All Comments on 'To Love a Stray Ch. 15'

by Mygypsy

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Poetic justice for Edwin, and so very well deserved. About time, though it would be nice if events didn't keep kicking Rosy in the teeth.

It's interesting that after all the previous goings on about hard choices and strong leadership, Wade simply cowered and said nothing as his own son took a brutal beating for doing what Wade told him to do. The buck stops at the leader in charge, and I'm looking forward to Doc's report bearing something like an execution for Wade. While he might have hid behind excuses for the rape he ordered, silently watching his son take a beating like that is just plain gutlessness and Wade deserves to die.

Thumbs up. This chapter is a step in the right direction.

kitty5670kitty5670almost 12 years ago

Justice served to Edwin and Wade's is on the way! Rosy and Donny are healing and Micah has a clearer understanding of what Rosy needs. GREAT chapter!

mrpervy46mrpervy46almost 12 years ago
Great, but Confusing

That was a great chapter, although it was a little confusing. Excellent to see that Edwin got what he deserved. I'm wondering if wade will get punished by the council for ordering a she-kitt raped. Rape under any circumstances is totally wrong, no one has that right.

FlutterbyButterflyFlutterbyButterflyalmost 12 years ago

Brilliant chapter!

Micah seems so possessive of Rosy and I get the feeling THAT won't sit well with her

KittybalooKittybalooalmost 12 years ago

Edwin got what he deserved. Although I still feel kind of sorry for him, he was only doing what Wade would have made someone else do. Now to see what happens to Wade....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Poor Edwin

I do not think he deserved that punishment.

He was only seeking forgiveness from Rosy.

Thanks for sharing this wondrful story with us.

The action, suspense and drama always keep me on my toes.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 12 years ago
More of the harsh code of the werecats

It tugs at me that Edwin's punishment came on the heels of his trying to apologize and set things right. His sense of timely was awful, and his willingness to restrain Rosy was unacceptable, but if he's never able to be a father as a result, it was a high price. Rosy would probably have preferred just an apology over castration. Now the bad blood between brothers likely will never die.

It's a relief that Micah and Rosy have finally gotten their feelings out in the open. We readers want so much for them to have their "Happy Ever After."

I continue to eat this story up. I'm going to be so sad when the point comes that there are no more chapters to look forward to. Thanks very much for another exciting one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Edwin was posing.

How are some of you not getting that? Edwin is always planning something. All his moves are fake. He backed Rosy into a corner AGAIN to make her look like a hussy. He is all nice and sweet one moment and then BAM he shows his true colors. Reread the previous chapters and carefully analyze his character. His kissing her was totally planned.

Great Story Mygypsy, you totally got me hooked into your world of werecats.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Punishment over?

When are Wade and Marissa going to be punished for Rosie rape? Wade planned the rape in advance, Edwin admitted that Wade would have raped Rosie too. Wade lied to Doc and told him that Rosie would be using condoms instead of the shot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Enjoying this series so much so far! Twists and plot turns, deceiving characters, and traumatic events certainly make Rosy take one step forward and two steps back. What i really enjoy is the human ability to make errors in judgement or actions portrayed by Rosy or the other clan warriors. Can't wait until another posting, hopefully around next month (yes I follow this series enough to roughly know your posting months) ;) Keep 'em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I know I should stop reading if I don't like it, but its really inTeresting. Hate all the violence and the rape and the manipulations. Etc. Damned violent folk. Edwin's punishment is just too harsh. Hate wade and sometimes micah. And they all behave like 13 year olds. Emasculated women.

All That said, still interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Well DAMN!

This is just trauma walking..., I am not mad anymore, but sheesh. Can a girl catch a freaking break?! Just asking? Edwin deserved the freaking beatdown. He's sterile now? Are we supposed to feel bad? This chick gets repeatedly raped and manipulated by everyone that knows better. I want for her to be ok, but wow what a journey. For the record, if Edwin had just been a man who understood the differences between he and his brother..., maybe just maybe he would not have been so insecure and stupidly followed his fathers ignorant and hateful order..., then maybe I could see not hating his guts. Micah, Rosie's brothers and the clan family seem to be trying to understand Rosie after a very long and often misunderstood living situation. This story has me feeling all kinds of things, but I do keep coming back. It is hard to say that I am enjoying this story. Not because it is terrible, I just feel so many emotions while engaged in reading it..., I don't know if I need a cigarette or a drink. This story feels like it should be used in a psych class. There are so many undercurrents, misunderstandings, trauma, willful ignorance, power-plays, manipulation, unrequited affection, jealousy, violence and love. This is a powerful story. I don't know where it will end up..., but it is some ride. I know what I want to happen, but I will just wait and see. Btw - this is my snarkyness showing. If Rosie can be repeatedly raped starting from when she was a young girl and unfortunately into adulthood, then NO PUNISHMENT IS TOO HARD FOR ANY ASSHOLE WHO PERPETUATES AN INFRACTION.

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago

For all of their pretense at being civilized, the clan cats are little better than the strays that they hunt. Wade has shown himself to be a coward and not a suitable leader for the clan. I don't trust Kurt Black's involvement. Micah's temper gets in his way. Regular quiet conversation with Rosie would clear up all of their issues with each other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Nice Chapter

My read of Edwin's apology to Rosy was that he was sincere. Not only did he rat out Wade's plan for Rosy (and that was a very interesting paragraph, on the whole :-) ), he didn't really defend himself when Sam went at him. Maybe he felt he could one day be forgiven if he accepted the punishment (a clan thing shown more in ETC than TLAS).

The matebond information was interesting. Is that what's going on with Marissa? Did Wade abuse the bond, forcing Marissa to help him? Is that what Micah was telling Doc? Is Marissa now going a little crazy (talking to headstones) because she was able to break, like Rosy did with Micah, the matebond?

I think Kurt Black is on the up and up. He's a lot like Baxter Barnes plus he distrusts Wade (always a plus). He's doing what he can (trying to get Rosy's inheritance reinstated and helping Mitchell by pushing for Jazzy to be declared Matriarch-in-waiting (?)) to help his sister's children.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Love THE story

I just love your story. So different from the usual storie about weres. Just can't seem to help myself hoping for a happy ending between Rosy and Micah. But I can wait yet and first read some more chapters with inexpected twists and turns.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please not the end?

I just love your stories, all of them, but Micah got me hooked like no other (though Brad is pushing for second :) All those twists and turn, I keep reading and rereading your stories - severely reducing "hours slept per night"!

But please don't tell us this is the end of the story, having posted 15 chapters of a 15 parts series? Rosy and Micah still have way to go, they still seem to be speaking two different languages, human vs cat.There are so many road blocks for them to get around to become a happy couple / family and the clan will definitely need them as a "working couple" - Jazzy is still to young to fill the part of Clan Queen by herself, she needs to grow up a little more (at least that's my take of her). And I definitely want to see Wade punished for what he did to Rosy (and all the others as well with them being forced to witness the whole thing).

The unresolved land issue, Ray's claim on Rosy, Jazzy and Mitchell and how Jazzy deals with her heritage, Marissa's involvement with Wade and Rosy´s punishment (I liked the "matebond" take one of the other comments mentioned), "officially Alpha" for Micah and Mitchell and how the other Alphas react to the "two Alphas" concept (since we already got a glimpse that Micah and Mitchell are not that well liked by some of the other alphas), Rosy's uncle and her pull towards the "human world", how Rosy adapts to being "Clan", how do two toms lead a clan as a team, can they even do it in the long run, will they split the clan lands and create two "new clans", will Rosy ever be comfortable enough in her "cat self" to make the relationship with Micah work / take over her part as female (co)head of a clan, can Micah accept that Rosy will never be 100% "clan" and will never be like the other she kitts - he is clan-bred after all and expects certain things / behaviours ..... ugh! It's driving me insane!

Please please please please keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Apparently this is far from the end.


NicoleAmyNicoleAmyalmost 12 years ago

This story just gets better and better! I am hoping that Rosie and Micah might finally both be on the same page?? They just have to talk more!! Love it :)

canndcanndalmost 12 years ago

I really hope Edwin doesn't decide he wants to have the kitt now that he may not be able to father one. I think what he did was wrong. It was really wrong. I was glad to see that he had some remorse at least. Wade bothers me b/c he knows he was wrong, but won't apologize even after he owes his son's life to her. I think the attack on Edwin was gratuitous though. Especially, when they all talk about the actions of others affecting the she-kitts, yet even her brother had no problem with the fact she was so upset and what that might do to her or the baby. I think the fact that he wasn't fighting back and was still hurt that bad was wrong. But, I think all these toms seem to have a problem with words/actions.

I'm glad to see Jazzy taking on a more active role. She is strong and I am glad that for once they asked Rosy what she meant rather than fighting her or punishing her for something they didn't understand. I'm also glad that despite fear, she was able to express how she felt and why she acted as she did, to Micah. I hope they finally can find their way closer now that the problem.

canndcanndalmost 12 years ago

I really hope that Micah talks to her about the mate bond they had started to have and how he wouldn't use it against her in the next chapter!!! update soon please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

The plot thickens. What's Cantrell Yates role in all of the shenanigans? This story is driving me crazy trying to figure out what all the characters are up to. I love a good mystery.

GlosUKGlosUKalmost 12 years ago

I feel a little sorry for Edwin as he seems to have felt pushed into the cage by Wade's attitude, a do it or else situation.

Rosy needs to tell them that Edwin was happy Micah would father the kitt.

I love the story, please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Poor Ed... But he kinda had it coming for him. Rosy has so much in her mind she just needs to let it all go. It's good that Micha and Rosy are patching things up. :D I loved the chapter!!! Please keep writing, I love it all true inspiration.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I love this story

Thank you for this story. I love it. But it must be about time it moved to a conclusion? I shall also look forward to reading more stories by you about cats. Very interesting. Ganna

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 12 years ago
They keep forgetting that

she wasn't raised clan and reacts in different ways. She's trying and so is Micah but their communication skills suck. It's always 1 step forward, like 10 steps back. I hope their relationship progresses more in the next chapters.

Looking forward to more!

magikman233magikman233almost 12 years ago
edwin got what was coming to him

its always good to see a slimebag rapist get what he deserves

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I've read this story from beginning to end a few times. Much as i hate to see everything that has happened, the story is well thought out and well written and I will keep coming back to check for the next installment in it.

CyaniteCyaniteover 11 years ago

I've been following this story religiously since the first couple chapters and it is one I plan to follow till the end. Thank YOU for continuing to write it! Sir got me a kitten a couple days ago. Turns out my kitten is a little boy (and an adorable one one at that) and when Sir asked what I was going to name him Micah was the first thing I could think of that seemed to fit him. So, I have a kitten named Micah. :)

Thank You again for putting time and effort to keep this story moving and so addicting.

Oh and, please be nice to Micah's character. ;)


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Please continue this series!!!

I have read this story since the start and WOW you are awesome!! I can't wait for your next chapter it is a great story.

I've fallen in love with most of the characters in the story and I really would love a happy ending.

Thank you for writing such an awesome story and please continue it.

Love Nikki

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
hells bells

I just spent the last 5 days reading ALL 15+ chapters & I realize we're not done yet... I don't think I can handle 1 chapter a month or longer in between...

While I have thoroughly enjoyed this story ~ I'm really waiting to see a happy ending & happily-ever-after! PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


SmutolSmutolabout 10 years ago
This was a great story up to chapter 11

Now despite all attempts to make it look realistic or somewhat logic it just turns ridiculus. Rape after rape and then some another beating or another type of abuse. I had some good laugh reading Micah's words that he will protect her and the baby. It so happens that not a long ago he watched her beying raped and did NOTHING to help .. and then some time after she was kidnapped from his protection and raped multiple times. Just here another day she goes for a walk ( without any protection ofc) and here comes Edwin for another go .. and what ? Shes alone... And what Edwin gets for that ? Couple of slaps to the face and kick to the nuts. That after all the toms swore that Edwin will die multiple times ... WoW. Dont know bout u but from my point of view only legit way for Edwin to live through this would be if he ended up on wheel chair for the rest of his life after like a year in hospital struggling to survive. That would be ok maby .. but this is just funny. After all this i wonder when will we be served rape by Micah or maby simple beatdown starting from couple slaps by him to Rosys face ... this would perfecly fit this ridiculus plot.

Same goes about this "dont talk to this alpha court about the Edwins rape" because it will break the clan xD ... here see Edwin just coming and pushing Rosy again and NOTHING happens. Even doc knows already ...

Now i know that there are some of us readers that like the type of stories where the heroine ends up repeatedly abused ends up mopped up to the ground and each time shes trying to get things together the story repeats again. Well OK but this was supposed to be something more i hoped. If only the autor would inform about this sick plot line before i think that i and most of the readers would not waste time here

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
The most frustrating thing I have ever read.

This story is like running suicides, everything moves forward a little, then gets reset. Then it moves forward a little more, and resets... continue until you would rather die than continue. I'm sorry that's harsh, but good god. The amount of obnoxious stagnation of the plot and these characters' 'development' is insane.

I despise every single character in this, even Micah, though he is admittedly only the lesser of the evils. The main female character is the most petulant, obnoxious, imbecilic character I have ever come across. More so than the chick in Divergent (the book not the movie), and that is saying something.

As a writer you cannot just get caught up in this same plot/character loop. Most plot goes in an arc, yours goes in a circle repeatedly. You have potential as a writer, but keeping up this high level of repetitive drama loses readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

All the previous comments of sympathy for Edwin makes me want to puke! I don't care how it was written. There is NEVER a good enough apology for rape! It's like a father/uncle/brother telling you that it's just because they love you too much. What fucking bullshit. Whether you're blaming the victim or someone else it's just a pathetic attempt at justification and there isn't any. EVER! These attitudes are exactly why women often carry the trauma of rape as a form of guilt. Also why so many dirt bags go free. Rape isn't something open for interpretation. When a man shoves his cock up a woman's vagina against her will it is and always will be RAPE. To me the only punishment suitable is locking the offender up where I know damn well they'll get to know the experience first hand. As far as I'm concerned Edwin got off easy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Why didn’t doc know?

Why didn’t Doc know that Edwin was sent in to rosy? Wasn’t he with wade and Edwin when she was led on a leash back to the warrior’s quarters? I don’t like that Rosy’s forced coupling with Edwin was brought to Doc’s attention late!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
good plot. but...

I liked this story plot, but it's getting on my nerves: there is no growth in the main characters, always the same. Micah the selfcenterd "boy" and Rosy the unable to voice a tought victim. Like I sad, the plot is good, but your're stuck in your dynamics.

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