All Comments on 'Into the Goodnight Ch. 03'

by titania123

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
He means well

But for him to cut her hair just like that and without warning? I would have elbowed him in the face if I were her. And knee him in the balls.

Other than that, this chapter was another enjoyable read and installment for the series. There's a huge chunk of the chapter that was italicized probably by accident or due to weird formatting changes, but it wasn't too distracting to read through.

I hope that when she finds out who he really is, she won't be so quick to forgive him. Give him a bit of a taste of a woman's scorn and all. Would be fun to read, I assume.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story!

Really enjoy your story. I like the nice, long chapters. Also like the plot. Please continue!!

SimplySilverSimplySilverover 7 years ago
Getting better....

...glad to continue the read of it. She's developing nicely, if a bit quickly. Her lapses into "princess mode" though, redeem her as a stubborn one. Wish to know more of Maks, but I guess almost everyone does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
forced haircut!

I'm a little miffed on the princess' behalf... so this high and mighty maks is teaching her a wretched lesson that is wrong to capitalise on her beauty by damaging her crowning glory. How so could he then condone her curiosity at selling a view of their erotic acts for money? Which is worse? I say neither if the buyers are willing to part with what they have in exchange for pleasure, though one might be considered less moral than the other....after all hair grows back.. but Honour once lost...

This must be a trap then... at the cusp of displaying themselves (albeit incognito), this Maks will use it to teach the little princess another lesson...

I always hated this story of old... not the retelling of titania123 mind! Which is hot and sexy and engaging as it could be!

It's a silly to scorn the vanity of women... What has she done to anyone except by being what she had been brought up to be.. the real sadness is that whether she is a princess or a pauper's Wife, her life is directed by either her Father or her Husband... her real problem is that she hasn't decide whom she wants to be inspite of all the external conditionings. For all we care once she finds out that she has been cheated entirely by her Father so she could be married off to King Thrushbeard and hence achieve her Father's goal of a power union, and be conditioned by King to be an acceptable Wife, she can run off into the sunset and be an independent woman of means! Open her own beauty salon or something... XD

Anyways, rants over! Ms Titania, great job as always! Loved the sex!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Love everything you do

I have read every story that you have written here and I must only get better every time. I am enjoying this story immensely. Please, please continue it. I have the sneaking suspicion of who our lovely Maks is and I cannot wait to find out what our darling princess does when SHE finds out who he is. I always find myself enraptured in your stories for the stories themselves and the growth of the characters of each of your stories. You are an amazing writer. Hopefully you will keep writing for us here on literotica. I would be very sad if you didn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please update soon! I've been obsessively checking to see if the new chapter is posted! Love the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

"Our relationship is based on trust, is it not?" ... is it? I mean he seems to make rules up as he goes along and punishes her harshly for breaking them. She was forced to mary him and since then at best he's treated her like chattel at worse you could certainly describe him as abusive. I just can't see any trust what-so-ever. Trust would mean having a conversation about what she's done that is so bad rather than punishing her because he's in a bad mood.

The hair moment in-particular was just plain abuse and was pretty disgusting to read. It's a real shame as your writing is lovely, the prose flows well and the fairytale style elements at times feel well placed. However the real problem I keep hitting is the chracterisation of the two leads. He is just rude, abusive and beligerant at every turn, expecting everything but giving nothing. She on the otherhand occasionally says mean things in private or is slightly vain (the shock, a slightly vain princess), but her actions are generally nice and well meaning, which makes when he is abusive to her in return for them just seem all the more unjustified.

3/5 stars

(p.s I really do hope you carry on, whilst the above might come off as somewhat complain-ey your writing really is expertly done, just some elements of this story don't seem to work, at least for me)

titania123titania123over 7 years agoAuthor
Next chapter update...

To those of you patiently waiting (or not so patiently, as the case may be) for the last installment, I've got good news. I just submitted it (10/20/2016 8:55 pm), and barring any unforeseen issues, it should be up in two or three days.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It's irritating how Maks gets away with shitty behavior

While she is consistently punished for every little thing. What he did to her hair was very cruel. I imagine it must have hurt her a good deal, yet she immediately forgave him. That really bothered me. He stole it from her without her consent, sold it, and then has nerve to "punish" her for spending the money she earned? She's been an incredible trooper this entire time. He sets her up to these impossible tasks and through her cleverness and ingenuity she figures out a way to accomplish them. But because it's not the way HE intended suddenly it's all wrong. What did brightening those women's day hurt? Maybe charging them to touch her hair was a little much, but she truely needed the money, and I imagine the advice she gave them was very helpful. She's taken what little knowledge she was allowed to have (growing up as a princess) and found a way to survive with it, and all she gets is holier than thou lectures and cruelty (in regards to the hair). Maks is literally the only person who's ever believed she's more than her looks, so why can't he see how clever she is in finding a way to survive with what little she has to offer? Truthfully it's not so much his behavior that bothers me so much as her just accepting that it's okay and he's always right. If he's gonna have these asshole moments that's cool, but for her to accept them the way she has been really takes away from the story. In literal days she's gone from being a spoiled princess to taking care of widows that Maks himself didn't bother to help. That's incredible growth and she deserves to be treated better.

marexotic18marexotic18about 7 years ago
Maks is an ass

I have to agree with the other comments, especially the one right below mine - what an asshole. This poor woman has been raised one way her whole life and now is being punished for it. Cutting off hair is a SUPER hard limit for me and so this scene especially bothered me. The author is incredibly talented but I wish they would write a story with a bit more equality and compassion (rather than sexism and cruelty) for women.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I don't care how sexy he is, I really hate Maks

I can't believe the way he is abusing that poor girl.

She is so ignorant and neglected that she accepts these punishments which are completely out of perspective and then over compensates on those few occasions when he is halfway decent.

The hair thing was just plain cruel.

I want her to stop trusting the jerk and find someone new.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wait Wait Wait..

1. So he cut her hair but used the money she made for household expenses and rent.

2. He is a bad businessmen to have sold her hair for 2 coins, when she made some 27 by advertising and selling hair care solutions

3. He makes her feel how the face she is born with i.e. most beautiful woman in the world, one of the reasons he married her, is a curse for her. And that her external beauty lies only in her hair which he took away from her so now her external beauty is taken away by him BUT still how generous of still being loyal to her. She had beauty of her own that can't be controlled by him and he made her resent and despise what she was born with. If you cant be blamed for ugliness by birth, then you cant be blamed for being beautiful by birth as well. It goes both ways.

4. He understand her fully at first, how innocent she is, how she is trained to put beauty as her measure of worth AND then tortures her, instead of delicate transformation untill last chapter. But post kiss, she suddenly becomes everything he wished for, that requires external beauty dude

5. He tortures her physically to the point of crying, making her beg and make himself feel powerful during sex BUT takes advantage of her innocence when she gives him pleasure as he wanted in last chapter

6. Lastly, being a King, he allows brothels and prostitution. But when her innocent wife who is pressured by him only for making money anyhow, suggests to use same means as his kingdom's citizens to make money, suddenly he becomes a hypocrite and sets different rules for commoners and royals.

Officially hate him. At least Stockholm Syndrome captors are honest in declaring to the victim that they are evil.

How this story started with prejudice against the haughty beauty queen Princess and bias for sober, mature King, and how it turned the other way round with haughty self-obsessed King using the innocent Princess under the garb of straightening her ways.

Anyway, another good chapter though had some strong opinions on it, the kitchen venture of Princess is very well written though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Team Maks!

I can't understand the ridiculous vilification of Maks. We all know he's the bloody King already so none of what he has done has actually been about money. He's been doing exactly what he said he was doing and that's guiding her to discover the passionate and compassionate woman she is under all her self imposed limitations. She was so emotionally stunted by her surfaces identity and isolating self-serving superiority. I cheered when he cut off her hair after she'd used it to swindled those poor women out of their money. A spanking, some sizzling hot edging and a new haircut are a small price to pay for making her accountable, self-reliant and considerate of others. Maks has also shown her that while he may be disappointed by her words or actions - he's not going anywhere or kicking her to the curb. I was raised by absentee parents that couldn't be bothered to hold me to consequences growing up and it led to years of struggle and misplaced values. Much the way I see Auralia's parents had done. We also can't forget that this is a BDSM story written in a historically patriarchal culture so critics might want to stick to the romance section!

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