All Comments on 'The Surrogate Ch. 02'

by ohio

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OldHidekiOldHidekialmost 13 years ago
Again, this is very realistic, but sad.

The problem is, Michael will alway feel Trevor on his back. I'm not sure a revenge fuck is a good idea, but it is your story. Please get the next chapter published soon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
amount of psychobabble makes it tedious

Although well written, the endless droning slows the story to a snails pace.

cpetecpetealmost 13 years ago

Very Diffcult to make part 2 better then part 1-but you have.

Cannot wait "For the rest of the story" (nod to the late Paul Harvey)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I'm surprised Elisabezth hasn't pointed out that masturbating, sucking and fucking the "surrogate" while being married and his wife not knowing about it is "cheating" as well. Oh sorry, it's not cheating, it's just therapy.

size14shoesize14shoealmost 13 years ago
Michael cheating

I haven't seen a lot of comments that have Michael running to get his dick sucked or laid when he can't perform with his next wife.

zed0zed0almost 13 years ago
Getting Better!

Only took the dumb cuck ten months to dump the cheating 'Ho. Glad you went and got your testosterone replacement shot, now that you're actually growing a pair (again) I'm actually getting optimistic about the next chapter, you might make it to five stars yet.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago

"I haven't seen a lot of comments that have Michael running to get his dick sucked or laid when he can't perform with his next wife."

I haven't read anywhere that Michael has married his next wife already? Where didja read that?

And not being able to perform is ED, erectile dysfuction. He's suffering from PE, premature ejaculation. You DO realize the difference in that?

I guess that people aren't yet talking about Joanna's reaction to Michael doing it with Marina, because Joanna doesn't know it yet? Can't talk about what hasn't happened yet.

To cut off any nasty comments, yes I do think it's cheating. But the degree of cheating is entirely different. Joanna did it selfishly, just for herself. Michael? To regain his selfconfidence, his selfrespect, and just as importantly, to be able to please his future partner. AND in his eyes, the marriage was practically dead already, after Joanna's cheating.

Looking forward to the next chapter, Ohio.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You have to have balls to write a story about PE. most men doesnt last long, but they think that 10-15 strokes before cumming is normal and extra 10 to be 'extended play'.

going to a therapist is a no-no to most. they would take a pill gladly to keep it erect and keep it going and think that it would be okay to their partners. w/c would be true. but not the same as those who really have control.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
to all the folks slamming on Micheal

he didn't fuck around first, she did.

he took steps to repair the damage she did to him, and if that involved working with a surrogate, then so be it.

if those same steps help him perform better sexually too, so much the better.

she abandoned him for another man in the sex department, and if his behaviour bothers you, then you can go fuck yourselves.

she did what she did, and if she suffers for destroying him, too fucking bad for her.

IF they do get back together, she'll know not to ever do that again.

if they don't, he can still chase Marina, who I think is a far better woman than she is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
so why not fuck her

go ahead n divorce but meet at one house or the other n fuck at least 3 or 4 times a sure he doesnt want her fucking others again...but maybe she will allow him to since she is the one that fucked up...maybe she could look at that as show him that shes still there for him n she made a mistake...n plus him with his improved skills ...shed now be jealous as she never gave him a blow job...if shes still virgin anally why not give him her last virgin spot n let him fuck her ass since he will now never be the first for her bj...maybe she could get her two friends to give him one also...since they helped her fuck up her marriage maybe thay need to give him bj n fuck him to help her win him back...nothing like giving hubby what he thinks you took away to make him want more...doesnt mean they need to be married to be together

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
I gave you an undeserved 5

Because I really like the story. Once she broke the vows of fidelity, he was a free bird...but he should feel a bit bad to do that with Marina Slutris

You know, Cato the Elder always ended his speeches to the Roman Senate with the term: Carthage must be destroyed.

I wish to end it with: Learn Capitalization. (Yes, I know these things are already submitted. Send the new stories my way if you want me to shut up after another editor works on it for the other stuff. It would be my pleasure)

bruce22bruce22almost 13 years ago
Interesting Take

Therapy vs. cheating... If wifey had participated it would not be cheating, but if the current show was filmed and if they lived in a state were judges are still free to make a decision then she might literally blackmail him to drop the divorce, but that would still leave him angry....

Still, the becoming fuck buddies looks like a good solution to me. But then there is always Marina and has been Marina for the last 9 months!

Excellent writing. A very delicate topic that needs to be explored. I thank you Ohio!

By the way the comments prove that your story evokes comments. I can't wait to see what Harry has to say...

That last one sounded almost positive until he got wound up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Let me see if I have this right.

She has sex with another man and it's cheating. He has sex with another woman and it's therapy. He forces her to attend counselling and pushes her to make a full confession; but he won't tell her about Marina because she doesn't have the right to know?

This fucktard needs to take his head outta his ass. There's a reason she cheated and it wasn't just sex, it's because fucktard makes it All About Him! Trevor made it about her and that's why she fell. This marriage is doomed. Time for her to take him to the cleaners and leave him enough money for a cardboard box under some bridge.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
I am going to disagree with his therapist

I can see all kinds of downsides for him. If he suddenly has Trevor in the room again mentally, he might shut down sexually. This would be a major blow to his ego sexually...but just with Johanna (which isn't terrible)

But he might think he was ONLY good in a controled environment ala Mariana or ONLY with Mariana...which would be problematic.

However, this could also lead to an interesting reconciliation...

Frankly, I hope it goes with a straight revenge element. Have him rock her world twice and then divorce. Let her feel inadequate for a while. "Yeah, I fixed myself but you did it to yourself"

I can also see him regreting doing such a thing to her. Life isn't so clear cut.

Suffice to say there are a lot of ways this sex could be a blow to his ego and he's still sort of delicate. Not worth it. Better to find Johanna version 2.1, rock her with orgasms and send her to have lunch with the ex. Let HER live with the images of getting a good fucking from her husband in HER mind. Much safer.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
Something he doesn't realize

If it hadn't been for the impetus of her infidelity, he would never have fixed his problem. His shame of being cheated on was necessary to overcome the humilitation of being treated.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
only a TURD like size14shoe could blame Michalel and not even mention the wife

really... size14shoe ..Phil you are shatteringly stupid ignorant fraud. No one could be as educated as you claim to be and yet place the entire fault of cheating On Michael.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
WHY have sex with the wife again? RAAC at all costs Train now arrvimng

The only reason for Michael to have sex with Joanna at this point in the story is so that the author can FORCE a reconciliation. Otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever .

PERHAPS If Michael and Joanne had NOT already had reconnecting sex... THEN the idea of Michael having sex with his wife MIGHT... MIGHT make sense. But as the story clearly shows they did that and it was a disaster for them and their marriage and their sexual relations.

So WHY risk it? It makes no sense. Even the wife's therapist sees what the problem is. from the Middle of page 1 :

"Oh my God, he must think I went out and found myself a better lover because he wasn't good enough!"

Agnes waited a minute for Joanna's crying to subside. Then she said, quietly, "well, would he be wrong in thinking that? Isn't that exactly what you did?"

The only reason for Michael to have sex with his wife again is that this way the wife can see how much more "improved" he is.

At which point she is going to ask him whats going on ?...

Then of course at some point Michael will have to say SOMETHING -- that he has been seeing a sexual therapist and Surrogate.

Which will then give the wife a chance to make the accusation that he has been cheating just as much as she was...

Which will make them even... which will make it easy to reconcile.

all too predictable.

In the and the argument will be made by the author that the husband's bad sexual performance which was an integral part of why the wife cheated... can be fixed by him by simply performing better in the bedroom and therefore the entire marriage crisis is over.

The premise and conclusion are absolutely absurd but knowing this author's style... like a bad train wreck we can see this reconciliation all cost coming.

Reconciliation train and now arriving at Track 9. Making stops at ignorance... faulty premise land ... and loserville.

bigguy323bigguy323almost 13 years ago
The INSTANT Trevers cock pushed into the cheating sluts cunt the marriage was irretrievably broken.

You can't "unfuck" someone. Once fucked, you are well and truly fucked.

Kinda like Humpty Dumpty.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 13 years ago
Lucky for him that his rich Aunt died...

His inheritance paved the way for his divorce which along with his newfound confidence will make for a happier boy. Yes, I could see him fucking his ex again but I would always wear a condom.

teh568teh568almost 13 years ago
Elizabeth Is Right

At the end Elizabeth thinks that him wanting to have sex with his soon to be ex. is about revenge is correct. The only purpose it would serve is to raise her hopes for a short time just to shatter her whole world. One possible bad side affect of doing this is what would her responce be? It may be enough to push her over the edge, possibly all the way to suicide. Now, how would HE feel about himself if this happened? What of the children? There is one thing that many people forget about in life, whether it is one of the responses of those 'destroy her (or him)' commenters or even a cheater. That one thing is, every action will have a reaction that is just as strong and possibly more damaging then the original action. I await your third chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Feeling sorry for the wife!

Authors usually do a poor job of developing sympathy for the wife in these stories but Ohio has done it . I would like to see reconciliation. Like many of these stories the lack of good communication is a major contributor. If the wife had voiced her concerns and frustrations and both had sought help the big problem could have been avoided. So Ohio, let the wife get some good sexual therapy and get them back together.

That's my preferred ending

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago

Dangit Harry, just when I was going to comment, you make the "prediction" first.

Yeah, I can imagine it happening.

When Joanna's gonna find out about Marina, she'll accuse Michael of cheating, he's just as bad as her, Michael will apologize profusely, work hard at getting back together with her, and Joanna will think that her cheating with Trev has only made their marriage stronger, and with a longerlasting lover to boot!

I think it'll end up like this.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAalmost 13 years ago
Why can't divorce be the happiest ending?

Harry is probably right. Sex with the soon to be ex is a bad idea unless reconciliation is the end game. At this point getting back together with her should be out of the question. Michael needs to move on. He doesn't need to carry the burden around for the rest of his life of knowing that his wife believes that she could always do better than him in bed.

She wants to stay married to Michael now because she feels guilty. Although she doesn't really love Michael enough to have been married to him in the first place, she probably does feel bad that what she did she has destroyed him.

She committed adultry because she wanted something she wasn't getting at home; her bell rung. She has already told Michael that she will put up with his inadequacies in the sex department if he decides not to divorce her. How nice is that? In so many words she tells him that she is willing to just make do. But she never tells him that she is sorry that she never really tried to make things better with him in bed before she decided to look elsewhere. It doesn't seem that she loved him enough to consider doing that.

Does she really think that she could remain happily married to Michael when she knows that there are guys like Trevor available? She is always going to want more than Michael or at least different than Michael even if she never acts on it. If she and Michael are divorced she can always try to hook back up with Trevor or find some other guy that she can hope is better in bed than Michael was.

I don't know if Marina is the answer for Michael. Afterall, she is in the sex business no matter how "therapeutic" and legitimate the job is. As Michael rebuilds himself, maybe he should play the field a little bit. After all, doesn't he deserve some time to explore his options after being with that cold fish of a future ex-wife for nine or ten years?

Divorce gives both of them the best chance for happiness. She gets to chase after some long lasting "dicks" which is what she really wants once she admits it to herself. He gets the chance to find some one who really loves him the second time around. In any event, in his own mind, he won't have to worry about Joanna and Trevor laughing at him any longer. Note: they may have never laughed at him but as Ohio has drawn the story up in order to capture the pain that Michael is dealing with, ending the marriage would have to ease some of Michael's anger and hurt. Now he won't have to care what Joanna feels about him.

Thanks again Ohio. The story is thought provoking. And you have variety in your scenarios. Sometimes you reconcile them and sometimes you divorce them. It's nice to have a mix.

bdoggriffenbdoggriffenalmost 13 years ago
you should write often

This is really a fabulous story. The characters feel so much more real than 99 percent of what is here. The pain that both partners feel. The intelligence of their thoughts as they try to find a way out this hell where Joanna's tossed them.. I do agree that a therapist would probably not go along with his sleeping with his soon to be exwife on the grounds that it would just be a horrible idea for her and not him. But you've earned that little excursion from reality with your fine writing up to then. I don't care how you finish this. Though my own guess is he's ending up with Marina, hence the title. But please do! I'm going to have to read all of your other stories now. Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I am afraid to say.......

I agree with Harry and that happens very rarely.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This is erotic, how?

mike2710mike2710almost 13 years ago
welcom back Ohio

Missed reading your stories. Welcome back.

It is almost as much fun reading the comments as reading your stories. You do incite the crowd lol.

Looking forward to the conclusion. Mike from Texas

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

I do not undarstand the people. Michael thinks for his children prior of everything. The author writes exactly his motiv. The cheating, his wife and another things are second. He does not want to meet his children on second weekends. He knows the court did not give the custody to him, because he could not prove his wife is a slut. He thinks he have to married until his youngest child becomes 18 years old. He tries a therapy, because he knows if he and Joanna remain togheter for 13 years, they should start the sex again. However this marriage is continous danger, because Michael does not sure thorougly he could live togheter with his wife the 13 years .

BTW I am sorry for the sharp Centrel European humour!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
This is something!!!!!!!!

Every author and reader on Literotica would like to say to HARRY BUY A DAMN BOOK!!!!!!!!! then you will have something to complain about . Until then SHUT THE FUCK UP! I repeat SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RUDE SOB.

Just_Simply_MeJust_Simply_Mealmost 13 years ago
Another Excellent Chapter, Ohio! I'm Very Curious As To Where You Take This!

Though I see Harry's point, several problems exist which compound his ideas. First there are kids involved and each of the parents wants the best for them. The kids are young at an age when each parent is important in their lives and the kids are nearing puberty and will not understand nor readily accept the split that is very close at hand. It will be a very emotional time for them and being so close they could wander back and forth at will at any time of the day which may complicate both parents' lives. In addition, with the father having a house only a few doors away from the marital home the kids can move easily between each household but may have difficulty grasping that each parent has their own separate life. It will take time for them to work this out but it is likely fraught with all kinds of complications. It also allows each parent to see the other spending time with new partners and while at the same time the kids may carry stories back and forth between the homes about these new partners. Complications can become compounded should either partner find someone who they are comfortable with and form a more secure live-in-relationship which the kids may not find to their liking. Because of the close proximity of the 2 homes both parents may find that trying to find a relationship that is meaningful to them is a much greater and more difficult challenge even after the split. It may eventually allow the parents to review, to reconsider, to reconnect, and to realize that the problems in their original marriage were equally shared because of their guarded backgrounds. Each of them may recognize their errors and the responsibility in the marriage for its breakdown and slowly rebuild a new life together putting the past behind them. Whether this occurs or not remains to be seen. Kids have a major influence on split parents and if each parent is truly thinking of what's best for the kids, they may look more closely at how the split is affecting them. As they say time is a good healer.

This is Ohio's story and as such I am not concerned as to where he decides to take it. It is fiction and as such I have enjoyed it immensely thus far and look forward to reading his next installment. Hopefully it appears quite soon!

Ohio, Thanks for sharing this piece with us here. Your time and effort have been well worth it and are very much appreciated. Take Care!

grogers7grogers7almost 13 years ago
Chapter 3 ?

No word from ohio, but I am Looking forward to his cintinuatuon of this excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
The Delusional size 14 shoe/Phil idiot strikes again: so pathetic!

The only idiot in the whole world who thinks sluts like this one are still saints & it's all the males fault. Ditto Harry- hard to believe Phil can be that flagrantly stupid.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 13 years ago
What we have here is a great set-up.

Ohio is a master story teller. Look at the subject of this story. A man has an unusually quick trigger. It worries him a little, but he spends years getting his rocks off while only satisfying his wife now and then...with his tongue. It never occurs to the guy to seek help until the (almost) inevitable happens. The wife strays because she hasn't ever in her life been properly laid. Is that a good enough reason to stray? No, but it sure as hell is a reason. Only when he learns that she is getting her bells rung by a man able to provide stamina to the relationship does he decide to seek help.

Ohio has provided us with a scenario where both spouses are somewhat selfish and self centered. Is that unlike real life? Not at all. While the therapy is unorthodox and quite unlikely, it sure sounds like fun. So now we have a man regaining confidence, for totally selfish reasons, about to cast off a wife that strayed for rather selfish reasons. Does it get much better? Of course this couple belongs together, but will they get past all the hurdles they have created? We'll find out soon enough, but how ever it goes, it sure is great to have a writer of this caliber posting for our reading pleasure.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago
To Just Simply Me

While I do understand where you're coming from, and agree with it to a point, the other side of the coin is missing. It is not that simple.

You present the difficulties for the children, of having their parents live in separate homes and having separate lives.

What would the difficulties be for the children in a home where their parents do not love eachother? In the story, Michael and Joanna barely spoke to eachother. Michael, because he feared his anger would get the better of him in front of the children. Joanna, because she wanted to make up to him, but did not know how, and was walking on eggshells the entire time.

Even if the parents could be civil to eachother (which in the story they were BARELY), the kids would sooner or later realize that their father simply didn't love their mother like that anymore. Young as they are, living in an unhappy home would affect them profoundly, and they'd think that such an unhappy marriage is the norm.

Michael stayed with Joanna "for the kids", and look what it got them. "Armed truce", I think Michael said.

Living in a home with two unhappy parents, or living with divorced parents who are happy (but which has its own set of troubles, which you mentioned)?

Which would be lesser of two evils?

And, really? Equally shared problems in their original marriage? It was equally Michael's fault that Joanna cheated on him? Just blame it for 50% on him?

There's one assumption you make that has proven false in the story. For Joanna and Michael to rebuild their life together, they have to put the past behind them. Which is something Michael could not do, not in the way of staying together. For him, putting the past behind him meant putting Joanna behind him as well. Forgiveness does not automatically mean staying together.

DeckviewDeckviewalmost 13 years ago
Another excellent chapter by a master of storytelling!

The tension has been built to perfection... certainly as evidenced by the wide ranging and emotional comments.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
This is why....

This category draws the best writers and the most interesting commentators. Ohio, HardDaysKnight, Renquist, and DanielQSteele produce some of the best written and most entertaining stories on the web. I may be missing some other nuggets out there, but Loving Wives is the first thing I read when I sit in front of my computer. A great story, like this one, always produces even more thoughtful comments and I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts (yes, even Harry's:>)almost as much as I do the story itself. The best stories with tension revolving around the issues of revenge or reconciliation seem to provoke the most comments. Perhaps it is due to the ability of the writer to involve us as readers in the characters. Thank you Ohio, once again, for sharing your talent.

RHinSCRHinSCalmost 13 years ago

He should not sleep with her. He has not gotten his head on straight yet. The pussy in question has shit on him several times. Another pussy is just around the corner, make that every corner. I made a comment about pills on the previous chapter. It was in humor. The truth is that most of the population could not forget. That inability to forget is what drives people to substance abuse. I would bet that many of the people who have tried to reconcile have turned into walking zombies trying to forget on a daily basis. The only way around it is for the spouse to completely forgive. If that does not happen they will live in constant hell. How many people do you know who could forgive like that? Not many is my guess, no matter what they say.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
A question!!!!!!

Would they be divorce if Michael did not inherit that money???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW the second 5 stars!

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 13 years ago
Light dawns over Marblehead

"Oh my God, he must think I went out and found myself a better lover because he wasn't good enough!"

Well DUH? She had to spend all this time with her therapist before she puts this together? Even then she phrases it like it isn't the truth. But as her therapist quickly points out, it IS the truth. How clueless can Joanna be? Until she gets her head out of her ass she has no hope of working things out with Michael. She emotionally cut off his balls. Doesn't she GET that? She then describes her relationship with him as "more important than sex". Oh great, she plans that she will be sexually unsatisfied for the rest of her life but she's willing to make that sacrifice. How magnanimous and at the same time how emasculating. <br><br>

And now the arrival of the magic game changer. Joanna wants to have sex with him. This is new? She has wanted to have sex with him all along. She DID one time and it was pretty good until she opened her mouth and praised him like a little boy. The therapist sees no threat to him? Really? How about the fact that every time he opens himself up to Joanna she emasculates and angers him, either deliberately or because she is a selfish, clueless dope? "Yes ma'am, thank you for the slap. May I please have another?" Ah, I get it. His therapist is drumming up more business. After he has sex with Joanna he'll need another 6 months of therapy to get his head back on straight. Very clever. <br><br>

I am enjoying the story. Like others, I feel sorry for the clueless Joanna. I would like to see reconciliation because I think they do love each other. But this wasn't a thoughtless drunken fuck. She has little respect for her husband. She needs to grow up, FAST. Unfortunately I expect they will just get back together without a satisfactory resolution of their (actually HER) problems. He has become a stud and Joanna will need his good loving. Poof, all will be fuckin' right with the world. <br><br>

BTW, while unusual, his therapy IS therapy. If his wife had been a real loving wife she could have been part of it. She forfeited that right and even the right to know about it.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

Kind Anon the Scifi/fantasy and Romance are also excellent:

look at 800IBgorilla, sirreadsalot10, DGHear.

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmalmost 13 years ago
hONESTY ... HOWEVER harsh is yet a better if not always best policy/pathway

Poor Michael has had stunted growth throughout his formative adolescence and early marriage years, he probably married some one (jo) who had less exposure. They have survived mostly on honesty, love and trust - and a willingness to expose their ignorance. Not sure (and that is a good thing) where Ohio is located or moving (I live in Penna and love geography (smile)). However the biggest failure may reside with the professionalism or lack of - residing within Elizabeth and Agnes (Marina as a possible future therapist holds some responsibility, but the subjective contact blurs her objectivity to Michael's middlemind). They coddle when he has already informed them of his blinkered and myopic upbringing. Agnes should certainly advised Joanna to have Michael seek counseling (upon discovery) to broaden -- Elizabeth's failure whether it be dishonesty or lack of academic options or uncaring for the whole Michael; is the most wrong (especially in chapter 2).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
well ohio

I guess you should slowly make up with a scientific trial. your also one of those writers who make women sex-addicts as soon as the get good fucking. where the womens IQ shrings to the size of a pea, so they forget everything including kids, family, friends...........decency and respect......

so please show us some links to prove it. if it's true that every woman under certain circumstances is dumber than a nail, it would be nice to know not only for me but I guess 50 % of the people living on earth would like to know if women just stopped developing in stone age. And the judges would have it a lot easier too.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 13 years ago
Perhaps after they finalize their divorce, he could get over her cheating on him

Revenge only goes so far, and it sure as hell doesn't warm his bed at night.

Once he has his revenge, and she has eaten enough crow, he may find a way to let her back in his life.

After all, she is a sexy woman and could be taught to fuck he way he wants it.

Anyway, it's a good read. Thanks

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
HDK as usual you and others are Missing the BIG point

HDK... you write correctly that this was NOT a GOod enough to stray but it Importnant aspect to WHY he strayed.


you missed it. The wife did NOT "just" stray.

ONE ... she INTENTIONALLY went and had an LONG term affair.

TWO... she did so NOT because her husband worked too long... or didnt love her... or was ignoring her. She did so Becusue she did NOT want to talk to his sexual problem.

After the 1 night drunken stand when the wife realized what she was missing the WIFE should of approached her hsuband and talked to him about the issue.

For example the wife could of told a bullshit story about seeing this issue on LIFETIME TV or on OPRAH etc.

Instead she made DECISION that her sexual needs were mooe important than THEIR MARRIAGE SEXUAL NEEDS.

THAT is WHY it is over.

Joanne does NOT see this. She thinks that if they fuck and he does a GOOD job in bed everything will be fixed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Okay say the situations were reversed. Joanna was not good in bed and Micahel was the one who gave in to temptation. 90% of the comments would be cheering him on.

Michael was a five second man and Joanna had a drunken mistake that exposed her to a new way to have sex, sex she couldn't have with her husband because he couldn't last. She felt HORRIBLE about what she did.

Michael getting intimate with the surrogate is the equivalent of a revenge fuck. Sure she is suppsoed to "help" him but all the compliments and closeness SHOULD have made Michael realize just how easy it was for Joanna to engage in behavior outside her comfort zone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

The last commentator is correct. But, the wife should have told the husband what the problem was and together they could have sorted it out. Instead the wife cheated on her husband not once but twice and planned to continue cheating on her husband. Does that sound like someone with remorse or guilt? Or someone that felt 'Bad' about what she was doing? No it doesn't. The marriage is dead time to move on and cut thier loses.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 13 years ago
If the marriage fails,

it will be because neither spouse cared enough to seek to cure whatever problems existed in their relationship. Sure, the wife cheated. Toss her out. The husband failed to make every possible effort to be the man and husband she needed and deserved. He sought help after the fact. He knew he was an under-performer and expected his wife to constantly brag up his sub-par performances and live with bad sex. He was pathetic, not because he was a fast shooter, but because he failed to address the issue and resolve it as well as he possibly could. This story is just great in that it shows how each partner's selfish approach to sex led to the (possible) destruction of the marriage. Ohio has done a wonderful job of presenting this marital conundrum. He is still the man!

daveftworthdaveftworthalmost 13 years ago
Nice Story

She did cheat, but it's interesting that you had him not thinking that his "therapy" was cheating himself. They had a problem and both missed out. She by cheating and him deciding to do something about his problem after he finds out that she had the first vaginal orgasm in her life. Let's see how you end it.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 13 years ago
I need to put in my two cents, too . . .

I agree with some, disagree with others, regarding the conflicts raised in this story. Many state that Michael just couldn't get the job done because of his premature ejaculation (PE). Some imply that Joanna was correct in looking elsewhere, and it was in fact inevitable that she would stray.

I think some readers are forgetting that Michael tried his best to satisfy her, even though he suffered from PE. But Joanna rejected his attempts. She got angry when he brought home a vibrator (and then she secretly used it, eventually fantasizing about Trevor). She refused to permit him to give her an orgasm with oral sex unless she was drunk, and she refused to perform oral sex on Michael.

In a nutshell (no pun intended), Joanna was the stereotypical woman who was very rigid, and nearly frigid, and instead of trying to work with Michael to solve his sexual dysfunction, not to mention her own, she shut down all discussion on the subject with the usual BS: "It's OK, I still enjoy the closeness and love you no matter what . . . ," or something to that effect, and she implied she had no interest in changing anything.

Then, hypocrite that she is, she makes a change for herself, not for them together as a couple, by cheating on their marriage in order to experience the mystical "vaginal orgasm" achieved with prolonged intercourse. And the manner of her cheating was not a simple slip, it was with malice aforethought, as the saying goes. In order for Michael to forgive her betrayal, he must regain an equal footing rather than being stuck in the role of the humiliated husband.

The only realistic way, as the story sets up, would be for Michael to cheat in an equivalent manner. Even Joanna stated in Ch. 01 that she could understand if he were to do so. So it is only natural (reconciliation or not) that Michael have his surrogate experience. There is really no guilt (for him) because surrogates are recognized as a legitimate means of sex therapy in highly select cases (usually with single males, however, and I'm not sure this case would be considered ethical in a real-life scenario).

The reality is that Michael can't help but feel affection for his surrogate, affection that competes with what he might feel for Joanna. Of course, if the marriage is dead, then it matters little with whom he shares his affection. My gut feeling is to agree with those who feel sex with Joanna, now that they are divorcing, is a mistake for reasons others have stated.

Maybe some day, if neither is attached, if the anger dies down, and other conditions are met, they might be friends with benefits. But no matter how amicable a divorce, injecting sex into the middle of it is a mistake and it is morally wrong. I guess Michael really is doing it for revenge. Too bad Trevor got off scott free.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Too the last to posters

You stated that she had sex with Trev a time or two. Please try like six or eight times. The resort, then in his office and then her statement; ""I saw him maybe six more times before Michael found out" So can you forgive her for that many times?

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
I disagree with HDK and Agree with Harry

It was clearly stated in the story that the guy tried to go oral on his wife...and got shot down. He tried to bring in toys to satisfy his wife

He got shot down.

After she 'found what she was missing' just from talking about Dell and she decided that maybe vibrators weren't so bad, did she suggest reinvestigating the issue? No. Did she encourage him to seek help? No.

She got pissed, fucked around, and then fucked around again. She didn't even go the (laughable) route of asking about an open marriage.

To anonymous: She didn't drop her I.Q. points. She felt terrible about her affair and clearly stated she was thinking hard about ending it (I'll have to give her the benefit of the doubt) except she got caught. One can be a rocket scientist and still eat fatty foods and not exercise. Self control isn't intelligence.

Ohio, even thought I say 'Learn Capitalization' all the time, I want you to know that I've read pretty much all your stories and frequently twice. Thank you for continuing to write.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 13 years ago
I was surpised

Unless I missed it, Joanna's therapist did not urge Jo to get Michael to come to any sessions. Also, they are both going to sessions many times per week, which is costly even with insurance. Most therapists practically insist on spousal involvement. All that aside, Jo's therapist never brought up how hard Michael tried to address the situation and badly she handled it. Finally, as usual, 'the kids' are barely mentioned except as pawns in Micheal's "look at me, ain't I noble" act. With those gripes, however, good story, interesting characters.

size14shoesize14shoealmost 13 years ago
Michael: 10 stroke stud

Michael tells Elizabeth:

We only did it a couple more times before she broke up with me." He grimaced a little, saying, "she decided the school's star basketball player was more interesting."

"Anyway, it was the same each time--some foreplay, then maybe 8 or 10 strokes inside her, and I couldn't hold back.

"Then there was a girl at OSU. She was a lot more experienced, and when we started having sex my--my uh, control problem really annoyed her. After about five times of having sex, she simply told me I wasn't any good and she dumped me. She made it clear that I wasn't, uh, pleasing her in bed--and she wasn't very nice about it."


and we castigate Joanna for not telling Michael she wasn't satisfied. Michael KNEW he wasn't satisfying Joanna, that he was a failure in bed. But he is faulting the woman for not putting up with his 8 or 10 stroke fucking because "she decided the school's star basketball player was more interesting." Now he's blaming Joanna for continuing to fuck Trevor after she found out what sex was all about. Was she wrong to have an affair with Trevor? Yes, and Michael set himself up for it. Too proud or self-centered to do something about an obvious problem was all on Michael. Joanna didn't know any better until she heard the girls talking but Michael knew the whole 12 or 13 years they were married.


Yeah, he'd probably be better off with the professional whore, his surrogate, and Joanna could find another man who gave a shit about the woman's happiness.

ilcalvoilcalvoalmost 13 years ago

I read the first chapter and was shocked when it just . . . ended. I like the story very much and am quite relived that it continues. Can't wait for Chapter 3!

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylovealmost 13 years ago
Tend to agree with HDK, but also think the marriage can't be fixed

My reasoning is simple, and follows HV's logic, just changing a couple of words:

"The HUSBAND did NOT "just" stray.

ONE ... HE INTENTIONALLY went and had an LONG term affair.

TWO... HE did so Becusue he did NOT want to talk to his sexual problem (with his wife--HDK's point).

HE made DECISION that his sexual needs were mooe important than THEIR MARRIAGE SEXUAL NEEDS.

THAT is WHY it is over.

HE does NOT see this."

I agree with Harry that the marriage should be over. He had his own affair, hid it from her, and continued to hold hers over her head, when he is no different, morally, than she is. His affair went on much longer, and it was also about the same thing--sex, not intimacy. If he could pull his head out of his butt and see it, he would drop any pretence of being "the aggrieved party." After all, what are we to make of his clueless sanctimonious pronouncement that she had said wedding vows offering fidelity. OK. So, they are still married, he has his sex therapy. So what about his vows? To the claim that her actions release him, really? I disagree. Get the divorce, play around as much as you like. As for the fact he is "trapped" I think that is not a reason. If it were, he would have stopped once he found a way out, but he didn't--no instead, he has intercourse with the surrogate. Now he contemplates revenge. Last a long time, and his ex-wife to be will not know that he has been doing something that has completely changed his habitual sexual performance--right. Unlikely, to put it mildly. So, the truth will either come out, or she is likely to become an extremely bitter person, realizing that she has been used for the last 11 months... Nobody wants to be lied to, and he has done it to her for 11 months, whilst holding her to a standard of behaviour that he hasn't held to. And his therapist? Why hasn't she pointed out the obvious?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Therapy is seldom the first thing on anyone's mind when a problem comes up (or doesn't).

I avoided therapy for depression for far too long for two reasons: I didn't realize I was sick -- I just thought life sucked. Secondly, therapy was not something anyone I knew had ever gone through, that I'd heard of. Only when it got very severe did I look for help.

Michael "should" have gotten help for his problem. Joanna

had her own sex issues and knew about the fact from her friends and just the culture we live in, movies,tv and media in general are all very sexualized. She "should" have gotten

help also.

The fact that they didn't led to their crisis, and an excellent story.

xtremeddxtremeddalmost 13 years ago
Good chapter 2.

Waiting for the fat lady to sing....


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
HDK what story are YOU reading? it sure as hell isnt this one

HDK wrote "if the marriage fails it will be because neither spouse cared enough to seek to cure whatever problems existed in their relationship. Sure, the wife cheated. Toss her out. "

UM that is NOT what this is about. For YOU of all people thinking this is JUST an extramarital affair story... well I am stunned. I had no idea you wwere this obtuse. NO one is saying toss the wife out SIMPLY becuase she cheated.

How are missing this?

She had a chance to help FIX her loving husband's sexual problem and instead she said "fuck this marriage ...My pussy comes first"

Next you state :

"The husband failed to make every possible effort to be the man and husband she needed and deserved. He sought help after the fact. He knew he was an under-performer and expected his wife to constantly brag up his sub-par performances and live with bad sex. "

HDK... my friend WHERE does does he say the story that he demand his wife BRAG

( lie )about hiS sexual prowess?

HDK states:

He was pathetic, not because he was a fast shooter, but because he failed to address the issue and resolve it as well as he possibly could.

SUPPOSE my wife had been sexually abused as child and I did not know the full extend of what happened when we got married. Because of her childhood past she becomes incapable of enjoying sex and therefore can Never enjoy sex with me. Later when I found out... I am uspet on what I have been missing and how many years I have been wasting on a frigid women.

would I have the right to CHEAT?

according to YOU I do.

HDK being a sexual Novice does NOT mean that had knew what he was doing. And it does NOT prove evil intent which is clearly what you are arguing. And certainly does NOT make him Pathetic.

sojomansojomanalmost 13 years ago
Who is the real cheater here?

The portrayal of the two main protagonists is interesting. The gradual shift in perceiving the true nature of Michael and Joanna's characters is subtle yet very evident.

The wife strays, is caught, and demonstrates real remorse and a strong willingness to save her marriage. She clearly loves her husband, despite of what she did. Despite of what she did, she seems sincere, remorseful, and doing her best to keep hep family together. Her therapy is aimed at understanding the reasons for her poor judgement and behaviour, fixing it, and winning her husband back.

The husband's therapy is focused on fixing his ego rather than his marriage. He refuses his wife participating with the surrogate when his therapist suggests it. In fact the way the author portrays his relationship with the surrogate is closer to cheating than therapy, he is emotionally involved with her, yet does not feel the guilt or the remorse his wife is feeling. Most important, he is hiding it from his wife and doesn't want her to find out. He is shallow and totally self-centred. Even his therapist is questioning his motives for divorcing his wife and sees it as an act of revenge.

In fact, the husband lost the higher moral grounds. The roles have been subtly reversed. Would he accept his wife's relationship with Trevor as her version of therapy?

Would be interesting to see how the story will develop.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Michael did realise his problem and tried to improve HER part of THEIR sex life by trying to give her more oral but was refused most of the time, then bought the vibrator and, again, it was a definite NO. With her increasing curiousity from talking to her friends, the mood for cheating was set.

It was enhanced with her masturbating with the vibrator she forcefully refused before. Why not have include her husband in those sessions or let him do it for her as it was ment to be. In her mind the husband had already been replaced. However, besides the conditions for cheating being just right the first time, what made the difference is that Michael tried to GIVE her more satisfaction with the little he knew and the little experiece he had, Trevor being the predator and skilled seducer he was, just TOOK what he wanted and she was ready for it. Their furture, I'll leave that up to Ohio.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago
To HDK, onlythelonelylove and Sojoman

"The husband failed to make every possible effort to be the man and husband she needed and deserved."

HDK, I have to disagree with you here. Even with his limited knowledge and experience, I thought Michael tried to get Joanna off? Apparently, oral works for her, she can get off on that, but she refuses, unless she's drunk. So, Joanna knows she can have an orgasm with oral, but refuses it.

Next, Michael brings home a vibrator for her, at which point she calls him a pervert. (And later on secretly uses it.)

To my knowledge, that is trying to please the wife as best as you can, but getting shot down everytime.

In fact, it's Joanna who fails herself. The sex isn't good for her, but the things Michael tries, she shoots down. She refuses to change her sexlife with him for the better.

Onlythelonelylove, I do not see at all why you would gender reverse Harry's statements.

No, the husband did not just stray, he sought therapy for his PE.

I will not argue with you about #1. IMO he should've just told Joanna, and see what she makes of it.

#2. What is there to say? There's nothing to discuss, all there WAS to discuss had already been done so. He's a minuteman, she's dissatisfied with that, and cheated on him to find better sex. Joanna never told him to man up, to seek help for his PE. Even when he does his best to get her off, she has to be drunk for oral. Nevermind the vibrator. Joanna does not want their sexlife to improve, not with him.

#3. HIS sexual needs? Really? Tell me, what is the reason Michael wants to last longer? To get his sexual partner off! To be a better lover! Not for himself, for HER (whoever that her may be). If he were a selfish bastard, he wouldn't do that, he would just fuck her for a minute, shoot off, and roll over to sleep. He got his rocks off, didn't he?

Remember the circumstances!

Sojoman: "The husband's therapy is focused on fixing his ego rather than his marriage."

I thought it was focused on fixing his PE, not his marriage. I did not read anywhere that Elizabeth or Marina were marriage counselors. There's a big diference there.

The motives for divorcing his wife? Um, he does not want to live together with her anymore because she hurt him too much? Is that an act of revenge?

" Would he accept his wife's relationship with Trevor as her version of therapy?"

That is simply hilarious. Michael is in therapy for his PE, to become a better lover. Joanna went and had an affair with Trevor because the sex was good.

Totally the same, right?

There is one thing I am surprised at, reading the comments. Why do a lot of readers think Joanna's affair was a one-time fling?

They talk about straying, and making a mistake. She strayed for months, made the same "mistake" for months, it's a fullblown affair. To the point where she calls out Trevor's name when Michael tries to get her off. I wonder why people gloss over that?

As for Michael hiding his therapy from Joanna, like I said before, he shouldn't have done that. He should've just told her. By the time his therapy had started, their marriage was pretty much on life support.

When Joanna praised him like a little kid for lasting so long, the marriage was dead.

Whether he loves her or not, whether she loves him or not, is almost a moot point, IMO. It would never work out, the specter of Trevor would forever hang over them. Michael will forever think Joanna is comparing him to other men.

Joanna will forever think that she can get better sex than with Michael. (The praise she gave him at the end of chapter 1, anyone?)

It's better that they divorce and not be stuck in an unhappy marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I have to say that...

both harry and fd45 are male chauvinists. Men have cheated on their wives since the beginning of time, but they expect to be forgiven. But when a woman strays, she is tossed out. Well, why not give women chastity belts like in the middle age. That will satisfy you both. That way you both will not have to worry about your wives cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
excellent story

It's a brilliant effort from the writer. The story has a fantastic plot, interesting characters and a very good devlepmont. 100 out of 100.

I think HDK and sojoman have given their honest views. The most others have supported Michael because he was betrayed. But don't you think Michael himself is the bad guy here. He would have known about his PE problem for 14-15 years. Why didn't he do anything about his problem then? And all of you are seeing only Joanne's cheating because that is all you want to see. Before the affair Joanne was faithful to Michael about 10 years. Doesn't that count to anything? Why didn't she cheat on those years? Maybe the saying 'once a cheater always a cheater' is only applicable for the fairer sex.

We can say all we want to say, but it wouldn't matter. Because this is ohio's story. The final word will be his and his only.

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago

"But don't you think Michael himself is the bad guy here"

He's the bad guy because his wife cheated on him. Yes, he's the bad guy.

"He would have known about his PE problem for 14-15 years. Why didn't he do anything about his problem then?"

I thought (trying to) give oral and giving Joanna the vibrator was something? Or was that for his own pleasure?

"Before the affair Joanne was faithful to Michael about 10 years. Doesn't that count to anything?"

So 10 years of marriage is a get free card for cheating? If so, does that apply to Michael too?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
wife cheats/blame husband, husband cheats/blame husband

get your head out of your azz. A person makes a decision to cheat, intentionally or not, they have rejected and betrayed their marriage vows, their spouse, thier immediate family, and yes themselves and their own ethics. After years of lying to her husband about how it didnt matter, suddenly its his fault? Yeah she feels bad about it. Her meal ticket and possibly her kids are headed out the door and who knows she might have to go back to Trevor who only really uses her as a cum dump. You dont fuck married women to marry them, you fuck them because you have no financial obligations to them and they are to dumb to realize it.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago

If Michael cheated, he could be kicked to the curb as well. It is always an option for both spouses.

In this case, Michael

a) knew he was inadequate

b) tried to fix things in so much he tried to make sure his wife enjoyed sex. What should he do, give her alcoholism so he can get her off regularly? SHE SHOT HIM DOWN WHEN HE DID SO!

c) found out that it was a multiple incident affair.

Women tend to forgive men because frequently their cheating is no more emotionally involved then whacking off. Falling in love is another matter...and that is how wives generally fall. They don't just fuck around, they REPLACE. And with Michael's problem, he sees that as an INCREDIBLY likely scenario!

I agree that Michael is being a bit too much of an asshole even as the aggrieved party. And he IS the aggrieved party! HE didn't cheat...even though he had ample time. (rimshot). Well, he didn't cheat until AFTER he understood he'd have to fix his problem for wife two.

But yes, I'm probably a male chauvanist.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 13 years ago
This is a great story.

You can tell by the comments. Sex is such an interesting subject, and so personal. We all see it differently. Many commenters feel that if the husband tried to give his wife an orgasm, even orally, that he was doing his best. He was trying but she often didn't allow it. Do we see a couple problems here? Good sex is not about an orgasm. We all have had bad sex and still gotten off. It's about pleasure, about love, and about putting the partner's desires first, among other things. Both, or either, partner had to have known that they were not having good sex. Would a man be happy with a woman that would only blow him? Maybe for a while, but eventually he will want her pussy. Both partners have problems of a sexual nature and both can be fixed with proper help. Neither tries until the marriage is in the crapper. Giving the wife oral is not the same as giving her a good ride, even if she gets off on the oral. It's nice, but both spouses deserve the whole enchilada. Both are at fault. She more than he, if she knew he was a fast shooter before she married him. Still, he knew from the unhappy lovers he was dumped by that he did not get the job done. This is just a very good story with an excellent plot device. It has us readers discussing the characters and thinking about the outcome. Ohio, you've done it again!

Mousse9Mousse9almost 13 years ago

Only in Loving Wives do the misandrist readers see the betrayed husband as "the bad guy".

Unlike in many, many LW stories this is a case of "a good person doing a bad thing". I don't think of Joanna as evil, or that she has to be torched. I can see why she would be dissatisfied with their sexlife after hearing her friends talk. One mystery is why she does not confront Michael about it, and instead cheated.

As far as I can see it, Michael does not want to save their marriage. Maybe in the very beginning after he discovered Joanna was cheating on him. But even then, it was only for the kids.

If he WAS actively trying to save their marriage, would he have cheated with Marina, as many point out? I don't know.

His therapy was not to save the marriage, it was for Michael to become a better lover for his future partner (and boost his confidence and selfesteem). Joanna is not the reason for the therapy, only the catalyst that prompted him.

From what I read, he's lost his commitment to the marriage, to making it work. He's treading water, wanting to get out. His inheritance made that possible.

This isn't two people trying to work it out. This is one person trying to work it out, and the other desperately wanting to get away.

Read how much happier he became when he found that house a few blocks away.

I think MissouriUSA said it best. Let divorce be the happy ending in this one. Too much has happened, too much pain has been caused, there will always be that elephant in the living room.

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago
This isn't heretofore, a story about reconciliation

To read ohio's excellent work on that topic, read 'Scenes from a Marriage' about two people desperately trying to make things work but failing. It is poigniant and very sad but ohio has an excellent ear for feelings and dialouge.

This has Michael gone from day one. He's done and in an attempt to paint him in a semi sympathetic light, he wants to stay for 'the kids'. I can actually sympathize quite a bit with this motivation. It DOES make him somewhat sympathetic. I can also see why he really didn't want to deal with his PE problem. It's incredibly embarassing and since his loving wife kept telling him that it didn't matter...until it DID matter and she didn't tell him. But he saw it coming...

This is a sad story too, but has less angst about the state of the marriage. That is pretty clear cut. And while I may disagree with some of the other posters, that doesn't mean I want to be disagreeable.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 13 years ago
To the IDIOT posters who think Michael/ is EQUALLY at fault

You Morons wont answer or even Talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room! Which is THIS:

The wife NEVER ... not one time... went toher husband and The wife NEVER ... not one time... went toher husband and say? "I am NOT sastified" we need to fix you PE problem"

You idiot poster like Sojoman and some of these dumb as fuck anonymous posters... wont deal with THAT one.

Gee I wonder why?

The story is brillant Ohio is great writer but he IS going to fuck up the ending by forcing a reconciliation. We all know that. THAT is why the husband has NOT told his wife about the sexual surrogate.

Thewife will complain that it is chaating.. the hduband will say it isnt... then he will chnage his mind... and the the REAL issue will never be discussed

ONCE the wife found out how good sex COULD be WHY did she go out of the marriage to get more good sex?

Its NOT about the god damn cheating. It is about WHAT her LONG term cheating MEANT. Invariably in these LW stories the IMPLICATIONS of what she did are IGNORED when they reconcile.

bartolobartoloalmost 13 years ago
Enjoyable reading on an Ohio story

Like all of Ohio's stories as a whole, this is a very good story in which a husband and wife dearly love each other, but neither can seem to get over the husband's PE problem. The wife has an affair partly as a result of it which complicates the spousal relationship. Both is receiving professional help.

I like this type of story in which a real issue (PE) represents a (the) main theme. PE is really a significant

problem; it usually effects younger males. I recall having had the problem in my college years (ages 18-22). One of my then special Saturday night dates told me to try again and take it easy. The second time was a charm. The results were considerably better and as I recall I must have gone at least a half hour. Now that was me in my early 20's, and that's probably the normal for all males that age: and probably males generally in their 30's. Later, I think men learn how to prevent it from happening. Just remember that PE is common in young adult males but ....... then so is a quick recovery common.

Okay Ohio let's see where you take your story from here. I'm betting that it ends with a full reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Selfish Fuck

He goes to a sex surrogate to learn how to control his PE problem after using his wife as a cum dump for 11 years. But, regardless of his absolutely horrible sexual treatment of his wife, Ohio wants us to believe he's an otherwise perfect husband. Yeah, he's a completely selfish bastard in the bedroom - where, by the way, the PE problem isn't about her lack of pleasure, but about his self-esteem - but he's a prince, otherwise. Just another piece of shit by another woman hater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Selfish Fuck

He goes to a sex surrogate to learn how to control his PE problem after using his wife as a cum dump for 11 years. But, regardless of his absolutely horrible sexual treatment of his wife, Ohio wants us to believe he's an otherwise perfect husband. Yeah, he's a completely selfish bastard in the bedroom - where, by the way, the PE problem isn't about her lack of pleasure, but about his self-esteem - but he's a prince, otherwise. Just another piece of shit by another woman hater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
My Problem With Michael

and his therapist (much as I respect the work she does with him) is that neither of them ever recognizes his failure to satisfy Joanna sexually as HIS problem, nor does he seek to do anything about solving it until after her affair and as a part of his therapy.

RedbeakRedbeakalmost 13 years ago
Not convinced.

What a low-life piece of shit that Michael is. Putting aside all the various rapists, abusers, criminals. etc. which grace the pages of Literotica, I can't think of any character on the site I have despised more than this selfish, sanctimonious prick. The author puts words in the mouth of the female characters in the story saying how much they like him, are attracted to him and so on, but I find Michael's words, attitude and actions the exact opposite. He's self-centered and totally oblivious to his own failings which contributed to the breakdown of his marriage. The author's bias in his favor and against Joanna is a further weakness of the story. For example consider the character of Elisabeth: would a serious therapist be so one-sided in her view of the relationship between a married couple? She's not a lawyer paid to extract maximum penance from the other spouse in a divorce case. The final paragraph of this episode shows how ridiculously one-sided the whole tenor of this story is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Hey everybody

It's a damn story. It is almost as serious as the budget negotiations going on in the US government. Life will go on, wheather you like it or not. You WILL get over the story and it won't hurt you one little bit

My name

RedbeakRedbeakalmost 13 years ago
To Mousse9 from Redbeak

Yes, I suppose I do see things in black and white regarding Michael, but I speak as I find. I approached the story with an open mind, as I’m sure you did. But over the course of the three chapters I found myself sympathising far more with the cheating wife, which is a first for me, as I loathe the idea of adultery and usually exult in the eventual triumph of the cuckolded husband in finding a new life and gaining the traditional best revenge of living well, which is the usual LV outcome. I suppose this is an indirect compliment to the author, who has conceived of a situation outside the normal clichés, which has created quite a stir on this site. It’s like a really good film – you can’t put it aside, it stays with you for days afterwards, continually entering your thoughts at odd times and making you think.

To return to my dislike of the Michael character: there are always two sides to any relationship, but in his case I just couldn’t find any redeeming features. If you go back and reread the first chapter you’ll be reminded that Michael had had two sexual partners before he married Joanna, the second of whom had made it clear to him that he wasn’t any good in bed and didn’t please her. By his own admission his performance hadn’t improved over the years, so he ought to have been aware that he wasn’t doing much for his wife either. Joanna, on the other hand, was a virgin when she met him, and knew little about sex, so she would not at first have known how inadequate her husband was in this respect. Michael, however, implies to the therapist that over the years she’s read stuff or talked to her girlfriends, and is now no longer so quick to reassure him that it doesn’t matter that she never has an orgasm when they make love. In fact recently ‘she’s acted more like, yeah, it’s a problem and she doesn’t like it.’

Even this, however, was not enough to make Michael want to act. As far as he was concerned, his wife could have gone to her grave without ever experiencing an orgasm during the act of love. Wouldn’t that have been a personal tragedy? How would you like that fate for yourself? Buying her a vibrator is hardly an adequate substitute! He on the other hand gets off every time they have sex. Here’s an example of how incredibly selfish he is. Talking to Elisabeth about the change in his wife as she gradually learns that most men can please their wives for more than 2 or 3 minutes he says: ‘ I just know that she became much more aware that most guys could, uh, go longer--and I could tell it disappointed her. She didn't say anything harsh, but she didn't reassure me either.’ He criticises Joanna for being disappointed and not reassuring him, rather than accepting his own responsibility to attempt a cure. He says: ‘I always used to love sex with her--except for my problem.’ No thought for her lack of fulfilment. Isn’t love about giving, not just taking?

But after 9(?) years of marriage in which he was quite happy with the one-sided sexual relationship, it only took him 3 weeks to arrange an appointment with a sex therapist with a view to solving his PE problem. Why was it important now and not for the previous 9 years? Whatever his motive was, I cannot think it a laudable one. And during the successful course of his treatment he never expresses any regret that he didn’t go to therapy sooner, which would in all probability have preserved his marriage.

Sorry to go on at such length. Fascinating topic, though.

RedbeakRedbeakalmost 13 years ago

The preceding comment should have gone under Chapter 3.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago
WOW - thinking readers - what a concept

I don't think I agree with many LOL - but writing that provokes thought cannot possibly be as bad as some o these folks seem to think it is heh.

Michael is a victim pure and simple - He is working to take back control of his life - he is useless to anyone if he has no sense of purpose and control -

Whatever happens to his wife is her problem and her doing not his - could he behave differently - of course ho chooses not to "Oh Well" move along. As for being totally self centered - he has respected her in front of their children he has devoted his attention to them - not selfish - sacrificing but let's ignore the facts of the story - right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I guess I better stop making my wife cum with oral sex since the general consensus is it makes me selfish

Seriously people the guy makes her cum with his tongue, his fingers and buys her a vibrator how is that selfish? It's not like he whips out his cock fucks her cums then sleeps, as I've read the guy seemed intent on trying to satisfy her by other means since he suffered from PE but clearly that makes him selfish. Great story big O keep up the hits........( sorry if my spelling is like a second grader or what not my iPhone delights in screwing my words)

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
An Acknowledged Great & Yet Underated Story !

This should be a slam dunk entry top ten in the LW hall of fame. I base this on the heated opposing comments & the fertile ground the author has given both sides to establish a rhetorical foundation.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Still loving it

I always enjoy the counselor dialogue you weave into so many of your stories. Very effective device for exploring all the motives, hurts, and possible solutions. At this point, I could go either way - reconciliation or divorce. Although, I would lean toward divorce.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago

"And now? You act like you want me back, Joanna, like you want to save our marriage, but why? Why would you want to go back to the two-minute man, go back to never having an orgasm from fucking for the rest of your life?"

Such a spot on question for hubby to ask. Very insightful. Your stories never overlook the nuances of the drama.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Just one last thought ...

Before I read the last chapter. I hope he fucks her so well it leaves her dying inside when he kicks her to the curb.

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 11 years ago
Kind of Sad

Splitting up is an OK end to this. I think it is kind of sad that he did not take the initiative to do something about is PE issues years earlier when it might have saved his marriage. I guess he just did not love his wife enough. For that reason, perhaps she will be better off without him.

Of course, her cheating can not be excused. She could have encouraged him to seek help instead. However, it seems her repressed childhood probably had an impact on her being able to do something like that.

Just a sad story all around. I would like to see him having a few more thoughts about what he is losing by giving up on the marriage. He seems pretty cold.

potsherdpotsherdalmost 11 years ago
Goood story; but one query

Here they are, a young middle-class couple with young children, and they can both afford long-term psychotherapy? Couldn't happen in the UK, the costs would be totally prohibitive. Is counselling so much cheaper in the USA?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Trev is getting a blowjob from cantbuy who lost his cock in a brutal cucking incident many years ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

We could call this chapter "Michael Finds His Balls"!

I'm liking the story thus far..

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wow amazing story

Congrats. Wow, what a great story. Five out of five. I can't believe I took so long to read this one. This is one of your best and that's saying something. You are really taking your time and telling this tale in great detail. There are just a couple of spots where I thought you rushed things a bit. Bit that is just being picky. I am going to save Ch 3 for tomorrow. Make it last so to speak. See what i did there? ;-)

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago
You Know

I went back and read older comments. There are arguments that Michael was cheating by having sex with the therapist. Also that it might just have been Joanna with the problem. One question is whether the affair would have continued if not discovered. Also whether Michael would have gotten help with his problem and could they have went to some kind of therapy together. I guess I'll find out.

still no rating until the end

EddboyEddboyover 8 years ago
reading this around the second time

and i cant help but attribute atleast a fraction of the blame onto Michael. He mentions that he could tell his wife wasnt really sastified but instead of talking to her about it he ignores it. and why didnt he think to talk to someone about his problem before the affiar started, He says here" atleast i wont have to worry about not being able to sastify a woman now". Why didnt he worry about that with his wife?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Separate Houses Is Great Idea

I live next door, in a separate house, from my ex-wife. Well, technically, she is still my wife. We are separated, not legally divorced. We have been separated for seven years. She thinks I had an affair with another woman. We came close but we never actually had sex. She found steamy roleplaying emails between us. That was enough. Before we were man and wife, we were friends. We both know we will never be man and wife again; even though I have resumed wearing my wedding band. We have revived the great friends relationship. For me, that is enough. I like being close by if she needs a friend.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars. Still love it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
bla bla bla

so much boring psychobullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Interesting ride so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great story

Very well written, 5 stars. Starting to wish, just a little, that Michael wasn't in such a hurry to slam out a divorce. Sure it's been 10 months or more already, but once he inherited the money he was almost giddy and eager to dump her.

Family will still be split up, even though they live close together. Maybe slowing down a bit wouldn't hurt. It also sounds like Joanna might have something up her sleeve, maybe something that will ensnare him. Good story.

cindycbegoodcindycbegoodover 7 years ago
therapist is ok with revenge ???

I loved the first part. It showed to people making mistakes and dealing with consequences in a realistic way. Not always doing the right thing but being human.

This part kinda fell a bit short for me. I'm not really buying all the reasoning. Marinna seems to be bordering on being unprofessional. Well, I realize having sex with someone is going to be intimate but extra kisses on the cheek, hanging out after showering. But where it really left for me was Elizabeth's thoughts on the revenge sex. What therapist is ever going to be ok with their patient doing something to deliberately hurt someone else? How is hurting Johanna going to make him feel good about himself. There's just so many ways revenge can backfire. Right now they have a working relationship for their kids and doing sonething hurtful could easily ruin that.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

I don't know why this story prompted my brain to wonder why the good doctor hadn't tried to get them in the same office at the same time.

ChuckEPooChuckEPooalmost 7 years ago
Sad to see divorce

I was really rooting for reconciliation not divorce. Of course she can never be totally trusted but neither can he. I've been married 20 year... ten after we divorced over her affair. It tore me up. The fact I ignored her and treated her more like a maid never occurred to me. After a year divorced, and couples therapy we remarried. Marriage is hard work. Infidelity can be overcome, reconciliation possible.

Hoping last chapter is about just that. Solid 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Sad but he's better off

A commenter from the previous chapter put the blame on both, claiming that Michael didn't try to get help until there was a problem and it shoved her in the cheating direction.

I totally disagree. She could have asked for a divorce first. She should have. And instead her selfish, disrespectful, lying, and manipulative actions have destroyed the family and him. He was completely correct saying that he couldn't trust her, that she wouldn't always think of her better experience, and that her commitment means nothing.

Sure he loves her... And she may even semi love him, but not like a spouse should. You just don't deliberately cause that kind of hurt and pain to someone you claim to love. Just because he loves her does not mean he should stay married to her. The trust is gone, the respect is gone, and the comparison will always be there. He is better off without her.

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