Into the Goodnight Ch. 03


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"Bud," he growled in warning, forcing her mercilessly to submit her need to his allowance.

"Please, my lord, please let me come. Don't stop, let me. I'm so sorry. Please, don't stop," she pleaded, her words mumbling away to incoherence as she begged for release.

At the sound of her abject need, Maks moved his thumb away from her sex and gripped her thighs painfully as he filled her with his own release. He spread her legs and sunk between them, panting harshly against her breast, his eyes squeezing shut as an endless tide of pleasure swelled upon him over and over.

His delirium was interrupted, however, when he felt his wife's pelvis undulating up against him, pulling at his softening shaft still lodged inside her. He roughly grasped her hips and held her still as he hauled himself up off her.

"Now, now bud. That was four. You're half way. Do you really want to spoil all this fun by coming too soon?"

Aurelia gave a heartfelt cry at that, her body now quickly turning her frustrated pleasure to pain. She tried to draw him back down. "Please, my lord, I changed my mind. I don't want any reward. I just want you. Please, don't keep doing this. I can't last."

Her cruel husband had managed to disentangle himself from her tempting limbs and stood at the end of the bed, peering down at her. "Come, little bud, it's not easy, but it's not impossible. You are doing so well, no more fighting it. Hm?" He leaned down to kiss her, but the moment her hands reached for him, no doubt to attempt to pull him down, he lifted off entirely. Maks left her on the bed to go to the water bucket. Drawing some out, he filled a goblet, which he downed, and then refilled it to take it to his wife.

"Come, bud, drink a little. There's still so much more for us to do." He sat down on the bed and pulled her into his side, helping her sit up enough to drink. He was correct, she was starved of water and drank almost the entire thing before breaking to gasp for breath. Her head lay back against his shoulder and she closed her eyes, her heart gradually slowing, her breath eventually recovering. When Maks thought she'd had enough of a rest, he urged her to drink the remaining bit of water before setting the cup on the floor out of the way.

From there, Maks guided her over onto her hands and knees once more where he used his fingers to drive her near insane, and yet again denied her fifth request to come. He then maneuvered them so she was laying half on her side, her top leg hooked over his hip and he slowly took her once more, having had enough time himself to become fully aroused. He focused on angling himself just so, effectively lighting her on fire. Due to the state of her high arousal, it took almost no time at all before she was whimpering yet another plea that would yet again go refused.

From there, it was easy enough to roll her onto her stomach, where he fit himself against her, encouraging her to arch her lower back and present him with her firm bottom. He slipped in and out of her tight sex, his moist breath heating her neck. Her eyes were squeezed tight as he humped against her, her hands bent up next to her head, his arms lain over top, their fingers intertwined. She was grunting as she fought off the mounting pleasure, hoping against hope that she could keep it away, keep it down.

But Maks' body fit her too perfectly, the smell of their mingled sweat and sex and the sound of his male, animalistic grunts as he thrust against her, too much of an aphrodisiac.

"Please!" she squealed, no longer knowing where they were in the count, no longer cognizant of anything but the exquisite peel of sensation building dense deep in her core. "Please, M-my lord, I need to, so bad. Please, please."

And as soon as the plea dragged from her lips, her husband slowed and then stopped, though not without a pained growl of his own. For some minutes they lay there, his large, strong frame covering hers as they both gasped for air. With something akin to shock that he could just...stop, Aurelia blinked confusedly as Maks lifted himself from her, a cool swath of air flooding in to replace the space her husband had been, raising teeny bumps along her otherwise creamy skin.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, forearms resting on his knees, Maks slowed his breathing to near normal. Only then did he turn his burning eyes to her. "Seven."

Aurelia cried then, knowing she couldn't survive even one more onslaught, one more attack on her body, and still remain sane. It was too much. Too much.

"Shh, bud. You're almost there, so close to being so good," he whispered against her cheek, his mouth trailing down her jaw and along the length of her neck to place tender kisses at the nape.

"Come," he invited warmly, holding out a hand and assisting his crushed wife to sit up and turn over on to her back. For a moment he sat at the edge of the bed, her wet cheeks glittering in the darkening room.

"I hurt, my lord," she admitted with a husky voice.

Tenderness filled his dark eyes as he smiled softly at her. Leaning down, he brushed the wet strands of hair from her temples and forehead. "Shsh, love. I know. But you're doing so well. And soon, it will be worth it." He kissed her chastely. "Trust me?" he asked, their foreheads touching as he gazed into her eyes. It hurt, but yes, she did, and nodded so.

"Good, bud." Standing, he guided her body to lay near the edge of the bed, once again pushing her knees up near her chest. Maks had one foot on the floor, one knee on the bed. Unceremoniously, he entered her gently, coming to lay down on top of her, heart to heart, his arms wrapping around her knees and shoulders so he could cradle her head in his hands.

For a moment, he simply held her with his face nestled in the crook of her neck. Aurelia's arms stretched down the length of her body until her fingertips could clutch the outside of his hips. Her fingers dug in. And Maks began to move. Slow and sensual against her, deep and rhythmic.

As their cheeks rubbed together, Maks' mouth planting tender, sucking kisses to her neck, Aurelia became keenly aware of the difference this time. He wasn't simply driving her to orgasm. True, his body against hers, in hers, felt blissful and would undoubtedly spur along an eventual climax, but that almost felt secondary to what he was doing. As if the moment in and of itself was enough. He was making love to her, not simply manipulating her, and that realization opened up a secret place inside, and beckoned forth such gushing, unrestrained emotion that Aurelia gave a sob as her heart seemed to expand against the cage of her ribs. Almost painful.

At her gasp, Maks comforted her, kissed her affectionately and murmured such sweet and erotic things to her, that Aurelia felt he was the only man in the world.

"Oh, my lord," she whimpered, feeling the tightness in her chest translate to a warming, crushing ache in her core. It would happen again, she could feel it, she was edging so close, so big and high and deep and heavy. The pleasure was likely to slay her, and so she could only imagine what the not having it would do to her. Obliteration.

"My lord, please stop," she begged before it became too powerful, too great to hold back. She groaned as he only continued on oblivious. His thrusts slowed, but became more powerful. "No, my lord, please, stop. I'm going to—" but she couldn't finish as an involuntary moan was dragged from low in her belly. Her body tightened. For a split second she was afraid that Maks was simply tormenting her, driving her to the very near edge before pulling back. But the pleasure was too great, and Aurelia felt she was already past the point of recovery; she wouldn't be able to stop, even if he pulled away. She was afraid of disappointing him.

"Eight," he growled in her ear, his rhythm never altering. "Good, good, little bud," he worshiped. His words lifted the dread in her chest, relieved her heavy burden, freeing her to tumble head-long into his oblivion. "Now, little bud, come. Come so hard for me. Make my cock hurt," he urged, his lewd words and obvious adoration punctuated by possessive thrusts of his body against hers, setting her free.

She cried out one last time, her hands flying up to wrap around his arms. She called his name, her brain no longer remembering anything but him. As her battered tunnel began to quake around his cock, rippling and squeezing with such force, Maks' last lucid thought was that she had done as he commanded: she caused him exquisite pain. He roared out his own violent release into the crook of her neck, his body shuddering and jolting against her.

In her own crazed need, Aurelia was kissing and sucking the part of his shoulder she could reach, her fingers kneading and stroking. Her knees, which had tightened spastically around his torso eventually loosened. Her breathing, once almost desperate, slowly returned to a calmer rhythm as her body became lax and utterly satiated under his strong weight.

Maks' hands returned to stroking her scalp, massaging her as his lips nestled against her skin, placating her with murmured kissed. Several minutes passed before either one had any particular thought, Aurelia's first being that though she rather liked the feel of his weight, it made breathing tricky. Sensing her shift for air, Maks made the move to crawl up in the bed and bring his wife with him. He was sleepy, but something alive stirred inside, keeping him awake, keeping him connected to her.

They lay, floating together. Her eyes were closed as her cheek pressed against Maks' chest. The tips of her fingers lightly skated against his skin, through the coarse hair, around his nipple. Eventually, he brought a hand up to knot his fingers with hers, stilling her tantalizing touch. When he kissed her forehead, she giggled and let out a hearty sigh.

"Too bad we can't earn any money doing that," she commented lightly, her eyes drifting closed, not quite ready to deal with the impending fact that they needed the money she had spent.

"As a matter of fact," Maks offered after a time. She waited for him to continue, but when he remained silent, she lifted her head, lifting her eyebrows up at him. "Well, it just so happens there is a place, on the other side of the township. "

But he didn't offer more, gradually piquing her curiosity. "Yes? And what of this place?"

He squinted his eyes at her as if contemplating sharing what he knew. "They're called the pleasure tents." He paused, waiting to see if she would wish to hear more. When a darkly golden eyebrow lifted, a corner of her mouth perking up, he continued on. "People pay to watch, in a veiled sort of way, something very similar to what we just did."

Aurelia sat up and turned to look at him. She cocked her head, her eyes narrowing, biting her lower lip, licking it. "You mean people pay money to watch people have sex?"

"Not quite, not exactly. Well, yes," Maks leaned up on an elbow. "There are these small tents with white veils, sort of like that silly curtain you have up for your bathing area," he indicated with a nod of his head toward the sheet she left up in the corner of their one-room home. "But they're wetted, and with a candle on the other side—where the couple is—a sort of transparent silhouette is created, so the viewers can see but not really see."

"How...immoral," she murmured with a small smile, a pinkness tinting her cheeks. A thought struck her. "And how came you to know of this place?"

A corner of his mouth ticked up. She raised an eyebrow at that. "Maks? Have you gone to these places? These tents?" Something hot and nauseating was blooming in her stomach.

His mouth transformed into a smirk when he seemed to recognize the emotion blooming across her cheeks. "Jealous, wife?"

She felt breathless when she spoke. "Jealous? Of course not. What do I care what you did as a youth?"

Maks chuckled. "Who said anything about my youth?"

Her cheeks now felt searing hot. She stared at him, waiting for him to elucidate. She felt the tension in her chest grow with each passing second. But when he laughed, almost as if he couldn't contain it, the knot seemed to dissipate immediately. He kissed her.

"The portion of the wall we are building happens to be next to the field they set the tents up in. It doesn't happen every night, but when it does, the man who runs it begins setting them up around the noon hour. He's usually still working on it when I leave for home."

"Ah," was all she could offer once mollified, mild embarrassment that she had, in fact, been jealous that her husband had ever spent time in the company of other women.

"All that work to watch others have sex."

"Yes, well, and it isn't just sex."

Again the arch of that brow. "No? Then what is it? Tell me," she asked, her excitement growing once more.

"People often, and often for the sort of tormenting pleasure I submitted you to when I used my hand to redden your bottom," he informed her quietly, his eyes dropping to his finger drawing up and down her nearest arm.

"You mean when you spanked me for using Hilma?" He nodded. "So, these people, women I assume," she interjected drily, "are...what? Punished? And with tools? Like a paddle?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes, and some whips, some riding crops. I believe they also use some form of binding, sometimes shackles, sometimes simple rope. Typically, one handler will conduct the session, however, sometimes there are multiple..."

"You mean there can be more than just one man and one woman?" her eyes wide.

"It can happen."

She still chewed her bottom lip, thoughtful.

"And these people...they are what? Are the women whores? Or are they...married?" her eyes drifted up to his.

"That I wouldn't know, though I suspect they are ultimately people who enjoy such activities, and have found a way to earn a wage, however small or large, from it."

"And people pay to watch," she repeated softly, as much a statement as a question, her mind mulling the heavy thoughts.

He nodded.

She held his gaze, twinkling eyes and devilish smile. "And there would be those who would pay to see us?"

He was silent and still so long, she momentarily feared perhaps her question displayed a grotesque lasciviousness that would anger or disgust him. But at length he simply nodded.

"I see," she replied in a gush of breath, blinking as she adjusted her mind to possibility. "And would there be some way to ensure, well, if you wanted to hide your identity? Could that be possible?"

Maks said nothing. She waited. And still...

"Well?" she prodded, leaning forward a small glimmer shining in her eyes as she looked hopeful at him.

He tilted his head, eyeing her. "Well, what?"

She leaned in and brushed her lips over his. "Well, how about it? Can you do it?"

"Do it?" he mocked teasingly against her lips.

"You know, get paid to be behind the curtain. How does one start? Is it truly possible?"

He didn't kiss her back but allowed her to tempt him. When she pulled back and cocked an eyebrow at him he spoke.

"Are you saying you are interested in doing these things for others to watch?" His eyes glittered. "Does the thought of others' eyes on you...excite you?"

Aurelia tried to pull back, but his hands had wrapped around her upper arms and held her secure to him. Worry began to grow in her chest; she had suggested something obscenely untoward and his displeasure was turning to cruelty.

"Hm, little bud? Tell me, do you want others to lust for you, want their thoughts on your pretty little body while they tug their tiny dicks and fantasize about your perfect face, while they ejaculate, imagining your lips covered in their spunk."

Aurelia swallowed, quickly realizing how unsavory it actually would be to have all those men watch her in such a vulnerably intimate position. She struggled to pull away, frowning. "No, I don't want...don't think that's..."

Maks was unrelenting in his hold on her, keeping her face close to his, forcing her to look him in the eyes. And for a moment she was held captive by the power there, realizing how fortunate she was to be married to him, no matter his station. She was more than content to be bound to him, ruled by him, guided and cared for by him.

"But I do like the idea of others knowing just what you can do to me," she confessed mesmerized. "How you make me feel, what you teach me to enjoy, how you make me complete. How perfectly you torture me." Her eyes dropped to his lips, suddenly needing at least a kiss, even if she was already satisfied and a tad bit sore.

She swallowed and looked back into his eyes. Gone was the malicious tease, replaced with an unabashed heat that left Aurelia breathless. And then his mouth was crushed against her, a melee of passion and tongue and teeth and need, and she was caught up and swept away as he took her fiercely once more.

Some long moments as they lay side by side panting, Maks finally gave an answer to her earlier question. "It would be possible to keep your identity concealed, if that is what you would wish."

Aurelia groaned as she twisted and came to lay on her side, tucking an arm under her head. "How?"

"Well, if anonymity is the issue, we could both don masks. An easy thing to do with some of your silks, and then coupled with the curtains, the secret of your identity would be certain, so long as you were never found out."

There was silence as she considered it, Maks clearly satisfied with her earlier answer that she would not do it simply to be lusted for. "What would you do to me?" she questioned.

Maks rolled to his side mirroring her position, a small, gentle smirk playing across his lips as he answered. "I'm certain nothing that you would not enjoy."

Her eyes narrowed as she smirked sardonically back at him. "You are the most arrogant, presumptuous man. Think you can do anything to me and I'll enjoy it simply because you are doing it to me?"

Maks moved to roll her on her back, coming to smash his chest against hers. Her mouth was set hard, but her eyes glittered playfully. Eyeing her with his mock-serious, teasing gaze, he answered thoughtfully, "That probably is true to an extent, but I simply meant that I would only treat you to what I know you would enjoy."

His answer seemed to mollify something, and begrudgingly she muttered, "Still, so arrogant to know..."

Maks chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Team Maks!

I can't understand the ridiculous vilification of Maks. We all know he's the bloody King already so none of what he has done has actually been about money. He's been doing exactly what he said he was doing and that's guiding her to discover the passionate and compassionate woman she is under all her self imposed limitations. She was so emotionally stunted by her surfaces identity and isolating self-serving superiority. I cheered when he cut off her hair after she'd used it to swindled those poor women out of their money. A spanking, some sizzling hot edging and a new haircut are a small price to pay for making her accountable, self-reliant and considerate of others. Maks has also shown her that while he may be disappointed by her words or actions - he's not going anywhere or kicking her to the curb. I was raised by absentee parents that couldn't be bothered to hold me to consequences growing up and it led to years of struggle and misplaced values. Much the way I see Auralia's parents had done. We also can't forget that this is a BDSM story written in a historically patriarchal culture so critics might want to stick to the romance section!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wait Wait Wait..

1. So he cut her hair but used the money she made for household expenses and rent.

2. He is a bad businessmen to have sold her hair for 2 coins, when she made some 27 by advertising and selling hair care solutions

3. He makes her feel how the face she is born with i.e. most beautiful woman in the world, one of the reasons he married her, is a curse for her. And that her external beauty lies only in her hair which he took away from her so now her external beauty is taken away by him BUT still how generous of still being loyal to her. She had beauty of her own that can't be controlled by him and he made her resent and despise what she was born with. If you cant be blamed for ugliness by birth, then you cant be blamed for being beautiful by birth as well. It goes both ways.

4. He understand her fully at first, how innocent she is, how she is trained to put beauty as her measure of worth AND then tortures her, instead of delicate transformation untill last chapter. But post kiss, she suddenly becomes everything he wished for, that requires external beauty dude

5. He tortures her physically to the point of crying, making her beg and make himself feel powerful during sex BUT takes advantage of her innocence when she gives him pleasure as he wanted in last chapter

6. Lastly, being a King, he allows brothels and prostitution. But when her innocent wife who is pressured by him only for making money anyhow, suggests to use same means as his kingdom's citizens to make money, suddenly he becomes a hypocrite and sets different rules for commoners and royals.

Officially hate him. At least Stockholm Syndrome captors are honest in declaring to the victim that they are evil.

How this story started with prejudice against the haughty beauty queen Princess and bias for sober, mature King, and how it turned the other way round with haughty self-obsessed King using the innocent Princess under the garb of straightening her ways.

Anyway, another good chapter though had some strong opinions on it, the kitchen venture of Princess is very well written though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I don't care how sexy he is, I really hate Maks

I can't believe the way he is abusing that poor girl.

She is so ignorant and neglected that she accepts these punishments which are completely out of perspective and then over compensates on those few occasions when he is halfway decent.

The hair thing was just plain cruel.

I want her to stop trusting the jerk and find someone new.

marexotic18marexotic18about 7 years ago
Maks is an ass

I have to agree with the other comments, especially the one right below mine - what an asshole. This poor woman has been raised one way her whole life and now is being punished for it. Cutting off hair is a SUPER hard limit for me and so this scene especially bothered me. The author is incredibly talented but I wish they would write a story with a bit more equality and compassion (rather than sexism and cruelty) for women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It's irritating how Maks gets away with shitty behavior

While she is consistently punished for every little thing. What he did to her hair was very cruel. I imagine it must have hurt her a good deal, yet she immediately forgave him. That really bothered me. He stole it from her without her consent, sold it, and then has nerve to "punish" her for spending the money she earned? She's been an incredible trooper this entire time. He sets her up to these impossible tasks and through her cleverness and ingenuity she figures out a way to accomplish them. But because it's not the way HE intended suddenly it's all wrong. What did brightening those women's day hurt? Maybe charging them to touch her hair was a little much, but she truely needed the money, and I imagine the advice she gave them was very helpful. She's taken what little knowledge she was allowed to have (growing up as a princess) and found a way to survive with it, and all she gets is holier than thou lectures and cruelty (in regards to the hair). Maks is literally the only person who's ever believed she's more than her looks, so why can't he see how clever she is in finding a way to survive with what little she has to offer? Truthfully it's not so much his behavior that bothers me so much as her just accepting that it's okay and he's always right. If he's gonna have these asshole moments that's cool, but for her to accept them the way she has been really takes away from the story. In literal days she's gone from being a spoiled princess to taking care of widows that Maks himself didn't bother to help. That's incredible growth and she deserves to be treated better.

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