All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 07'

by Mygypsy

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You're back!

Love reading this story. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

i know that you must stay true to your story line but i really hoped that Micah would be the guy she trusted to be with her not Chris. Other than that its a great story. I really hope Micah and Rosy end up together. He really seems to care for her.

DelaneymegDelaneymegalmost 13 years ago
I don't Know!

When this story started Rosy seemed more mature. Now she seems More like a teenage brat. I understand she has a lot of issues but it's been along time. I don't know why an alpha or beta would want her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I can not seem to get enough!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
i am glad

i am glad you gave me the explanation bout yous. Sory for my ignorance.

I also hope Rossy will choose Micah. Can hardly wait for the next parts - n.e.

I also hope Rossy will choose Micah. Can hardly wait for the next parts - n.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I Love this story

Check this site every day incase there is an update! Sometimes twice. :P xx

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
I'm drinking it up!

Loving the story. I actually enjoy the rural Australian speech. You've wisely chosen not to write completely in dialect, which can be very tiring to read. But touches like "yous" remind me of the Southern US vernacular like "you all." It adds atmosphere without compromising readability.

I'm another reader surprised about Rosy's seeming gravitation toward Chris. I guess they can't always end up with the alpha. It's just that I've thought Rosy is a yet-to-be-recognized alpha herself (remember her reference to "her toms"). Though there is still the thread hanging of Donna, who was introduced to us in the "Enter the Cat" stories.

Any way you do it, the story has us captivated. Write on!

IxRoyalxIIxRoyalxIalmost 13 years ago
My oppinion

Id like rosy to pick chris, hes always been there for her while micah just orders her what to do. He seems as if he would be a abusive mate if there were no rules about not hurting she kitts. It just shows in his personality. I do get he doesnt want her to leave but hes egotistic and when he doesnt get his way he throws a tantrum. Id just find the story more enjoyable if she stuck with chris he seems more mature espexially how he wasnt afraid of showing what happened between rosy and him. Though that is my oppinion this is all the authors choice and whatever they pick ill be happy with because i find this enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

So hooked! Your storyline is addictive. But I am also hopping Chris is just another obstacle to and eventual rosy and micah ending. You didn't develop Chris as a character at all so its hard to like him or the paring.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Its hard to be patient but I will trust you to finish this series, if slower than I would like. As far as the Chris and Rosy pairing, it doesn't bother me. But it reminds me of Brad teaching Janey to enjoy sex. So maybe once Rosy gets comfortable with her sexuality she will be ready for Micah.

mrpervy46mrpervy46almost 13 years ago

I had figured that "yous" was an Australian term, just like it seems that everyone is aware of some of our Canadian terms like "Eh". I remember when I first found myself saying it, I just shook my head and thought, oh frig we do say it, lol. I know it really is hard to see who Rosy will end up with at this point. She does have to come to terms that she is a clan cat no matter if she realizes it or not, and that's not a bad thing really. I'm a bit of a cat fanatic and always have been especially for female siamese cats. reading these makes me think I wish I were one of them and grew up a clan cat, but we all have our fantasy's and usually reality comes and bits us in the rear-end. Great story,we love it here too in Canada.

quiverclawquiverclawalmost 13 years ago
I agree...

with Royal. At first I liked Micah and thought he'd be a bit more like the powerful alpha who cares. But as the story has moved on, hes become more like the I have the power so you do what I tell you type. Rosey is definitely NOT the type who takes orders well. And who can blame her after years of living, and surviving alone? I don't think he'd beat a woman, but then there are all types of abuse. Chris seems like the better choice as he seems to know what she needs as far as space, and that no bloody well means no.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I'm voting for Micah

yeah he's been an ass but you gotta like a bit of ego. I hope he fights for her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Rosy does seem to be acting more like a brat teenager but then she has had that time stolen from her by the werecat who attacked her.

She is scared of Wade who represents power and authority so does that mean she is intimidated by Micah as well? It would explain her defiance of him, fear showing as defiance or willfulness.

As for her and Chris. Is it because he is clearly one of the lower ranking members of the clan and does not make her feeled threatened???

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 13 years ago
Oh my

Someone is going to get gored by the bull.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I waiting for the information from the blood test and Sam's promised conversation with Rosy - anxiously.

I look daily for your next chapter.

I like Chris, though he really isn't a known character like Micah. Chris is really warm, sexy, and caring towards Rosy. At first, I had a little problem with his physical contact with her while she was sleeping.

I'm a fan of the Micah/Rosy pairing. I think their strengths and weaknesses are complementary and engaging.

Thank you for this great story. I hope your difficulties don't slow your submissions - tooo much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Like your stories

Have read all of this one,very good for the most part.I am in favor of micah/rosy combo.What is it with the word,,YOUS,you use it quite often when "you" is the proper usage..99% of the time its YOUS,not your or yours(Yeah, yous got anything to eat)???Just courious.Keep up the good work.

rissa200204rissa200204almost 13 years ago

i think its like a dialect usage when i read yous i translate it to you all. like a american southern usage ya'll

online i use yas alot and most folks gets it. as in hiyas aka hi everyone..

anyways just my perspective on it :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I don't think Chris is dominant enough to handle Rosey eventhough she has lots of issues going on fo her she seems like a strong cat more so than most of the toms and since Micah is the most dominant tom and has had a thing for Rosy even before he knew she was a were I thought those two will end up together yes his an ass nut I guess thats part of his charm and I so hope nobody else gets seriosly injure since Rosy is suffered so much from Alex death

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
More Addictive Than Ever

This story is getting better with each chapter. As others have said, I check at least once a day for updates; but I can understand computers being a pain, also.

I see her with Chris for a while, but not as her mate. As a friendly Tom to teach her that clan cats are not abusive; like those she has had to deal with in prior chapters.

I still feel that Micah will end up becoming her mate; he cares too much for her, to let a lower ranking cat win her; if it would come to a battle.

I also think once Sam and her have that serious talk, she will start to come to terms with who she is; and who her mate should be. And why it should be that way.


MygypsyMygypsyalmost 13 years agoAuthor
Mygypsy here

Hallo everyone,

I am just leaving this note to say it could be a week to ten days before I manage to post the next chapter. The computer has to go get fixed and I want to check a few things in the next chapters.


oneoflifesjewelsoneoflifesjewelsalmost 13 years ago
Chris and Rosy

I was shocked to read this! I think Micah and Rosy are much beter suited.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
I wish

I wish that Micah/Edwin/Doc would talk to Rosey about what has happened. Apologies need to be made for her to feel safe there.

Did they drug her just to keep her there or to keep her calm until they could talk about it?

She needs to make some kind of deal with them to allow her to be alone sometimes -- a room of her own, a safe place to go whatever. And they need to keep to the deal at least a couple of times so there is a little more believability of trust.

I wish readers would get over "yous".

feelinromanticfeelinromanticalmost 13 years ago

nice to see rosy interacting with some of the toms we dont know so well. And jazzy seems very surprised her mum doesnt come to see her tho or vice versa. And lovin' the humour in micah's p.o'd moments, bless him! Lol. Cant wait to read more (but i will!) thanks for sharing x

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Sad Face????

Sad face I really wanted Rosy to end up with Micah. Maybe she still will. Fingers crossed. Why does it seem like the story is going in circles with little shocker in between?

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago
Great Story, But Questions?

Overridding question: Tawny knows nothing about being a she-kitt or living w/other cats yet they never educate her about anything but being in heat.

She's been repeatedly raped since age 12. I would think that there would be some recognition that her sexuality is that of a 12 year rape victim. In other words, no relationships or attempts to get in her pants until some criteria has been met. She's not attracted to Chris so much as she's learned that pleasure can be derived from intercourse. I would kick Chris' ass, too. She's an innocent and he is taking advantage of her.

Where is Ray McIntosh? He learns that he has a daughter yet he never appears???

Micah - well he is the Alpha among the warriors but what's happened? In the beginning when he thought she was human, he was so gentle and understanding. He has never show the same care for Tawny since discovering she was a cat. Micah's anti-Mitchell, he's aggressive (she doesn't know why) he's abrasive, and then he rapes her in cat form. Duh? I still imagine a time when Micah & she can get together w/respect on both sides. As long as he's being a shithead, he doesn't deserve her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I always need to read everything you write twice. First I have to read quickly just to know what'll happen and then again to go through the finer details :)

Thanks for writing, I love your work!

PaganKittyPaganKittyalmost 13 years ago

I can't stand waiting!!! AGAIN!! GAAAH!!!

Ok, Tawny needs to talk to someone because she obviously hasn't been back to counseling and the Doc needs to just STOP knocking her out! Wade needs to speak with her and she needs to come to terms with the fact that she isn't a stray and she has brothers that love her. She needs to be more honest with herself and admit that she loves them too. Fear will only go so far when confronted by loving concern. Micah is OBVIOUSLY the one she should be with, but I agree. Till he starts acting like she matters to him, he doesn't deserve her.

Now, just two more words....MORE NOW!! Well, Ok three words..MORE NOW!! Pwese?!? =^_^= PK

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago
Dear Gypsy

They didn't knock her out in this chapter, but, I wanted to say this anyway. If they knock her out one more time, she's gonna leak!

MazuriMazurialmost 13 years ago
Hear hear willeriley!

Does this clan have some aversion to educating Rosy on what it is to belong to a clan? Nothing is ever explained and when she questions an order, she's only told "because I said so." Um...that rarely works on anyone older than 2-3 yrs old. At what point is someone going to realize she's probably going into heat again and that's why she's cuddling up to Chris when normally she'd be running from any kind of sexual contact? All the signs are there: time (it's been over 60 days), almost manic need for company, etc. This poor girl is expected to blend seamlessly into the clan and yet she's given no guidance and there's been no indication that she can read minds.

Wade has flipped back to the 'nice, caring Alpha' persona but how long will that last before he's having her drugged again when she does something against the rules no one has ever told her? I'm half expecting him to place Micah into the cage with her against her will "for her own good" when they discover she's going into heat. What of his punishment of Micah if he crossed the line? Did he conveniently forget to do that since she ran?

The Doc is a total rat-bastard for making light of his misuse of his position and medical knowledge. He went against her wishes and yet feels badly that she doesn't trust him. uh huh. He'd feel worse with her foot up his ass. I dunno. I still think she needs to give the entire clan the heave ho and find some cats who aren't such butt-munches.

On the other hand, the story is well written and enjoyable to a point. I'm simply unsure of her ability to form a non-stockholm syndrome relationship with any of the cats in that clan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

First of all Rosey has to stop running everytime something goes wrong or better she should just not come back since she has to run off again secondly this 'their not my brothers' has got to stop the boys need to clear the air with her and please stop getting her drugged every single time something goes wrong I wish she would grow up and takes things in her stride rather than losing her control if something doesn't go her way and she should definitely not end up with Chris since she seems to be stronger than him as she can't even stay with him during the hunt since she wants to be ahead with Micah who is definitely more dominant I am hoping we can get to see some romantic developments but to have that occur you first need to get Rosey's character more developed in mental and emotional terms since she still seems so weak above all your writing is great and interesting and the story has alot of potential.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
She's supposed to like the most dominant Tom...

If you're trying to be realistic, she should be all about Micah.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Chris lets Tawny heal

It is understandable that Tawny/Rosy has been drawn to Chris. Considering her past she would at least initially, shy away from the most dominant tom.

Chris is big and strong, but he is also softer than Micah, he gives her more control and more space when she is frightened - it lets her feel more secure and brave enough to be touched.

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 13 years ago
I agree completely with Mazuri.

They're all jerks. They punish her for not fitting in to a society she knows nothing about. When she asks, she is either ignored or yelled at. When she tries to assert herself she is dominated and misused. Who wouldn't run from them?

Micah is an ass and I hope she doesn't end up with him. He's obnoxious and overbearing, entitled and smug. Also, he doesn't understand Rosy at all. All those toms claim that she-kitts are special but they don't treat her with any respect.

I think she should leave. Not run, but just leave and they should actually let her leave instead of giving her orders 'for her own good'. Maybe Mitchell and Sam will follow and go with her. Better they all become strays than live in this chauvinistic, backward ass society.

I like the story but all the males (except Mitchell) are idiots and it kills me that Rosy keeps putting up with their bull and coming back to them. I just want to see her have a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
rosy and micah all the way

shes supposed to be with micah, although he is being an ass to her and not giving her room or trying to get her to trust him i still think they were ment to be together and i mean come on hardly anything is mentioned about rosy and chris then all of a sudden shes shacking up with him

i think micah and rosy need to get together in the end!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
sooo much better~!

enjoying the change of pace and the development of rosy. a bit upset about her falling in LIKE with chris; but i know its really just a detour on her journey to recovery and in the end shell fall in LOVE with micah

GlosUKGlosUKalmost 13 years ago

Loved this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Everyone that is saying that Micah is perfect for rosy is lookings at this differently he is not listening when told no. He mounted her and had sex with her without her consent .sounds a lot like rape to me and rosy probily has had enough of that

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Still loving it . I agree not like her thing with chris Micah is inlove with her and if she opened her eyes she would see he is the only one who wants whats best for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love your details of cat behavior!

All the little things, the scent marking by rubbing their chins on her, all of the interaction in cat form. It all reminds me of real big cat behavior from the nature shows. REALLY nice touch!

I'm all for Rosy/Micah, but if I hadn't read about him in 'Enter the Cat', I'm not sure I'd like him much. Can't wait to see what happens next!

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago

If you are unaware, as I was, of a prequel to "To Love a Stray" titled, "Enter the Cat", it's a must read.

Go there NOW!

It establishes where, who, why and how of werecat society. It presents a much needed MACROview that is missing in "To Love a Stray." It defines the werecat culture & why there are warriors (the rationale). It reveals other aspects of the warriors characters' and you go on a visit to another clan. It is told in the first person by Micah on his thoughts and actions.

Don't miss it!

Poor Micah needs to be redeemed. He's carrying a heavy load and can't get a break. He needs to come clean at some point to Rosy he can explain how much of his aggressive reactions are due to his jealousy & possessiveness.

The truth is Micah and Rosy can never be together as long as she...

is afraid of him

sees him as a jailer (which is a role he has to often play)

doesn't forgive him the rape

is afraid of his size

remains uncomfortable w/his dominance.

(It's not going to suddenly disappear.)

doesn't understand his past actions and her reactions.

Anywhoo, I hope that the bull doesn't kill anyone. Maybe Micah will get injured, she will nurse him and they'll have a long (awaited) talk.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I'm also enjoying the mix of jaguar/leopard, domestic cat, and human of your clan werecats. Tossing in the Australian big cat sighting legends was a very nice touch.

The world building and mystery weaving in your story is intriguing and I find myself constantly speculating on your character's motives, especially Rosy. She appears to have many secrets.

Yeah, I'm hooked and looking forward to you revealing more of this fascinating world.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
just a thought

i read all the comments made on this chapter so far, and i agree with those who say that the clan cats are being jerks. but i couldn't help piecing together a good reason why that might be. first, an stray she-kitts they have found before have been unable to be rehabilitated. second, they don't know how to handle the level of psychological damage and baggage that Rosy has from her life experience. and last but not least, they seem to have noticable gaps of knowledge not only medical, but definately psychologically. while these are not excuses, and they should have a fire lit under their ass to fix those problems, they don't know how to handle Rosy an better than how they have. personally, as a medical professional in charge of the care of the clan, Doc should be hit over the head with a medical library. if they hadn't stressed her out and spooked her so bad, she may have kept her baby, but then maybe not. she would have felt better around the warriors if they would have been a bit more understanding, and then Micah would have had a decent chance of getting cozy with Rosy. did no one notice the diagnosis of PTSD? Hello! Scarred 7 ways from Sunday! Reactive to having her freedom and space invaded, nightmares, needing a safe person to bond to, guarding vital resources, not able to allow herself to follow her mating instincts. i am just as crazy about this story as everyone else, and have checked for new updates every day, mostly because the drama is so real and you just want to beat their heads in and point out the obvious. i think chris is a good choice for a guardian, and lover. he has the protective instincts that allow him to stand up to Sam and Mitchel, and Micah as best he can. he also is empathetic, and while he may just want Rosy as a mate, he is willing to take his time and guard her from unwanted advances. this is good for when she next goes into heat, as she may not drive herself insane if she knows someone she can trust to respect her boundaries.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I have become increasingly attached to these characters as this story has progressed. While I appreciate the technical issues and I am well aware of the perils of writer's block, please please please post more soon. I'm literally going through withdrawal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
write the next chapter PLEASE!!!

i love this story and i check everyday to see if the next chapter is up please post it soon im getting so anxious i want to know who those to cats are and if rosy is ever going to want micah as a mate... please post the next one soon

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I've been on bedrest for the past month from back surgery. This story has given me something to look forward to, because lets face it, there's only SO much television a person can watch. I can't wait for the next chapter. I have 3 more weeks on bedrest so hopefully it will continue to entertain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Please write more!! It has been longer than 10 days and this is such a great story. Please Continue :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I have been checking daily, sometimes twice a day (scary I know) and i'll admitt it I AM ADDICTED!!! I desperately need to know what happens next, I love the characters and the story thus far, of course there are a few quibbles but hey its your story. Please load the next chapters and please dont stop writing this chain of stories I sooo hate it when people dont finish their chain stories!!

foxxylady5foxxylady5almost 13 years ago
to love a stray

ive been reading this and i love it . but i need the next chapter please i need to know what happens lol ty love ur stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

If you are not going to finish please so. Love the story and want more

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago
More, more, more

Waiting for more .............

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
more - please!

i love this story, please continue writing

darkpriestessdarkpriestessalmost 13 years ago

i wish i could read books half as good as your stories. its got everyything in it. i hope your RL goes smooth so you can pursue what you were destined for. WRITING wooo

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
more please

love this story, please continue

devilcowgurl6devilcowgurl6almost 13 years ago
more please

I really like ur story and would love to read more....... please! I am really excited to know what happens next.

ShondramwwShondramwwalmost 13 years ago
Big Fan!!!

I just want you to know I really love this story. I would also like to say that I am hoping and wishing that Rosy ends up with Micah NOT Chris there is nothing wrong with Chris I just think Micah could be good for her if he would just letter come around.

somalunasomalunaover 12 years ago
Good reading but...

You keep vascillating too greatly on Rosy's opinions of being with others. I understand it is part of her history, but she STILL this far into the story doesn't trust the other toms and alpha? Sometimes it seems like she has progressed a long ways, then she regresses just as much. This is my first time reading a werecat story and I really enjoy getting to know the characters, you have developed them to be really interesting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

for a portion of the first chapter I liked Micah, but I really don't care for his character now. One thing I really enjoy about this story, romance is really secondary, its about Tawny/Rosy.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenabout 12 years ago

Unlike some other commenters, I love that Rosy has been so untrusting and unstable in her relationship with the clan cats. My wife went through some of what Rosy has been through, and it really does take a long time and a lot of work to overcome the trauma and learn to trust again.

The good days are when you can say "two steps forward, one step back."

The not so good days are "one forward, two back."

The really bad days are not about measuring progress gained or lost. They're about surviving until things are a little more manageable.

Thank you for this story. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Micah is an ass. I don't think I've disliked a character this much in awhile. I just love how he rapes her and everyone is okay with it *sarcasm*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

just done with this story

has something good, then gets worse

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Peter gets no love!

i dont know why im the only one who cars about Peter. why isnt he atleast a contender? Chris is the first one she opens up to??? i forgot he was even a character! right place right time i guess? Peter is basically her best friend, he knows her better than anyone else and she trust him. i know Micha is supposed to be "the one" and that fine im willing to go for the ride but i really wanna know about Peter. He lives alone on the outskirts, why? why hasnt he come visit? Poor Micha he keeps digging himself a bigger hole and Rosy keeps twisting the knife. If the 2 idiots bothered to have a real adult conversation they might get somewhere. side note: now that she isnt so feral and i can see more of her real personality....Rosy's kind of a bitch. the nicest thing she's done is offer somebody alittle bit of food and let them rub her feet. good grief the ego on this girl.

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