I Fucked a Lesbian


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Emma's fingers kept flickering. "Scared? What do you mean?"

"The longer I would have thought about it, the more nightmare scenarios I'd have been able to work up about how this could all be turned against me. I like you. I think you and Michelle are great, and I think you're great for each other, but lesbians or not, I have never harbored any thoughts about doing anything like this with either of you."

"Up until I came up with this crazy idea," she said, caressing her way now from the tip of my cock, over my balls, "I'd never thought about sex with a man, either. I love you as a brother-in-law, but I sure hadn't thought we'd ever be doing anything like this. Hadn't really even expected you to agree with it."

"Nevertheless, I'm glad to be able to help. You're doing great, as far as I'm concerned."

She smiled. "Thanks." Her fingers kept fondling as she asked, "Would you mind if I touched other places?"

Not knowing exactly what she meant, I nevertheless told her, "My body is your playground."

Emma laughed, "Do you always talk like you're in a bad Victorian novel?"

I laughed right with her, "Sorry. Do what you'd like. It's why I'm here."

Emma's hands left my cock and balls and started to caress my legs, my stomach, my chest.

"That feels nice," I told her quietly.

"Thank you," she returned, her hands roaming over every inch of me she could reach. "It feels quite a bit different than a female body. Firmer, not quite so smooth. Still, like you were saying, just different, not necessarily better or worse."

"Well, I have to say, I like what you're doing." It was true. Emma's hands were gentle. They felt good running over my skin. She lingered over my chest a couple times, then leaned in and kissed my stomach. She then started leaving random kisses on my body as her hands continued to slowly move.

"All this hair," Emma muttered as she caressed my chest, stomach, legs.

"If you can believe it, there are guys out there who shave their entire bodies."

"Oh, I can believe it," she said, "especially considering some of the things women do to their bodies. Why should men be any different?"

"True, though I have to admit, I'm personally not a fan of women who go completely au naturale."

"What, you don't like unshaven pussies?" she asked, her confidence briefly shaken.

I laughed. "No, not that. I love pussy shaven, hairy or anywhere in between. It's the girls with armpits and legs as hairy as my own that don't do a lot for me."

Emma's hands started up and down my thighs, coming just short of my crotch before heading back toward my knees once more. "What would you have done if I was one of those lesbians with the hairy legs and pits, then?"

"I won't lie. It would have made this more difficult for me, but it'd be petty of me to back out for such a reason after having agreed to it.

"Besides, once I got behind closed doors with you, I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to disappoint you like that."

Emma smiled. "I appreciate that. Thank you." Her hands had gone up past my thighs and rubbed my stomach by this time.

"So, as I've already told you, I like what I see, and am glad you at least appear not to be too repulsed by my body."

"On the contrary," she said as her hands swept over my bellybutton, toward my drooling cock head. "I think you're a fine-looking man. I'm glad to have you be my first."

I expected Emma's hands to brush over my hard-on as they got closer -- to be honest, I was hoping they would -- but about an inch before exactly that could happen, they parted and once again slid down my legs.

I couldn't keep a whimper from escaping my throat at the tease.

"Oh, is he getting all frustrated that the mean old dyke won't give him the attention he wants?" Emma mocked.

"He can take it," I told her. "I have to tell you, I don't know if I have more than one cum in me, so I'm trying to be good so this can last."

"Why, thank you," Emma said.

"Besides," I went on, "it's been a long time since I've been with a woman other than my wife, so I'd kind of like this to last a while for that reason, too."

"I see," she nodded sagely. "It's your way of cheating on your wife, but not cheating on her, because she gave permission."

Put that way, I had to agree. "I guess you could say that. I hadn't really even thought about it in those terms till just new."

Emma grinned. "Wow. I've never been 'the other woman' before. And especially not with a straight couple. Well, I've thought about it, but never with your half, if you know what I mean."

Her hands were getting close to my cock again, and I could feel the phantom of anticipated touch the nearer they came. Once more, they parted just moments before touching my drooling hard-on. God, this was maddening, but it was a delightful frustration.

Emma continued down my legs once again, her fingers sliding down just past my balls and over my inner thighs. This was a new sensation from her, and I couldn't help the grunt, followed by a moan, that accompanied it.

"Like that, huh?" she said with a saucy lilt in her voice.

"I think you already know the answer to that," I gasped as she stayed right there, not quite touching my balls, but gently tickling the sensitive flesh just to either side of them.

"So, how long do straight folks fool around like this before they get down to the main event?"

"Uh, I think this is almost a record for me," I estimated, my words coming out a little choppy from the intensely pleasant sensations coming from between my legs, sensations that would get a whole lot better once Emma decided to go for the good stuff. I had no real idea how long we'd been playing around, but the fact that we both came into this without any actual sexual feelings toward one another was certainly aiding in such prolonged foreplay. Besides, we'd been doing a lot of talking along the way.

"Usually, we get into some oral, then after a little while, we both manage to get where we just need to take it to the next stage."

Emma's hands just kept playing, and I could swear I felt them getting closer to my balls and cock, even if it was only by little fractions of an inch.

"So, does she just suck you, or do you eat her, too, as part of your foreplay?"

There was no point in holding back. "A lot of times, she does me and that's it, but I dearly love licking pussy."

Emma's hands crept ever closer to my genitals. My cock drooled even more in anticipation.

"Do you? Why don't you lick her more often, then?"

Again, there seemed no real reason to withhold the truth. My wife might be embarrassed to know I was divulging such things, but she wasn't in the room right then. "She's reluctant to have me get down there. Oh, she enjoys it when I do, but she's self-conscious about the smell and the taste. I've told her several times that I'm a guy and we're programmed to find those things arousing, but it doesn't seem to ease her hesitation."

Emma stopped her gentle caresses. "Well, that stinks. I'd think she'd be happy to have a man who liked getting his face between her legs. I understand there are a lot of guys who don't necessarily care to."

"Yeah, I've heard that, too. Those guys are fools. Nothing hotter than knowing you made a woman feel good with just your mouth."

"I'll agree with that," Emma said with a smirk. "Care to demonstrate how a straight guy performs oral on a woman?"

The thought of eating Emma's pussy was suddenly the greatest idea of this whole scenario. Sure, she had certainly had tongues on her privates before, but I got to be her first. As I've said: I don't tend to be overly competitive. I'd already set up the premise that there wasn't anything necessarily better about straight versus gay sex, just that they were maybe a little different. However, this was my opportunity to prove that a guy could be just as good as a girl in the cunnilingus department.

Besides, since I truly do love eating pussy, I'd be foolish to pass up the opportunity. If Emma was of a mind, she could also maybe point me in the right direction for improving my oral skills.

I felt a surge of arousal at the offer. "I would love to demonstrate. Where would you like to be?"

"Could I be there where you are? I think I'd like to watch you do me."

Wow. The thought of being watched while I performed was daunting, but arousing, too. I wasn't sure if this was how Emma usually was, but I knew Beth didn't care to watch when I ate her pussy.

"Absolutely." I slid off the bed and offered the spot I'd just left. "Warmed it up just for you."

Emma gave me another smile. She liked how I played. I was glad. Beth likes it, too. Sex should be fun. There's no real need for it to be overly serious. I mean, if God (or whichever higher power you may espouse) hadn't meant for sex to be fun, why would it feel so good? Also, if sex wasn't meant to be at least occasionally recreational, then pregnancy wouldn't be so hit-or-miss, now would it? I guess, ultimately, my philosophy is: if sex isn't fun, then why bother?

On her way to the bed, Emma stopped and threw her arms around me, stretching up to lay a kiss on my lips once more, then climbed onto the bed where I'd just been.

As I got into position, Emma warned mockingly, "I'm gonna be extra tough on you. I've been licked by professionals, you know."

The grin that instantly appeared on her face told me she was joking, but to an extent, I wondered whether there would be a difference. Of course I've heard "a woman knows best how to pleasure a woman." Who hasn't? Yeah, yeah, I know, similar anatomy should know from personal experience blah blah blah. There might be something to it, but I have a hard time believing it's really all that much different, and a competitive side of me that only emerges once in a while decided I was going to show her I could please a pussy just fine, using my mouth.

"Yeah, well, there's something to be said for enthusiastic amateurs, too," I shot back, a humorous lilt to my voice.

I then shut the hell up, turning my attention to the task at hand.

Now, I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but Emma didn't shave her pussy. There was a thick bush of dark pubic hair between her legs, the dark shot through once in a while with a random light one, proof that she wasn't a youngster anymore. I've noticed the odd gray pube on myself the last few years, so I certainly had no room for protest.

It didn't matter to me. As I'd stated earlier: hairy, bald, anywhere in between, I just plain love pussy. And I intended to prove to this lesbian that a straight guy -- at least this one - can orally make love to a pussy just as well as another lesbian can.

For well over a minute, I just admired. I couldn't help but compare Emma's pussy to the only other one I knew intimately. The look wasn't exceptionally different. I mean: it was a pussy. The lips protruded very nicely, just the way I like them best. I knew from my forays online that there are plenty of women out there whose lips remain hidden, but that wasn't the case here, and I loved it. From the smell, I could tell Emma was enjoying our play, and it made me glad to have agreed to do this with, and for, her.

When I began to lean in toward her beautiful cunt, I couldn't help myself and just continued in until my cheek rested against the beautiful fur. I just nuzzled a while, enjoying the feel of her pussy hair against my face, as my nostrils were filled with the delectable aroma of her arousal. Hell, I might have done the exact same thing if she'd been shaven, just rubbing my face against her most intimate area. The fact that there was this lush softness simply made it that much more enjoyable.

"You like?" Emma cooed when I'd finished moving my face all around her fuzzy crotch and just rested my cheek on her mound.

"Very much," I replied.

"I don't think anybody has ever done what you just did when they got between my legs."

"Their loss," I said, still not moving.

She laughed. "Well, now's my turn to tell you not to rush. I like what you're doing. No woman I can remember has just luxuriated in my pubic hair before."

"Feels terrific," I told her, taking in a huge lungful of pussy-scented air.

Eventually, the odor of her made me want to do more. Raising my head, I lowered my mouth to the spot on her inner thigh, the one she'd been teasing on me just a few minutes earlier.

"Mmm, that's nice," she purred. I looked up and saw that, for her statement that she wanted to watch, Emma's eyes were closed, concentrating on what my lips and tongue were doing.

I continued to lick and nibble everywhere but her pussy proper, similar to how Emma had treated me before, going all around the "good spots," but not quite getting to them.

She really liked when I ran my tongue along the seam between her thigh and her vagina. Her gentle shudders, moans and squeals told me I was doing everything right so far. It made me proud of myself, knowing I was able to do this to a woman whose body I wasn't familiar with. It meant I'd actually learned something in the practice I'd gotten over the years.

Yes, for those of you wondering, I was getting hair in my mouth, but most of them were still attached and didn't want to let go, which was just fine with me. There is collateral in certain activities, and if you enjoy the activity, you just roll with that collateral and don't let it detract from your fun.

When I looked up from Emma's pussy, I noticed her eyes were still closed, but she definitely liked what I was doing. God, I do so love the sight of a sexually aroused woman, and I was doing a good job of doing that for this woman who'd only known women before.

Emma's nipples were as taut as I'd ever seen a set of nipples before. They stood out almost as long as the tip of my little finger, but not quite as big around. Her areolas had shrunk to about the size of a quarter. It looked almost painful. Briefly, I entertained the idea of going up and giving those nipples a tweak or a nibble, just to see what her reaction would be, but while that was definitely in the cards for later, I still had a pussy to attend to.

I continued to tease all around Emma's pussy with my tongue and lips, thrilling with glee at the low moans and slight squirms I got in response. Slowly, I narrowed my passes until there was no more avoiding lapping at her warm, swollen labia.

Even once I came in contact with her most intimate features, I still took my time, letting my tongue explore the folds, gently sucking the lips into my mouth, but staying on the outside. There was much more to be found inside, I knew, but we had time. As far as I was aware, we'd been given no deadline, and Emma seemed in no rush, so I sure as hell wasn't going to barrel on through and bring it to an end too soon.

Playing with Emma's pussy lips was a delight. They were warm and fleshy and my lapping at them got such wonderful reactions. There was no doubt she enjoyed what I was doing, and it gave me a swell of pride to know that.

Still, the male ego being what it is, it demanded some kind of definite feedback...

Backing away from my ever-so-pleasant chore just enough that I could speak, I asked, "So, I take it I'm doing okay?" I didn't wait for a response, I just went back to what I was doing.

"Oh god, yes," Emma panted. "Okay doesn't even begin to cover it."

Smiling into her delectable slit, I kept up my eager ministrations, knowing soon, I'd be delving inside those lips, and the treasures to be found within...

When I did finally poke my tongue into Emma's amazing cunt, I moaned in pleasure, a sound that was overshadowed by the corresponding reaction said cunt's owner released.

Briefly, I wondered if the girls in the living room could hear us, but also figured, if Emma didn't care, I sure as hell didn't. I certainly had no intention of stopping what I was doing, in any event. The suspicion was that the point would come where I'd be the one doing the majority of moaning, somewhere in the near future. At least, I hoped so.

Dipping my tongue into the deep fount of womanhood coated it with a healthy helping of clear fluid, and my taste buds immediately were flooded with the musky flavor. In stories like this, authors tend to use words like "sweet" to describe the taste of things like orgasmic fluids and such. Anyone who's eaten sexual juices knows that there's nothing truly sweet about it: it's an emotional description, more than a sensory one.

Nevertheless, my emotions were describing the tang of this lesbian's pussy as very "sweet" indeed.

As I continued to lap, I made sure to get as much of that flavor as I possibly could. Eventually, I began to lick higher and lower. Lower was limited by how Emma sat, but higher... I could go higher, and I knew I could get her to squeal once I got to the proper height.

From my very close proximity, I could see just the tiny tip of a shiny pink object nestled beneath its hood at the apex of the delight I was partaking of at that moment. The hood was almost hidden by a thick tuft of dark hair, but I knew what I saw; it wasn't hidden completely from my view.

Finally, I decided it was time to go for the gold. I split her lips with my tongue as I made my way up to that little pink tip. However, rather than just flicking directly over that tip, I once more diverted myself off to one side of the hood, having a pretty good idea of the reaction I'd get from that.

Sure enough, Emma gasped and cried out, her reaction being pretty much what I'd expected and hoped for. I figured I'd primed her pump enough that working her toward a climax was the next logical step. Being a woman, it was a pretty good bet she had more than one orgasm in her. I intended on putting that assumption to the test, in any event.

For quite a while, I just circled her clit hood with my tongue. Emma rewarded me with an awful lot of increasingly intense orgasmic sounds and movements. She was doing her damnedest to keep her hips still, but was failing pretty miserably. It didn't matter to me: I was more than willing to chase her around in my quest to give her her first orgasm by a man.

Briefly, I felt her hand in my hair, and thought for a moment that she was going to hold my head in place. I wasn't necessarily looking forward to that, but I sure as hell wasn't going to stop now, knowing I'd gotten her so close. Her fingers clenched, then released as I next felt her hands all over my head and shoulders as she tumbled toward the abyss of orgasm by my tongue.

Then, I switched course again, this time reaching up and pulling back Emma's clitoral hood with two fingers, which brought another deep moan from her. Now, her swollen clit stood out proud from its former hiding place, stiff and waiting for attention.

I wasn't sure if this was how lesbians fucked, but I didn't care at that point. I was no lesbian, by dint of anatomy, but I was sure willing to give a woman as much pleasure as I could, and by that point, it was a pretty sure thing that Emma wasn't going to complain how I got her off.

With her clitoris displayed to my appreciative eyes and begging for attention, I extended my tongue and gave that stiff little girl-erection a flick...

Emma's back arched and she moaned almost like it hurt. I didn't think she'd cum yet, but it wasn't far off. Another flick and it kicked her up a notch; by that time, all I wanted to do is make this woman orgasm.

So, I lapped and flicked, nibbled and sucked, occasionally going down and licking up another big dollop of that tasty girl juice, but mostly, I just attacked her clit, knowing each contact just ratcheted her closer to the top of the hill before the big plunge...

When it came, it came hard. Emma's back arched once more and her hips began to pulse. Her pussy released more fluid in my face; not quite a squirt, but damn close. And the sounds... oh baby! My god, I loved it!