I Fucked a Lesbian


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I refused to let her down. She tried to push me away, but I wrapped my hands around her thighs and held on. Before too long, she was racing up the next hill, on her way to another tremendous orgasm.

And the second was as powerful as the first. She came and came as I did my best to ride her through it. I was getting soaked, but loving every second.

When Emma finally pushed on my head this time, I reluctantly took my mouth from her pussy and smiled up at her.

I was quite willing to let Emma speak first. It was erotic as hell to see how sexy she was, post-orgasm. I was happy just to watch the results of my hard, wonderful work.

"Fuck. You really do like to eat pussy, don't you?" Emma finally panted after a minute or so.

My smile broadened. "Told you."

"Wow. Beth's crazy not to want that practically every waking hour."

"I know," I said, sliding off the bed, "and it would be my distinct pleasure to give it to her."

Emma laughed. "Of course, then she'd never get anything else done."

"Neither would I, but I don't think I'd really give a damn. I'd be doing one of the things I like doing best already." I sat next to Emma on the bed, throwing an arm around her shoulders. She laid her head on my chest. Her breathing still came in deep pants, but it was starting to even out.

"Okay," she started, "you convinced me. A man can eat a pussy as well as a woman."

Even though that wasn't necessarily what I'd set out to prove, I took it as the compliment it was intended to be. "Thank you. I'm glad I didn't screw it up."

"Oh damn, you didn't screw anything up," she laughed. "If I wasn't into women exclusively, I'd sure as hell snap you up, for that single demonstration alone."

"Sorry, already taken," I said smarmily.

"Yeah. Shit." Emma replied, then started to laugh.

Her laughter brought on my own, and we just sat there for a minute or so, not speaking, not doing anything else, just lost in our own thoughts for the moment.

"Well, damn," she then began, "I guess I should take a try at you, then, shouldn't I?" It didn't sound nearly as exasperated as it reads, trust me.

The thought of what Emma meant made my cock jump in anticipation. Her pleasure as I ate her had gotten me hard again, but our interlude had made me lose much of that erection. If she meant what I thought she meant, I sort of wished I could manage to go completely soft, so she could feel the sense of accomplishment, feeling me grow in her mouth.

If that was what she was talking about, that is.

"Whatever you're ready for," I told her, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

Emma sat up straight beside me. "Oh, I think I'm ready," she said. "A good orgasm'll do wonders for the decision making process. And that was definitely a good orgasm. Kind of sparks the old desire to reciprocate, y'know?"

"Oh, absolutely," I agreed. I hated (well, "hate" is way, way too strong a word, but I think you understand) the sex sessions where I came first, then when I offered to get Beth off, she begged off, saying she was okay. I like reciprocating orgasms, and feel kind of guilty and selfish if I cum and she doesn't. Oh, I get over it (again: guy), but I like the idea of being fair, particularly where sex is concerned.

It appeared Emma shared my philosophy. Any other time, I wouldn't have cared, since she wasn't my woman. However, for the moment, due to a freak of circumstance, she was mine, and therefore, all the rules and desires I normally reserve for my wife applied.

"Where do you want me?" My heart was pounding, my cock experiencing ghost sensations in anticipation of what, it was certain, it would soon be feeling.

"How about we trade places again?"

Well, I was all for that. Emma started shifting herself around on the bed, and I moved over a little bit from where I currently sat. Emma positioned herself between my legs once more, her gaze locked on my cock, which I was trying hard to keep from going fully hard. A difficult proposition, but as I said earlier, if she was going to do what I thought she was going to do, I wanted her to feel my cock swell. It was one of the things Beth has told me she likes best about giving head: feeling me go from small and soft to big and stiff.

Still, anticipation was getting me really excited. I could barely remember the last time a woman other than my wife had my cock in her mouth. The thought had my libido simply bouncing.

As she'd done before, Emma laid there and just stared for quite a while. I could almost feel her gaze like a physical thing. Like before, as she stared down my cock, I loved the look of fascination her face held. This time, however, I thought I detected at least a modicum of desire there, as well.

Like last time, she led with her hands. I didn't care: as before, it felt fucking fantastic. Emma fondled and caressed, tickled and traced. After a few minutes, she began to move her face toward my waiting erection. No, she wasn't going to get to feel me grow, but that wasn't real important.

A distant part of my brain wondered what was going through this nearly sixty-year-old lesbian's mind right at that moment. Was she gritting her teeth at the prospect of what she was about to do? Was she merely going through with it so she could say she'd done it and never had to do it ever again?

The look I saw said she wasn't appalled by the prospect of what she was preparing to do. From what I could tell, she seemed at least a little excited about doing something she'd never done before.

The closer she got to my genitals, the more my anticipation grew. I was rather looking forward to giving the girls out in the other room an aural show... if they were even out there, that is. It isn't usual for me to make a lot of noise as my pleasure builds -- or when the inevitable comes. Too many years growing up, masturbating with my parents in the bedroom next door. That kind of restraint becomes habit after a while, y'know? Still, Emma had given me plenty of feedback as to how I was doing; I determined I was going to attempt to relax and give her just as much, if at all possible.

Emma's face got closer and closer, until I could feel her breath on my taut skin. I expected her to open her mouth and just take me in, but instead, she did kind of like I had, when I nuzzled my face into her pubic mound.

Holding my stiff cock in her hand, my lovely, wonderful lesbian sister-in-law pressed her cheek against my erection, rubbing it all over her face. She even delved down lower and caressed my balls this way, until almost every part of me down there had touched every part of her up there. I had to admit, it felt fucking great, and looked even better. God, how I loved this cock worship stuff. I was going to have to try to convince my wife to appreciate me more like this, and to allow me to do the same to her.

Even though I wasn't used to such abandon, I let my moans out, making sure Emma could easily tell I enjoyed what she was doing. I saw the look on her face as she continued to give me a "face job," for lack of a better term for it. She was having fun, I could tell, and my reaction was a big part of it.

Emma didn't even stop or protest when the pre-cum began flowing again, and before long, she had streaks of it all across her cheeks and nose, even up into her hair. If she didn't care, I sure wasn't going to make a fuss. It all felt and looked fucking spectacular to me, that was for goddamn certain.

Even when she did start actually using her mouth, she didn't just open wide and gulp me down. No, as with this whole experience, she took her time. Instead of just "going for it," she extended her tongue and tentatively licked.

Now, I have to admit, this contact was so slight I barely felt a thing, but the look was practically mind-blowing. Emma was going to look beyond amazing when she finally went all the way and gave her first ever "blowjob."

I could hardly wait.

For a long time, she just used her tongue. Sometimes, she lapped like in some of the porns I'd watched, treating my cock like an ice cream cone that was melting in the sun. I didn't particularly care how she did what she did, as long as she kept doing it.

From tongue, she transitioned to kisses. Her lips contacting my cock and balls felt just as incredible as everything she'd done so far, and I made sure to let her know that. She looked up at me again and again to make sure I enjoyed what she was doing, and I gave her that feedback. I wasn't holding back the pleasure I was feeling, either by sound or by look. I wanted Emma to hopefully get just as aroused by my reactions to what she was doing as I had gotten as I licked her.

Each time she looked up, I smiled at her childlike delight. She apparently liked a slow oral tease, giving as well as receiving. She'd obviously liked the pace I'd taken with her. She was simply doing the same thing with me. Reciprocation... gotta love it.

Then, she opened wide and sucked me in. Her mouth on my balls felt wonderful. Of course, my cock shrieked its protest, but I knew it'd get the attention it desired when Emma was ready.

Unfortunately, there aren't enough ways to describe getting your balls sucked, because what my lesbian lover was doing to them felt fucking spectacular. I've never understood the men who don't like having their balls worked on, either with fingers or with mouths. Me, I love having my balls caressed and sucked. It's just one more fantastic sensation that adds to all the others.

I had to admit, Emma looked like she was having fun with her mouth on my balls. They'd pulled up pretty tight at the stimulation, but she was still managing to take as much as she could get hold of. Eventually, they got so tight to my body, all she could really do was lick and lap, and I let her do just that.

At one point, Emma turned a quizzical look to me, and my only response was a smile, and a hand down to the side of her face, to push out a few stray strands of hair that threatened to get in the way of what she was doing. I figured my moans were acknowledgment enough that I liked what she was doing, and even while I smiled down, I didn't hold back my sounds of pleasure.

From my balls, my lovely lesbian friend began to lick and kiss her way up my insistent hard-on. It throbbed under the pleasant - if inexpert - attention, the head anticipating the moment her lips and tongue finally came in contact.

Emma was in no rush, though. She lingered along my shaft, her mouth sending delectable thrills through my genitals. I was practically vibrating from erotic tension. Everything we'd done so far had me raring to go, but I was restraining myself for Emma's sake. 'Tweren't easy, though, I can tell you.

After what seemed way too long, Emma reached that line that separated the sensitive part from the not-quite-so-sensitive part of my cock. She seemed fascinated by the definition between one and the other, and just ran the tip of her tongue over that transition for a while, looking up at my face, gauging my reaction to it, as she'd done so many times since she began.

I didn't hold back. I was nearly desperate to feel her mouth over the head, and wasn't sure if I'd be able to hold back my orgasm once she got that far. I wondered what she'd think if I just shot a load of cum right into her mouth. Hopefully she wouldn't be disgusted or anything, because I really didn't know if I'd be able to prevent myself.

My moans were louder and carried a hint of a whimper as I got so aroused I could barely stand it anymore. If it'd been Beth down there, I'd have begged for her to put me out of my misery and just to suck my cock. However, as I've said so many times already: it wasn't Beth, and this wasn't necessarily for me. Therefore, I did my best to restrain myself and let Emma take this at her own pace...

Emma saw the look on my face and asked, "You okay?" Her fingers still held my cock, her lips mere fractions of an inch away.

I took a couple breaths to try and get my voice under control. "Yeah. You've just got me so horny..."

"Need me to stop?"

Was she kidding? Fuck! Still, I tried not to let my disbelief show. "God, no. I just don't know if I'll be able to keep from cumming if you keep going."

She let the hand I couldn't see tickle my balls. "In my mouth?"

"You gonna be okay with that?"

A beat. "Don't know. Never had a guy cum in my mouth before. How about we find out?"

Then, without any further hesitation, Emma, my sister-in-law's wife, a devout lesbian for nearly sixty years, opened her mouth and engulfed the head and about a third of my cock shaft in her warm, wet mouth.

I couldn't help it. The orgasm roared up on me almost instantly. There was no telling if I'd be done or not, but there was nothing I could do but succumb to the pleasure. I bellowed as the most intense sensation overtook my body and my cock began to pulse. Remember, Beth had had me refrain from cumming for a little while now, so Emma was going to get a good mouthful.

For a beginner, this lesbian was a champ as far as catching a load of cum was concerned. She didn't hesitate, she didn't pull away. Emma let my cock empty itself onto her tongue, even letting out a little purr of satisfaction as she took my cream. This was the first woman aside from my wife to take a load of my cum in a long, long time.

When Emma was satisfied my climax was over, she pushed herself up to a sitting position. From the way she held her mouth, I could tell she hadn't swallowed. Really, I kind of wondered what she was up to. She wasn't looking for something to spit into, so what the hell...

Then, she gave me a look, and I knew what she was thinking. She was going back to our conversation a while ago, where I was talking about tasting myself. Oh fuck. Still, I wasn't squeamish about it. Besides, this woman had gotten me hornier than I'd been in ages. After cumming, any potential desire for what she had on her mind swiftly vacated my brain, but I could tell she wasn't going to give me a choice. Besides, she'd made me feel so good, it'd be stupid to refuse.

Emma leaned toward me and pressed her lips against mine. Then, her mouth opened and I did the same. Her tongue pushed my load into my mouth and we played with it a little. I pushed some of the jizz back to her and we played a little more. Eventually, we backed away from one another, part of my cum load still in each of our mouths.

I'm sure, with this little revelation, that some of you readers are completely fucking turned off. If this is the case, I apologize. I'm merely relating events as they happened. Since the overwhelming majority of readers who may have been offended are male, let me pose this scenario: say you've gone down on your woman and have given her multiple screaming orgasms. When you finally come up for air, she refuses to kiss you because your face and lips are coated in her orgasmic secretions. How would that make you feel? It's the same thing as refusing her after she's pleasured you, boys.

I could go on, but let me get back to the story, for those of you who haven't had their little homophobic feelings hurt...

For a few seconds, Emma and I just looked at one another. I was proud and aroused that she'd just sucked off her first cock. The look on her face mirrored the pride, but also seemed tinged with some sheepishness, plus wonder that I'd kissed her, and had been willing to go along with her snowball idea.

After a little bit, we both swallowed. Emma said almost immediately after:

"I can't believe you did that."

I shrugged. "It won't kill me. Besides, after you made me feel so good, it'd be ungrateful and small-minded to refuse you."

She laughed, "Maybe so, but I bet not many guys would have kissed me, knowing what I'd just done, and knowing my mouth was still full."

"You're absolutely right there. Still, I don't think it makes me gay or anything, much as some people might argue to the contrary. I'm me, and they're them, and as long as they keep their opinions to themselves, I'm more than willing to not publicly judge them, either."

Emma laid her head on my shoulder and slowly caressed my stomach. "That sounds like a great philosophy to me. Too bad more people don't adhere to such a policy."

"Tell me about it," I humphed.

The ice finally broken, there was no more hesitation, no more permission asked. Emma's hand slid down to my now-soft, significantly smaller penis.

"So does this mean we're done now?" she asked, flopping my flaccid cock back and forth a couple times.

"Normally, it would be," I admitted. "Usually, one cum and I'm finished. Still, I want you to know what a real cock feels like in you, so I'm not ready to call it quits just yet."

My lesbian (if that was now the proper term, considering) sister-in-law smiled up at me. "I was hoping you'd say that.

"What do I need to do to get you ready again?"

I laughed. "I'm not really sure. It's been such a long time since I've gone twice in a session, I don't quite know. On top of it, the last time I managed to go more than once, I was a hell of a lot younger, and bounced back a whole lot faster.

"I guess at the moment, I'd say just keep up what you've been doing, both with your hands and your mouth."

"I can do that," Emma agreed. "Think I might be able to get some more, too?"

"Absolutely," I agreed wholeheartedly. "Now?"

"In a little bit," she said, her fingers still dancing over my balls and slowly rising cock.

After several delightful minutes, I stood at attention once more. From the dull ache at the base of my cock, I didn't think I'd be cumming again any time soon, though, which was probably a good thing.

Emma had gone back to using her mouth along the way, which helped get me hard a lot more quickly than if she'd have continued with just her hands. Eventually, she pulled off to ask, "Mind if I get some more now?"

As she continued to fondle while awaiting my answer, I responded, "Bring that pussy over here, but please, don't stop what you're doing."

"You aren't going to cum in my mouth again, are you?"

"Was it that bad?" I asked with dread.

My dismay caused Emma to chuckle. "That isn't what I meant. I meant that the next time you cum, I'd like it to be in my pussy, so I can know what that's like, too."

I held back a vocal sigh of relief. "Ah, I see. Well, I can assure you that after cumming once already, it's going to take a while for me to get that far again."

Emma smiled. "Good," then she got up and positioned herself over me so we could pleasure each other at the same time.

It'd been a while since I'd eaten pussy while I got my cock sucked. My concentration probably wasn't quite what it could have been, but after only a minute or two, Emma's cunt was oozing its delectable fluid onto my tongue once more.

I really wanted to lick Emma to another orgasm, but while I got plenty of arousing moans, whimpers and such, it seemed that Emma's concentration was being pulled in too many directions for her to get over the hump, too.

When she pulled her mouth off my cock to speak again, what Emma said made me moan even louder.

"Whattya think? Is it time for fucking now?" There was no hesitation, no embarrassment. If anything, she was eager to try her first -- and most likely only -- straight fuck. I think we were both beyond the embarrassment stage. We were going to do this, and we'd done enough to and for each other that to be reluctant about it anymore would be ludicrous.

"I thought you'd never ask," I replied, giving her clit a couple more flicks with my tongue.

With a purr of satisfaction, Emma finally rolled off and laid down beside me. I got up, assuming she intended for me to take charge at this point, then positioned myself between her legs.

Then, a thought occurred to me.