All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 06'

by Mygypsy

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lilwolfspiritlilwolfspiritalmost 13 years ago

well this chapter explains a few things but also opens a whole other kind of worms, i can't wait to read more, excellent work.


spearman1spearman1almost 13 years ago

It took me a few to realize that some time had passed and she had gotten away from them at some point. Im loving this story but hating how she keeps being treated when she gets around them. I really love the thought of her and Mitchell being siblings because I love their friendship but Micah is such an asshole almost all the time. I dont want to hate him but its becoming hard not to and Doc is just making me want someone to kick the dog shit out of him everytime he betrays her. They keep talking about how well they treat their she-kitts but they do just the opposite when she does anything they dont like. I cant wait for the next chapter because this story has so many twist and turns its really fabulous!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Wonderful chapter! I really loved this installment, felt like we are moving forward!

I can identify with Tawny/Rosy here. The need for some solitary freedom and independence after grasping a tenuous hold on personal balance and growth. It saddened me though, how easily her home was overridden by others - I wondered why Pete wasn't able to keep others from taking her land, or why Doc Caruthers didn't do anything to make sure what was hers stayed hers.

Micah drew me from the first word - SIGH - I saw him as a strong yet compassionate HERO type. Now, I'm not so sure. He basically forced himself on her around the others, and their foray into the wood to hunt basically amounted to date rape! Though I was pleased Tawny/Rosy didn't crumble into a blithering mess and run away, I really don't blame her distrust of toms, not when they keep reinforcing her belief that all they want to do is fuck against her will and hurt her.

I LOVED Marissa's role here, very matronly and nurturing. The conversation between her and Tawny/Rosy once Doc left was perfect. And Wade gained some esteem in my eyes too. He was far more fatherly and protective.

The rest of the toms seem to have lightened up a great deal too . . . I guess Tawny/Rosy's time away was good for all save Micah.

And now, it seems there was a very good reason why Tawny/Rosy was so immediately drawn to Mitchell and then Sam . . . She's their SISTER! WOW! YEA!!! She can, if she choses to, belong to someone, IS clan and DOES have a clan place to call home!

I want to thank you, Mygypsy, for posting so consistantly, and for keeping to a wonderful story!

Eager for more . . .


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Amazing ;)

No complaints.....but I just wish the chapters came faster.

I cant get enough of this.


Rbn8Rbn8almost 13 years ago

Wow! Great story! Feels like you are finding your stride with these characters! Can't wait for things to heat up with her and...? Micah??!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Love your stories please don't stop. I love how strong Rosy is and since im a girl I love Micah is described-bit if a bad boy but a real sweetie at heart sigh why can't males like that exist. Nightwatcher19

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Love this story, best on site for a long time! Please, please, please keep it up!

NightpleasureNightpleasurealmost 13 years ago

i need more......please......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for writing it for us and being so kind and explanatory towards our questions and issues.

But can you stop using YOUS since there is no yous in English.

Cant wait the next part of this wonderful story. or writing it for us and being so kind and explanatory towards our questions and issues.

But can you stop using YOUS since there is no yous in English.

Cant wait the next part of this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Am I the only one that secretly wishes that Tawny/Rosy end up with Edwin rather than Micah?

feelinromanticfeelinromanticalmost 13 years ago
better and better

i think i missed a chapter, but u write so well it hasnt spoiled my off to catch up on the missing bits! Thanks for sharing :)

CinderLawCinderLawalmost 13 years ago
Lovin' it!!!

I am absolutely loving this story and what a nice twist that she was born a werecat instead of made one. So looking forward to the next chapter and the next layer that you peel off for us to see the whole story.

I recommend that other readers read some of your previous stories and your bio...then they would realize that you are from Australia where words like 'yous' is actually used.

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 13 years ago
Love It

I like this story. I hope Rosy doesn't end up Micah he is an arsehole for having sex with her without her permission.

I hope she ends up with Steven or Edwin.

Write another chapter soon please.

DawnzoDawnzoalmost 13 years ago
I am hoping Rosy will Pick Edwin

I don't like Micah or Wade and doc right now! Every time she is coming around they sedate her and physically intimidate her. At least Edwin is honest and cares for her, I am glad that Mitchell and Sam are her bros... great story

LittleLadyLoveLittleLadyLovealmost 13 years ago

I hope Rosey does end up with Edwin. With Sam and Mitchell as her brothers she'll be fine. Micah is a real ass!!

Can't wait for the next chapter....have been watching for a new chapter the last few days and get up this morning and YAY!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love it

So glad to see this new chapter - things are starting to get very interesting. I can't wait to see where you go with this. I also hope you also continue the "Enter the Cat" story - it would be interesting to see all of this from Micah's (or the males in general) point of view, and I'm very curious to find out what happened with the other female (I forget her name, sorry) that he was invited into the cage with.

To the anonymous person complaining about the use of the word "yous" - when a story is written with good vocabulary and few grammatical errors like this one, it's worth considering that things you don't like / that aren't "proper" are being used either because they are true to the character and/or slang/a dialect you aren't familiar with. This story is set in Australia, and written by an Australian - there are differences in dialects. "Yous" is actually used geographically in more places than some of the other slang I've seen that I at least associate only with Australia (i.e. agro - pg. 3 of this chapter).

"Yous" is similar to "y'all", "you all", "you guys" "you lot", or "youse" - all of which are used in some parts of the world to make the word "you" more obviously plural since the word "you" is both singular and plural (and yes, I knew this before I looked it up, but I did look it up to make sure I knew what I was talking about)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Am I reading a totaly different story?

I have to point out that Rosy's inner cat, the werecat form happily lifted her tail for Micah the took care not to use her claws on him.

As for Edwin something just does not feel right there.

tinker817tinker817almost 13 years ago
completely in love....

with this story! I look everyday to see for a new chapter. Thank you for not making us wait long for new ones :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

so you know how the doc says that rosy "stood" for Micah does that mean she inadvertently allowed him close enough to get her pregnant?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I was really liking the chapter until Micah pulled his B.S. Then to have them refuse to allow her to leave again. Their lack of honesty when it comes to her is getting disgusting. Telling her she can leave whenever she wants then yet again drug her and forcibly keep her. Seems they just want someone knew to stoke their dicks. It just shows that she was right not to trust a "clan" cat.

Whether she "stood" for Micah or not with her being out of heat he should have been able to control himself especially knowing everything that she's already been through. The whole clan seem selfish but for Sam, Mitchell. Considering what she has been through the don't treat her the way they "say" she-kitt's are meant to be treated. They consistently show that they have no respect or consideration for her at all. She would have been better off staying gone. The clan just proves time and time again that they can't be trusted.

The Alpha is just as bad. He allowed her to be manhandled excessively all the while knowing that she was pregnant. So how could his son not be the exact same way. An overbearing, egotistical, macho, no brain dumb ass of a man. And it's just gonna get worse cause you know she now gonna be pregnant. <sigh>

Though I still can't wait for the next chapter. Although I would love for either her or her "father" to beat the ever loving crap out of Micah. Tho I think it should be her. Then she should leave with her father and tell Micah where to go and how hard to shove his own dick up his ass. Let him prove himself worthy of being with her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
What an ass

Once again your story has engaged my own emotions. I am glad to see wade has relaxed somewhat now that rosy is less volatile. I'm super pissed about micahs pig headed testosterone filled behavior rosy is just starting to be comfortable in her skin and he thinks with his penis I hope wade keeps his promise and hands micah his ass for stepping out of line. Would castrating one of micahs balls be out of the question :) he would have less testosterone and not be such a meathead. I'm rooting for Edwin to get the girl he seems be a nice mix of a man. Please give us more soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I must say I am disappointed at the direction you are taking this story. You started this chapter 6 months after the cliff ending of the last posting, which is just plain lazy, since it took you forever in the previous chapters for anything to actually happen despite the lengths of your posts. To think a paltry six months of counseling to combat nine years of rape and abuse from the tender age of 12 is unrealistic. Then to have the main character voluntarily place herself in the environment of people she admits to having thought about suicide to escape from, is poor writing. You haven't flushed out any of the characters, let alone describe what they actually look like. Micah is obviously the romantic focus for the heroine yet he is unrelatable to the readers, and actually seems to become the bad guy in many situations, as are a majority of the other male characters, with the only exclusions being the children. But the piece de resistance has to be that you had the audacity to make the heroine the sister of Mitchell and Sam. This story had such potential, yet in one chapter you managed to flush it down the toilet. Disapointing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Previous Commenter

Talk about poor writing...The only way you can flush out a character is with your toilet. That's a rookie mistake. Try fleshing out characters instead. You'll save on plumbing bills.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Confused and frustrated to say the least

I normally love your style of storytelling, but your world of werecats is leaving me more confused and disappointed than ever. Too much conflicts. How many times is she going to be raped. Not sure I will be coming back to read the rest. Good luck though.

xcrazyiscutexxcrazyiscutexalmost 13 years ago
good story

I like this story a lot. I enjoy the characters, and the story plot. The guys just want to protect her. Also, to the jerks below that are insulting it. Didn't your mother ever tell if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. Grow up. The only people that insult anonymously are cowards.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This story confuses me. I feel like it is being told from a paranoid schizophrenic's point of view. In the beginning she was a strong independent woman who was just confused on clan facts. Then she has a strong attraction to Micah who feels the same BUT then he goes on to mate with someone else in a more formal setting when she disappears. That she-kitt is now gone from the story at least as far as micahs interests lie. You then bring her back after a rape, which would be traumatic - but she is quite insane and not rational - and mentally has regressed beyond the norms of even ptsd to a feral state. She runs, gets treatment, meets another werecat, calls Pete and... She comes back - then gets raped again? even after the toms know she is vulnerable?? Micah, who originally seemed quite nice now seems horrid, the fact that they are always pinning her down..etc just doesn't jive. Also - she had enough vet knowledge to stitch up and go on calls but not to understand a heat cycle which any dog/cat/horse/etc person would have understood? She can manufacture a chemical compound that hides her scent but she isn't smart enough to know the signs of estrus? Things just don't add up.

I think you have a great idea - but you need to refine it a bit more before you post - check for continuity and really figure out if you want her to be smart but scared or just really lucky but clueless and traumatized. This story has great potential and with a bit of tweaking and an honest editor could be quite good. Keep up the work. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Too Many Complainers

To all commenters who are complaining, remember; we are all not Americans. Other countries say things differently than we do, and it is natural for them to do so. In Australia, it is very common for people to say "yous guys". Its just a difference in speaking the language, thats all.

To Mygypsy, I did notice that between chapters 5 & 6; the story jumped. She was running away from the clan at the end of chapter 5, and then; all of sudden, she is in a shack somewhere 6 months later. That needs to flow a little better in the story, but still a great story.

I understand that sometimes a writer can get so caught up in their own stories, that sometimes the progress of a story can go faster and in more directions; than the writer wanted it too. My suggestion would be to find a good editor to help keep the story in control.

But still, 5 stars from me.


resapooresapooalmost 13 years ago
incredibly hurtful

Your female protagonist has been repeatedly raped, and a therapist can make her go presto change-o in 6 months? Suddenly, she is all better, and goes back into the situation that made her consider taking her own life?

Give me a fucking break.

PTSD does not go away in 6 months. The pain and fear that you feel doesn't just vanish because some therapist gave you happy pills, and even if, by some miracle, it did, you wouldn't put yourself back into the same triggering situation repeatedly.

You had a chance to do something wonderful with this story. You had the opportunity to show that a victim could recover and have a meaningful relationship with another person, as well as have a chance at a semi-normal life. Instead you have done the exact opposite.

As someone who was raped, I find this story incredibly hurtful. Your main character is an absolute insult to every woman who has ever been a victim of sexual assault.

The best part of slamming your head into a wall is how good it feels when you stop. Your story has become a wall, and I am done slamming my head into it by trying to read it.

mrpervy46mrpervy46almost 13 years ago
Great Story

If your going to complain at least have the guts to leave a name, and don't say that old "pvt vs public" computer crap. I know better, used both with this name. This is a very well done series and the writer has the right to do it as she sees fit. I'm not a writer so I don't have the right to complain how it's writen, just to say what I like, and to "Mygypsy", this is really good stuff thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good story

You know I think this is more realistic than most. As a stray I think she would be subject to most of theses things. For the strays would have no rules of family and they would just take, especially since there seems to be less females. She has never experienced clan life and the constant closeness that they take for granted would be really hard for her and would most likely cause flash backs. I had to go to counseling for rape and it was the best thing I ever did, although also the hardest. I still have to talk myself through hugs from strange men such as you would find at a church function or family get together. I have cried and laughed with this story and it depicts how a strong person might deal with what Rosy/Tawny has dealt with. I really like that Mitchell is going to turn out to be a relative/brother it will really help her understand the safe bond she has felt with him. This has been healing for me as well as a great read. I hope there is more. Thank you

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 13 years ago

They should not have restrained her and definitely should not have sedated her! She needed to get away and think over everything they had told her. It must have been quite a shock to her! She had been trying to overcome her fears by approaching them again, and they are breaking her fragile trust! And Micah-don't get me started! He needs to be neutered!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Re: Love It

Her name is Belladonna (Donna) Stephan and after spending the second time in the cage with her he invites her and her family to Jazzy's coming out. I went looking after I fell asleep thinking of this. Seems Micah needs to spend more time with Belladonna and leave Rosey/Tawny alone with her new family (Sam and Mitchell) and get to know Edwin more since he knows how Rosey feels.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Thank you resapoo

You nailed it exactly. I tried to comment but couldn't because I was to angry. But couldn't place what was causing it until I woke up this morning. <triggered nightmares for me> so I know could place what I was feeling. You are right as a SURVIVOR of rape <I refuse to use the term victim> this women's reactions weren't making sense. I get the PTSD as I have been treated for it myself and resapoo is right it takes years. I still have flashbacks and nightmares sometimes and it has been 10yrs.

Mygypsy you should have done your research better because your females thoughts and feelings are not those of someone who has been raped more then once. You need to talk to someone or to people who have suffered threw that. If you are serious about wanting to finish this story then I will send you my email in private message. I know that this might seem harsh but I am sincere in my offer to help. I want to see where you can take this story if you have someone helping you understand the outcome of the trauma.

You need to make the right effort to correct what people will make assumptions about. Being a victim of multiple rape is devastating. Let me know if you'd like to talk.

I have gotten some email's from friends who have read the story so far and I'm not the only one that was insulted and offended.

As the author it is your job to correct this. I hope that you do because it was turning into a good story until the last page of this chapter.

shyintxshyintxalmost 13 years ago
Ya'll need to calm down

You need to remember this is fiction, quess what werewolves don't exist, so while yes it may be impossible for a human to get over PTSD she isn't human is she. For all I have read in similiar stories one of the biggest things about werewolves is how they need others around them and especially to be touched so yes in these circumstances Rosy may have been able to overcome her fears if her need for companionship and comfort was great enough especially if she is in heat. But once again let's remember this is fiction and I am sure Mygypsy didn't mean to insult anyone who has experienced PTSD she is just trying to tell a story.

And to Mygypsy, I love the story don't change anything, but hurry with more.

catman71catman71almost 13 years ago
people are missing something

rosie and her cat have different agendas, rosie is damaged from abuse, but her cat sees micah for what he is, strong and able to both protect her and give her offspring, to many forget the duality of a shifter( in most lore and accepted history)

the other big thing is, if she was born a cat, then her "step" father might have been a villain , and being she was never taught how to shift, remember she only shifted on emotion until coming to wades clan, it very well maybe she is what they believe she is.

give things time to develop

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Still reading and loving it . . .

Yeah, there are some things that trip me up, but overall this story has a good grip on my attention.

I got the feeling Rosy was still in the process of healing and knows it enough to stipulate and state as much when confronted by Pete, Doc and Wade. I don't think the author ever stated or even insinuated Rosy was all healed after some therapy within the six month period away from the clan.

Not every woman heals at the same rate when subjected to abuse and/or rape, however long or short the durration. Speaking from experience, you can have, in one family, a woman who escapes the abuse by committing suicide; one that completely shuts down; one that is in denial and functions as a "normal" woman with some freaky quirks; a woman who seeks therapy and basically stays at that level; a woman who self-heals and tries to move forward with hope and a positive outlook; and one that uses all available resources to find healing and peace then moves forward with occassional 'check ups'. Of course there are so many more ways of coping or not coping, for as many as there are personalities that endure such atrocities.

It IS possible for a functional survivor, who is educated and a professional, to have a further experience tip her towards irrationality and fling her back to the mentallity of a child or adolescent.

As for a survivor placing herself back in the same or similar environment again and again, yeah, that is not only possible, it happens and more often than is, apparently, thought. Take the sexually and physically abused wife . . . or the daughter/neice/sister that has suffered incestuous abuse, for example.

Mygypsy certainly isn't trying to infuriate, insult or disappoint anyone or belittle any truelife experience through her character depiction.

I do get tripped up in the notion that anybody educated and experienced in the veterinary world wouldn't have a working knowledge of estorus, or the reproductive cylce of any female, human or animal, or even what happens to males AND females when a female goes into heat.

I also stumble when confronted with heros who steadily play the villian, breaking their word constantly, manhandling someone they say by their laws should be exalted, and sexually harrassing and assulting or at the very least taking advantage of soemone they are supposed to be protecting at all costs. All in view and under the blanket of protection of the clan doctor or cheif medical advisor, and the Alpha.

I don't think moving the story forward six month was lazy, though I would have liked to have known how she escaped. A description of the looks on Wade, Doc and especially Micah's face upon discovering she'd got away, would have made my day. After the threat Wade made, the little stray opted for NOMANSLAND over the treatment she was receiving at the hands of the Alpha and his clansmen. HA!

I do so enjoy the twist that she has found allies, in her brothers, within the clan. Maybe now she will have some really serious 'I got your back' protection from all the toms who have heretofore proven they can not be trusted as far as Rosy can spit.

Very good play having Rosy take to the cage alone instead of subjecting herself to a sexual act for the sake of out of control hormonal urges alone. Though, I don't get how Rosy's cat would happily move her tail for Micah's servicing, AFTER she'd come out of heat, unless the evil little feline was seeking to pay Rosy back for denying her during her heat.

Mygypsy rose a good many notches on my favorites belt when she produced a good chapter after the forum full of feedback, constructive, negative and favorful alike.

I DO hope to see more of this story, and soon.

Marva Maxine

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
dont like it? find something else!

First off let me say I am loving this story. Clearly Rosy is making progress when she goes looking for werecat company, it is just a shame the clan members have not found a way they can interact with her without freaking her out.

Shit happens in real life and it is not so much about how you deal with it but the fact you keep getting back up no matter how many times it knocks you down!

Now to all those prattling on about the author not knowing what they are writing about

Do you know what her life has been like?

Do you know if any of her friends have went through bad times?

I would personally like to read more from Micah's point of view and hope all the crap going on here does not discourage Mygypsy from posting more of the story.

So put the kettle on My Gypsy Lady the Trouble and Strife is visiting and just for those of yous who can't read Australian it means wife.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Rosy is clever . . .

Her human half may be trying to douse stress levels that have reached chernobyl disaster proportions, but her cat just keeps moving right along.

The human side is in danger of a major meltdown that could spell the end for both of them so miss kitty gets her the hell out of dodge for a while.

Having experienced her heat as a stray, the cat made sure they were safely esconsced within Wade's caln compound before the next heat wave struck.

The cat has been attracted to Micah all along, so it's no wonder she happily allowed his access to service her.

The human side of Rosy is always the part that freaks out. When she learns to embrace the ONLY one who's always been there for her, protected her, defended her right or wrong and truly for HER own best interests, well maybe then things will start to sooth out and fall into place for them both.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love this series

I am completely hooked by this series and keep checking for updates. I'm a cat lover so love the werecat theme. I'm a survivor and have PTSD and I don't feel offended at all by this story. One way I cope is by writing and a lot of my stuff is n/c leading to romance because in writing/fantasising you get back control.

People react to counselling in different ways and sometimes having good friends to talk to can help so hopefully Mitchell and Sam will fill that role.

I can relate to a lot of the stuff, although I do love sex and am fine when I'm in a relationship I am generally nervous around men. This year I became close platonic friends with a man, it took me ages to become 100% comfortable being alone with him but now we hug all the time and spend evenings together, he is like my brother and it has really helped, I can see this happening in the story.

I'm still not sure whether she should choose Micah or Edwin though! Can't wait for the next chapter.

buckinbroncobabybuckinbroncobabyalmost 13 years ago
Don't listen to others, She should be with Micha!

Rosy needs to be with Micha, he is tough enough to control her when she freaks but he also really cares. I really dont want to see her end up with steven or edwin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I am loving this storey, I love all the characters Like most I am dying for her and micah to get together as he is clearly the one who loves her most. even willing to let her have the abortion if that is what she needed. so I hope you write more soon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Keep writing!

I enjoy this story and I have reread several chapters while waiting for more.

All the boys are in trouble! They don't tell Rosey/Tawny expected behavior (don't touch while shifting), but are upset when she doesn't know it. I hope she gives them hell. Edwin is in trouble for restraining her! Micah really screwed up, but so did his mom and Wade. Why didn't they caution her?

I don't know if she should end up with any of the males I've seen. She's confused and they are confusing.

You've taken a great story with complicated content and given it life and through some good turns and twists.

Keep Writing for yourself as your guide. Writing for others will kill the muse.

PaganKittyPaganKittyalmost 13 years ago
Here's my take..

Tawny was born a were but since her mom died she never knew it and her step dad never told her. Mitchell is her brother so her being comfy with him makes sense. Edwin cares, but he's not dominant enough to be able to deal with her attacks and the problems she suffers because of them. Micah seems to be the only one strong enough to deal with it and still be able to protect her from herself as well as anyone outside her clan. Just my thoughts, WRITE MORE NOW!!! =^_^= PK

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
OMG !!!

i am shock that Micah would do that to her... he knows she was raped and he basically took her too!!! he is so unworthy!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

ugh! I so want to read more please post the next chpter soon I really loved it when you were posting them quickly now that we really into the story it is becoming frustrating for me to wait for th next chapter incase you left wondering that was me complimenting you on your writing skills :D

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago

Please don't bring Jasper back just b/c someone liked him. If he was already part of your plotline, fine. Realize your own story & characters.

Don't get derailed.

Thanks for great novel.

FloribundaFloribundaalmost 13 years ago
keep going! you are really causing comments...

and I think that can only be a good thing!

First time I've commented on this story, and I was, to be honest, very happy with the way you were writing it up until the rebellion of readers' comments on ch.4 or 5, can't remember which. During all that time, I personally had realised that Rosy was going through extreme trauma.

I was also happy with the way you started this chapter. It was very quickly obvious to me why you had started the chapter six months on in the story. Basically, to address all the previous negative comments that said that Rosy should be over her past and have had counselling! I personally felt glad that she had rid herself of some of her demons and was in a more happy place personally; I have no issue that we haven't read anything about it previously.

Re: Going back to the clan in this chapter:

I have no idea why - either she is feeling better and misses them; or she is related unknowingly and feels a pull; she is Micah's mate and can't keep away.

Personally, I don't have a preference. It is your story to write and I wish others would let you get on with it, rather than grumbling about things they don't like.

I also don't like the comments that Micah raped Rosy. I admit, I am struggling to understand his character, but she fully welcomed him in wolf form.

Am intrigued to see where this goes next. Sorry this was so long!


canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

I'm a little unclear. Who would be her brothers? I thought all the tom's were brothers, not that Mitchell had different parents. And who is the other tom who is related to her?

Why in the hell would they grab her like that? That's her fear so ingrained by the strays. Why would they do something like that when she was finally coming around?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I agree. It's hard for readers to relate to Micah because there are way too many characters in this story and too much time talking about Tawny's relationship and interactions with every character except Micah on rare occasion. It makes it hard for the reader to root for him. We barely know him at all. More time needs to and should have been spent on his character and making him better known to readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I just started reading Enter the Cat by the same author which tells this story from Micah's point of view. What a difference it makes. I wish I had known that before leaving comments on this story.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgeover 12 years ago
I love the luxurious length of your chapters.

They allow the reader to get completely caught up in the story.

I also enjoy the taste of ranch life in Australia that this story and ETC provide. I'm only sorry knowing that I'm about to run out of chapters!

Thanks for sharing this labor of love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Ok, I'm going to do myself a favor and shut down now. Can't take anymore of this crap story. All the males are brain dead and too machismo for my liking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
love this serries

omg i love this serries and i love how you write it from michas view too. i hope that you finish the serries i cant wait to see what happens next

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Bad story line.

Really? You just stop one chapter with no real worning then all of a sudden she has lost the baby's and isn't with the pack? You need to spend more time putting the story together right. Remember the readers are not in your mind. You need to put the story together so we can fallow what you are trying to say.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Kinda wanna go back and count how many times she gets drugged.

KynhalisKynhalisalmost 10 years ago

I am getting so fucking sick of them being controlling assholes. Gonna go back to wolves after this one, at least they have some fucking respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
That cat clan seems to be chock full of a-holes.

Absolutely clueless a-holes.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I wonder how that councelling would work. It's not as if she could explain what had happened to her without revealing that she was a werecat. Can you get therapy if 90% of what you say is just made up to make it sound as you have been abused by humans? Would Rose even be able to control herself enough to avoid shifting during a session?

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