All Comments on 'The Videotape'

by ohio

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Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
You write fairly good stories

but some of your male leads are really annoying. Im not sure if I can put my finger on it, but reading about the guys in your stories is sometimes like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Partly its because they seem so wishy-washy and partly its because they are always telling their wives they love them and hope they can work it out no matter how bad things seem.

Im not saying the guy in this story shouldnt have taken his wife back at all. Just that his initial reaction seems fairly weak and even semi-apologetic. All he knew is that he had a tape of his wife fucking another guy for hours and doing things that she would never do with him. When he asks her about it, she refuses to explain and keeps trying to duck the issue altogether. He didnt know what was going on but all the evidence he had says that she was happily cheating while keeping her sex life with him plain and uninteresting. Instead of exhibiting a normal reaction, he tells her he loves her, feels sorry for the pain she seems to be going through and tells her that he hopes they can save their marriage. According to how you wrote the story, he had no reason to even want to save their marriage at the time.

Seems like an unrealistic reaction and, even if some small percentage of guys do react this way, its not something to write home about :) He doesnt come off as understanding, level-headed and reasonable, he seems desperate, needy and maybe slightly pathetic.

I also thought that the blackmail thing was a little too staged. I was a bit wrong in that I thought that she might have worked as a hooker before and thats what he had over her. Even though I guessed the blackmail material wrong, it still seems like you were inelegantly pushing in 'she did something that she thought was bad but that the husband doesnt care about because it was before they met' direction right from the opening.

Anyway, I do know that my distaste with the husbands initial reaction is just a difference of opinion. Im not saying that my way is the only way, just that his reaction seems a little hard to swallow from my frame of reference.

Still a pretty good story even if I could see the end coming and was a bit annoyed by the husband. You did give him some believable (from my pov) emotions and I was glad to see a happy ever after that was justified. I usually dislike blackmail as an excuse but you portrayed the wife as having just enough insecurities/emotional issues to make her reaction to disclosure of the tape understandable even if it wasnt 100% logical (i.e. that a husband that loves her would leave her for having sex with two guys before they even met).

Thanks for writing.

thebulletthebulletover 18 years ago
Can't say I agree with Avg Joe

The story was logical, and I thought that the husband reacted very appropriately. Yes, it seemed rather likely that there was a blackmail deal going on. But the husband's response to the blackmail and what caused the blackmail was proper and logical. She was in what she thought was a monogomous relationship and then she was drugged, raped and filmed. From the point of view of a young girl she might be wracked by guilt for that. From the point of view of her future husband, how can she be blamed?

Her fault was in not trusting him to understand from the beginning. But then again, she wanted the copies of the original tapes.

As usual, Ohio has written a provocative piece. I like it.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
You covered a lot of ground

in 3 short pages. That was an excellent and taut piece. The emotions were palpable and the reactions rang true. Everything fit together nicely. A very good story topped off with a great ending. Well done.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago

I especially liked the dialogue between the husband and the sister. That was an encounter that was handled expertly. You have him being courteous and willing to listen while at the same time he is firm in his resolve to get at the truth. He is not willing to be made to feel guilty for the steps he has taken so far. For some reason, that really struck me as the most real dialogue in the story.

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago
Good job

A good tale nicely told - I enjoyed it. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I think that...

it is a logical story. It was a case of blackmail, the guy was dead, so, let's move forward. Having said that, what strikes me most in your stories, is that fact that the husband is always willing to accommodate the wife's behavior, independently how bad it was. Thanks for writing to us.

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
One of your better stories Ohio, but I do agree..

.....with Average Joe a *tiny* bit. The husband did seem like he was floating around a lot. Like he was more "desperate" than anything else. Of course if I was in that position I might be too, but it did seem kinda needy.

But the first thing I thought was "Wow California, deep secret, scared to tell her husband, blackmailed, so she must have been doing Porn and gangbang's. Thats why she didn't want her husband to know what she was up too. Then after I got though the complete story I was more of the mindset of "Man she's a victim. She thought that because she lead a semi-wild life with this guy up to that point that she was at fault." I'm not saying that having a wild life doesn't or shouldn't have concequences, but in this story the *bad guy* basicly got someone high and then took advantage of her for his own pleasure and for profit doesn't make them a slut or a bad person. Just someone with bad judgement. If they did it willingly maybe, but not if it was forced on them. So I can see why the husband would have been forgiving. And I could see why he, and the sister, may have worked so hard to get the wife to seek help.

But it was a good story. One you can understand, get behind, and seemed believeable. I know someone that something like this happened too, so I for one can believe that people will blame themeselves for things that others do to them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Liked the Story

Your stories are getting better. No extraneous dialogue.

The only thing---and not a criticism of you as author--is that the husband almost immediately zips off to a Holiday Inn & refuses to talk to his wife. I would like to see a little more thrashing out of the problem. Mark should have truly noted that Amy didn't seem to be enjoying sex with that guy. He should have inferred that maybe she was being blackmailed, or the guy had some hold over her. He should have been persistent in getting at the truth. You just give up the marriage like that? Yeah, if it appeared she was a willing adultress & showing no doubt that she enjoyed what she was doing. The videotape didn't seem to indicate that & Amy's behavior, besides that one incident, didn't indicate that she was consistently cheating. There were questions. The matter had to be resolved but it wasn't going to be resolved by Mark hightailing to the top of the nearest tree where he would sit out on a high limb like a miserable squirrel. That bolt for the door reaction is too cliche'd and often story-killing. It wasn't here as the reader did get an explanation & one presented in a good lean narrative manner.

What makes the story interesting for me is the suspense & tracking down of what is going on & why. The retribution or the forgiveness & start over are Act Five as far as I'm concerned. I hate stories that discover the cheating in the 1st 10 minutes & then go 3 hours weeping & wailing & gnashing of teeth & signing legal papers, etc., etc. What kind of story is that except a cliche'd script. All that can be telescoped in an Act 5. It is the drama, the heat of the battle, the pursuit of facts, truth & dramatic justice. Have to put that adjective "dramatic" in there.

This story, Ohio, is pretty darn good. Like I said you have cut trimmed your narrative. The reader is not wallowing in rehash. I voted top score for this story.


Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago
Ohio, a few things I've been think about ........

........since I posted a comment below. While I still think it was a really good story and it really made you think, but it had quite a few plot holes in it.

First off the more I think about it, the more it kinda confuses me by showing a total lack of trust and faithfulness on the part of the wife, and a touch of deviousness. I mean I know she was a victim. Thats a given, and I doubt anyone wouldn't agree with that statement, but she actually shouldn't have known "Which" tape the husband had. He could have been holding a "Copy" of the one from her past. If you think about it I mean, the husband copied the one he was given, and she worked with her husband and copied a few tapes herself, how did she know she had destroyed the only copy? As an intern who worked with video editing she should have been amoung the first to assume he would have copies, not that she got them all. Thats like a doctor never assuming you can get sick if someone coughs on you. In your given field you should always think about some if not all the bases. Here she thought of none of them.

And then there was when she helped create a "Second" tape while trying to try and get the first tape back. While she was a victim she still willingly cheated on her husband, she tried to lull the other guy into a false sense of security by having sex with him, tried to sex him into sleep so she could get her tape, and then ran off after she got what she wanted. It's the old "The ends always justifies the means" arguement that so few of us can agree on. But cheating on her husband to hide past doesn't justify what she did to get the tape. That kinda really seems to be a problem. I mean I can see where she was vicitimized and wanted to hide it, but on her husband to keep the secret? And once he heard it forgets why he was upset because he just happy she told him? Possible, but kinda not really plausible. Most husbands would need more time to get past the point she cheated to hide a secret than what that secret was about, since it really wasn't her fault she was victimized.

One one hand I couldn't blame the husband for wanting to believe and feel bad for the wife, but on the other hand why didn't the husband wonder if another secret she wanted to keep buried surfaces? Does that mean he's going to be just as forgiving if she decides to sleep with this new guy to keep it? He seems kinda so desperate to forgive that he never gets to any of the hard questions.

I also thought it was strange that she kept saying over and over again that "It will never happen again". For some reason the husband never addressed the point that he already knew why it wouldn't happen again with anyone till the wife mentioned she wouldn't (but in reality "couldn't") do it with him ever again, because he died. The husband knew when the widow confirmed it, and he read about it. Wouldn't that have bothered me more? I mean she was willing to do it to keep her secret, but only pointed out she wouldn't any more because he was dead? But does that mean that if he wasn't dead that it would have continued? I mean he had sex with her and filmed it again and had that on her now. She took all his tapes that she could find. And somehow in 4 months he never once looked at his collection or tried to have sex with her again. Using either the new or old tape as leverage? And if he tried to contact her, and assuming she thought she had all the tapes and pointed out she was the one who destroyed the other one, wouldn't he have made a copy of this one and put it in a more "Secure" place? Or even if he discovered the others missing been more careful with this on so he could continue blackmailing her with it?

I mean it was still a very "GOOD" story, and is still one of the few I've read on this board in a long time. But I have to wonder about those plot holes though

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Ohio, you are a loser.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
I enjoyed your story

I first want to say I did like your story very much. I do agree somewhat with Average-Joe and Risq as they made some valid and positive criticisms of probable average real life. As in how can he know she would never do it again if he had no idea or what circumstance made her do it this one time. All that said, this is fiction and what you do in a story makes it interesting from your point of view and that’s how we all find new ways of feeling about stories. Obviously it was well liked as is evident by the responses and the time taken by others to tell you of their take on it.

Keep writing what you like as you are very good in making stories I appreciate. Thanks again for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good Job

Well written, very logical and emotional. Did excellent job of expressing the emotion. Of course anybody would want to know WHY! No answer would get the reaction you wrote about. The sister was a good touch not what I expected.

Keep up the writing

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
Risq_001 has

come the closest to seeing some of the problems and truths about this story. The story revolves around a young lady who had everything furnished for her until her father died.

After a few minor hardships and being faced with no tuition money, she decides to prostitute herself to cure her financial ills. Don’t even say that stripping is not prostituting oneself. One of the dictionary’s definitions of prostitute “person who willingly uses his or her talent or ability in a base and unworthy way, usually for money”.

The moment she walked onto the stage and stripped her clothes for the sexual enjoyment of her viewers, and received money, she was a prostitute. Her second act of prostitution came about when she accepted dates with her employer and ended up having sex with him, even though she admitted to developing feelings for him later. By dating him and having sex with him, she was using her body to guarantee her income.

In her confession to her husband, she never said she had decided to leave Andy while having sex with him and the stranger. She decided to leave after hearing about the video being made and the plans to do this again.

Leaves you wondering if the double sex was acceptable up to that point and a continuation of her prostituting. Then why would she leave you might ask, because it was getting beyond her control, Andy was now calling the shots.

Rolling the scene forward to the date Andy reappears in her life, she prostitutes herself again for a video tape that would make no sense to believe was the only copy. Hope the therapist was able to help her see that using sex to achieve her goals only created more problems for her.

Now for the story itself, very well written, great human nature insight, but way below the authors abilities. I am a big fan of this author; his stories have been absolutely fabulous to date. This one felt like his imagination was on vacation. The story is acceptable, but not by this author, he is way above this story in gift and ability. I do remain a loyal and true fan always.

mvengemvengemvengemvengeover 18 years ago
Good but predictable.

I thought it was quite a good story, but the end was predictable as soon as Andy's wife said what he used to do for a job.

I just wish there had been more sex in the story, to match the plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good

Another good story by you. Trust is the issue here. Lack of trust by wife in her husband that he wouldn't understand or accept her because of her past. Of course, we don't know enough about the husband to know how he would have reacted. However, the way he reacted after he found out the truth is probably a good indicator how he would acted if he known earlier. The past has a nasty way of sneaking up on you unawares.


gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

I agree the issue of trust is very important in a marriage. But part of the problems seems to be she did not trust him enouth or his love to tell him about andy or the blackmail. Also another case where giving a child everything can have bad effects and they may not know how to cope if something happens to change their world. again great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What next?


This is an enjoyable read. It kept me well entertained.

I'll say that there are some wholes in the plot but there are wholes in most stories. If you'd gone over it a few more times you probably would have spoted them. But none of us can keep a story on the chocks forever.

Nice one, waiting for your next.


AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticover 18 years ago
inconsistent plot and message

First, “Bullshit, Ohio you are a loser.” There’s an insightful comment. Ohio knows exactly what you didn’t like and what to do to fix it. Gee, I wish I could get more helpful comments like that.

Let me see if I can distill the message the wife is giving.

I knew you don’t love me very much, if at all, and after a seeing a tape that showed me drugged and raped, with the rapist paying my former boyfriend for the privilege, you would never want anything to do with me again since you don’t care all that much in the first place. So, I decided that in order to keep you in a marriage that doesn’t mean much to you, it was worth cheating on you so that I could keep you if I could be lucky enough to get all the blackmailer’s tapes and he didn’t make a new one and nobody else had a copy he could borrow to force me to do it again and again. Even then, I guess I would have continued cheating on you to keep you with me because it’s important to me, though not to you.

Really, that’s what she’s saying if she thinks a tape of her being raped would cause him to leave her. It’s not just that she doesn’t trust him, which she clearly doesn’t, but that she thinks he doesn’t love her. Just how is that knowledge supposed to make him say, “Aha! Of course I want to stay with someone who doesn’t trust me and doesn’t believe I love her.?”

Suppose he has a copy of each video in a safe deposit box. Her cleaning out his tape collection is guaranteed to lead to a lifetime of having to service him because we know about his lack of character.

Let’s look at the blackmail tape scenario if she doesn’t accede to his demand. It’s released. It shows a rape. Even though the statute of limitations has run in California, this constitutes attempted Sexual Imposition in Ohio as well as blackmail. He has more to lose than her. If she goes to the police conviction should be a slam dunk and the tape need not be released in a plea bargain.

Also, this follows the trend of no matter what the wife does, he can't live without her so she will be forgiven.

Finally, how dumb is she? She thinks she was a whore because someone else was paid for her having sex, without her prior knowledge of the payment or the sex. She thinks her husband will leave her because she was victimized. She thinks someone who stoops to selling her and blackmail will do the honorable thing if she complies (and is unable to find all the tapes).

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Another great story

Ohio has become one of my top 5 loving wife writters. He has a way of writting about cheating wives without make the man seem like a wimp. Great stuff.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Disagree with most re: wife's flaws

I have a real problem with blackmailed into cheating stories usually but I think that aspect of this story was done very well. Im also fairly uncompromising about serious issues with a persons character.

The gist of my problem with many reconciliation stories is 'So what if she isnt a cut and dried cheater? She is still dumb (or spoiled or self-centered etc) so why does he want to stay married to her anyway?' I think Ohio has avoided that problem with this story & I dont really see the wife as irredeemable as some posters seem to think she is.

I thought the author did a very good job of making her more confused and scared than dumb or self-centered. Nobody is perfect and everyone has blind spots that may seem obvious to others. In this case dont see her unwillingness to confide in the husband as a lack of trust, more like confused self-loathing. Seems like she is ashamed of what happened and still blames herself even though she was mostly a victim. If she cant forgive herself, how can she expect someone else to forgive her (not saying that it makes sense or that she even needs forgiveness)? Yes, she isnt perfect and she didnt do everything in the best way possible, but she doesnt seem like someone you would throw away to me.

All in all, I thought the author did a great job of making her flawed but not unlikeable. He made her less than perfect but still someone that I was happy to see the husband with at the end. Its a fine line and I think the author got it very nearly right in this story. If he had just made the husband a little less conciliatory & desperate, and more angry/hurt/depressed during the initial discovery, the story would have been great :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Illogical to the extreme

I read this story and could not give it much support because of the illogical behaviour of the wife. She won't tell her husband what caused her to have sex with an old lover because it might make him leave her. He then leaves her. She calls and asks him to come back. All he asks for is an explanantion. She refuses to give it because he might leave her. So he calls his attorney and has divorce papers drawn up and served on her. She calls her husband again asking him not to do it, but when he asks her to tell him why she did it, she refuses because he might leave her. Hello?? Any character, no matter how stupid, immature, illogical, etc. would have realized at that point that she has been left! I typically like this genre, but I'm sorry, there had to be a more realistic way of presenting this.

SLC-OhioSLC-Ohioover 18 years ago
What percentage? 33? 50?

That is the percentage that should have been edited from this story. Really, readers, 1/2 of this rewrite could have and should have been deleted. You can count numerous paragraphs that fail to move the story line forward, at all, and other paragraphs that are total repeats.

Ask yourselves, readers, how many times have you read the same plot line? 420? Or is it 4,200?

Hey, 'author' come up with a better story line to COPY. You don't write, you COPY!!! And you don't do a very good job of it!

And please leave the rest of the buckeyes out of it.

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 18 years ago
I just liked it.

Pretty straightforward. Husband needs an explanation. Explanation is reasonable and cause is not wife's fault. Women can be very emotional in completely irrational ways that guys shake their heads at. We wouldn't react that way in a million years. But we ain't gals. That says it all.

Thanks for the entertaining read.


fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeover 18 years ago
Thanks ohio

Another "and they all lived happily everafter" story. Implications say that Mark got to sample her brown growler after all. I'd sure like to fuck my old lady in the poop shute but shes got the piles. If I'd force her. I'm afraid I'd be drugged and wake up with a broken ball bat up my ass, splinter first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What Happened Before ---

Nice work Author - regarding a certain negative comment - it may be impossible to walk a path untrodded in any site -or book - or movie - so the interest and entertainment value comes from the writers ability to involve us in his/her story. So, please disregard the redundencency concerns some have as without merit in reality.

I felt your story was very entertaining and while perhaps it could have been shorter that wasn't an issue to me or I surmise many here.

Like another commenter, I felt you as well as anyone else here or there are now better at tempering offenses if you plausibly wish to reunite spouses.

Some might have said to her in that last discussion "why did you give such importance to what happened before us as it was of non-importance" - but he had proded her on prior relationships without success early on in their marriage implying that it was or could be important to him or at least an issue.

You are appreciated in this challenging theme of marital consequence - your continued efforts help provoke thought and are very entertaining. Thanks - With High Regard

FireFox59FireFox59over 18 years ago
Not great

but a good story. Too bad a few people feel like every story needs to be a home run with some new twist. I guess they just excell at everything they do. Oh wait, most have NEVER posted anything. Keep the stories coming ohio. The vast majority like's your work!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A nice story.

Thanks for the story. You are one of the authors that I always look forward to reading. I must have read House of Cards 10 or more times.

And your worst week of my life was great as well....

This was a bit more typical, but told more realistically than others in the same vein..

Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Excellent Story!

A good story with a range of emotions attached to it. Of course, we knew she had been forced based on his comments about the tape. Once we knew she had been forced then we expected he would take her back.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A good story


Not as great as some of your others, but still good. The problem in this genre is that unless an author comes up with a truely unique plot line the story will bare a strong resemblence to many other stories on the net. The difference lies in the talent of the writer, and his ability to "sell" the story and the characters. You have that ability in spades. But that's what seems to be the problems that some of your commentors have: 1) not all stories can be unique like, "A Loving Wife Dies . .," 2) they are not reading it to see how YOU wrote a story that's been done before. What spin do you put on it that makes it good? Result: They nit-pick and grouse. You done good. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good story, but...

Isn't always this way? Each reader has an opinion...

But really, the story was good.

I too have a real problem with the blackmailed into sex excuse. It isn't an excuse for cheating, just for not talking to your spouse. The blackmailing won't work if there is no leverage.

And, it is common knowledge that blackmailers don't stop after the one time...

Nevertheless, enjoyed the story and the attempt a relatively tired plot devise fresh.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
NOT Believable ...

I had to think about this one all day. Now I'm coming back to comment.

First of all, this is Lit"erotica", which this story is NOT erotic. That aside, it could be a story worthy of reading, that is if you could have made it believable. The story (to me) isn't believable because if this wife was presented with blackmail evidence from a time previous to her marriage, then the story is over. What harm could possibly come to her if the "evidence" were to come out compared to her cheating on her husband. Also, no woman would be stupid enough to allow herself to be (secretly?) videotaped a second time.

The deciding factor for me was the husband instantly forgiving her upon the explanation that made no sense.

This was pretty decent writing as far as writing skill goes, however the plot was just not plausable.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I really liked this!

You came up with a couple of fresh ideas.

I'm okay with the blackmail. It's easy if you are sitting at your computer with a pint of John Courage, feeling mellow and saying, "well, I wouldn't do that!"

About the only useful thing I've learned in too many years of life is that it is VERY difficult to predict what people will do in stressful situations (including myself!)

I watched "Gardens of Stone" again last night and the guy that was a total screw-up, couldn't march, couldn't shine his shoes, was the one that got the Medal of Honor in 'Nam!

I enjoyed reading this story and it made me think! I'm happy!

Nice job! You have been one of my favorites since your first story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well Written

It doesn't matter to me how many times a subject has been covered, what matters is HOW WELL it was written.

You did an excellent job, you're a fine writer, keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Disappointed in ending

I always enjoy your stories. I think you stretched to a happy ending on this one. She should have gone to her husband when her blackmailer first showed up. After what she did to keep the blackmailer quiet, he should have dumped her.

charleybearcharleybearover 18 years ago
Good Story Ohio

I liked the story and I find no problems with the premises that you used.

She was little more than a teenager when she became a victim, first at the death of her father and supposed dire financial situation. Being a stripper wasn't the perfect choice, but she was desperate and did it. So what?

Then she was the victim of a drugging and essentially a raping.

This girl was pshchologically damaged from that moment on and nothing she did after that needs to fit into any logical box. Sure she should have told her husband, probably when they were dating. Sure she should have confessed to the problem rather than cheat. BUT she is psychologically damaged and you can just forget logic.

I am rarely a fan of reconciliation but this is one time I think the husband was right to forgive and I would have too.

As far as him leaving, you can't work through a problem when you don't know the facts. She adamantly refused to tell him the facts before he left and after he left as well. What was he to do? Sure she should have finally gotten the message, but I repeat for the third time, psychologically damaged.

Thanks for a great read.


KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Well written, but too familiar

The benefit of commenting belatedly is in the opportunity to be educated by by other readers’ opinions and observations. Some readers seem to not mind repetition, while others, or maybe those who are new to the literotica/Loving wife niche could not recognize it. And most, me included, enjoyed your story regardless because you write well, and traditionally build enough tension to keep you curious till the end.

Despite that last point, the curiosity or should I say it’s frustration, as the story progressed is my main critique.

I echo some of other reader’s comments who could recognize the ‘blackmailed to cheat’ theme. And I am paraphrasing another reader’s comment to the effect that all major themes have been covered many times over. No problem so far. In fact, playing on expectations based on the familiar could produce the best stories (some by you). But that’s where IMO you did not provide enough of the ‘Play’ from the ‘play on expectations’ this time. It was too familiar.

You wrote a well crafted story, which held together both in terms of characters and plot. This is a special achievement given the difficulty to establish credibility in the ‘blackmailed to cheat’ theme. But somehow it seemed to me that that’s exactly where it ended. It felt to me like I have read this before, not literally but close enough, so that you feel over familiarized with the sub - themes as well. On your level of writing you could have introduced some element that would have distinguished this story from the others of the same genre.

Speaking of expectations, maybe it’s not fair, but when you produce stories like “The letter A”, you set yourself up to the highest standards, and thus the rating.

I can’t wait for your next story.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 18 years ago
Well written, but. . .

Ohio, this story was well written as I have come to expect from you. My biggest disappointment is your use of two of the biggest cliche's in loving wives stories: the blackmail cliche and the cliche where the wife does for another what she will not do for her husband. You did a good job in trying to come up with a fresh approach, but I just have real problems with both of these cliches.

To me this story is a prime example of the problems inherent in these cliches. You write Amy as a woman who loves her husband deeply. Your exploration of her past suggests that she has some real emotional and possibly psychological problems with sex beyond the real vanilla sex she does with her husband. And of course she has a secret from before her marriage.

When she gets blackmailed (with something that happened from before her marriage), she voluntarily goes and fucks this other guy; actively participates (even if she did not enjoy it); does not protest when he fucks her ass and swallows when he cums in her mouth. Then she refuses to tell her husband why.

I have never understood how or why it is believable for an otherwise loving wife to engage in a worse act to cover up a past act. That is my biggest problem with most blackmail stories I have read.

Yes I can understand the fear and panic that a wife may feel, but how about giving the wife some intelligence. Wouldn't there be some type of analysis about what is worse?

If Amy is afraid that Mark would leave her because of her past, wouldn't she at least think about what might happen if he catches her cheating on him?

Here you have a wife trying to cover up something that happened before she even met her husband. To do so she does something far worse and cheats on him. That doesn't even begin to address the issue of whether it would be a one time event or if the blackmailer would tape this event too. I just find this whole scenario too unbelievable.

One of few blackmail stories that I have ever read that seemed to address this issue realistically was Patricia51's One Slip. To me that was a wife who approached the situation realistically. She didn't allow the blackmailer the extra traction.

My other issue is the cliche of her doing things that she does not allow her husband. This just does not seem to fit the story or the way you write Amy. If she has such a phobia about anal sex or oral to completion, wouldn't she at least make some token protest before allowing it to happen? Even if the guy wanted a blowjob to completion, why swallow? Her engaging in these acts without protest (or even flinching) tells me that her denials are not as honest as they should be.

So, for me, this story gets full ratings for the storytelling, but I have to mark it down because of the use of the cliches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Disappointing, Darn It

Well written, but awfully, awfully humdrum story line. I have to agree with the Cod--something I rarely do. This story has too much cliché, too little plot development. I think Ohio has been reading too many of the stories out here and adapting to their format instead of using his instincts as he did in his first one.

fdkmanfdkmanover 18 years ago
Good Story, BUT....

I have the same problems with the story as the other posters. Cheating on her hubby to cover the blackmail was stupid, on many levels. However, my biggest problem is why her husband accepts her lies to him.

Ok, she was 'blackmailed', if you can call it that but her lying to him was, in my opinion, unacceptable. If she loves him that much then she should tell him the truth once she was found out. As usual it seems, the first instinct is to lie and keep lying no matter what. What makes no sense to me is how he could forgive her lying to him to protect her blackmailer. She was willing to lose her husband to keep this secret even though she felt telling the secret would cost her the marriage. If she really thought that then she must have no faith in her husband at all and certainly can't love him as deeply as she claims.

Either way, I can see him forgiving her for succumbing to the blackmail but I can't see him being so accepting of the lies.


MinigalesMinigalesover 18 years ago
A Disappointment

I expected better from you.

There was a real problem with the black mail. He left her a voice mail, so she could have gotten him on black mail or at least threatened him. She could have called back and said, my husband knows all that shit, and if you go through you are going to jail on black mail and (taping without a permission).

The car accident description seemed dumb. He ran a red light. I assumed at the beginning of the red light. A slow UPS truck of all vehicles should not hit him fatally.

Her hold back on the explanation was too unrealistic. It was too much. Also her prudishness to that level was uncalled for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I don't agree with all the comments

Not one of your best but I don't agree that it is total BS. You're a good writer and this passes my "real" test. My "real" test is simple - is it possible for the characters to be in that situation and act that way. I think that the wife could easily be that way in the past and wouldn't have stopped if she didn't leave. I think it would have been easy to blackmail her and she had emotional problems. Could her husband understand - yes, could he understand and put up with it without an explanation - no. It passed my test and thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well Done !!

I liked this story's outcome . I am always optimistic . I

found it only lightly erotic , but found the plot mostly credible except for the blackmail aspects of it . I am amazed by the lengthly responses and analysis that often

follow stories on this forum . Good Lord !!! Its like a rebuttal of a doctoral dissertation .. Ease up folks , this is just amateur erotic writing . If you want the facts , try the history channel . If its "Blood and Guts" , for goodness sake , watch the evening news . This is pure erotic fantasy .... Can't we keep it just that ???

TLeeTLeeabout 17 years ago

Just another bullshit story from the queer asseater calling himself ohio. olowo would be more appropriate. I only read enough to know that this more nonsense from olowo.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Not without some nagging little flaws but overall interesting. Only bullshit is from the one who called it bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
You forgot one minor fact!

It really didnt matter what she had done before the marriage, but what she did after did matter. Why she did what she did is not important, what is important is that she betrayed her marriage and committed adultry with another man as a full slut. The moment she did that she broke her marriage vows and the marriage is a farce. Had she really been worried about her husband and wanted to protect her husband, she could have told him the story from before and got his help, and notified the police she was being blackmailed. Instead, she was stupid and set herself up for more sexual sessions at a later time. Any man, not an overgrown boy, would realize she will revert to her natural self, a pure slut, again when the opportunity arises and a rationalized reason excuses her actions. Isnt it wonderful to be married to someone you have to watch 24/7/365 to make sure they are faithfully married and dont slip back into their slut self, personally I could not live in that hell. And for those poor misguided souls out there, were it a wife contending with a husbands adultry my answer would be the same, throw out the trash! Life is to short to waste on mentally ill or sexually immature people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
" DUH ! "

nice story .......... rich

DSLAYERDSLAYERover 15 years ago
Great story again!

I loved it even though he took her back. I can see why she would feel like she had to do this to stay married.

The husband done the right thing to take her back and get her help. The only thing she shold have done was admit it when she was caught. It showed she had no faith in her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Hey I found out my wife is fucking someone else

and I left her. Then I found out she was a whore and the guy she was fucking was her pimp and she went back with him to keep me fron finding out. Then I found out even more shit. And suddenly I knew I loved her and kissed her and said ti would be ok, NOT! Who cares why she fucked the guy, she did. Had she really loved her husband she would have told him all of it in the first place and given him a chance to decide whether he could live with it or not. So she goes and has bareback sex with a pimp. God wonder how many months she will have to do testing to see if she is infected. Hey guys can you really see yourself going back with the slimeball wife? Are you really that much of a totally self hating wimp? It doesnt matter why she cheated and lied to her husband, it only matters that she did it. Love this girl has no idea what love is or even what marriage is. Let her go, get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Bullshit is bullshit. She cheated on purpose

she by omission lied to her husband. She fucked outside of the marriage and she betrayed her husband. Divorce her and get on with your life. Cheaters cheat because they are cheaters. It is their makeup, basically they are mentally ill. Nothing has been done to correct her makeup, she will cheat again should the opportunity, or need as she sees it, arise.

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
good read

I liked the story and i agree with Charleybear's comment..I have known several Women similar things happend to,not the blackmail but the drugging and rape..They all had major relationshop problems and did have some strange reactions when it came to sex..I understand her reactions to the blackmail were stupid as several other Commentors mentioned the blackmail would have continued but People do weird things when in panic mode...At least she got councelling for what happened to her,she should have gone for it before their marriage but thats what some women dont want to do...Most sexually abused girls and women blame themself for it and are so ashamed that they dont want anyone to find out about it and usually get into drug and alcohol abuse to cope ..I liked that he forced her to talk about what happened and to face the problem and then supported her this time...I like Ohio's way of telling the storys and as for those that keep dissing the authors under anonymous comments we should just ignore them...If you dont like certain storys then dont read them !!! You can critisise the story but it is childish to do it to the authors... Keep writing Ohio .....B.N.

dreamcatcher101dreamcatcher101almost 15 years ago
good read

I liked the story and i agree with Charleybear's comment..I have known several Women similar things happend to,not the blackmail but the drugging and rape..They all had major relationshop problems and did have some strange reactions when it came to sex..I understand her reactions to the blackmail were stupid as several other Commentors mentioned the blackmail would have continued but People do weird things when in panic mode...At least she got councelling for what happened to her,she should have gone for it before their marriage but thats what some women dont want to do...Most sexually abused girls and women blame themself for it and are so ashamed that they dont want anyone to find out about it and usually get into drug and alcohol abuse to cope ..I liked that he forced her to talk about what happened and to face the problem and then supported her this time...I like Ohio's way of telling the storys and as for those that keep dissing the authors under anonymous comments we should just ignore them...If you dont like certain storys then dont read them !!! You can critisise the story but it is childish to do it to the authors... Keep writing Ohio .....B.N.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

so, let me get this straight. its not okay for her fuck some guy for several hrs and enjoy it, but its okay for her to fuck some guy to get the tape he was blackmailing her with. so, as long as he knows she really does love him and that she fucked her ex so hubby wouldnt know about her somewhat shady past, all that is forgivable right? this was terrible. what made it worse was that she didnt immediately tell her husband what was goin on, because it was her past after all and not when they were dating, and that if he recorded her once, why didnt she think hed do it again? he was crying for her? why? when she was drugged, yea that was raped, but the second time she could have easily said no. how bout you write a story where instead of the wife fucking a blackmailer, she tells her husband whats going on? wouldnt that be a nice surprise!

wildwaltcawildwaltcaabout 14 years ago
Very well done.

I can`t believe your story has not gathuered in the usual out cry from the masses who think the husband should never have any thing to do with lieing cheating bitch...but then ...this story ...real or fictional....has the ring of how things can and should be handled...some one once said...the truth shall set you free...sometimes it just takes a while to get at the truth....thanks...for the telling...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
A little unbelievable

On the whole it is a good story, but him simply forgiving her so easily and quickly for cheating on him for a such stupid reason as a video from her past, makes him sound like quite a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

just like that? she fucked some guy and because she gave him a story about her fucked up past, its all good? so, theres no" why didnt you tell me...or its not the sex its the trust issue.. or some other bullshit" i can understand her not wanting to tell him about her gang rape but the instant that douchebag called her, she should have told hubby because the fact is, she slept with someone else. so yea, i think he should have left that bitch because she was so fucking stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Only 3 stars because he made Mark a wimp . He should never have taklen her back. The bitch didn't love him enough to tell him what was going on, and apparently no matter what the lying slut says she loved Andy more than her Mark because she let him do things with her she wouldn't let her husband, a man who loved her more than anything, do wiht her. Therefore, she nothing but untrustworthy used goods

penandpaperpenandpaperover 13 years ago
Great Hook

Have to say I enjoyed the beginning the best. The avoidance of psycho-babble, the tie in with his job, and the atypical way she acted during her encounter. Good job.

jasonnhjasonnhover 13 years ago
OK but could have been a lot better

I agree with Average-Joe, the guy could have been much more vivid and therefore much more interesting. You left a lot of story on the table. <br><br>

Let's look at her past for a moment. She was a stripper. Wow! Go to a California beach and you'll find women almost as naked. Some beaches are topless or nude. She was single when she was stripping. She connected with her boss who seemed like a nice guy. They got into sexual experimentation and drugs. Wow, what a shocker for a young person. The first time he brings in a "John" and uses her as a hooker she leaves. She got taken advantage of. She then gets her life on track. Embarrassing past, sure. <br><br>

The mistake she made was not in the past. It was abandoning her husband and her marriage to deal with the slimeball alone. Someone indicated she did so just to get the tapes. OK, suppose she told husband, she sets up a meeting with slimeball, hubby sneaks in with several of his friends and they open a big can of whoop ass on slimeball and take the tapes. Same outcome with marriage intact. <br><br>

The problem is that hubby never even shows disappointment that she didn't love and trust him enough to talk to him about the slimeball. That is a BIG issue that will continue to undermine their relationship. It's nice that she got counseling to deal with an issue, her sexual past, that wasn't her fault. What she really needed was counseling to trust her relationship with her husband. Hubby was so eager to forgive her for her non transgression that he didn't even give thought service to the real problem. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TALK TO ME? WHY DIDN'T YOU TRUST ME?" I can't think of a person who wouldn't have had that foremost in their mind. Different people would have had different levels of upset about it but they would have been thinking about it. That was the real tension in the story, not her manufactured fear of the discovery of her past. But it wasn't even addressed. <br><br>

I liked the story and it was a realistic storyline. The writing was good. But it could have easily been better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

They made peace, but why they do not want children?

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Amazing that these stupid writers believe blackmailing is so easy.

All she need to is go to the DA and tell her story. The DA would have him arrested and the judge would issue a search warrant and restraining order against releasing the information and let him know just how angry he would be if the information was released.

As the victim, the court would protect her identity in a trial and most likely the DA would offer him a plea he couldn't refuse of one year vs 20 years in prison so most likely there would not even be a trial.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago
Yes Blackmail IS that easy !

Way too many people in the real world are more afraid of someone finding out what they did sometime in the past than they are of anything else in their lives.So yes the DA MIGHT help deal with a reported blackmailer AFTER a crime had been committed.

The simple threat of showing her husband a tape she was in if she did not meet with him (all that was required) is not going to get much play in a an investigators office unless the investigator has a good reason to help. Small potatoes syndrome. Now tell them (later) that the guy who had died in the car accident had been blackmailing people (especially you too lol) and now you have a potential murder to solve and you are now a suspect - good thinking.

Most people have secrets some of us want them to remain secrets at all costs - telling anyone - including law enforcement about them is intolerable. In her case she would see it (wrongly but still) as telling the DA I was a criminal and now another criminal is trying to make me pay for it - please investigate this expose my secret, and destroy my marriage and my entire life - PLEASE??!!

Not ;likely or realistic - do not accuse the writer of fantasy when yours is even more unrealistic than his.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Question for DWornock

Does your mommy know what your up to? You really shouldn't play on her computer. From the knowledge of the 'real world' your comments reveal, you seem to be about 12 yrs. old. Try withholding your judgement until you mature a bit more. You're allowed to be foolish but that probably shouldn't be your major mission in life. Thanks for the story ohio.

MystykOneMystykOneover 12 years ago
i like how you push my envelope

i am one of those 'burn the bitch' types. i feel that once a cheater always a cheater. this is born out by many years of observation of my own relationships and those around me. i am an almost rabid people watcher so i have seen lotza cheating men and women. but i find your stories when you do them this way. this way that pushes me to admit that i may if the situations were similar that maybe i would forgive to.

now it is only the thought that i might. my own experience says once a woman(or man) has had that forbidden taste, then its something thats easier to do with less reason next time, and every time after. so there is no way in hell i would forgive. i would expect my wife in a similar situation to tell me about the blackmail immediately. cuz without her trusting me to know it was over b4 our marriage, and trusting me to help her fix it, what would we have? not much. trust and fidelity is all that a marriage has at its heart. love can grow and wane with the trials and tribulations of a life together. with trust and fidelity you can heal problems. without it you are lost.

yes your stories make me ask myself questions.....BUT it still is not enuff!

cantbuymycantbuymyover 12 years ago
sorry honey

you should have told me you were a card carrying member of the whore's union. so when are you going to get fucked in the next blackmail scheme? someone going to tell the church group or the people at the office? gonna get fucked then too - just to keep it quiet - after all if the husband does not know it really isn't cheating is it?

what bull shit. if you are going to marry a whore you should know about it FIRST!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
cantbuy your brain

since you obviously don't have one - thank christ you'll never have a relationship with an actual woman (sorrry, blow up doll don't count). All women have secrets and some bad luck ended up revealing hers - life would have gone on happy/normal if Andy didn't see her in the paper.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

If Amy really loved and trusted her husband she should've told her man what was occurring with the blackmail attempt before fucking the asshole. Not doing so....her man if he had any sense should've kicked her lying whore of a ass to the streets and moved on. This author who has already shown he can write a good tale has failed with this ending.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
I Was A Bit Disappointed That He Didn't Invoke "Clean Slate" With Her

After they had agreed on "Clean Slate," why did she still need to sleep with this guy to keep him quiet? Wasn't she safe since her indiscretions were before her marriage? I think he shouldn't be so quick to take her back, especially since she didn't trust him enough to share her past in the first place. Does she have further issues with him unrelated to her past?

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
She was wrong,...

but I think it was a good reconciliation. She was carrying around A LOT of emotional/psychological damage. She was a victim. She was stupid and misguided in her approach to protecting herself and her marriage. And, yes, her lack of trust in hubby is a problem. But, given the circumstances, it made sense for him to forgive her. Insistence on counselling a good idea. Seems like a pretty isolated event spawned by a unique set of circumstances. I also liked that hubby refused to accept her bullshit semi-excuse and apology. He drew a line in the sand and held firm.

Seems pretty clear that she was telling the truth.

Good thinker, Ohio.

count2threecount2threeabout 12 years ago
Good little story with a VERY disappointing ending.

I dont mind that he came back to her. What I do mind though is that in her mind she became unfit to be a wife when she first was drugged/taped by andy and that is just not true. Her betrayal wasn't what was 4 years ago. Her betrayal was what was 4 month ago and he never made her understand this. Her second betrayal was that she denied him sexual things that she did before/was ready to do again, just not with him. That is the second ultimate betrayal. Even if she hadn't slept with Andy again that would have been bad had it ever come out. That was very disappointing, yes she did appologize but for the totally wrong reason.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

one should remember locks can be opened, TK U MLJ LV NV

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
oh gee

i was so upset you would see me as a single woman having sex that i thought i would spread my legs so he coul;d make more movies of he - i must have missed the one you saw, and he could blackmail me into more sex. sorry she is a lying slut in real life you need to dump her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
gave it a lees than one

what a pussy assed story by a wimp loving writer., Every story of you is about some fag husband that isn't close to being a man. You suck!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
hates fags but

loves to swallow jizz, strange combo... head over to Gay Male you sicko --->

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Just Fair

Well written but the fact that the husband was put thru the shit he was should have allowed him to leave and not turn back. Instead he stayed. Wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Why so angry?

So this guy traumatized and then blackmailed his wife and she's so ashamed of her past that she falls for his tricks one more time... and you all think she should burn?

This isn't a "I was bored; You're never there; You work to much" etc excuse. This is about the only legitiate time a guy SHOULD forgive infidelity. This was nothing more then rape.

Unfortunately, if she'd just talked to him from the get go things wouldn't have progressed as they had.

cirkarncirkarnover 11 years ago
confused woman

I have to agree that there should be some forgiveness. This was a woman clearly with some serious issues that needed some help, a man more than willing to take advantage of that, and another having to deal with the aftermath. She wasn't wanting any of it in any way at at any time. Women can be frustrating, acting so emotional at times without looking at the cold hard logic of the situation, but isn't that also what sometimes appeals to us. However, a woman dealing with trauma who hasn't come to grips with it can be far more irrational. How to deal with that depends a lot on her, is it an excuse for any of her behavior that is questionable or is she just trying to overcome the whole thing the best she knows how. This woman was doing the best she could to deal with her life and this man was no wimp. The only way he could have been a wimp is if that predator was still alive and the husband let it be, but dead is dead, so what do you do with that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
That was a pretty good story....

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What a great story

Nicely done. Finaly someone on this website can write a warming story. That is what a marriage is all about. My wife hates these stories, but I read this to her and she cried and wanted to read it herself and she cried again. Great job hope there are more.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanover 11 years ago

as an excuse is a load of bullshit. The premise is he has a tape of before she married her husband. Ok so what effect should this tape have on that relationship none. And every person would know that. So he tries to blackmail her and she goes to her husband and tells him. Story over wife still married and not a slut. Instead she deceives her husband and is unfaithful. Then she cheats, note being unfaithful happened before she cheated. Then when confronted her first action is to lie, The smell test is what if Andy was not dead? He would still have the tape and she would stil be fucking him to keep it from her husband. So the premise and her defense are bullshit. The husband having not logically considered this is and idiot. I gave this ***.

Fighting41Fighting41over 11 years ago
What? How?

So instead of trusting her husband enough to tell him that she was being blackmailed about something that happened before they met. She chose to break her vows to him and cheat with the other guy instead? And instead of being upset by this the husband takes her back?

How does that work seriously

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

Desperate and afraid, people don't always think clearly. Some readers clearly don't get that. Yes, she should have told him. But she didn't do what she did out of malice and lust. She did it out of fear and guilt. Very powerful motivators. He would have been a cold hearted monster to abandon her.

This was sweet and endearing. Very well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I actually enjoy it

A pretty good story. I'm a huge fan of 'burning the bitch' when it comes to cheating. But this was a case of blackmail and while she 'should' have told her husband what was going on, the fear of her past and having to explain it would be a real terror. I understood well why he immediately accepted her back. But she should have told him what had happened right off when he was first made aware of what she did and asked her to explain herself. In his shoes, I would have filed for divorce too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Cucky is back in town.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Burn the Bitch?

I haven't seen anyone suggesting revenge. It's been more of a case of "don't trust the lying moron anymore and find someone else." Seems like a realistic way to look at it. Immediately forgiving her, with a huge smile plastered all over his face? Oooookay...

The part that's the icing on the cake of her ridiculous series of decisions is the way she so readily does the very things with this man she has denied her husband. According to her own story, he never even asked her to do those things this time, she just thought it would tire him out faster so she could get the tapes. So she's so traumatized about sex that she can't try to do these things (anal, swallowing) with her own husband out of love for him, even once, but she'll do them multiple times for this bastard for the sake of convenience?

Ohio's a great writer, but this was a bit much to...ahem...swallow.

krosis666krosis666about 10 years ago
What a pathetic moron he was, for taking that THING back into his life

So she was raped before they met. Terrible, but that will NEVER excuse being a lying deceitful, cheating whore! So she existed before they met. The majority of people do. She has a past. Wow, big shocker. That doesn`t make it ok to voluntarily become a skank! And it WAS voluntary this time. The other guy only asked for money, but SHE offered sex! All she had to do was explain to her husband was that someone from her past was trying to blackmail her, and he would have helped. But she was so self absorbed, that she couldn`t trust her husband, and couldn`t see the only thing he would want is to help keep his wife safe.

No, this whore missed her slutty past, and wanted a re-run. Thats why she OFFERED herself up. Even then, she could have just had sex with him once, but why for 2 HOURS? In ever combination and position that she could think of, again and again? This whore wanted it, and was going to get. The "Blackmail" was just the excuse she needed and wanted to revert. And then, when she was caught, she was still more interested in protecting herself and her lover, that she refused to ease her husbands pain, by telling him the truth, even when he said that there was hope,IF she told him.

This whore`s only regret was that she got caught, and that her boyfriend was killed, meaning her bit extra was gone. She deserved a LOT more punishment, like a nice public bonfire, starring her!

krosis666krosis666about 10 years ago
And for those

that wring their hands and say; "Oh but the poor defenceless little girl was blackmailed", I say; BULLSHIT!

We all know right from wrong, and make our choices. She CHOSE to do wrong. Blackmail only works on dishonest, selfish people. There`s a simple and free method to avoid blackmail. It`s called "Telling the truth"! A blackmailer loses all his power over you when you are honest!

What if she had murdered someone when she was younger? Does that give her an excuse to murder again to cover her tracks? How is she any better than the prick that video taped her? She destroyed her husband`s happiness and faith in order to protect her secrets. She only thought of herself, and her wants and needs. Self-serving slut!

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 10 years ago
Hey, I feel bad for her... but...

The issue isn't about what sleazeball convinced her to do PRIOR to drugging her... and it isn't about what he and his customer did to her when she was's about trust and faith... she apparently had neither in her husband.

Sure, it would be humiliating to admit to him what she'd let herself do and what had been done to her... and maybe the husband wouldn't have been able to think of anyway out of the blackmail... but she never even gave him a chance.

What happened in L.A.was the past and had no bearing on their life... that she fucked someone else rather than involving her husband was wrong if not outright unforgivable.

I'd have not blamed her for L.A. but I might still have divorced her for paying the ransom.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

excellent "ohio" story, but what's new. I reviewed a number of the more recent comments. They helped me focus on a few key areas from the story. Mark and Amy had agreed not to discuss their past sex lives, BFs, or GFs. Based on that (Plus how he handled her story re LA and the first tape.) we should know that he would have forgiven her after Andy had sent the first tape. But she didn't know Mark would do that. Accordingly, she devised her plan. If she thought it through a little better she would have known that she also needed to find the camera with the second tape in it. (But then we wouldn't have a story, would we?) I'm generally a BTB reader, but I can certainly live with this ending.

Tootight1Tootight1almost 10 years ago
good story

I guess I'm just a softy, but good ending. I wonder how many girls/women go through this kind of life, never knowing when something from their past will shake their world.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

She should have trusted her husband enough to know that he wouldn't hold the dancing against her, and the drugged sex is excusable to, it was more like rape than consensual sex.

A LITTLE more problematic is the blackmail sex. I understand her fears, but again, she should have trusted her husband more.

And while I understand the traumatic associations, to deny her husband what she does for others is troubling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


FD45FD45over 9 years ago
Some guys can't handle that

I can see where she was traumatized. I would feel a little short changed as a partner. So revealing her wild past could very well have had negative implications.

But that is human fallibility. She didn't trust enough. He might not have been strong enough. I think this is a bit negative on her part. If one has a criminal past, leaving your partner clueless can come and bite you on the ass. I recall that one where a woman was a Russian whore and yet left her family ignorant of being hunted by one of the killers. That is like being HIV positive and quiet.

Still, this was a good adult story of a flawed victim. I feel only sympathy for her.

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
As some of the comments...

As some of the comments all that happened to her were due to her lack of trust in her husband and his love for her...I hope she has learned the lesson...

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 9 years ago
FD45, just one question?

Why fucking get married to him if you don't trust him? In some of your worlds, you guys don't think past 2 minutes in the future. You get married, so asshole from your pass comes with a tape you did before you got married and tries to blackmail you......dahhhh tell you fucking husband. If you did porn before your husband, what would hurt worse, him finding out or you laying it all on the table.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Messed up thinking on her part.

She didn't want to tell her husband what it was all about, even though he had seen her cheat on him in the video. She didn't trust him to understand but she expected him to trust her that it didn't make any difference to their marriage. Well, that was a bit self centered on her part. How did he miss the fact that she was crazy as hell? Surely that would have shown up at one time or another. No explanation about the things she did in the video, the ones she had done with her husband and the ones she had refused to do with her husband. How was he supposed to come to the conclusion that it didn't mean anything? She didn't seem to be enjoying the sex, but she damn sure did it. What was he supposed to think? After all those weeks of her refusing to answer any of his questions and so her much older sister shows up, knowing the why, evidently, that he isn't allowed to know, then he just agrees to talk to her again. Bitches be crazy. Good writing but a bit of a stretch, his immediate acceptance and forgiveness. Some times you should forgive, some times you don't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Trust and Communication keys and ingredients to a marriage

This story is perfect if anyone needs an example of how to fuck up a marriage. What I mean is, Trust and communication are two very important parts of a marriage without them there really is nothing. With these, how intimate can a couple be? not very. How understanding or sympathetic, supportive? Not very. So in a nut shell, the critics here are right, Had Amy approached Mark and told him what was going on with her ex, explained a video, would he have moved out? NO, in fact the confrontation if any would have been brief and Amy would not have had to endure another lousy sex session with her EX. Yes the video does show her not even enjoying her time. So lessons learned and can be learned from this story? Talk to each other and trust each other after all that is why you married in the first place. Most important after that, protect one another. Does things like this happen, you bet, there are lots of skeletons in peoples closets that we don't like to talk about. If you are honest with your spouse you can bet the love your spouse has for you, will go along way in protection too, not to mention support. After all you are partners, lovers and best friends all rolled into one thing A MARRIAGE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another great Ohio story

Congrats. another great Ohio story. Five out of five. I think you must be trying to explore every aspect of female infidelity and how many different ways a husband can forgive. Obviously if a reader doesn't like forgiveness and reconciliation stories a reader won't like your stories. I happen to like that theme and yours are among the best on this site. Please don't stop. Constructive criticisms. Ah. I always try to find some. As good as your stories are I think they would be better if you let them breath a little. Don't rush the conversations. Don't hurry to the next plot point. What do you characters hear? What do they smell? Newly mown grass as they walk up to the front door. Kids riding their bikes and laughing on the street, What colour was Amy's robe when she finally told her husband what happened? Where did he first see it? Was it fluffy terry cloth or thin and silky? Just let a little more life into your stories. Yes, it will make them longer and take longer to write. Yes, I understand an author may get tired of working on a particular story. Set it aside for a few days or a few weeks. Tell yourself it is a detailed outline and then come back to it with fresh eyes. Cheers and keep writing.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 9 years ago
loved your story Ohio!! All of them are good that I have read so far

and look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU have pissed of dear annony. the shit of Lit!!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“Can't you just trust me enough to believe me, when I say that nothing like this will ever happen again?" _ WTF?! He ALREADY “trusted” her that “nothing like this will ever happen” at ALL, and we’ve just seen how THAT turned out!

How she can possibly think he can accept what she did without an explanation?

How could he do that to her?! Talk to her? He’s been trying, and she keeps refusing.

One thing that troubles me is that she thinks CHEATING on him NOW is a valid action to cover up things she did before they ever even MET!

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
No trust

Apparently she didn't trust her husband enough to tell him how she had been drugged, then near raped, then blackmailed. She didn't trust him. She didn't respect him. She didn't love him. She loved his love, and his trust and his respect for her. She was afraid of what she would lose, not what he would lose. It was, as it usually is, all about her.

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