All Comments on 'Shock Treatment'

by ohio

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saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago

That was a great little story and a nice twist. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

A non-sexual person stays a non-sexual person, it'll be the same as a few years before in their marriage when the husband said he might want a divorce. It'll last a week, the sex will stop, the husband will go screw a hooker, catch HIV and pass it on to his wife. There's your real ending.

A.N.R.SOLEA.N.R.SOLEover 18 years ago
Such a nasty Mr AnonyMOUSE

A great story by one of the masters.

I do love the banana bit I've used that one myself.

Its a pitty some people can't see the joke.

Mice must have such boring lives!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A different approach

Nice story Ohio! The "shock treatment" was imaginative!

I continue to enjoy and look forward to your stories.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Gotta admit, it took me a few minutes .... get realize it wasn't the normal story, but one with a twist.

Nice going and way to not be conventional. Liked it as an original story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
You Rascal

Nice slight of hand and passion. Probably don't feel bad about it either do you?

Author - you are appreciated for your talent, imagination and time spent in this most interesting theme of marital consequence - where at interval it seems that one can go home.

Thanks Again - with High Regard

patricia51patricia51over 18 years ago

Just about the time I thought we were getting nothing more than a rehash of the standard cliches, albiet from the male side instead of the female as usually depicted here, I went "Hold the phone Charlie!" I knew not to expect a routine rehash from you and I wasn't disappointed. Enjoyable story and excellent writing as always.

patricia51patricia51over 18 years ago

Just about the time I thought we were getting nothing more than a rehash of the standard cliches, albiet from the male side instead of the female as usually depicted here, I went "Hold the phone Charlie!" I knew not to expect a routine rehash from you and I wasn't disappointed. Enjoyable story and excellent writing as always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
One of the better

loving wife stories I've ever read. Great job.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 18 years ago
A very nice story!

I think most married men go through some 'dry' stretches and can relate to this story. It was a nice story with a bit of a moral. Very good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Story

Very Good, most husbands can relate I know that I can Keep up the good work, nice

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 18 years ago

definately not your best! after all these years of very low sexual energy wife goes from victim to vamp in one talk with sister. all sister did was confirm she and her husband did basically all the things her husband has been begging her to do/be for years.

too bad husband didn't go to sister years ago and say "would you go talk to your sister about............."


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nice Story Ohio

I loved the story. I do agree with the previous comment by Jaggers that the transformation happened awfully quick, but I was glad that it did.

I liked the ending, especially the banana twist. I somehow knew that she had to have practiced with something. If she had been truly devious she could have told him she practiced on her boyfriend. Of course she would have had to give him her devilish smile so he knew of course she wasn't telling the truth.

Great story Ohio,

I always appreciate your efforts.



peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Excellent story and well thought out.

How else could her get her to see the seriousness of his feelings without cheating on her short of divorce. Great idea!

Wonderful dialogue on how he perceived their previous love life and her unrelenting stance. The one thing in the dialogue he left out was his possible thought that maybe he just didn’t turn her on or his lovemaking was not very good. I would think this must of crossed his mind.

Now she knows of his absolute of not breaking his marriage vows. She knows he will not stay if the lack of what he preserves a suitable sex life goes unattended. She now knows if their sex life backslides they are in real trouble. It could still end badly but at least she is for now trying.

You do a wonderful job of writing.

Looking forward to your next endeavor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Favorite Loving Wives Story

This is my favorite story. Happiness is great!

Excellent, excellent story. Everything was set up so well. Ohio, you've gotten rid of the excessive dialogue and you have developed as quite a fine writer here.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
lame double standard

lame. if it is a guy getting cucked instead of a woman you all would be screaming DIVORCE or CUCKOLD story. you have a double standard.

and if it is a supposed to be humerous - i don't see the humor.

JoesephusJoesephusover 18 years ago
Almost disappointed

I would love to see a writer of your stature write a good cheating story from the wife's side. I did enjoy it, I wondered at the wife's sudden skill in the bedroom, and I like the realistic cock size. I found a site that has a study of real cock sizes and now seeing 11" in a story ruins it for me.

I've been sitting here, while my friend screams that I have to get off the line, (I can't use DSL for Lit --Grr) trying to offer some advice on how to make it better. You know the audacious newbie telling the old pro how to tell a story, but durn if I can think of any.

Oh, I know. Make it longer so I can enjoy it longer... no it's a full story well told. Okay so my advice is stop reading these paeans to your skill and write me another story--please!

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

well thought out story, story was about a dirty trick but both had blame and will have to work to fix the problem. I also agree with some who feel that she willnot make that big of change over night.... But hubbygave her a big shock also

techreadertechreaderover 18 years ago
How to Throw A Stink Bomb in a Marriage...

... which was exactly what she needed to finally wake up and realize that her complacency was about to cost her her nice cozy little life. And let's face it - stink bombs get a lot of attention, but don't cause any real or long-lasting damage.

The story was excellent as usual, and the twist was a welcome one. Many women DO go through "dry spells" when they don't want to be touched, and resent the "unreasonable demands" placed on them by their loving husbands. The husband then is forced to either shake things up, or live "lives of quiet desperation". Your character decided that the status quo was intolerable, and fired a "warning shot" to force her to confront her own flaws.

It might be nice to see another story with the same couple, a year or two down the road, to see whether (in your vision) she has fallen back into laziness or held to her resolve to improve. Because, some people do!

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
I liked the story

I was sorta easy to see where you were going with his 'cheating' becasue of all the cliches you had him say to her - all the bullshit normally reserved for the cheating wife to tell her husband - it was clever, but it clued us in.

I wrote in a long comment somewhere else today that an author has to carry us readers along in 'his world' - you can take us anywhere if your plot flows plausibly.

Unfortunately, you failed to carry me, and a few others, right to the end.You suddenly had the wife as almost the greatest sex bomb of all time, but with no believable explanation of how she got there in a few days. A book and a banana just weren't enough. That feeble attempt did not do the rest of your story justice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Another good story

I didn't like this as much as some of your others, but I did enjoy the different slant on their relationship. You are an original and thanks you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Refeshing Different Story!

At first this "shock and awe" seemed extreme given the years things had been between the two spouses. However, it was believeable that the husband would know that she would not do something crazy like running out for revenge sex. Also the many previous steps he had taken to change things also speak how reasonable this last step was to save their marriage.

Overall, a creative and tender love story showing two people rediscovering how to express their love to each other.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A good story

Way to go Ohio. This is your best yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A Challenging Change Of Pace - KUDO's

Nice work - you are greatly appreciated.

This was close to home. I approached my wife recently to say that we had lost our sense of touching as she didn't want to - had no inclination for sex - tried to sell me that Oprahs show on it said that its very common with women.

But I wasn't a happy camper as a touchy feely person I felt I shouldn't anymore as she might think I was coming on to her. She wouldn't touch as she didn't want to lead me on. So, I didn't want the rejection and felt she could care less then she wanted some affection but wouldn't chance rejection.

Finally I approached her to say we need to get some help if we want to continue to care for each other and grow older together (Both retired and in our early 60's).

We did and we did resume the affections we both wanted at different levels on compromise at interval. To say communication is necessary and meaningful is easy - to do it when there is a lot at stake wasn't easy.

I suspect we are not an isolated case so perhaps this will help someone else eh.

Thanks for the rented space author and also for your imaginative talented work - With High Regard

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
i'm with kanga on

this one. well written, enjoyable read, but wondered where the transformation came from. could understand the first night with all the drinking. but the next day, where did that woman come from after all those years? i also have a difficult time with the almost forced change. an either do or divorce situation, i personally wouldn't want forced sex, this borderlined that senario to me. a fan always

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good

Another consistently good story by you. I like husbands and/or wives who like to revive tired marriages in a "positive" way.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Story


The only jarring note has been commented on by others. Yes she can change but it does seem the change was too great, and too fast. Other then that it was a great story. Thank You. Ronnie W.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Crisis could do that to you….

As the title of the story hints, an induced crisis may be sometimes the last resort to create change, when nothing else works. I am sure that almost every one can recall times of tremendous distress or unique circumstances, when you were suddenly able to loose a lot of weight; finish a project or come up with a difficult decision. People would also say: “I did not know I had it in me”. When so much depends on our actions or on our decisions, we can move to an ‘over drive’ mode. So crisis is also a unique window of opportunity.

I was very impressed by your “straight arrow” narrative. You do not always need a surprise to create a story of top quality. Some times the question we observe is not WHAT will happen but HOW will it happen. The ‘how’ for me was just right! It was the original theme of inducing a crisis and the management of it by both spouses. It takes a very loving husband to take such a risk and it takes a very loving wife to look beyond the shock and mobilize herself towards the common goal (she had it in her- all it took was a change of attitude).

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great story

This was a very thought-provoking and emotional story, I liked it a lot. I don't agree with the husband at all (yes, I do not consider that the same as not liking the story). What he did was inexcusably hurtful to someone he claims to love, and doing it in the name of salvaging the relationship does not make it ok.

I am sure the wife would rather feel physical pain than what she went through, so would we consider it acceptable for the husband to beat her if he wasn't satisfied with his sex life? If not, then how can we consider causing a worse kind of pain acceptable? If you love someone, you do not use pain, emotional OR physical, to incite change in them.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
Your BEST story ever

really outstanding

as for hubby tactics... well I once went thru a stretch of not having sex with my wife for 18 months...

so I know how one can be driven to the point of extreme to say a marriage

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 18 years ago
A great story with a good twist

Thought I commented on this story before.

Really like the story. And what's the BIG CHANGE people are harping about? She HAS done it all before, just not frequently enough, except for a monk. So, now, she's doing it more often. And intends to keep it up.

Apparently, thinking of it as too outrageous she didn't really enjoy it before and maybe felt some guilt about it. Finding out from her sister that all is normal she has decided it's ok!! She's now a WILLING participant in the oral and various positions and enjoying it tremendously.. Their marriage will be better for it, obviously.

Like your writings, Ohio!!

daluentdaluentabout 17 years ago
what the fuck?

How can a mature person not realize they are not gratifying their partner? I remember loving my wife and saying to her "can I wake you in the middle of the night for more loving" and her saying YES" I have recently turned 59 and my shit doesn't work as good. My wife told me she misses that young man and I said I miss him more than she does. Life sucks that way. Anyway Ohio you write true to life shit that touches everybody one way or another. Please continue to feed our need to read damn good stories, that you so adeptly write.Thank You, Luis

waratahwaratahabout 17 years ago
You have good idea

And write really well too. Must suck knowing you can't get any better ;)

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago
Great story

Kinda like a bit of a wake up call I'd say. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

you brought tear's to my old tired eye's. you see i lost my wife to another after 42 year's. i hope to see her once more. at those pearly gate's? ......... rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
enjoyed the story

ohio, u are one of the ten best writers on literotica, i always enjoy your work,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Wonderfully Original sory BUT

lets face women dont operate that way...No woman has ever or would ever change THAT much. Its Nice to think so but its essentially a married male fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Nice but

agree with previous poster, if she hasn't changed and become this sexual dynamo for him by now, she never will. It'll last for a few and then fade back to her regular actions. He should just get the divorce now before he cheats for real. Yup definitely a fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
she agreed

not sure of rating, but he stated his concerns and she listened, and both are happier

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Was good. Well written and in my opinion very realistic. To those who think that someone can't change that much (and I say someone not some man or some woman) you should think twice. Its amasing how much someone will do when they realise what they lost or can lose. We will never fully comprehend the human mind.

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
Great story

I picked up right away by His reaction that She was setup to believe He had an afair,however thought it was because She had one in the past and that He found out about it.. Yeah who would have thought something like that in "Loving Wives" lol..Then He explained the real reason..As someone that was in a marriage that went from sex 4-5 times a day to once every 3 month..I do understand the frustration and I do understand that there are all kinds of reasons for such an estrangement of emotions and physical contact there are no excuses on not working on the problems...I do believe that by Her past actions it will slow down again..Hopefully for Him that She will continue...I also thought that Her change was just to great,occuring so soon if She had never been that sexual.Great story Ohio ...I guess I should have bought my X more

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago
Banana whore! haha


Oh dear dear this is what 'loving wives' is supposed to be about, not endless tales of cheating and heartache. It really didn't come as a surprise that the whole thing was a setup though. I mean who the hell keeps an opened condom wrapper??? That screamed "BULLSHIT" to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
clever story

Very clever imaginative story. One of the best I've read in some time. Thanks Ohio.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
This is a loving wives story

I saw the comment and thought Ohio had a new story. It was worth re-reading. I wish I could write like this guy. Thanks for all your work!

ShuriwudShuriwudalmost 14 years ago
The story itself was good....

unfortunately, this one hits too close to home for to actually enjoy it. Really close to home, the counseling attempts, the divorce conversations...Yeah, really close. LOL

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
Hey Shuriwood -

I can certainly empathize with you there - I am in my 5th year of divorce.

My Ex got religion and determined she never would have to care about her husband if it was some devout ass -

I am glad the story ended better than that -

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
Nice story but...

I can see a follow up chapter where after playing the whore for a day, a week, a month, she reverts to her old habits.

YamiBoyYamiBoyalmost 13 years ago

Interesting story, and quite funny in the end, even when it started in drama city, hehe. Good work!

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
What A Great Read!!

This story says it all. (Loving Wives) Thanks for sharing.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
I really dont know

if I should be happy for him that his marriage is better now or that I should be disgusted by his lack of a backbone to wait 20 fucking years to grow a pair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I don't know

why a guy who doesn't have a pair would talk about a fictional story character needing to grow a pair. Pathetic and disingenuous.

Bill1104Bill1104over 11 years ago
Sorry but not believable

Despite the fine writing by this author, I really can't get with this story. A woman with suppressed or no sexual desires doesn't change with one talk with her older sister.

I know it's just a story but when real life gets in the way, it's simply not believable.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
Good story

and I would like to think the wife can change but in reality she will be back to herself in a few weeks.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

Better late than never.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago
Double standard

I think its funny that none of the commenters mentioned the fact that the husband lied to get a reaction from his wife. If it was the other way around, people would be hollering divorce. In fact, there was a story (Never Bet with your Heart) in which the wife tricked the husband by getting a woman that looked like her to have sex with their friend. She did this to make the husband believe she was giving him what he wanted, but she wanted him to realize that it wasn't really what his heart needed. She didn't have sex with the guy, but a lot of commenters were saying that she was a deceitful, lying bitch, and that she probably cheated anyway but was covering it up. In this story, no one even questions if the husband is telling the truth. A lot of readers have a double standard when it comes to cheating.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

A sweet story. Thanks.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
How did I miss this one?

Great and wonderful Fantasy. I knew from the beginning that he was putting her on, but was convinced that he was going to use it to find out what her reaction would be, so that he could apply it to her own affair that he had discovered. Nice twist but rather unbelievable that she suddenly would be cured of a life-long attitude. They really need counseling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This story mirrors my life with three exceptions....married now for 35 years....NO sex at all for 18 years, 10 months and 5 days.....AND....I didn't think to fake an affair!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
When does the other shoe drop?

If he believes she has changed than he's dumber than a stump. I'd be watching the bank and investment accounts and getting ready for her to ambush him. Tigers don't suddenly change their stripes. She's still the same bitch, lying in wait to shaft him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good story

If only it were so easy.

We can dream

Seeker1107Seeker1107about 10 years ago
really to the curb?

by Anonymous


she shoulda thrown his ass to the curb

that is an insanely cruel and spiteful way to get more sex.

This is what is called a hail Mary pass. He was ready to go, he told her as much and I would bet that he probably was set to pull the trigger. He tried everything else but couldn't get through. It's not just about the sex, it's also about sharing and compromise. She was unwilling to even try until she got shocked into it. He wasn't spitefull he just needed a way to reach her. Marriage is a two way street not just her way, she also had to give of herself. But she wasn't willing, and had all the excuses to back herself up. She even faked it when he spoke of divorce the first time but soon went back to her old ways. Realisticly we all know that something like this happening in the real world (the reconsiliation) is pure fantasy and this is just a story that failed to explain why she was like this and we really only have his side. However he made a valid point. If you dont like sex and only see this as some nefarious plot for him to get more then i feel sorry for you.

OK I'll get off my soap box now.

FD45FD45about 10 years ago
I like the story

I am not sure I BELIEVE the story.

A low drive woman is a low drive woman. Very little with change that. And with 19 years of getting her way...why would she change?

More likely, the 'game' he played would result in her being resentful enough to divorce him and they could be miserable apart.

But this is a much better ending than pure 'reality'.

reasonablemanreasonablemanabout 10 years ago
The good old days

A classic. It was great when we could count on something from Ohio, HDK, DQS, JPB on a daily basis. There are some great new writers but the latest stories have been weak.

krosis666krosis666about 10 years ago
Marriage is a compromise

You compromise your beliefs, your happiness, your hopes and dreams, your health, your soul, your very way of life. Doesn`t matter. She will always want more! Still won`t make her happy though. A wife can`t be happy until your dead, and even then she has to know that you suffered for decades, and that she caused it.

Her happiness won`t last long though, when she finds out that you left all your money to that family member she hates!

Why do most husbands die before their wives?

They want to!

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 10 years ago
See, the kind of unbelievable part of this is...

say we accept that the woman is very low on either A) her sex drive, or B) her willingness to engage in sex - seeing those two as being different...

If the husband REALLY wants more and is going to try to convince us he tried "everything" why doesn't one of those things involve talking to her sister...?

Clearly that would have worked... add to that the moment you consider the threat of a divorce, why would you not do the paperwork after the status quo reasserted itself...?

What good is a threat without any meat to its bones...?

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
talking to her sister...?


Talking to her sister?

How many men have a relationship with their wifes sister that they actually could talk about the sexual deficiencies of their wife (her sister)?

The unreal part of the story is that she changed from the cold fish to a lover.

Radical personality changes are rare and even less often to the good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


Julie called her sister Susan.

the conversation is between Two sisters ...

from my experience Women talk very openly

with moms / sisters / bff when in situations similar to that described in this story .

anyhow ,

nice to see a registered profile comment as inane as many of the Anon ones


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A well told mediocre story from one of my favorite authors...

Perhaps mediocre is too strong and unintentionally reflecting my own frustrations. Why is it that women need to have their husband's (boyfriend's, etc) validated? In my own life recently the discussion was about pubic hair. It was rarely even trimmed and never shaved until one evening when the subject came up and my sister in law was agast and made the case for at least keeping the bush trimmed. Now, I love the fact that she's keeping it trimmed now, but why not when I askex? Why is what i, her husband, asks for is seen as outrageous or over the top or excessive but with one indication from someone else it's now gospel? Of course there have been other instances and issues, but that's the most recent and I think that issue is reflected in my feelings on this offering.

ILiveToRead44ILiveToRead44over 9 years ago
Requires some suspension of disbelief

Kind of like a fairy tale. Not much character development and a simple plot with a unique twist of a phantom affair.

Hard to accept the long suffering husband, the lack of sharing between sisters, the ability for the wife to learn so much in a couple of days, and especially such an adjustment of attitude.

Nice that they both loved each other enough to make changes.

A simple story with a twist that I much enjoyed.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

going to be enough for all the missed times. TK U MLJ LV NV

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

But as we know this is all fiction and in fiction anything is possible. Even a frigid wife becoming hot in a day. Still, all well that ends well.

Damn I hate that saying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Twenty years? No way in hell.

I can''t imagine anyone going without a sex life thru the prime of their life. He should have divorce her 15 years ago. What a manipulative bitch. Terrible story of betrayal. And I don't believe for a minute that she changed.

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Didn't like the husband.

I hate to go against the grain here, but I thought that this guy was stupid. I think the whole "fake affair" thing was a shitty thing to do to a marriage. He hurt her intentionally to force her to change into what he wanted. If a wife were to do that on this site then she would be crucified. Most of the people would be doubting the fact that she was really faithful. They would be calling for further verification of the "evidence" and even telling of ways that the evidence could be fake. But because it was the husband, it is okay. I believe in fairness and equal standards. If we, on this site, expect the wives to love their little dicked husbands or husbands who simply "don' t do it for them" unconditionally then why do we say that the husband should have left the frigid bitch because she is sexually inhibited? It is okay for the wife to go without satisfying sex if her husband is too busy at work or just simply bad in bed, but the husband is "entitled" to a glorious sex life that meets all of his needs? Come on guys...

RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

There's belief and then there is belief.

After 20 she just flips to the sexy side?

This tale, while not bad, was no belief.

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
I have to agree with a lot of comments...

I have to agree with a lot of comments...20 years of that would destroy any marriage. And then one day was enough for her to change!!! But I understand the story has to be written like this to comply with the title...3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
@ Javmor

the difference is that in many of these stories the wife uses the fact that her husband is working too much, or hasnt told her how pretty she is to CHEAT. The husband put up with her frigidty for 20 years and never cheated and he gave her a chance her to change or he would get a divorce. I dont understand what your complaining about with this...

Jack99Jack99about 9 years ago
The forgotten ending

Julie smiled to herself as Scott walked out of the room, sure now that her and Scott were on the way to healing. She giggled as she remembered meeting Ernesto, her personal trainer, at the grocers.

"Julie - You still cutting off that cucky Scott, right?". he had asked. "I said no blow jobs, and sex only once a month, if that".

"Yes darling, " she had replied. "I'll need to blow the socks off that stupid meal ticket tomorrow to keep him strung along, though. I can barely stomach being with him though. Let's give him a little cream-pie present he can eat when he gets home!"

She and Ernesto laughed at the thought of the humiliation she would heap upon him.

Little did she know that Scott had planted a voice activated recorder in her purse. Later that evening, after expelling the remains of the deceitful sluts meal, he plotted his revenge.

Seeker1107Seeker1107almost 9 years ago

i would agree with you but, she confirmed everything he said about their marriage to her sister. He was faithful all this time, and she just wasn't into sex, at least with him that is. She even said after their romp that it wouldn't be that way all the time but it would be better. So as stated before, just what exactly are you complaining about. He was at his wits end.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

Compromise – He wants it 3-4 times a week; she’d be happy with 2-3 times a MONTH!

COMPROMISE would be maybe twice a week.

She’s throwing him out of the house, but wasn’t SHE the one who turned him down when he offered a divorce?

“You've been married even longer than we have!" – What’s THAT got to do with it? You’ve been like that since you got married, it’s not recent!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

@javmor79 - As others have said, there is no double-standard here; with the cheating wives, they use an unsatisfactory sex life as an excuse to cheat, 99% of the time WITHOUT giving their husbands a chance to improve. HERE, he raised the issue multiple times, offered counseling, even offered a divorce, which brought a TEMPORARY inprovement.

I DO find here EXTREME turn-around a bit much; a sexy nightie, a LITTLE more sex with SOME oral would have been more believable!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Still More Thoughts

"However, he'd deceived her, cruelly, and left her feeling hurt and betrayed. Was that any better?" - Of COURSE it's better! How can faking an affair not be better than actually having one? Yes, the initial pain of the discovery is the same, but that is followed by the relief that it didn't really happen. And, yes his deception was cruel, but it HAD to be to get through to her.

And I want to correct myself on my disbelief in her total turnaround - she DID say not to expect a steady diet of what she was giving him, that it was just symbolic of her sexual awakening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Even for fiction this was ludicrous. You want us to believe, that after years and years and years of her being what most people would consider sexually repressed, that after 2 days thought she turns into a wanton, sexual woman? I'm sorry. That's SO far fetched that's it just makes me laugh at how impossible that seems. Bad story.

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 8 years ago
It's Called Fiction For A Reason, People

I truly loved this story. However, I had already determined that Scott had not cheated on Julie. The lipstick was the only red herring that I couldn't figure out. But the story was well-written, one of your better submissions actually. Thank you, Ohio.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I liked the story

My wife was quite similiar to the story wife. Her labido fell off over the years. I finally told her that although she didn't want sex, that should not result in me not getting anything. I told her that she should meet my needs level not hers. Now we are much happier after 37 years of marriage . I am back to getting it every other day 😉.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

I love how he turns the Cheating Wives cliches on their heads:

"I never meant to hurt you" "You weren't supposed to know" "It was just sex"

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Get The Divorce

To little, to late..

JeepLover42JeepLover42over 7 years ago
This story happened about 25 years too late for it to be realistic

To much water under the bridge. It hurts being rejected by the one you love, constantly. I do not think many people can go for a year or more before the pain and insecurity, and dissatisfaction, not too mention just plain horniness would cause this marriage to collapse. 30 years dealing with it without affairs or something else happening is too much to expect.

Of course that could be just me. I probably would have bailed a long time ago

dbrainsdbrainsover 7 years ago
Nice Story

I've said it before. I like the positive stories better. I also don't agree with the comment that 'it's too little too late.' Relationships are about compromise. Just have to decide whether the compromise is worth it to you.

PTraumPTraumover 7 years ago
Needs a sequel...

It's a nice stand alone story, but given that the threat of divorce increased their sex for "a few weeks" and then died I'd be interested in where they ended up a couple years down the road.

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
Cute Little Zapper At The End

But as others have noted, what will things be like a couple or five or ten years from now? And the poor guy had the patience of Job to put up with being rejected time after time for more than 20 years. Julie is very lucky that she still has a loving husband to share the rest of her life with.... ;-)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

It's been a while since I read this, and I thought SHE was having an affair, and he was just preemptively throwing the usual excuses back at her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
sort of a good story

but why wait so long for the bitch to get her act together....why did he put up with her shit for so long...another pathetic wuss...

firemanlitfiremanlitalmost 6 years ago

Two weeks later, as he was getting ready for bed, she says "Not tonight honey. I just had my hair done today and I do not want you messing my new hair-do up"

Two weeks later, she was served.

And he lived happily ever after. She did not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
not a chance in hell!

no woman can make that kind of turn!

a life time of being one way then all of a sudden turn into a vamp?

I give it about a month till back to old way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
somewhat corny...

towards the end...

english good, however.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

My Ex was so frigid that I couldn't get ANY sex for the last 20 years of our sham of a marriage. At least he was getting it twice a month!!!! Some men stay for their kids. I did...

moblanemoblaneabout 4 years ago
Well, Good for now...

I hope this is a true turnaround and not a big circle back to where it all started. A bit more to confirm the change would be nice... or a resolution of some other type perhaps? Good Job, Thank You. 5***** for now and hope the story continues.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

I'm probably repeating things here, but some comments deride the "double standard," but I don't see it.

First, he didn't actually cheat. Yes, an argument can be made that he did, but the facts in the story say that he didn't, and we have nothing else to go on.

Second, I can't remember a single cheating wife story, where the wife, BEFORE cheating, discussed her issues with the husband, or asked for counseling. Here before his "cheating," real or fake, he tried repeatedly to work on their problems, to no avail.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Fuck and suck for a month, then back to same old

Gee, sounds like a repeat of exactly what happened before.

Back to normal in a flash.

If the idiot is taken in by suck and fuck without actual progressive resolution and fixing the underlying problems.......

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