... no wonder the wife fucked around on him probably was totally useless in bed as well

You go for it girl and dont waste time mourning this arsehole

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Great story...Great ending...I was afraid for a while he would allow her CHEATING ASS to come home. It is ludicrous for the cheating wife to expect to be forgiven when it was explained to her that "SWINGING" was not an acceptable lifestyle BEFORE she committed adultery.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Ch. 04?

Loved it, but, being a sucker for happy endings, how about ole' Danny boy getting together with Adele or Diana (or both :-)?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

See my comment on "House of Cards"

You wrote: I still love you, and I know that you love me.

"On the other hand, it's been more than four months, and I still don't want you to come home.

So the sorry bastard is going to divorce her after only 4 months and absolutely NO counseling! His marriage can't mean that much to him is he's willing to let it go that easily.I know she erred, but i feel for her, not him.

Then you wrote:

"I'm going to file for a divorce."

Her eyes started brimming over, but all she said was, "oh, Danny!"

"There are only two choices for me in this situation, and they both stink. I don't want to be alone and lonely, wondering if I'll ever meet someone I can share the rest of my life with. I still love you, and I know that you love me.

"On the other hand, it's been more than four months, and I still don't want you to come home. Every time I try to imagine it, I can see that won't work. However loving and considerate you might be to me, I'm not going to be able to get past what you did, and how it made me feel.

"I'm not as angry as I was, but I still don't want to be around you, let alone live with you or sleep with you. When I think about it, it's very clear that it just won't work for me.

"I know you've made a real effort, Eileen. I know that you've done the counseling and all, and really tried hard to understand why you did it. I give you credit for that.

"But there are just some things that are too serious to get past. And I've finally realized that what you did is too serious for me to get past."

Why do you let him off the hook so easily? He says that she has done everything she can, but left unsaid is, "and I've done absolutely nothing nothing. And since moping around and staying alone in my misery hasn't solved anything for me (duh!), I'm going to take the easy way out and divorce you."

I feel sorry for the wife rather than humble himself and get professional help.

How would you feel about a guy if you found him and his family on the side of the road with a flat tire, a AAA membership card and a trunk full of tools, and all he did was whine that his fingers weren't strong enough to loosen the lug nuts?

I don't know about you, but I'd take his family home and leave his sorry butt on the road.

As usual, your story plots are good, but your aggrteved characters leave a lot to be desired.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
to long

Why did it take him so long? She wanted to live the life of a unmarried slut always on the hunt for the next orgasm right. Sh* grownup kids and all, Niema problema. Give her a hooker uniform and kick her sorry ass out. And if the kids wonder tell them to ask their Ma :)

allforallallforallalmost 16 years ago
Final Answer

I liked this story and found the conclusion realistic.

Now to all the any mouses who want him to come back and grovel to lick her twat, I say, "At some time in your marriage you have to be abloe to trust and relax in that trust." If wifey wants some action it is legal and socially fair enough to ask for the action and then file for divorce if the action is not forthcoming. But there is no right to push hubby down the stairs in the dark to scratch your own itch.

For both men and women, no secret adultery ever lasts very long. It takes an idiot to believe otherwise.

Danny told her waht his rules were,if she couldn't live with them file for divorce and take your own chances.

PS I love going back together and happily ever after. But in real life even for poor wives they seldom work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
she screwed herself

there was this intentional behavior, swing party and the affair. it was her desire and that was it, regardless of impact. the fact that she was made to suffer and ultimately told that she killed the marriage, it worked for me.

what is worse, being with someone you can't trust, or being without them and being sad.

they lose, she loses more.

DSLAYERDSLAYERover 15 years ago
Thank you!!!!

I was so afraid you were going to turn him into a spineless wimp. I am glad you let him do what any man with a backbone would do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Excellent ending to disrespectful slut wife!

Yes, life does go on whether the offended party chooses to look or not. Glad to read a story about a male with balls to dump the trash and not look back. This story is a ray of hope against all the fucking cluck stories and wimp ass authors who create that garbage. John

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Seems like he and sister belong together.

the stupid exwife should have gotten the diseases she deserved but then again sluts always come up smiling. She will be fucking her brains out at the next swinging party.

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
Realistic ending

Just as i stated at the end of chapter 2,He didnt realy have a choice..He was in a "no win" situation,it was not realy the sex thats the problem here..It was the disrespect She showed Him in doing what He told Her was not something He could or would live with..She got off on cheating on Him and also disrespected Him for getting away with it..As for Some readers looking for them to get back together,She wouldnt respect Him for compromising His moral standard and integrity..So He had no choice but to divorce..Yes it is always sad when there is a breakup of a relationship but "She" made the choice to break up Her Marriage and Family..She didnt feel remorse before She got caught,it was fun!!romantic!!exiting!! Then She realised what She was loosing,so only at that point came the fear and the tears..He knew that He could never trust Her again and once trust is broken there is no relationship..The easiest way would have been to take Her back , but that would have been the wimp way and it would have prolonged the pain,in the end they would have divorced anyways..For those who think that He should have gone to counceling I have to ask why they think that???Is that what You would want your Partner to do when You got caught cheating on them??? Would You do that if you caught yours???? Every time You would have sex with your Wife and look into Her eyes what would You realy see and think ??? Its easy to diss a story anonymously that a Writer posts for all to enjoy and its even for free..But then You can always write one of your own the way You like..Try it!! You might see how hard it is to make it realistic..I enjoy your storys Ohio and im looking forward to more ...As for those that think He should go with the Sister,I got the feeling that the Sister knows She dont want a monagamous relationship and that She likes the variety of Men,at least She's honest about it not like the Wife..Life goes on and there are many women out there that have love and integrity and are looking for a monagamous relationship..He will do ok .. A good story great read..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
dreamcatcher makes some valid pts

im giving this a perfect score because you didnt have some bs reason for the couple getting back together again, because like he said, there are just some things that even the most sincere apology cant fix. also, ohio made it very clear that she would not have stopped and would have possible found other men. this is one of the more realistic endings ive read on this site, because all too often authors think a happy ending involves reconcilliation, which is untrue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Wow That was a really great (touchingly sad)story. I found myself totally absorbed, itching for the next chapter. Dont stop, keep writing. Kind of reminds me of H20's style of writing. Your not the same person are you?

norcal62norcal62over 14 years ago
Hubby is all macho rage and anger, no humanity

The story was interesting but I got angrier and angrier at how the author kept husband in rage through the whole story. Not one attempt at reconciliation, understanding, recapture love and "respect". Too many Literotica LW stories seem to be simple venting by writers against women in general; what untrustworthy, cheating bitches they are. Did they all go to Catholic schools? Author, like most others doesn't know the difference between love and hate, forgiveness and letting go. Forgiveness is for the one doing the forgiving, so that the cause of hurt, or whatever loses it's power to control the injured person. This is just a depressing story with few redeeming values; in fact non that I can find.

Simple49erSimple49erover 14 years ago
I suspect NorCal is woman.

I sympathize with the husband's feelings of rage, humiliation, simmering anger, a sense of inadequacy, inability to forgive and forget because this wife's failure was deliberate, planned, and executed without concern for her husbands feelings. It does not matter, Norcal, how sorry the wife is, she took somthing away from her husband that was just more than truts; she stole his sense of partnership and equality in the relationship; she stole his feeling that he was enough for her and made her happy; she ripped the essence of their life in such a fashions that there is no way he will ever be able to feel whole,secure, and loved by her because he will always wonder if he can fullfill her needs not just sexually but in every aspect of the relationship. I think Norcal is woman who sympathizes with the woman's pain, but cannot understand what the husband is feeling except for one thing: what if it had been the husband who cheated in exactly the same way? Would Norcal expect the wife to take the husband back. From what she says, I suspect not because she sympathizes too much with her and not enough with understanding with the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good story

as always. I have to disagree with NORCAL, its not the hubby's job to reconcile anything, the wife is the one who fucked up. The hubby just needs to figure out what is best for him. Not what is best for them, but what's best for him, after all, wife wasn't thinking about them was she? In all these stories I can never understand why people go to such great lengths to keep things a secret from the kids. Their lives are going to be irrevocably changed, they certianly have a right to know why. Personally I think the best thing to do in this situation would be to tell the kids the truth, Your mother secretely went to a swingers party after I told her I didn't want to go and then had a long term affair with one of the men she met there. Not to much detail but basic facts that they need to know. If they aren't told the truth It ends up having a greater effect on them.

katranmankatranmanabout 14 years ago

It's nice to see that he doesn't try to reconcile with the cheater. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I didn't think you had it in you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

im not sure about the once a cheater, always a cheater bit but i def agree that its nice having magically make it work. like the guy said, some things are just so damaging that their is no fixing the relationship.

rolyevansrolyevansover 13 years ago
Thank you

Your stories are always good and I reread them every couple of years. You made Danny very real with the struggle to understand and accept what had happened to his marriage. Sometimes it's too much to live with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Ditch the bitch?

A great ending for the 'ditch the bitch and live a lonely life' fans.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

As you know, from the way you set it up (his divorce annuncition). Still, if she had a certain amount of superficial libidinous to discharge, as she did, he now has a lot of ill-justified but stubborn self-pity to nurse, so they are in fact incompatible. So be it.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
He just couldn't get past the issue of trust and respect.....

He did the right thing. He may be sad but not lonely unless he wishes it so. There are alot more unattached females that will find him more than adequate.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Too Bad

I truly get it - trust is vital and he had no faith he could find it again - I KNOW ABOUT that - but he also made no effort to get some help to deal with the question.

He saw she made great strides with help and he could have made the same effort if the relationship was as important as he claimed it was - a bit of a cop out in the end for him - just cut and run after being pretty considered and strong early on.

The 4 rather than the 5 is not for the ending itself but the rather anti-climactic feel - it left me with - he talked to a woman, he began to think but not through any issue just about them, his explanation and lack of effort fell flat I guess maybe because it felt rushed. 3 stories like 6 pages and a couple of quick paragraphs for a closing seems abrupt.

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