Manipulation Ch. 01


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After a few moments I could hear my wife and Anna in conversation, later my wife told me she was just popping out for a few minutes.

"What was all that about?" I asked as we drove home.

My wife explained, "Anna has unusually sensitive labia..."

"You've seen her pussy!" I blurted uncontrollably.

She looked at me sideways and said, "As a matter of fact, yes, I helped her put some soothing lotion on it, the Lycra pants had rubbed her raw."

I was dumfounded, I did not know what to say.

She continued, "Apparently the lucky girl can trigger orgasms just by having her labia rubbed, the pants had her on the edge all morning. Hence, the odour of sweet pussy juices through the office all day and the damp patch on the pants. I bought her some little sexy silk panties and a soothing lotion from the chemists. That girl must cum in buckets, she started oozing again as I was applying the lotion."

"You were applying the lotion!" I could not believe this. My wife's telling me she just been feeling up my PA.

"She said it was too sore and she just knew she would cum again if she touched it."

"And you fell for that, you really surprise me" I shouted.

My wife leant over and passed her hand under my nose, "I saved a little bit for you." She said. There was no mistaking the aroma, I had lived with it for too long and knew just what it was. "You just keep driving," she said as she lowered her head into my lap, "I've got a little problem to resolve down here."

After this episode, my wife decided she should take Anna under her wing, help her understand and develop her femininity. Her argument was that at least she could have a degree of control over Anna that way, head off any danger before it arose. Over the next couple of years, they developed quite a relationship with my wife encouraging Anna just to keep me on edge. My wife got the full benefit; I was as rampant as bull most nights by the time I got home. The games played in the office, designed by Anna and my wife, were to titillate, not to consummate.

Quite late on in the four year period, when the flirting and innuendo's were at there peak, the games between my wife, Anna and myself had reached almost absurd proportions. My wife came into the office feigning surprise to find me at my desk and Anna on the floor picking up paperclips. There was nothing wrong with that except that Anna was wearing the shortest of her short skirts, ultramarine blue, and from my view, her black panties were clearly struggling to contain her bottom. My wife joined her on the floor and soon they were giggling like a pair of schoolgirls virtually 'mooning' at me for all they were worth. Having picked up the debris Anna left the room blushing profusely, my wife came and sat on my desk.

"What were you both giggling about? I asked.

"Just a private little joke that Anna and I share. So, who do you think has the cutest bottom? You know we really must find her a man, she can't go on revving her hormones in front of you all day, its starting to get indecent."

I had never understood what that episode was about, why they decided on a joint show, what was meant to be achieved apart from me having an indelible imprint on my mind and a hard-on that refused to go down.

There was another incident that I am almost certain my wife knows nothing about. I was at my desk, Anna behind me with some papers; I swung round in my chair just as Anna was leaning forward to put the papers on the desk, my face collided with her breasts. She gasped and gently put her arms around my head and held me to her, she ran her fingers through my hair, I inhaled that intoxicating odour and felt the beat of her heart through the soft mound of her breast. How can a girl cum through every pore of her body I was wondering. I don't know how long we stayed like that; I remember our breathing becoming irregular and our bodies gently rocking one into the other. A phone call broke the moment; she released my head, bent and kissed me lightly on the lips, tossed her head and swayed back to her office. What would have happened if the phone had not rung? I really do not know but I am certain that I heard little grunts and groans coming through the toilet wall a few minutes later.

All these memories passed in a flash and I resumed the conversation with my wife, "Yeh. I remember. Look I'm going to steer well clear of this, I don't want to be getting into a 'bunny boiler' scenario."

"You most certainly will not steer clear of this, I want you to call Anna tomorrow between six and seven." She put the phone down.


Today was much much worse than yesterday. I achieved precisely nothing except a raging hard-on that I had to relieve at regular intervals. My wife was not returning my calls and the minutes dragged interminably as I relived scenes from 15 years ago. I had no clue as to what was going on, what was I expecting? I am 53 now and Anna is 36, attractive, yes, but married and I could not believe the scenarios playing through my mind. My wife seemed to have gone out of her way to encourage my thinking about Anna sexually, what was she playing at? It did not make any sense, I could not get hold of my wife at home, and she had turned her mobile off and had not answered any of my messages. I was, cross, impatient and puzzled.

At precisely 6.01pm, I dialled the number Anna had sent me. She answered on the second ring.


"Hello, how are you?"

"I'm fine, listen what's all this about a present? What's going on?"

"Have you spoken with your wife?"

"Yes, but..."

"Fine, I'm just going to check that, I will call you back."


She had hung up. What was going on, why did she think she could call my wife when I couldn't get hold of her? A few minutes later the phone rang, it was Anna.

"I hope your not too cross with me for ringing off but I agreed with your wife that we can only proceed with your gift if you are being completely honest with both of us, I had to check, I don't want anything going on behind her back."

"Anna, what is this all about? I am really confused. How come you can get hold of my wife when she hasn't been returning my calls all day?"

"Oh, that's easy, we agreed a signal so she would know it was me, let it ring twice then redial!"

Hold on, this is getting way out of hand, they have obviously been talking, and both know exactly what is going on. What are they both playing at?

"Anna, let's talk about honesty for a moment; seems to me that you and my wife have been conspiring behind my back."

"No, it's not like that. I want to give you a little present and I did not want to give it to you without your wife's permission. She has agreed so that's why we are talking."

Relief! "Ok, ok, thank you for being tactful. What is the present? Oh, I am sorry. That was really rude of me; of course, you want to surprise me with the actual present. Not that I haven't been surprised enough already."

"That's ok. Do you really want to know what the present is? I hope you won't be disappointed."

"Yes, I'm really curious now; and no, I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"I think I have to tell you. Actually, I am the present. Now please call your wife." She hung up.

I stood there for ages then paced backward and forward replaying the conversation. We had been married for nearly thirty years; it was our anniversary in ten days time. What was going on here? Why was my wife agreeing to this? Confusion does not begin to describe my emotions. It was about 8.00 pm when I finally called my wife, there was no answer. I rang at fifteen-minute intervals right through the evening.

This doesn't make any sense, confusion and excitement don't even begin to summarize my state of mind. I have been walking around the house between phone calls with my dick hanging like a soft banana down my leg. My mind keeps jumping between the flirtatious incidents of fifteen years ago, and the conversations of a couple of hours ago. They are both in on this; it is just like before when they conspired to play an outrageous and sexy game with me. That was dangerous, this promised to be suicidal, and some one could get seriously emotionally hurt here. If I had understood correctly everything that had happened in the last few hours, my wife had agreed that I should sleep with Anna. What was going on at home? Had she met some one else, was she trying to break away from me, why else would she agree to this? Even worse, where is she now, is she out screwing some one herself? What about Anna's husband, is he in on this as well? So many questions and no one to give me a single answer.


Finally after mid-night my wife answered the telephone.

"Where have you been? I have been calling you for hours. Why's your bloody mobile switched off?"

"Hello darling, I am fine, how are you?" she replied.

"Don't start playing bloody games with me, I'm furious. Where have you been?"

"I had to go out to meet someone an old friend from college days that I ran into, I'm sorry about the mobile, I simply forgot to turn it back on. If you had phoned me as soon as you had talked to Anna, we could have had a sensible conversation. Now for Christ's sake calm down."

"Look, I'm sorry I shouted, but I've been here for six hours trying to make some sense of this and quite honestly the more I think about it, the less I like what is going on here. Why have you agreed to this? Have you met someone else?"

"There is nothing going on here at home that is any different than when you went to Portugal, now, before you say anything that we might both regret, I want you to do two things for me. Tell me how much you love me, tell me now."

"I love you, I always have and always will."

"Now take that dick out of your pants and relieve the tension, you must be in pain with all the thoughts rushing through your head. Do it now and do it loud, I want to hear you cum."

As always she knew me far too well, boy did I need to do this. I took my dick out and described to her just what I was doing, pulling the foreskin back across the head, smearing the precum with the tip of my thumb across the bell end and down to my fingers gripping round the shaft. I often wanked for her, she loved to see me cum and feel the hot splash on her skin. I could hear her breathing becoming faster as I described the sensation, the tingle in my balls, the surge up through the shaft. I wanked with relief, not for the first time today, and yelled loud as I shot all over the carpet; another mess I had gotten into.

"Are you there?"

"Of course, that's the first time we have had telephone sex, we're going to do this again. Do you feel better now? You sounded like you needed that." She was still breathing hard.

"Yeah, I needed that, but I need you more. Did you come as well?"

"Yes, I'm sticky and flushed, I feel like a woman again. I miss you."

"Look, what is going on between you and Anna? Why have you agreed to this?"

"Look the situation is very simple. Anna has asked me, well both of us really, to help her resolve a problem. Listen while I explain everything, then, when I finish, tell me you love me, then think it through and call me in the morning. I want you to think about what I tell you very carefully and I want you to make the right decision.

"About a year ago, Anna called me, she was quite desperate and did not know whom to turn to, and, I suppose because of the bond we formed when we were all worked together, she needed to talk to me. When I came over to Lisbon for that exhibition, I spent a whole day with her going through everything in detail. Anna has a problem. She married Federico on the rebound from you, as you know, he was the next boss in line. They get on fine and have a gently loving relationship. Nothing like our spontaneity but it works for them except in one respect. Anna cannot get pregnant; Federico has a sperm count that is way below the line. She showed me the medical reports when we met, she has virtually no chance of getting pregnant by Federico and they simply can't afford fertilization treatment, it's really expensive in Portugal and there is no support Health Service support like there is here. Federico's business is not doing great so she asked me if I could see if she could have the treatment in the UK. Unfortunately, that is not going to work, they would have to pay full price and it is even more expensive than in Portugal.

"I felt so sorry for her, she wants a baby so very much, I know they could adopt, but she wants her own baby and I for one can understand that. All of the professional advice they have had just tells them to keep trying. Anna is giving up hope of getting lucky and their lovemaking has dropped to once a month, partly through the continual frustration of not conceiving. Anna is getting older, she is afraid that if she does not get pregnant soon then it will be too late for her. We have talked regularly for the last few months and she put a proposal to me that at first I simply turned down flat. As time went by I thought more about it, and then, with all of the sorrow and pain I could hear in her voice when she called me, I finally decided that we should try to help her. Anna and I have decided that she should have a surrogate father for the baby. We decided that if she is to have anyone else's child, then you should be the father; after all, you were her first real passion. After talking things through with her, I have agreed to lend you to her until you get her pregnant. Oh, there are rules that she will explain to you over lunch tomorrow.

Why have I agreed to this? Well firstly, it is to help Anna who you know is like a daughter to me. Secondly, we have been together for thirty years, look at it as a very very special anniversary present. You are 53 and, I hope, unlikely to attract another woman as beautiful and sensuous as Anna, or me come to that. Certainly not a woman that could love you the way we both do in our different ways, though I suspect Anna's feelings are just lust, though I don't really blame her. I rationalised it like this. She loves you and has done so for all these years but has never had you except through her eyes. You deserve something really special for having been a loyal and faithful husband and father, I can't honestly think of any thing that will bring you more enjoyment, I know how much you lusted after her when you worked together, I remember only too well the nights you came home and ploughed yourself into me thinking of her. I didn't mind, the sex we had more than compensated for any slight jealousy and I knew you would never actually fuck her.

"However this is different, you have my permission to fuck her but you are not to fall in love with her, this is purely a temporary arrangement to help Anna. You will get to taste her, touch her, and absorb her perfume into your soul. Maybe that way you will both finally get over that ridiculous flirting that went on all those years ago that I so foolishly encouraged. Do you know that from time to time you even whisper her name as you pump yourself into me, but you are so good, I always forgive you! Don't tell me you haven't thought about Anna from time to time, I know I have, I've never been near anything so sexual, I honestly don't know how you kept your hands off her, I wouldn't have been able to if I had been in your position, you never fucked her did you? How many times have you tossed off today just thinking about all of this - 2, 3, 4? If it is more than four then there were events in that office that I know nothing about and we will discuss them later. Do not waste energy and sperm tossing off, save it for Anna, she actually needs it! Once you get her pregnant, she will only have time for the baby and that will be her gift to Federico. He, by the way, must never know anything of this.

"Finally, the sexual tension between the two of you when we worked in Lisbon was truly unbelievable. Everyone noticed it and this is my gift to you for not succumbing to the temptation when you were much younger with potentially ruinous consequences. Enjoy our gift and when you come home have enough strength left to fuck me like a Trojan. I am going to say goodnight now. Just think through what I have told you."

"Good night, I love you." I said.

My heart was pounding, pumping blood down to my dick again trying to push its way through the fabric of my trousers. There was a little boy jumping up and down inside my head saying 'I'm going to fuck Anna, I'm going to fuck Anna' while I tried to get the measure of my wife's monologue. If I had it right, my wife had agreed with Anna that I should sleep with her to get her pregnant, and, I could enjoy myself doing it because it was sort of a present from both of them. I wouldn't get into trouble from any one afterwards because it was every one wanted, Anna, my wife, Federico (who knew nothing about it) and of course me. It is my fucking birthday and Christmas rolled into one.

Early in the morning, my wife called me.

"Hello darling, I've spoken with Anna already this morning. She was a bit anxious because she had not heard from either of us and thought the deal might be off. Any way, I have calmed her down and gone through the arrangements again with her to make sure nothing goes wrong. You are meeting for lunch tomorrow at the Meridian Hotel. It is a public place so behave. You are under no circumstances allowed to fuck her on the table no matter how much you both want to. Anna will explain the arrangements to you. Have a nice time!"

"Is that it, don't I get any say in the matter? What if I don't want to go through with this little plan you've worked out between you?"

"Silly, look down, see that bulge in your pants. Don't tell me you don't want to go through with it. Just enjoy it. You are going to have an affair, with my permission, and into the bargain make a young woman very very happy. Think back to that body smell and how often you have wanted to get your nose into the source of it. I tell you, you have got a surprise coming when you get down there, I only hope the poor girl doesn't drown you! I am almost jealous; I wish I could cum with such abandon. You will be fine, do not cum too quickly, at least not after the first time. She deserves something very special, and you are it. Call her now, she is waiting for your call."


"Ola meu amore, tudo bem?"

"Ola Anna, you've spoken with my wife?"

"Yes, earlier. I can't tell you how excited I am and how much I love you both for this gift."

She sounded just as if she was 19 all over again.

"Anna, I have to know, are you sure about this? You fully realise what we are intending to do?"

"Meu amore, you don't mind if I call you 'meu amore'. I cannot call you Senhor ... if we are in bed!"

"No I don't mind. It sounds, well, perfect. Where is Federico?"

"He is away in Germany on business and comes back the day you return to your beautiful wife. By then, I will be pregnant. And yes, I do fully understand what we are doing. Your wife and I have spoken about this for months. We just had to wait until Federico was away to give us enough time to make sure that I get pregnant."

"What do we do next, my wife tells me you have all the arrangements."

"Yes, we will discuss everything at lunch tomorrow; I can't wait to see you and especially the expression on your face. I am going to make you so happy. Look, now you are finally going to make love to me, I can talk to you openly, right. Nothing to hide."

"Yes, of course, what do you want to tell me?"

She whispered, "I'm dripping wet. It started while I was talking with your wife. You know she has such a sexy voice and she was telling me all of the things I should do to you. I couldn't help myself. I started playing with myself, just gentle rubs, but she could hear my breathing changing. She helped me, guided me, she got me to move with her rhythm and we came together. It was so exciting. Now I am standing here dripping because of your beautiful wife. I have juice running down my thighs and now its started pumping again because I am talking with you. Touch yourself, she told me you both did this last night. Take it out and rub yourself, she told me you would need to 'relieve the tension', that's it stroke it gently, listen."