All Comments on 'Thorne Ch. 10'

by kalamazoo707

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fluerfluerabout 11 years ago

Awesome update. I can't wait to see what Barb does next.

Reecycup99Reecycup99about 11 years ago

Great update and I look forward to see where this goes. I love Thorne for seeking therapy. He is going to be better man and great father. I hope Barb learns something's about herself. I do not see a relationship forming between her and Thorne. I love Nathan and Louise. Look forward to the next update. I will continue to stalk the website for an update. You are an awesome writer and should think of getting published. I will buy whatever you write!

luv_romanceluv_romanceabout 11 years ago
ThAnk you...

For this update. I am still hopeful for Barb and Thorne.

Let Barb change... Pls...

Btw, please write fast. It has been almost a month. Hahaha.

Love your work. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Plzzzzzz I hope you don't make barb end up like thorne's mother.people can change if they want. In my opinion, fate has done the right thing.thorne and barb can make awesome couple.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No more Barb.

I wish Barb will leave soon. I found her character annoying and irredeemable. I love your stories...keep writing. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This story is an arduous read for me. Initially, I thought this story would be about Barb and Thorne's journey. I enjoyed reading about them. Unfortunately, the main storyline was derailed.

I did not enjoy reading the parts about the vampire hunters, their cliques, mysterious deaths in the club, that anti-vampire fanatic's daughter so I skim those parts of the story. It was too much detail and did not interest me. I understand that threat was a device to get the families under one roof but I didn't care about reading about what those other anti-vampire people were doing. There are too many character's in this story. The story was already bursting at the seems with the regular Sinclair characters and Thorne's family.

Barb's (and Thorne's) growth has been stalled and too slow. Believable character development is important but this has been too long. It's frustrating. Barb and Thorne need to have an aha! moment. I know I complained about too many characters but I am glad that Eustace was introduced. Hopefully, he will speed up the characters growth.

I normally don't leave long critiques but I usually enjoy your stories. I am still reading this one because I am hopeful for a good pay off at the end with Barb and Thorne.

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127about 11 years ago
Barb changing.....?

I might be one of the only ones that hopes Barb really doesn't totally change. I wish her to stay in her child's life and her family. The one thing is I don't think she should change because that's life!!! Not everything is a happy ending or turns out how we want it to. Sometimes is hard, messy and from that something beautiful can grow.... Sometimes. I think Thorne needs this child's love to make him see the true beauty in the world. So he can see a softer side of himself but, I don't think he needs Barb to do that. The fact is she will never be a Louise or Kevyn and that's just real.

Can't wait til the up coming chapters!

donaldedonaldeabout 11 years ago
WOW what a chapter

I especially enjoyed this chapter i am glad that Thorne is finally getting the help the he needs as for Barb i think she needs to go and never come home. looking forward to reading the next chapter thank you so much for posting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Barb and Thorne

I happen to agree with the reader who said that she hopes that barb will be a part of the family. This is real life. How many of us know couples who had a child together but they are not together as a couple? IDK but I think this story is about more than just Barb and Thorne and unless I read wrong, a majority of this chapter was about them. I really hope that they don't get together romantically, but hope that they can get along for the sake of the baby. I would also be bored if the story was just about them. real life seldom if ever revolves around two people. I hope that Kal stays the course and does whatever it is her muse tells her to do as far as these two characters are concerned.

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellabout 11 years ago
Love It

I'm so happy that Thorne is getting the help that she needs. And I really want Barb to change and be there for her son. I'm happy that she's trying to change. And i really want Barb and Thorne to be together. They can work together and become better people. And actually love each other like mates are suppose too. I'm rooting for them to be a couple. Can't wait for the next chapter. You never fail me Kal. Keep up the good work. ツ

AfrolatinaAfrolatinaabout 11 years ago
Barb Conscious is working over time.

Everyone deserve a second chance and Bard is no exception, I truly think that “The FATE” didn’t make a mistake, I believe that they where each into their issues Barbara was into getting herself a rich man, and Thorne was into humiliating a very gold digger that came across his path. I do believe that they do deserve each other.

Good Job Kalaamazoo707

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Still a good read

As usual you are a a good storyteller, but as one poster said, the story got off the track. The title gives the impression that Thorne would be at the center of this chapter, but thus far his story was put on the back burner for the larger story of the hunters. I found myself skipping over those parts just to read something about Barb and Thorne. Then I thought that was an injustice to you and went back and read them.


To me Thorne and Barb's journey is a complex one and as such I thought it would be given more time as Mason story gave to him and his mate. They didn't have any extraneous second plot, like the hungers, going on. Perhaps now that there is peace for a while, more attention will be give to Thorne and Barb and their problems. .


Although Eustace believes the fates screwed up again, I don't think they did. Thorne needs someone to challenge him. The fact that he is willing to get therapy for the sake of his son is huge, but I don't believe that he understands how much this is going to change his outlook on life in general. It will not only be a change that affects his relationship with his son, but everyone around him.


Barb is questioning herself more and I can see her softening, but not getting soft, not entirely. I don't in any way see her becoming amenable on every issue or docile. She can still be stubborn and feisty, but have it tempered by love and the recognition that she is loved. . She need not morph into a person she was never meant to be in order to have a relationship with Thorne. She is not like her sisters. Someone as sweet as Louise would never challenge Thorne in a way that he needs to be challenged. I can see Thorne railroading anyone who doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to him. Yes, Louise is strong in her way, but at her core she is a peacemaker.


Thorne needs someone to stand toe to toe with him and not always, in the moment, be reasonable. Hell, the sparks will keep it hot and they can have many, many, MANY sessions of make up sex, followed by more babies.


On another note, I wonder if Noel's mate is going to be Louise's baby girl. Maybe Louise is going to have more than one baby. Just a thought. I guess the doctor would have figured that out by now. But, then again, maybe the little vampire baby is hiding. They are sneaky creatures. lol. Anyway, I enjoyed the story. .

flowerbloomflowerbloomabout 11 years ago

When writing a story, you need a foundation. Then layers to make a story to merge together. When an author can put this all together and keep the readers nose to the book, that is talent. Go back and read the parts you have skip or not. Better yet try writing a short story and you will find it is hard work to deal with character development and try to get it right the first time. The author has several stories on this site and she is a nurse, that alone will tell you that she is no joke. You review is your opinion but many people can leave a review, but can it give positive feedback to the author and the person who would sit at their kindle/computer for hours to read this story. I remember when this author first posted "Ethan" on this site and you could hear the screams about the author making the rapist the hero and it was the first chapter and how many readers left nasty comments in the review box without leaving there names. When the author update this chapter, take your time and truly read the story. Thank you Flowerbloom

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No happy ending for Barb

Someone had to be a villain here. it couldn't be one of the big strong men. It couldn't be the sweet docile women. So its Barb. The one character in my opinion that has had the hardest struggle. This girl has never had it easy and despite how she acts, she has been mistreated, (I know she was tortured by bullies as a child). Growing up in poverty warps your perception. You either accept in on one extreme or you overreach in another extreme. Where her siblings were more balanced, she didn't have a needs that was fully met. Her parents were good people, and took care of her as best they could. I wish this author would show us what happened to her to make her like she is. Because, something happened. And it wasn't just about a prom dress either. There is more to what happened to her as a little girl.

But we'll never know the real story, Just that she is a selfish spoiled money hungry bitch who wanted a rich man.

Mya---No Lit account and I don't want one.

(Oh, and no, I've never written a story either, before you ask.)

Iread2relaxIread2relaxabout 11 years ago

Who did Barb call? I'm dying to know. Next chapter please.

willo_wispwillo_wispabout 11 years ago
I think the Fates...

Messed up pairing Barb with Hans because honestly....Hans doesn't have enough fire or asshole in him for Barb.

But contrary to what Thorne's therapist says, I think Barb and Thorne are well suited.

I think if Barb could get odd her high horse and stop being a bitch and let the real "her" out, she would be a great match for Thorne. Conversely, once Thorne stops being a controlling manipulative bastard, he is well suited for Barb.

So you see, I think the therapist is half right, as they are thorne and barb are a terrible match, but once they let go of their bs, they could a strong couple. Thorne is pretty indomitable and barb doesn't take anybody's crap. I think they'd be a vampire power couple, lol

willo_wispwillo_wispabout 11 years ago
To the Anonymous who wrote "still a good read"...

I agree with everything you wrote!

I agree that the story could focus more on barb and thorne.

I don't even care about the vampire hunter subplot, I want to know about what happens with thorne and bob

And I 1000% agree that barb and thorne, if they get themselves sorted are definitely well matched mates. In the same way that you feel Louise is ill suited for LOuise, I know Hans was a terrible matchup for barb. He doesn't have enough fire and passion in him fo4 barb. As you say, barb is feisty and that will never changne, even with an attitude adjustment.

As you said, when they finally get it together, barb and thorne will make sparks fly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
@No happy ending for Barb and @still a good read

I'm the author of the "ok" comment.

Barb is a good character which is why it's frustrating to see much of her personal journey take a back seat to the vampire hunter plot. There is a lot to explore with her. I enjoyed this chapter because there was more character development.

The memory of the prom dress was a great start to explore Barb's childhood. A few more instances such as that will give us, the readers, more insight about Barb. That was a horrible memory. Barb must have felt miserable when she saw that old dress. Packaging that old (redesigned) prom dress in a store box was a very cruel trick. I can't believe they would do that to her. That would've really hurt me if my family did that to me. The family probably laughed about how excited she would be to see her "new" dress when she saw the box. Her family purposely set her up for disappointment for kicks and giggles. They all pitched in money for a good laugh not to help Barb.

I totally and whole heartedly believe that Barb was abused. It doesn't sound as if it's some trumped up accusation from a brat; she genuinely feels that she was abused. Honestly, it sickens me a bit that her siblings have for the most part dismissed her feelings. It's not right. I think they played a part in her abuse. Some families have people they figuratively kick in the gut. She has the right to criticize and question the manner in which her parents raised her. Poverty can absolutely warp you but I believe Barb experience much more than poverty. Barb is hungry, no, she's starving for something. I totally understand never ever wanting to return poverty or having no money.

I think Eustace should reserve his judgement about whether the fates made a mistake. I was surprised he would make that judgment after such a quick assessment. Thorne's ideal mate surprised me too but I think that will change once he gets more insight into who he really is.

Barb and Thorne are interesting because they're both very similar. They're both still extremely angry about things that happened in childhood. They're still living in the past a bit. They need to let go of the resentments but that is easier said than done. Thorne and Barb have strong feelings about their childhoods whereas Noel and Barb's siblings don't. Perhaps, this is why the fates put these two together; they both have a lot of baggage and pent up anger.

I hope the next chapter is focused more on Thorne and Barb.

tammyppeterstammyppetersabout 11 years ago
Any one who think Barb was abused is crazy

I understand that this is just a story but lets start like this. If would not make a deal with a bill to give an ungrateful child a damn dress. Why no pay any bill and spend the money all on her. I call abuse if she came home or did not have a home to go to because her parents spent the money on anything but bill, rent and food. He sisters and brothers give money for her to have a dress. Granted the dress was not new but it was new to her meaning it was not a dress she had before. She does not want to work for what she wants. Nothing is given to you. She needs to have this child and leave, but she still will not be happy no matter how much money she has because her soul is black and I hope the her and Thorn can be broken up as mates. I would rather read chapters about the fights and what happen the rest of the family then read about her. The sad part is I have a sister just like her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

i really like this story along with all the other stories in this series but i really have to say i have not hated a character as much as i hate barb she is a selfish coniving bitch that does not deserve happiness because of how she treats others especially her own unborn child she is very cruel and mean i feel bad for that poor baby and her for the people who leave dumass comments about agreeing that barb was abused you are just as bad as her and are idiots i would hate to meet people like you in real life........ it really seems like you really dont understand the story and how things are explained.......... reading those retarded ass comments just really pissed me off you should just go fuck off for being so stupid...........anyway loved this chapter and i cant wait for more.......also i really would like to say tho that i wished there was more of patrick and kevin involved in this story i really like them

blastwizardblastwizardabout 11 years ago
WOW - there is a lot going on here :)

Barb is a piece of work. For those who agree with her, I have to disagree with you. I do find it interesting that she is the most abusive person in all of these stories. She is just like the Sinclaires rapist grandfather, it is about what they want. AT ALL TIMES. They know their behavior is ALL WRONG, but they continue because they WANT TO. Enough of her. I know too many people like her to feel any kind of empathy. Her ENTIRE family pitches in, goes without to make her a dress, and she F*&#ING SPIT IN THEIR FACE. Wow. She thinks they are supposed to love her no matter what, because they are family. Really?! So, isn't she supposed to love them back for the same reason? I am just asking. But in Barb's world, NO. This chick is unbelievable. Oh, and btw..., the decision to remain in the child's life is a big maybe, because maybe she will need something in the future and her child or some other family member will get played in order for her to gain something else materialistic that she will want. The entire 5 chapters shows us how individuals are taking time and mindfully thinking on how to protect the ones they love. Barb & Thorne's mother are thinking about what they want, and love...., well the love of self supersedes any and all thoughts. Whomever Barb is calling, it ain't her parents or grandparents, so who cares. The ones that loved her the most she can't ever talk to. Of course this is my belligerent opinion. LOL Barb can kick rocks!!! As to the topic of her being a mate for Thorne because she is all fiery and passionate...., yeah that is garbage. Barb is so corrupt she can't even be considered a narcissist. She does not love herself enough to reach that level of personality disorder. For lack of a better term, she is a wanker. (AND NO I DON'T MEAN THE MASTURBATION DEFINITION). Bitch is too much of a word for the likes of Barb. In all truth, one should not judge, but damn...., Barb is hard to digest. BTW - If you don't like yourself, do the world a favor - KEEP TO YOURSELF. Spare others from your all around nasty. Even if I read of some unspeakable action or some adolescent malevolent crime against Barb, I STILL WON'T LIKE HER. She chooses her behavior and you know what? Who cares. The rest of the characters are living their lives and preparing for a reality that may be the fight for their very existence. Barb is mad that she has body guards. Hmmmm. Wow. I loved this chapter by the way. I love that so many folks get emotional about it and write comments. They are fun to read. I don't think anyone is an idiot or stupid if they like or understand Barb, I just don't and in truth everyone is entitled to their opinion. Thorne thinks a kinder hearted woman would help to bring out traits that are good in him? Well it's possible,

Barb contributed to the COMPLETE COLD HEARTED ASSHOLE THAT IS ALL UP IN THORNE. Thorne is no prince, but he does not pretend to be a paragon of virtue. A kinder hearted woman could be a cold hearted bitch, but there is a difference in the hearts of a woman. Barb's heart is corroded. A child won't make her tolerable. She needs to go battle her own demons and when she has done so, she should disappear. Think about this, saying I'm sorry to the parents of the dead child your negligence killed is like spitting in the wind. I'm sorry after the deed is done and folks are maimed because of you is also like spitting in the wind. Maybe if she lived like a trillion vamp years, she might learn what folks were telling her in her damn 30's. But that is not my story to tell. Did I say I like this story? Well I do. HA! Kal you are a fantastic writer and I hope you have more up your sleeve. I can't say I like all your characters, but I think it has less to do with you and more to do with the fact that they are so much like real life that it is scary:) This response was too wordy and I apologize. GREAT READ AS ALWAYS!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I'm Tired Of Barb

Kal, Barb's character is not going to win. Please let the baby come and she move on to HI and let Thorne have his baby and move on. I've loved your stories but this Barb character is really dragging. I'd personally like the new story of Olivia and William rather than read more of this story. Sorry.

I appreciate your time and effort to give us free entertainment but I think I'm done with this story.

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieabout 11 years ago
Who is callling?

I am so ready for something bad to happen to Barb!! I want her to have the baby then she can die the death that she deserves. The more I read about William the more I like him, he seems to a stand up type of man. Olivia maybe stronger than I had originally thought. I am wondering when Kevyn and Patrick will get pregnant? I hope that it is soon. I love this story and these characters, your writing makes it easy to become invested in them. Thank you for sharing your prodigious talent with us!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

well, first of all, kal, thans for sharing this series with us (your readers). it's realy a joy for me to read your stories (i've read all your stories in this site). and actualy, i'm kinda envy by your talent and ability to write stories. i love to read, but i'm not sure i can write a story myself. so, thanks for such an interesting plot. and, kal, i also wonder what will happen to barb when her 'inner voice' do leave and abondan her. and i wonder if it will be the time that she'll have an extreme change to herself.. it'll be interesting indeed, kal :-)

to the reader who think barb's parents were doing cruel thing to her because they repair an old dress for her prom and her parents and siblings had realy made fun of her, well, i think you are never in such economic crisis as a child, right? well, when i was a child, my fam was also in such condition. we could afford our basic needs, but for things like such fancy dress, we would be in a struggle to afford it. one of my older sisters, in such away, is like barb. she aslo wanted a fancy dress for her prom. in order to providing such joy for her, i myself witnessed how my parents tried to buy a beautiful dress but unfortunately it was too expensive for them to buy. so, they bought a much older dress from that store and they and we (my other sister and i) were remodelling the dress.. and when it was done, all of us were realy pround with our effort and wished she would have had as much joy as us. and you know what? she had the same reaction with barb... so, is it not natural for us to feel such hurt? just think of it in such perspective before giving such opinion..

kvenakvenaabout 11 years ago
Keep this story going

You have to keep Barb in this story. She adds so much drama. I can't wait to see how or what you do to redeem her. She may just surprise us all. Love this story as well as all your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Another good read

Thank you, Kal for writing and sharing your stories. I like Thorne in some strange reason him and Barb just go for me it's a balance. I so like Noel he's sweet he needs his own s/l.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

At first glance, repairing the dress IS a nice thing to do but why did they put it in the FANCY store box?

blastwizardblastwizardabout 11 years ago
It was a present, that's why it's in a fancy box.

Do not mistake people choosing to be kind and people choosing to be self-absorbed. No one ever has to give to another. If a family pitches in to give a family member more than the nothing they have, they should be grateful. But if they only see it as hand-me-down grubs, then maybe they should get a job and fend for themselves. It boggles my mind that we are talking about qualifying a mean moment. We may never agree, but people like Barb who only think of their wants and needs make loving those type of people painful. Do you really think that a persons family would group together to hate on them? If the answer is yes, then Barb and anyone like Barb should stay away from people like that. But in this story, we see that Barb has a choice. She chooses her behavior. She chooses to stop a kindness and bark at the people around her. She chooses to judge people by her assumptions and she is 100% wrong at all times. She will admit it to herself, but by the time she is willing to press her lips to take back a snarky comment or to say sorry the person or event has moved past her. Barb wants folks to bend over backward so that she can shit on them. So asking why put a present in a box is the wrong question to me. Why should anyone do anything for someone who only sees themselves and no other? I like that everyone has so much to say on this. It's fun to see other opinions. I don't always agree, but it is interesting dialog.

jussiejonesjussiejonesabout 11 years ago

If Ethan and Patrick can become better people, so can Barb! Please don't kill her after the baby comes!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The box came from a store that Barbs father was working as a security guard. It wasn't meant as a joke. Barbs reaction would have been the same no matter what. I don't get why people insist that some thing happened to make her the way she is. Some people are just wired the way they are. Look at Jeffrey Dahmer. ... he said that nothing his parents did made him what he was. By all accounts his family loved him. Even if barb had been abused which she wasn't. ... she is still responsible for her actions and the way that she treats people. Its the same in real life isn't it?

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

I know I'm wrong but should I want to punch Barb in the face? So many problems but even Barb deserves to be many demons..

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago
Still a great story

I think that the reason that the prom dress became such a significant issue for Barb is what happened after the prom. Her date told her that the only reason he took her to the prom was that he believed she would be so grateful that she would be more than willing to have sex with him. She actually was abused, but put the blame in the wrong place, making her disappointment in the dress even greater after the fact. She needs therapy as much as Thorne does.

It would be absolutely hilarious if Thorne's mother and Barbara hate each other when they finally meet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I beg of you, Please make Barb and Thorne fall inlove.... I still have hope that they can work things out!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Give Thorne another mate

We all know people like Barb, they never get enough and are never happy. Material things mean love to them and they don't give a damn about anyone else. Women like Barb never change they just get better at hiding their nasty ways from everyone but the ones closest to them, her love ones will always suffer her nasty ways. She's a cancer and she will make every one around her emotionally sick!

Thorne is trying to make a attempt to better himself for his child and if he has to deal with that witch it will be impossible.

Here parents were poor but they loved her and they wanted her to be happy. Giving her the dress in the fancy box was to make her feel better but with person like Barb all she saw was the dress was not from the fancy store on the box , so in her small self centered mind her family had to making fun of her . She can only love herself and she needs expensive things because she somehow thinks that what makes a person better than someone else.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Barb is a narcissistic!

As a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse characters like Barb makes me sick! She used the excuse of being abused for all the wrong she does and she thinks all her wrong doing should be overlooked.

How old is this woman? She acts like a child instead of a grown ass woman! She thinks she was abused because she didn't get a fancy prom dress, really that's just sad and childish.

I wish that was what happened to me, try getting thrown down a flight of stairs and beaten because I cried. I didn't have sisters and brothers that gave me love and support and let’s not even talk about my so called parents! I have never hurt or been mean to someone because of my childhood because in the end I made a choice to be a better person than my abusers.

She's using the same excuse I hear from people every day use in the court system , "I killed or hurt someone, because I was abuse. It’s not my fault I wasn’t loved as a child". People like Barb never stop to think about how they abuse others with their nasty ways and actions. They use the abuse excuse to get them through life until someone refuses to accept their excuses and manipulations!

The sad fact is people like Barb more than not get what they want and always seem to land on their feet , that's just the way the world is, if you don't believe me look at the people we call stars on reality TV that gain fame and money from their nasty behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
awful story

I find it interesting that you read so much of a story that you call awful. I also read the comment on Patrick and wonder if you left that one too. It reads much like this one. Imho it seems that youve missed the point of these stories. All of them have a common thread. Love,forgiveness, choices and consequences. It isnt abiut who did the worst thing-its about owning up to it. There is no romanticing here. What I read about was the struggle to understand and forgive. How is that disgusting? How is finding a way to forgive weak? Why are you even reading this series?lol... Apparently you have difficulty with the concepts mentioned above. Did u read ethan when it was up? It explains how the whole rape thing started. Granted if they were in a human world.. they would be in jail but this isnt a human world. You made refernce to the authors race...what difference does it make? As far as Barb and thorne are concerned. Once sgain its about choiced and consequences. That's real life. Barb is CHOOSING not to change. There are people like that. The last thing thst I would like to address are the personal attacks. .. we have the right to like or dislike a story. We have the right to day why just as we have yhe right to read or not to continue reading. We do not have yhe right to personally attack the writer. For you to say some of yhe things you did not only about the writer but us readers too was wrong. You dont know us nor do you know the writer. So..... if u cant leave a comment without the personal attacks then I suggest that you dont read anymore of this series and find something more to your liking. Sorry about yhe typos...

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
The difference between accountability and a excuse.

Throne, Patrick and his brothers knew what they did was wrong and worked hard to change things. Isn't our system is set up on redemption? Barb wears her supposed abuse like a badge and has never tried to get help or even try to see what others see. She wants the world to fall at her feet because she feels she's abuse.

Also it would be wise to remember this is fiction and the author spends a huge amount of her time and energy to share her story. So instead of trashing her work accept that this her concept , she can write HER story anyway she likes ! If you dont like what she writes don't read it and go pay for shitty work, theres a ton of it out there! Also if you can do better I'm sure everyone would love to read your work.

I love this author but Barb pisses me off! Team Thorne !

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellabout 11 years ago
You know what!!!!

That's the main reason why Kal is kinda leaving Literotica now. Cause jackass like Anom 5/14/13. If you dont got nothing nice to say about this story. Then dont read it. You didnt have to attack Kal. I love Kal and all of her stories. So fuck the haters Kal and keep doing what you doing. Dont let theses jackass stop you from writing. And please dont leave Literotica beacause of theses assholes who ignorant . But you can't please everybody it's always going to be a Jackass somewhere. But can't wait for the next update!! Keep up the good work like you always do!!! ツ

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor

Enough! You do not know me or anything about me! You don't like the story !fine.. you are free to interpret it however you wish nor am I going to explain what was going through my mind when I wrote it. You are entitled to your opinion but you do not- I repeat you do not have the right to personally attack me. You know nothing about me and my life. All I can say is this ... if you are soooooo disgusted and angry-stop reading it. If you continue to read and comment, stop with the personal atracks.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Kal please keep writing you story!

Kal, before I go any further, I want to say that many, including myself, think you’re great, and please, don't let a numbnut that hides behind a computer keep you from writing (maybe he or she is a failed writer themselves, and can't stand that someone is doing only what he/she dreams of)! I won’t take away from the authors work by arguing with some troll who needs to feel important by bashing others. So I won’t respond again, because frankly, I’m not going to waste my time by feeding a losers need for attention!

This is a work of fiction, and if someone has trouble separating fact from fiction, maybe they should read self-help instead, maybe something along the lines of how to stop finding fault and judging others!

But I suspect Anonymous 5/14 has failed at everything he/ or she has tried in life. Probably the kind of person that is nothing more than a soul sucker, and they make everyone around them miserable as well. (Anonymous 5/14, I’m talking to you here: Did a plus-sized black woman steal your man or woman, and you just can’t understand why he picked her/him over you?). You seem to feel the need to find a way to make up for your own short comings, so you come on here anonymously to trash other people. That makes you nothing more than a coward hiding behind a computer screen. And before you suggest others get therapy, oh great, all-knowing, all-seeing wise one, look at yourself! If you’re starved for attention, get a dog, they can’t argue back. And even though you’re a dumbass, your dog will still hang on to your every lackluster, self-important, narcissistic words.

Kal, keep on keep on, I will check back on YOUR story, and I'm sure, ANONYMOUS 5/14 will too. Personally, I think he/she is a little compulsive, since he/she keeps coming back to stories she claims to hate.

Love you!

PS: Anonymous, if you respond to this, that tells us all we need to know, and just proves my theory, Ha!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
for the


kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor

This will be my last response to you. We will have to agree to disagree. Have a wonderful, anger free day

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I'm glad to see by your last response to the crazy woman that you're not letting her get to you. I'm not really into vampire stories, but I can appreciate when something is well-written, and your stories are.

The crazy critic has all kinds of issues herself, obviously, so I had to laugh at her accusations about your mental health and the mental health of the many fans of your stories. She apparently can't even decide if you're male or female, black or white, but she somehow thinks she has you and your fans all figured out.

You're a very talented writer. Make sure you don't let one person ruin this for you. You would be missed here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

What irritates me is all the powers these creatures have. Is there anything they can't do? I mean nearly invulnerabel, telaportation, making people do what they want, it seems hokey. Vampires who eat human food, have blood banks, doesn't blood have a shelf life, and they microwave it too???

I like the writing, but it is so outlandish. Oh yeah, mind reading, and I am sure others I am forgetting.

What's next, telikinsesis????

I am sorry to the author, I dearly love your I will love you forever series. It is so good, but your creature features are to far out there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Thats why its called paranormal. Nothing is off limits.

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellabout 11 years ago

Last time I check this is fiction!! Y'all are taking this shit to far!!!! I love Kal her stories are amazing!! She is a talent writer! Kal Keep writing your amazing stories! And fuck theses haters! Please don't leave us!! TEAM Kal!!!! ♥

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It is be coming clear that whoever this anon is has issues. It is also clear that he/she is enjoying this too much. Notice how fast they respond to a comment. Its as if she's lyung in wait. I say that we ignore her and move on. She is firm in her beliefs and as I just said- she is enjoying the attention.

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor

I know that I said that I wouldn't respond to your comments anymore. But.... As long as I have been on this site I have never deleted a comment unless it was my own. I've watched throughout the day hoping that you would let up, but you haven't. I was just going to delete your comments and not say anything, but I thought that I owed you the courtesy and respect of telling you why I'm deleting them. It has nothing to do with you not liking the story- to each his own. It has everything to do with the total lack of respect you showed not only to me, but to other readers on this site. It has only gotten worse. The last few comments directed at another reader are totally uncalled for. You have continued to lobby personal attacks against others whom you do not know. I have said before and I'll say it again, I don't expect everyone to like my stories- you can't please everyone. If you don't like it simply don't read it and don't take your anger and hatred out on others.

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor

Yes you have said in no uncertain terms that you dont like my stories. I have said that I have no issues with that. You are entitled to your opinion. I do take issue with the personal attacks. That is the ONLY reason why I deleted your comments. The name calling was unwarranted. I know that you will come back with some long comment- be my guest but I am done communicating with you. Btw. .. I will continue to write my stories as I see fit.

QuietmahoganystormQuietmahoganystormabout 11 years ago
To the anonymous commenter

I have some questions and some comments to you.


1. If you don't like the story, the series, and the author then why bother reading any of her works? And why the urge to write absolutely hateful and nasty comments because you don't like the work written?

2. Why do you feel the need to question the author's sex, race, etc? Its just plain rude. You did not have to be insulting, which is more than likely the reason why the author felt the need to remove your comments.


Having been a reader and an admitted fan of this author, I have read all things posted by the author. There is nothing in the writings ever published here or anywhere else where the author has ever glorified rape. If you want to read rape stories, then read the non-consent/reluctance section of Literotica. There are plenty of other fetish sites for that in both written audio, and video format. If that's what gets people going, then that's on them. However I can safely, and with authority say that there is nothing this author has written that glorifies rape, nor celebrates the rapist.

My point in all this is this: If your comments weren't filled with such vitriol and personally attacked the author, then maybe they would still be listed on the site. Liking or disliking a story based on the story alone is worthy of being listed. Name-calling and being a royal pain in the ass is not necessary. These stories are posted for free for the enjoyment of those who choose to read them.

Just a note, people who post rudeness on this site anonymously are cowards. Since you seem so upset about this, then log in to the site, put a screen name up and then post your anger. Otherwise you are choosing to be annoying for the sake of being annoying, and disrespecting another authors work, no matter how much you don't care for it anonymously is simply cowardice and childishness on your behalf.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good keep writing passive rape fetish, not interracial love

Again, you're selective about name calling because like I said, your fans did it too, and you keep their comments up so stop excusing it obviously. Nope your stories are not getting better only worse. rape is violence, not love, and fucking disgusting. Understand everyone isn't in love with your stories so fucking deal. Yes you are the one writing main weak heroines that are fat and black, and have not only low standards, but selective outrage making weak justifications ever for rapists and misogynists. Not intriguing in the least, just pathetic, lowers intelligence, and degrading. Keep selling praise chica. Only praise. Keep writing to your strengths for your fan base you know do well: white pervs and fat black women fetishists for abuse and violence against women.

QuietmahoganystormQuietmahoganystormabout 11 years ago

Again to the anonymous commenter:

Why are the terms "fat" and "black" discussed in a pejorative manner in your comments? What does the body type and race have anything to do with your vitriol?

Being fat isn't always a matter of having a "lack of control while eating". Some people gain weight because of health issues. Being skinny does not ever equate to being beautiful. I mean how many skinny drug addicts do you find sexy - even if they are rockstars? Being beautiful has more to do with a person's spirit and humanity. The days of equating blackness to ugliness are only for those stupid enough to open their mouths, or type their inane thoughts for the public to see (anonymously or not).

You should be ASHAMED of your use of these terms to describe the characters,or anyone for that matter. Beauty truly does come in all shapes, sizes and colors, but it certainly has NEVER encompassed bitter and angry.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

How many time's has the author said that she doesn't expect everyone to like her stories? But yet you keep coming back to yne same old arguments that you started earlier today. The author asked that you agree to disagree. She also stated several times that you sre entitled to your opinion. Are you not reading? U didnt answer the previous commenters questions. Why is that? Also, the story is not a rape fetish as you call it. Earlier you questioned the mental stability of the author and her readers. I have to admit that its you that im curious about. You keep repeating the same points over and over. I can feel your hatred and anger. I have to eonder what happened to you....and why did you continue reading this series if you hate it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
another wannabe genius

Quietmahoghaystorm, can you fucking comprehend? This story has high marks and I decided to read it. I'm regretting it because I don't support romanticized rapists and non consent.

Yes I did question the writers race, sex, and, background because it seems a perv white guy gets off on rape as love, and it's disgusting. this writer gives rapists a pass.

You're in no position to regulate me, and judging the comments on your stories, you aren't exactly a good writer either, lol @ you. These vampire stories fucking glorify rapists as tragic heroes and passive blacks as weak. this so called authority of yours means jack shit to me considering I've read and understood the under current of the rape sexual abuse stories, and they all have a free pass for being predators. When the rapists in these stories get of scott free,um, no they ain't paid for shit!! Don't play stupid.

And I'm free to post whether I like a fucking story or not. This keeps escaping many of you. I read it and don't like any of it anymore,and commented.

Was I the only one with vitriolic in my comments, selective one? No! Miss my all the way with your passive bullshit. And speaking of anonymous, I'm not the only one posting anonymously, so take your shit to the anonymous fans to chicken shit to join the site as well. And your username isn't your real name, braniac. Own your own childish and disservice. Post under your real name and let all know who your real identity. No didn't think so. Don't come for me, I'm not the one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
another post to quuetmahoghanystorm

Again to the anonymous commenter:

Because fat black women are the main heroines in this rape stories.skinny women like dumb Barb are villains for digging for gold. The low self esteem is evident based on physical descriptions.

Don't make apologies for fatties,Ok? I didn't equate ugliness with blackness, so don't fucking put words in my posts. I said, fat, black women are heroines and have low self esteem to sorry ass rapists and misigynists. Barb is beautiful, skinny, but ugly. If she were fat and a gold digger,she'd be bbw.

it is shameful for black women too hype rape fetish up as great writing. It is shameful for blank women to praise sexual abuse confirm it with love. Lol @ great writing. Being fat is bad health so stop with the bullshit. Doctors do not call being fat beautiful or healthy. Deal. Fine, same white men do not pursue bbw from their own race, and certainly not read it for porn regarding black women. Lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The writer does not believe the bullshit about agreeing to disagree because she seems to hate negative criticism and keeps her fans negative posts up about me up. Again miss me all the way with your bullshit. The writer had no fucking problem avoiding her fans nasty remarks to me. Wow @ you. the writer does not honestly believe people are entitled to their opinions, dumb ass, when she says, don't like don't read. Fucking contradiction. And dumb ass, posters keep responding to me, genius. keep asking dumb ass fucking stupid ass questions. Didn't i fucking just post i wasn't going to read anymore trash? Is English your fucking first language? Damm. Rapists are not heroes, and I've keep it real about this story. Be who you're gonna be and continue to support rapist fantasies,. got it. And am I the only one arguing with myself? The writer missed telling her fans agree to disagree but she's not because she needs fans to support her work. Yes, I question the mental stability of black women in live with rapists and abusive men. No self esteem having selves, hahaha!!!!

QuietmahoganystormQuietmahoganystormabout 11 years ago

You know I kinda figured you'd go there with my stories and the posts left on my stories. I prefer to have a screen name because it's my handle. It's one way to connect with users without being completely public. That's what ever other author and user with a screen name who wants to actually participate in this site does. It's just another part of the game. It is comical that you would say that though. As far as your assumption of my mental accumen, I'll leave it just at that.

I don't know why a fictional story by two different authors has your panties all in a bunch, but coming at people who challenge you to actually read, and understand the complexity of relationships based on forgiveness and redemption is just childish. It's really ok if you don't understand it, take offense to it, etc. However attacking the character & intelligence of someone with a difference of opinion simply because they wrote a story or series of stories you don't like only serve to make you look like a fucking idiot.

And I didn't put words in your mouth. It just wasn't that hard to see how much hatred you have towards others who disagree with you. Does it make you feel better about yourself to rant about someone else's fictional stories? Do you even understand how inane and insane that makes you look, Mr/Ms. Anonymous? You are so tough, sitting at your computer - writing angry barbs about fictional characters and doing so under the cover of anonymity.

You are mean, childish, and cruel. You lash out with curse words and insults at others with a difference of opinion because it suits you. I don't know what happened to you in your life, but you need to talk to someone about your anger. Hanging onto anger because of someone doing you wrong isn't being strong. It's called giving power to your abuser.

Rape is, and will never be a light-hearted issue. Getting pissy over a fictional story about a rapist who formed a relationship with his victim. In real life some rapist pigs do get off scott free because judge and jury, lawyers and police abuse the victim. It happens every day. It fucking sucks. Then there are the rapist pigs that don't get off scott free - who receive jail time. Then there are the ones who walk the streets, preach in churches, coach little league, or are working professionals that abuse and damage people who don't suspect them of their crimes because of the silence, anger and fear of the victim that didn't come forward. Those fuckers deserve hard time. That situation isn't the focus in these series of stories.

These are stories of redemption - which is very different from being "weak", "weak-minded" and "stupid". It takes a hell of a lot of will power to look at someone who did you wrong and forgive them. It is also not an easy thing to write, or feel. Calling a person or fictional character weak because she chose forgiveness and gave a chance to her abuser to change from his/her state of abusive weakness to a person worthy of trust is just lame. It takes a hell of a lot of work to get to that point - and it's still not an easy journey to either write or experience on either side of that coin.

Like I said in an earlier, Rape stories can be found in the non-consent/reluctance category. Those are the stories that should have your panties all twisted up. Where the rapist plans and plots his crime, and relishes in the fear in his/her victim's eyes. Then again, those aren't the only ones you'll see in there either....However, you'll find that it is one of the most popular categories on this site. Take you bitter angry diatribe about the horrors of rape stories to that portion of the site. Don't take it out on the writers of stories of redemption and moving forward.

Writers write what we want to see - whether it's a story that comes from absolutely no where about rape or forced coercion to romance with making love in the moonlight with the man/woman of your dreams. Fantasies are exactly that - so go write what you want to read like the rest of us have and leave someone else's works alone.

QuietmahoganystormQuietmahoganystormabout 11 years ago
Dear Ms. FitandTrim

So glad you have a handle now. Sadly I won't be taking any therapy advice from a person that has such anger management issues as yourself. Everyone has their own issues, so stop pointing fingers at others without noticing that your pointing one back at yourself.

And this whole obsession with other people being fat and keeping yourself slim and trim so you don't become fat is a bit much. You act like a fat woman stole your man...or maybe you were teased during your childhood for being fat. Whatever it is, don't take your issues of self esteem and self worth centered around your size and weight out on me or anyone else. I don't and won't put up with that foolishness. No self respecting human being will ever put up with that type of childish bullying bullshit either.

You're on this Lit site just like the rest of us, so the porn statement is pretty lame. You aren't hurting me, because you just don't have that kind of power over me or anyone else anyway. Keep on ranting. Keep on being the angry woman that you most clearly are. If it makes you happy, then keep right on doing it. I'm done with you and your anger issues. Have a nice life.

flowerbloomflowerbloomabout 11 years ago
Fitand Trim

You, have serious mental health issue's, this is your form of attention. Kal and QuietM are very good writers. You can rant and rave all you want, but the language you are using is boring and childish. By the way I know your alias, disgunted male, posing as a woman.

flowerbloomflowerbloomabout 11 years ago

You are still posing as a woman, indeed you are a male. Non functioning defective beyond repair male, using this author and readers as a sounding board for your lack of talent. I seriously believe you are having a mental breakdown and you are projecting your inability to form cohesive relationship with normal society. Undergoing ranting and rave is a soothing bane, for your trouble soul. Seriously you need to get in contract with your mental health provider. I do not know if you have been sexual and physical abuse as a child, but something in this story has trigger your rage. I urge you to seek help immediately. Any comments you chose to make regarding my post, I will not reply to your delusion comments. It has end here. Have a good life, you going to need it. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A soft answer turns away wrath, life is to short to argue. Let your talent and readership speak for itself. Don't let no-one steal your time, your joy, peace or dignity. You've written several stories and have a loyal strong following, and we know the moral of the stories that you write and your intention.

Anger can distract you and frankly I'm waiting for a update on 'I will love you forever' you aint got time to be going back and forth with this ish. lol

Everyone entitled to their opinion, let them have it, keep it. its theirs.

all you need to do is hook us readers up!!!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor
fit and trim

Hello all. I am sure that you are aware of the issues that have surrounded this person. I don't know who he/she is, but her harassment had gone from this website to my email. I have just received a horrible email from this person. It contained much of the same and more personal attacks. I thought that this was a site for adults' apparently I was wrong. I am in the process if trying to decide where to go from here. People like this person destroy the integrity of websites such as this. To fit and trim... you are nothing but a bitter lonely woman. I really hope that you get a grip, get a life and for gods sake get a therapist.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Kal, please don't back down! To much time has been wasted on this.

Keep posting your stories! Just block him/her or it and move on. We shouldn't give evil the light it needs to grow, ignore him/her and hopefully it will move on!

Question: I can remember the vampire from New Orleans name but anyway he had a brother that was in love with a dancer , will you be doing a story about him!

Come on folks let focus on the story!

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor

Hello all... I just wanted to inform you that I will not be accepting anonymous comments and emails for the foreseeable future. I know that many of you don't have accounts with lit and i am so sorry for the inconvenience that this decision may cause you. Without going into detail, I have gotten three hate filled emails from fit and trim. I do plan to continue writing on lit-for now , but I will not be flooded by hate mail from a reader. I will try to keep my bio page updated for those of you who are interested on the progress of my stories. By the way.. I am currently working on Iwlyf and hope to have it submitted soon. Thanks to all of you for reading my stories.


brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieabout 11 years ago

Kala, I just read some of the posted comments and I am sorry to hear that you being harassed. I do hope that you will be seeking an legal remedy, because unless this Fit and Trim is an cyber genius his or her IP addressed can be traced. If they can be traced then they can be charged. Keep your head up Kala!! Don't let person steal your joy you have anointed with the gift of written word.

janacityjanacityabout 11 years ago
I am so sorry about this person harrasing you

I love your stories. You are an amazing writer. It's kind of funny how on fitandtrim's bio it says single. I wouldn't want to be with someone that ugly on the inside. When you write, if you feel proud or happy about your work, that just means that you should keep on writing. Just remember, for that one hater, you have hundreds of fans (including me) to take her (I assume) place. The fact that she keeps harrassing you just means she has nothing else better to do with her life but to make good people feel awful about themselves, which in turn would make her feel better. I mean, who writes a whole paragraph on their bio about someone they supposedly loathe?

justmeplzjustmeplzabout 11 years ago

Are you telling me that Fit&Trim & Barb is the same person!!?? Lol some people have WAY too much time on their hands!

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago


Try to disrupt, destroy or change the groups to fit their own agendas.

They often use such techniques as:

1) Flooding by excessive posting.

2) Attacking regulars in the group.

3) Attempting to divide and conquer

4)Making themselves the savior of the group

5) Trying to impress other with their knowledge

6) Threatening people

7)Violating groups polices

8) Posting under many aliases

9) Disguising their headers


Often have serious personal issues that lead them to try and control others.


Don't hang around groups where people don't respond to their rants.


SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago


Try to disrupt, destroy or change the groups to fit their own agendas.

They often use such techniques as:

1) Flooding by excessive posting.

2) Attacking regulars in the group.

3) Attempting to divide and conquer

4)Making themselves the savior of the group

5) Trying to impress other with their knowledge

6) Threatening people

7)Violating groups polices

8) Posting under many aliases

9) Disguising their headers


Often have serious personal issues that lead them to try and control others.


Don't hang around groups where people don't respond to their rants.


If the above comment contains any ads, links, or breaks Literotica rules, please report it.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please Don't Feed The Troll

They're Attacking Boredom, Not You

One of the easiest ways to spot a troll is their completely lack of reason. Trolls will lash out and be purposely offensive to draw you in, rather than actually saying something of value. In their statements, you'll see a very "I'm right and everyone else here is wrong" attitude. Chris Shiflett over at Swiss Miss put it best:

The lesson I've learned is to be wary of those who [take pride in disliking things]. The ones who seem to think that being critical is the same as having good taste. Those people almost never have good taste, so their opinions don't matter.

So, even if what you've done isn't so great, just remember that those who can't say so with grace, those who seem to take pride in criticizing you, their opinions don't matter. It may very well be that you've created a masterpiece, and they're just children.

He says it doesn't take any sophistication to be a graceless critic, and he's dead on—if there isn't anything of value in their statement, then you shouldn't be putting any weight on it. Don't let the haters affect you; they're hating because they're bored, not because you've necessarily done anything poorly.

Source Chris Shiflett

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please Don't Feed The Troll

They're Not Worth the Energy

In the end, do you really need to waste your energy worrying about what one or two sad, bored people are saying about you? No. Blogger Scott Stratten explains the concept of "emotional currency" and how it relates to dealing with trolls:

In a nutshell, you only have so much emotion to go around. It should be spent on people who value it, who value you, not some douchenozzle that just finished a 36-hour bender on World of Warcraft and is pissed his wizard lost an epic battle on the island of Corinthian. There are way too many incredible people in this world, and Twitter especially that are worth your time.

Just because the internet has a lot of psychos doesn't mean it isn't full of awesome people, and time spent arguing with trolls is time that could have been spent having meaningful discussions with others. Furthermore, he says, time spent worrying about what trolls thing is time you could have spent on the people that actually matter. Do you really want to drain your energy on something that isn't worthwhile?

Source Whitson Gordon

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please Don't Feed The Troll

Social Interaction

Trolls don't have friends. On the internet, because they interact with human beings, they can convince themselves that they are important, the centre of the universe - that, to them, is better than any friendship. Don't forget, the troll thinks he is always right, and therefore better than other folk. In real life, exactly the opposite applies. the troll has no friends and virtually no interaction with other people.

If he's a teen (many are), then he lives in his bedroom, trolling, playing computer games with 'friends' (who he doesn't know at all), and joining roleplay sites, where - of course - he is a hero, or a powerful villain, who is respected in an inverse ratio to the respect he feels for himself.

If he's an adult, then he has serious social issues. He may work, where people think he's a weirdo, and avoid him, he may sponge off his parents or be 'looking for work', which means he blames everyone for his problems. Except himself.

Most people who are out of work are nothing like the stereotype; most want to work, and gain their self respect through work and being part of the world; but the troll IS the stereotype whining scrounger, to whom the world owes a living.

Sex Life

Almost every troll is male; I don't know why this is.

The troll has few social skills, and most have never had a girlfriend, many never will.

There's a clear pattern among trolls; they are much more likely to ignore posts known to be from women. And when they do respond to women, they are much more likely to be brief, abusive, condescending and patronising.

This is almost certainly more due to fear than misogyny - they just don't know any women. Except Mom. But their attitude rather reduces their chances of reproducing, which is probably a good thing.

Source Andrew Heenan's

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Sorry to other readers....

..but I wanted to post the information because I wanted to show how, when faced with facts, some people can only use harsh words, and lack any intelligence. These kinds of people never change. They will always be living in their mothers house, driving her beat-up old Buick Regal (when she's not playing Bingo), and sucking any joy they can out of others. The closest a troll will ever get to getting any real 'action' is at family reunions.

Curiously_LookingCuriously_Lookingabout 11 years ago
Just passing thru

Let me start by saying that I have read none of this story or any of the other stories written by this author. I was drawn by the very heated comments, (you can see them on the IR page). I only read the comments, but a lot of this is uncalled for. I'm sure I'll be attacked next, but Skyfall is right. This person is just looking for a confrontation and can and will say whatever floats through their head to provoke one. There are people out there who you can have a dialogue with about a story you disagree on, this person is not one of them. So, it's time to stop indulging them as they are obviously getting a kick out of all of this, and just let them be. There is nothing that can be done about it and talking won't make it better (just worse), so just let them move on to the next story they find morally objectionable.

CherrypeachCherrypeachabout 11 years ago
Happy Saturday!

Hi Kal,

Great writing as usual. I'm looking forward to ur next installment. You are a superb writer. Please take a bow. :-)

BTW, I've reported msfitandtrim to the site for verbal abuse by using the report button on everyone of her posts. Hope this helps.

Troll repellent: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."- excerpt, Psalm 23.

Have a great day!

suebramleysuebramleyabout 11 years ago
Wonderful writing as always

Wonderful story as per your usual high calibre. Please don't let the petty mindedness turn you away from here. Your stories are a joy to read and even though initially I wasnt fond of IWLYF I have really got into it.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Good Morning Kal

Looking forward to reading more of your story. Have a great update!

justmeplzjustmeplzabout 11 years ago

Fit&Trim.....why don't you just make your own story here on Lit. since you write so much? At first, I thought you were an author on here and she was your rival or something. Oh & thanks for putting sooooooo much drama toward this story...who doesn't like free publicity?

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieabout 11 years ago

Just about every state in the union has laws on the book about cyber-harassment and cyber-stalking. This type of behavior is against the law and unless you cease and desist Fit and Trim you will and should be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. For instance in the state of California if you are found guilty of of cyber-harassment it is punishable by not more than one year in the penitentiary, $1, 000 fine and jail time or just jail time. Is it really worth it? I made a complaint as well.

sandyfaithsandyfaithabout 11 years ago
fit and trim

Re your comments......

If you don't like a story then no one is forcing you to read it there is no need for your narrow minded bullying. The authors on lit do their best to entertain their readers and im sure don't mind constructive criticism but you're comments are just plain nasty I tend to think you're jealous of kal and feel sorry that you've nothing better to do than harrass her with nasty emails I really enjoy kals work and iv bought a few of her books from amazon KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK KAL

dreamer213dreamer213about 11 years ago
ugh Barb

I love your stories, but I hate Barb and want to continue hating her. I am skipping her part of the stories.

I am hoping these are some possible scenarios for Barb:

She turns evil or becomes a Hunter/partner of a Hunter... Then we can kill her.

Some kind of redemption: She dies in childbirth or she dies somehow trying to save her child.

She just leaves.

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please don't feed the troll.. Don't comment, the proper people have been contacted!

Trolls are just low-level sociopaths. don't search for "reason". Many have issues with sexually and suffer from a host of mental problems.

Mostera1Mostera1about 11 years ago

Please do not feed the trolls. This "person" is not worth it.

Outstanding chapter to an outstanding series, my dear friend.

To Skyfall, and all the persons who enjoy fine fantasy, non human fiction that have supported Kal, my hats off to you!!

Thank you all!!


SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please dont feed the trolls

The best course of action against a troll is no action. Do not engage . As Internet Trolls feed off the attention - even negative attention - do not engage them in any way. Here are some tips for coping with an Internet Troll:

Stay calm.

Don't take it personally (hard as hell, I know). Trolls happen to EVERYONE. Just because you have one doesn't mean that you should stop writing or Tweeting.

Keep your sense of humor intact.

Don't attempt to reason with the Troll. It will not work. You may as well try to nail Jello to the wall.

Don't retaliate.

Delete the comments they leave on your blog posts. Not everyone has a space on the Internet, and the trollish comments will deter the dialog between you and your audience.

Report their comments as "spam" so that you do not have to read their hateful words.

Find moderators for your site and use them.

Moderate all comments on your blog.

If they contact you via email, do not engage or respond

Take the high road - respond to their comment thanking them for leaving it (do not engage in public flame wars)

flowerbloomflowerbloomabout 11 years ago

I love your story Kal , superb writing. Thank you very much for this entire series. I already purchase "Ethan".

SkyfallSkyfallabout 11 years ago
Please don't feed the troll. This problem is being address as we speak. Please enjoy the story and dont respond to trolls!

What To Do If You Feel Threatened By An Internet Troll:

1. Save every message you receive. Whether it's via email, as a comment on your blog, a post on their blog, etc. This information can be a useful as evidence, if your troll becomes a threatening stalker.

2. Do not retaliate. Although retaliation might feel good in the moment, it can be risky. It might inspire, provoke or enable the troll to continue their blathering.

3. Trolls get personal. You need to make it impersonal. Do not respond to them privately. Be careful. Many trolls will claim that you are stalking them, and then accuse you of cyberbullying.

4. If you suspect your troll might be mentally unstable, do not engage them in any kind of dialog - just keep careful records and make appropriate reports.

BonBon20BonBon20about 11 years ago
Waiting for chapter 11...:D:D...PLEASE!

I love it all!!.... One Love Doll.....Job well done......<3,<3

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor
ch. 11

Working on it...

Curiously_LookingCuriously_Lookingabout 11 years ago
Answering a question

Hi again! Someone sent me a message through Lit asking what the IR page is and since I don't know this person and don't want to advertise my email address I'll answer it here since this is where I made the comment. IR page simply means Interracial page. I hope you see this and get the answer to your question.

shyintxshyintxabout 11 years ago

Congratulations on publishing Ethan

kalamazoo707kalamazoo707about 11 years agoAuthor
thank you

Thank you to all of you for your well wishes and support on Ethan. I truly appreciate it

kspainkspainabout 11 years ago
IR Page

Curiously Looking, thank you for the answer

lym7293lym7293almost 11 years ago

Cant wait until you write another chapter. Is there another place besides amazon where you can get ethan

Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaalmost 11 years ago
Go Thorne!

I seriously hope Barb was calling a psychologist, she needs it.

Congrats on publishing Ethan!! I will definitely be dropping by amazon to buy a copy for my kindle :)

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

I'm still holding out for Thorne and Barbara

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Hello, I can't believe that it's been this long since I've visited this site, I've undergone many changes- many of them good and am contemplating returning to the world of writing. I know I have many unfinished stories and that's where I will start. I hope that all of you are ...


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