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"Well, he's not lying. I had never experienced it until Greg. You should do it, Hank. Something Greg didn't mention is that it makes you look bigger." She looked at me grinning. "Isn't that what you told me honey? I have to take your word, since you've always been shaved, mostly."

Hank laughed and Sara let out a quiet 'Hmmm', as if she was considering something. I had finished my beer and I stretched my back out, twisting a stiffness out in my shoulder. "What was that old joke? Time to get dressed and go home?"

"No, some actress...Mae West, I think." Sara said. "Somebody asked her what she did after sex. She shocked the world when she said she put her clothes on and went home. Pretty racy for the times."

"Yeah, that's the line I meant," I said. We got ourselves dressed and in some kind of order. Hank and Sara walked us to the door, still nude, and gave us both nice hugs. Hank kind of surprised me when he hugged me. It wasn't a 'good buddy' hug. It was the way I'd hug Carrie. He pressed that hot naked dick right against my crotch. My cock gave a little twitch, making me wonder.

I can't even describe Sara's hug. I got the feeling that if I had still been naked, she would have eagerly climbed right on. She even squeezed my ass. We went out into the night and the door closed behind us. "Whew!" Carrie sighed. "Some night, huh?"

"No shit! But let's wait until we get home to talk. It was too complex to tear into without digesting it."

"Sometimes you frustrate the hell out of me! You always need to 'digest' everything." We got into the car and drove off.

"Besides, I need to concentrate on driving and you need to keep your eye open for cops." I told her.

"All right. You can have your way," she sniffed, "this time," and fell silent.

We got home without incident. She had carried her being miffed all the way into the house. I'd seen this before. To her, it gave her some advantage for our discussion, somehow. But we weren't going to argue. At least I didn't think there was anything to argue about.

Carrie went straight to the bathroom and I continued to the bedroom. I was down to stripping off my shorts when she came in. She didn't say anything. "Okay." I said finally. "What's with the silent treatment?"

She looked up from dropping her panties. "What? I've just been letting you 'digest'. Does this mean you're ready to talk?"

"I think I'm ready to discuss things. I'm still working things out." I went to hold her nakedness against mine. I was instantly hard, after all the stimulation I'd had that night, I was more than ready. She gripped it hard.

"God, I want this in me, but I'm almost bursting to talk. Can we save this? Just for a little while?"

"Yeah. Talking about things will help me fit some things together. I can't wait too long, though. Just talking about tonight might make me pop." Carrie laughed and her grip relaxed too.

"Well, warn me and I'll try to catch it for you."

"Deal!" I said, and we got on the bed.

Carrie started. "I swear, when we went over there, I had no intention of taking my clothes off. I took my old suit along in case I chickened out when it was time to change. But the way you were eyeing Sara, even before she took that wrap off, made my mind up. Also, she took the wrap off before I changed. I even thought she looked edible."

"That's a part of what I'm trying to fit into place. She was definitely attracted to you..." I began, but she blurted out her interruption.

"No! She made it obvious she wants you!"

"Hang on, please. I wasn't finished. I think Hank and Sara are swingers. You're right, she was flirting hard with me. But she flirted with you too, just not so hard. And you sure liked looking at her ass, too."

Carrie just gave my comment a snort. But she said, "What about Hank? What's his deal? He loves showing Sara off, and being naked with her. You think he's one of these guys who likes watching his wife with another guy?"

"Oh, no, I don't think that, exactly. I mean, maybe he does, but it's more complex. Hank had a hard time taking his eyes off of you. He might share Sara with another guy, but he would expect to share that guy's wife. You, in this case, if he is willing to share Sara with me."

Carrie was quiet a minute. She had been slowly stroking me while we talked. Talking about swapping with Hank and Sara got to me. Involuntarily, my hips began to move in rhythm with her hand. I closed my eyes and let images flick through my mind. I tried to imagine sucking Sara's dark nipples and slipping a finger into her secret treasure.

Meanwhile (in my imagination), Carrie and Hank were enjoying each other next to us, sometimes touching Sara and me. They watched us as they fucked slowly. When the thought of going down on Sara entered my mind, I knew it was too late. That thought barely cut through my previous one: of Hank fucking Carrie.

I saw her riding him, posting up and down on his hard, thick 'horn'. "Honey, you better..." was all I got out before the swelling rush of my orgasm hit me. Carrie missed the very first part of the first spurt, but she covered my cock head with her mouth and sucked the rest, swallowing as she sucked.

"Wow, that was a lot!" she said when I finished throbbing out the final drops. She sat up grinning and decided that would be a good time to tease me. She began in that schoolyard sing song, "Greg wants to fu-ck Sara, Greg wants to fu-ck Sara..."

I shut her up with a kiss. It was rough at first. Have you ever tried to kiss somebody while they were laughing? It's tough, but I won out when my hand slipped over her...very...wet...pussy. Things were getting her wound up too. Some of my cum was still in her mouth.

I broke the kiss and replied with a whispered, "Greg wants to wa-tch Carrie, Greg wants to see Carrie get fu-cked," while I diddled her depths with my fingers. She shivered and denied the idea interested her.

"This, right here," I said timing my hand thrusts to my words, "This says you're lying. It's okay to think about it, and talk about it." I lowered my lips to her nipple and suckled gently for a minute. I raised back up and looked into her eyes.

"I'm not sure if you could handle Hank, though. Did you see how thick his dick was, even soft?" Carrie flinched.

"You looked at his dick?"

"Of course I looked. That's a part of getting naked with others. Seeing other people naked. You gave Sara's ass and tits a pretty good studying; I saw that." She pulled away a little but came right back.

"I did, I admit it. She is so voluptuous, Greg. If I was a lesbian I would grab her."

"Like I said, she showed an interest in you too. And you wouldn't have to be a lesbian to try it out. You might like it. It would just be another thing you like."

"Well, it sounds like you're considering doing Hank. Try him out. Suck him off, I won't mind. You might like it."

I hesitated. She seemed to be making our conversation into an adversarial path. But I answered her, "Yeah, I might." That brought her up short, so I added, "But I'm not sure my ass could handle that cock, either." Carrie just stared at me before cracking up.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I was trying to hide from you. But what the fuck, Greg? What are we turning into? Watching Sara made me as wet as watching Hank did."

"I have to think a lot more here too, honey. That's what I do when I 'digest' stuff. My initial feeling about it is that it's a kind of liberation. We went naked with friends for the first time. And in a private setting, not a club or a beach. We find now that we were both attracted to both of them. By the way, Hank gave me the same dick hug he gave you when we left. That's something else I need to fit into the picture. I never would have guessed that Hank..." My voice trailed off.

"What about you? Have you ever considered trying a guy?" she asked quietly. "I would never have thought you might consider it, but here you are doing that very thing."

I nodded. "I am now. You're right." I looked at my wife. We paid our money and we took our chance, and, uh-oh. Something happened; was still happening. I searched around in my feelings. I could easily imagine her with Hank, sucking him and fucking him. I couldn't find jealousy anywhere in my feelings. At that point, the idea of sharing her was okay. If I watched, I would know how good he was making her feel.

I kissed her and followed my nose down her belly to the source of the perfume. We moved into the most comfortable position and I added my tongue and fingers to bring her off twice before I stopped. My hard on had returned, but I didn't feel any urgency to use it. Carrie licked herself from my cheeks and swiped off what was left with a tissue.

We agreed we were too worn out to make love so we snuggled up together. After a few minutes, Carrie said, "Greg?"


"I think tasting myself might have been a mistake."

"Why would you say that? I enjoy it, you enjoy it. I enjoy you enjoying it. So what?"

"Well, I liked it. And now I would really like to taste Sara. I've been wrestling with that tonight too." BOING! My softening dick would have to start all over again trying to go away.

"If your opponent is stronger than you are, sometimes it is wiser to simply give in and stop wrestling. Let things take their course. We aren't even sure they're swingers anyway. It's just been a strange evening."

"But does that bother you? That I'm curious about going down on another woman?"

"Well, yes, it bothers me," I said, pushing her hand onto my stiff cock. "That's how it 'bothers' me." Carrie laughed and we spent a few minutes kissing. "Like I said, the wheels are still turning. Some very deep things are being stirred around."

"Let's sleep on it and I'll take you to breakfast in the morning."

"I'm in for that!" She gave me a last kiss and we went to sleep. I felt when Carrie drifted off, but I couldn't stop my mind from turning things over. Finally I dreamed some wonderful dreams.

We made a deal over our waffles (after we'd made love) that Sunday morning to 'table' discussion about it all for a while.

The work week went by as they do. Nothing new came up until Saturday morning. The way it happens sometimes on weekends, I woke up at my regular time, before dawn. I brewed coffee and drank a cup, reading the news online. A couple hours later I felt my eyelids drooping and I flopped on the couch for a nap.

As the day brightened, it warmed up again. The itchy heat disturbed my sleep and I sat up. "Coffee," I mumbled to myself, and I went to the kitchen. The place was silent and I wondered where Carrie was. The coffee level was lower than my one earlier cup made it, so I knew she had at least woken up.

Thinking that she may have done as I had and gone back to bed. I was padding down the hall and glanced into the den as I passed. Carrie was sitting naked at the computer. I was curious about what she was doing so I tip-toed up behind her.

On the screen were a few pictures of various nude people - either alone, with a partner, or in groups. A side window showed text and it looked like she was reading whatever it said. I know how easily she is startled, so I sneaked back to the kitchen and made some noise before returning to the den.

Carrie seemed to be playing a game then. All evidence of whatever site she'd been reading gone. "Morning," I said.

She turned the chair and grinned at me. "It is a good morning, honey," she said with a smile. "Come here," she added, holding her arms open for me. We kissed our morning kiss but Carrie held on to me, hugging before she let go.

"Wow," I said. "That was nice. What's up?"

"I spent a long time this morning thinking, while you snored away, about what's going on, like last week and our discussion."

"And did you come to any conclusions?" I asked innocently.

"Well, I decided - don't get wild, now - I want to go with Hank and Sara to their nudist club soon. Sara invited us last night."

"How come you didn't mention it?"

"Oh, I just wasn't sure how I felt. Today I made my mind up. Last Saturday night left me feeling, like you said, liberated from all the things we have been taught about nudity and stuff." I wondered what that 'and stuff' encompassed.

"Great!" I responded. "We still have half the summer to play." That happy dance music was running in my head again.

"So, okay. I'll call Sara later, unless you want to talk to Hank instead."

"Hell no. You and Sara seem to be moving things along fine without us, so go ahead."

We fixed a light brunch and decided we needed to do some grocery shopping. I slipped into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Carrie seemed to be having a hard time deciding what to wear. She tried a couple different pairs of shorts and several tops. I did notice that she, like me, was doing all this trying on without underwear.

I smiled to myself as I went down the hall for some footwear. I was overjoyed at the changes Carrie was making. It was going to be an interesting summer. It was turning into an interesting life.

We worked our way around the grocery. For the millionth time, I wished we had a list. We always spent more without one.

Finally we were out the door and loading the stuff into the car. A woman came near and stood a little behind me. I ignored her until I was finished. I turned to find a woman, who tried to be some sort of activist. Mrs. Fisher. She had recognized me.

She started in about a new city issue I knew nothing about. I finally convinced her our ice cream was melting and we escaped.

A couple days later, Hank called with some numbers for me. The pool was out of the picture, but we could get a four person hot tub at cost. Hank would have his crew install it and it would cost me just a thousand dollars. I told him I'd discuss it with Carrie.

Then he asked me if he could buy me a beer after work. I said I'd meet him at a bar we both knew and I felt the air conditioning as soon as I walked in. Hank waved from a table near the back and I made my way to join him. I leaned in on my way by and asked the bartender if she'd bring us both a beer.

When I got there, he said, "I'm supposed to be buying here," Hank said, shaking my hand.

"You get the next one," I said as the woman set the glasses on the table. I handed her some money and waved the change away. "So, what's up?" I asked him.

"First, I think I can cut your cost in half. I talked to a guy today with a 4-6 person tub he needs to unload. Nothing wrong with it, not a 'fall off the truck' deal, but he's getting divorced and needs to unload some merchandise before his wife gets in on it. You'll never find a better deal on something like this. It just has to be cash, no paper trail, you know?"

Suddenly, I didn't need to talk it over with Carrie. "Tell him he has a deal." We drank a few minutes, then I said, "You said, 'first' before telling me about the tub. Is there a 'second'?"

Hank glanced around and leaned his elbows on the table. "Yeah. There is. Greg, I've thought about this a long time. But I guess the best way is to just come out and tell you. I hope it doesn't drive you away."

"So, what is it?" I was getting nervous.

"I'm bisexual." He stopped there. I drank more beer. I waved the bartender over and asked for two shots of Patron with salt and limes.

"That's a surprise, Hank. But it doesn't bother me." I didn't think this was the time to discuss how I was feeling.

He let out a breath and sat back up. "Well, I'm glad about that," he said.

I somehow felt better about all this. "Is there anything about last weekend you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Well, Sara and I talked abut it and she said I could tell you that she is very sexual, and is also attracted to women as well as men. And Carrie attracts her, strongly. She also said to tell you that she wanted to ride that hard cock of yours last week. But I guess we all did, and Carrie won." He was smiling now.

"Sara let us both kinda let us know she was attracted to us both, Hank. She has very communicative expressions."

"I told her that, but now you have my word on it."

He needed to go. A meeting with somebody, he said. I got up when he did. "Oh, finish our beers, at least," He said.

"I will. I just wanted to tell you goodbye." I pulled him into a quick 'brotherly' hug and let him go. I sat back down and looked around. Nobody seemed bothered by our hug. I sat and finished the beers - and 'digested'.

At home, Carrie was wondering where I'd been. I explained that Hank had called me. Once I got naked and Carrie had set plates at our regular places. We ate and I told her about our new hot tub. I also told her Hank had told me he is bisexual. "I knew he was studying your stiff dick hard (pun definitely intended)."

Yeah, but Sara is also bi, and she really likes you."

That stopped her in mid-stride. Her mouth dropped open. She went immediately to the phone and shut me out of the conversation.

I cleaned up the dishes wearing just a smile. Hank and Sara wanted us as lovers. My dick got hard, imagining the possibilities. Carrie came out, dressed for going out somewhere casual. "What's up?" I asked.

"I have to go," was all she said She grabbed her keys and left. I jut stood there, water running, a wet plate in my hand. I watched Carrie's tail lights disappear down the road.

The last thing I'd said was that Sara wanted her. There had to be a connection. I finished in the kitchen and went to the computer.

I watched some lesbian stuff, some bisexual stuff. I had a couple glasses of Brandy and hoped Carrie was safe. I hoped like hell she was with Sara and Hank, but I just didn't know. That worried me. I was reluctant to call. Carrie's an adult and entitled to do what she does.

So I waited. I must have looked at a thousand pairs of tits and a thousand dicks in all states of excitement, in all kinds of holes.

About midnight, I heard the garage door. Carrie came in and leaned against me. She was crying. "Honey, what's wrong?" I wanted to help if I could.

"Greg, NOTHING is wrong, I think. I went to Sara's and we made love a bunch of times. Judy was nice, but Sara is so much more experienced. Well, so am I. Oh, God, and Hank sat and watched while he masturbated. He wanted to fuck me - he said make love to me - but without you there, and willing, he wouldn't. Oh, I wanted to feel that thick stick shoving into ne! Instead, he fucked Sara while I watched. Carrie had been fantasizing about Sara all day

"Can you fuck me, please? I'm so wet I have to be careful I don't slip in my own juices." I did as she asked, right there on the carpet. I caught most of her release when she squirted. She was so turned on it took all I had to fuck her once, then make slow love to her as she described what she and Sara had done, then another hard fuck while she told me how Hank jerked off while he watched them.

"Carrie, I don't know what to say." I really couldn't put words together.

"Are you mad?"

"No! Not at all. I wish I'd been part of it, but maybe you need times like this, too."

My head spun. We were rushing into a lifestyle neither of us had anticipated a month ago. Or at least I didn't think we had. I'm not so sure what set Carrie off, but I suspected Sara's seductive powers had something to do with it. I was eager to test out those powers, too. It seemed that things between Hank and Sara, and Carrie and I were wide open now.

It was like leaving our marriage concept behind, but staying together and just accepting Hank and Sara into our intimate life. No. It wasn't 'like that'. That's exactly what it was.

A few days later I came home and, once I was cleaned and polished, I joined my wife in the den. Sara had called her and invited us to have a 'sleepover' at their house.

I laughed. "Really, Greg, that's what she called it. Hank has to go east of the mountains again." Carrie grinned at me, then added, "She wants us to come live with her for the week."