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Carrie came to find me about half an hour later. We kissed and she eased onto my lap with her back to me. Her tampon string tickled my dick. I stayed quiet, looking on, as Carrie scrolled through some nudist photos. I massaged her tits and asked her, "See anything you like?"

"Shit, yeah! Look at the size of that cock!" I looked. A tall dark haired guy with a dong that looked as wide as a wine bottle and hung practically to his knees.

"I bet he doesn't get laid much. What would you do if a guy whipped something like that out for you?"

"Well, now I'd call the cops. Before we got together, I don't know. I can tell it all wouldn't fit into my twat, but I might have tried it." I was stroking my fingers over that very twat as she spoke.

Changing the subject, I asked her, "How was lunch?"

"Oh, great! We're going over next weekend to swim."


"N-o-o-o. Sara said to just come over for an early barbecue and a swim. I told her I didn't want to go skinny dipping, but we talked a lot about it. She said she was nervous the first time. And that Hank was just as nervous the first time they went to a resort. They belong to some club. We ate and talked, and then I went back to work."

I was a little surprised. Hank had become a good friend over the years, so I wondered why he had never mentioned the club they belonged to.

"This coming weekend, you mean?" I came back to the present.

"The weekend following. They have to do something this weekend, Sara said."

"Okay. I'll try to remember. Remind me a few days before, okay?" I was rolling her still hooded clit around then. Carrie sighed.

"There are a number of ways you can remind yourself, Greg. On here, for instance," she gestured toward the computer, on which was now a slide show of a variety of naked folks. "Or you can set an alarm on your phone."

"I know, but I'm a print reporter, remember. I'll print a sign and stick it on the fridge."

"I'll make sure you read it." Carrie got off me, ignoring my rampant member, which we both knew would fit into her twat.

"I'm gonna order a pizza, okay? I don't feel like cooking, do you?"

"No, pizza is great. Get what I like. Or order two. Then you can have anchovies."

"Mmm...I'll order a small one for me and the regular works for you. I'll save some of mine for work lunches."

She left the room. I clicked out of the nude pages and checked out the news online. As I read through several sites to see what the competition was up to, I heard the doorbell. A few minutes later Carrie called me to eat.

I was surprised to see she was still naked. "Uh...did you answer the door that way?"

"I did," she said proudly. "I keep thinking about the things Sara said." But Carrie was blushing furiously, all the way to her erect nipples. "I thought he'd drop his teeth!" she laughed. "It was scary, but exhilarating, too!" She set her pizza down and rushed around the table to grab me. "Fuck me!" she said hoarsely.

Without a word I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. "Wait!" she said, and ran back to the bathroom, returning with a towel and minus the string. We fucked hard and with a fire I'd never seen from Carrie. She cried through three orgasms as we changed positions a few times. We rolled so she was on top; we switched around so she was facing away; I rolled her off and pulled her up on elbows and knees to jam my dick back inside her as I pressed my thumb into her butt. She screamed and shivered. I let her have a load that even surprised me. She milked her way through our orgasms.

We collapsed on the soggy towel. When we caught our breath, Carrie said, "I think I'm beginning to see, Greg; about nudity I mean. They said it would be 45 minutes so at half an hour, I started to go slip something on, but I forced myself to stop. I suddenly felt a need to test myself.

"I was on fire, my pussy was, anyway (I could smell myself). When I opened the door, I handed the kid twenty six dollars and grabbed the boxes. I don't know which of us blushed harder, but I managed to close the door. What a rush it was! It made me so horny!"

"Yeah, I could kinda tell," I said. "Let's eat."

We wiped each other off and Carrie put in a new 'plug', as she calls them. Then we went and dug in to our cold pizzas. Every time I looked at Carrie she grinned and colored up a little. I wondered if it was looking at the pictures of naked people that did it or something Sara had said. I didn't care, really, why it happened. I was glad it did, but I wondered if I had set something loose in my wife beyond what I was hoping for.

But what was I hoping for? I think about other women all the time. We've talked about that. Ogling and even light flirting is okay - for either of us. Anything further is out of bounds. I had long wished that "public morals" didn't extend to nudity. But for us, for Carrie, I guess I wanted her to relax and realize that her nudity was not something that others needed to worry about. I wanted her to do as I thought I had, and explore who she was inside. I wanted her to be completely relaxed and uninhibited with me in every way. Both physically and emotionally. Eliminating the influence of clothes seemed, to me, to make it easier to think clearly.

Carrie likes watching other guys, too, and I don't mind. I have no idea what she thinks about them, except from comments she makes. I know I love just watching women move. I try to imagine everybody naked. I know I ache sometimes when a woman really turns me on. I'd love to fuck a lot of them, so I suppose Carrie feels the same way.

I never would cheat on her, though. We said our vows to forsake all others. I keep that promise and I trust Carrie to keep it too. But, in my opinion, if she ever finds that she, or, rather, we - together - want to invite others, we might explore the possibility. But we haven't discussed that yet.

"What are you so deep in thought about, honey?" Carrie asked me.

I looked up. "Oh, nothing much. I was just 'wandering'." Carrie is used to me zoning out like that sometimes. We cleaned up the mess and stashed the leftover pizza.

We changed the sheets and crawled in. Before she fell asleep I told Carrie, "You know what you did tonight was a great step, babe, and I can't tell you how proud I am. But that wasn't really 'nudity'. That was exhibitionism. Some women get off doing that all the time. They want to be seen naked, and I certainly would never object to seeing them." (She jabbed me in the ribs gently).

"But social nudity is just doing the things you'd normally do, except without the burden of wearing clothes.

"And, to be honest, there is a kind of sensuality about being naked with dozens of equally naked strangers. I enjoy just seeing all the different shapes, ages and sizes. And, yes, I do look at the cocks, not just the tits and asses. There must be a million kinds." I had a silly thought.

"Maybe they should have used dick shapes and sizes instead of fingerprints."

"Dickprints!" Carrie blurted. We laughed and joked about that but we drifted off.

Carrie and I stayed home mostly that weekend. Mostly naked. I finally talked her into doing some gardening in the nude and I helped. We used the hose to rinse and cool off before we spread some towels and smeared each other with sunscreen to lie out a while. She stopped short of letting me make love to her out there, but her horizons were widening in leaps and bounds.

We ate shrimp salad after we showered off the sunscreen. It was Sunday night so we went to bed and made slow, passionate love before sleeping.

The week that followed was crazy for me. My interview with Councilwoman Wilson had accidentally unearthed a scandal that rocked the town. The details are too complicated for me to explain. It was just an insane week.

By Friday things had calmed down and I got home around six. Carrie had fallen asleep on the couch in her panties. Her legs were splayed. I let my gaze love every part of her it touched. I knew how most of those parts smelled and tasted. I didn't think there was an inch of Carrie's bare flesh I hadn't had my mouth on, from her toes to her hairline.

She hadn't stirred so I quietly went to the kitchen. I looked around but there was no sign of food. That wasn't my main concern, though, so I tiptoed to the bedroom and closed the door. I stripped down and threw my sweaty shirt and underwear into the hamper.

It was still a only little after six in the afternoon, after all, so I risked waking Carrie by getting a beer from the fridge. Glancing in, I saw she had moved and turned since I got there, but still slept. I took the beer to the den and closed that door.

The sun hadn't completely set, but I turned on the desk lamp. When I bumped the desk, I was surprised to see the computer was already on. Bumping the desk woke it up and I saw that Carrie had been looking at one of the nude pages that were more exhibitionistic. The current page showed about thirty small thumbnails of naked people engaged in a variety of sexual acts, with some single nudist shots interspersed.

I had shown Carrie these as well as the serious nudist sites. She didn't care what I wanted to look at online - or even if I chatted with women - as long as I didn't get into some private adulterous arrangements of some kind. She said, "If you get on some chat line or get into some cybersex, that's fine as long as they don't want to meet you face to face."

A short time later, the door opened and Carrie stuck her head in. "I hope I'm interrupting something embarrassing."

I grinned and swiveled the chair so she could see my hard cock sticking up. "I'm not embarrassed," I said and she laughed, opening the door.

"Oh good! This is what I was hoping you'd bring home!" She mounted me so her hot crotch surrounded my cock and balls. We made out a while before she sat back a little bit. Then she looked over my shoulder to see what I'd been watching.

She chuckled. "Which part of this got you so hard?"

"You mean besides the thought you'd pulled this page up and left it open?" She pinched my nipple hard.

I glanced back. I had paused a scene with three guys and a woman. She was doing all three of them at once, in the way one would expect. The cock in her mouth was thick and a dark shade of mahogany. The other two guys were white. "It was all pretty hot, honey. Want to watch the rest with me?"

"Sure," she said, rearranging herself so her ass was against my belly. She pulled my hardness tightly to her naked crotch (Naked! I realized. She'd shaved her last pubic hair). She saw the delighted surprise on my face and twisted her head to kiss me. "I thought it went well with my new desires," she said.

"What...?" But she hushed me, clicking the mouse so the video continued. The quartet continued fucking and sucking, way longer than necessary, I thought. Finally, the two fuckers jerked out of the woman to spray their sauce everywhere, as usual.

The black guy groaned, watching this, and pulled his hips back to explode right onto the girl's face and tits. The woman was face up in the sandwich so she was covered with cum from her nose to her belly button. I paused the playback, much to Carrie's objections. But I calmed her down.

"Wait, let's discuss this. Her hair seems to be in a ponytail or something. Anyway it isn't flying all over the bottom guy's face." I continued to point out the various dispositions of cocks and cum splotches. I had seen this video before and it really got to me.

I knew it was a staged porn video. I knew these people were just actors. Still, as the producers had planned, I had to imagine myself in the various roles. "When the 'fuckers' came, it went all over. The bottom guy's cum got on the top guy, and vice versa. They didn't seem bothered.

"Plus, the bottom guy has had the black guys balls dragging across his head all this time, but he doesn't seem bothered by that."

"So, okay, so what?"

"Well, imagine if this was real. I'd imagine those guys would be trying not to get another guy's cum on them, but these guys don't mind it." I clicked the mouse to let it run.

The top guy rolled off. The black guy moved aside and the woman eased off of the bottom guy. The three guys then went to work, licking all of their and each other's cum from the woman as she writhed and groaned beneath them.

They each kissed the woman. Then they each kissed the other two guys, complete with tongue. Carrie gasped and I felt a fresh warmth against my dick where it was pressing to her slit. The video ended.

"Greg?" Carrie's voice was small. "Is that something you want to do?"

"In that situation? I don't know, but I admire the lack of self-consciousness the guys show. If things like this were more accepted in society there would be a lot less stress I think."

"You said you'd never been with another guy. Do you want to?"

"N-no. No. I'm curious about it, sure, but I wouldn't say I 'want' to do it. But I would like to feel comfortable in a situation where, if necessary, I wouldn't be afraid of touching another guy, or him touching me. I wish everybody would just relax and stop with the religious, fake-Christian bullshit." I stopped and asked her, "What if it was one guy with more than one woman? Would you mind making out with a woman?"

Carrie smiled. "I haven't told you about Judy."

I searched in my mind but could not recall the name. "No, who is she?"

"Well, she was my best friend in high school. She was more like a sister to me, or more like a 'soul mate'."

"Okay," I said. She was working up to something.

"Judy and I... We just loved each other. Nobody ever questions a close friendship between high school girls. Sometimes they should."

"What? You and Judy. Are you saying you guys...?"

"Yeah, Greg, we had sex. Well, we experimented with sex together. Her pussy is the only one I've ever touched or...tasted...besides my own." She took a deep breath and let it out in a noisy sigh. "There. That's out. I rarely think about her and the things we did. Funny that this video brought her to mind."

I played through a mental slide show of younger Carrie with some girl and what they apparently did. I got harder. "Okay. Is that all you're going to say about that?"

Carrie didn't respond right away. "For now," she said. "Let me tell you when I can, honey. Those memories are special to me, a secret treasure. I'll tell you some time, just not now."

I had been playing with Carrie's clit and labia as we'd been sitting there. I gave her clit a tug. Carrie started, but she said, "Go ahead," and she opened her legs farther.

"Up," I urged her, patting both of her hips. She got up, I got up, and we went to the bedroom.

As we were working up to making love, Carrie broke off a kiss to ask, "So you'd like it if everybody to just went naked?"

"Well, I just wish nudity and sex weren't such taboo subjects." I slurped a nipple and slid my thumb back and forth over her clit.

"Mmm," she moaned, before saying, "That might be fun...for a while. Some asshole would ruin it, though." Our 'pillow talk' was getting interesting. It was enough to distract me (temporarily) from making love. Nevertheless, I continued stroking her pussy and nuzzling her breast.

Given Carrie's attitude toward going to a nude resort, or even skinny dipping with Hank and Sara, this was new. I was really curious where this was going. She went on. "I just mean, if a woman takes her top off, the way men do on hot days, it wouldn't have been jumping to conclusions that it was her tits poking that shirt out (for women who have big enough tits to poke out, I mean). It should be no big deal if, even in a department store, a woman casually tried things on while she stood at the rack. Any beach or pool could be clothing optional."

I kissed her then and we made out a while. Coming up for air, Carrie said she was thirsty. "Well we haven't had dinner, either. Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Kinda. We got distracted, huh?" I laughed and gave her clit a gentle little pinch.

"Yeah." I patted her mound. "Just keep this warm for later. I'll enjoy it more if it 'ages' a little anyway."

She slapped my shoulder and shoved me. "You ass!" she said, rolling out the opposite side of the bed to escape into the hall.

I lay there a while in thought. What had happened to Carrie? Within the space of a couple of weeks, she had gone from refusing to consider going nude anywhere she might be seen, to what seemed to be turning into some wild kind of woman sexually. She suddenly thinks a nude world 'might be fun'.

I thought about the video we watched. She had asked me what, in that video, had turned me on. I hadn't lied to her, but I hadn't been totally honest either. While the casual nudity got to me, what really turned me on was the casual blurring of sexuality on it. There was a Part 2 to that video. It begins after the guys lick all the cum from her.

As the action continues, one of the white guys goes down on her and the other white guy casually crawls around to begin sucking on the black guy's cock as they watch the other two. The black guy reaches down to fondle his partner's dick and they move into a '69'.

Over the years, my attitude toward nudity and sex had also developed a casual attitude about which gender people choose to be with. If two women get together somewhere, or two guys, where's the harm? If it is consensual, who should give a fuck? If two or more people care enough about a partner to share the most intimate parts of their bodies with other people, what's the difference which genders are involved? Still, that didn't involve me.

I never had done anything sexual with another guy, but I had admitted to myself - and now to Carrie - that I was curious about it.

But we live in a society that was still paying homage to a 2,000 year old myth, the way I saw it. And it wasn't even the actual story of that myth, (which I thought was basically good). But the different groups all have their various "interpretations", or corruptions, of the original myth that has caused all the problems and fear of any but the most proscribed relationships. Religion, more than anything, has created the way we are told we should love. I was sick of it all. I got out of bed and went to see what Carrie had scrambled together to eat.

I was greeted with a view of a completely displayed female crotch and ass. Carrie was bent over looking into a lower shelf in the refrigerator. She looked delicious. "Hey, why don't you just get up on the table and I'll eat you for dinner."

"Hah!" Her laugh echoed from the fridge's chilly depths. "But I'm like Chinese take-out. An hour later you'd be begging for a steak."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't be racist with your Chinese joke. Gotta maintain PC, these days, you know. And that's another thing I hate." We ended up with some leftover roast beef and a salad. An hour later I wanted a steak.

The weather Saturday morning didn't look promising. There was sun, but there were also clouds drifting past the sunshine. It was breezy at times, but still humid. The phone rang and Carrie took the call. When she returned to the living room where I sat, she said, "That was Sara. She said we shouldn't worry about the weather. We're still on to go over there later. She asked us to pick up some French bread."

I grinned. "There you go again with your racist food references."

"Shithead!" she said lightly and left down the hallway. If we couldn't go swimming, I probably couldn't talk Carrie into just getting naked with our friends. I sighed and decided another opportunity would roll around.

It didn't rain. There were a few drops, but the clouds got lighter and had nearly drifted away by the time we pulled into Hank's driveway. The temperature seemed to be about bath warm. Humidity was so high it felt like a bath anyway. Carrie grabbed the bread and I grabbed the six-pack of beer I brought - the kind Hank liked, though I thought it was just okay.