All Comments on 'Looking Right At It Ch. 03'

by ohio

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Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
LOL - good story/ending

I am not laughing at the story, just my initial thoughts when I read it. I must really be a pessimist to the core because the first thing I thought when reading it was that Julie had gone to her lover when she had to get away to think. There was no Julie's story covering what she did when she decided to leave after Allan's revelation. I figured theat chances were she was hooking up with her young stud again so she could make sure she was at least one or two steps ahead of Alan in the revenge/fucking game. Dont know why that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this part of the story wasnt covered. Guess she just seems like the type.

Anyway, I did like the story. I wasnt sure how you were going to let Alan get over his insecurities but this was as good a way as any in fiction (where its pretty easy to have a magic bullet).

I guess Im just insecure but I doubt that I could ever get past what she did and then telling me to my face how much better it was, how big his cock was, how often he could cum, etc. That she had done things so willingly with her lover that she wouldnt do with the husband for over 20 years would have been the deal breaker for my ego. I must also be a 'cut off my nose to spite my face' kinda guy too (or throw the bady out with the bathwater) since I would sooner pay someone off the street than ever be with the wife again no matter how wild and uninhibited she promised to be in the future. In fact, her new found sexuality would be worse for me since whenever she did something she never would before, I would think about why she was doing it and how she got started down that particular path.

Some people may think its cowardly to run away in a situation like this and maybe they are right. Another way to look at it would be that he can never, ever, no matter what, have the marriage and partner he loved so much for so many years so why put yourself through additional pain to hold onto what will always be, a shell of their former marriage?

Like I said, it was still a good story though. Liked that Alan had real problems even if they were fairly shortlived and somewhat easily resolved from my pov (see magic bullet of regaining confidence by sleeping with a younger woman). Thanks for writing.

p.s. you did go into a little about why Alan wanted to work things out by telling us that they were so compatible and got along so well even when they werent having sex. This was good since thats a major flaw in some of these stories. I think you could have went into her good points a little more though since all we end up knowing about her in the end was that she was repressed sexually for their whole marriage and was obscenely self-centered and uncaring about others feelings (took the husband, sister and shrink all months to get her to even start to see things like a normal person would). Given her bad points and the lack of good points mentioned about their marriage & her personality, I wasnt sure why he wanted to stick things out in the begining. Even if she did truely change overnight, I wasnt even sure why he was around to see it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Top notch story!

I really enjoyed reading this. It was intereseting all the way.

Thought the ending was fine.

All in all, a great job!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One Comment

BORING...and jazz....nothing....

Sandman1Sandman1over 18 years ago
I liked this story

Thank you for writing it. I just don't understand how "revenge sex" cleared up his problems.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I was wrong


I thought I knew where it was headed but you sure threw a curve with ch. 03. I'm not objecting just commenting. Reflecting on the story after I finished reading it I think that I can empathize with Alan. If I was in his position I'd be forever envisioning her lover and her and waiting for her laughter to break out if he'd even tried to make love to her. She'd managed to totally emasculate him. Your solution was unique, but I understand it. He simply had to know if he could perform when it counted and all else would follow. Did he screw off? Yeh! Paybacks are a mother! Let her think about him in a different pussy for awhile and wonder how she measures up . . or doesn't. You did fine old son. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
you are a fine writer, but

while you are a fine writer, i find the characters and the plot to be.....weak. you dug the hole too deep, IMHO, and i can't see them coming back together, even after the "magic fuck".

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
By Itself Very Good / As Part Of The Total

A talented variation to address a marital problem for you.

Constructively - It wasn't to my comfort level - as I said before your created mountain was too high for me to feel warm about this reaction but perhaps it is to others. By their comments we will see.

Extremely well written of that there is no doubt. Perhaps I have been preconditioned by you that it's reconciliation or bust regardless and that is the way it will always be for you. I know that can't be true but you don't seem to - yet. Maybe you can't handle it and thats ok. It was very difficult for me as well but life goes on as another says!

I look forward to your next effort - with High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I found the story good. The adultery by him being a way for him to "prove" himself as a man and to give her some pain was a proper ending. Thanks for your words and your time. I always look for more from you.

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago

Very well written and well thought out. The problem I had with it is Alan's interlude with Denise. He was still married to Julie, albiet seperated. Sleeping with another woman is not exactly a proven method of overcoming his angst at what his wife did. If anything, it would exacerbate the situation. So we have a husband who was devastated about his wife's adultery who then also committed the same wrong. I would think that that would spell the end of the marriage.

In any event, it was a well written story and I appreciate the efforts of the author. Hoping to read more of Ohio's tales in the future.

apilgramapilgramover 18 years ago
Excelleent story.....

I thought that Alan having the divorced lady really put balance back in the marrage he was trying to repair. Having been there, it was the right and proper thing to do for him to get his self worth back without having to face the wife and what she had done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Been there....

I, too, felt that she would have gone back to her lover during the last 3-day separation. Be that as it may, however, I have to agree with others who suggested that you dug the hole WAY too deep for him to overcome all the glowing things she said about her lover. Most men's egos are so fragile that they would have curled up in a ball or walked away broken men at that point. Any sex with her from then on would be punishment sex, of sorts. I know, I've been there. It didn't work out in my case, and I'm so glad it didn't. I married a wonderful woman who is twice the wife the other one could have ever been!

Thanks for a good story to read, and the memories it resurrected. I felt some "pain" as I read it, but also felt glad that I would never have to go through it again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
You got it right

Despite those who say "two wrongs don't make a right" I say it very much does in the case of infidelity. The scales must be balanced. I can accept this reconciliation because the husband did recover his sexual self respect and did hurt his wife. SHE NEEDED TO BE HURT BACK.

Good one, Ohio. From a very tough judge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Thoughtfully and skillfully written . . .

As usual, ohio has done a classy job telling the story of a couple trying to work through a crisis in their marriage. His characters talk and think like real people, which is never easy to pull off. We're lucky to have stories like this to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
about the Alan Denise angle/ affair

about Alan Denis affair...

I am sure there will be more comments Blue88... where readers comment or question the brief interlude/ sex between Alan and Denise...

I can see HOW that action might work but Blue88's assertion that ALAN has done the same thing as Julie is Real bullshit...

Lets reviw.. Alan has sex one time... to see if he could still function as sexual beaing... then openly told his wife about it almost immediately.

Julie Lied about it for weeks.

Julie went to Bobby !!!

Julie did sexual things she would NEVER let her husband do

Julie then proceed to Rub her husbands Face in it....!!!

from Chap2

" Let's be honest, OK? Every time I see you, talk to you,hold you, I'm going to be thinking about you and Bobby. About how what we had meant so little to you that you could jump into bed with him."

I was still calm, speaking quietly, though my heart was thumping. "And how the hell am I ever supposed to make love with you again? How can I even kiss you, and not imagine his cock in your mouth?"

To my surprise she didn't gasp—she just kept looking at me intently, and listening.

"The worst, Julie—the very worst, and there's a lot that's bad, believe me!—is the sexual things you did with him that you would never do with me."


ANYONE who thinks Alan's One time fling to see if he could ever function as a sexual being is the SAME thing as Julie lying vlie INTENTIONALLY hurtful acts followed up by her sticking a Knife in him when she is caught ... (his cock is bigger and he comes back much faster).... is a TRUE FOOL

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

Al though most would agree that when one spouse cheats that the other one cheating dose not help fix the marriage. In most cases it ends the marriage... Revenge is just revenge and not a method to fix any thing. However one point this story brings out right ot wrong. Is that Alan had a problem that he could not get past his insecurities. Finding out he could preform with another women helped in this case...nothing else this story shows how complex relationships are.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

Al though most would agree that when one spouse cheats that the other one cheating dose not help fix the marriage. In most cases it ends the marriage... Revenge is just revenge and not a method to fix any thing. However one point this story brings out right ot wrong. Is that Alan had a problem that he could not get past his insecurities. Finding out he could preform with another women helped in this case...nothing else this story shows how complex relationships are.

Len BeeLen Beeover 18 years ago
Another Great Ohio Entry

This was a great fantasy read, and I did enjoy it. Good story, plausible reactions from every character, and a believable ending.

Peraonally I would have enjoyed just a tad of revenge on Bobbie, but hey, we can't have everything, can we?

Great job, Ohio, and please keep up the good work.

Len Bee

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Other things that could have been explored

Up front I would like to say that I think that you are a fabulous writer and that I enjoyed the story very much.

Also, acknowledging that you can't explore every conceivable topic surrounding something as complex as an affair, (pregnancy and STDs as you mentioned) here are 2 topics I wish you had addressed; WHY had the wife performed the sex acts with her lover that she refused to perform with her husband and WHY did she feel that leaving her job (which she loved) was her only option to get away from her lover?

Was the wife so infatuated with the lover that she knew that she would sooner or later be drawn back to him, even though she knew that this relationship would all but doom any hope for her marriage? Did she have no control over her actions while with him? Was she incapable of treating her lover as someone she had had a brief sexual fling (and that's really what it was, having only been together twice), explaining to him that nothing further between them was going to happen?

Was leaving her job her only option or was that merely a symbolic jester of her regret at what happened and a statement that she intended that it never happen with her lover again. She obviously still knew where he worked and lived so contacting him outside of the confines of the work place would not have been a problem.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 18 years ago
Not revenge sex!

This story made sense to me and I enjoyed it. The husband had sex but not for revenge. It was a mind-clearing, confidence building tryst. I have always found revenge sex as dumb as all the other reasons people cheat, but somehow you made this work. I liked the story.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Ok, I'm happy to say I was totally wrong

While a few comments I've read below seem to feel it was the wrong thing to do (and I had to admit I normally do to) you made the ending as a semi-plausible explaination that seemed to work out well as reconcillation story. Well at least for me.

I will never understand why they feel that in almost every one of their reconcile stories the husband just has to live with it. And its the husbands responsiblity to get past it, because it's his fault both of them (husband and wife) are now unhappy. Because if the husband would just let it go they would be happier. I will never understand that. If the wife cheats she's part of the blame. If the husband gets mad he's the other half. They have the wife quit cheating as soon as she's caught, so that (according to them) release's her from her side of the blame, and if the husband doesn't soon forgive then he's the only problem.


Normally some of the things I hate about reconcilation stories you address quite well:

-Husband is denied sex or sexual acts that wife is all to happy to do with a new lover

-Husband has built up rage that demands he take it out on someone. Usually involves him either physically abusing the wife's lover or mentally do it

-Finding someone to blame other than the wife. Often the writer will attempt to make it so the husband forgives the wife, but someone has to pay and he goes looking for that person.

-Husband sits on the sidelines in a corner until the the wife is done screwing around. Usually the husband is just so happy to have the wife back he is totally able to work through his issues by the end of the story and everyone lives happy ever after.

-The reader is expected to feel sorry for the Wife once she says she's sorry. That makes her seem less like a person. Like if she cheats and spends a lot of time sneaking around and places to do it, the simple act of saying "I'm sorry" completely balances the scales.

-The husband is supposed to be the one to get over his feelings. And often those feelings appear two dimentional, like he's going through the motions of being mad, but gets over those feelings because he wants to stay married to the wife at all cost, and is willing to live with what she's done.

You took a totally "Unique" approach. Not only did you work on the emotional approach, and addressed the above issues, but you invested some time in showing the husband's feelings and you mixed in the wife's as well. Then you created a another approach of where someone that found the husband desireable was willing to help him work past his self esteme issues.

I like to think it was a very good story. The husband finding someone else was explained as not done to hurt the wife. It was shown that he didn't bring the love intrest home to do it in the same bed as his wife. He didn't tape it so that she could hear it in glorious detail like he had to listen to. He did it so that he could, as Ohio put it, balance the scales a little so that he could get back some self confidence, self esteme, and get past his insecurities. This is almost never addressed in other reconcile stories.


While I'd like to have seen him and the wife go their seperate ways, so that the husband could build these things back up, and not do this while they were married, at least it was written so that the husband wasn't just expected to live with it and the wife realized that she wouldn't be be upset about him having done this if she hadn't done it first. And having experienced these feelings of what he went through she realized she never wanted to go through that again.

Ohio, nice going. You amazed me and totally proved me wrong. I can live with that (^_^)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Some problems cannot be overcome this easily

First, let me say that while I liked the story I had trouble with the ending. The idea that Alan can have a mind-clearing tryst with Denise, tell his wife, and then they carry on as lovers with all being forgiven, is not realistic in my opinion.

I didn’t buy Alan’s contention that this was not revenge sex; of course it was, otherwise, why tell his wife? If I go to a therapist (Denise’s role) I don’t necessarily tell the techniques used in the sessions. If Alan had a sexual dysfunction then he should have visited a doctor. You gave Alan sanction to in essence see a prostitute to resolve his problem.

That fact that Alan gingerly approaches Denise, is open about his objective with her, and then tells his wife immediately after, did nothing make his own form of adultery acceptable. A gentleman adulterer is still an adulterer.

I ran this scenario past several of my female friends to see if they could see forgiving a husband after having an affair himself. To a person, all of them thought this was not possible. They might have felt guilty and allowed the resumption of the marriage, but the marriage would NEVER be the same after that incident. They reaffirmed to me that two wrongs never make a right.

In my opinion, leaving the couple together but damaged would have made for a more realistic outcome. This is an outcome similar to what Harddaysknight did brilliantly in ‘Yesterday’.

Julie mentions how she is much more transparent now in her actions with Alan. Transparency is necessary to rebuild trust. That addition was indeed very thoughtful. Unfortunately, it was at odds with them living ‘happily ever after’.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Oh yeah. She cheats on him

He gets even with another woman.. Do they play with Barbie and Ken dolls too. I mean Denise is a human being. So the jerk fucks he just to get even..I hate yuppies and I hate these wimpy woosie people with their eye's wide shut attitude..

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
interesting story

but in real life this couple would have tremendous problems. both having enjoyed the sex with their lovers more than with each other was in itself not an impassable obstacle. the telling of that fact to each other on the other hand would probably prove to be a crater to deep to climb out of.

now for the story itself, i took a different view of their final actions. the husband seemed to reach a point that he felt he only had one of two choices. drop to her level and make them equal or pack up, move out, and move on with his life.

to me, his adulteress act was more to make them totally equal, in other words, if you can't beat them, join them. the proof of this was in his not calling her for the two days she was gone. he wanted her to make up her own mind just as he had done as to what she could live with and wanted out of their marriage.

the story revolved around a marriage going downhill, it was out of control when the hubby decided to take her back. the only salvation was to hit bottom without crashing, he accomplished this by dropping down to her level and joining her there.

after that, neither had to feel guilty, neither had to feel sorry, and neither had to keep apologizing to the other, the marriage could resume as normal, anyway, as normal as could be under the new circumstances. they both realized the marriage was on thin ice from that point on, if either even sneezed wrong, it would be over.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
The ending...

The story was good until the ending and then it fell to pieces. She sucked, he sucked and the ending sucked. She chuckholded him and how could he forgive her. He got his revenge, he says it was not revenge but read between the lines, so how could two misfits and untrustworthy people make a marriage succeed?

This is like partners in crime. One thief cannot trust another thief that is his/her partner. There is no honor between thievs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I thought it was a good story

I agree with wetapap, his opinion was how I saw it too.

But I have to ask a couple of the recent below commentors, why does the story have to put them back together, but with the husband always getting the short end of the stick? I believe it was said:

"leaving the couple together but damaged would have made for a more realistic outcome"

Why? Don't you think everyone once in a while the husband shouldn't get left hurt in the end? It gets boring when everyone writes that type of story.

Thats the problem with those type of stories, some folks enjoy letting the husband get screwed over by the wife and is left forced to deal with it. I wasn't that fond of "Yesterday" because what husband would prostitute his wife out to another man, then after she's finished being "forced" to carry on the affair and the sex that went with it go "Now that your done cheating on me and having all that wild sex with your boyfriend we can talk about reconciling". Say what?!?! And you felt that was more believable?!?!

I liked this story because it wasn't a reconcile "at all cost", it was a reconcile "in spite of the cost", where the husband didn't get shafted for once and everything sorta worked out.

Kudos Ohio!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
i also ran this past

and almost to a man lol or woamn they all agreed that sometimes it takes having an affair of their own for the other spouse to get over it and make it to where they can move i also heard a cpl say that when this happened the other spouse found out well hey this is good and they went on to have full blown affairs and yes the marriage did end up in divorce...but they also said if not that way then it still would have ended as the spouse just didnt seem to be able to get past their affair ... so either way their marriage was lost i believe that inorder to get past a spouses affair ...the spouse cheated on has to get back some respect some way ... and to have an affair of their own is probably the best way i said even the wives i talked to agreed that with out hubby cheating there would have been no chance of putting it all behind and just picking up the pieces and going on..

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
No revenge sex...

then why did he share his encounter with Denise? Did he feel guilty about it or "quiet and contemplative" that he had gotten even? Alan describes his sex with Denise as the best fuck of his life. Now we have two cheaters who agree to stay faithful the rest of their lives together. Ok.

As an author you have the right to write your story as you see fit. As a reader however, I think the outcome would have been in real life closer to what happened in 'Jim and Sharon' by curious2c. In that story the husband cheated and the wife finds out about it and she enact a terrible revenge by fucking someone else while forcing the husband to watch them. Julie given her self-centered nature would

wonder why Alan fucked Denise when she had moved back in the house and tried everything she could to make it up to Alan.

Anyway, your ending is not incredible and you did show Alan regaining some of his manhood. Thanks for writing your characters in a believeable manner.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
kept me on the edge

Full score kept me on the edge and interested all the way more more soon please

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 18 years ago
Upon reflection, disappointing

I usually like your stories, Ohio. I was going to post a mild complaint about the ending, but then I went back and re-read the series.

Julie seduced her lover twice - even screwed him in her marital bed. She wasn't drunk or partying - stone cold sober cheat and then the lies followed. Bobby made no effort to chase her or seduce her - she did the work. I don't think she was sorry at all about having the affair - I think she was only sorry that she got caught. In fact, I think she would have continued indefinitely, until she either caught an STD or got caught.

Therefore I don't think the problem with the series is the ending - the problem is that he should have never taken her back (Ch 02). I usually like romantic reconciles, but this one doesn't work. He should have divorced her for adultry and then gone on with his life. If after a couple of years of dating other people Alan still had feelings for her and they were both unattached, they could start over from dating. Now if there were children still at home, that would have been a factor, but in this situation there's no excuse.

Flip it around - what if Alan had met Denise and Julie came home to find them screwing in her marital bed - stone cold sober cheating? Would she take him back? I think not - I think she'd move on.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Great writing and one plausible outcome.

Great writing and one plausible outcome.

Maybe the realization of her husbands willingness and attractiveness to other women can change how she perceives him. His onetime affair was very helpful on so many fronts.

Maybe her obvious control of the marriage and relationship will not come back to soon. She gave him the positions book. She’s going to prove to him, she can perform better sex then his gym slut She’ll aquae’s to making him not doubt her location and defer remarks that might be a reminder of the past. Is she trying to hard to prove something to herself? How long can she control her feelings and still be happy.

Maybe whatever the past thoughts were going through her mind about her life and needs will not reappear.

Will he really ever be able to forget and handle the pain of her remarks and actions with her young lover?

Will they both drift back to sex and life as before? In real life this happens many times as the guilt and memory fade.

Maybe they should start over and try to build a new marriage and love and not try to repair a overwhelming situation and keep going over and over the same thoughts.

Some times a new car is required as the old faithful car is too far damaged to be worth trying to fix and poor more and more into it.

As always great writing and story line

With great respect


KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Next time drop them from the second floor?

The above strange sounding suggestion, is my effort (along with similar others) at humorously referring to the initial treatment, which imaginative writers such as wonderer, give to their about to be later saved, wives characters. It’s an effort to lovingly nudge the talented, yet maybe over enthusiastic writer to back off a little in the future. You want to paint an intriguing dramatic conflict? Fine. Your good heart and intuition tell you to go for reconciliation? – Even better. Now you have to make sure that the line between point A (intriguing beginning) and point B (reconciliation) is solid. So, in the same realm of Free fall image, if you want to save them don’t - drop tem from the Empire state building first! Yes, it makes for quite spectacular opening scenes, but the recovery efforts can be excruciatingly painful, with repeated operations not guaranteed to successfully restore either wife’s tarnished character or marriage( despite best efforts of best surgeons or best writers).

We can take the vertical metaphors down to deep ditches or up to sky scrapers, the point is the same -please try gentler treatments of your about to be saved adulterous wife/relations for the sake of credible plot!

For that matter, which is worse: wife doing it (or planning on doing so) multiple times with one man as this story offers, or doing it one time only with multiple men as another talented writer dooms his wife character before leading her to a potential reconciliation ? Answer: both. Not much is left to be saved despite very talented writing of both writers.

The extreme nature of the adulterous behavior sticks out too much ON THE BACKGROUND of the story to convincingly make the reconciliation stick: 1. Prior to the affair they have mature loving relations. 2. This is not a newly married couple; they know and understand each other. 3. There is no precipitating big crisis 4. The offense is no one time slip.

To make it understandable you have to look into something much more sinister, such as a wife who is quite angry/controlling, to account for her behavior prior to her “mistake”. You have to look for much more than just physical pleasure to explain her willingness to, as the husband graphically says: ‘piss all over his marriage fidelity’. I believe that the husband looked, maybe stared for a while, but at last could not ‘look right at it’. Maybe it was just too scary to continue searching; maybe no good reconciliation could have come out from looking there.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
My biggest mistake so far...

My apologies to both Ohio and The Wanderer whose names I both mixed and mispelled, in my last comment. Inadvertently I violated the rule:'Say whatever you want about me, as long as you spell my name correctly'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good story

A good story overall; I know you get some flack about always being a reconciliation writer; and certainly that seems to be your strength. But you have written total breakup stories (The Letter A and Old Fool) so it's always possible that a reconciliation won't happen.

I liked the different viewpoints. It let us know what they were both thinking and that's important in these type of stories. Was the wife really sorry, or just sorry she got caught? I always wonder with the house of cards story. So if you ever get bored why don't you write it from her point of view?

Keep up the good work. I check once a week to see if you or Blue88, theCelt or longhorn write a story. If so it makes my week....


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Up to your usual high standard

Very good story, a breath of fresh compared with most of the Loving Wives portfolio. It demonstrated that people can cheat even in a happy marriage and that forgiveness is a vital part of human relationships. Marriages can even become stronger from this painful infidelity and I think "Ohio" conveyed this.

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Good, but could be better

Just as sickening as the first two parts. I am perplexed as to why a fantasy cannot be just that on this site, especially with cheating spouses, that might continue their cheating into a more polygamous scenario, complete with pregnancies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Good read, good responce from cheating wife. Too bad the Wimp took her back. You can keep her around as a fuck buddy, but nobody with decent self esteem would stay married to that. (zed)

Kanga40Kanga40almost 18 years ago
I agree with kolkore's appraisal

In fact, for several years now I have tried to get authors to realise that if they intend to have a reconciliation, then right from the start they need to keep the 'sin' forgivable.

In general, multiple screwings of a lover, multiple lovers, long periods of infidelity, doing things not done for husband, in the house - and very definitely in the marital bed, are foremost among the many infidelities after which most readers have great difficulty believing a reconciliation.

No need to have the wife screw the whole footbal team just for dramatic effect. Most guys will be royally pissed over their wife screwing one man once.

Authors in this genre do not show any skill by miraculousy retrieving a ridiculously unretrievable situation.

Rather, they can show great skill in developing the tension in their stories by clever portrayal of how the affair is discovered (lots of electronics is NOT very original), or how it is covered up for some time, and then by the reactions of the husband and wife as they head towards reconciliation or separation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

So now we know what it takes to make cheating okay: a revenge fuck and a blowjob. Ain't that wonderful.

For the husband to debase himself by fucking someone else makes me want to vomit. There is no acceptable explanation nor reason. If he can't get it up because he can't get past the images of his wife fucking her lover, he should file for divorce and get on with it. He's pathetic and it's a sorry excuse to get some strange pussy, nothing more.

The wife is an idiot as well, both for her cheating and then tolerating his. If he's willing to fuck around because she did, where will end it? Will he decide to go hump Susie three houses down the block because his wife changed her hairstyle or didn't fix dinner right or suck his dick just the way he wanted it?

I do means "I do", not "I do except when I don't".

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Didn't quite do it for me

It's a good story with a good attempt of resolution - I just don't buy it.

It's established early on that Julie found the thought of oral sex with Alan "gross", but she seemed eager enough to suck Bobby's dick once she got over the question of how. The obvious answer - for the reader as well as for Alan - is that it isn't oral sex that she finds gross: it's Alan.

Isn't the bottom line simply that she doesn't lust for Alan? That she "loves" him but has to turn elsewhere for "fucking"? How does Alan deal with that?

In chapter 3 of this story, he deals with it by having a one-night stand with Denise, who *does* find him attractive. How is this supposed to help? Denise finds him attractive, so Julie must as well? I don't think so.

I would think that the most logical conclusion to this story would be for Alan to hook up with the woman that finds him attractive rather than go back to the one that endures sex with him as a way to buy his companionship.

Either that, or you should have resolved the issue of Julie's apparent lack of attraction to Alan.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
If I were the husband...

If I were the husband and it was real life, I would have sought for a life as cohabiting friends rather than seeking for a sexual relationship and go around begging women for sex. If we settle for friends, any outside sexual relationships won't bother the other.

In any case, living with a wife like that for twenty two years I would have been stone cold in the sex department by now. Middle aged men live without any prospect of having sex all around us all the time. That especially includes the married men. Sex is overrated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not near the quality of some of your other stories

Always throw out the trash!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
i enjoyed this story

as well as i enjoy your others. i think some of the readers are really dumbasses. I know most of them prob teen or early 20 yr old men. i wonder it their remarks are the same when a man cheats. I am a more mature man who has been on both sides of the door. it hurts either way. i was told by a good friend and i have read it here on literotica before too IF U ARE HAPPIER WITH HER THEN RECOUNCIL IF U CAN, IF U ARE HAPPIER WITHOUT HER, THEN DUMP HER ASS.

shangoshangoalmost 17 years ago
Inconsistency, thy name is Ohio

What was the wife's line"...I know this is my fault, but if you're going to keep seeing Denise, I'll just leave", or something like that? Are you kidding me!?! She took "Jr" into the bed SHE SHARES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! That's unforgiveable in and of itself. She also slept with this guy TWO times! But, as is the theme in most of your tales, the hubby is always supposed to be the better person (but that's a stretch here, because he's a Cheater, too). SSDD

exjockexjockabout 16 years ago
Never say never

Wonderful tale! sorry to be so late in commenting but I only recently discovered ohio as one of my favorite authors on this site. I am working my way through all his stories and I have yet to be disappointed. Do some of the turn out differently than I wuld like? Absolutely, but they are all well writen and carry the reader by the hand through the emotional rollercoaster to the ending. This story is no exception, and shows the tremendous task of rebuilding somethin that usually causes a total breakdown. GREAT JOB!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

WHY DO OHIO's male characters always turn out to be wimps who take slut wives back??????????? OHIO IS PROBABLY A WOMAN WHO CAN NEVER THINK FROM THE MAN'S POINT OF VIEW. Looks like Ms OHIO feels that its good enough when the slut wife regrets her actions and her regret and guilt is punishment enough.Its hard to believe wimps like these acutally exist. Please write a story where he doesnt wimp out. PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
and in the end

he found he did not need her, but would want her? it was brash of her, and she was selfish, totally. no one mattered but her gratification, more than once. the trust, put back together? he should have moved on w/o her, and he was not w/o options.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well written

The only thing that could have made it better was that Bobby should have been taught what happens to boys that take something that isn't theirs. Even though she went after him he was still guilty and having gotten away with it, with no consequences he'll more than likely do it to another husband. Stealing is a habit that's hard to break.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The "Kill the Bitch" crowd is consistant

You can always tell the "Kill the Bitch" group. They all wanted to kill her when she cheated , but when he had a revenge fuck with Denise the rationalization started. It was perfectly ok according to the crowd, because he had to restore his self confidence. Tthe only one who called a spade a spade was Blue88. Well written story though.

the Ct. Yankee

BooomerBooomerover 15 years ago
Really Compelling Story

This story unfolded in a real way. I think sometimes communications between longtime lovers needs the equivalent of those paddles that they use on the medical shows. I like the way resolution was made in a thoughtful way.

It was definitely a non-traditional erotic story and it kept my intrest throughout - great job.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Interesting ideas

The whole method for reconciling is interesting. I admit that while I feel that his tryst with Denise is cheating both on his wife and Denise, but at least Denise knew what he was planning and won't pine away because he never came back for the next round! The trust problems is the biggest one in my opinion.

nyminusnyminusabout 15 years ago
I'm sorry to have to pan this story

you continue to amaze me with all your politically correct husband. When your wife fucks her co worker that is not politically . A real man would have went and had a talk wioth Bobbie and I would have made him pay the price for having the nerve to come into my home and fuck. I don't care that nshe was my wife, she wouldn't be after I had seen the tape. Next after putting Bobbie in the hospital I would have went to her boss, well I would have went to my lawyer for a divorce and to sue her and Bobbies company because that is exactly what it was. When you get more balls I might read your stories...

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
On a second read : an unrealistic plot

I know that it is fiction, but without being drawn (or drowned) in the deep water of any theoretical debate, my sense is that fiction still needs to maintain the sense that similar characters COULD exist in real life and similar events COULD happen in real life. <P>

I have to say that on a second read my sense of probability - namely, that a similar couple with similar problems could exist in real life AND successfully go through similar reconciliation process - was stretched to the point of breaking. <P>

The plot is overloaded with both too much psychological baggage, complicating factors (such as worst case scenario type circumstances all over the wifes affair); damning characteristics (such as the well portrayed typical profile of the Narcissistic cheating wife and the wounded husband). It truly makes for a spectacular mess of broken lives<P>

The problem is that once the author finished that part, he could not really undo this elaborate Gordic knot. Despite a lot of therapeutic efforts of all sorts, it still looked like going through a long to- do list in an effort to create a strange product -an unlikely hybrid of two people which for sound psychological reasons (some readers have thoughtfully listed similar reasons) most likely would have never found their way together in real life. <P>

The overarching feeling I had: for some reason, the author could not find a way to give permission to this two people to go on with their lives. Despite glaring evidence he would not let them move on in doing so he most likely allowed them to relieve misery as a couple not too far down the road If the author were a therapist I would have warned: beware of projecting your own issues into the people you are supposed to help. <P>

My experience in working with couples exposed me to the cold reality that the more risk factors the less of a chance for successful reconciliation. <P>

Perhaps even a talented author may come to realize that taking upon oneself to prove that in fiction a determined author could turn even the most unlikely reconciliation into a credible story may not be (literary speaking) the best bet

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
too forced in my humble opinion

I waited to read all 3 chapters before commenting on the story..And I found the reconciliation was too forced,as some of the other Readers mentioned..In the first chapter about the affair I fully agree with Peggytwitty that Julie's actions showed that She didnt care about her Husband and her marriage, She was fully aware of what She was doing..Not drunk or drugged..Fully sober She initiated the affair and practicly threw herself at Bobby,She would have continued it if Alan woudn't have found out.Then Her statements to Alan was paramound of giving notice that He couldn't satisfy Her,after all the times she refused to do the sexacts with Alan for all the years they were together ended all chances of reconciliation in real life..So She quit her Job because She didnt trust herself around Bobby still shows that it could happen again..We all felt for Alan and thought he was going for the divorce right then and there .. But getting them back together by bringing Denise into the plot felt forced and Alan having his 'not so' revenge fuck put Him into the same level as Julie..I would have prefered that Alan would have stayed friends with Denise until the divorce was final and afterward gotten together and had a great life .. This way even if He got divorced Denise would never trust Him either,as once a cheater always a cheater..As for the ending Julie's statement says it all and i quote, [ I try to remind myself that it will be Years,if ever,before Alan fully trusts me again. Anytime I tell him i'll need to be an hour late coming home from work, I can see that look on his face. He doesn't need to say a word-I know what He is thinking. ( and so do we all ) So i'm going out of my way to tell Him where i'll be,and when,and with whom .] I ask who wants to live that way?? Divorce and stop the bleeding.If they last another 5yrs i'd be surprised..So what if She gives Him blowjobs now ... It was a great fantasy story though lol and entertaing..all the comments give a lot of food for for the Guys that say they like slut Wives it's as long as its not their Wife that they have to watch and masterbate to..they keep hiding behind anonymous comments and its true Ohio you do make the guys wimps and losers in most of your storys..

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 15 years ago
Good story

I usually don't like reconciliation unless the initial transgression was unplanned and accidental, i.e. drunken hookup at a party. People do stupid things. This was a bit more planned affair and would have been longer lasting had she not been caught. I have less forgiveness for longer running affairs. However, the wife went into therapy and seems to have made some significant discoveries about herself that were clearly noticeable to her husband as well. Such self discoveries and real changes are uncommon and should be recognized and appreciated. <br><br>

I didn't like the same old woman's whine about getting older with kids gone and feeling useless. I'm sure it's all true. Guess what, guys feel the same way as they get older. The ultimate BS here though is complaining that her sex life is boring when she is the reason it is and then happily trying all the new stuff with her lover. This seems to be stretching things a bit. Her reasons for cheating are boring. She has been a boring person. And it's her husband's fault? <br><br>

I liked the husband's dalliance. It wasn't for revenge but instead for renewal. A unique approach.<br><br>

In the end I was glad the characters got back together. I didn't feel that there was a lot of unfinished business between them and that the wife had fully faced her actions and was truly sorry. Nice job.

Ducky7Ducky7almost 15 years ago
I have just finished the read of all the chapters

in this story. I can't vote on just one of these. I liked it, it was a little quick in the outcome but the emotions of what happens during an affair were very real and raw. The story was another well written work and I thank OHIO and who ever edits the work.

peteinchicagopeteinchicagoabout 14 years ago
Not Bad at All

Though I don't get it. Why would you marry someone who is so sexually inhibited? I can't believe their are women out their who won't perform oral sex, or want it performed on them. Or who won't swallow for that matter. It hasn't been my experience. Nor can it be that the authors are just old (because god knows people didn't have sex in the 40's right), hell, I'm 50. Never had sex with a chick who didn't suck my dick. If you did run into this hypothetical chick who was so frigid she wouldn't suck your cock why marry her? Be honest, you had sex with your wife while still dating, its part of the process, exploring to see if you fit. So after finding out she's frigid, before you became so attached / involved, why force the relationship? Just don't get it, is it just a plot device?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
i knew

i knew he would forgive, this author has that in him and always forgets that there is a thing called no reason and there is other women out there, divorce is one thing but leting bobby walk away to do it again is a sign of an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
plan b

His wife did something out if character, where the notion of trust went out the door. The options were there, and he chose not to taken them. A nagging prospect, when the next one? And the one that shook the foundation, she need not work with him to have contact with him! That is cynical perhaps, but her choices and the consequences for both. A good plan b, to not have latent trust issuues. Leaving her, and she'd manage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Just the right balance

I thought this story was exceptionally realistic except I am afraid in true life people don't usually work so hard to overcome the heartache and grief wrought by infidelity. Alan's initial response to his wife's cheating was about right. He acknowledged his rage and desire for violent vengeance but was man enough to just send her away. Refusing the speak in any manner was correct too. It gave her the time she needed to own her mistakes instead of continuing to rationalize. Thats probably the most difficult part of the entire story. People, men and women are forever trying to shift blame and keep their selfish ego's intact. She did not do that, though I suspect most would. I know from experience having been divorced for less than a year. Its totally irreconcilable but I am still having arguments with myself that I should have had with her twenty five years ago. Perhaps thats my motivation to keep reading these type stories, maybe someday like the characters I read about I can come to face my own demons. Bet you never thought of your stories as therapy. Go

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
The very worst story I ever read.....and I like most of your other work

Alan is worse of a slut than his wife. You would have been far better off to give him a set of balls and have him toss the wife than drag him down to a level no better than she - rutting animals unable to control his dick. I stopped reading as soon as he nailed the slut, who obviously had emotional issues. No woman with any shred of self respect would take a "man" to bed on those terms. But I guess Alan wasn't much of a man.

And I'm not one of those "all women are sluts" misogynists who want to shred every babe who ever makes a mistake. I usually enjoy the way you manage to work out a reconciliation. Not this time. This was just plain WRONG on so many levels.

But then it's just a story, albeit a bad one. I wish I could give this zero stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Very good story

I approve of 'revenge sex', but the cheater must be told about it as in this story. There should have been two sessions with Denise to properly balance the events. The cheater needs to experience what the victim went through.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

very weak story ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
One star......TOTALLY STUPID....

two wrongs NEVER, EVER make a right....sorry

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Why did she do things with her lover she didn't with her husband?

That's the question someone asked in a previous comment. The most obvious reason, and the reason the husband fears, is that Bobby just turned her on much more than her husband. Since she loved her husband a plausible reason would be embarrassment. Oral sex and/or different positions is not something that "just isn't done", at least not today. Not doing these things would brand her and "old fuddy duddy", probably something she was feeling that caused the affair in the first place. The reason she didn't do this with her husband is that with Bobby, he expected it and not doing it would be more embarrassing than going along with it . With her husband, she might have felt it would make her look like a slut in his eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Well, just another cuckolded wimp husband run-of-the-mill tale.

Oh-hum. Another JPB clone tale. No glory.

theVikingSailortheVikingSailorabout 13 years ago
As usual...

Great story Ohio. Your stories are thought provoking and have a real life flavor to them, in this case a story of two good people with human flaws but enough love and courage to work things through. Hope you're doing well and that you will write again when the wind blows in the right direction.... Thanks. PS Isn't it just amazing that there are so many simpletons that hate every story of redemption and forgiveness but are so shallow that they keep coming back and writing the same old comments every time????

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Nice approach -

I am generally against the two fucks make it ok logic - but this time it seemed to be primarily to prove he could fuck someone - anyone not just get back at her. creative idea.

When I vote I look at 2 sets of info - did I enjoy the story line (whether I agree with the actions or not) and 2 was it written well technically - my 5 for this one is because i felt it was an excellent story from both perspectives.

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
For the brave anonymous 'wimp' yellers

So now he has a sexual slave for life who can't turn him down or refuse him anything. What was that downside again?

For THINKING people, it's about mistakes and redemption. People do bad things, as noted by the author. That doesn't mean they need to STAY bad.

saratusaratuabout 13 years ago
The story was,

excellently written and held my interests right to the end, however I also am of the mind that two wrongs won't help an already severe situation. I gave the first two high grades, but the last got a two star from me.

roscovichroscovichabout 13 years ago
God damn, I hate wimp stories.

With this one if you push the subject mater aside it is well written. As is standard for this excellent writer.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Good Tale better Comments

Everyone made pretty damn good comments. Really liked PeggyTwitty, Kanga's, Fictionwriter101? Ohio made her out to be too nasty and uncaring in what she did and told him. No man would have been able to get over her telling husband all of it. If she had kept the details to herself and just kept apologizing...maybe. She destroyed his self-image as a man and there was no way he could have lived with it for long. Been there done that. I replaced the disrespectful, cheating bitch.

In my experience, a woman or man will not cheat unless they wanted to and were willing to take the risk. It is never done out of love for their spouse and always out of dis-respect. It is always for their own rationalized but selfish reasons. I don't buy any other reason and I am not all that opionated. I love romantic reconciliation stories! More!

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

He still should have split the sheets. Forgiveness is not a virtue. TK U MLJ LV NV

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
Thanks tazz317

Tazz317 is right on, there were two many first. She's been married to you for over 20 years and never gave you a bj or did doggy with you and Bobby the stud comes along and he gets it all. Next Bobby would have been ass fucking the slut. Like I have said before Ohio, 70% of the time a marriage won't survive cheating. When men cheat no one has pity for him, he's just a fucking dog, but when a woman cheats the first thing out of someone month is what did he do. It's a double standard that we dumb ass men are letting go on. Man up and dump the slut.

TreyboTreyboover 12 years ago

The bitch made a HUGE mistake, and she deserves to carry the guilt around for the rest of her life. Alan really should have divorced her cheating ass and beat the dogshit out of Bobby. She hurt a good man and caused him to break his own marriage vows. Her sister should have beat her ass twice a day the whole time she stayed there.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
One Great!!!

Story very entertaining and mature. Thanks for sharing this gem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Well written

Cum guzzlers like cuckdogg & crew have driven out the skilled writers so illiterate monks and eunuchs can submit endless cuck stories they can devour then rail against. Fuck those pussies, not one stiff dick between the lot of 'em.

robinhodrobinhodabout 12 years ago
As I write this

the story has been available for six years.

It's unquestionably one of the best of the best on this site.

And, best of all, it was submitted before that illiterate idiot DWornock appeared as a blemish on Literotica.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago

I don't know. The saying two wrongs don't make a right semi applies here. Dianne got Bobby twice, Alan had Denise only once.

I'm haunted by this tale. It bothers me personally. After twenty years of vanilla sex she gives a stranger a rainbow of variety while the husband got none. If she wasn't caught it would have went on indefinitely.

Fuck that. She would be history. End of story.

Richie4110Richie4110about 12 years ago
I hope and pray that Ohio will continue his wonderful story telling

I voted a 5 and was driven to comment by the crass, stupid, and unhelpful comments by the anonymous contingent. They are so obviously in the minority that I wonder why Literotia doesn't remove that option.

This was a inspiring treatment of a difficult subject that many people have endrued with vastly differing results. It offers one path to resolution.

I applaude Ohio a one of the best at weaving a good story with sensitive subjects.

I hope to read his efforts again soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
a betrayal

he smoked the fattest cock, got a buggered cornhole, betrayed!

IrfonIrfonabout 12 years ago

This story is one of a few that really hits at the hurt felt,when your partner decides to have a bit of strange...

No one knows what it's like until you actually feel it - when it happens to you.

This story DID - in spades !!

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
this is one of the few OHIO stories I cam live with

Finally a guy that didn't move out of his house. He didn't cry and got on with his life. He proved that he could live with out his wife. She grew up and when he got some strange she saw how it felt. It took some work and they made it threw. Not bad...4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
How about we hear from a different admitted cuckold

huecuck, the only true admitted cuckold humping this site, spewed his misspelled opinion, any other cuckolds willing to come out of the closet? huecuck must be getting lonely being the only guy here who admits to being a cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I wouldn't have taken her back


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What. The. Fuck?

She cheats and it's her fault. I get that. He cheats's still her fault? Are you fucking kidding me?

He needs to own his shit. He cheated and it's not her fault. He chose to fuck someone else and the reasons are irrelevant. He is as wrong as she is. Why didn't she kick him out for another? Why didn't he get ignored for 30 days and see a therapist, quit his job and generally come crawling back apologetically?

Why not? Because the author is a helmet wearing, short bus riding moron who couldn't find his ass with both hands and a map.

deadonedeadoneover 11 years ago
She fells betrayed?

She does it how many times? She denies him stuff she does for dickhead?

But he hurt her? Fucking give me a brake. She should be thankful he takes her skanky ass back.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
I was right about the cuck alert...

I was right about the cuck alert in part two. He takes her back. What a wimp.

firas01firas01over 11 years ago
nice story

As usual, a very nicely written story, the husband is surely brave to decide to keep the wife, i sure wouldn't, and i am not also sure he kept her out of love, for me cheating is a red line that means there is no going back, but if some people can live with it ....

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
she is a slut

all women are sorry after they cheat and get CAUGHT. I am sorry but you made the man a wimp here no real man would take back a woman like that. He should have divorced her and kicked her to the curb and let her family and kids know what kind of slut she was.

Cheaters don't deserve a second chance at a good marriage.

LBuddGLBuddGover 11 years ago
Sorry but then I'm NOT sorry...

I wasn't going to comment on this story till I read a few of the comments previous to this. I only wondered how they managed to read a different story than I had. Do browsers manage to move words around....'re-cut the movie'....that would be something. The story in its own way, I think, pretty much answers 'almost' all the criticisms/complaints listed by them. Frankly I'm pretty sure I myself would've been gone for even less than what she'd done, but then again I'm "REAL", with human foibles (oh yeah; I got lotsa foibles) and all, and Alan has the 'luxury' of being it was easier for him to eventually forgive her as much as he managed. In short, you came up with... imagined... a better man than I(?), and to those critics, I know they've heard/read it before; IT'S A FRIGGIN STORY and believe it or not, it's about someone other than yourself...a walking/talking/what if piece of a talented writer's imagination. It would be like you could/would criticize GOD himself for creating any person in this world different than yourself! There are a million different scenarios (many or most of which are) in this section of Lit. over & over & over again; and you come out, almost violently criticizing one that approaches the topic in a different way.

C' CAN do it, you willingly do it at the movies all the time....pluck down a fortune, willingly/knowingly accept the impossible (think ANY action movie at all) leave your disbelief in the hat-check entertained.... then pick it back up on your way out the door (then later, you may even give them a few 'more' bucks for the video rental or purchase).

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Read the end FIRST & then don't read the rest!

Sex is not the most important thing in a marriage. Trust is! Without trust all you've got is stomach problems. I am NOT into wimps or wives (fictional or otherwise) that can't be trusted and to make it worse, then lie to my face, so I read enough of Ohio's stories to see what happened and then the end of his stories to see how "the husband" dealt with what happened to determine if I want to read the rest of the story! Next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Another Ohio gleeful humiliation tale

To understand Ohio, you have to know that deep down he is a cuck who desires humiliation. To cover it, he has some tale of betrayal on the part of his slut wife, but he always takes her back. That way he can feel his delicious pain, humiliation and degradation, pretend to protest it, then cuck his little heart by taking the slut back. It would be funny if it wasn't so obvious. Out and out cucks are honest. Ohio lies to himself.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Another anonymous hard man !

His testosterone disables him from signing his name or writing his own stories. He has all the time in the world to definitively dissect the psyche of what he terms a 'cuck writer' but shrinks from submitting his own work for review. Irony abounds anew in Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Most would agree that Ohio is a great writer

And, I would submit that other authors on this site seem to quote or acknowledge him in their own stories, when including a mention of literotica (sort of breaking the fourth wall= so to speak), and YES, a story that can allow for reasonable reconciliation is always a more satisfying read than a basic BTB farce with no character development. Ohio always seems to be the kind of guy that I would like to spend a night drinking slowly in a bar talking to, and hearing stories from. A person who has been there and done that and STILL managed to retain both humility and humanity. I'm not sure how I passed this story over before, but felt it worth mentioning this one point: Seems that when the cheating spouse willingly goes to therapy, the reconcilliation ALWAYS seems more plausible. Just an observation of a master author on this site that others looking at his work might see highlighted and well worth emulating. Problem is- you still have to get the dialogue right, and on some of these earlier works, EVEN Ohio still had some issues with that. Well, one day I'll be sure that I have read everything contained here by him, and that will be soon. Thanks Ohio! Literotica fans do owe you a great debt, as you certainly proved yourself a trailblazer in the genre!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Exceptionally well-written. I thought the portrayals of emotion were among the best I've read, and I mean Alan's, Julie's and Denise's. I was rooting for Alan and Denise to end up together, but I get the reconciliation, too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
another one

Another Ohio story about a weak assed wimp and a cheating slut. I wish I could give it less than one star. I wish Lord slamfuck would shut the fuck up!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it, but ...

"The whole time her eyes had been tightly closed, and her cheeks were wet with her tears."

Better hope she is thinking of you and not Bobby.

"She didn't look happy—she looked determined."

When she blew Bobby she was mesmerized by his cock. This is not how you want your first bj with your wife to go. They should have waited on that.

I am a firm believer in reconciliation and that a marriage can be stronger after an affair. You did a good just of showing how she changed. I just think he was a little to forgiving. His side of the story needed more development in the beginning. At the end, his affair served as a handy device to trigger sex with his wife. However, his initial acceptance of her into the home and into his heart needed more work.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
One more thought ...

He didn't need to tell her about his tryst. She is the one who caused all their trouble and she didn't deserve the courtesy of being told about it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

She is a least a slut after 22 years and then finally experimenting with things that her husband had desired, but then did it with someone else. That is unforgivable. Period. Toss the slut and find someone who really appreciates you, not a slut that after 22 years, doesn't.

Fuck her.

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