All Comments on 'The Game'

by ohio

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SneakyP86SneakyP86about 15 years ago
Glad to have you back

Very good story Ohio....the Loving wives stories haven't been the same since and some others quit submitting here. I am very glad to have you back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

A well told story which was a pleasure to read.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Ohio writes a pretty good story...

but seems to love a "happy" ending. Andy should have manipulated sue-sue into playing the "Game" with a guy with AIDS.That would have been a truly happy ending.Plus tell all the wives(to make sue-sue a pariah)And just for once can one of the male characters have a conscience and tell the slut(especially if he's a so-called "friend")she shouldn't cheat.or that he won't be part of her sick "game"?Still this writer usually keeps one's interest up.Pistolpackinpete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
More please.

I gave you a 10, tonight -5 just doesn't seem appropriate. My only complaint is that you don't write as often as you used to.

CastleStoneCastleStoneabout 15 years ago
Great Story

Wonderful story, liked the end, sweet revenge. Well written but all your stories are. Hope things work out for the husband and Christine. Something seems unresolved when it comes to Susan, but my mind tired brain can't put my finger on what it is.

zed0zed0about 15 years ago
Now THAT's A Happy Ending!

Well written, and truly enjoyable. As somebody once said "Living well is always the best revenge."

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 15 years ago
The author's ability made the story even better

With having the story so well writen, it made it easy to believe that the characters were real people. I felt the sorrow and the sadness when he found out about his cheating wife, through the author's writing. Well done! Thanks for the good story.......Rich

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

But i wish i need more undertanding about the aftermath with the selfish bitch(Susan).

Tail End PeteTail End Peteabout 15 years ago
Really well done.

Thanks for another of your well thought out stories. The come-uppance at the end was great. I'd like to think that Emily and Christine would become best friends also. Keep up the good work. Tail End Pete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Seriously sad. How is this story erotic?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Are her tears really true?

Are her tears really true? I doubt that. How a woman can be so self centered and to really love him?

A very good job, however, just like any Ohio one.

rooster1rooster1about 15 years ago
It doesn't matter wether Susan did love Andy

she convinced herself that she did & that's what makes this work enough to let her feel some pain.

Good to see you back Ohio.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 15 years ago

Great story. I've told you before that you were my inspiration to start writing in 'loving wives', and all I can say is that I wish I'd written this one myself.

Let's have some more please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Had A Friend

Who had some flings, was in the middle of one when he found out his wife had started to "date" as she called it herself. He was distraught at what he had done to his marriage but as he found out, you play you pay. Gerat read and thanks. Still would love a epilog on Blue Minivan, one of my all time favorites, just keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Well Done Again!

Just have to say that you write a fine story. I love the way this one played out, just deserts and all. It is always fun to read a new story by you and I look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
One of the best cheating wife stories around.

No attempts at overgrown little boys fighting. No curses and hate filled speach. Just a man who makes decisions and walks out on shit. Your story didnt mention medical testing but after years of at risk bareback sex and having seconds with his wife he needs a large amount of medical testing for at least a year. Will admit this is one of your best and worlds of difference between this and the reconciliation at any cost you have written.

anothermarrieddudeanothermarrieddudeabout 15 years ago
The only problem is you don't write enough

Thanks for a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
You are the best

More please!

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969about 15 years ago
Nice story.

Keep Writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

I loved it the idea of getting back and the recovery with a new flame in a few months time WRITE MORE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Reminds me of my ex

She started to 'date' too. I wish I could have ended it like this. Enjoyed the story.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 15 years ago
Just perfect!

An Ohio revenge story is the best there is! This was a pleasure! I am afraid that I am disappearing in his rearview mirror. This guy is good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Don't think I liked it

It had some good moments but overall, it felt...ugly. Confronted by a problem, he didn't solve it or fight it, he ran from it and in his way, betrayed his marriage vows. As I teach my students, two wrongs do not make a right. He, with the help of their friends, put her through mental cruelty...did she deserve it? Maybe...but was this about jsutice or vengence? As for her so-called friend, she laughed at the pain she was helping to perpetuate...not much of a friend IMHO. the wife did deserve to be divorced; but her husband needed to man up...not run away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Running away? what story did THAT guy read?

The anonymous poster who asserted that the husband ran away must of read a different story. why that read thinks confronting to problem could ONLY mean confronting the wife is hard to understand.


His confrontation was finding out the truth about his wife.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 15 years ago
WHY this story works: nature of the feedback

This story works because the author shows the husband coming to grips with the type of woman he married and uses the story to PROVE how self absorbed and narcissitic the wife is.


The key thing in the feeback is to Note there is NO debate about the wife actions or words or behaviors. MOST of the time that is NOT the case.


as for the idea of a direct confrontation before he left... how does that scenario play out. <I> "why didnt you tell me you have fucked over 20 other men in the past several yearS..." </I>


This author OHIO is not Lucsmith.

Risq_001Risq_001about 15 years ago
Ohio, great story, but the Anon below me is nuts.

<p>First off, <b>FANTASTIC STORY</b>. Personally I thought it was pretty well written, and I totally didn't see the ending coming here. You kept the cards pretty close to the vest. I mean the ending where Susan finally understood how it felt was perfect. The one thing that totally pissed me off once was when I was cheated on, the person who did it couldn't understand why I was pissed. And when I got tired of trying to explain it to her she said, I guess I don't understand because its never happened to me. And that's the moment I understood that long as folks cheat, and they don't fully understand the pain it causes, they are more likely to keep doing it to others, or spouses if they are married, because they put their actions in a different category they don't have to reconcile with. And unless it happens to them, they will fully never understand.</p>

<p>Kinda of like a man trying to explain cramps and giving birth in terms that a woman can understand. A man will "never" understand or be able to explain that type of pain. He has no frame of reference. Someone who cheats and never has to live through it, will never be able to truly understand the pain and damage it causes. They can pretend to understand, but unless it happens to them, caused by someone they truly love, they can only "guess" at the damage they've caused.</P>

<p>But to the Anon poster below me, HUH?? For the love of God quit teaching students. He ran from his marriage and betrayed it? Sorry the marriage in this story was over for year, he just found out about it a few weeks before he left. What did he owe someone who had endangered his life by chancing it with diseases and making him a possible murder victim (by one of the more possessive lovers) all because she wanted to spice up just "her" sex life? He should have sat and discussed it? Why, that marriage was already over, he couldn't accept it and she betrayed the marriage in a way that was too far gone to have saved it, except for the most delusional of people. She killed it, and based on the way the character reacted to his leaving didn't really understand why her actions were wrong. He was cruel? Having over 200 sexual encounters with random men over the course of three'ish years, and some of those time coming right home and having sex, oral sex, wasn't the more cruel of the two actions? He kept giving her time to confess, but she took the old "How much does he know. I don't want to confess to more than he's aware of" approach, and that wasn't wrong? Even after she knew he was upset with her she was lining up Greg for a future encounter. The friend was just as bad? They laughed at her because she kept trying to find out why the husband was mad while pretending to not know why. The wife tried to find out how much he knew about her cheating, without admitting she was cheating on him to her best friend. She tried to justify the cheating to her female friend. And the friend was more wrong?</p>

<p>If you believe the husband was the more cruel and bigger betrayer of the marriage vows "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP. TEACHING. CHILDREN!!" They are screwed up enough as it is, without the belief the victim has, and is <i><b>expected</i></b>, to do the right thing after years of being crapped on, regardless of what the one is the wrong has done to them. If that's still your stance, I have to wonder how many people you've crapped on in your life and walked away from them not caring how they've felt?</p>

<p>Again Ohio, pretty good story. I can tell your from around my area, because I work I Louisville and live right across the river from it =)</p>


bruce22bruce22about 15 years ago
Really Wonderful Story

I was expecting wimp calls for not killing the wife and all 20 lovers.... but I was caught off base by the demand that he

confront her on her home ground... Basically the rule is that you do not get yourself into the wrong by using excess physical violence... emotional violence is another story and I really thought that the younger woman was ideal to bring home the pain from cheating to his wife...

Thanks Ohio for really fine work. This one fits together perfectly...

maxx308maxx308about 15 years ago
Very Enjoyable Story

What a great ready. A truly well written story and a joy to read. One of the best on here.

Thanks and keep em coming. Another Ohio fan.

nyminusnyminusabout 15 years ago
Ohio, Ohia Ohio,Ohio

The problem with your stories is your high opnion of your self. In all your stories you get enraged and then end up squishing grapes. I am not kidding. I don't mean that you should beat the wives and her lovers half to death. But you should have at least regain some of your name. A public adultry divorce trial would accomplish that. You think that the wife will be so devistated because she had lost MR WONDERFUL, which is how you think of your self. Yes you are boreing. Your stories say that and your characters are just like that. Never once do you question your own part in the breakup. It's all the cheating wives fault and you are as pure as driven snow. I keep saying you because you are the husband in your stories. To see you act more humane would be nice rather than act like some peice of office machinery which is what i think you are. Your biography tells nothing about yourself. If you are a married person then I really feel for your real life wife. She is probably cheating on you with all your so called friends. You don't really have any you don't need only need your self MISTER WONDERFUL. Man oh Man.

CastleStoneCastleStoneabout 15 years ago
To Nyminus

I'm going to say something obvious here. There are different types of Loving Wife stories. Some of them: the man wants to be cuckolded story, slut wife never gets caught story, very violent revenge type, and so on. Ohio likes to write the type that where the guy is generally a very good person. BIG DEAL we benefit from that, he doesn't get paid for it. I think his stories are marvelous. There are some writers (like Just Plain Bob) that can create all different types of stories and some like to concentrate on just one or two types. Again Big Deal! Let the man do what he does best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
OHIO is back

Three Ohio stories in the last couple of weeks! Although everyone doesn't always agree with the actions of the hero in Ohio's stories they are always well written and convey a sense of pain and loss.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 15 years ago
Pretty good.

I enjoyed this story and the writing was good. One question: Why did Andy waste any more time on Susan? Why not just file for divorce and be done with it? It's natural to want to hurt the person who hurt you, and Andy seemed to pull it off in this case, but in reality, I think it would take most guys a while before they would be ready to trust another woman after being betrayed so completely. Christine was clearly someone special, but again, it was awfully quick for Andy who was clearly still heartbroken. I think it is too much the cliche that all Andy needs is a good fuck to put everything right. It's a very nice fantasy, though.

brain_damagebrain_damageabout 15 years ago
Great to have you back

Ohio, it's really great to have you back writing for us. I really enjoyed this one - great set up, believable emotions and reactions and a perfect revenge. Please keep writing for us.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 15 years ago

Ohio, how do you do it? A commenter scorches you for your story and yet concludes his remarks by calling you "MISTER WONDERFUL." Amazing! You are the man!! I don't know whether to thank you more for your very enjoyable story or for prompting 'nyminus' to submit his very entertaining remarks. However, the teacher is not a laughing matter. If this story is too deep for him/her to fathom, then I feel much concern for his/her students. Again many thanks for an pleasurable read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Why your story does not work

For all the glowing feedback, it reveals your naive and their naive natures. Your female characters created by you always have the flaw of being human with remorse.

Women who serial cheat are amoral and incapable of real tears, real remorse or real emotion. The only reason a Susan would ever try and find her husband was out of fear in what he knew, not because of love, remorse or guilt.

Reality and psychology is missing from your stories as you imprint in every woman the same trait which is in you which does not exist in them. You need to do this to make the story work, when in reality a woman like Susan would already be hanging your balls up with a divorce lawyer or buried your character as a black widow.

The same sad sack suffering husband gets old in the repeat stories in grand plans of revenge and pity sex from some other woman while the ex wife suffers.

You need to read Dickens work and write from reality to construct stories which stand up to reality.


gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 15 years ago
One of the best stories posted this year

Living well is truly the best revenge. The comments about Susan's remorse may have some validity - most women like her would rationalize their behavior as their husband's fault and simply move on to the next victim I mean man (my 1st wife is now engaged to what will be husband #5). However, as a fictional fantasy been-there-done-that read, excellent. Is nice to have a story about a good guy - a normal guy - who ends up upgrading in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Another great Ohio story

Another fine innovative Ohio story, with an original theme , Unlike the majority though, I thought Andy was a little gutless. Instead of kicking his cheating wife out and divorcing her as soon as he realized what was going on, he dragged it out while having interminable discussions with their friends about her adulterous behavior and staging the final 60 minute charade with cheating wife.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
nicely done

but why no checking the cell phone, box with pictures or other momentos of her 20 or so men? surley she loved the game enough to keep some small things, just to remembr their special moments. andy did recover from that nicely

tastesgreattastesgreatabout 15 years ago
At Last!

We've waited quite awhile for another one of your stories. Thanks and it was a good read! Thanks!

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago
MIA while marrried...

Another well crafted, detailed tapestry of evolving (or devolving) emotions and relations, all kept in balance as the plot moves in just the right pace! You can tell a mature author...<P>

I loved the symmetry of Game Vs. Game and pain vs. pain which was the underlying main theme of the story - both demonstrate the devastating effect of being MIA while married - the wife with her evil invention of the secret adultery Game by which the wife accepted boredom in her sex life within the marriage (as if she has nothing to do with it), and the husband who takes HER theme of disappearing from the marriage (or a main aspect of it) into its logical conclusion - and physically disappear altogether from the marriage! Thank you for your original work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Terrific penmanship BUT

it was too black and white. He was so perfect but I think she appeared to be characterized as pschologically damaged and that may have warranted some deeper analysis of her behaviour, so I sympathised with her slightly, the 'friends' were vile and malicious and Christine was a tart so he's slamming into some more pain anytime soon.Good for a follow up, let's see if he can survive it all again! Oh, and don't you just hate Greg for letting the pussy out of the bag? ;)Good read Ohio and great debate. Mancelt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Regardless of whether or not Susan is a believable character psychologically, this was one of the most emotionally gripping stories I've read on this site. Needless to say, I was hooked all the way through, and I really felt the pain and rage that Andy felt. You write very well, and your ability to make the reader feel such a strong connection to the main character is really impressive. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

You've penned another great story! The characters, being written from and from Andy's point of view couldn't have been described better. The moral of living well being the best revenge did seem to be topped by Christine's appearance at the door, which I loved.

Thanks again

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
You have to pay when you play

Another great story. I could hardly stop reading till the end..I did like and agree fully with Risq's comments nothing to add there.However Vulcan made a good point too..It was way to early to have gone into a relationship with Christine.I fully understand why they set it up that way when confronting Susan..Payback is a bitch,lol..Susan certainly got the Point..I wish my marriage ended that way.I guess im still looking for my Christine lol ..but then this was just a great story Ohio wrote like all his storys..Awesome and entertaining read..still dont know why some feel sorry for Susan and think Alex should have begged her to stop doing what she was doing or meybe He should have gone to counceling to understand her ??? geeez NOT!!! Good read,great ending as always,and no violence wow...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Good story

Thank you for posting this story. A couple of points, though: First, I kept wondering why the husband never mentioned filing for divorce. It would be stupid for a man to just leave town without taking care of the legal situation. It would make much more sense to deal with the divorce BEFORE pissing the wife off. Just abandoning her would probably make the judge sympathetic to her, and she could rack up huge debts. Second, getting involved with someone at work is also stupid. Just some things to consider in future stories. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Simply Great!

Great writing as always. There is nothing one can do with a serial cheater but leave and find someone better which he did. Perfect! There was no excuse for what she did to Andy and his reputation. There was no way he could stay there and live down what she had done. There was no way she could make it up to him in this case. She had no clue as to what she had done wrong in her own mind, other than getting caught... She displayed no guilt or remorse playing the game. She still giggled at what she had done when talking to their friend. She only got worried and upset at the end when she knew she had screwed her marriage up. She continued to display contempt and disrespect for Andy by trying to get him back, knowing what she had done to him. So I will answer some of the commenters. Why should he have talked it out with her or fought it out with her by staying around? Why bother to humiliate both himself and her as some have suggested? Why get even? She had no real clue as to the seriousness of what she had done for years, so why educate her now? She never cared about her wedding vows or felt any guilt all that time, so why would she understand now? She never even said that she was sorry for what she had done, so how could she comprehend what she had done to her hsuband? Sure she said she loved him and did not want to lose him, but where was that overwhelming love and concern when she began cheating and then playing her game by dissing his reputation and telling everyone she had his permission to cuckold him? Answer me this critics, how else could or should he have handled this sad and sick situation except by getting away from it and starting over with someone better than her in all ways? If you didn't give this story a 100 than you are as sad as she was portayed to be... Sorry author, but it wouldn't be appropriate for you chide your ignorant commenters. Being another Nonny Mouse allows me the freedom to express my contempt for these people who read your stories just so they can give you a 00 rating... You aforementioned commenters "SUCK"

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
From one slut to another...

So, our hero leaves one slut only to jump into the arms of another. Think about it, Christine screws him the first time she lays eyes on him. Come on. I mean really.....

I generally like your writing but the "soft" revenge of many of your protagonists is not realistic to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I disagree with Mr.323 about Christine, she and Andy had a while to view eachother and she admittadly had asked about

Andy. Both she and Andy had enough hurt and time passed. What happened, happened between two hyrt people in need of closeness and love...and, lucky them, they developed their needs into a fun loving, friendly and intellectual relationship. Living the Dream, both of them. I've been around similar situations and rare for anything to turn out as well as it did for these two. NICE STORY!!!

oldcdawgoldcdawgalmost 14 years ago
Great stories

You are the best writer on Literotica. I love your work.

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago
One of the best

This was an excellent story. First, as usual, the language and pace of the story was very good. This allows the plot and emotion of the story to go forward without distraction. The wife is a very simple character. The "game" she came up with is an interesting twist on cheating and actually tells us something about her that may not have been obvious. The affairs show disrespect and betrayal of her husband from the beginning. She got off on the excitement of cheating, of getting away with it. However, she is escalating her behavior. Creation of the game allowed her to paint her husband as a wimp. He KNOWS what she is doing and enjoys it. Most of the men she is with are going to think of her husband as a loser. She is into telling them he is a wimp that is giving his wife away. And now she is going to people that Andy knows to play her game. She is spitting right in Andy's face and getting away with it. We might want to think of her as a free spirit having sex. But she has a malicious and destructive side that is getting worse. She is not just an airhead.


Andy's revenge was elegant. He did nothing but remove himself from the scene and let her tear herself up. She lies to her best friend about her responsibility for the breakup until it simply can't be avoided. Then after years of betrayal she thinks that saying "I'm sorry" will fix it all. Susan actively cheated for years. Andy just leaves and is gone a couple months. The only active step he takes is to be in the presence of a beautiful woman so that Susan will think she has been replaced. Most people in Susan's place wouldn't have been too surprised about Andy moving on. Susan's shock is because she still thinks she is going to get away with it, just like she has for the past three years. She is shocked because her plot fell apart.


And to nyminus: you are trying to write your own story, one in which the husband has some ownership of what happened. That is NOT this story. You get indignant and personally insulting of the author because Andy doesn't accept his responsibility in the cheating. I have news for you. When a woman is raped, she isn't "asking for it". She has no ownership of the assault on her. Andy's marriage was raped by Susan. I take the author's creation of the story as is to see that Andy had nothing to do with it. The people around him see him as a good person. Susan makes no accusations of him. Andy is blameless. If you don't like that nyminus, write your own story where the husband is a jerk and deserves to be cheated on. Other authors have written those stories. However, THIS story is about a good man who didn't deserve to be treated as he was. It's a valid story and an extremely well written one.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Yes, living well is truly the best revenge......

Looks to me that Andy ended up winning the game.....

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
All's right with the world -

Sorta kinda - they both have a lot to work through but hopefully they will make it - as always I wonder what happened to Susan - I always hope the lesson can be learned and the person grow to be better - but oh well lol whatever

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Why does your...?

Why is that every single one of your stories where there is a spouse who finds that they've been cheated on end up being as bad as the adulterer/adultress by sleeping with someone they barely know or know or don't know at all? Technically they are still married and I think it childish that just because your spouse screwed you over doesn't mean that you stoop to their level. I enjoy your stories until something like that happens.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
nicely done

Great tale and well woven. Hard to believe that Susan really didn't see when she created over all those years it was self serving and only for herself. Truly enjoyed the journey and how he decided to handle the situation. Thanks for sharing.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

there has to be a winner and another side. TK U MLJ LV NV

YamiBoyYamiBoyalmost 13 years ago

Good old retribution! Loved it, hehe. Thanks for the story. ^__^

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just use a gun

That Susan is damaged goods to be jettisoned is clear, but I also get a queasy feeling about this group of righteous vigilantes who instantly transmogrify from people who have loved Susan for years into a street gang plotting her destruction and delighting in her devastation when Andy humiliates her at the end. Like living with a pack of wolves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

ZBT and no Jewish names in the story? You need to do your research better.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
you did good this time

just a break up - no real nasty payback - except cheater lost everything. great 5

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Something missing

Good story. The 'discovery' was odd, and difficult to fully believe. Why would she shit near her own well - not buying that 'cute' excuse. What I found particularly uncomfortable and repetitive was Hubby's sudden turn to non-communicative and cold. I understand it, for sure, but it screwed with the flow of the story. Most of the 'heavy lifting' of the revenge on Sweetie was carried by Emily and then Christine!


betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

It just seems incredible to be that the cheating skank whore wife thought nothing of cheating on her husband hundreds of times, even made him a wimp in her lovers eyes saying he knew about her philandering and she was destroyed knowing he had one new woman after finding out. I would have liked to see the divorce played out just to give the whore more grief but the revenge at the end will do.

PrideInsightPrideInsightabout 11 years ago

....Andy may have claimed he might never get to understand why she did it, but I sensed in his own way he did...

Bare with me because it is a twisted logic...Andy was in love with Susan and so the marriage from his point of view was not being hurt if he focused on for lack of better term"exciting"/in fact it was reaping the Susan was in love with the marriage and hence from her point of Andy was not being hurt if she focused on an exciting marriage because Andy was reaping the benefits....

So what we have is not a couple but a love triangle.....staying together? way it was gonna last 'cause if Andy never found out Susan would have either met and fallen in love or would have steadily grown to lose respect and resent a clueless Andy....note that the cheating had grown from one-niter's to longer..

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

A wonderful story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

a superb story (I'm a former wimp ex-husband - her name was also Susan.). Wonderfully written and "choreographed" by Ohio. My only question = if Susan backed HER car out of the drive, did that mean Andy also had a car? If so, why didn't he drive it to Chicago, buying gas with cash?

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
great but incomplete; does Susan get revenge or is it the other way around?

The game is over for Susan. But did she really think this game through. Who knows? The story was simple and well executed.

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
that was

awesome thats what it should be,holding up a mirror to a cheater and saying talk to the lies your telling your self because i aint listing anymore "bye"

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Story

Loved the ending. Irony is good!

gcg41gcg41over 10 years ago

I wanted to give you 5 stars hit the wrong one. Loved your story.

amyyumamyyumover 10 years ago
Original and entertaining

I really liked it - 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Poor Christine. she deserve a better man than this clueless wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great story

Maybe one of the best revenge scenarios I've read; simple, non-violent, very effective.

zampazampaalmost 10 years ago
I love happy ending!

The Gods were smiling on this fellow. Very satisfactory ending.

javmor79javmor79almost 10 years ago
Didnt really like the protagonist.

I wasn't as impressed with the story as the others seem to have been. It seemed kind of childish the way all of "her friends' ganged up on her. She deserved to be divorced, no doubt, but with friends like hers........

It was a happy Hollywood ending for the hero, but the story mostly seemed like a hurt spouse's wish to retaliate using the school yard ploy, "Everybody look at her and laugh at the same time! It will make her feel self-conscious and make us feel really cool!" She would have suffered enough with the knowledge that her game cost her the marriage.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
Her friends

Her friends, like her husband, believed that she was an honorable person and a loving faithful wife to her husband - who was also their friend. She lied to and cheated on them for years, too. So they were her friends until they found out the kind of person she really was, and from that point on, they were no longer.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

I disagree.

While I think I would have simply confronted her, it's his hurt, he is entitled to react to it as he sees fit.

As for the friends, I found it refreshing that the female characters took the man's side when it was appropriate, unlike many of the women characters on LW who criticize the cuckolded man's "fragile male ego".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Javmor i just dont understand your comment. Youre feeling sorry for the wife because she finally got caught after cheating on her husband with 20 different men and for some reason you think people should be nicer to her.......???????

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I agree with Javmor in that the ending is just so deus ex machine. Things do get better for the jilted (and in the case of our hero, super-jilted) but they don't really come up as rosy as they do here. This bothered me because otherwise, this story read super-realistically, unlike the usual infantile BTB that often shows up here.

Note, I'm not saying that he should have gotten back back with her - far from it. I'm just saying that the ending, with the intro of Christine, took it in to the realm of fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
They didn't gang up on her, Javmor

They just realised she was not worthy of their freindship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
always the same

You must hate women a lot, wonder what one of them may have done to you. Characters are always the same, plot is in the general lines evrytime the same: cheating revenge public trials (a little Linch) social and economic distruction of the wife. Your story and other of similar writers are marked "H" probably 'cause you vote each others. Why do you guys haunt this section? Havent you read the header? There should be a section named taliban for such people like you. Some hundred years ago youj would have been cheering beside an autodafè nowadays you would fit very well in some tribal village in Afghanistan!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What a different

@ Anon The sexual majority husband stories are not same. The good stories show time plot from 10-20-30-40-years. Many stories show children, grandchildren, families.

There are elaborated near to life feeling and there are positive characters in the most sexual majority husband stories. The consequence stories show sad stories, the revenge stories positive feeling to win the positive character and in many stories the ex husband finds better second-third women. In the Reconciliation story the readers can appreciate the wife deserves or does not deserve the reconciliation.......

In the most (99,9%) cuckolding stories happy cuckold husbands enjoys the 100 times read humuliation types which is boring and repeating to the sexual majority and without reading (except for the humorouse pro and anti comments) they give 1*.

BTW the extramarital fun for a sexual majority husband to change the cheating wife to a better woman and good revenge against the cheating wife and her lover(s). The divorced chaeting wives are good at decreasing the price of the prostitutes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Cute revenge story, with an interesting plot idea. I'm just glad . . .

so few women are this evil. Fucking around due to boredom reflects a really shallow selfish unethical character. How could such a bad person hide her true nature? I would think the character flaws that allowed her to play the slut would be evident in her day to day behavior. Maybe just me, but I have always found that such morally corrupt people seem to broadcast a really negative vibe. They just come across as really distasteful unpleasant people who's company you do not enjoy. Glad he got rid of her, and hope his life with Christine is happy ever after. And don't worry about the ex wife. She will be remarried and happily cheating again within a year or two, if it takes that long.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
As I have said many times,

I do love a happy ending. No matter what form it takes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Just reading some responses

I noticed always the same story from one reader. That's funny but the Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. What has happened will happen again. The thing is how many people will learn and how many will repeat the same mistakes, not did this author write a completely different sort of story. The whole reason authors get followings is BECAUSE people like the KIND of story they write. Or is that too obvious???

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
Well Done!

“Andy and I had a great life, and a nice sex life, but it was always the same. Nothing ever special or different--so predictable, you know?”

And just what did SHE do to make their sex life more special, different or unpredictable? Or is that only the husband’s responsibility? And how would she react if she found out that HE had cheated because he was “bored”?

I definitely disagree with carvohi's comments in cpete's "Burn" that the payback here was "totally unnecessary", I found the payback just right, especially where he hadn't actually had a "revenge fuck" yet, just let Susan THINK he had.

imhaplessimhaplessalmost 9 years ago
Very entertaining

and isn't that what it's all about? 5*

ErotFanErotFanalmost 9 years ago
This one was a little...

predictable. You set all the scenes well but they didn't intrigue.

It had me skimming ahead to see what might be new.

But they can't all be Pulitzers, can they.

Still a good piece of writing.

kdcee79kdcee79almost 9 years ago
Well done

Surely, the main reason people read any type of stories, is the pleasure & the enjoyment gained from them. Here, my man, you certainly succeeded with this tale, at least, for me. Well written as usual & enjoyable as hell, certainly very realistic.

I had an fellow worker some years ago, who apparently had a very similar situation happen to him about 8 years into his marriage, main difference being they had 2 young children. He confronted his wife & got most of the details from her. Unfortunately for them both, he beat her up & at least 2 of her lovers before the cops arrested him. He then spent quite some time inside a medium security prison. Poor guy, never saw him again but I believe he's now a lay preacher & remarried.

Keep up the high standard so the newer writers have a target to strive for. 5*****

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thought

If HER “discreet” fucking around can rev up their sex life, then why doesn’t she suggest that HE discreetly take some lovers, too?!

RoboboyRoboboyover 8 years ago
Lie, lay ...

Finally, a author who can conjugate the verb "to lie"! Given the frequency with which authors have to describe reclining (this is, after all, a sex site), it's nice to find someone who can do so grammatically. This was a well-told story. Although I'm not into jealousy or anger, I read every word and enjoyed it!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Fucking hypocritical skank cheating slut whore wife. And the worst kind. The revenge angle was perfect. "How dare he be with someone else?" was probably in her thoughts as she left his apartment. It would be nice to have another chapter about Susan and how the game is working for her now. Lowlife twat.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

is the know its coming wake up call...TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Good story. 5 stars. But I guess you know how I would have ended it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Total Bullsh*t!!!

A guy who is so boring in bed that his wife has to cheat on him with 20 or more guys doesn't end up with a young, gorgeous, intelligent "perfect" woman!! He ends up masturbating for the remainder of his natural life (even after he goes blind), never getting a date and too cheap to even get a hooker. Typical infantile fantasy of every bald, fat, married male out there!! LOL!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“I can't believe you don't know about this." – Oh, you believe he knows about his wife fucking other guys and that he’s OK with it?!

And I’m sorry, I don’t care HOW much it’s a part of “The Game”. If Andy is really so “OK” with it, why the big need to keep it secret? I know that I, for one, wouldn’t even THINK of fucking another man’s wife, CERTAINLY not a friend’s, without him telling me to my face that he was cool with it. I don’t think I could even do it then (unless she was REALLY hot, LOL!)

“I hope we can make love soon--I really miss you!" – I guess he’s not THAT boring!

“Is there anything you might have done that would make me angry at you?" Is there anything you might have done that would make me angry at you?" - She HAS to know that he knows!

@Anonymous 01/03/16 – You’re assuming that he’s REALLY all that boring! SURE, their sex life, like MOST long-term relationships, got routine, but the burden is on BOTH of them to spice things up, and since SHE’S apparently the one who felt the “boredom” first, SHE should have either brought it up, or actually DONE something to spice up THEIR relationship, not just HERS!

“I don't know. I guess maybe twenty." – My God! She doesn’t even know how many me she’s FUCKED?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago
Reading Once Again!

“it just felt too damn weird to me, and I had to double-check with you, to make sure it was really okay." – And it didn’t occur to you to double-check BEFORE you fucked his wife? I mean, it's good that you're at least telling him NOW, but why not before the first time?

“knowing she'd be going home to repeat it all to you." – Except that he was out of town!

"And then she said she was looking forward to resuming the Game with me” – So, she worried about Andy, but is STILL planning on continuing the Game?!

“she thought I'd never find out” – So, if he never finds out, it’s okay?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

"I need to make absolutely certain that this is really true." - WTF?! Why wouldn't it really be true? Why in the world would Greg lie about something like that? MAYBE if he was someone you didn't know, or didn't like you, he might say it just to mess with your head, but Greg is a friend, surely he wouldn't tell you something like that if it wasn't true!

Hey, her fucking other guys really "revs up" their sex life, then she should have HIM fuck other women! THAT will SUPERCHARGE it! LOL,I was just looking back at old comments and saw that I already said something similar!

"we spent nights at your house." - It's not specified, but I assume they used the marriage bed. That's pretty much the coup de grace!

"I thought, wow, this'll shake things up!" - Maybe it will shake things up for YOU, but if you find your sex life boring, isn't it possible that Andy does too, and HE would like to shake things up too! Here's an idea - just before Andy gets home, strip naked and kneel by the front door; when Andy opens the door, pull down his zipper and give him a deep throat blow job right there by the open front door! I'll bet THAT will shake things up!

"You mean everything to me!" - Apparently not EVERYTHING!

Hell, she should be happy now! No more boring, routine sex, no more need to play "games", she can fuck whoever she wants, whenever she wants, wherever she wants and however she wants!

"She started to shake her head back and forth, saying, "no, no" over and over." - What, she thinks she's the only one that can find other people to fuck?

I find it hard to believe that Christine somehow needed reassurance that she was sexually attractive!

@javmor79 Re: "All of her friends ganged upon her" - The only friends mentioned are Brian and Emily, hardly "all of her friends"!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Loved it

5plus stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Exec Asst needs a bonus

Ya, these stories are just fantasy but..... His new EA sure does deserve a match makers bonus.

So you stuck it to Susan, sort of - actually she got off way too easy. He should notify her employer that she is using her position to find, exploit, and use clients and employees for sex. At least letting them know of their potential liabilities being that of a female sexual predator. Burn her ass good. Also #5-commissioner's wife needs to be informed - then she can do what she needs/wants too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I have a problem here...

The story basically was good, but in the end, he's no better than her! Why???? Because, there is no mention that he divorces her before he starts his own relationship with Christine! He got his revenge, but in the end was as much as a cheater as his wife...just not as often....yet!!!

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