All Comments on 'Silent Treatment'

by ohio

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Len BeeLen Beeabout 18 years ago
Just Typical

Yeah, typical ohio. Well written, good story line, realistic, and with a believable ending. I guess this is why you are my favorite Lit author (sorry PT, HDK, TEP, KK, tT, DGH, DJ, TW)

Anyway, I obviously enjoyed it, and voted accordingly. I personally would have liked to see the jerk "friend" suffer just a tad more, along with the little woman, but hey, we all can't have everything.

Len Bee

Blue88Blue88about 18 years ago
Well Done

This story had all of the elements that logically led to the dissolution of their union. The husband was right - her infidelity came not from her anger, but a desire to screw another man. She used the feeble excuse offered to her to achieve that goal. Well written, well done.

CarlM69CarlM69about 18 years ago

I like all your stories Ohio, and this is no exception. Believable characters, tight, well written. I was concerned when this appeared that it was going to be too simple. When the husband took his retribution on his friend, I was afraid that he would not respond realistically to the spouse dynamic, but his final conversation with his wife brought into focus all those things I was thinking. She used the faux affair as an excuse to fullfill her own sexual desires.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Excellent Story

It is good to see another of your excellent stories especially after some of the junk that has been put up in this section.

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Hey that was pretty good

Nice balance, good line of reasoning. You didn't force them together because it would make a "Romance story", you didn't force him to throw her out, you didn't let him get violent with her and you didn't let him go off half cocked. You explained why he felt the way he did and why he did what he did when he decided to leave.

Very good story, I liked it. Not because he left, but because he explained why he had to leave and why he felt the way he did. And I guess most guys who basicly is told by their wife they aren't as good as the guy they are screwing on the side would have left. And I wouldn't blame them. Not do as a few writers suggest, that they try and learn how to be better so that they can get the wife back. Those suggesting always make me sad.

Kudos on another good story.

K.K.K.K.about 18 years ago
Good job

This story leaves the reader feeling a little sad, wishing there could have been a happy ending but knowing there couldn't be one. Another fine effort by Ohio.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Very good

I'm glad when a story like this gets the ending it deserves instead of the usual "reconcile at all costs" many authors use.

The only quibble is I thought Adam didn't get his just desserts. One gets the sense he hasn't learned a thing and he'll be up and screwing over more people's lives and marriages soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Oh Bugger!

Whenever I go on line I check a few sites to see who's posted a new story. Really I'm looking to see how many hits there have been on my own stories. But I have a little list of authors whose stories are guaranteed to entertain. I call it my "Oh Shit" or "Oh Bugger" list, as it means I'm not going to get any writing done for a while as I'll be too busy learning how it should be done.

Well I've learnt some more today. Good story my friend.

Sad, but we can't always have a happy ending.

I eagerly await your next offering.


gizzmo301gizzmo301about 18 years ago

Good story, before the affair they just let the marriage die

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Finally - A Five Base Bagger - Out Of The park

But not because they split! Not because of the ounces of flesh!

Because your strong talent portrayed what two people could truly feel and express to each other in the possible circumstance you painted so very well.

Your very best to date and close to the top of anything done here from my viewpoint.

You captured and carefully worded realistic human reactions and exchanges in care, concern, anger, retribution and most all a conclusion reached because it was quietly built and shaped to be what it was without equivocation. All that, because you were true to your well planned and executed preceeding structure.

Damn! This was about as good as it gets!!!

Congrats and Kudo's Author - I am happy for you and us.

Looking forward to your next imaginative offering - With Respect and High Regard

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
Reality hurts and makes a great story

There isn't anything to say as I agree with all the comments completely.

All I can say is Thank you.

With much respect


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Good Story

I liked it, but as he pointed out at the end, she was as guilty as Adam and got off too easy! Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
well ok

with the pics he will at least get half of everything .. very nice no kidds involved .... now find a nice woman and settle down ,,,, maybe a younger woamn prettier than before ... till then just fuck who you want when you want

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Wel done indeed

The best part, as so many seem to agree, is when he pointed out it wasn't just the fucking, it was everything before that. It was the bad feelings. It was her so quickly believing Adam's story. The only part I would mildly consider lacking is him pointing out that he had suspicions and rather than finding someone else, he sought proof.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A very angry man

Just another story by a man who seems very uncomfortable around women. Nothing new here.

louguy35louguy35about 18 years ago
Way to Go, Ohio!

This is another story by Ohio that is written the way a good story should be written. It is tightly woven, well plotted, and COMPLETED! The characters are will developed in an effective economy of dialogue, proving that a story does not have to ramble on, repeating itself over and over.

It is clear, very soon in the story, that Kate was an affair waiting to happen...and still is at the end. Steve's leaving her was clearly his only option, and the ending of the story requires no further treatment.

Very well done, Ohio. Aspiring writers on should study your style carefully.


gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 18 years ago
Sad but realistic story, Ohio

Is always good to see a new story by Ohio, and this one did not disappoint. Very realistic treatment. Appropriate revenge and time to move on.

ChagrinedChagrinedabout 18 years ago
Well, rather well done.

That is about all there is to say.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Very Good

I think he should have cut off the bastard's balls.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Well crafted!

A great job of drawing out the emotions. Very incisive... gets right to the heart of what a relationship is all about.

I agree with several of the comments - this is about as good as it gets!

Kudos - DJ

mcwiiimcwiiiabout 18 years ago

You write very well. You evoke emotion. Please keep up the good work, I look forward to your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
GREAT ! ! !

Their marriage became a shamble when she started fucking around on Steve. I liked the ending very much because their marriage was over and he knew it. She lied, cheated and betrayed him. When this happens in a marriage, it is over because one partner cannot ever trust the other again.

Once a cheat, always a cheat. She fell for a line of crap that only a deranged horny woman would fall for. She cheated on him and she will again. It is just a matter of time, so why not get out while the getting is good?

At least he got one good fuck before he left. My ex wife was such a good cocksucker that she could suck the crome off of a trailer hitch, but she never did it to me. I fould out the hard way just as he did.

Good Luck...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
i thank you for been straight to the point

a job well didn't try to be clever or let your ego get in the way.

juanwildonejuanwildoneabout 18 years ago
and a resounding Bravo

Loved it. I admired your restraint in not going over the top in exacting revenge upon Adam or Kate. I think the "last fuck" was done perfectly.

I really got a kick out of the brevity of his leaving explanation - short and sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Sad to read the downward spiral of a marriage


I keep thinking I'd like to try my hand at writing Loving Wives stories but with you and several other great authors the field is over crowded, NO WAY! Your too good. Well done. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Thank for painting a 3-D picture of a marriage not this sex only aspect of a relationship. The reconcilliation at all cost crowd would have argued for one more try but you clearly set the case that this marriage was DOA before the affair.


FireFox59FireFox59about 18 years ago
Done Said

Can't add much to all the other comments other than THANKS as always ohio. Always enjoy your stories!!

MinigalesMinigalesabout 18 years ago
An Excellent Sad Story

Very well done. Thanks a lot. No bullshit, no stupidity, no moronness, realistic and very well written.

SalamisSalamisabout 18 years ago
Kudos on a fine story

I've read this story now 3 times, and after each reading I change my opinion of the ending. Did the husband overreact? Was there room for some negotiation? Should the husband have fought harder for his marriage? Was there some redeeming character to the wife (albeit late in arriving)? Did the husband's anger at his so-called friend overwhelm his judgement regarding his marriage and his wife?

You left me with a million questions and that is the test to me of an outstanding story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
good story with good,resolute FINALITY!

finality/closure is not about taking someone back when they have repeatedly let you make a fool of yourself, in your simple trust of and for them to uphold their side of the deal

closure and finality is doing what this character did:

making a resolute -- though I'm sure heart-wreching at a certain moment [especially at the first moment such a decision has dawn on you, and you KNEW immediately to be the best of decisions] --- decision, believing deeply in your heart that something, sometimes, is necessarily lost and IRRETRIEVABLE (be it a love or a person you once know but who is a stranger to you now), despite our romantic wishes and yearning to the contrary

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Best Story OHIO has ever done

You finally did a story that did not FORCE a mindless unlikely pathetic reconcilation...

This was a great story b/c the Hubby could put 2 and 2 together unlike mnay of your other stories


seriously dude I dont think I will ever forgive you for badly you fucked up HOUSE OF CARDS in capter 6 on

Orion623Orion623about 18 years ago
Very Good

A straight forward rendering of a slowly disintegrating marriage. The husband walks away and cuts his losses before it becomes too late. A really good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
If This Were True

If this was a real situation, I would suggest that the couple seperate, but commit to counseling for at least 3 months. While they may might not get back together, at least both of them should get rid of what ever problems they were having with the other, and it seems that both parties had problems. Much better to get them in the open that to carry them around for years unresolved.

As a story, it was very interesting and made you think about how you would react if faced with the same situation in your life.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
A good stiry but

not the best of endings. As K.K. said it leaves one kinda sad but it may not be salvageable no matter how much counseling you give it. Two to three years would be required, I think.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Good fiction

Excellent writing with good prose and an enjoyable style.

The characterizations are well done and we understand who Steve and Kate are. Steve is loving of his wife, works hard and is a careful man. In his own way, though, Steve is flawed as his revenge on Adam shows. He's willing to commit a felony to get some payback and that makes him a criminal. It's a shame really because otherwise he's a noble character.

Kate loves her husband, is hot-tempered and lacks impulse control. That lack of control eventually leads to the trigger event that destroys the love between them and torpedos the marriage.

The author does a nice job of showing us a marriage in trouble. The lack of communication as evidenced by the frequent arguments before the "silent treatment" is symptomatic of more deeply-rooted problems. As the story plays out, we discover that Kate basically distrusts her husband, that she's willing to cheat on him with a mutual friend because she's foolish. The denouement is nicely handled. The marriage unravels, triggered by her infidelity, but caused by the lack of trust and lack of communication between them. Steve's not interested in reconciliation and Kate's character flaws are too deeply-ingrained to be easily changed. Divorce is their best remedy.

Excellent fiction this is. This 75's for you, ohio, for a story well-told. Based on purely literary concerns, the story deserves a one hundred but I can't condone the actions of a criminal and that's what Steve's revenge makes him. How would the story have turned out if Adam had said, "Publish and be damned." then had Steve busted for assault and battery? Perhaps some striped sunshine time with Bubba and the good ol' boys in the state penitentiary would've given Steve a whole new perspective on life.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Marriage’s most malignant poison: Lying

Cheers for a successful submission of an intelligent and sensitive story. It’s especially remarkable in the “loving wives” section which for better or worse is loaded with formulas and tense expectations…

I particularly liked the fact that the key to the decision on the fate of the marriage was neither a high tech detective device nor was it a witty dialog. It was the husband’s own didactic reasoning combined with his intimate knowledge of his wife. He concludes that her story could not hold water because she is to smart to truly fall for a dubious reasoning; the very kind she was now trying to sell to him.

1. Spouses can read each other’s signals and non verbal signs.

The subtext here is a commentary on the near impossibility of “successful lying” between close spouses. That is, for those who don’t wish to be lied to (what you see/sense ‘between the lines’ – can and frequently is very painful). Those who have the strength to acknowledge those spousal signals which they feel or sense will prove to be an almost impossible obstacle to their cheating/ lying spouses. Over time, there are simply too many parts of us that “speak” or “tell on us” which are beyond our control. In this story, take the simple fact that if you have been acting on a certain mental/intellectual level up to a certain point in time, ‘shifting down’ will not go unnoticed.

2. The first victim of the liar is the liar him/her self.

The other fact is that liars and cheaters start up thinking that they have full control over the circumstances of their lying. Right there they are already deceiving themselves! And it goes down from there. They have to start engaging in a lot of rationalizations – first and foremost to themselves. Telling yourself that it is ok because you will no get caught is a major one. Then you start telling stories under that false premise (I will not get caught) as you are loosing the objective perspective of an uninvolved person.

No wonder that the usually smart wife did such a dull performance when trying to convince her husband that she was conned; she was already ‘dummied down’ by the effects of the ongoing cycle of lies – rationalizations she imposed on herself.

3. Lying desensitize and eats at the core of spousal relations –the ability to experience and express genuine feelings.

Another interesting observation: she is so much on guard (to maintain the right appearance; to look for any unexpected question and come with ‘a convincing answer’ etc.) that apparently she loses her ability to have any more authentic feelings with her husband. She ended up turning herself emotionally into a semi zombie. When she has that final hateful sex (from the husband’s perspective) she does not notice a thing, so wishful she is that her premise of not getting caught will not be proven wrong.

The most significant aspect for me in the story was the variety of demonstrations from different angels of the inevitability of the self destructive process which a continuous lying brings into a marriage. By the time the ‘hard evidence’ arrives, you only have a shell of marriage. The emotional parts inside have dried long ago.

waratahwaratahabout 17 years ago
It was a good story

except ruined by the actions of husband at end. Surely there were ways he could achieve his goals, revenge, humiliation whatever through cunning, without violence.

acs_1acs_1about 17 years ago
Very good

Correct response to this little situation. Softcock previous commenter thinks that violence was not correct. I hate losers like that. As civilised as people can be, this does not mean that we must use non-violent methods when confronted with people who don't simply don't get it. That would be a cop out. A cowards way out. Sometimes a little force, will be much more effective and permanent a solution than a convoluted and possibly drawn out peaceful solution. This, I believe was such a case.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
very good

i liked the ending. she wont change.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good story

The "friend" got off easy. So did the cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

or almost. he got it right. happened to me, except for the cheating part. after the divorce, we became best of friends. its just not meant to be. why be miserable together?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

When you get it right you do get it right. Cheers Yoron.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The Silent Treatment?

I'm normally a big fan of your stories, but I found Steve's continued "silent treatment " of Kate for some weeks because his feeling were so hurt at her criticism of his talking during sex, irritating as hell. I just lost interest in the rest of the story because of his smug pompous attitude. Sorry, I'm probably being petty, but I thought he was being pretty too.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
good story

That has to be the stupidest woman alive on this planet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
the final thrust

the 'affair' was just the death blow to a dying marriage.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Great Story

The truth is that if all you are doing is arguing and squabbling in your third year of marraige then it is time

to break up before any little ones complicate the story. There relationship was ending before the affair happened. I find it fascinating that from what they say about 40% of the commentators only really see the cheating. Love and respect are important too!

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
A must read -and reread (enjoyed like the first)

What an amazing exit monologue by the husband! A real classic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
This is a great story for Literotica

readers. A wronged husband throws away the potential for a great marriage after a wrong by his wife. Just what these sorry readers want.

Ohio, I expect more from you.

I feel only contempt for the husband.


dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
Another great story

I agree that the marriage was dead before the cheating and that Steve did the right thing to walk out on Kate.Once a cheater always a cheater.Im with Risq's comment again,great insight on the story ...Yeah i guess im in his fanclub lol,Kolkore's earlier statements explain the real life experiance someone would have..As for the Adam lovers geez he got of easy..I know i few Guys like him they leave nothing but destuction behind and dont care about anyone but themself,and Kate got what she had comming to her...Great ending...Looking forward to your next story Ohio you are one of the best !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
I understand completely

When you no longer like someone, It's hard to hold a pleasant conversation with themand the wife manage to completely kill his love for her. that stupid the argument about talking in bed as long as what he's saying doesn't sound fake that is not a problem. I can understand how he could become silent. my mom said that I used to be a chatterbox but something she must have said to me back when I was a kid obviously kill that . the way I see it he could become like that permanently talking only when he has something important to say

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelalmost 15 years ago
Good insight

Yeah, the marriage was already over. Very sad. Can't put all the blame on the wife because it was over long before her cheating. Still, that's really fucking sad. Adam got off easy, but really if it wasn't him it would have been somebody else. No reason for the husband to have to leave, but if I was him I couldn't stay in a place that reminded me of shittier days either. Hope their divorce is short and sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Well Done

From the title, I knew what was going to be the outcome of their argument, whcih I thought was a bit silly. But I then was surprised at how she attacked his sexual abilities. Wow! His resulting actions made sense. Being told that your love making style is a turn off would cut very deep indeed. No matter what she said, for some time I'd be wondering and it would really hurt. I must say that I didn't pick up on her cheating as he did. Towards the end of the story, I thought that he would reconcile even though I thought that her excuse was lame. Fortunately, you had him pick up on this also. Anyway, thanks for a fun story. - Ttom

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
just right

just the way it should be, she was not fooled and either was he , get rid of her now she's not worth the time and effort.

ShuriwudShuriwudalmost 14 years ago

what a cunt!!!!

belknap026belknap026almost 14 years ago
How can a man worthy of the name

invest 3-5 years in a relationship and just walk out without even getting some counseling. Even a bad employer will sometimes conduct an exit interview. Maybe she's well rid of him. Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
She got the silence she wanted . . .

The cheating whore got exactly what she DESERVED. NO real man could put up with a bitch that pulled the shit she did. IF there was any thing positive about the marriage you can put up with some of the bickering and BS, but this marriage was already on life support. I'm sure the wimp husbands, cuck wanabees and cream pie lovers would think hubbie was harsh but they have all lost their own self respect a long time ago. . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I agree

This story sneaks up on you . . . and it does tug at your emotions, when he leaves-- but Steve's logic is very clear--she let herself fall into bed at the slightest push, because somewhere she wanted out of the marriage.

But there's really no way to get back at the predator, is there--not unless you want to risk being sent up the river.

Maybe you could add a coda from the wife's point of view--just to see if she comes to any level of self realization and honesty--but you know, Steve's last perception is so right--she never really tries to persuade him not to leave!

Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

When you write a good story you do it in a fine style, my compliments to a creative writer. R.T.

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
Well written.

I do have to say that the silent treatment did bring out her contempt for him. The problem for me is that she did not confront Steve, but continued the affair with Adam. It seems that it was not the affair that was the turning point, but that she believed Adam over her husband, without verifying.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
It is not the affair.

If it was just the affair and even her at first denying the affair when he asked, he should forgive and stay married. That is not sufficient reason to get a divorce.

However, it was far the marriage had deteriated over the last year. The affiar was just the final thing that justified ending the marriage.

Nevertheless, they could have tried marriage counceling and see if that could restore the marriage to what it was at the beginning.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago


huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
I agree with billy

Billy is right on point, dump the cheating bitch and move on, he did the right thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
never fuck a skanky whore

w/o rubbers - stupid slut fucks half the town by proxy and dipshit doesn't wear a helmet? sure, the wannabe cucks cheer wildly but they never get laid so wtf do they know?

cueball961cueball961over 12 years ago
Pouring Water On a Cold Fire

This was an excellent story. Oh, the mechanics were all there. It was well written, good characterization, good grammar and technique, nothing was there that would distract from the enjoyment of the story.

The wonderful thing about the story was the backstory to the state of the marriage. The husband got it exactly right. This marriage was over before the affair happened. The affair was simply the nail in the coffin, the final straw that broke the camel's back if you will. No one in a reasonably healthy relationship would fall for the tempter's story on just his say so alone. There was not a shred of proof offered, nor did she bother to seek it. Even if she suspected that his story might be true, an equally large part of her mind had to be suspicious that he was simply carrying on the flirting he had engaged in to an extreme level to score with her. The obvious implication is that she simply used his line as an excuse to do what she wanted to do anyway. This is further enforced by the fact that she repeated the illicit encounter multiple times before being caught. My initial reaction was that she was an incredibly stupid woman but then the underlying truth dawned on me.

I'm sure that there are those that will abuse the husband for not trying to salvage this relationship. Indeed, I would be among that number had she not been unfaithful. But in doing so, she burned the bridge of reconciliation behind her. What a sad outcome to what could have been a happy family.

Congratulations on a very well written and thought provoking piece of literature. It would be well that prospective lovers about to enter the state of matrimony read this cautionary story. A dying fire can be reheated, but once it is out there is no hope of reigniting it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
WOW OHIO ..... you really know how to write a "get even story"?!?

.. no wonder your stories no longer accept Anon remarks .. you FUCKING PUSSY! ANOTHER WIMP/CUCK STORY FOR YOU ... ASSHOLE!!

jiminabjiminababout 12 years ago

Well that last intelligent anon needs to get the boot. Why are there so many idiots commenting on this site? If you look at the scores of the best sites, LW is so much lower then the rest. Too many trolls here. Anyway I like all your stories. You score about 4.4 to 4.6 here. In any other cat you would be 4.6 and above. But thank you for your work. Jim

jiminabjiminababout 12 years ago

Did that anon 2 down even read the story? If he/she did it had to be through beer stained lenses. Or vodka or gin or something off a flat piece of glass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Well Jim, it's like this...

Get a few closet cuckolds together (dumber than fenceposts) and give them access to the internet and viola! Clueless numb-nuts comments from illiterate half-wits who can't tell a noun from a verb let alone character, perspective, voice, etc.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Great Story

This was not a revenge story. Steve took care of his so-called friend for his betrayal. However, he just left the wife. Her betrayal was too much. He tried to justify her actions, but circumstances leading up to her affair weren't right anyway. So basically it was only a matter of time. He did want he had to do. He wasn't a wimp, he was a man. That is what puts this story over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Just right.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
It's a great story whose damming fault is ....

a few mouth-breathing but disproportionately vocal readers take the story to be an arbritary blueprint dictated by the author on how they should live their lives. They take umbrage & leave nasty often anonymous comments. I wouldn't care but it appears Ohio has wearied of their flack & no longer writes.. That sucks.

I agree with most of the narrator's actions, disagree virulently with the rest. But no matter what I admire the craftsmanship in the provacative writing which has cost me nothing but time. My main issue with Ohio is that I wish he had a payal account I could repay him for the entertainment that has been presented to me gratis.

I hate being in his debt. Bastard.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
When I think I hate all Ms Ohio's

stuff I hit a story like this.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

An excellent tale. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Very good story

I totally agree with the ending, were I in that position I would have done the same.

Although the wife told her story of how the affair went it's course, shed did not explain why she had so easily been duped, why she did nothing to verify the evidence presented which by the way was entirely here say from only one source. Further she did not wait to confront her husband for his side. Plus most damning of the wife's actions are she fucked him 5 times and adopted his distorted sexual behavior in preference to her own husband's. Certainly if this had been a revenge fuck as it was supposed to be at it's onset, why replay it 5 times ?

The position of the so called loving wife is totally indefensible and she in the end was a liar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
5 stars...

minus 3, because you gave her what she wanted.

Your story painted the picture all by itself.

She was over it. She really wanted out.

She should have gotten what she wanted, but with a lot more hellfire.

She got off light.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not bad, but......

At the VERY least, he should have trimmed old Adam's cock down to a mere stub. But if I'd have had my druthers, it would have been to hit him again and again in the side of the head until he drooled for the rest of his life. Preferably in a dark room sitting in a wheelchair forgotten in a hospital somewhere.

And perform a quick clitorectomy before I packed my bags out to my truck. That little slut needs to feel the pain of what she did.

chytownchytownover 10 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Nice one!

This story captured my attention because of my own bride some nearly 40 years ago. When we were first married she accused me of the same thing, talking all the time, being happy all the time, though I never talked during sex back then. Finally one morning I woke up very happy as I usually did and do, and attempted to engage her in conversation. She blew up, told me I talked too much and to shut up. I did.

I shut up for months. Where 'Steve' would say the occasional word, I said nothing. Not a single syllable did I utter in front of her unless we had company come by and I was normal with them, but never interacted with her at all. She was in tears most of the time because when she attempted to engage me in conversation, I simply looked at her and smiled, nodded or shook my head. But I never said word to her.

Suffice to say, she learned her lesson. When I eventually started speaking to her again, she promised to never complain about me talking and admitted that what bothered her most was how happy I was each morning when I woke up. She woke up grumpy and my happiness just made her grumpier. We had a meeting of the minds and we've had a wonderful marriage since then, for the past nearly 40 years.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago
Great Tale

I only wish I had the chance to walk out the door.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good story and 3 stars but .....

What I never understand is why the offended male spouse always packs HIS bags and goes to a hotel? Trick her into handing over her rings, take her cell phone, house keys, joint checkbooks and show her the door! Man up dammit it.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
Why the guy leaves

Who wants to go on living in the house you shared with a cheater? Unless you owned the house before you got married, it probably reflects her tastes more than it does yours, and there's no way of knowing for sure which beds, rugs or other pieces of furniture she and her lover fucked on. You'd end up hauling everything away and redoing the place down to the studs.

The property division will be handled by the lawyers and the court and will be the same regardless of who is living in the house, and odds are the house will end up getting sold because neither spouse can afford the mortgage alone. Let her figure out how to buy your half out and pay for it on her own if she wants it.

tae352001tae352001over 9 years ago
Excellent story, like a page from my history

I love this site, some authors really hit the mark and this author did. This was like taken from my own past. My ex-girlfriend, was told by my best and once long time friend, I was cheating, so I was at work on a weekend, she said she too was busy, Monday, my ex approached me at work, telling me in front of coworkers how much of a cheater I am, and I was cheating the whole weekend. My boss, and owner whom owns a lot in our town, so everyone knows him, came out and asked about the commotion, when he heard the beginning, perhaps all he needed, he explained I was here finalizing the warehouse. She about fell over, when he told her that the guy in question (started this mess) was fired for stealing it all came together. Of course she apologized but why bother. The trust was gone. Just as in this story, wow how similar, except they were married. The flame was gone, the trust was gone, nothing really left not even passion. He was right, if she had gotten up from the table and attacked him with kisses and love they would be together. Sad part, everything gets split 50/50 God if we want same sex marriage or any marriage.. why don't we pass laws to protect marriage from adultery and those victims of adulterous spouses.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

is the most complete silent treatment of all. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A great story

I had to give my wife a brief synopsis of this story and ask her the one question. "If someone, one of our friends, telling you I had cheated, what would you do?" I didn't have to wait long and after she finished looking at me like an idiot, she gave the answer I thought I would get.

"I would confront you and ask if it's true."

The thing is, my wife had a cheater husband before me. He cheated on her and fucked her friend, and then when someone told my wife, he admitted it. Her 'friend' wouldn't, until some 5 years later and after she'd married me, but he came right out and said yep, he did it. He apologized and she took him back. Then he fucked her friend again and she found out about it and they split. The split only lasted about a month and after he'd been without pussy for 4 weeks, he wanted to get back together. Apparently he fucked the hell out of her for that two weeks, she thought about 40 times and then he decided he wanted to be free.

The first thing I told her when we got together is I don't abide a cheater. She said she didn't either and told me the story about Tom, her ex. It didn't surprise me, I knew the guy and over the next 40 years, he cheated on every woman he was with. Thankfully, I don't believe he ever spread his DNA that took.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Second time through...

it is hard to feel the emotional pull of a story where the couple was only married a few years. He did the right thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Excellent, well written story Ohio

Emotional, thought provoking and ultimately sad but the right ending.

They had disconnected before the cheating but worst of all she insulted him whilst she was cheating belittling his sexual technique comparing it unfavourably with her lover. This is a deal breaker and makes reconciliation impossible.

Always like your stories to be longer but no need in this case as so well constructed 5*.

jimbo103jimbo103over 8 years ago
Re:tae352001 you nailed it.

why dont enforceable laws exist to protect a spouse from adultery? well i guess from a legal stand point laws against adultery would be in direct contravention to the right of pursuit of happiness, agreeable terms before a marriage could help protect a spouse to a great extent (pre-nuptial agreement).

though very heart wrenching, in the eyes of the law its simple, every individual has the potential to commit crime, that does not mean the govt would be justified to fingerprint and have a record every citizen (pls exclude PRISM from this conversation).

so also every spouse has the potential to cheat but will they? that my friend no law can prevent without infringing on civil liberties.

my friends, answer me this, would it be unfathomable to imagine a scenario, where you commit murder? am sure the right situation would allow such a response, then why not adultery?

not standing for the rights of adulterers here, alas at the end of the day if it happens to me or you the only best option we really have is to move on, whether it be to cut your losses or reconcile that choice is yours alone. life is a cruel teacher one day we have to learn all its lessons. it gives us happiness only to take it from us.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Another Stupid Wife Tale

How many times have I read a story about a dopey woman that is told that her husband is cheating on her; so she cheats on him? 1. The first thing a typical wife does is get angry, angry at the situation. She needs answers, is her husband cheating? Or is she being lied to? 2. The second thing a typical wife does is demand evidence. 3 The third thing a typical wife does is to confront her husband. Women generally love drama and confrontations. The only women who hop in bed with another man right after being told their husband is cheating is a woman that has wanted to cheat herself for some time and looks at this as an opportunity to cheat. Notice, the wife in this story never followed up to check to see if her husband really was cheating. If she was really concerned that would have been the next thing she did, or at least confronted him. Nope, she simply continued to cheat - because 1. she knew in her heart he wasn't cheating. 2. she didn't care if he was cheating! This is all pretty clear form the actions of those involved. The best thing the husband could have done is not to have assaulted her fuck buddy, the best thing is to have recorded their confessions and along with the pictures made all the evidence public. He should have made sure that everyone who knew them knew what kind of people they were. That is justice. No one in their right minds would have gone near them after that.

Seeker1107Seeker1107over 8 years ago

Knew a guy a long time ago. We were stationed at the same base. We never spoke about our MOS but we got along. He came back from leave once, gone was the smile and easy laugh. He started getting packages of pictures and audio. In the end he went home without notifying his wife he was coming. Using a bravo 51 he put the fear of g-d into both of them. As his wife screwed someone else on their apartment balcony he shot them both. Didn't use real bullets, the "ammo" he used was paint rounds that hurt but do not penetrate. Still gave off the echo of a shot, and it was red paint so they thought they were wounded. they supposedly went to go to hospital as a process server served both of them. She figured it was her husband, but records showed him on duty. In any event, he dumped her, found someone else and remarried. They are together now just shy of twenty years. Four wonderfull children and he had gotten custody of his first daughter when his ex was picked up for DUI with the child in the car. So I guess you could say five kids. The ex visits, but only when he is not home.

Make of it what you will.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"Please, please, can you forgive me?" – Yeah, just like you “forgave” me for “cheating” on you, without even finding out if it was true or not!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
But he didn't get far.

The Police arrested him. Because Adam had called the Police. Steve stole his digital camera. He had kidnapped, restrained Adam illegally and had committed assault and battery on his person. Steve was even stupid enough to have taken pictures of his crime with Adam's stolen camera. Steve went to jail. Adam sued him and won a large settlement although it caused him some embarrassment. Kate sued for divorce and kept all the marital assets since Steve was in prison convicted of a felony. So Steve lost his wife, his house, all his money and his job. Even when he got out of prison, that felony record followed him around and he never got a good job ever again. Nice planning Steve!

Jack99Jack99over 8 years ago
But he didn't get far

Because Adam was at the door with his Glock 19 in his hand. As Adam tensed and his finger tightened on the trigger, Steve took a quick step to the side, and the sound of the shot was deafening!

"Drop it" a voice shouted out, and Adam swung the gun toward the sound. Steve's neighbor, Officer Whiting, didn't hesitate, and his service weapon discharged, blowing a hole the size of a golfball out the back of the cheating bastard.

Steve turned, and saw that Adam's shot had hit his wife Kate in the chest. He knelt down to see if he could help, but she was already dead. Officer Whiting pulled Steve away from the corpse of his Adulterous wife. "I'm sorry Steve, I saw him go past the window, I just wasn't fast enough."

An ambulance arrived as they were talking, but due to loss of blood, Adam was severely brain damaged, and would end up in an institution for the criminally insane, and would never be released.

The media had a field day. News Headlines would read "Psychopath kills lover". The reporters theorized that Adam was a Nazi and White supremacist, because of his shaved head. The police had found some nude pictures on his computer, and with some digging, it turned out some of the models were from Europe, and under the legal age limit in the US. The retelling of this grew until the news was reporting that Adam was a pedophile that enjoyed raping small children. After this made the rounds, Adam was suffocated in his sleep by a fellow inmate that had been molested when he was eight.

Steve sued Adams estate, and took everything. Adam had a trust fund worth 30 million dollars, which was probably why he was such a conceited, arrogant ass. Adams family disowned him posthumously, and had to leave the area in shame.

At Kate's funeral, her family apologized to Steve for their daughters whorish ways. They couldn't understand how the little girl they had loved as a child had gone down this path. Steve accepted their apologies and laid a wreath on her grave. When asked to speak, Steve gave her the best compliment that he could. "Kate was a good wife, until she gave in to her whorish dark side and became a worthless slut." he started. "And while the Kate she was when she died wasn't worth pissing on, we all need to remember that no matter how loathsome, how despicable, how utterly disgusting she was at the end of her life, she was still a human being, and as such she deserved to live so she could at least attempt to become a decent person, no matter how small of a chance that might be."

Later, Steve married Susan, a buxom redhead that drove a mustang.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
But he didn't get far.

Because an angry mob of closet-cuckolds emerged from their parent's basements and charged onto the scene. The sunlight reflecting from their pasty flab blinded everyone and set their neckbeards on fire!

In the midst of this commotion, a virgin named Cuckdogg and a nonce named Zed0 (one a hermaphroditic eunuch and the other a paroled ped0) raced onto the scene and pissed themselves like excited puppies!

The puppy-piss extinguished the neckbeard fires and the closet-cucks were hailed as heroes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Everybody thinks according to his POV

@Anon You, who lick the cock of the bulls of your wives, fianceés, why you thing every man's dream eating creampies of stranger men from women?

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

short conversations. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
She Got EXACTLY What She Deserved

Kate preferred to be fucked like a whore, the way Adam fucked her than the sweet, loving, gentle way her husband had loved her for five years. It took less than five romps with Adam for her to deside she preferred Adam over her husband Steve. She preferred to believe Adam's unsubstantiated lie without ever questioning her husband. She deserves to lose Steve. I expect her to wind up being a whore full time. I would have had to lop off Adam's dick and let him bleed out. Think of the marriages I would save. Great writing. To all of you desenters, write your own damned shit and let me cut you to shreads.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
At last - a 5* not 3* or 4* because

lover boy Adam got some sort of payback. Most unusual in Ohio's stories.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

Why in the world would a wife take the word of a guy who wants to get in her pants that her husband is cheating without even SHRED of proof?

He didn't even come up with some slut to lie and say she fucked Steve!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

lamest revenge ever. and revenge fuck is so clichéd.

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